On this website tab we can select the desired cottage necessary components installation Any node is undeniably important. Therefore, the choice of each element of the system must be carried out wisely. Cottage heating installation includes some devices. The heating circuit has batteries, thermostats, fasteners, pressure-increasing pumps, manifolds, air vents, pipes, a boiler expansion tank, and a connection system.

Heating convector power

Calculating the power of the convector

To select the heating power of a convector sufficient for each room, you can follow a simple rule:

  • in a room with one outer wall and with one window, one kilowatt (1 kW) of convector thermal power is enough to heat 10 sq.m. living space;
  • if the room has two external walls and one window, then for heating 10 sq.m. you need to add 20%, you get 1.2 kW of thermal power;
  • if the room has two external walls and two windows, for heating 10 sq.m. 1.3 kW of thermal power is required.

There are more accurate calculations required radiator power. which guide experts, but for a rough assessment of the proposed simple method enough. With this calculation method, the batteries may turn out to have slightly more power than necessary, but the quality of the heating system will increase (more precise settings and low-temperature heating modes are possible).

For the calculation program to work, you must enable active content for this page

Calculation of heating convector power

Source: http://maxiterm.ua/howtochuse/

Heating convector power

To more accurately calculate the parameters, it is advisable to know the heat loss of the building structures where the heaters will be installed. But if these values ​​are unknown, you can use reference books on heating systems.

In general terms, the heater power is calculated using the following coefficients:

  • for rooms with high-quality thermal insulation (standards of Scandinavian countries and Canada) - 20 W/m 3 ;
  • for objects with average thermal insulation (insulation of structures with foam plastic, use of double-glazed windows, etc.) - 30 W/m3;
  • poorly insulated objects (according to existing standards for enclosing structures) - 40 W/m 3 ;
  • objects with minimal thermal protection (hangars, warehouses, industrial premises etc.) - 50 W/m3.

Based on these data, it is assumed that heating each 1 m 3 of room requires an average of 40 W of convector power as the main heat source. To use the device as additional heating the calculation is made with a coefficient value of 25-30 W/m 3.

Calculation of the required convector power

Built-in convector device.

If you prefer the video instruction format, watch the video below. In it, Alexander Yarygin (director of the Avangard Holdo company talks about the correct calculation of equipment power and shares tips from practice).

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From the author: Hello, dear readers! Most apartments and private houses are equipped with a full heating system. In the first case, these are pipes and radiators connected to the central riser. Secondly, this set is also accompanied by a heating boiler, as well as various auxiliary equipment. Thanks to all these elements, heating of the premises in the cold season occurs evenly and efficiently.

But there are situations in which such an approach, for some reason, is impossible or insufficient. For example, it’s already cold outside, but the central heating is still not turned on. Or you are looking for a way to heat a summer house, which you use only occasionally, and where there is no point in equipping a full-fledged system. In such cases, convectors come to the rescue. This equipment can quickly and efficiently heat any room. But before purchasing, you need to correctly calculate the power of the convector based on the area of ​​your home.

It is worth saying right away that carrying out such calculations is quite simple, but necessary. If the device has too low power, then it will not be of much use, since the room will not be able to fully warm up. But for a better understanding of the situation, let's briefly understand what a convector is and on what principle it works.

Convection principle

For many of us, the most familiar heating devices are. They can be connected either to heating system, where hot water circulates, or to the electrical network, due to which the device is heated. In this case, heat is released into the air from the hot walls of the equipment housing.

Convectors have a different operating principle. The device is a body of six panels. Several slits are made in the top and bottom. There is a heating element located inside the housing. It can be different, and the device itself is produced in several varieties.

The most popular are electric and gas convectors. In the first case, the equipment operates from the mains. The second uses gas as fuel - this option is cheaper than the first, but involves some installation difficulties and the need to strictly adhere to safety requirements during use.

In any case, regardless of the type, the principle of operation of the equipment is the same. As you know, the colder the air, the higher its density and weight. Therefore, hot air masses rise upward.

Cold air, on the contrary, is located near the floor. It enters the convector through the slots in the bottom panel, then heating occurs inside the housing from the corresponding element. As the temperature rises, the air rises, exits through slots in the top panel and goes to the ceiling. At the same time, colder air masses are forced down, also enter the convector, and the process is repeated. Similar movement of cool and warm currents called convection, which is where the name of the device itself comes from.

This operating principle has several advantages:

  • the body of the device does not become hot high temperatures, it is impossible to get burned on it. This compares favorably with convection equipment oil radiators and similar devices;
  • appearance The convector is quite aesthetic, the design can be successfully integrated into any interior. In addition, there are quite a lot of equipment modifications. For example, there are built-in devices, wall-mounted, floor-mounted, corner, etc. If desired, you can choose a device taking into account all the features of the room;
  • heating of the room occurs quite quickly and evenly, especially when the convector is equipped with a built-in fan that disperses the heated air throughout the room.

Of course, all these advantages will fade significantly if the device performs its main function poorly. And he can do this when the required power is initially incorrectly calculated. As a result, you will end up with either poorly heated rooms or unjustified costs for paying for consumed resources.

Calculation of required power

Let's look at two simple ways, with which you can easily produce necessary calculations. All you need for this is a tape measure, a piece of paper and a pencil. If you don’t like to count in your head or with a column, then also stock up on a calculator.

By area

The first method is based on dependency required quantity heat from the area of ​​the heated room. It is generally accepted that for every ten square meters 1 kW of thermal energy is required. Of course, this is if we focus on the normal climate typical middle lane our vast homeland. If we're talking about about regions with severe and prolonged frosts, then increase the value to one and a half kilowatts for every 10 square meters.

But first you need to calculate the area. As everyone knows from school, this indicator can be found by multiplying the length of the room by the width - of course, if we are not talking about a round room, but this is so rare that we will not consider this case. Using a tape measure, take the necessary measurements and then multiply the resulting numbers. Then divide the result by 10 to get the base value.

For example, if your room has an area of ​​20 sq. meters, then you will need a device with a power of 2 kW, or 2000 W. It's simple.

However, that's not all. Our calculations do not take into account one factor - the amount of heat loss. To include this parameter in the calculations, there are certain averaged coefficients. For example, if the walls of your house are not insulated in any way, then multiply the above result by 1.1. In the case when double-glazed windows are the simplest, that is, single-layer - multiply base power by 0.9. For corner rooms the coefficient will be 1.2. After this multiplication, you will get the very indicator that you need to focus on when .

By volume

The above calculation method is suitable for cases where the ceiling height in the room is the standard 2.5 meters. If this indicator differs up or down, then the best option There will be a power calculation based on the volume of the room.

The calculation is carried out in approximately the same way. First, find out the volume of the room - to do this, multiply its area by its height. For each cubic meter The standard requirement is 40 W of thermal energy. It is by this number that you need to multiply the volume. As you can see, nothing complicated.

How to save money

The cost of both the convector itself and the resources it consumes depends on the power of the equipment. Simply put, the more heat your home needs, the higher the costs will be. But they can be reduced, although it will take work.

Everything would be fine if the heat generated by the convector remained in the room. Then the equipment would have to be turned on infrequently, and the cost of paying for electricity would, accordingly, be significantly lower - usually heating devices have very high consumption, so they Full time job is associated with high costs.

But in fact it is very a large number of thermal energy leaves the house outside. For example, cracks in walls and window frames are the most direct way. And it turns out that in such a situation the lion’s share of your costs goes to heating the street, which is definitely not practical. Therefore, it is worth initially incurring certain expenses in order to reduce heat loss and subsequently significantly save on electricity bills.

The two most obvious ways to do this are:

  • insulation of walls. It doesn't matter whether you live in a private or apartment building- placing an insulating layer will help reduce heat loss by at least 10 percent. Please note that walls should only be insulated from the outside. Otherwise, instead of reducing heat loss, you will get mold and other unpleasant phenomena. You can learn more about this on our website;
  • installation of high-quality double-glazed windows. Single windows (or old ones, in wooden frames) transmit a very large amount of heat to the street. If you bet double glazing, then they will help your home save heat as much as possible.

Of course, this work will require investment of both money and effort. But after the next few years, you can confidently say that all this has completely paid for itself with the help of energy savings. Moreover, if heating equipment If it suddenly fails, you will have some time to replace it without fear that the house will instantly freeze. Therefore, you should not give up insulating your home. Good luck!

1. Are the operating efficiencies of high convectors and low devices different?

No, the technical characteristics of all models (low, high, medium) are the same. The Teplovent store sells models from the Noirot Bellagio series. Let's consider two products with the same power of 1 kW. These are the tall (vertical) Bellagio 2 1000W model and the similar low model.

Both models have frost protection and three operating modes. The shape of the devices does not affect the quality of their heating. This depends on the power of the unit. But the tall model weighs 5 kg more, and the low model is a little more compact.

Different models are available for optimal integration into the design of the room. Sometimes lamps and sockets do not allow the installation of tall models that fit perfectly into the spaces between cabinets. Low models may not fit in width. It is recommended to install them under the window.

For such a calculation, the following parameters are required:

  • Characteristics of the structure,
  • Room characteristics,
  • Its fullness
  • The role of the convector
  • Knowledge of average daily (cold month) temperatures.

A brick house retains heat better than panel buildings. It can be colder on the first floor than on others.

It is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings of the room and its area, the presence of thermal insulation and its quality, the location of the room (corner rooms are colder) and the quality of the windows (glazed windows retain heat better).

The presence of electrical appliances and the number of people add warmth.

The convector can be used both as an additional heating device and as the main heating unit.

If average daily temperatures are (-) 20 degrees, more powerful devices will be required.

Let's take the standard one and not corner room(ceilings – 2.8 meters, area – 20 m2) on the third floor of a nine-story building panel house. There is no thermal insulation, but there is central heating. The average daily winter temperature is (-) 14 degrees.

Two children live in the room, there is a TV and two computers. The heating provides 19 degrees of heat, but it requires 25 for the children to feel comfortable. To raise the temperature in such a room by 6 degrees, you will need a heater with a power of 1.5 kW.

3. Is a convector better or an oil radiator?

Convectors – basic heating devices for residential heating, public premises and production Most often, when installing high-quality internal heating the choice falls on convectors, since they provide highly efficient and uninterruptible source heat, capable of heating rooms of any purpose and size.

An important factor after choosing the type of convector is calculating its power.

Let's consider 2 options for calculating the power (W) of the convector

1. Selection is based on the area of ​​the room.

This option for calculating the power of a convector is not correct (explanation at the end of the section), but it is often used and therefore we will consider it too.

Required data for calculation

To make calculations, you will need to collect the necessary data, on which the correctness of the results will depend.

What determines the calculation of convector power?

Calculate optimal indicator determining the power of a heating device for a home is not an easy task. In this case, it is important not to be lazy in making calculations and manipulating with numbers, because only this will help determine the golden mean specifically for your premises. The device indicator becomes too high main reason high cash costs, a deficiency, in turn, leads to a lack of the required amount of heat.

When independently calculating the power of a heating device, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • convector type;
  • location of the room (corner, built-in);
  • number of windows in the room;
  • ceiling height;
  • the presence of another type of heating;
  • number of external walls;
  • presence of thermal insulation, type of glazing.
To avoid errors in calculations, it is important to take into account all the details of the location of the room. It is preferable to seek professional help, but if this is not possible, you can get by on our own, based on the basic calculation methods.

Power calculation formula

Calculating power by area is the simplest because it requires minimal knowledge. Standard formula This calculation states that for heating 10 sq. m. area typically requires 1 kW of energy. But this formula is not ideal and should not become a template. Even the standards have exceptions and shortcomings.

Exceptions where the thermal energy factor may change include:

  • corner location of the room - 1.2 kW;
  • No external insulation walls - 1.1 kW;
  • windows made of single-layer double-glazed windows - 0.9 kW;
  • high ceilings (from 2.8 to 3 m) – 1.05 kW;
  • high-quality thermal insulation, triple glazing– 0.8 kW.

Ideally, the calculation takes into account details such as availability front door, wind rose, as well as the optimal area ratio flooring icons It follows from this that the optimal power indicator for a built-in room is 20 square meters. m with standard heat loss, ceiling height of 2.7 m and single glazed windows is 2 kW.

Simple calculation table

For determining optimal power convector, you can use the universal power table for the area of ​​the heated room, taking into account the height of the ceilings and important factors placements:

room area power in kW taking into account:
ceiling height 2.7m ceiling height 2.8m ceiling height 2.9 m or more 1 outer wall 2 external walls
10 1 1,12 1,16 - 1,2 1kW 1.2kW
15 1,5 1,68 1,74 - 1,8 1.2kW 1.3kW
20 2 2,24 2,32 - 2,4 +10% +10%
25 2,5 2,8 2,9 - 3 +15% +15%
30 3 3,36 3,48 - 3,6 +20% +20%

Using the table above, you can easily select required power for a convector. At corner placement room, it is important to apply an increasing factor of 1.1 to the presented parameters; if there is reliable thermal insulation in the room - 0.8.

So, a description of this method from a scientific point of view:

Calculation of power by room area is applicable, but!!! This method was used previously and is used now only during the construction of a district, microdistrict, mini-towns, etc., in a certain region. It is used to determine the capacity of a district boiler house or ITP.

When construction is underway from the same type of material and the volume of construction has been determined, they take 1 house, perform a thermal calculation and calculate the heat loss per 1 sq.m.

For individual or private construction, this method is not applicable, since all buildings are made of different materials.

Using this method, you will never determine how much heat you need to supply to the room to heat it. You will either overpay for heating, there will be excess heat, or it will be cold in your house or apartment in winter.

2. Selection of convectors using thermal engineering calculations of external fences.

At first glance, this method seems complicated, but in fact you don't need to rack your brains over it.

When you purchase a convector or other heating device, you just need to check with the seller the following: What power does this or that device produce (W) and at what coolant temperature (for water heating systems)?

If you can get such information, then it’s good and you can continue the dialogue, if you can’t tell, then it’s better to go elsewhere to purchase a heating device.

So, suppose you have received an answer to the question, what to do next?:

  1. You need to have a plan or project with the dimensions of the rooms and windows;
  2. Find out the temperature of the coolant in your heating system, for apartments, this provides Management Company, for private houses, when purchasing a heating boiler, in its technical specifications such information is available.

Let's consider the option with apartments, since a private house requires a more professional approach in the field of heat and power engineering.

1. You just need to find out what the outer walls in the apartment are made of. The management company or builder with whom you will make repairs will help you in this matter.

There are several types when modern construction, external walls in multi-storey buildings:

  • The wall material is homogeneous;
  • Multilayer with insulation;
  • Ventilated facade;
  • Glass.

2. Having this information, you can contact the same company where you are going to purchase a heating device and ask them to make a selection taking into account the above data.

If they couldn’t help you for some reason, then don’t be upset, not all sellers in the heating field understand this issue, it’s better to go where there are professionals.

3. When you managed to find a common language with the seller or engineer, you can safely buy a convector or other heating device.

This method guarantees 95-100% that you bought a heating device that suits you and did not overpay 2-3 times.

Traditional for our country water heating- complex and expensive at the installation stage. Therefore, many are looking for other options for heating rooms, cottages, cottages and apartments. The first thing that comes to mind is electric convectors heating. Installation is super simple: set it up or hang it up, plug it into a power outlet. All. You can warm up. The only limitation is whether the wiring can withstand such a load. The second is decent electricity bills, but they can be reduced by installing.

What is convection and convector

Convection is the process of heat transfer due to the movement of heated air. A convector is a device that heats air and promotes its movement. There are convectors in which heating occurs due to the circulation of coolant, then they are part of water heating. But we will talk about electric convectors, which convert electricity into heat, and air flows carry this heat throughout the room.

According to the installation method, convector electric heaters There are wall-mounted, floor-mounted, in-floor (built in below floor level), baseboard and universal (installed on legs that come with the kit or hung on the wall).

It is impossible to say which form of electric heating convectors is better. All forms are developed taking into account thermodynamics (at least, normal companies do this this way), so you base your choice only on your own preferences and on which design fits best into the design of the room. No one forbids installing electric convectors in one apartment, house or even in a room different types. The main thing is that the wiring can withstand.

Installation of electric heating convectors

The design of the electric convector is simple:

  • a housing in which there are openings for air intake and exhaust;
  • a heating element;
  • sensors and control and monitoring devices.

The case is heat-resistant plastic. The shape can be flat or convex, rectangular or square. The case has holes at the bottom - cold air is sucked into them. There are also holes in the top of the case. Heated air comes out of them. The air moves without stopping, and the room warms up.

The heating element of an electric convector is what you need to pay attention to when choosing. The service life of the equipment and air conditioning depend on the type of heater.

Types of heating elements for electric convectors

There are three types of heating elements in electric heating convectors:

Electric heating convectors with monolithic heaters are considered the best, but they are also the most expensive. Using heating elements is a little cheaper.

Types of thermostats and controls

Electric heating convectors can be controlled using a mechanical thermostat or electronics. The cheapest convector electric heaters have a thermostat, which breaks the power circuit when the set temperature is reached heating element. When it cools down, the contact appears again and the heater starts working. This type of device cannot support constant temperature indoors - the thermostat is triggered by the heating of the contact plate, and not by the air temperature. But they are simple and quite reliable.

Electronic control uses several sensors that monitor the state of the air in the room and the degree of heating of the device itself. The data is processed by a microprocessor, which adjusts the operation of the heater. The desired mode is set from the control panel located on the case, and there are also models with a control panel. You can find programmable models that allow you to set the heating mode for a whole week - while no one is home, set it to maintain about +10°C or lower and save on bills; when people arrive, warm up the room to comfortable temperature. There are generally “smart” models that can be integrated into the system “ smart House"and control them from a computer.

Choosing an installation location

Or rather, the question is not: which convector is suitable for fulfilling your wishes. If you want to bring the appearance of the room closer to the standard one, you can hang rectangular wall convectors. A little more attention They are attracted to models that can be installed under the ceiling, but they are inaccessible to children and pets - they will not be able to get burned or “adjust” in their own way. The installation method is the same here - on brackets fixed to the wall. Only the shape of the brackets differs.

If you want your heating appliances not to be visible, you will have to choose between baseboard and in-floor models. There is a a big difference in installation: the skirting boards are simply installed and connected to the network, but for the in-floor ones you will have to make special recesses in the floor - their top panel should be on the same level as the finished floor. In general, without overhaul you can't install them.

Power calculation

If a convector is needed only as an additional source of heat - for periods of extreme cold - it makes sense to take a couple of low-power devices - 1-1.5 kW each. They can be moved to those rooms where the temperature needs to be raised. If convector heating- the only source of heat is much more serious.

If you do everything “wisely,” you need to calculate the heat loss of a house or apartment and select equipment based on the calculation results. In fact, this is done very rarely. Much more often they calculate the required heating power by area: 10 square meters for heating. m area requires 12 kW of heat. But these are the norms for medium height ceilings - 2.50-2.70 m and average insulation. If the ceilings are higher (the volume of air needs to be heated) or there is “no” insulation at all, the power is increased by 20-30%.

Manufacturers, characteristics and prices

Electric convector heaters are produced by several companies that produce other household appliances - Electrolux, AEG, Hyundai, Stiebel Eltron, Zanussi. In addition, there are many companies that specialize in this type of technology or produce two or three more groups of products. Among them there are Russian manufacturers— Ballu, Termica, Ural-Mikmah-Term, Alvin. There is also a whole group of European brands:

  • Airele, Noirot and Atlantic (France),
  • Extra, Royal Thermo, Scoole, Timberk, WWQ (PRC),
  • Frico (Sweden),
  • NeoClima (Greece),
  • Nobo (Norway)

and many more. Electric heating is the norm in Europe; water heating is rare here. Hence the number of companies producing such household appliances. But, as usual in last years, most companies have moved production to China, so the assembly is mainly Chinese, although quality control should be at the level.

Electric heating convectors can have a power from 0.5 kW to 2.5-3 kW. They operate mainly from a 220 V network; if necessary, three-phase ones can be found - from 380 V. With increasing power, the dimensions (mainly depth) and price increase. If we talk about prices on average, then the price for imported electric convectors is about $80-250, for Russian ones - $30-85.

NamePowerAdditional functionsInstallation typeControl typeHeating element typeDimensions (D*W*H)Price
AEG WKL0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3 kWoverheat protectionWallThermostatheating element78*370*450 105 - 195 $
Airelec Paris digital 05DG0.5 kWoverheat protectionWallElectronicMonolithic80*440*400 60-95 $
Termica CE 1000 MR1 kWOverheat protection + ionizerFloorThermostat (mechanical)heating element78*400*460 50 $
Nobo C4F 15 XSC1.5 kWWall/floorElectronicheating element55*400*975 170 $
Stiebel Eltron CS 20 L2 kWOverheat protection + fanFloorThermostat (mechanical)spiral heating element100*437*600 200-220 $
Stiebel Eltron CON 20 S2 kWoverheat protectionFloorThermostat (mechanical)Stainless steel heating element123*460*740 450 $
Noirot Melodie Evolution15001.5 kWOverheat and tip-over shutdownWall-mounted (small height)ElectronicMonolithic80*220*1300 300-350 $
Ballu BEC/EVE - 15001.5 kWOverheat and tip-over shutdownWall/floorElectronicHeating element Double G Force111*640*413 70 $
Timberk TEC.PF1 M 1000 IN1 kWOverheat and tip-over shutdown + ionizerWall/floorThermostat (mechanical)100*410*460 65 $
Dantex SD4-101 kWOverheat and tip-over shutdownWall/floorElectronicNeedle + quiet + economical78*640*400 45 $

Useful additional features

When choosing electric heating convectors, pay attention not only to technical specifications. Is there some more additional functions, which increase comfort and safety:

Overheat protection and drop shutdown - very useful features, increasing equipment safety. Something else you can pay attention to is how quiet or loud the unit is. It's not just the heating element (it usually clicks). When activated, the mechanical thermostat also clicks. If you choose convection heaters for your bedroom, silent operation- it is very important.

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