Today's savings electric water heaters are very popular among owners country houses and dachas, as well as among city residents who want to make their water supply independent and uninterrupted.

In this article we will look at the top ten this moment storage water heaters with a volume of 30 to 100 liters, which is the best option for installation in an apartment or country house.

What parameters to pay attention to when choosing a storage water heater

Tank volume

The most compact models up to 30 liters are perfect for a summer house, small kitchen or bathroom. It’s difficult to think about taking a shower, but handling the dishes and washing your face is no problem.

50-liter water heaters are already capable of providing quite comfortable single-handed washing, but the next user may have to wait the allotted time for reheating.

For a family of 2-3 people, an 80-liter boiler is perfect. However, if there is an irresistible desire to take a bath or the social unit consists of 4 or more active users, it makes sense to think about buying a model with a capacity of 100 or even 120 liters.

There are water heaters with a larger volume, up to 300 liters, but these are rather industrial rather than household devices.


Everything is clear here. The more, the faster the heating. Typically varies in the range from 1 to 2.5 kW. You just need to decide on the capabilities of your network.

Heater type

Heating elements can be:

  • Classic submersible, in direct contact with water;
  • “Dry”, placed in a special capsule.

The first option is simpler and cheaper, the second is reliable, durable and eliminates scale fouling.

Tank material

There are two main options - enameled or stainless steel.

  • High-quality enamel has anti-corrosion properties and may contain silver ions for disinfection, but you are unlikely to feel it in any way (this is more likely marketing).
  • “Stainless steel” is traditionally strong and reliable, but it is also more expensive. Manufacturers often give the same warranty for tanks made of both materials, then the difference is leveled out.

Anti-corrosion anode

Protects the tank from leaks and extends its “life”. The material of the tank does not necessarily matter, because the problem area is often the welds, and “stainless steel” comes in different varieties.

The desire to have hot water in the house constantly, without shutdowns for repair work, which can last a long time, is absolutely understandable. But what about those who live in the country, outside the city, where hot water is various reasons not pleased with its constancy? A storage water heater will help make your life comfortable.

To heat water, only two types of devices are used: storage and flow. Let's consider the first option - a boiler. Using a heating element (tubular electric heater) built into the device, the water is heated to a comfortable temperature, ready for use at any time. The thermostat maintains constant degrees set at the beginning of operation. The water in the thick walls of the tank remains hot for a long time.

Compact storage water heater

The device’s reservoir is continuously replenished with cold water as hot water, heated to 50–70 degrees, is consumed. The small dimensions of the compact boiler allow it to be installed in small spaces. Consumed power is 1.5–2.5 kW, which makes it possible to install it in houses with weak wiring. The device will not cause network overloads; for example, outside the city this will be very important. The efficiency of the water heater is not affected by such low energy consumption. The heating time of water in a compact boiler occurs gradually and depends on the capacity of the tank (5–30 liters).

The presence of a built-in thermostat in storage water heaters allows you to maintain the water temperature in a certain mode. However, it is not recommended to set the regulator to maximum; to save energy, it is best to leave the temperature around 80% of the maximum possible values. Some models additionally include functions for fast water heating and an automated control system.

Storage water heater, unlike flow-through, provides hot water both the bath and the kitchen, that is, it is able to operate all water points. Household members have the opportunity to simultaneously draw a bath and wash the dishes.

Let's look at the differences in heating methods - electricity and gas.

Electric storage water heater

This is the most common type of simple but durable devices. The main components involved in the process are an internal tank with a volume of 5 to 500 liters and a heating element with a power not exceeding 2.5 kW. That is, the load on the network is minimal, which is a big advantage for rooms where there are problems with voltage. The power consumption of the boiler is comparable to the operation of a vacuum cleaner. No separate cable is required, just plug the device into an outlet.

From the ratio tank volume, heating element power and the inlet water temperature determine the heating time. A compact boiler allows you to heat water in about half an hour. If the displacement is large, the process takes up to 8 hours. Good thermal insulation of the tank supports high temperature for a long time. The built-in regulator monitors the water heating process, preventing it from boiling. Thanks to the thermostat, the temperature level does not rise above 80–85 degrees.

Well-known manufacturing companies emphasize technical characteristics oh, that the temperature will decrease gradually, no more than 0.5 degrees per hour. Thus, the water will not be able to cool below the set temperature.

If we talk about benefits, then with the use of a night tariff meter, the heating process will become economical - you can stock up on water for the whole day.

Gas storage water heater

The model is inferior in popularity to the electric boiler due to installation difficulties and high cost. But the purchase price pays off due to the economical gas tariff, which has more advantages over expensive electricity.

The heating element here is a gas burner with average power 4–7 kW. Hence the undeniable advantage of gas storage equipment - rapid heating of water, because the power of the heating element is several times higher. For example, in an hour a gas boiler will heat 150 liters, while an electric one can handle it in only four.

Gas water heaters are available on the market with an open combustion chamber and a closed one. Devices with forced draft (closed chamber) are common in operation. They do not require the use of a conventional chimney; instead, it is possible to install a coaxial one that goes out through the wall. But the cost of such heaters is high.

Certainly, biggest minus installations gas device– fulfillment of many important conditions.

  • Proper ventilation is required in the room. Place the equipment in the kitchen with mandatory ventilation to prevent oxygen combustion.
  • If for use electric heater It is enough to install plastic pipes, but for gas equipment metal pipes are required so that the material is not damaged during intense heating.
  • Strict rules for working with a gas heater. If the assembly electric boiler does not require any documents, and you can install it yourself, then for the installation of gas equipment you will need official permission. And only specialists will connect the device to gas pipe and water supply. This is necessary for the safety of residents. Most often, gas boilers are installed not in apartments, but in private houses with low water pressure.

Main types of storage water heaters

Gravity or open

Used in pumping systems without constant pressure. Between the tank and the water supply inlet valve installed, which opens when the mixer or tap is running along with the discharge of hot water.

This is not the most convenient solution for people who are constantly indoors. However, during seasonal living, for example, in a country house, an open type of water heater occurs. The advantage is that mixing hot water with cold is not as fast as in pressure boiler. But low power heating element and providing water to only one point are big disadvantages. In places where there are interruptions in the water supply, such boilers are best suited.

Pressure or closed

If there constant pressure water in the system, then it is installed pressure or closed type. Water fills the boiler until the pressure in it is equal to the pressure in the main line. Here the shut-off valve is located after the tank. This is the most popular option and does not require special devices to connect.

There is always hot water in the pressure device; the volume of consumed heated water is replenished with the same amount of cold water. However, at high flow rates the heating element does not cope with its main task. It takes time for the next portion of water at a comfortable temperature.

Types of water connection

Storage water heaters are divided into 2 types of water connection: upper and lower. This important characteristic should be taken into account when selecting a device. the main role dedicated to the location of the heating element. Therefore, carefully consider the installation location devices so as not to choose a storage boiler bottom connection to place it above the sink. Accordingly, it will not be possible to install a water heater with a top connection on the floor.

Installation methods

Water heaters are installed on the floor, attached to the wall and built-in. Floor-standing devices with a large tank of 150 liters take up a lot of space. It is not recommended to mount such large boilers on the wall to avoid collapse. It must be taken into account that the wall must support double the weight, and depending on this, correctly calculate the load. Moreover, boilers are not attached to fragile surfaces. The reliable construction of the wall allows it to withstand water heaters up to 100 l.

Compact storage devices can be successfully integrated without installation into the interior standard kitchen thanks to the small dimensions and supplied decorative panels.

Tank coating

Tank insulation

Whatever the coating of the tank, thermal insulation is necessary to prevent the water from cooling. Traditionally, modern materials are used to retain heat. In some models, the tank is insulated with a double or triple layer of foam rubber or polyurethane foam, which can significantly reduce energy consumption. But such water heaters cannot be compact due to their size.

"Air bag"

Models with a large tank volume are equipped with an “air cushion” to avoid heat loss. Between the outer enamel and the inner tank there is an empty space that allows heat to be retained similar to the operation of a thermos. When the temperature rises, the expansion of water will not damage the tank. It is worth paying attention to pillow location, it should be at the top of the container, then the water, when heated, does not reach its level a little and does not destroy the boiler.

Types of heating elements

The heating element located inside the device is either outside the water or immersed in it. The “dry” heating element, protected from scale, is located in a steatite flask. Its cost is high, however, and it lasts much longer. The scale that forms on an element immersed in water prevents good thermal conductivity. The time spent on heating increases, and, accordingly, energy bills increase.

The boiler may have several heating elements. Nowadays, two heating elements that are not in contact with water are installed in storage water heaters at once, increasing the heating time several times. IN expensive models The Power Prof energy saving system is used, which allows you to select the power level from minimum to maximum.

Magnesium anode

To reduce corrosion, experts install a magnesium anode, which rusts instead of a tank, next to the heating element. The metal rod prevents scale from settling on the inner surface of the tank. It is changed every year and a half while simultaneously cleaning the tank from rust. True, the quality of our water is such that no anode can protect the boiler from negative impacts. If the water heater turns off during idle moments and is not used very often, then there is a possibility that it will work successfully for up to 7 years.

And in order to save energy, the device should be turned off after heating the water, otherwise when it cools even by 1 degree it will turn on again. This simple condition will increase the life of the heater. When leaving, the water must be drained, this will help prolong the operation of your device.

Experts advise installing a replaceable filter that prevents debris and small rust from entering the water heater from the tap, for long service boiler

Safety when working with water heaters

When buying a boiler, they look at the safety level, which consists of two numbers. The first means the level of protection against foreign objects entering the water heater, the second draws attention to protection from water.

If you use a heating element immersed in water, which receives power from the network, it is necessary to equip grounding.

Installation gas boiler trusted only to qualified specialists.

Advantages of a storage water heater

  • Continuous supply of hot water even during shutdowns for maintenance work.
  • Economical heating process. With low energy consumption, the boiler effectively copes with its task.
  • Tank volume varies from 5 to 500 liters, which allows you to choose the best one for your family or office. Compact water heaters, despite their small displacement, will provide good pressure of hot water. In addition, due to its small dimensions, such a boiler can be easily installed indoors without taking up space.
  • All water points in the room (kitchen, bath) using storage devices ready to go.
  • Due to the use modern materials thermal insulation, the water in the tank remains hot for a long time.

Disadvantages of a storage water heater

When choosing a storage water heater, read the instructions for its operation. Take advantage of all the recommendations of specialists for a long and reliable operation selected boiler.

It is no coincidence that a flat water heater is present in the line of a self-respecting manufacturer. The best solution, to have hot water in the house without waiting for the completion of routine maintenance of utility services - purchase an electric storage water heater for 50 liters, flat with a brand Ariston, Termex, Edison or Electrolux, Zanussi and Balu. We hope this review will help you choose the right model.

Without hot water, living in a house cannot be considered comfortable. Residents of country houses usually decide this issue already at the housing design stage, depending on many factors - the presence or absence of gas supply, the stability of the electricity supply. Each of these options uses different types of water heaters.

Popular methods of obtaining hot water

Most often, heat is used from home heating devices (usually a boiler and boiler indirect heating), but at above-zero temperatures outside, more economical choice installation of a separate water heater becomes necessary. If there is a gas supply, home owners choose to purchase a unit that runs on gas fuel - a more efficient tool for heating water.

The lack of gas forces you to choose one that runs on electricity.
Recently, even residents of apartment buildings who do not want to be left without hot water are purchasing water heaters. Installation of a gas-powered water heater for multi-storey building, where there is no chimney design for a gas water heater, the procedure is complex, requiring many approvals, and sometimes additional ventilation.

Water heating units that use electricity to operate are installed without any approval. To connect them, you only need good electrical wiring in the apartment and an outlet equipped with grounding. As for the inclusion of a water heater in the water supply system, there are no problems with this either - companies that sell them often offer this service.

Types of domestic water heaters

Manufacturers offer great amount water heater models. Externally, they are almost impossible to distinguish, since they are made in rectangular or cylindrical shapes and have a front panel where knobs are located that regulate the water temperature. The panel can also be equipped with control buttons, allowing you to use a remote control to set the required temperature.

However, each of heating devices has characteristics that are different from each other, and also various principles actions. Therefore, before purchasing, you should decide which water heater will be the optimal purchase, capable of most economically providing those living in an apartment or country house with the required amount of hot water.

The main factor that allows water heaters to be divided into three types is their operating principle. They can be:

Advantages of storage water heaters

Although storage water heaters have fairly substantial dimensions, depending on the volume of the heating tank, they are in demand among consumers. Their popularity is due to the ability to choose the tank volume required for a specific consumer, since their models can heat from 10 to 500 liters of water. The growing trend of flat-plate water heaters greatly contributes to reducing space requirements.

The heating rate depends on the volume of the tank. The temperature to which its contents will be heated is set by the consumer using a control panel connected to the heating element (heating element). Thanks to thermal insulation, which protects the water heater tank from cooling, the water temperature is maintained from several hours to a couple of days.

When the temperature drops below a certain level, using the bimetallic thermostat built into the unit, the heating mode is turned on again. This mode of operation makes the operation of the storage water heater economical, and energy consumption becomes as low as possible.

Models of storage water heaters are available in both vertical and horizontal versions, which allows you to choose the most convenient option for installation indoors. There are models of small dimensions; flat water heaters are increasingly in demand, which fit perfectly under the sink, under the ceiling or in a floor niche, without cluttering up the space of the kitchen or bathroom.

The advantage of instantaneous water heaters is their compactness

When installing an instantaneous electric water heater, you will not have to waste time waiting for the water to heat up. This device has small size, and starts dispensing hot water almost immediately after being plugged into the network.

Since the heating container in instantaneous water heaters is a heat exchanger made in the form of a narrow tube, during the time it passes through it, the water has time to warm up to a temperature of 40-60 degrees. Heating is carried out using a heating element built into the device.

There are two types of instantaneous water heaters - open and closed. If the model open type is designed to collect water at one point, then using a closed-type model you can use water in several rooms.

Since the power range of instantaneous water heaters offered for sale is quite high (3 - 27 kW), there are some restrictions on their installation. In any case, the electrical wiring in the house must correspond to the power of the device used.

When installing a heater with a power of up to 8 kW, you can use a standard 220V household power supply. If the model has more power, then to connect it you need to install an outlet designed for three-phase voltage. However, for a standard apartment, a low-power heater capable of producing about five liters of hot water per minute is sufficient.

The only, but serious, disadvantage is that the owner of an instantaneous water heater will have to pay high bills for consumed electricity.

Flow-through storage water heaters

The distinctive ability of this type of water heaters is in combining the properties of the above-described models. The electric heating element with which these devices are equipped is capable of operating at both high and low power.

As a result of the use of such elements, heaters of this type combine the capabilities inherent in both storage and flow-through heaters. However, these models have larger dimensions than water heaters. flow type.

Thanks to heating equipment manufacturers who have developed a huge range of electric water heaters, every consumer can choose the appropriate option for installation in their apartment. With the help of water heaters, consumers gain independence from hot water suppliers.

Flat water heater - the best option for saving space

A flat water heater, like those described earlier, is a tool designed for heating water. Flat-plate water heaters are very ergonomic, so they will not take up much space. They vary in size, so they are suitable for placement even in a small bathroom or toilet. Thanks to its small width, this device can be placed under the sink or on the wall.

The devices are distinguished by their flat shape and securely machined welds. In the assortment of manufacturers, you can choose flat water heaters with different capacities. The capacity of water tanks in various models of water heaters ranges from 10 liters to 100 liters.

The most popular are water heaters with a capacity of 80, 50 and 30 liters. Water heaters with such tanks are sufficient to satisfy the needs of a small family. For a family of 2-3 people, it is enough to stop choosing and buy a flat storage water heater of 50 liters.

Operating principle of flat water heaters

Based on the principle of operation, a flat water heater is similar to a thermos. The water is heated by the device automatically. When you turn on the hot water tap at the water tap, cold water entering the tank under a certain pressure begins to displace the liquid heated by the electric heating element. After this, a stream of hot water flows from the device’s tank to the point of consumption.

The portion of cold water that displaces the hot water is then heated to the required temperature. At next opening tap, the entire cycle is repeated.

Flat water heater - design and features

In their design, flat models of water heaters differ from cylindrical boilers only in the shape of the tank. The geometry of a flat storage water heater resembles a rectangular tank.

To prevent the seams, which are considered the weak point of all boilers, from corroding under the influence of water, manufacturers use magnesium anodes for protection, which increases the cost of water heaters. Devices with such protection will last much longer, so it is wiser to purchase a more expensive device.

Advantages of water heaters

Flat-plate water heaters have many advantages. They provide fast heating of water. Flat water heaters are equipped with 8 bar safety valves, which allow you to reduce excess pressure during water heating.

Despite the rapid heating of water, flat water heaters have a fairly low power due to the use of two heating elements. First heating element devices consumes 1.5 kW, and the second - only 1 kW.

Which orientation of the flat water heater should I choose?

Both horizontal and vertical orientation of the water heater have advantages during installation. Vertical flat water heaters will help save space when placed, since they will not take up much space.

Horizontal flat water heaters provide faster water heating compared to vertical devices. Flat heaters with horizontal orientation are equipped with a heat exchange element, as a result of which heating water takes 25 percent less time.

What is the difference between mechanically and electronically controlled water heaters?

Flat water heaters powered by electricity are controlled mechanically or electronically, depending on the model. The control system is responsible for starting the device and turning off water heating at the right time.

On devices equipped with a mechanical (hydraulic) system, tubular electric heaters are turned on when the position of the mechanically driven membranes located on the contact block changes. Mechanical control is always cheaper; the threshold for turning off water heating when the temperature is reached is set by the user and set by simply turning the lever.

The electronic system is characterized by the gradual connection of heating elements, which begin to work depending on the water temperature, pressure and flow. Using electronic control allows you to save on electricity and reduce the amount of water consumed. Devices with such output control provide a constant temperature.

The price of electronically controlled devices is higher than that of devices with a mechanical system. In addition, a flat water heater with electronics is usually more powerful and can serve several water points at once.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice flat water heater, we have compiled a list of the best and we hope it will help you choose a flat-plate water heater that meets your specific requirements.

Flat water heater Top – 6

Brand Ariston

The Ariston ABS VLS (VELIS) ​​EVO PW 50 flat water heater is considered an affordable and popular model. The cost ranges around 15,000 rubles. Flat water heater, combines stylish design and high performance. Availability of accelerated heating and energy saving functions in automatic mode. Characteristics:

  • Equipped with a steel storage tank with a volume of 50 liters;
  • Internal treatment of the tank - silver coating;
  • Snow-white plastic body;
  • Electronic thermometer on the front panel;
  • Two tanks of 25 liters each with heating elements of 1.5 and 1 kW, respectively;
  • Security system: protection against switching on without water, blocking leaks and a device that prevents electric shock, a thermostat, and a valve that releases excess pressure.

The competitive advantage of Ariston Velis models over other brands is the possibility of horizontal and vertical installation. Fast heating is especially useful when taking a morning shower; the Ariston flat water heater copes with heating water in one tank in the “QH” series - in 29 minutes, in the “Power” series - in 46 minutes.

Flat water heater Termex

Superstar line of flat water heaters Thermex Flat Plus with internal tank made of of stainless steel. Model includes everything necessary elements: electronic control, white, extremely flat body, increased performance efficiency. Flat water heater Thermex Flat Plus has been on the podium of leaders in terms of sales for more than 10 years.

Competitive advantages of Termex Flat Plus:

  • Saves valuable space: Double Tank manufacturing technology - double tank. This made it possible to design a truly flat water heater. Small sizes do not require significant space. Installation in small spaces is available.
  • Heating speed: two heating elements 2000/1300 W are involved in standard and accelerated heating.
  • Increased reliability: flat water heater with a tank made of stainless steel alloy, withstands intensive use for a long time.
  • Sanitary standards: Anti-corrosion stainless steel alloy protects the health of household members, leaving the water always clean.
  • Ease of management: Control of adjustments is shown on the electronic display.
  • Device intelligence: function self-diagnosis, will promptly signal the occurrence of errors and malfunctions.
  • Safety: the device is protected by a multi-level set of measures.

THERMEX IF series products are available in 30, 50, 80, and 100 liter capacities. In addition to the “star” line, the manufacturer Termex offers a series of flat water heaters: Thermex Flat Diamond Touch, Thermex Flat Smart Energy, Thermex Mechanik and FLAT PLUS PRO.

How did you guess English word FLAT translates as - flat, even, smooth. Each presented series is famous for its unique advantages, which can be found on the official website of the Termex company. Prices start from 9,900 and end at 16,000 rubles

Brand Edison

The water heater is flat and has a shallow depth. The range is represented by two popular models with a volume of 50 and 80 liters: Edison EDF 50V and Edison EDF 80V.

  • The steel tank is made of stainless steel;
  • Capacity 50 and 80 l.;
  • Heating element power 1500 W (voltage 230 V);
  • Simple adjustments are made mechanically with power indicator:
  • Vertical installation;
  • Bottom piping;
  • Maximum liquid heating is 75 °C, with overheating limitation.
  • Dimensions (wxhxd) 436x887/990x235 mm, weight 18/23 kg.

The small dimensions allow the Edisson flat water heater to fit into almost any space. Distinctive features: Edisson EDF 50V will cost you only 8,700 rubles, for this money you get a simple, reliable device with a laconic and familiar design.

Brand Electrolux

Do you want to have independence from circumstances? Welcome to Electrolux! Six series of flat water heaters with low power consumption. The range will allow you to satisfy the demand of a demanding buyer; installation of devices is allowed in any premises. At times, the Electrolux flat water heater becomes the only supplier of hot water in the house. The best flat water heater from the Electrolux company remains for a long time Electrolux EWH Formax, with tank capacity 30,50,80 and 100 l. Video review of the model takes 1 minute:

The most successful model is the popular Electrolux EWH 50 Formax, the capacity is enough to take the morning two people, of course, will have to use it moderately.

  • Power consumption 2000 W;
  • Heating the liquid to 75°C takes 1 hour 54 minutes;
  • Three heating modes with a heating limit of 75 ° C;
  • Multi-stage safety: from switching on without water, from overheating, from excessive pressure;
  • The formation of scale is prevented by the magnesium anode;
  • Antibacterial enamel interior coating.

Production workshops located in Russia enable the company to set optimal prices for its products. On average, Electrolux EWH 50 Formax sells for 11,800 rubles.

Brand Zanussi

The price for a Zanussi ZWH/S 50 Splendore XP flat water heater with a 50-liter volume will be just under 14,000 rubles. The Italian concern Zanussi offersmechanical control and switching heating elements in two modes at 0.7 and 1.3 kW. The consumer chooses the device in white or silver.

A good price for a flat water heater made of stainless steel is possible thanks to production on Russian territory in the city of Kirzhach, Vladimir region. The Zanussi ZWH/S 50 Splendore XP model with universal installation can be mounted horizontally or vertically. The series implements the function of economical mode and RCD protection. The price of the device is absolutely competitive and often displaces more famous brands.

Technical characteristics are like two peas in a pod. that we considered Electrolux model EWH 50 Formax. Maybe the unified production is having an effect? Let's watch a video review of how to assemble a Zanussi flat water heater:

Brand Balu

The French present their best flat water heater in their series with flat shapes under the names RODON and SMART. SMART Series durable as it is made of stainless steel. The water heater can be controlled via the Internet. Installation both vertical and horizontal. Adjustment range from 30 to 75°C with visualization on the LED display.

ECO mode saves energy. There is a protection device against electric shock. A series of flat water heaters is presented with volumes of 30, 50,80 and 100 liters. Made in Russia, with an 8-year warranty on the tank. Dimensions, 50 liter device is only 930x434x253 mm. Special price offer 10,500 rubles.


Today, every decent brand strives to fill the need and produces a flat-plate water heater. Most optimal size for 2 people there is a tank with a volume of 50 liters. Flat water heaters are similar to each other both in characteristics and price. The reviews are the same type and uninformative. We advise you to make your choice on one of the brands reviewed after visual inspection.

Our rating of the best flat water heaters is not claims for the Oscars, since there is a lot of movement in the market and constant changes in size, shape and functionality are possible. We do not limit your choice of flat water heater only to the presented models; we tried to reflect the rating of the most popular electric water heaters on domestic market. If you have a continuation of the rating, please suggest positions in the comments!

Centralized hot water supply is gradually losing its relevance due to frequent interruptions, poor quality of service and high costs. More and more people are thinking about buying a water heater for their kitchen for washing dishes. To always use water at a comfortable temperature, choose a high-quality, practical and economical heater option for your kitchen. To do this, just familiarize yourself with their main varieties and choose suitable model.

If we are talking about a kitchen where water consumption is not very large, an instantaneous water heater is the right choice. The operating principle of an electric instantaneous water heater for the kitchen is very simple. It is similar to a geyser: a small stream of water comes into contact with a heated heating element and very quickly heats up to the desired temperature.

Washing dishes is much more comfortable with a water heater

Flow heaters there are two types:

  • non-pressure;
  • pressure

Non-pressure kitchen water heater

The first type is a small container located above the level of the tap. To understand what kind of design you are dealing with, imagine the simplest washstand that everyone has in their country house. A container with water and a hole at the bottom. Now add a boiler there. This is how you can describe it on your fingers without pressure water heater for the kitchen and guess what kind of pressure you should expect.

Elementary design of the heater

The valve that limits the flow of water into the container is similar to the one that can be found in a toilet cistern. The position of the float depends on the water level in the tank. When the level drops, the float moves down and thereby opens the valve. Water begins to flow into the heater. When its level reaches the desired level, the float rises and shuts off the water supply. This simple design protects the system from overfilling.

To be fair, it is worth noting that with low pressure, water flows well from such a heater. This is because the faucet that comes with the instantaneous boiler is equipped with a special diffuser. Water passing through very small holes creates good pressure for comfortable use.

Attention! Such small holes often become clogged with small particles of sand, rust and other impurities that are found in abundance in tap water. Therefore, you need to be prepared to regularly replace this part of the heater.

Non-pressure water heating option

The advantages of this type of heaters:

  • you can fill the water yourself (convenient for the garden);
  • the ability to replace the heating element in case of breakdown;
  • low cost;
  • compactness.

Disadvantages of non-pressure water heaters:

  • relatively low efficiency with high energy consumption;
  • inconvenient placement;
  • lack of an insulating layer, like storage heater;
  • dirty water will quickly damage the device.

Pressure instantaneous water heater

Much more practical option is considered a pressure instantaneous kitchen water heater. It works on a similar principle. The difference is that water is constantly supplied under pressure. This type of water heater is equipped with a thermostat to regulate the temperature. You can change the power of the heating element itself or influence the water supply. It is logical that with less pressure the water heats up better.

  • faucet heater;
  • free-standing flow type.

The instantaneous water heater for the kitchen faucet attracts with its compactness and appearance. It would seem, why all these complex designs, large tanks and labyrinths of pipes, if the solution could be so simple - a heater built directly into the tap.

Looks like the kitchen of the future

But not everything here is as obvious as it might seem at first glance. The water heater faucet is a slightly modified mixer, the body of which contains a powerful electric heating element and several microcircuits. The heater parameters are changed using the mixer lever.

The water heater tap is plugged into a regular outlet; the power of the device is on average 3 kW. Since it is impossible to provide a large volume of hot water per minute with such power, the water heater produces only 3-4 liters, depending on the initial water temperature.

Instantaneous water heaters for the kitchen can also be in the form of a separate electrical appliance connected to a water supply and mixer flexible hoses. This type of boiler is more widely represented on the market. You can choose an option for yourself required power, size, configuration and volume.

So small it fits easily in a closet

The advantages of this type of heating devices:

  • good pressure;
  • full control of temperature and energy consumption;
  • compactness.

Disadvantages of pressure water heaters:

  • high energy costs;
  • high cost of the device;
  • installation difficulties.

Which storage boiler is appropriate in the kitchen?

A tankless water heater for a kitchen works differently. It is a tank with thick walls, inside of which there is an electric heater. The boiler is also equipped with a thermostat to control the water temperature. Such a heater is attached to the wall, since the supply is from below, and the hot water output is from above. In the kitchen, a common option is to place it under the sink.

Hidden boiler placement option

The principle of operation of a bulk boiler is to gradually heat the water entering the tank. When the water heats up to the set temperature, the sensor will automatically turn off the heating element. When it cools down or is consumed, the sensor will turn on the heater. Thus, inside the storage water heater there is always a supply of hot water of the same temperature, which is very convenient.

But there is no point in installing a large boiler in the kitchen. Water consumption for washing dishes is usually small. Constantly heating 80-100 liters of hot water in order to wash a couple of plates is not economical in terms of energy consumption. And such a unit will take up a lot of space. Small bulk boilers with a volume of 6-10 liters, which do not consume a lot of electricity and are compact in size, are best suited for the kitchen.

Looks neat

The main advantage of a storage water heater for the kitchen is its power. As a rule, these devices can be connected to a regular household outlet - they do not consume a large number of electricity, which means the load on the electrical wiring will be acceptable. But nevertheless, before buying a high-power boiler - from 5 kW, consult with a qualified electrician whether your wiring can withstand such a device.

What to consider when choosing

If you plan to buy a heater to use it exclusively during preventive maintenance of the central hot water supply, it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive model. IN summer period you can get by with a low-power instantaneous boiler with a small stated volume of water supply.

Choosing a heater is not so easy

If you need to use a boiler in the kitchen all year round, consider cumulative models small volume - up to 15 liters. Because the tap water in winter it is very cold (about 5 degrees), an instantaneous water heater may simply not cope with such a temperature difference.

How to choose the volume

Boiler power is the main characteristic. And it’s not just a matter of heating speed and energy efficiency class. The importance of this issue lies in the fact that in most apartment buildings it is not possible to install high-power water heaters due to weak electrical wiring. You can independently connect devices up to 5 kW, then you will have to connect to the panel with a separate thick wire or even use a three-phase network.

The lowest power storage boilers are. You can find small models starting from 0.8 kW. Tap heaters and instantaneous boilers consume approximately 7 kW. Electrical appliances of higher power do not need to be installed in the kitchen. But if hot water will be consumed not only for washing dishes, but also for taking a shower, they will be appropriate.

Dependence of water heating time on heating element power

Since an electric water heater combines two potentially dangerous things: water and electricity, when choosing, you need to take into account everything related to safe operation. Good boiler equipped with a residual current device (RCD) during power outages. Protection against water overheating and automatic shutdown during dry start-up must be installed. And don't forget about grounding.

How to install a water heater yourself

The water heater must be installed experienced craftsman, who understands plumbing and electrical engineering. Since there are several types of water heaters, they need to be installed in different ways. The installation process has common features, but there are also features that are inherent in each type of device.

Model with tap

Installing a water heater built into a faucet is quite simple. Since the power of the device is low, on average about 3 kW, it can be connected to a regular outlet. Algorithm for installing a flow-type water heater with a tap:

  1. First you need to assemble the water heater itself. Connect the main mechanism to the faucet spout, popularly called the “gander”. The main unit of the device does not require any intervention; it is sold fully assembled and ready for installation.

The device is sold unassembled

  1. The next step is to install the water heater on the sink. For this purpose, it has a special hole. For sealing, a set of rubber gaskets is sold along with the heater. Install the connection insert into the main unit.
  2. Another O-ring needs to be installed in the hole on the sink. Then place the mixer with the connecting insert there.

  1. A nut is screwed onto the bottom for stability and reliability.
  2. Connect the faucet to the cold water supply system. Use sealant. Make sure there are no leaks: turn on the water without connecting the faucet to electricity.
  3. If the installation is successful, you can plug in the water heater.

Important! Since the wire included with the heater is usually not too long (about 1 m), you need to make sure in advance that there is a suitable outlet within reach.

There is nothing complicated about this; an instantaneous electric water heater for the kitchen with a built-in faucet is ready for use.

Storage under the sink

It is most convenient if the boiler in the kitchen is located under the sink. It's practical and unobtrusive. But installing any storage boiler this way will not work. You need to make sure that the selected model is connected to the water supply from above. To install a water heater for the kitchen under the sink according to all the rules, you will have to work a little.

  1. Prepare the boiler. There are 2 fittings on top of the water heater; as a rule, they are painted red and blue colors. It's not hard to guess what they mean. It is advisable to additionally install a so-called check valve on the supply fitting (blue). It will protect the device from the reverse movement of water, rupture of the tank if the heating element breaks down, and will also make it possible to drain the water if necessary.

  1. Then install shut-off valves at the water inlet and outlet. The valve for hot water (outlet) is installed separately, for cold water - together with a check valve.

  1. Connect the boiler to the water supply. Install tees on water pipes. The diameter of the pipes used can be found in the technical specifications of the specific model. Usually pipes of 16-20 mm are used. Be sure to use sealant. It is important not only to tighten the thread well, but also not to overtighten it, so as not to damage the gasket.

  1. Check valve, which you installed before the water enters the boiler, has a hole from which water will drip. Install a special dripper or siphon so that the water flows in the desired direction.
  2. The electrical part consists of properly grounding the electrical appliance and connecting it to electricity.
  3. Before turning on the water heater, fill it with water. Only after this can you start using hot water in the kitchen.

Installation is complete

Pressure instantaneous water heater

An instantaneous pressure water heater that is mounted on a wall is not so easy to install. First of all, this is due to increased safety requirements. It's no joke, an electrical appliance with a power of 6-7 kW, from which water flows so easily. Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. The connection process can be described step by step like this:

  1. Evaluate your electric meter. It should indicate the maximum current limit. To convert this value into power, multiply the number in Amperes by the network voltage - 220V. This way you will get the total power of electrical appliances that your meter can withstand. For example, for a 32 ampere meter it will be 7 kW. Don’t forget about other devices, which also consume a lot.

Power information must be indicated on the device

  1. Select a water heater based on these data. To connect the heater, you need to allocate a separate three-core (phase, neutral, ground) cable of sufficient cross-sectional area. Ideally, this should be done by an electrician. Connect the cable to the socket into which the device will be connected.
  2. Install the mounts on the wall; they may come with the heater, but most often they need to be purchased separately.
  3. Next comes connecting the device to the water supply. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to achieve complete sealing so that all connections are completely dry. Connect cold water to the “input” of the water heater. Connect the “output” to the mixer.

  1. Install an additional shut-off valve (valve) in front of the water heater so that you can shut off the water supply.

Top 5 most popular water heaters for the kitchen

It is very difficult to understand the variety of offers on the water heater market. My eyes are wide open from the assortment. But from experience and positive feedback Many buyers can identify the top five kitchen heaters that combine high quality and reasonable price.

FerroliHotDog HD 5.5

The Italian concern Ferroli has long been known in European market. FerroliHotDog HD 5.5 boiler is in use in great demand among buyers. This is a water heater accumulative type, but in appearance it is not at all similar to its bulky counterparts. Ferroli is equipped with a tank capacity of only 5.5 liters. It looks very neat, because its dimensions are simply miniature: 225*280*380 mm.

Its stylish design also attracts buyers. The shape of the boiler resembles an egg. There are bright blue inserts. The body is made of cold rolled steel. Switching on and off is done by simply pressing a button. The LED on the housing will indicate whether the device is turned on. It must be installed on the wall, it does not matter whether it is above or below the level of the tap.

Inner surface The tank is coated with special enamel to protect and extend service life. To prevent the tank from becoming unusable due to corrosion, a magnesium anode is placed inside, which, thanks to its electrochemical potential, absorbs all the negative manifestations of galvanic couple corrosion that occurs inside the boiler tank.

To ensure that the water in the heater maintains its temperature longer, the internal tank is protected with polyurethane foam insulation. This material retains heat very well, which is not only convenient, but also economical. The heating element used in the production of FerroliHotDog HD 5.5 is made of steel. Power – 800 W. It takes an average of 23 minutes to fully heat up the boiler, and working temperature, which this instantaneous water heater for the kitchen can easily cope with is 75 0.

The cost of such a compact but very practical unit ranges around $75.

The Swedish brand ELECTROLUX offers customers a good option for the ELECTROLUX Smartfix 2.0 6.5 TS non-pressure water heater. Having more than modest dimensions, this heater copes well with its function, which is why it has earned such popularity. Dimensions of the device are 270*135*100 mm, weight – 1.3 kg. Such lightweight design can be installed on any wall. Communications supply to the ELECTROLUX water heater is carried out from below.

The design of the device is minimalist. The traditional color is white. The set includes several accessories: a faucet and a shower. This means that the boiler can be installed both in the kitchen for washing dishes and in the bathroom for taking a shower. Control – hydraulic. The device automatically turns on when water starts flowing through it.

The rated power of the water heater is 6.5 kW. This is a fairly large indicator; ELECTROLUX Smartfix 2.0 6.5 TS should not be plugged into a regular outlet for fire safety reasons. For even greater safety, manufacturers have equipped the device with overheat protection.

The productivity that this model from ELECTROLUX boasts is 3.7 l/min. This is enough for quite comfortable washing of dishes. You can buy ELECTROLUX Smartfix 2.0 6.5 TS for $70.

Instantaneous electric water heaters for kitchens made in Israel AtmorIn-Line can be built-in and do not damage the appearance kitchens. Compact device white with an elegant design and the company logo - this “baby” is one of the leaders among kitchen boilers. 185*300*110 mm – these are the dimensions of this water heater.

The power of the heating element is 5 kW. The minimum operating pressure is 0.6 bar, the maximum permissible is 5 bar. The performance of a flow-through boiler depends on the time of year. Since the water in the tap water is much warmer in summer than in winter, average performance also has different meanings. In winter you can count on 3 liters of hot water per minute at medium pressure, in summer - up to 4.

A sensor is installed to protect against “dry start”. The heater does not turn on until the water pressure reaches 0.6 bar. There is also an automatic shutdown system in case of possible overheating. The price for AtmorIn-Line 5 kW is from $115.

Heated tap from Delimano

The Delimano brand is now popular. Kitchen water heater with faucet is one of its most popular products. First of all, the revolutionary design is striking. The heater looks like a simple mixer. The built-in heating element provides instant water heating. The body is made of plastic and metal.

Stylish modern design is one of the main advantages of this heater. You can control it using a lever on the body, adjusting the water pressure and temperature. The size of the device is 125*70 mm, the weight is a little more than 700 g. The device is simply plugged into an outlet and connected to the water supply in the same way as a regular mixer.

Water heater power – 3 kW. It sounds more than pleasant, because the manufacturer claims that this miracle device spends no more than five seconds to heat water. Working pressure - from 0.4 to 6 bar. The first indicator has great importance for economical consumers of electricity and water. Such a low value of the minimum operating pressure allows you to use hot water, barely opening the valve.

For such an instant water heater you will have to pay about $65.

Another storage water heater that will fit even on small kitchen— TesyBiLightCompact GCU 1015 L52 RC. This is a 10 liter boiler. The dimensions of this model are 399*377*247 mm, the weight of the device is 6.6 kg. It is worth noting that it is incorrect to take into account the weight of an empty heater, since during operation it will almost always be filled with water. The weight of the water boiler is 16.6 kg.

The producers did their best with the design. The boiler looks very unusual: rounded in shape, several color options, with a thermostat and LED on the front panel. The body material is plastic, the internal tank is made of steel. The inner coating is protected by glass ceramic enamel.

The power of the TesyBiLightCompact GCU 1015 L52 RC water heater cannot be compared with flow models– only 1.5 kW. It heats its 10 liters to 75 degrees in just 23 minutes. The heating element here is ordinary, in contact with water. A magnesium anode is provided for protection. In addition, there is protection against overheating, freezing and overpressure.

average price in online stores – $63.

Video: Delimano instantaneous water heater test

Having considered all the types of kitchen water heaters, familiarizing yourself with their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, choosing the right model becomes easier. The choice of boiler is always up to the buyer, but it is better to entrust the installation to a professional. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises during operation.

Rating best water heaters for 2018 - 2019 will help you make the right choice. Our top 10 includes extremely popular and high-quality models, according to buyers. All presented water heaters have an optimal price-quality ratio. With such devices from the most reliable manufacturers, the water will always be warm!

10 Thermex Hit H10-U

Small, convenient and inexpensive - this is how the Thermex Hit H10-U water heater looks. This compact model has a 10-liter tank, the interior of which is made of bioglass porcelain. Thanks to this material, the tank is truly protected from rust. Increased antibacterial properties also have a beneficial effect on the condition of water. It should be noted that the installation is vertical, but with a top liner. The safety system consists of a safety valve and overheat protection. The model is suitable for those who want to have hot water in their country house or live alone.


  • Incredibly small dimensions of the device.
  • Instant water heating.
  • Easily installed under the sink.


  • Not the most reliable case.

9 Hyundai H-SWE1-50V-UI066

The Hyundai H-SWE1-50V-UI066 water heater has an exquisite rounded body shape. Snow White matte paint completely covers the steel tank. The advanced safety system consists of a thermostat, a thermal limiter, and a non-return and safety valve. Very high-quality thermal insulation is excellent, and the ECO mode will heat the water to the required temperature. At the same time, the tank holds 50 liters of water, which is enough for the everyday needs of the average family.


  • Really attractive design.
  • Economical option with optimal power.
  • Convenience during operation and installation.


8 Atlantic O'Pro Small PC 10 RB

Thanks to its unique corrosion protection, the Atlantic O'Pro Small PC 10 RB is an extremely reliable water heater. This allows you to significantly extend the service life of the device. This device heats water very quickly, as it has a small 10-liter tank. Moreover, its compact dimensions allow you to install the heater literally anywhere. Additional features worth noting are a thermometer and an indicator. There is a safety valve, mechanical control. This is a very good option for small spaces.


  • Compact dimensions of the heater.
  • Progressive corrosion protection.
  • Instant water heating.


  • Not the highest maximum heating temperature.

7 Thermex Champion ER 50V

The Thermex Champion ER 50V cylindrical water heater is equipped with a 50-liter tank, which is made of high-quality glass ceramics from the inside. That is why the tank does not leave traces of rust. If the tank is completely full, the water will heat up in literally 100 minutes. You can control the temperature using a thermometer attached to the body. Not only the pipe supply is carried out from below, but also the control of the apparatus. The low height allows the heater to be placed in areas with low ceilings or limited meters.


  • A simple and high-quality device.
  • Keeps heat inside the tank for a long time.
  • Great for toilets and bathrooms.


  • The kit does not include eyeliner or fasteners.

6 Oasis VC-80L

The rather practical Oasis VC-80L water heater has a large 80-liter tank and can also heat water up to 75 degrees. This volume allows you to provide the whole family with hot water so that you can wash yourself in peace. There is powerful protection against leaks, a thermometer and a useful power indicator. Vertical method installation makes it possible to place the device directly on the wall. The inside of the tank is coated with enamel to increase its durability.


  • Practical appearance.
  • Very large tank.
  • The water heats up really quickly.


  • Somewhat ordinary design.

5 Ariston ABS BLU R 80V

The storage water heater Ariston ABS BLU R 80V is distinguished by minimal heat loss. The device has a lower water supply, which is extremely convenient in everyday use. Hardened steel serves as the main material from which the tank is made. At the same time, the round-shaped body is reliably protected by an aluminum plate so that hot water does not lose temperature for a long time.

In just 3-4 hours you can reach maximum heating (75 degrees). With the help of a convenient mount, the device can be easily placed on the wall. Users will also be pleased with the spacious 80-liter tank. It is important to note that a special thermometer displays the water temperature.


  • Heats water quickly.
  • Attractive design and high reliability.
  • Sufficiently large tank volume.


  • Long periods of inactivity lead to corrosion.

4 Timberk SWH FSM3 50 V

The technologically advanced and very stylish water heater Timberk SWH FSM3 50 V features a durable steel body. The built-in 50 liter tank is made of stainless steel. The body also received special cover fastenings with missing connecting seams. This gives the design a special flavor.

The indicator light has several levels at once, showing different colors a certain heating temperature. Power Proof technology allows you to seriously save electricity by choosing required power. At the same time, the overflow system makes it possible to heat the water evenly. This device will fit perfectly into an expensive and solid interior.


  • Retains heat well, but cold outside.
  • High quality stainless steel.
  • Economical in terms of energy consumption.


  • Slightly soiled body.

3 Zanussi ZWH/S-50 Symphony

High quality water heater The Zanussi ZWH/S-50 Symphony has sophisticated mechanical controls at its disposal. Got the device cylindrical shape housing with an enameled internal tank of 50 liters. There is a safety valve, as well as multi-level protection against overheating and corrosion. The device is also protected from dry heating. In 2 hours the device will make the water really hot (75 degrees). It's pretty reliable model universal white color.


  • An easy-to-use heater.
  • Very reliable design.
  • Universal design solution.


  • The inner coating of the tank is not the most durable.

2 Gorenje OTG 80 SL B6

The Gorenje OTG 80 SL B6 storage water heater has an ergonomic shape and elegant design. The relatively small width of the device allows installation even in small rooms. The solid 80-liter tank is made of the strongest steel sheet. With the help of frost protection, the device will never fail due to severe subzero temperatures. The model features effective thermal insulation, as well as protection against water leaks and corrosion. The heater is perfectly suited for home use.


  • An extremely reliable model.
  • Practical and elegant design.
  • Lightning-fast heating compared to competitors.


  • The set does not include a hose for draining water.

1 Electrolux EWH 50 Royal Silver

Silver white color Electrolux EWH 50 Royal Silver water heater looks great in a country house or an ordinary apartment. Modern design It is successfully combined with the possibility of vertical installation, which is really convenient in many cases.

The internal 50-liter tank is made of unique durable stainless steel. Moreover, the body itself is made of special plastic. Thoughtful thermal insulation here is complemented by an economical mode with water heating up to 55 degrees. It is necessary to highlight convenient control, as well as the versatility of the device. There is an accelerated heating function, a thermometer and an informative display.


  • Very beautiful appearance.
  • Minimum dimensions with a substantial tank volume.
  • The water heats up as quickly as possible.


  • There may be problems with tank leakage.

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