Long-burning wood-burning boilers are in demand among summer residents and owners of cottages intended for year-round use. Before installation, you should understand the features, pros and cons of this type heating a private house.

Long-term combustion boilers using wood do not require frequent maintenance, and the cost of each 1 kW/h. thermal energy is several times lower than when using liquid fuel or gas units.

A solid fuel wood boiler is well suited for homeowners who have the opportunity to purchase good quality firewood

In general, the operating mechanism is based on long-term smoldering of fuel due to limited air supply - as a result, the fuel lasts approximately 80% longer than during operation solid fuel boiler the so-called classical type.

Pros and cons of wood-burning boilers for long-burning fuel


  • no need for frequent refueling - depending on the chosen model, you need to add firewood into the combustion chamber from once every 3-4 hours and up to 12 hours;
  • possibility of application various types fuels and their combinations;
  • In most cases, the boiler operates autonomously and does not require connection to other communications;
  • relative cheapness of fuel.

Solid fuel boiler in a private house


  • the cost is higher than classic boilers;
  • due to the low calorific value of firewood, the efficiency is from 70 to 89%;
  • There is no mechanism for regulating the temperature regime.

Also important disadvantage is the impossibility of work heating equipment without human intervention

Advice. Mainly purchased for dachas and private cottages wood boilers not with combustion chambers large sizes. Promote Heating efficiency possible by increasing combustion chamber, but at the same time the dimensions of the boiler itself will increase.

Varieties by mechanism of action

  • Heating unit with extended firebox
    The simplest and most common type wood heating. The main difference from standard solid fuel units is their elongated shape with an elongated firebox. Directly into the combustion chamber after ignition, air is supplied in a dosed manner, due to which the operating time on each load of firewood is significantly increased (up to 6–8 hours).

Solid fuel boiler with extended firebox

  • Top burning model
    Unlike standard wood-fired boilers, which are ignited from below, in the chambers of top-combustion boilers, fuel is burned under the influence of a burner moving from above and slowly descending down.
  • Pyrolysis boiler
    The gas generator or pyrolysis unit has a more complex operating principle and design compared to the two previous models, due to which it can operate continuously for up to 12 hours on each fuel fill. In the combustion chamber, the wood does not burn in it, but smolders very slowly, in turn releasing gas. It is discharged into the lower chamber compartment, where it is burned under the forced supply of oxygen, releasing additional heat.

Top combustion solid fuel boiler

The most popular units for private properties

Different models of wood boilers differ from each other:

  1. dimensions of combustion chambers;
  2. type of construction;
  3. material of manufacture.

The heat exchanger is often made of steel or cast iron. At the same time, cast iron will last longer than steel, it takes a long time to cool down, but can collapse under sudden temperature changes. Steel is heat-resistant, but can be subject to corrosion and will last on average about 10–15 years.

For country heating Most often, simple single-circuit models are installed; for houses with year-round occupancy, it is rational to install a double-circuit boiler. In the latter case, one circuit will provide heating, while the second will provide hot water supply.

Diagram: device of a pyrolysis boiler

Each individual unit has its own special technical specifications, averaged data:

  • power about 100 kW;
  • coolant temperature at the outlet is 80 degrees, at the return - at least 50 degrees;
  • working pressure on average 1 atm.;
  • boiler weight up to 400 kg;
  • Duration of operation on one load of fuel is 10-12 hours.

Operation of a pyrolysis boiler

Attention! When buying a heating boiler that runs on wood, you need to take into account that most units were originally designed to burn brown or hard coal. In their technical passports The power and burning time of one bookmark are indicated based on work on coal. Therefore, it is necessary to separately calculate the power and combustion time of the fuel if the heat generator runs on wood.

How to properly organize heating

In private cottages intended for year-round use, long-burning boilers equipped with heat exchangers are embedded in the heating system. The coolant carries thermal energy, obtained by burning wood, to radiators.

Attention! If in autonomous system used circulation pump, it is necessary to make sure that the boiler heat exchanger can withstand the operating pressure of the entire system.

IN small dachas for 1-2 rooms there is no need for a heating system autonomous type, it is more rational to use a convector oven of the “Buleryan” type. For models operating on the convection principle, the walls of the fireboxes consist of open metal tubes that are welded to each other in a vertical position.

House heating system using a solid fuel boiler

During the combustion of wood, heated air rises through the tubes due to the action of convection, and cold air comes in its place.

Fuel selection

You can place a long-burning wood-burning boiler both in the house and in an equipped boiler room or in a small separate extension to a private cottage. In this case, it will be necessary to allocate a separate place for fuel: wood, coal, peat, etc.

The most popular type of fuel is often waste from the wood processing industry. But this type fuel is low-calorie, so it is required high consumption.

Wood is the most popular type of fuel for a home boiler room

The choice and degree of moisture content of the raw material will directly determine its calorific value. The fuel with the highest productivity is dry firewood, the quality of which should ideally be the same high from purchase to purchase. Maximum length fuel - 40 cm.

Important installation features

The weight of wood-burning boilers reaches several hundred kilograms, so before installation you need to make sure that the floors can withstand the load. For durable floors cast iron will do product, in other cases it is worth considering the option of purchasing a steel boiler, which will weigh several times less.

At the place where the unit is planned to be installed, a concrete pad is usually installed (its thickness varies from 100 to 150 mm).

For the smooth operation of the boiler, its correct installation is very important.

IN non-volatile boilers so-called mechanical thermostats are used. If the model has a fan designed for forced air supply, as well as an electronic control system, then a power supply will be required.

It is important to take into account that during power outages, operation will be very difficult.


Long burning boilers deserve special attention when choosing heating equipment for private houses and cottages. The most effective are pyrolysis units that have the most high efficiency 97% and long term work without refueling.

Placing a solid fuel boiler

Before purchasing, you should also decide on the material of manufacture, the required volume of the firebox, prepare the boiler room or equip a place for the boiler in the house. Separately, you should take care of choosing high-quality fuel - dry firewood must be prepared in advance, and a separate place is allocated for its storage.

How a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler works: video

Long burning boiler: photo

The high cost of hydrocarbons is increasingly forcing owners of private houses to pay attention to boiler systems that run on solid fuel. The widest range products allows you to choose equipment that is not inferior in its characteristics to gas and electric heating boilers.

But how not to get confused in such diversity? What criteria should you focus on when choosing a solid fuel? How to choose the best solid fuel boiler for heating your home? These and other questions can be answered in this publication.

Classification of boiler equipment

All solid fuel installations can be classified according to the following criteria:

  1. According to the material from which they are made. There are steel and cast iron solid fuel tanks.
  2. Based on the principle of fuel combustion. There are direct and pyrolysis combustion devices.
  3. According to the interval between loading the fuel chamber. This classification is quite arbitrary and depends on the type of fuel and the method of its combustion (top, bottom). There are classic loading boilers and long-lasting boilers.

In addition, most homeowners pay attention to the cost of the device, its autonomy, security system, efficiency, brand and other points. But, the main factor in choosing boiler equipment is the type of fuel used. Only by analyzing the totality of all positions can you answer the question about the best solid propellant with a sufficient degree of confidence.

Our specialists decided to simplify the task for potential owners of this equipment and compiled a rating of solid fuel boilers based on personal experience, popularity among our compatriots and reviews from real owners.

The best wood heating boiler

This model can heat rooms up to 200m2. Can work in gravity systems and in circuits with forced circulation coolant. Multi-fuel boiler: can operate on coke, coal and wood without conversion. Equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger. Power varies from 10 to 20 kW depending on the type of fuel. Single-circuit (heating only). Heat exchanger volume 27 l. Nominal firewood consumption is 4 kg/h. Efficiency – 80%. Average cost 80 thousand rubles. User rating: 9.8 out of 10.

Flaws: heavy weight and a short interval between downloads.

Best long lasting boiler system

Based on the number of sales for 2016 and independent rating, the Stropuva S10 model (Lithuania) was recognized as the best long-burning solid fuel boiler.

This model is designed for heating household and industrial premises, area up to 100 m2. Structurally, the boiler consists of two steel cylinders inserted into each other, between which coolant circulates. The top combustion model does not require an electrical connection. Efficiency 86%. The interval between fuel loadings is from 31 to 72 hours. Rated power 20 kW. Coolant volume 34 l. The volume of the combustion chamber is 200 dm 3. Cost 90 thousand rubles. The long-burning solid fuel boiler rating is based on user ratings: 9.7 out of 10.

Disadvantages: high cost, inability to reload during operation.

Solid fuel boilers, developed for the heating system of a private house, are very effective solution V certain conditions. Electric heating associated with at great expense if it is necessary to heat a large area, gas devices in this regard, they are more economical, but it is not always possible to provide the house with adequate fuel. Wood, coal and other similar materials are used as fuel for solid fuel boilers.

There is a wide selection of models of such units on the market today. various kinds: long burning, pellet, traditional, pyrolysis and so on. Do right choice in such conditions it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. We tried to make this task as easy as possible for you and compiled a rating of the top 10 best boilers. When compiling it, it was analyzed large number similar devices, we were based on reviews from users and experts, and compared the price-quality ratio.

Ten best models of solid fuel boilers

10+. ZOTA Pellet 100A

This is a pellet type boiler, which is characterized high level automation of the process, when the device is capable of functioning for several days without additional refueling with flammable materials. The design includes a screw fuel supply and an inflatable fan; it is perfect for harsh Russian conditions. climatic conditions. The maximum power of the equipment is 100 kW, the volume of the fuel bunker is 606 liters. Thanks to the screw feed, absolute protection against overheating is ensured, and it also prevents flame from penetrating into the fuel storage bunker.

The built-in thermostat sends the device into standby mode when the required temperature is reached. The boiler is connected to electrical network, from which all automation functions, it has automatic ignition. The main parameters are adjusted using the buttons located on the device body. Automation allows you to keep daily fuel consumption under full control, making the boiler’s operation more efficient and economical. Additionally, you can install a GSM module that allows you to remotely regulate the temperature in the system. The unit is able to heat a building with an area of ​​up to 800 square meters.



  • The need to connect to the electrical network;
  • Considerable weight of the device.

10. ACV TKAN 100

A fully automated device that uses coal, wood chips, firewood, etc. as fuel. It is characterized by a high efficiency - about 93%, fuel consumption is low - from 8 kg per hour when the boiler is set to maximum performance parameters. The boiler is absolutely safe during operation thanks to its fully sealed combustion chamber and forced air supply. The fuel supply mechanism is equipped with a fire damper.

The convective part is equipped pneumatic system cleaning, for the convenience of using solid fuel there are special grates. The maximum heated area is 300 square meters. m. The highest pressure in the heating system is 3 bar. The device is equipped with automatic equipment, powered by electricity, so the boiler needs to be connected to the network, the burner ignites independently. Basic settings are set using a special remote control located on the unit body.


  • Not the largest mass of the product;
  • High rated power and efficiency;
  • Availability electronic automation, providing safe work and compliance with all set regimes;
  • Fuel is supplied using a screw mechanism.


  • Great price.

9. ZOTA Topol M 20

The boiler is different high reliability and very attractive design solution. Fuel loading is vertical, a draft regulator is provided automatic type, there is a gas burner connected directly to a household gas pipeline or to a cylinder, there is a reliable heating element.

The maximum heated area is 150 square meters with a ceiling height of 3 meters. In the heating system highest pressure is 3 atmospheres, its volume is designed for 54 liters. The housing has good thermal insulation. Under the decorative casing there is a water jacket that prevents the boiler from overheating; it is additionally covered with basalt cardboard, due to which heat loss is minimal. Fire door equipped with a lock, one load of fuel burns out within about 12 hours. The boiler must be connected to a natural chimney, since its design does not include a fan.


  • The burner is economical, due to which fuel consumption is reduced, and thermal power increases;
  • Autonomous control;
  • Possibility to use several types of solid fuel;
  • Significant efficiency indicators - over 90%;
  • Reliable assembly;


  • Heavy weight.

8. Wirbel BIO-TEC 35

This is a pyrolysis type device, its power range is from 18 to 80 kW. The boiler is designed to burn wood or waste wood production. It is well suited for small or medium-sized spaces. Pyrolysis type technology ensures complete combustion of fuel. The chamber is quite spacious - firewood up to half a meter long can fit there. One load burns completely within five hours at the standard power of the device; during the economy mode, it can burn throughout the day.

The unit retains heat for about 12 hours, during which there is no need to re-ignite it. All functions of the equipment are controlled by a special regulator. The boiler is connected to the heating system of the house through a thermostatic three-way valve and a storage tank. When loading, make sure that the fuel is dry - it should contain no more than 25% moisture. There is practically no combustion waste in the boiler, due to which it does not need frequent cleaning - with maximum load it needs to be cleaned on average once a week. Flue gases are also subjected to combustion, which ensures a high efficiency of the equipment (about 92%) and good environmental performance. Boilers are completely safe when used correctly.


  • High power level;
  • Both the fuel itself and the exhaust gases are burned;
  • The device is equipped with a control panel;
  • All processes occur fully automatically.


  • If the remote control breaks, the user is deprived of the ability to control processes;
  • Expensive equipment.

7. Wattek PYROTEK 36

This boiler provides long-lasting combustion in the firebox and is capable of for a long time maintain in the house comfortable temperature. When fully loaded, fuel combustion occurs within 12 hours. The thickness of the firebox walls is 5 mm, the heat exchanger is made of copper, and scale does not form in it. The boiler dampers do not require initial adjustment. The boiler's automation is electric, has a significant number of functions, and has a number of operating modes - standard, summer, hot water supply, priority of hot water supply.

On the control panel you can program the temperature for turning the pump on and off. With its help, weekly programming of the boiler operation is also carried out. The remote control menu is completely Russified. The boiler operates using pyrolysis technology; to remove combustion products, there is a 10-speed fan, the operation of which is adjusted automatically. The unit is made in strict accordance with all existing quality standards.


  • All modes and temperature indicators are adjusted automatically;
  • To ensure additional security the boiler is equipped with emergency, boiler and boiler sensors;
  • Ordinary firewood in the firebox burns within 12 hours, when using briquettes this indicator increases to 15-17 hours;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Possibility of using the boiler to create a hot water supply system.


  • High cost of maintenance, repairs and spare parts.


This boiler can be used not only for residential, but also for industrial or agricultural premises. It can be used either as primary or additional heating equipment. The main rule is that it must be located in a room equipped natural system ventilation. For higher efficiency, the device is equipped with a flue gas combustion system.

The design has heating element and reliable system traction adjustments. The main function of the heating element is to maintain the water temperature to prevent defrosting heating system. The unit operates on the basis natural circulation water due to the temperature difference, however, the pipes will need to be positioned in such a way that the coolant can pass through the system on its own. If it cannot be ensured, then you will have to additionally install a circulation pump and expansion tank having direct contact with atmospheric air. The maximum pressure at which this boiler can operate is 5 bar. The unit is designed for an area of ​​up to 120 square meters.


  • Easy to install;
  • Reliable build quality;
  • Possibility of using any solid fuel.


  • The position of the damper must be adjusted manually to prevent excessive fuel consumption;
  • Rapid fuel burnout.

5. Lemax Forward-16

It is a fairly simple device with nothing superfluous. The design is very reliable, does not require maintenance, and has a reasonable price. The body is made of decorative metal panels. Behind it lies a layer of thermal insulation, under which there is a housing made of low-carbon steel 4 mm thick. The fuel chamber is large and is protected from overheating by a water jacket.

To increase the strength of the equipment, the heat exchanger is reinforced with a channel, making the likelihood of rupture low. At the bottom of the device there is a heat-resistant grate, under it there is a box for slag and ash. It can be removed through the door on the front panel; it also acts as a damper that regulates the amount of air entering the combustion chamber from the room. The pipes through which the supply and return line heating system, located on the rear panel. There is also a chimney pipe with a damper that regulates draft. The boiler can operate on wood or brown coal; for convenience, there is a top fuel loading system.


  • Possibility of using any type of solid fuel - coal, coke, firewood, and so on;
  • Small overall dimensions, no need for constant maintenance;
  • Low cost.


  • Low efficiency;
  • The need to regularly load fuel, as it burns out quite quickly.

4. NMK Magnum KDG 20 TE

The first device in our ranking of the best solid fuel boilers, equipped with a long-burning system. It is perfect for heating a home or production premises, the area of ​​which is about 150 square meters.

This unit Russian production, designed specifically for harsh domestic climatic conditions. Coal is used exclusively as fuel - it can burn out within four to five days, the efficiency of this equipment is about 80%. The housing is reliable, the unit does not require additional maintenance. The fuel combustion control system is quite simple, but at the same time it is very reliable - it almost never fails.


  • Favorable cost;
  • Excellent workmanship;
  • There is a heating control system.


  • The air damper must be in a certain position, which is not very easy to set.

3. Teplodar Kupper OK 15

In the top solid fuel boilers, this unit is in an honorable third place, largely due to the long burning of the fuel. So, on one stack of firewood, the equipment can work for about 30 hours, briquettes burn out in two days, coal about 5 days. Perfect for residential, warehouse and even industrial premises, the area of ​​which does not exceed 150 square meters.

Both water and antifreeze can be used as a coolant; any fuel can be used. solid fuel– briquettes, firewood, coal. When installing additional elements the boiler will operate on electricity or gas. The heat exchanger is made of 12 tubes, which ensures high efficiency of the device. The door is sealed, due to which smoke will not pass into the room, and the fuel will burn much longer due to poor access of oxygen to the firebox - it is made on the basis of the state standard GOST 9817-95.


  • High build quality of the device;
  • Economical operation with significant efficiency;
  • Excellent value for money.


  • Significant mass, which makes it difficult to move the boiler from one place to another.

Heats rooms of 150 - 400 sq.m. Ideal option for a private home, cottage, car service center, as well as car wash.

On one load of 300 liters it can work for up to 7 days. Operating power: 15−45 kW (adjustable using automation). Peak power: 90 kW


  • Serial production;
  • Made of Russian steel 5 mm grade 09G2S produced by MMK;
  • The hatch for cleaning the heat exchanger can be located either on the left or on the right;
  • All stages of production are controlled;
  • Insured liability to the consumer in ROSGOSSTRAKH in the amount of 10 million rubles;
  • Patented production technology;
  • Availability of documentation confirming fire safety, reliability in use.


  • Weight and dimensions, but this makes the boiler reliable, with good one-time loading;
  • The presence of condensate may seem like a minus, but this is an indicator of the high efficiency of the boiler, and there is effective ways its reduction;
  • Energy dependence. Undoubtedly a minus, but easily corrected, when solving it the house always becomes warm, regardless of whether there is electricity or not.

You can buy Nedelka boilers here.

1. Buderus Logano G221-25

Uses any solid fuel - for loading it there is a spacious combustion chamber and a convenient loading door. It is possible to adjust the temperature of the coolant. The boiler is very convenient for systems with a natural water circulation system, but it can be used in structures equipped with a circulation pump.

The maximum power of the unit is 25 kW, the largest heated area is about 250 square meters. The boiler is used as the main or backup source of heat supply. The heat exchanger is made of cast iron, average term Its service life is about 30 years, thanks to which the coolant can be heated to a temperature of 90 degrees. The efficiency of the device is 78%, it is completely energy independent. We can say with confidence that this is the best solid fuel boiler for a private home.


  • Large firebox volume, where you can place firewood up to 68 cm in size;
  • Attractive appearance and high-quality assembly;
  • Good energy efficiency;
  • Easy to install, operate and maintain.


  • Great price.

In conclusion, the video: how to choose a solid fuel boiler for a private home?

Do you think that when building a house, the owner thinks about what is the best solid fuel boiler, which one is better to choose for heating his home? It seems to me that after he has decided on the fuel, choosing a solid fuel boiler for him is the second most important issue.

It turns out that it is possible. After all, choosing a solid fuel boiler is a subjective thing. When a person chooses boiler equipment for himself, he does not need to convince anyone that he is right or provide compelling arguments in favor of this or that heat generator. He buys and that's it.

Takes the parameters he needs, for example:

  • Availability of the specified type of fuel in its region.
  • Budget for the purchase of a heat generator.
  • Possibility of DIY installation.
  • Warranty period from the manufacturer.
  • Possibility to install a TT boiler without preliminary preparation into the boiler room.

A person compares ALL boilers and all types of fuel using these indicators. And it doesn’t matter to him that supposedly the pelletizer cannot be compared with each other. Oh, he's just comparing.

So why then ratings and correct comparisons of heat generator heat generators only within one type of fuel? And so that it would be. So that a person can receive not only subjective information from forums and reviews in the form of “good - bad”, but also be able to compare specific numbers for different heating equipment.

Valentin Zyablik, Novosibirsk, 2014.

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The heating system is one of the integral communications of the building. And here progress also does not stand still: every year manufacturers delight with new units. To make a good choice, it is necessary to take into account that each solid fuel boiler is designed for a certain power and, accordingly, may have a limitation on the size of the heating area. The efficiency of the device and the type of control also matter; for example, the presence of an automatic ignition function will significantly simplify operation.

We have compiled a rating of the most the best new products 2018 - 2019. According to buyers, these particular solid fuel boilers have the best price-quality ratio, ease of operation and attractive appearance. They are the most in demand and have already proven themselves worthy. So, let's look at our top 10.

10 Teplodar Cupper PRO 22

Combination boiler for medium-sized areas - up to 200 sq.m. This model is from domestic manufacturer opens our rating of the best boilers of 2018 - 2019. It is possible to install a burner (also not included in the package). Has high heat transfer. The coolant temperature is from 50 to 90 degrees. The product lights up quickly and maintains a good temperature for a long time.


  • There is a built-in heating element with a power of 9 kW.
  • Wide range of fuels - from solid fuels to gas.


  • Pellet or gas burner you need to purchase it yourself.
  • Small hole for storing firewood.

9 ZOTA Topol M 20

Budget option with good power - an excellent choice for a small private house or cottage. The manufacturer recommends using firewood and charcoal. Removable flap provides easy cleaning coolant.


  • Has a heating element to maintain high temperature.
  • Nice price for a domestic product.
  • The three-pass flue increases the efficiency of the boiler.


  • Not the best efficiency - 70%.
  • Strong traction requires some getting used to in operation.

8 Roda Brenner Classic BCR-03

A boiler in which it is possible combined heating- not only wood species or anthracite, but also gas, coke, diesel. Universal option - good idea for those who do not know which heating to choose. Mechanical control minimizes the likelihood of breakdown and also makes operation of the boiler simple and straightforward.


  • Large window for storing fuel.
  • High-quality thermal insulation of the product - the risk of burns is minimal.
  • Two modes of air supply - using a regulator and manually.
  • Easy to operate and maintain.


  • The boiler is a combination boiler, but the burner must be purchased separately.
  • For heating in the off-season, you need to purchase a buffer tank.

7 Bosch Solid 2000 B SFU 12

Another model with mechanical control. The manufacturer recommends heating with coal, but also allows the use of coal briquettes, firewood, and coke. The brand itself is one of the best manufacturers such equipment speaks about the quality of the product: it will not cause problems in operation.


  • The modernized firebox allows you to regulate the air supply.
  • Copes well with heating areas up to 560 sq.m.
  • Can be used as the main boiler and in one system with a gas boiler.


  • The boiler has a small loading chamber.
  • In Czech-made products, the build quality is sometimes poor.

6 Burzhuy-K STANDARD-20

A stylish solid fuel pyrolysis boiler will be appreciated by those for whom practicality and functionality are as important as aesthetics. The heat exchanger is made of high-strength steel and has a built-in thermometer and pressure gauge. The Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20 boiler is also equipped with a draft regulator, which allows you to change the rate of fuel combustion, and therefore its consumption, as well as the intensity of heating of the premises. Good option for those who are at home mainly in the evenings and at night. The manufacturer recommends heating this boiler with coal or wood.


  • Can heat an area of ​​up to 220 sq.m.
  • Pyrolysis provides heat with low fuel consumption.
  • Little ash is generated and does not require frequent cleaning.


  • In some products, the firebox doors do not fit tightly.
  • It is better not to use birch firewood for ignition - at temperatures up to 60 degrees, the pipe can become clogged with tar.

5 Protherm Beaver 20 DLO

Classic single-circuit solid fuel boiler with a power of 19 kW. Recommended fuel is wood or coal. The body is made of cast iron - this material retains and transfers heat for a long time. The device is equipped with reliable mechanical control. This is a laconic, reliable model.


  • High product efficiency - 90.2%.
  • Easy to install - floor installation.
  • Non-volatile - a power outage does not affect performance.
  • Possibility to combine with electric and gas boilers.


  • Manual ignition is not as convenient as automatic ignition.
  • Low thermal conductivity - it takes time to warm up.

4 Stropuva Mini S8

Solid fuel single-circuit boiler designed for heating small rooms- up to 80 sq.m. Independent of electricity or other communications - great solution for a house in the village. But also in the city for small house this boiler is very good option, because it retains heat for up to 20 hours. The product also has a high efficiency of 85%.


  • Sold in assembled form- ready for installation immediately.
  • Has low fuel consumption.
  • Retains heat for a really long time.
  • Compact - does not take up a large area.


  • The window for loading briquettes, coal and firewood is located low - skill is required.
  • The unit is quite heavy and requires help to move it.

3 Viadrus Hercules U22 D-4

A combined boiler that confidently took 3rd place in our TOP 10, which can operate on solid fuel, gas or diesel. The manufacturer recommends firewood, but coke, coal, gas, waste oil are also perfectly used by this boiler for heat production. Durable cast iron and reliable connecting elements do this device good choice for active use.


  • Retains heat for a long time.
  • You can choose the number of sections.


  • The burner is not supplied.

2 Buderus Logano G221-20

Solid fuel boiler with open camera combustion chamber is made of durable, durable cast iron. German manufacturer Buderus recommends using not only wood and coal for heating, but also coke - this allows you to choose the most convenient option for yourself. Boiler Logano G221-20 - purchase at for many years. He'd rather get bored than break.


  • Installation of the unit is simple and does not require welding.
  • A thoroughly thought-out design ensures the durability of the product.
  • Large loading door - convenient to use large logs.


  • The price is not high for such a product, but there are cheaper options.

1 ZOTA Pellet 25A

Single-circuit boiler, the leader in our rating of the best solid fuel boilers of 2018 - 2019, designed for heating medium and large areas- up to 250 sq.m. Experienced users will immediately appreciate the features of this boiler - it requires a minimum of physical presence, since it is equipped with a function automatic feeding fuel, as well as automated system control, the ability to connect external control and heated floors.

The ZOTA Pellet 25A boiler is equipped with a sensor outside temperature, which allows you to timely regulate the temperature inside the room. Recommended fuel is firewood, briquettes and pellets.


  • Equipped with a hopper for automatic fuel supply.
  • Has protection against overheating.
  • The control panel is equipped with numerous sensors.


  • Price - you have to pay for comfort.
  • Pellet heating consumes a lot of fuel.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):