To date, many housing infrastructure facilities use an autonomous system for life support. gas heating. If for city apartments this possibility is limited by technical limits, then for the private sector autonomous heating is one of the key aspects of housing comfort.

Gas-heating equipment can provide high-quality and efficient heating of residential premises in autonomous mode. Hot water gas boilers are exactly the type heating technology, thanks to which you can create the necessary comfort and coziness not only in a private house, but also in mini-hotels, in country houses and in cottages.

Equipment technical capabilities of this type are able to fully satisfy the needs for heating and hot water supply.

Gas boiler - general view

Water heating gas boiler, is a type of household boiler equipment high power designed for the simultaneous solution of two problems - heating interior spaces a large area and providing a normal amount of hot water supply (hot water supply). This type of heating technology is used in those in which water circulation is forced.

On a note: for operation of the boiler natural or liquefied gas is used with the amount of heat during combustion 33 MJ / m 3 at a temperature environment 20 0 C and atmospheric pressure of 745-765 mm Hg. Art.

During operation, the household boiler is able to heat the coolant to a temperature of 95 degrees. Celsius, creating a working pressure in the system of 0.6 MPa. A water-heating autonomous gas boiler or has a high power, which is usually measured in megawatts. The models on the market today have different capacities. Boilers for a private house usually have a power in the range of 0.4 - 1 MW. Industrial units are capable of heating large areas, up to 30-40 thousand square meters. m., with a capacity of 1.5-4 MW. Due to its design and principle of operation water heating boilers have one of the highest efficiency - up to 92%.

The main advantages of hot water gas units the following:

  • quick access to optimal operating modes - 2-4 hours;
  • compactness;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • environmental friendliness.

The main advantage of boilers of this type is the low cost of thermal energy, which is an order of magnitude lower than that of other heating devices. The main scope of application is the provision of hot water supply and heating of residential facilities located far from the heating plant. Usually hot water boilers are installed at facilities where the installation of an autonomous boiler house is technically impractical and economically unprofitable.

In other words, hot water boilers are high-tech devices in which a large amount of thermal energy is generated by burning blue fuel. The resulting heat is used to heat water - a heat carrier that circulates in the heating circuit. Circulating in the pipeline of the heating circuit, the water heats the heating radiators, which then give off heat to the room air. The pressure created in the system ensures the necessary supply of coolant to the farthest sections of the heating circuit and heating the premises to a comfortable temperature.

The main point that you need to pay attention to before installing a hot water boiler is uninterrupted water supply. The good technical condition of the plumbing is a key aspect normal operation gas heating equipment.

Types of hot water boilers used in various fields

Classification heating equipment this type is based on the following criteria:

  • type of fuel used;
  • type of allocation;
  • The main purpose.

According to the type of fuel used, boilers are divided into gas appliances, liquid fuel, solid fuel and combined units. Of the listed equipment, it is gas boilers that have the highest technical characteristics.

By appointment, water-heating units are divided into industrial and domestic.

The first type is used for heating industrial buildings, the operation of such equipment requires special knowledge and experience, the operation of industrial boilers is clearly regulated regime cards and instructions.

On a note. As a rule, the power of industrial boilers is calculated in tens of megawatts (10-50 MW), as a heat carrier in industrial heating systems steam is used, therefore such equipment is more often called steam boilers.

The second type is household hot water boilers, which are heating equipment of limited capacity. Such boilers are used for heating domestic and residential premises. small sizes, limited area. They use as a coolant ordinary water.

According to the type of execution or placement, gas water heaters are divided into wall-mounted (mounted) and floor models. Mounted option gas boiler implies a device of low power. Such devices are installed in apartments or small private houses. Floor boilers have more power and, therefore, larger dimensions. For the installation of a floor-standing water heating unit, a special room is required - a boiler room, which in without fail must be ventilated.

The main purpose hot water device due to the method of heating boiler water. Boilers with a flow heating method provide the desired water temperature by heating the heating circuit located in the combustion chamber. Other models are equipped with storage tanks in which water is heated indirectly. Devices equipped with storage tanks have a shorter resource and are mainly used for hot water supply and heating of apartments and country houses of a small area. The number of water intake points in this case is also limited. Therefore, the greater the flow of hot water from the DHW system, the greater the capacity and power should be used if the gas boiler is single-circuit.

Important! IN household boilers who work for heating and housing hot water, most of the power is spent on water heating. Therefore, when choosing a boiler model, it is necessary to take into account the reserve power reserve, thanks to which there will be enough hot water in the house, and home heating will become as efficient as possible in any weather.

On this moment a significant part of the models on the market are double-circuit hot water boilers (not to be confused with the two-pipe wiring of the heating system). Single-circuit units are less common.

The popularity of models of gas boilers with a double-circuit coolant supply system lies in their high efficiency and uniform distribution of the coolant over the entire heated area of ​​​​the building. The ability to simultaneously provide hot water and heating in the house, while consuming a minimum amount of fuel, is the main advantage of double-circuit gas water heating boilers, modern models which are equipped with circulators - devices that improve the circulation of the coolant in the pipeline system.

Design of hot water boilers

Today, the market for heating equipment is saturated various models hot water boilers, which have a similar design and differ only in the power of the heating elements and, accordingly, in performance. The model range is represented by products of both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

In respect of design features- nothing new. Typically, a gas water heating boiler has a durable steel or cast iron body, finished with heat-insulating materials. The design is based on a gas burner and a heat exchanger used to heat the water that then enters the system.

Equipping modern models

Two types of gas burners are installed in water heaters:

  • atmospheric;
  • supercharged.

The performance and, accordingly, the functionality of the boiler depend on the type of burner and the quality of its work. The reason that the gas boiler does not heat the water enough is that the gas pressure has dropped in the gas supply system, as a result of which the necessary supply to the combustion chamber is not ensured. As a result, the low intensity of combustion of the gaseous fuel mass and low temperature heat exchanger heating.

Atmospheric burners naturally mix household gas with air, while pressurized ones are equipped for this purpose with fans - superchargers. Mixing of gas with air occurs under pressure. The fuel mass enters the furnace under high pressure, as a result of which the intensity of its combustion and the efficiency of heating the coolant are improved. In this case, the fuel is burned completely, increasing the coefficient useful action heating device.

In addition, forced draft burners that provide the necessary gas pressure in the system are more reliable in operation.

The design of the hot water boiler consists of the following elements:

  • support frame (for floor type);
  • block of convective, radiation heating surface;
  • block with spare parts and accessories (shutoff valves, valves and gates).

The boiler is installed on a support frame or mounted on a wall, after which the air duct, water and gas are connected. The installation is completed with the installation of instrumentation, stop valves and installation safety valves. As a rule, all hot water boilers are equipped with an explosion valve, which is installed on the back of the appliance. The main task of this device is to prevent the destruction of the heating circuit due to overheating and excess operating pressure in the combustion chamber.

An important component of the boiler is pump equipment, the required performance of which is determined by calculation with reference to the heated area and boiler power.

In the process of installing the boiler, it is also necessary to equip a smoke exhauster through which the products of combustion of fuel will be removed from the combustion chamber. The parameters of the smoke exhauster are also determined by calculation at the stage of development of the heating system project. An incorrect calculation of the characteristics of the smoke exhauster is fraught not only with deposits of soot on its walls and a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler, but also with a dangerous deterioration in the functioning of ventilation and a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the room.

In conclusion, a few words about what you should additionally pay attention to when choosing a unit. Having decided on the required power and having an idea of ​​the conditions for its future operation, it is also necessary to study the possibilities and degree of reliability of automation, on the operation of which not only the efficiency of the heating and hot water systems, but also the safety of the inhabitants of residential premises depends.

Industrial boiler equipment, differs in high productivity and almost full automation. There is a multi-stage security system. Industrial gas boilers are divided into two categories, according to the principle of operation and the internal structure.

Types of industrial boilers running on gas

There are two main types of gas heating boilers industrial use. Differences in the internal structure of heating equipment:
  1. Heat carrier temperature - industrial boilers operate on the principle of water heating or dry steam production.
  2. Heat exchanger type.
  3. efficiency and heat dissipation.

Gas industrial heating boilers are manufactured by leading European and domestic manufacturers. At the moment, fully equipped, as well as free-standing heating equipment are produced.

Gas boilers

Industrial hot water gas boilers are the most popular heating equipment. Models differ in the following parameters:
  • The principle of heating the coolant - the boilers are equipped with one or two heat exchangers. In industrial-type boiler equipment, a primary heat exchanger is used, such as a "water jacket", completely surrounding the combustion chamber, as well as smoke channels of a broken design.
  • Number of heat exchangers - industrial boilers, in most cases, are equipped with one heat exchanger. For DHW heating, a boiler is connected to the water supply indirect heating with volume up to 2500 liters.
  • Ability to work on alternative type fuels - liquefied gas, diesel, waste oil.
  • Boilers equipped with a modulating burner automatically adjust to the operating parameters of the heating system: line pressure, sudden cold snap, quality of the coolant and fuel.

The principle of operation of an industrial hot water boiler is practically no different from household heating equipment. The difference lies in the higher power, reaching several mW.

Steam gas boilers

Steam boiler equipment, operates in conditions of high temperature of the coolant. Heating is carried out in two stages:
  • The coolant is heated to a temperature above 100°C. Having reached the boiling point, the liquid becomes a vapor, after which it is sent to the separator, where moisture particles are removed.
  • Dry steam is sent for reheating. The temperature of the steam reaches the required indicators.
High-pressure steam gas boilers perform several important functions at once:
  • Heat the coolant for the heating system.
  • Produce steam for production.
For greater thermal efficiency, flue gas recirculation is used in boiler equipment. The heated air masses are not sent immediately to the smoke channel, but are re-sent to the heat exchanger.

The classification of steam boilers includes several models:

  • The gas-fired fire-tube steam boiler is an outdated type with low efficiency. Gaseous heated products of combustion circulate through a plurality of tubes located inside the housing. The flame tubes are surrounded by the heat carrier of the heating system. The performance of the equipment is limited to 360 kW. Steam is supplied at a pressure of approximately 1 MPa.
  • Water-tube steam heating unit - in this design, steam surrounds the pipes through which the coolant circulates, which ensures high heat transfer and performance.
    The disadvantage of the solution is the need for the coordinated work of a multi-level security system. The core of the boiler is a transverse or longitudinal drum, installed horizontally or vertically.

The principle of operation of an industrial gas boiler that produces steam largely depends on the method of heating the coolant. Powerful boiler plants produce from 0.3-1 tons of dry steam per hour.

The device of an industrial gas-fired boiler

Industrial gas-fired hot water boilers, in their design, are not much different from household boiler equipment. Principle of operation steam models, has a complex internal organization worthy of special mention.

The differences affected the combustion chamber, automation, as well as the device of the gas burner. Due to the design features, in addition to heating the coolant, a large number of hot steam used in various industries.

Combustion chamber device

Industrial gas-fired boiler equipment that produces steam is supplied with a pressurized combustion chamber. Forced air injection is carried out, which makes it possible to maintain a high temperature, within 1900 ° C. The principle of operation has the following differences:
  • The combustion products enter the chimney at a temperature of 800°C and are used to produce steam.
  • Heat is accumulated by special combustion screens and a heat exchanger surrounding the burner and chimney channels.
  • After passing through complex structure channels, the combustion products cool down to a temperature of 100 ° C and are used to heat the coolant of the heating system.
  • Additional device combustion chamber steam boiler, is a separator that removes moisture droplets and a superheater.

This principle of operation distinguishes all steam boilers. Structural differences are in the principle of heating the coolant. In fire-tube models, tubes are located inside the heat exchanger, through which heated smoke circulates. IN water tube boilers, vice versa, hot air surrounds pipes with circulating coolant.

Automation of industrial boilers

In industrial boilers, provided automatic regulation work to ensure safe operation. The operation of the boiler room is monitored by automation. Modern equipment is equipped with microprocessor controllers and a modulating burner that automatically changes performance and adjusts to the required parameters.

Operational safety is ensured by the following components:

  • Automation for gas supply - works in two basic modes for burning main and liquefied gas, which is very convenient and allows you to alternately use each type of fuel. Automation monitors the parameters of gas pressure and turns off the operation of the boiler when the maximum allowed values and indicators.
  • Safety automation - represents a whole multi-level system that controls the supply and pressure of gas, the presence of a flame on the burner, electric ignition, traction parameters, heating temperature of the coolant and much more.
    In some boilers, among other things, a self-diagnostic system is provided that checks the operability of the equipment and stores the results of the checks in the database of the controlling processor.

Types of gas burners

IN industrial equipment, burners with different operating principles and devices are installed. Not having specialized education, it's hard to figure out what in question in the description of the device. The most commonly used terms are:
  • Gas burners with forced air supply - in burners of this type, air is forced by a fan. Forced draft burners are installed in steam and some types of hot water boilers.
  • Modulated burners - the burner device works to heat the coolant as follows. When the coolant reaches the required temperature, it goes out, and after cooling to the set minimum, it turns on. The modulating burner changes the intensity of heating, operating in the range from 15-100% of power.
  • Low pressure injection burners - designed for industrial heating using liquefied gas. The efficiency of the devices is low. During operation, the installation of stabilizing devices is required.
  • Pulsating combustion boilers - separate category heat generators. In fact, there is no burner device as such in the design. Combustion is carried out in a closed container and continues until the temperature of the coolant reaches the specified parameters. The device is used in water heating units.

When choosing a burner, pay attention to the ability to work at low pressure, as well as the possibility of conversion to burning bottled gas.

Industrial safety rules for gas boilers

Any gas equipment is potentially dangerous. The boiler room has an explosion class, B1-B4. For this reason, the installation of a heat generator operating on liquefied or main gas is subject to high requirements, described in SNiP and PPB. The commissioning of the boiler room takes place only after the inspection of the representative of Gaznadzor.

There are several requirements that separately stipulate the industrial use of a gas heating heat generator:

  • Maintenance of industrial heating boilers is carried out twice a year: at the beginning and after the end of the heating season.
  • Steam boilers are sensitive to water quality. Scale, at high temperatures burning gas, can cause an emergency. Connecting a water treatment system and a water softening filter is an indispensable condition for putting the boiler into operation.
  • The boiler room is provided with a fire alarm system, carbon monoxide leak detectors, personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing.
  • To control the operation of boiler equipment, specially trained specialists with the necessary clearance are allowed.

Industrial boilers must comply with the requirements described in SNiP 41-01-2003, II-35-76, as well as TKP 45-4.03-267-2012.

Choosing an industrial boiler brand

Industrial boiler houses are equipped with heat generators of Russian, German and Italian production. The following models of boilers are popular:
  • Industrial gas boilers Russian production- differ in unpretentiousness to the operating parameters of the heating system. They cost, on average, 2 times cheaper than foreign analogues. Domestic boilers of industrial type, offers the company Termotekhnik.
  • Industrial boilers on gas, foreign production, are made in Germany, Italy, Slovakia. Particularly popular are:
    • Buderus Logano and Logano PLUS;
    • Vaillant atmoCRAFT;
    • Viessmann Vitoplex, Vitorond and Vitocrossal;
    • Ferroli Prextherm;
    • Riello RTQ;
    • Sime Simerac;
    • Lamborghini MEGA PREX;
    • De Dietrich series C and DTG;
    • Protherm in the Bizon NO series.
    The products are distinguished by consistent build quality and a high degree of safety and thermal efficiency.
When selecting boiler equipment, they are guided by the actual needs of production. If there is a need exclusively for heating, choose hot water boilers. Steam heat generators are in demand in some types of furniture and woodworking industries, in agriculture and the oil industry.


The boiler is the most important part of any heating system, because the quality of heating and the productivity of its functioning depend on it. IN Lately gaining popularity among the public water heating, which means it is not surprising that the demand for hot water boilers is permanently high. Exist different types such devices that differ in the type of fuel used, specific design features, installation method, and so on.

What are hot water boilers for?

These units are intended for heating buildings with small area, private houses and townhouses. As a rule, such boilers are installed in those settlements where there is no central heating, or, alternatively, the arrangement of a boiler room is impractical. Be that as it may, the term "hot water boilers", and regardless of the specific design and model, means devices capable of generating thermal energy (due to their technical parameters) when burning one or another fuel, and then direct it with a working fluid (coolant), which is usually water. And when this water, respectively, circulates through the pipeline of the heating circuit, the temperature in the house rises to the required value.

Design features, classification by temperature and method of execution

Hot water boilers found on the shelves today have a relatively similar device. Significant differences lie in specific manufacturers (they are both foreign and Russian), as well as in maximum power equipment.

If we talk specifically about design features, then from this point of view, boilers can be gas-tube (or, as they are also called, fire-tube) and water-tube. Let's take a closer look at each category.

  1. Fire tube models. Their hallmark we can consider the presence of special tubes through which the heated products of the combustion of the energy carrier move. As for the principle of operation of such equipment, it is based on the use of automated burners equipped with draft fans. Thanks to the smoke tubes, the water outside them heats up. It is worth noting that in everyday life such models are almost never used.
  2. Water tube models. They are characterized by special boiling tubes, through which the coolant moves. And for heating these tubes, products of fuel combustion are used. Water-tube boilers warm up quickly enough, you can easily adjust them if the loads change. In addition, the operation this equipment also provides for the possibility of serious overloads. As for the explosiveness of these boilers, it is at a fairly low level.

Note! All hot water heaters are also divided according to their temperature level. Yes, limit allowable temperature for low-temperature models it is 115 degrees, while hot water boilers that overheat water can “boast” a higher figure - about 150 degrees or more.

Note that the low-temperature mode of operation provides for a fairly economical fuel consumption, but at the same time, condensate appears on the surface of the device, which can adversely affect materials that come into contact with the combustion products of energy resources. For this reason, extremely stringent requirements are put forward for the materials used in the manufacture of boilers.

Units that generate superheated water are characterized by a long service life and high reliability. During operation, they practically do not make noise, and the emission of waste is minimal. These units are also equipped with convenient and simple control systems. Installed quickly, no time-consuming maintenance required.

What about the number of circuits?

Most of the boilers described in the article (both heat- and water-tube boilers) are double-circuit, however, there are quite a lot of single-circuit units. If the unit has two circuits, then the liquid heated by it will be supplied not only to heating network, but also into the water supply (after that, of course, it can be used for domestic purposes). We also note that the design of some devices provides for special circulators designed to intensify water circulation. Finally, there may be expansion tanks(those of them that are of the membrane type).

Other differences may relate to the possibility of using different fuels - coal, wood, gas, electric or liquid fuels. Universal aggregates, which can be called truly "omnivorous", are gaining more and more popularity today. Regardless of the type of fuel used, any boiler must be equipped with a system that supports combustion processes in automatic mode.

The main types of hot water boilers

There are many classifications, but often such boilers are divided by purpose, type of fuel used and, of course, by installation method. Let's take a closer look at each of the classifications.

Classification of hot water boilers according to the type of fuel used

In this regard, the devices are divided into four groups, which are listed below.

Classification by purpose

Here, all devices are divided into only two categories.

Classification according to the method of heating water

There are also only two varieties, let's get acquainted with them.

Classification according to the method of execution (installation)

Water heaters can be installed on the wall or on the floor.

Let's consider each of the options in more detail.

Features of floor units

The fuel in this case can be gas, coal, wood or diesel. Boilers must be placed only in a separate specially equipped room, and if the fuel is liquid / solid, an additional room will be needed for its storage (moreover, with fire fighting equipment, which are provided for by the provisions of SNiP).

Note! Such devices can be equipped with automation and control elements. Also may be present automatic systems adjusting the heating of the water, which provides additional convenience. Such systems analyze the temperature inside and outside the room.

In addition, there are special software devices that put the equipment into operation based on a predefined program.

Features of wall units

If representatives of the previous category require a specially equipped room / annex, then wall models can be easily installed in the kitchen, bathroom and so on. Which room to use depends on the specific energy source and convenience considerations. In other words, you yourself must decide where it will be most convenient to use the boiler.

Gas and electric appliances can be powerful enough to maintain the required temperature in the room, as well as to provide the house / apartment with hot water. The latter in this case is heated in two ways:

  • flowing;
  • boiler room.

Hot water boilers of the first category are equipped with heating elements in direct contact with the working fluid. Representatives of the second category provide for the use of a storage tank or boiler, where the water, in fact, is heated. In this case, the container is filled as water is used.

Video - How the KVGM boiler works

Electric hot water boilers - features and reasons for popularity

Such natures are very popular in Russia. They are produced by many manufacturers - both Russian and foreign. These boilers allow you to provide housing not only with heat, but also with heated water, regardless of whether there is a centralized hot water supply in your area.

Electric boilers are characterized by a simpler design than, for example, gas boilers, and do not need regular maintenance. Moreover, they are easy to operate and cannot explode. What can we say about such an important parameter as environmental safety.

Design features of electric hot water boilers

Such devices consist of the following elements:

  • heat exchanger (it is a container into which an electric heating element is built);
  • automation (necessary to maintain the required temperature in the room, but without the direct participation of a person);
  • closet.

Characteristically, not only ordinary water can act as a heat carrier, but also antifreeze liquid(this option is preferred). Still, such boilers can be conditionally divided according to the type of heating element used.

  1. Models with tubular heating elements. Such elements are filled with a special conductor that heats up when in contact with electricity. Able to permanently heat the flowing fluid, but subject to connection to electrical network. Tubular heating elements are used in cases combined heating. Who does not know, during the day such systems operate from a heater on a liquid / solid energy carrier or gas, while at night, when the cost of electricity decreases, they keep the house warm on it.
  2. Models with electrodes. Electrode-type units heat the liquid by means of an ion flow that forms between the electrodes (this is written in the description). The main advantage is the absence of heating elements, but in view of the fact that the coolant is the most important component of the circuit, it must be properly prepared. Salt must be added to the liquid in a certain amount in order to obtain the desired concentration.

Note! As we have already found out, the main advantage of any electric boiler is affordable price, ease of installation and operation, small dimensions and weight, and also no need to equip a separate room.

Overview of some popular models

For clarity, let's look at the key characteristics and approximate prices some popular models of hot water boilers. Let's make a reservation right away that there are a lot of manufacturers, and even more so the models themselves, so only a few are described below. For the convenience of site visitors, the information is presented in the form of a small table.

Table. Comparative characteristics of some hot water boilers.

Name, photo Short description Average market value, in rubles

Solid fuel non-volatile device weighing 115 kilograms and with a power of 12 kilowatts. The efficiency is 78 percent, the dimensions are 89.5x47x68 centimeters (HxWxD), the heating area is from 60 to 110 square meters.About 27000

Tehni-x EVN 50 VR
Electric water heater, which is distinguished by the presence of a "wet" heating element and a volume of 50 liters. The weight of the product is 15 kilograms. Steel tank with polyurethane insulation.About 5 500 - 6000

Kospel ekco L1z 21

Electric boiler intended for use in heating systems in tandem with an indirect water heater. Such hot water boilers weigh 16 kilograms, dimensions are 66x38x17.5 centimeters (HxWxD). The outlet water temperature is in the range from 40 to 85 degrees, as for the voltage, it should be 380V.16000

KVR-0.35 DVO

Solid fuel boiler equipped with a manual firebox. The power indicator (in this case, thermal) is 350 kilowatts, the model is able to effectively heat rooms up to 9.45 cubic meters. Works not with coal and wood waste.210000


Products of this trademark differ primarily in their versatility. They are not only heating and hot water, but also cooking, besides they work both on solid fuel (wood) and on electricity.From 23890


Gas-fired hot water boilers with floor installation. The kit also includes chimneys. Consumption is only 21 cubic meter gas per hour, while the thermal power indicator reaches 200 kilowatts.From 150,000 to 185,000

Note! As you can see, the price range is quite large, and the specific cost depends on the manufacturer and the type of fuel used. Besides, industrial models are always much more expensive.

Features of installing a hot water boiler

Consider the features of the installation of solid fuel appliances, given their prevalence. The procedure itself consists of several stages, and an approximate algorithm of actions is given below.

Stage one. Preparation. You need to prepare the premises (including the one in which the device will be installed). A concrete foundation must be prepared for the boiler, although there are other requirements ( minimum distance to other items, for example).

Stage two. Installation. Obviously, at this stage, the boiler itself is installed in its place.

Stage three. Strapping. This stage rightly considered the most difficult. It is necessary to connect all communications, as well as additional elements - for example, an expansion tank.

Stage four. Chimney pipe. The next step is to equip the chimney.

Stage five. Trial run. When everything is ready, it is necessary to check the equipment for operability. The installation process is described in detail in the file below.

Installation of a hot water boiler.

Video - How to install the Nevsky electric boiler

800 kW and 1.0 , 1.5 , 2.0 , 2.5 , 3.0 , 3.5 , 4.0 MW

Structurally gas water boiler

gas burner

3D - tour of the modular boiler house

Gas hot water boiler

In gasified regions, most boiler houses use a gas-fired hot water boiler. This is due to a number of advantages, the main of which is the relatively low price fuel, ease of maintenance and operation, environmental friendliness and high efficiency boiler.

Such boilers provide heating and hot water supply to residential and industrial premises ranging from 1,500 to 35,000 sq.m., depending on the capacity of the boiler. The outlet water temperature is 95-115 °C. The boiler plant offers customers a line of hot water boilers of various capacities - , , , , 800 kW and 1.0 , 1.5 , 2.0 , 2.5 , 3.0 , 3.5 , 4.0 MW operating with various types burners of domestic and imported production.

One of the advantages of purchasing a boiler from a manufacturer is the ability to choose a gas boiler based on individual features boiler room or order an individual project.

Hot water boilers are specially designed for climatic features regions of Siberia and the Far East, as well as quality requirements feed water. At the same time, the costs of heat generation are minimized and applied efficient technologies fuel combustion, allowing to increase the efficiency of the boiler.

Structurally, the gas boiler has two parts - furnace and convective. In the furnace part, direct combustion of fuel, in this case gas, takes place. The walls of the combustion chamber and the boiler are made of extra strong alloy steel that can withstand internal pressure. For the same purpose, the boiler is equipped with an explosion valve, which allows, if necessary, to reduce excessively high pressure in the boiler. To protect the walls of the boiler from overheating, they are isolated with special heat-resistant plates. This allows you to maintain a temperature of no more than 30 ° C on the surface of the case.

The convective part of the boiler is a series of steel pipes welded into the distributing and collecting risers. In this part, the heat carrier circulating through the pipes is heated to the required temperature before it is supplied to consumers. To increase the heating area and heat transfer coefficient, convective panels are staggered opposite each other.

The gas boiler has a number of design features, allowing to reduce the risk of local overheating zones and the formation of salts and scale. IN hydraulic system In the boiler, there is an increase in the speed of the coolant through the pipes up to 1-1.5 m/s, resulting in turbulent flows that prevent scaling. Thanks to the installation of special partitions in certain sections of the collector, uniform distribution water in the system, contributing to the disappearance of zones of stagnation and overheating. Such resistance of the boiler to thermal stresses and overheating makes it maneuverable in terms of power.

One of the most important components of a gas boiler is a gas burner, which is attached to the front plate. The gas boiler can be equipped with forced draft, diffuse or injection burner. Pressurized burners use fans to supply a mixture of gas and air into the furnace, in diffuse burners, air is supplied by diffusion directly to the combustion site, and injection burners suck in air and gas. Both imported and Russian burners can be installed on domestic gas boilers.

Boiler rooms in which a gas hot water boiler is installed can be fully automated. All processes take place under the control of automation and do not require the presence of operators. If it is necessary to carry out repair work, it is possible to buy the necessary spare parts directly from the manufacturer, as well as take advantage of the help of factory specialists.

An industrial enterprise needs not only to be heated, but for technological and domestic needs, hot water is needed, and sometimes steam. This task is assigned to industrial gas-fired hot water boilers, which are distinguished by significant power. To heat a large area, after all, only an area of ​​\u200b\u200b500 m2 is considered average, you need a sufficient number of radiators. If you use industrial heating radiators, then with their high price, the cost of installing the system will increase significantly. Therefore, registers are usually used in industry, which are products from pipes from 50 mm connected by jumpers to organize water circulation. Pipes can be straight or serpentine.

The main difference between gas boilers that are used in industry is high power and productivity. They widely use two-stage burners, which, thanks to the special design of the boiler, provide economy and high efficiency. According to the device, they can be single-circuit or double-circuit. The second circuit, as in domestic ones, allows you to heat water for the domestic needs of the enterprise.

If for technological processes steam is required, then industrial steam heating boilers are used, which provide the enterprise with steam, which simultaneously enters the heating system. The most popular steam boilers of the E series with a capacity of 1 to 2.5 t / h.

To increase efficiency and productivity, industrial gas heating boilers are designed in the form of modules that complement the basic package.

They are not binding and a separate application is required for their supply. It is important that the design provides for the installation of equipment in a standard boiler body.

Additional modules that are part of the modular design unit:

According to the principle of operation and device used, an industrial gas water-heating boiler practically does not differ in anything, except for dimensions, from household units. One of the differences is that their high power and productivity allows the use of the produced thermal energy for technological purposes and heating.

The use of household gas boilers in industry and brands of boilers for autonomous heating

For small industrial enterprises, administrative buildings or warehouses, the use of powerful industrial boilers may be unacceptable due to too much power. Sometimes it is enough to install for heating and hot water supply, which are used in everyday life. For example, install mounted boilers heating gas prices, which are significantly lower than those of a powerful industrial boiler. Another option is to install a floor-standing unit, observing the requirements for rooms with a gas boiler and a chimney.

Gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend

The German gas boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100 24 kW with a coaxial chimney is perfect for heating small private businesses, workshops and offices. The second circuit provides consumers with hot water. The boiler is mounted on the wall in almost any room. The use of copper DHW heat exchanger and a reliable stainless steel burner contributes to safe and long-term operation. The popular Viessmann Vitopend 100 gas boiler has the best value for money, the highest German quality and technical excellence. You can read more about Viessmann products.

Model range of boilers Viessmann Vitopend 100

Produced gas boilers Wiesman Vitopend 100 differ in their purpose and the method of air intake for the combustion chamber. The main difference between the series is the number of circuits, and the air intake from the outside or from the room is used in each series of heating units. The power of single-circuit boilers is from 10.7 kW to 23 kW, and the power of double-circuit boilers reaches 30 kW. Naturally, the price for a Wisman gas boiler depends on many factors, so it should be specified when buying.

Gas wall-mounted single-circuit boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-WH1D261

This model is a single-circuit gas boiler Wiesman Vitopend 100 with a rated power of 24 kW. The boiler is volatile, power consumption from the network is 75 watts. The unit is supplied with a capacity of 6 liters and circulation pump. The efficiency of the device is 90%.

Gas wall-mounted double-circuit boiler Viessmann Vitopend 100-WH1D257

This is a two-circuit unit of the series, in which Viessmann boilers heating and hot water supply are represented by two models. There is practically no difference between them, but one of them is equipped with a coaxial chimney (pipe WH1D257). The double-circuit model differs from the single-circuit model WH1D261 in the presence of a copper DHW heat exchanger, which provides a capacity of 13.8 l / min, but otherwise the technical data are identical.

Gas boilers type AGV

Non-volatile gas boilers with the abbreviation AGV are extremely simple device. These are the first gas heating boilers that began to be produced back in the USSR (more details about which can be found in our article). It was a water tank in the center, which was passed by a "flame" pipe. Gas-burner located at the bottom, and hot gases heated the "flame" tube, which transferred heat to the water in the tank. DHW system consists of a coil through which cold tap water is passed for heating.

Due to the low cost and non-volatility, the water heating boiler gas AGV is still popular.

AGV boilers upgraded by the manufacturer have become more economical and safer. On modern units of this type, automation of well-known foreign companies, Italian and American. The ignition system is equipped with a piezoelectric element. Appearance boilers has changed beyond recognition and almost nothing reminds of the first AGV gas boilers with an efficiency of 70%.

Single-circuit gas boiler "Luch" KSG12

If the area of ​​​​the industrial or residential premises does not exceed 200 m2, and there is no need for hot water supply, then Luch gas boilers with the abbreviation KSG and AOGV can be used for heating. The rated power of this boiler is 12 kW. For very rough calculations required power take 1 kW of power per 10 m2. This means that the boiler will provide heating for 120 m2.

This is a very approximate calculation, because the features of the room are not taken into account. For example, for poorly insulated rooms, the ratio of the required power is assumed to be 1.5-2.0 kW per 10 m2. Therefore, a 12-kilowatt boiler will provide comfortable heating only for an area of ​​60 m2. And if you need to heat 100 m2 without insulating the room? In this case, you need a more powerful 20 kW gas boiler per 100 sq m, its price will be much higher, as well as heating costs. Conclusion - to save money, you need to reduce heat loss by insulating the room.

There are numerous reviews on the gas boiler Luch KSG 12 produced by the Taganrog Gasoapparat company, which confirms its popularity. Of course they are different, good and bad. Negative reviews often come from owners who have violated some kind of adjustment or installation rules. Some overly enthusiastic reviews on the beam gas boiler may have been written by order. Usually people are looking for some information about malfunctions and methods for troubleshooting. Therefore, the most real reviews are on the forums, and not on the pages of online stores.

The use of electric boilers in industry

The high price of electricity prevents widespread use in the home. There is no doubt that this price has been raised artificially in order to be able to sell gas. After all, a well that has begun to work is not easy to shut down. Therefore, until gas is produced, one cannot hope for a decrease in prices for electricity, pellets, firewood and coal. Because of high price electricity for enterprises electric boilers industrial heating are used extremely rarely. They are used as a reserve to provide heating in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

The device and advantages of an electric boiler

An industrial electric boiler is very simple. It consists of a body with a heat exchanger and heating elements, a water filtration system and safety valves. Heating of water happens at heating of heating elements. Industrial electric boilers are unpretentious during operation, easy to automate, and safety is an order of magnitude higher than that of gas boilers. But sometimes without using electric heating not enough.

Hot water electric boiler is used in the following cases:

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