
What are the principles for choosing fittings for plastic windows?

In our analysis we will proceed from the following premises:

1. In reality, fittings from the most prestigious and reputable brands differ in cost from fittings from “second-tier” brands (Turkish, Chinese with German brand names, etc.) by 300-400 rubles. This is the cost of that bottle of vodka, which you will have to give to a master every six months so that he can “correct” your windows.

Moreover, this difference is constantly decreasing. Price work force in Asian countries is growing, in terms of energy consumption and hardware and administrative costs they are already ahead of the West.

Conclusion: saving on accessories is stupid. As the British say, “...we are not rich enough to buy cheap things.” We put the price criterion in last place in importance.

Window fittings production line in Turkey

2. You should be at least a little familiar with the production culture of certain companies. It is no secret that many Western companies in the 90s, in pursuit of profit, began to move their production to other countries, incl. in Russia.

Despite the assurances that the branches will be certified at the parent enterprises, and that Western specialists will control the technical processes, this is hard to believe.

Please note: accessories famous brands products reaching the domestic consumer are, in fact, produced in domestic sources, and the quality is even worse than Turkish or Chinese products. Moreover, based on documents, price or appearance, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from one made in Germany or Austria. The difference is revealed later, during the operation stage.

Conclusion: you need to buy accessories from those manufacturers about whom it is known for certain that they did not export their production to other countries. Or at least those who were actually able to establish quality control of their products in Russia, China, etc.

3. It is naive to assume that hardware products from leading German and Austrian manufacturers differ greatly in quality from each other. It cannot be that two enterprises operate in neighboring cities, sell their products in the same market and at the same time do not exchange experience or copy what a competitor offers.

Conclusion: The consumer’s choice can only be influenced by nuances determined by the traditions of the hardware manufacturer, its experience in a particular market, and other seemingly minor points.

The basis is a full set of functions expected from a tilt-and-turn window, beautiful appearance, durability, ease of adjustment and operation - this is inherent in the products of all leading manufacturers.

It is these nuances that we will pay attention to.

Accessories for Rublyovka

Fittings made in Germany Siegenia-Aubi

The Russian luxury buyer rarely lives in apartment building. As a rule - in a cottage. Experts recommend for arranging windows in a prestigious house.

Main argument: high flexibility this system: it can be equipped with the window itself complex shape: triangular, oval, etc. It’s no secret that cottages are often built according to individual and sometimes very bizarre designs.

Other advantages of this fittings: it is produced exclusively in Germany; its quality is impeccable. Durable, although it requires service(lubricants) approximately once every six months. But I think this is not a problem for the owner of the cottage.

Many parts for the left and right wings are interchangeable - it will be more difficult for installers to blame their problems on the fact that “now there is no such thing in the warehouse, we will come and change it later, but for now we will put this one in.” Yes and scheduled repairs it will pass painlessly.

Siegenia-Aubi fittings are ideal for luxury developments

For those who are concerned about security, Siegenia-Aubi is among the most difficult fittings to crack: its “defensive” elements can withstand a record load of 1.5 tons (usually this figure does not exceed 600 kg).

And for those who are afraid of drafts, we can inform you that the design has seven pressure points on the sash to the frame instead of the standard five.

In terms of price, Siegenia-Aubi is in upper segment, but, let's just say, this is not the most expensive fittings on Russian market. There are also more expensive ones, and in domestic prices, quality and price exist as if in different dimensions, without touching each other.

Summary: Siegenia-Aubi is No. 1 for wealthy Russians who want to equip the windows of their cottage with good fittings.

For the normal elite

Austrian fittings MACO INVISIBLE

But our wealthy compatriot spends the second half of his day in his prestigious office. And he can live not in a cottage, but in an elite high-rise building - a settlement, as they now say.

Without at all detracting from the merits of Siegenia-Aubi, experts often recommend for such options (prestigious office, settlement).

Cause: big set various kinds options that will ensure a comfortable stay in a room with windows equipped with such fittings.

Its advantages:

  • Easy close function
  • Up to six degrees of burglary protection
  • Final wax coating of parts providing increased anti-corrosion resistance
  • Presentable appearance
  • All kinds of limiters, protection against impact on the jamb, micro-lifting of the sash when closing, multi-position designs for ventilation

Experts point out only one major drawback of MACO fittings: some complexity self-adjustment compared to German models. But, obviously, for an office, the durability of equipment is more important than if everyone who is not too lazy to climb on any occasion to “debug” a complex design that is very sensitive to inept intervention.

All MACO fittings are produced at two factories in Austria.

Summary: MASO fittings - No. 1 for office premises, prestigious apartment housing. In terms of price characteristics, it occupies one of the first positions. But she's worth it!

For the middle class

Winkhaus fittings - German brand

What should a city dweller do? mediocre, let's say, a qualified worker with a good salary, a small entrepreneur, a manager who is valued at work, an official, if he wants to install a window with reliable, but not too expensive fittings in his apartment?

Answer: . The oldest hardware company produces products for every taste and budget - from very prestigious to quite budget ones. What speaks in its favor is that, according to expert assessments, she is the only one that was able to establish production in Russia, but according to German standards.

There are modifications Winkhaus proPilot, which are cheaper in price than Turkish models, but higher in quality and functionality. When analyzing the market, we found enterprises that are ready to supply Winkhaus fittings in bulk for 600 rubles. It is clear that these are some basic configurations with a minimum set of options, but this is one and a half times cheaper than Turkish fittings!

Not to mention durability. There are testimonies of people who operated Winkhaus for ten years without service. And they would have used it longer if the window had not broken.

Perhaps Winkhaus is inferior to Siegenia-Aubi in terms of elasticity and MASO - in terms of softness and number of options. But installing a plastic window and forgetting about it for 10 years means a lot in domestic conditions!

Summary: WinkHaus – No. 1 for a person with average capabilities. Moreover, if these capabilities continue to grow, then a person will simply need to switch from one Winkhaus model to another: from proPilot to autoPilot, and then, as ultra-modern modifications of ActivPilot are introduced into the domestic market, one can safely switch to them.

From a marketing point of view, full coverage of the entire price range - major advantage Winkhaus company, making it the No. 1 brand on the Russian market. He builds a consumer pipeline; scores goals all over the place.

For those who don't have to choose

Turkish fittings Kale

But not everyone in Russia enjoys the right to choose.

What happens if, for example, the authorities large city decide to resettle pensioners from a depressed central area somewhere on the outskirts, and open shopping and entertainment complexes in the center? And he transfers the order for the construction of a new microdistrict “for grandmothers and grandchildren” to some Turkish construction company? And she, in turn, orders accessories from someone who is closer, who is related?

In most cases, it turns out to be “closer and dearer”. Or simply Kale, as it is already commonly called in the vast expanses of 1/6 of the land. Its fittings are simple and reliable. Cheap. It is easy to install. And it was done quite conscientiously. It may not have a multi-position micro-ventilation option, but it won’t draft like a chimney on blizzard February evenings.

Summary: Kale is #1 for those who don't have to choose. It goes not only to new buildings. Currently, we are capturing the widest market, cooperating with many companies producing profiles and installing them throughout Russia.

And don't be afraid of this! If you are a modest Soviet pensioner and are not afraid that your diamond necklace with pearl pendants will be taken from your home, then you do not need fittings with six degrees of protection. And Kale has everything else!

Market outsiders

ROTO fittings - for domestic consumers, produced in Russia

Obviously, famous company overdid it, opening, in pursuit of profitability, a dozen factories in all parts of the world. Including in China and Russia. And having failed to establish control over the quality of products produced in the branches.

As a result, it is impossible to buy a real ROTO in the Russian Federation, and there are such reviews about Chinese and domestic crafts that it is embarrassing to even remember.

In addition, when the author of these lines tried to find out the price of the company’s products, the remaining unknown manager quoted an amount 1.5 times greater than the cost of a purebred German Siegenia. Perhaps many copywriters suffer from excessive suspiciousness, but still, it seems that this is not entirely the case. This is more like a case where they are trying to take the consumer for a sucker.

“Personnel decides everything!” - Grandfather Stalin used to say. And he was right. One such response from one such manager can cost the company its place in the market.

Salute, friends!

I write a lot about glazing of balconies, apartments, country houses. Do you know that in addition to double-glazed windows, fittings play an important role. It is she who is responsible for opening and closing windows, durability, etc.

By the way, I was inspired to write this article by a client who recently came to our office and spent a very, very long time choosing fittings for plastic windows. She asked us literally about every screw. I was very surprised. As a rule, women do not know about such things and do not understand them. And here everything is in detail.

It turned out that she works as a design engineer, so all these mechanisms are close to her. She bought new apartment and wanted to establish the most quality windows and the best fittings. And so I decided to publish this note, maybe it will be useful to some of the readers.

A short introduction

Fittings for plastic windows are a complex set of mechanisms (hinges, brackets, rods, etc.) that ensure the opening and closing of the window in various modes (pivot, tilt, turn-tilt, etc.).

The quality of the window fittings directly determines how long the window will open smoothly, without difficulty, blowing or sagging of the sashes.

Currently, most manufacturers work with proven hardware systems for plastic windows produced in Europe. These are systems such as GU, ROTO, Siegenia Aubi, Maco, etc.

These window fittings systems are quite reliable even when correct installation work for many years. According to their own technical specifications The fitting systems for plastic windows are very similar, differing only in details, and using any of them it is possible to produce and install plastic windows of very high quality.

Window fittings ROTO, MACO, fittings Siegenia Aubi

The main elements of the fittings are:

  • Corner – transmits movement from turning the handle at the corners of the structure;
  • Connectors;
  • Main drive. It is on this that the window handle is installed. The drive transmits the movement from turning the handle to the locking elements;
  • Locking elements with counter strips - hooks. Their location is the pressure point;
  • Scissors - a device that ensures that the sash is held when tilted;
  • Additional transfers;
  • Hinges are devices that provide fastening and movement of the sash when opening;
  • Pen;

Tilt and turn opening

The main elements of fittings for plastic windows ensure that the window opens in two planes (pivot and tilt).

In common window fittings systems, they work extremely reliably, the principle of their operation is very similar and for a non-specialist they differ little from each other.

By default, a full set of window fittings is installed on the window, depending only on the size of the sash and the type of opening (pivot or tilt-and-turn).

The fact is that in turn-and-tilt fittings for plastic windows there is a significantly larger number of pressure points (compared to rotary ones), and, accordingly, the probability of blowing through the sash when using tilt-and-turn fittings is significantly reduced.

The difference in price between these types of window fittings is extremely insignificant, and the benefits are undeniable.

But what you really need to pay attention to when choosing fittings for plastic windows are additional options. As a rule, they cost very little, but the convenience of using the windows is very significant. These include:

Erroneous opening blocker is a device that prevents the simultaneous performance of the functions of the swing and tilt opening method, when the door suddenly hangs on one lower hinge and open scissors.

In accordance with GOST 30777-2001 “Turn-and-tilt and tilt-and-turn devices for window and balcony door units,” an erroneous opening blocker must be installed in windows with a tilt-and-turn opening method.

But this rule is not always observed and it is better to make sure that there is a blocker when ordering a window.


Microlifts are sagging compensators, i.e. a device that facilitates the operation of a window in the event of sagging sashes. When closing, the sash smoothly slides into place along a special guide. It is recommended to install it on heavy, large-sized sashes.

Micro-ventilation is a device that creates a weak constant draft of air and provides an optimal microclimate in the room, but without drafts that appear during normal ventilation.

In fact, this is a weakened clamp when a gap of several millimeters is formed at the top of the window. In order to put the window in this mode, you need to turn the handle 135 degrees from the bottom position.

At the same time, air draft is provided, sufficient so that the room is not stuffy, but weak enough so that the air has time to heat up and does not create drafts.


Comb – makes it possible to securely fix a small window opening.

Anti-burglary fittings for plastic windows. In this type of fittings, in contrast to the standard ones, the shape of the locking element has been changed (instead of an eccentric, a so-called mushroom with a box-shaped strike plate is installed).

This form of locking element protects the window from penetration by pressing the sash.

But the hack itself can be carried out in many other ways: the criminal can break a double-glazed window, twist the handle, etc.

Anti-burglary windows are expensive and complex technical solution. In order for the window to be truly protected, it is necessary to install special double-glazed windows that are resistant to external destructive influences, protect the window opening mechanism in the handle area with a reinforced metal plate and (as one of the security elements) anti-theft fittings for windows.

The anti-burglary fittings for plastic windows themselves, of course, protect against the sash being pressed out, but do not make it burglar-resistant in general. In many types of modern fittings (for example, Roto NT fittings), burglar resistance is included in the basic package.

Handle with key lock

There are situations when it is necessary to protect a window from unauthorized opening from the inside, for example, when there are small children in the family.

In these situations, a handle with a lock and key or a rosette handle (the handle itself is removed or inserted into a socket) can be installed on the window. Such handles do not break when turned strongly, even if the lock is locked.

Balcony latch

Balcony latch, which will allow you to fix the balcony door when you go outside. When going out onto the balcony, all you have to do is pull the special handle, and balcony latch will fix the sash in the frame. In order to open the door you only need to lightly push the door.

Source: oknabiz.ru/furn

How to choose fittings for plastic windows

PVC plastic windows are an expensive product, so the consumer wants them to last a long time and not have any problems during their operation. This can be achieved by choosing the right window components, on which its performance and reliability directly depend. Let's figure out how to choose fittings for PVC windows.


Window fittings are a collective name that includes a whole class of mechanisms that ensure the opening/closing of a window, the degree of pressure of the sash to the profile, its position in space, etc.

Low-quality components quickly fail, so saving on them is not advisable. Cheap counterfeit products from well-known brands are one of the most common window problems.

The fittings are assembled according to a modular principle. The kit includes required elements:

  • Loop groups.
  • Constipation.
  • Sash rotation elements.
  • If necessary, the kit can be expanded by installing additional parts that provide protection against burglary or against children, ease of opening/closing, etc.

It is better to choose steel products that are characterized by maximum strength and reliability.

There are several types of fittings based on the method of opening the doors:

  • Rotary mechanisms with vertical suspension. They are most widespread as the simplest and most affordable option.
  • Rotating mid-hanging fittings. It differs from the previous type in the presence of a horizontal suspension, which allows the sash to rotate 180 degrees without the risk of sagging. The advantages of these mechanisms include good protective functions and the ability to be installed on windows of any configuration, including round and elliptical.
  • Tilt-and-turn. Another popular type on the Russian market. Depending on the position of the handle, the sash swings open or tilts back for ventilation.
  • Sliding mechanisms. Not often used on windows. Sliding systems have found their application in balcony glazing.

A separate group includes locking mechanisms for transoms. It is easiest to select components by type. It all depends on the desired method of opening the doors.

Additional items

The main elements are responsible for opening/closing the doors and their correct position.

The installation of additional elements allows you to expand the functionality and facilitate operation.

Despite the fact that it is not necessary to install them, it is more advisable to opt for expanding the standard set, especially if it is important to provide additional protection against burglary or the safety of small children. TO additional components relate:

Turn limiters. Their purpose is to fix the open sash in the extreme position. By installing a brake along with a limiter, you can ensure the stability of the structure when opening up to 150 degrees.

The rotation lock prevents the window from opening spontaneously and limits the angle of rotation. It is recommended to install in apartments where there are small children, as well as in houses located in areas with frequent strong winds.

Plastic linings are one of the elements on which you can safely save. Their purpose is to cover the visible parts of the mechanisms, giving the window an individual design. In sets offered by reliable manufacturers, the number of caps corresponds to the number of mechanisms included in the set. If the choice of decorative elements is too wide, you should think about the quality of the fittings.

Children's castle. This part is not included in the standard set. It is worth buying it if there are small children in the house. By accidentally opening a window, a child may fall out of it. The lock securely fixes the door; it is impossible to open it without a key. Manufacturers offer different lock options. The simplest one is included in the design of the handle. More complex functional mechanisms are mounted on the sash.

Microlift. The part does not affect the functionality of the window, but it reduces the load on other mechanisms, thereby extending their service life.

Recently, automatic fittings, the operation of which is controlled by an electric drive, have become popular. Automatic mechanisms can be programmed to ventilate. In case of unauthorized opening, a signal will be given.


The domestic market offers products from different manufacturers. The ranking of the best companies includes:

  1. Maco. The Austrian brand "Mako" is very popular. The product range includes rotary, tilt-and-turn, and anti-burglary fittings. All mechanisms have hidden installation. Maco is the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio.
  2. Winkhaus. One of the oldest manufacturers of accessories for plastic windows. Offers reliable mechanisms, characterized by simplicity and ease of adjustment using special lifting rollers.
  3. Roto. The products of the German company are known under this brand. It is distinguished by durability, reliability, and quality. The manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on all mechanisms. Roto fittings can be distinguished from fakes by their flat locking tongue.
  4. Siegenia-Aubi. Another German brand whose range includes kits for aluminum, plastic, and wooden frames. Distinctive feature components is the ease of adjusting the sash in all positions.
  5. G-U. The company produces all types of fittings, many additional mechanisms, anti-burglary lines. The products are reliable, durable, and easy to adjust.

The rating of manufacturers may be expanded, but the products of these companies are used in Russia nai in great demand, thanks to quality and reliability. Choosing fittings for PVC plastic windows from any of these manufacturers will ensure the durability and ease of operation of the window.

When choosing components, you cannot save money. The best fittings for plastic windows are high-quality and reliable mechanisms that can withstand numerous opening/closing cycles.

Source: oknarosta.ru/blog/ustroystvo_okna/kak_vybrat_furnituru_dlya_plastikovykh_okon/

How to expand the functionality of window fittings

When ordering complete with a standard set of accessories additional elements, the consumer can significantly facilitate operation and expand the functionality of a plastic window. Hardware manufacturers can offer:

  • The rotation limiter is designed to fix the sash in the extreme open position. When installing a special brake complete with a limiter, the open sash will be stable and securely fixed even when swung open to 150°.
  • The rotation lock prevents the sash from opening spontaneously and limits its rotation angle. We recommend for installation in houses and apartments with small children and when the building is located in an area with frequent sharp gusts of wind.
  • The child lock ensures reliable fixation of the sash in the ventilation or closed position; it will be impossible to open the sash without a key. The purchase of child locks for windows is recommended for everyone who has small children in their apartment. Fixing the sash will protect the child from falling out of the window. Hardware manufacturers offer various options for child locks with and without drilling additional holes in the profile. The simplest and convenient option– handle with lock.
  • The microlift does not expand the functionality of the window, but it allows you to reduce the load on the main elements of the fittings, thereby increasing the service life of the window as a whole.
  • Plastic covers are designed to cover visible parts of mechanisms (hinges) and give the window a finished look. Hinge covers are available in a variety of colors, so it won’t be difficult to find the right ones even for laminated windows.

Recently, automatic fittings controlled by an electric drive have been gaining popularity.

Ease of use is due to the possibility of programming the mechanism for ventilation in certain time, and if an unauthorized opening is attempted, a signal is given. Installation with such fittings is optimal for high-mounted and large windows.

Source: veramo.ru/kak-vybrat-furnityry-pvh-okon

Window fittings (mechanism)

In terms of cost and quality, they are almost identical (maximum price difference 2%) and strictly comply with the following GOSTs:

  • GOST 30777-2001 - “Turning, tilting and tilt-and-turn devices for window and balcony door units. Technical specifications"
  • GOST 538-2001 - “Lock and hardware products. General technical conditions"

PVC fittings are classified into several categories: the method and direction of opening the window and the permissible maximum load on the window sashes.

The quality of a PVC window undoubtedly depends on the quality of the plastic profile itself. But the fittings when installing windows are no less important, and they significantly affect the service life of the window and its appearance.

It just so happened that best windows PVC, and parts for them highest quality are in great demand. The types of fittings listed above have many advantages. Window hinges can easily withstand more than 100 kg, and the service life of such fittings is no less than 20 years.

Other companies also produce fittings for PVC windows. But since quality advantage has already been given to Sigenia Aubi, Roto and Maco, the rest just have to lure buyers with low prices for their products.

At the same time, the quality, although slightly inferior, still remains quite worthy of many other manufacturing companies. The service life of analogues is somewhat lower, but nevertheless amounts to about 15 years.

The glass unit + frame is not a complete window. They are very short of completion important detail, or rather, details. And their name is “accessories”.

Construction and general principles window fittings work:

When purchasing plastic windows, keep in mind that:

  • The standard sash width is 310 – 1600 mm;
  • The standard sash height is 350 – 2400 mm;
  • Standard sash weight is up to 130 kg.

Compliance with these parameters will ensure reliable operation Your accessories throughout the entire warranty period.

Fittings also include various devices that limit children’s access and home safety (anti-burglary mechanisms and protection mechanisms against accidental opening of windows by children).

Tilt-and-turn fittings, for example, allow the window to open in two planes. If there is poor ventilation in the room where the window will be installed, then slot ventilators, which can be installed either in the frame itself or in a separate sash, will help cope with this.

The advantage of this type of ventilation is that at the same time as air circulation, sound insulation is also maintained. High-quality anti-burglary mechanisms can withstand loads of up to 1,500 kilograms and the sixth, the highest protection class by European standards, is inaccessible even to burglars with heavy tools, for example, an angle grinder.

High-quality fittings for plastic windows

The fittings installed on a high-quality plastic window are usually steel.

If you are offered a plastic window equipped with plastic fittings, you should refuse to purchase such a product.

After all, the weight of the window sash is quite impressive, the frequency of opening and closing the window is in the dozens per day, and besides, plastic fittings does not have certification and does not comply with the main Russian GOSTs, which is confirmed by the lack of certificates of conformity from Companies selling this type of fittings.

In addition to the mechanisms that allow the shutters to move freely, the window is also equipped with a powerful lock - a lock against uninvited guests, preventing your window from opening from the outside. The lock is also part of the fittings.

As you understand, a high-quality locking mechanism also means your safety and the safety of your home, protection from intrusion by thieves and robbery of your apartment.

The fittings of a plastic window ensure the convenience of opening the window in any difficult opening. The window sash should open without jerking, smoothly.

Under no circumstances should the window make any extraneous sounds when opening, such as rustling, creaking, or rustling. Poor-quality fittings can cause the window to sag, the sashes to warp; the window will simply no longer fit tightly to the frame, thereby losing its quality and tightness.

What measures need to be taken to ensure that plastic window fittings last as long as possible? These are simple but effective measures for the care and maintenance of plastic window fittings clean, lubricating the moving parts of the fittings with machine oil or special lubricant, which can be purchased from the same company where you will order your plastic window and its installation.

Without lubrication, your window may squeak for several years in a row, and some parts of the hardware will have to be replaced. Don't let this happen. Lubricate plastic window fittings at least twice a year.

Try not to hang anything on the window sash, do not lean on it, especially do not pull it down. This can cause damage to even the best quality fittings; you will have to call the experts and repair the plastic window.

When closing the window, do not allow small objects and debris to get into the mechanism, which can lead to destruction of the fittings and breakage of the locking mechanism.

Choose your plastic window carefully, care for it correctly and systematically, and then it will delight you for several decades in a row, protecting and protecting your home from weather phenomena and all external influences.

We wish you good luck with your new windows!

Source: oknaregionov.ru/department/aksessuari-i-komplektuyushie/okonnaya-furnitura/

Unfortunately, closed windows do not guarantee the protection of the premises from unauthorized entry. However, if you wish, you can reduce the likelihood of robbery to a minimum.

The anti-burglary windows that our company offers will make life so difficult for an intruder that he will lose all desire to break into the house. Our system consists of a complex of protective elements that turn the window into a real bastion, which can only be overcome with the help of special means.

The lion's share of the work on protecting windows from burglary falls on the fittings. The better the quality of the fittings, the more difficult it is for an attacker to get inside.

Statistics show that to hack a regular wooden frame an attacker needs no more than 10-15 seconds, whereas he will have to tinker with anti-burglary fittings for at least 5 minutes.

In the production of window systems, we use only the best components - high-quality Austrian MACO fittings. A window equipped with this hardware is locked along the entire perimeter, so it is absolutely impossible to open it from the outside without the help of special means.

The design of this anti-burglary fittings for plastic windows involves the use of special mushroom-shaped locking pins, which prevent burglary thanks to special hooks.

Such axles can withstand a load of about 1500 kg, as they are made of special steel. In combination with anti-burglary strikers, this technology provides maximum protection windows from burglary.

Another important element penetration protection - anti-burglary handles, reinforced with a locking mechanism. Most often, an attacker tries to break the glass in the handle area and thus open the window.

This number will not work with an anti-burglary handle - a special connecting element between the handle itself and the locking mechanism pin ensures ideal functioning of the handle when turning it from inside the room and blocks it when trying to open it from the outside.

Additional protection methods

Anti-burglary fittings for windows are far from the only element of protection. Great importance also has the profile itself.

In our work we use exclusively German Rehau profile, which differs not only high reliability and durability, but also has special design: the eurogroove (an element for fastening fittings) is shifted closer to the center of the profile section, which significantly increases its resistance to burglary using a pry bar or other similar tools designed to push out the sashes.

Even if an attacker breaks a double-glazed window, which in itself is a noisy and labor-intensive task, he is unlikely to be able to get inside due to protruding fragments, which are almost impossible to remove.

In addition, at the request of the client, we can equip burglary-resistant plastic windows with a special anti-vandal film, which significantly increases the impact resistance of the glass.

It is extremely difficult to break a glass unit equipped with such a film, but even if an attacker manages to break the glass, the film itself will remain intact in any case.

Burglar-resistant windows from the Window Continent company are best guarantee safety of your home!

In our work, we use the most modern technologies and high-quality materials - this gives us confidence that each of our clients is reliably protected from any possible trouble.

Source: okonti.ru/press/2014/90/

Accessories for plastic windows

A beautiful new window in your room, what could be better. However, in order for a window to be not only beautiful, but also to work correctly, when purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the fittings installed in it.

What are fittings? These are not only handles and hinges, this is a whole set of mechanisms that allows your window to open and close without effort on your part, as well as to press the sash tightly against the frame, protect the window from sagging of the sash and prevent fogging of the window (due to ventilation in several modes) .

Do you want to lightly ventilate the room in winter or arrange general cleaning in summer, the window should obey you with one turn of the handle, not slam or tilt. High-quality fittings will allow your window to work for a long time and reliably.

Today, the highest quality fittings are produced by four German manufacturers: Maco, Roto, Siegenia Aubi and Winkhaus.

The German company Mayer & Co. (Maco) was founded in 1948 in Salzburg by Mr. Lorenz Mayer. MACO became the first hardware manufacturer in Europe to receive the DIN ISO 9001 Quality Certificate.

And for more than 60 years, MACO has been producing only high-quality products. All rotary, tilt-and-turn fittings and MASO door locks comply with the requirements of Russian GOSTs 30777-2001, 5089-2003, 538-2001, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.

The Moscow representative office of MASO was the first among hardware manufacturers to receive Certificate No. 1 in March 2007 for the products provided in Russian Federation services for companies manufacturing window products.

This range of MASO services in Russia includes a whole palette of service blocks:

  • provision technical means for the production of windows;
  • providing technical support;
  • product and sales training;
  • production optimization;
  • logistics and orders;
  • marketing campaigns and sales support;
  • business - shares, research and consulting, etc.

Maco offers the following products:

  • Maco-Multi – tilt and turn fittings.
  • Maco-Emotion – window handles.
  • Maco-Profit – accessories for child safety.

In 1935, inventor and innovator Wilhelm Frank founded the company ROTO with his wife Elfriede. The beginning of his activity was the idea of ​​​​creating a tilt-and-turn fitting Roto N. This was the first industrially produced fitting that made it possible not only to turn, but also to tilt a window.

Today, almost half of all ROTO products are exported to Eastern Europe. And Russia occupies one of the leading places among countries importing ROTO products.

And this is due not only to the rapid increase window production in Russia, but also with the desire Russian manufacturers use high-quality and reliable window products, which ROTO offers.

Among the manufacturers of well-known brands of fittings, ROTO was the first to enter the Russian market. Its service department has been operating in Russia since 1995. Today, more than half of Russian window manufacturers use ROTO fittings.

The ROTO trademark is protected and certified in Russia. The “ROTO” logo on window and door fittings confirms that the fittings were received directly from the manufacturer in Germany. Counterfeit is excluded.

ROTO offers the following products:

  • ROTO NT – tilt and turn fittings.
  • Roto "Tilt-First" - window with child safety function.
  • ROTO CENTRO 101 – loop groups.
  • ROTO Doortec – collection of RotoLine handles.
  • ROTO Patio – tilt-and-slide systems.

The German company SIEGENIA-AUBI was formed in 2003 by the merger of two large companies, SIEGENIA-FRANK KG and AUBI Baubeschla”ge GmbH, producing accessories.

Founded in 1914 by Wilhelm Jäger, SIEGENIA-FRANK KG has always stood out for its innovative products and is one of the market leaders in the production of window fittings and modern ventilation equipment.

AUBI Baubeschlage GmbH was founded in 1873 by August Bilstein in Altenwörde, Westphalia. Focusing on customer needs, AUBI, even before the merger, achieved an outstanding starting position among German and European window fittings manufacturers.

The merger of two traditional companies SIEGENIA-FRANK KG and AUBI Baubeschla”ge GmbH created new company SIEGENIA-AUBI, which is positioned on the international market as a system integrator offering innovative integrated solutions in the field of window and door fittings, ventilation systems and modern equipment for buildings.

Siegenia-Aubi offers the following products:

  • TITAN iP – suitable for a wide variety of window types and sash opening methods.
  • FAVORIT is a fittings system for all types of profiles, characterized by a modular design principle and high internal interchangeability of system elements.
  • FAVORIT Si-line RB / SF – fittings for special forms doors (arched, trapezoidal).
  • FAVORIT V – hidden fittings.
  • AEROMAT – window ventilators for plastic windows.

The WINKHAUS company has been known since 1854 and today is one of the leading companies in the fittings market. Its main office is located in Telgte (Germany), production and commercial enterprises are located in Austria, England, Germany, Hong Kong, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Turkey, USA, Switzerland.

In May 1996, a representative office of the company “WINKHAUS” was opened in Moscow.

In March 2002, the WINKHAUS company opened an assembly plant for its fittings in Russia. Used in production technological process, developed at the parent company Winkhaus in Telgte.

Assembly takes place on riveting machines, presses, tools and devices used in Germany. Technical documentation, the designs of tools and devices for installation and quality control were developed in Telgte. The quality control system is ISO 9001 certified. The company provides a ten-year guarantee for its products.

The Winkhaus fittings produced are certified by GOSSTROY of RUSSIA for compliance with GOST 30777-2001, GOST 538-88. This makes it possible to use this fittings in mass housing construction.

The WINKHAUS company offers the following products:

  • autoPilot system– a tilt-and-turn system with new fitting components that make it possible for both manual and partially automatic installation of window fittings.
  • TopStar system– a tilt-and-turn system based on the well-known autoPilot fittings and used for PVC windows with a standard fitting groove. The TopStar design allows you to “hide” the hinges without compromising the functionality of the window. Loading capacity of the loop group is 80 kg.
  • autoPilot Comfort system– a tilt-and-tilt system that successfully combines the long-proven tilt-and-turn system with completely new functional features.
  • autoPilot Ergo system– The Ergo opening system, which is installed on tilt-and-turn windows, makes it convenient to operate hard-to-reach windows. The new development provides advantages when using windows located on staircases, in bathrooms, etc.

Additional fittings from Winkhaus are special mechanisms that are installed on windows equipped with Winkhaus fitting systems.

Such elements are intended to provide standard window additional functions (for example, micro-ventilation, safe opening, lifting the sash, etc.) and increase the comfort of their owners.


Craftsmen say that the operation of a window depends 50% on the fittings. But how to choose good fittings to a layman? After all, there are several types of window handles alone. We will name and describe all types of fittings and explain which part serves what.

What are window fittings?

Window fittings are a system of parts that hold the frame, allow it to be opened and closed, and also ensure its tight fit to the profile. These are all kinds of handles, seals, locks, and so on. Popular accessories include ventilators, mosquito nets and even window sills. Of course, these components are not accessories. However, they deserve no less attention, so we will tell you about them too.

Types of window fittings

Depending on the method of opening the doors, there are several types of fittings. For example, rotary And tilt and turn used for windows and balcony doors, which open in a hinged manner or recline. Parallel sliding fittings used for sliding windows.

Some people divide fittings by type of window. Namely: for wood, plastic and aluminum. This division is not entirely correct, so we will stick to the first.

Window handles

There are many types of window handles. They come in different colors and materials. But, first of all, they are divided according to their functions and “capabilities”.

Standard window handles- the most common and affordable option, no frills. They allow you to open the window in a swing or tilt-and-turn manner.

They consist of a screw that is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, a decorative cover that hides the screws, and a handle. There are different colors and made from various materials. The cheapest pens are made of plastic. Aluminum ones are a little more expensive, but handles made of brass and wood are generally top class.

A handle for a window is 3 in one: a screw, a decorative cover and a lever. This handle comes complete with a lock. Removable handles and sockets for them come in different colors

Anti-burglary handles look like normal ones. But, unlike them, they do not allow you to open the window from the outside. The point here is a special mechanism that blocks the window when exposed to outside influence.

Removable handles will suit you if you have small children in your apartment. And also if you rarely open the window. The design of the handle is quite simple. First, the socket is attached and the handle is inserted into it. Moreover, the first one always remains in its place. A handle is needed when you need to open a window.

Handles with lock- Same a good option for families with small children. To open the window wide, the handle must first be unlocked. More precisely, turn the key in it. But you can roll down the window without a key. Just turn the handle 90° and pull it towards you - just like a regular window.

Handles with burglary safety button. Everything is simple here - you don’t press a button, you don’t turn a knob. On the one hand, this handle is more convenient, because you definitely won’t lose the key. On the other hand, it is not so safe. After all, you never know where the baby wants to press.

Curved handles are made for windows that swing outwards Handle with a locking button Balcony hook - so that the door on the balcony can be closed from the inside

Curved window handles suitable for windows that open outwards. How is it different from the usual one? Convenience. When you open the window, the edge of the handle will not touch the frame.

Double-sided handles used for balcony doors so that they can be conveniently closed on both sides. If desired, you can order a handle with a lock or button.

And finally balcony hooks– another type of handles for balcony doors. They are installed on the door from the balcony side. While on the other side of the door there is a regular handle.

Types of window seals

Seals are an important component of a window. After all, it depends on them how tightly the sash will fit to the profile, and, accordingly, whether your home will be warm. Seals are divided into groups according to the materials from which they are made.

Self-adhesive foam seal with protective film

Foam seal used exclusively for insulating wooden windows. Foam rubber is a fairly fragile material that absorbs moisture well. Therefore, in harsh conditions it will last no longer than a year. The seal comes in different thicknesses - from a few millimeters to several centimeters. And also with and without an adhesive layer.

Polyethylene foam seal just like the previous one, it is used to insulate wooden windows. It can be self-adhesive or not. However, unlike foam rubber, it is moisture resistant and retains its shape better. That's why it lasts longer.

Brush seal consists of a base, which is placed on the profile, and a brush. The base is most often woven. But this is not just a rag. For rigidity and durability, the fabric is coated with a layer of polypropylene. The second component – ​​the brush – consists of fibers that “grow” from the base. And so that they do not absorb moisture and do not fade, they are coated with silicone. Seals come in different colors: black, white, gray and so on.

Brush seals are not used for wooden windows. But they are great for mosquito nets, plastic and aluminum profiles.

PVC seal made from plastic. Its quality, frankly speaking, is so-so. After all, firstly, in the summer it softens greatly. And in winter, in the cold, it becomes fragile. So think about how long it will last?

Rubber (caoutchouc) seals- the most popular today. None of the above seals has such strength and heat resistance. Well, what else can I add? It is flexible, elastic and therefore does not deform.

Another big plus is that rubber seals have a rich color palette, choose - I don’t want to! Depending on the manufacturer, the seal is made with sections of different shapes. For example, U-shaped, T-shaped and so on.

Types of rubber seals

Rubber seals are the most durable

- Silicone seal, which is based on silicone rubber. This is the best seal of all, both in its class and in general.

After all, firstly, it is environmentally friendly. Secondly, neither moisture nor such aggressive environments as: salts, alcohol, alkalis, oils and acids. Resistant to temperatures from -60 to +80 °C. It comes in white and grey.

- Thermoplastic elastomer (TEP)- rubber seal made of modified plastic and rubber. Practice shows that it fades in the sun and withstands temperature changes worse than others.

- EPDM seal, are made from synthetic (ethylene propylene) rubbers. Withstands temperatures from - 50 to + 80 °C. Does not fade in the sun and is very elastic. Therefore, he remains “in shape” for many years.

- Chloroprene rubber seal. The operating temperature range is from 45 to + 80 °C, which is also quite good.

Hinges for windows

There are several types of window hinges based on the installation method.

Overhead hinges, or standard, are available for wood, metal and PVC profiles. They are two metal cards. There are detachable and one-piece, rotary or tilt-and-turn (for plastic and aluminum profiles). After installation, in some cases the hinges are covered with decorative overlays. To make it more beautiful.

Standard overhead hinge for wooden windows One part of the screw-in hinge is screwed into the profile, the other into the sash
Hidden hinges for windows they work in a gentle mode, so they do not break for a long time. The main components of an anti-burglary hinge

Screw-in hinges screwed to the frame and sash with threaded pins. Moreover, one loop can have from 2 to 6 pins. And the more there are, the more accurately the structure holds. Previously, such hinges were intended only for wooden windows. Now they make them for plastic ones too.

Hidden (mortise) hinges suitable for any window designs. However mortise hinge for a wooden window and the same, but for a PVC structure, they are different, like the earth and the sky. The advantage of these loops is not only that they are invisible. They last longer than usual, provide a large opening angle of the sash - 100° - and make it difficult for thieves to gain access to the room. And one more thing - it can blow into ordinary loops, but not into these ones.

Anti-burglary hinges will provide you with a 100% feeling of safety! They are equipped with anti-burglary plates that cannot be disassembled when closed windows or doors.

In addition to the above, there are special hinges for balcony doors with amplifier. And they can withstand up to 140 kg of weight each! So the door will definitely not sag.

Locks and blockers on windows

With a child lock, the door cannot be opened, but can be folded back

These are optional window elements. But it won’t be superfluous if you have it in your apartment Small child, or you are afraid of hacking.

Locks often come complete with a locking handle. They are with one constipation and several, which is much more reliable.

Multi-point lock consists of a shtulp (plate in the form of a bar), on which the main and additional constipations are located.

According to the type of locking, multi-point locks are deadbolt, when the main locking element is the crossbar. And without bolts, if there is no bolt, and the lock is locked with a latch or additional locks.

Multi-point lock diagram

In addition to window locks, traditional ones are still in use. bolts– valves and cap hooks. A baby locks– just a real peak recent years. If you lock it with a key, the baby will not be able to open the door. However, such a blocker will not hurt to remove it.

On the end side of the balcony door they are often installed anti-removal pins, which do not allow loops to be cut. A pin, simply put, is a smooth rod with a tapered end. It will help if thieves do break into your balcony.

Window latches

A latch is a thing that holds a window sash or balcony door in the slightly open position without handles or keys.

Roller latch lock that does not lock with a key

For many years it was installed only on swing-out and tilt-and-turn structures. But progress has reached the point that they came up with latches for sliding windows.

There are latches mortise And external type- similar to a child's lock, which is locked with a key. With striker plate(the part that includes the hook) and without it. Mechanical And magnetic, which fix the sash much better. Corner and more advanced - roller with girth. Balcony doors have their own, more powerful locks.

Trunnions on windows

Trunnions are, in fact, miniature locks in the form of a fungus, part of the entire locking mechanism. Under its action, the trunnions rotate and cling to other parts of the fittings. This way the sash closes tightly.

Window trims

Planks are a piece of hardware that ensures a tight fit of the sash to the frame. And in some cases, even protection from thieves.

At the top there is a locking bar, and at the bottom there is a pin that engages in this bar

Many manufacturers often make do with only two slats for the entire window. But the more of them, the better.

There are planks response– provide a tight fit and burglary safety, and tilt and turn. Among other functions, they create additional point supports for tilt and turn sashes.

Angle switch

This is the element that drives the window locking mechanism through the corner.
Its main elements are a set of elastic steel plates that work as a team. At the customer's request, the corner switch can be anti-burglary.

Window scissors

The scissors have two functions: locking and fixing the sash in the “reclined” position

Window scissors are somewhat reminiscent of traditional ones: they consist of two metal parts - movable and fixed. However, you won't cut anything with them.

They are used in tilt and turn windows to fix the sash in the “open” position. In addition, they help the window locking mechanism perform its functions. Namely: the locking pin on the moving part of the scissors clings to the support bar.

Window locks

Window locks are used to open, close and tilt the sash. We activate it when we turn the handle. She, in turn, moves a lever - a microlift, which is located next to her. And from it the movement is transmitted to the entire locking system. Constipation is classified as primary, secondary and secondary.

Moderate constipation located on both sides of the profile - at the bottom and on the side - on the side of the hinges. Its task is to press the frame to the profile. Connects with a tilt and turn lock, scissors, upper and lower bolts and a bolt lock.

Additional constipation- this is a multi-point lock, for example.

Basicconstipation There are several types for windows.

Having problems with the fittings? There is an article on the website to prevent the sashes from sagging and from blowing through the window.

Types of major constipation

- Tilt-and-turn lock, installed on tilt-and-turn windows. Outwardly, it resembles a plate of two parts: fixed and movable. The moving part is similar to a comb, which moves all other parts of the fittings. As a result, all the locking pins fit into the bars, so to speak, take their original positions. And the window closes.

The fixed part of the lock has its own pin. And when you move the sash to the tilt position, with the help of this trunnion the weight of the sash rests on the swing-out strike plate.

Shtulpovy lock is used on windows without a vertical crossbar between the sashes

- Rotary lock- a simplified version of the first constipation. It is designed for rotary structures and does not have a comb. Consequently, the movement from the handle is not transmitted to the mating parts of the fittings. The frame is pressed against the sash in only one place - where the handle is located.

- Shtulpovy constipation, installed on frame windows. These are windows that do not have an impost - a vertical crossbar between the sashes.

So the task of constipation is to ensure that the doors are tightly connected to each other. This is facilitated by a shtulp, which has the form of a bar and is installed on one of the sashes.

In casement windows there is always one sash - the active one. It can be swivel or tilt-and-turn. The second is passive. It does not recline, and it can only be opened after the first one.

Rollers for sliding windows

Rollers are an iron (or not quite) road for the smooth movement of the sashes. It consists of a mount and wheels, which can be metal, nylon, that is, plastic, or rubber. The latter are more flexible and will not rattle when you move the sash.

Window stops

Door stop with a magnet - so that the door does not hit it

Door and window stops prevent the handle from damaging the interior glass or wall of the room. The door stop is usually installed on the floor. Window ones - on the windowsill or put on the handle.

There are now plenty of types of stops. There are plastic and metal with rubber lining, permanent and temporary. And even with a magnet, against which the doors do not hit.

Valves for ventilation

Window ventilators are delivered to your apartment Fresh air and take out the old one. With them you will forget about stuffiness and foggy windows. Standard valves are usually mounted directly into the frame - on top of double-glazed windows. If this option does not suit you, you can order a valve-handle, which is both a valve and a handle at the same time. A very interesting development, although it ventilates worse than conventional valves.

Mosquito net

Mosquito nets for windows and balcony doors come in several types.

Frame mosquito net It is firmly attached to the frame or inserted into it using plastic or metal hooks. If the mesh is large and heavy, it is hung on hinges.

The most traditional option is a frame mosquito net. An adhesive mosquito net lasts only one season. This net moves away like the shutters in a sliding window. There is no need to remove the rolled net for the winter.

Sliding mesh It is mounted on casters and slides apart like doors on a wardrobe. It is great for large balcony doors or terraces. There is simply no point in installing it on small structures.

Rolled mesh, when not needed, it is wound onto a special shaft. For the winter, it is placed in a hanging box above the window, which is very convenient.

Mesh with adhesive tape- the most budget option. True, it doesn’t last longer than a year.

Window sills

The window sill is no less important than other parts of the window. Or maybe more, because about 30% appearance It is he who determines the windows. In addition, the window sill acts as a heat insulator.

The most valuable - both in cost and aesthetics - are considered natural wood window sills. For example, from oak, beech, ash, mahogany, cherry, maple and chestnut. Window sills made of pine and larch are no longer the highest class, but good standing. What’s not good about wooden window sills is that they require constant maintenance.

Stone window sills – a very large selection!

PVC window sills more unpretentious and less expensive. And this is already 2:0 in their favor. If you want more aesthetics, just order plastic window sill wood-look or painted. Such window sills are produced with a length of 4050 - 6000 mm, a width from 110 to 600 mm, and a thickness of 18-22 mm. The side surfaces of PVC window sills are covered with plugs.

Window sill made of natural stone- the king among all window sills. It looks simply gorgeous! Window sills are made from different stones, but granite is valued for its strength. However, such a pebble accumulates radiation, unlike marble, for example.

Instead of a natural stone window sill, you can install an artificial one. Its characteristics are the same, but the price is noticeably cheaper.

Window sills made of chipboard or MDF made from wood chips and covered with laminate on the outside. Quite durable, similar to wood, but cheaper and do not need special care. True, they are not as durable as plastic ones.

Aluminum window sills the cheapest. They are usually installed only outside the building.

Exterior window treatments

As external elements, in addition to window sills, they use platbands and slopes.

Slopes are a continuation of the profile on the wall

Platbands- These are overhead strips that form a door or window profile. They are made from the same materials as window sills.

Window slope- This is a strip that is inserted between the door or window profile and the walls. Slopes can be made of plastic, wood, plasterboard or aluminum.

Low tides at the windows

This is a device that will protect your window from rain and other annoying precipitation. Install it under the window on the outside of the building. Someone will ask: “Is it really necessary?” Maybe not needed. But without it, the waterproofing of the window is gradually compromised.

Steel and copper tides are considered more practical. Made from aluminum - not as durable. And those made of plastic and ceramics are completely fragile.

In conclusion, let’s say that understanding all types of fittings is not an easy task. But still try and, most importantly, apply your knowledge in practice. Then your windows will delight you for a long time.

12-08-2013, 12:27

IN complex system there is nothing “insignificant”. Underestimating seemingly unimportant things can have the most serious consequences. Thus, low-quality fittings can deprive a person of the ability to open plastic windows, and in this case their tightness is compromised. positive quality turns negative.

How to determine a truly high-quality product that is not afraid of temperature changes, mechanical damage, or any other harmful effects? To find out the consumer properties of a product, you should pay attention to its details: scissor bracket, device for lifting the sash, slam guard, reinforced hinges, clamps, compensator, tilt-and-turn mechanisms, rotation limiters, hinges for sashes and frames.

Especially for readers of the portal site, we have prepared a list of the most attractive manufacturers of window fittings.

Five the best manufacturers window fittings

"G-U" is the first company on our list. It has existed for more than a century (since 1907), unique production was established already in the late 40s. On the Russian market it is represented primarily by accessories for wooden, plastic and aluminum windows. During the production process, an advanced, improved type of steel is used, which guarantees reliable operation and, in many ways, protection against burglary.

“Maco" is the second company on our list. It produces fittings for sliding and tilt-and-turn doors. The company produces high-tech products. For example, a built-in blocker for the wrong opening of doors or “hidden” parts in the inside of the fittings are reliable guarantors of the quality and reliability of the product. There are anti-burglary models with which you can protect your home from unwanted entry.

"Aubi" - our third number. The company has existed since 1873. The company has earned many awards and has repeatedly proven that its products meet the highest quality standards. For example, it is very difficult to obtain a DIN EN ISO 9001 guarantor. But the manufacturer was able to do this, thus proving that the window fittings produced are truly of high quality. The company has gained a significant share in the European market (more than 30%). This was possible due to the high anti-burglary qualities of the products. The deepest trust in the company from consumers is a natural companion of Aubi.

"Roto" - fourth item on our list. Production facilities are located in Europe (both eastern and western), the USA and China. The main successful solution for sales of Roto window fittings were flat locking tabs. The design allows you to close the window with little force, which is equally distributed over the entire contact area. This engineering solution extends the service life of all fittings as a whole and its individual parts. The hinges have a variation in movement in 3 planes - this factor affects the alignment of the sashes and the adjustment of the pressure. The products are covered by a ten-year warranty.

“Winkhaus” is the fifth point. This German manufacturer appeared in 1935. The main reasons for pride are included in the following list:

  1. Patented element allows you to open the top sash by 2-3mm.;
  2. The innovative “AutoPilot” series contains fitting components that enable manual and partial automatic installation window fittings;
  3. An eccentric roller, with which you can adjust the sash clamp around the perimeter without the use of additional tools;
  4. Component for multi-stage tilting of the sash during ventilation.

All of the companies listed above meet the highest global requirements. You can buy accessories for plastic windows from the Panorama-Plus company using our portal!

Which plastic windows are best to choose?

Choosing a plastic window is a very important step. The warmth and comfort of your home depends on how correctly you can choose it. The basic requirements for window construction are:

  • low thermal conductivity. In this case, the window reliably protects the room from cold in winter and from heat in summer;
  • good sound insulation. This is especially important if the house or apartment is located in a noisy area;
  • good tightness. A high-quality plastic window, being tightly closed, has no gaps through which air passes.

Beware of seasonal sellers or ways to deceive the buyer.

In the course of our many years of work, we often encounter requests from desperate people who want to carry out repairs or re-installation of poor quality installed windows. When clarifying why the client does not want to contact the company that installed this window (after all, there must be guarantees on the product and installation!), we hear something sad or angry:

“Where will you find them now?”

We respect and value our clients, so we want to warn you against the mistake of contacting fly-by-night companies, which could lead to a large number of frayed nerves, a series of endless repairs and, as a result, large expenses.

Such companies are becoming more and more common in times of crisis - after working for several months and collecting money from clients, they disappear in an unknown direction, not caring about fulfilling their obligations.

Now we will try to figure it out,

how a consumer can identify from a variety of companies presented those that pose a potential danger.

As sad as it may be, the number of burglaries is steadily increasing. In order to avoid becoming another victim of criminals, information about which fittings for plastic windows will best and more reliably protect against burglary will help (including).

Types of window components

The fittings bear the majority of the load of the entire window structure. Therefore, the main criterion when choosing products should be their strength. The rotation limiter is designed to securely fix the sash in the maximum open position. German manufacturers additionally equip it with a brake. A latch is a device that prevents a window from opening in strong winds or drafts.

They are available in several modifications:

  • mortise
  • invoices
  • magnetic
  • corner

Child lock (rotation lock) - these are two types of fittings that perform an identical function. They are built into the handle or can be attached to the outside of the sash. The main option is to prevent the window from swinging completely open when opening.

A multi-key lock is an ideal option for protection against intruders. It consists of one or more locks operated by a latch. When choosing a handle, it is better to give preference to its anti-burglary variety. Its design is designed in such a way that access from the outside through the window is impossible.

Window hinges come in overhead, screw-in and hidden types. The latter are considered the most durable.
Trunnions and strips are mandatory elements of locking fittings. They are necessary in order to ensure high fixation of parts when turning.

The most reliable manufacturers

Among manufacturers of window fittings, the German company Roto is a recognized leader. She gives a 10-year guarantee on all her products. The key difference between the brand’s fittings is the presence of a flat locking tongue.

The Austrian company Maco also produces reliable window fittings. The safety of the structures is ensured by the fact that all anti-burglary parts have five protective levels. Another German company, Winkhaus, specializes in producing simple, easy-to-use and reliable window components. The choice is yours!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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