Mother Nature generously gives us her fruits, which help improve our health and well-being. Special attention We pay attention to berries and fruits, considering them sources of vitamins. Today on the agenda is plum, the benefits of which are amazing. This hybrid of cherry plum and wild thorn is a valuable gift from nature to man.

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Have you ever wondered what are the benefits of plums? These amazing berries grow in our latitudes, and in the gardens you can find more than a dozen different varieties. People are seduced by the unusual taste of the pulp with a slight tartness and exquisite sourness. Juices, jams, compotes, and desserts are prepared based on plum fruits. This berry is often added to confectionery products. But the value of plums has long gone beyond the culinary world.

The described fruits were found wide application V alternative medicine. And all thanks to their wonderful component composition. Plum berries can be conditionally called the abode of vitamins, fiber, acids various types, micro- and macroelements.

This affordable fruit is enriched with the following components:

  • retinol;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • tocopherol.

But the reserves of useful substances do not end with vitamins. The plum is popularly called the pantry of health.

The component composition of this fruit contains the following elements:

  • dietary fiber;
  • starch;
  • potassium;
  • organic acids;
  • ash;
  • pectins.

Interesting! Plums are dietary fruits. A 100 g serving contains approximately 40-42 kilocalories. At the same time, most of the mass of plum berries is water. And only 20% is distributed between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The described fruit trees grow on all continents, of course, with the exception of glaciers. There are about two thousand varieties of these fruits in nature. They are all different from each other taste qualities, fruit size, skin color.

One of the most popular species, which is most often found in temperate climates, is the Hungarian plum. The benefits and harms of plum fruits for the human body do not depend on the type of fruit tree. It is important to eat only ripe fruits, otherwise you may harm your health.

On a note! If you have harvested unripe plums, leave them in a warm place for a while until they are fully ripe.

Not only berries are used in alternative medicine. The inflorescences, bark and even leaves are of particular value.

The beneficial properties of plum fruits include:

  • memory improvement;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • elimination of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening vascular walls, increasing their elasticity;
  • restoration of normal water-salt levels;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • neutralizing the consequences of stressful situations;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • strengthening the mucous membrane, including the membrane of the eye;
  • stimulation of production of hydrochloric acid;
  • increased appetite;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • treatment of anemia;
  • promoting rapid regeneration of damaged skin.
  • myocardial infarction;
  • asthma;
  • arthritis;
  • oncological pathologies.

On a note! The diet of people actively involved in sports must include plums. The vitamins and elements contained in the fruits help increase endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Experts advise eating plums separately from other foods. Let it be delicious dessert or an aperitif, but only eat sweet and sour fruits need at least half an hour before meals.

Plum pulp contains sugar, which is classified as a carbohydrate. With insufficient physical activity, unspent energy is transformed into fat reserves. To prevent this from happening, eat plums separately, maybe for dessert.

Plums for women

Waiting for the birth of a baby is perhaps the most wonderful period in the life of every woman. It is at this time that many are faced with such a delicate problem as constipation.

Plums have a mild laxative effect, and literally a few fruits eaten a day will help normalize stool. Also, plum pulp is enriched with tocopherol. This vitamin not only has a beneficial effect on skin, but also necessary for normal development placenta. There are also plums folic acid. It promotes conception and also protects the fetal neural tube from the development of defects.

You can make masks based on plum pulp. Such cosmetical tools homemade help restore natural color face, enrich the skin necessary elements and even smooth out small wrinkles.

Some women introduce plums into their diet for the purpose of losing weight. If there are no contraindications, you can safely treat yourself to plum fasting days, just not too often.

Particular attention should be paid to prunes. The calorie content of such a product is prohibitive, but it can be used not only for culinary purposes. Softened prunes help in the treatment of corns and calluses.

On a note! Miracle decoctions are prepared from dried plum inflorescences and leaves. They are taken to treat kidney ailments, as well as strengthen hair.

From plum pits prepare oil extracts. In terms of the number of beneficial properties and value, this oil is often compared to almond oil. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis and persistent cough.

Please note that drug treatment cannot be ignored. Traditional medicine is just an assistant.

The negative side of plum

As practice shows, the fruit described can cause the development of diarrhea. But such by-effect appears only with excessive consumption of fruits. Doctors advise eating no more than 5-6 large plums per day. In this case, the fruit will be extremely beneficial.

Overeating plums causes heartburn in some people. This symptom is the result of increased acidity in the stomach. Individual intolerance and hypersensitivity should not be discounted. If this aspect is not taken into account, plums can cause an allergic reaction.

Carefully and preferably, after consultation with the treating specialist, plums can be introduced into the diet of people suffering from the following ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis.

If you are overweight, you should eat this fruit with extreme caution, because the sugar entering the body can be transformed into fat deposits. Some diseases of the digestive tract are also considered contraindications, especially if it is associated with increased level hydrochloric acid and gastric acidity.

If plums are very useful during pregnancy, then during pregnancy breastfeeding It is better to avoid this fruit. As already mentioned, plums have a mild laxative effect. Along with mother's milk, some components will be transferred to the baby, which will cause intestinal colic and diarrhea.

Important! Doctors advise introducing plums into children's complementary foods from the age of three. There is no need to do this before. The exception is plum puree or cottage cheese with additives, but only in small quantities.

Pay special attention to appearance plum fruits. If there is damage or mold on the surface of the skin, then under no circumstances should they be eaten.

Under natural conditions, there are fungal microorganisms on the surface of plums. Before eating, the fruit is thoroughly washed with running water.

On a note! For a long time You cannot store canned plums with pits. If you want to extend the life of fruits, it is better to freeze or dry them.

Plum is one of the popular garden plants. It is grown on household plots and summer cottages in the zone temperate climate. Cultivars plums are used primarily to obtain sweet juicy fruits. In this case, a natural question often arises: is a plum a berry or a fruit?

Types of fruits

In botany, it is customary to call a fruit the part of a plant that is formed after pollination of a flower. The structure of the fetus is divided into outer part (pericarp) and internal (seed). There is a typology of fruits according to the density of the pericarp, the number and type of seeds. Depending on the structure of the fruit, it is classified as a berry or a fruit.

Characteristic for fruits and berries common feature— the presence of juicy pulp, and their main difference is the number of seeds: fruits, as a rule, have one seed, berries have several. However, the division of the fruiting part of the plant into fruits and berries is folk, not scientific.

From a botany point of view, the following varieties of juicy indehiscent fruits are distinguished:

  • drupe;
  • apple;
  • pumpkin;
  • orange;
  • berry.

In the drupe, the pulp, skin and hard stone are clearly distinguishable. . The berry has a predominant juicy pulp. The skin is thin, almost invisible. There are many small seeds inside. Based on these characteristics, we can confidently classify the plum fruit as a drupe. Therefore, it is not a berry, but a fruit.

A ripe plum has skin and pulp of purple, red, gray, dark blue or yellow color. The bone is elongated, flattened. The diameter of the fruit is on average 1–3 cm, maximum up to 8 cm. The pulp has a sour-sweet taste. According to the shape of the drupe, there are 2 varieties - renklod (round) and hungarian (elongated).

Noticeable differences in the color and appearance of the fruit are due to the variety of varieties of the fruit tree.


Plum is part of the Rosaceae family. This is a medium-sized deciduous tree. It grows up to 15 meters in height. The leaves are located on short petioles. The leaf blade is oval in shape with a finely toothed edge. Size sheet plate: length from 4 to 10 cm, width from 2 to 5 cm.

The flowering period is short. White or pink flowers with 5 petals have a diameter of 1.5–2 cm. The tree begins to bear fruit, on average, at 3–5 years of age. U late ripening varieties The fruits set in the 6th–7th year of growth. The total lifespan of a tree is 25 years. Full fruit harvesting can be carried out within 10–15 years.

Currently, breeders have bred Over 250 plant varieties are cultivated, including diploid forms. Diploid varieties have improved characteristics - endurance, productivity. All of them come from the wild plum, which still grows in nature. The origin of the plant has not been precisely established. Its distribution area is quite extensive from the ridges of the Caucasus Mountains to the Adriatic coast from east to west and from the Balkan Peninsula to Asia Minor from north to south.

Chemical composition

The fruits of domestic plums are distinguished by a rich chemical composition, which differs depending on the growing conditions of the plant, varietal, degree of maturity, etc. The plum contains:

The predominant organic acids are malic and citric. Oxalic acid, cinchonic acid, succinic acid, and salicylic acid are present in minimal quantities. The fruits have almost equal contents of glucose and sucrose, with noticeably less fructose. As some plant species ripen, the level of sucrose increases and the fruits taste sweeter.

Plums cannot boast of the presence of vitamin C. There is practically no vitamin C in drupes. But it is rich in provitamin A or carotene, especially yellow fruits. The plant also has a significant vitamin E content. In this indicator, plum surpasses many horticultural crops- cherries, cherries, pears.

Of the mineral substances in the fruits, there are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, iodine and others. From the hard shell of the seed you can get 42% fatty oil, similar in its properties to almond oil.


Culturally, people began to use fruit tree more than 2 thousand years ago. The homeland of plums is Western Asia. It is believed that the common plum was the result of crossing cherry plum and wild thorn. The tree began to be planted in Russia from the middle of the 17th century. The first orchards were established on the orders of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Plum fruits are very popular British Isles. This is the favorite fruit of the monarch, which is served daily at the royal table.

Fresh and dried fruits found widespread use in cooking, cosmetology, and folk medicine. A variety of jams, jams, and preserves are prepared from them. Do healthy juice, making compotes. The alcoholic beverage industry produces tinctures and liqueurs. The pride of the Balkan peoples is slivovitz - plum brandy. She is called the “queen of alcoholic drinks.”

Traditional Georgian sauce Tkemali is made from sour plums with the addition of garlic and herbs. In Japanese national cuisine Pickled wemboshi plums (wemboshi) are widely used.

The pulp and freshly squeezed plum juice have proven themselves in cosmetology. They are used as nourishing masks and rubs for all skin types. The beneficial substances contained in the pulp of the fruit help smooth out wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Plum fruits have a wide range of valuable therapeutic qualities. Plum juice with pulp and prunes have long been known as laxatives that improve intestinal motility. Dried drupes have a diuretic effect, remove cholesterol from the body. Organic acids contained in the fruits of the plant help in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity.


Despite the many useful qualities, in some cases you should limit your consumption of plums or completely abandon them. They are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, gastritis with high acidity, gout, obesity. It is necessary to monitor the dosed intake of fruits by young children. Because the a large number of Eating plums can cause bloating and diarrhea.

However, in most cases they are tasty juicy fruits plum trees bring benefits and pleasure. At the same time, it is not so important to the consumer what a plum actually is, a berry or a fruit.

Syn.: Prunus, Hungarian.

Home plum - fruit crop tree plant with whites fragrant flowers and edible, spherical or oval fruits. The bark, leaves and flowers of the plant are used in medicinal purposes. Dried plum fruits (prunes) are used in cooking, as well as for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Ask the experts a question

Flower formula

Home plum flower formula: *Х5Л5Т∞П1.

In medicine

House plum (Prunus domestica L.) is not used in official medicine, but is widely used in homeopathy and folk medicine as a laxative and diuretic. Plum fruits are part of many biologically active additives. For example, the combination drugs Kafiol (Cafiolum), Normolax are used as a laxative for chronic constipation. The dietary supplement Fitomucil, which contains plum fruits and psyllium husks, has an identical effect and improves intestinal motility.

The fruits of the domestic plum stimulate appetite, improve digestion, disinfect the intestines and enhance peristalsis, and have a gentle laxative and diuretic effect. Particularly popular in folk medicine are prunes - dried plum fruits, which, due to their high fiber content, can enhance intestinal motility. Prunes are an excellent product that is included in many modern diets. However, it is important to remember that, unlike fresh fruits plums prunes are high in calories. Due to the presence of pectins, plums have the ability to remove radionuclides from the body. The fruits of the plant are popularly used in the treatment of anemia, hypertension, rheumatism, chronic constipation, and diseases of the excretory system. Freshly squeezed plum juice is also dietary product, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the beneficial properties, plums can be harmful to those who suffer from diabetes and gastritis. It is also undesirable to eat prunes if you are obese, since dried plums are 6 times higher in calories than fresh plums. Contraindications to eating plums apply to women during lactation and children younger age, since taking this fruit can cause digestive upset: children may experience stomach pain, rumbling, and diarrhea. You should not eat plum fruits if you have an individual intolerance or allergic manifestations.

In cooking

Plum fruits are widely used in cooking. They are used to make compotes, liqueurs, jam, jam, juice, marshmallows, marmalade, confectionery, filling for all kinds of pies, pies and puff pastries. Plum fruits are consumed fresh or dried (prunes). Beneficial features Homemade plums can also be stored frozen.

In cosmetology

Plum pulp is often used in cosmetology. The active substances in the fruit can have a lifting effect and tighten pores. In combination with the pulp or juice of various fruits, yogurt and other products, plum fruits are actively used in cosmetic masks for oily and combination skin. Home plum masks also have a whitening effect, smooth out fine wrinkles, as they are rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other micro- and macroelements. Plum pulp not only tightens pores, but also fights acne and is effective for facial eczema.

In gardening

There are approximately 1,500 types of plums in the world, but no more than 300 are used in breeding and cultivation. In Russia, of all stone fruits the plum tree takes second place. House plum is found everywhere in gardens and gardens. plum tree begins to bear fruit approximately 3-4 years after planting. With proper care, the average yield of plums is about 10-20 kg per tree, some varieties can produce up to 40 kg.

Within the species Plum domestica, there are subspecies: green plum, damson plum, European mirabelle, Italian Hungarian. Italian plum or renclod is a subspecies of domestic plum with yellow-green spherical fruits and elastic pulp. Common varieties: Cambridge Gage, Willingham gage, Eurasia 21, Coe's Golden Drop, Golden Transparent, Laxton's Supreme, Graf Althanns Reneklode. Among the ancient European varieties with fruits of yellow, red-yellow, violet shade the most famous are: Victoria (Queen Victoria), Pershore, Marjorie’s Seedling, Tsar, President (Great Britain), Swan. Mirabelle is a popular variety in northeastern France with small, spherical plums. The fruits have bright yellow or reddish skin and juicy yellow flesh. Mirabelle is widely cultivated in central as well as southern Europe. Prunes are dried from Hungarian fruits.


Home plum (lat. Prúnus domestica) - cultivated fruit bush or a low tree, a species of the genus Prunus. Belongs to the Plum subfamily (lat. Prunoideae), the Pink family. There are up to 1,500 species in the genus, of which about 300 are popular in culture.

Botanical description

House plum is a deciduous fruit tree, the height of which reaches from 2 to 6 m in height. The tree is of hybrid origin, and its relatives are cherry plum and thorn. The bark of the trunk is grayish-whitish, cracked, the branches are reddish, forming an ovoid crown. Plum leaves are elliptical, dark green above and grayish-green below, alternate, with a serrated or crenate edge. Plum blossoms occur in April - May, simultaneously with the blossoming of foliage. The flowers are greenish-white, fragrant, single or semi-double, developing 1-2 on old shoots. The formula of home plum flower is *CH5L5T∞P1. Plum fruits are flattened and pointed drupes of purple, yellow, green or red color with a bluish bloom. The tree bears fruit in July-August. The plant is propagated by sowing seeds, root suckers, grafting, and rarely by cuttings.

The lifespan of domestic plum depends on the variety; it can reach 25 years. The tree begins to bloom and bear fruit from the age of 8-10 years. Early-fruiting varieties enter the fruiting phase in the second - third year after planting, late-fruiting varieties - approximately in the sixth - seventh year.


The domestic plum is not found in the wild; it was introduced into cultivation in the Caucasus as a result of the natural hybridization of sloe with cherry plum. In the territory Russian Federation domestic plum is grown in the south of Siberia, Far East, south of the territorial line St. Petersburg - Vologda - Kirov - Ufa. The plant is also widely cultivated in Ukraine and the countries of Central Asia.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

IN medicinal purposes fruits, flowers, and plum leaves are used. The beneficial properties of dried plums are almost identical to the fresh fruits of the plant. Home plum fruits are collected in summer period(July August). To obtain high-quality prunes, the fruits are dried in special dryers or ovens. Using the second drying method, the plums are blanched to speed up the process of turning juicy fruits into prunes, then gradually dried at a temperature of 40-50 °C. The harvesting of leaves and flowers is carried out in the spring, before the beginning of the first summer month. The leaves are dried on racks in well-ventilated areas, turning over from time to time, or in special dryers at a temperature of about 50 ° C. The raw material is considered dried if the petioles break and do not bend when bent. Store dried leaves in a closed container for no more than 1 year.

Chemical composition

Plum fruits contain sugars (up to 11%), coloring matter (0.06-0.31%), hemicellulose (0.2%), starch (0.1%), fiber (0.5%), pectin ( 0.9%), organic acids(malic, lemon, oxalic, salicylic), tannins. The fruit contains many vitamins and microelements: beta-carotene (0.1 mg%), tocopherol (0.63 mg%), vitamin C (10 mg%), B vitamins (B1 - 0.06 mg%, B9 - 0.08 mg%, B6 -0.04 mg%, B15 - 0.15 mg%), PP, K; potassium (214 mg%), calcium (28 mg%), phosphorus (27 mg%), magnesium (17 mg%), sodium (18 mg%), iron (550 mg%), iodine, fluorine, cobalt, chromium.

The kernels of the seeds contain: up to 40% fat, amygdalin glycoside, emulsin enzyme. Plum leaves are rich in acylated flavonol glycosides, quercetin, myricetin, myricetin 3-O-4-acetyl-L-rhamnopyranoside, esterase, triterpenoids, tannins and galloyl carboxylase.

Pharmacological properties

According to clinical studies by European scientists, the active substances contained in plum leaves have antidiabetic properties and can be used as effective remedy in the fight against radiation. The tree bark, its fruits and seeds are also endowed with powerful pharmacological activity. The protective abilities of domestic plum fruits for the digestive system have been studied. The plant has antiulcerogenic, antibacterial, radioprotective and antifungal properties. It has been established that dried plum fruits help maintain the freshness of meat and reduce the growth of staphylococcus, salmonella and E. coli by up to 90%.

The laxative properties of prunes have been known for a long time, but the first clinical trial appeared only in 2011. It has been established that the active substances diphenylisatin and sorbitol in the fruit have a laxative effect on the body. (“Food pharmacology and therapy”, 2011, No. 7, Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics).

Dried fruit has a detrimental effect on bacteria leading to oral diseases. This conclusion was reached by a physician from Mexico, head of the Department of Pharmacy at the National University José Fausto Rivero. Since ancient times, Mexican cooks have used prunes to preserve meat products, since its active substances protected perishable food from rotting. This feature of the plum fruit was tested by Rivero. As a result of laboratory research and testing on dental tissue, the scientist was able to isolate a component from dried fruit that actively fights pathogenic bacteria. This substance also helps get rid of gum inflammation, caries and tartar formation.

According to the results of numerous laboratory tests by American scientists, prunes are the leader in antioxidant content when compared with raisins, dates and figs. Antioxidants can protect cells human body from defeat in response to an attack by chemical and infectious factors. In addition, the antioxidants in prunes have a detoxifying effect against heavy metal salts and absorb free radicals. The latter are the cause of aging of the body and the occurrence of many degenerative diseases. It has been proven that prunes can fight the symptoms of hypertension, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, being a rich source of potassium. The latter maintains water-salt balance in the body and promotes the normal functioning of cells, including nerve cells.

In the course of research, American scientists from the University of North Carolina and Texas A&M University discovered important property prunes – dried plum fruits help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer by preventing the growth of cancer cells.

Use in folk medicine

Medicinal properties plums are widely used in folk medicine. Leaves, flowers, fruits, and plant bark are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. The flowers of the plant have a mild laxative effect, regulating intestinal motility. Decoctions of plum flowers are effective for constipation, stomach colic, nausea, belching, liver diseases, skin dermatoses, furunculosis, and neuralgia. The beneficial properties of plum leaves are also known among people. Infusion of leaves and flowers of home plum treats inflammatory processes of the kidneys and Bladder. An infusion of leaves has a diuretic and laxative effect, regulates metabolism, and is used to treat stomatitis. Plum leaf tea is beneficial for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Steamed dry or fresh plum leaves are used externally for ulcers and wounds. A decoction of the tree bark is used for malaria, diarrhea, externally used for erysipelas, and also in gynecological practice for douching for leucorrhoea. The juice of the fruit has an antibacterial effect against Giardia.

Prunes are not only a delicious dried plum product, but also a rich source of potassium, iron and many vitamins. Therefore, doctors often recommend using dried plums for vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. Prunes have a beneficial effect on the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract due to the presence of ballast substances. Regular consumption of 5-6 prunes a day helps strengthen and heal the body, as well as get rid of unnecessary pounds. Including plum fruits in the diet increases performance, normalizes blood pressure, improves the appearance of the skin and the general condition of the body. Plum fruits have proven themselves in Chinese folk medicine as an effective antibacterial, expectorant and antipyretic remedy for colds. Domestic plum seeds also have beneficial properties. The kernels of the kernels are used for ascariasis. Plums stimulate the appetite, so fresh fruit juice or prune decoction are useful for small children who do not want to eat. Pitted prunes are used externally for calluses, making applications to the affected area.

Tajik medicine has confirmed the cleansing properties of plums and its ability to reduce slagging in the body. Decoctions of dried plums and plum juice are used for lesions of the gallbladder and atherosclerosis, since the fruits of the domestic plum can remove harmful cholesterol.

Historical reference

Scientists believe that home plum fruit crop appeared in the Caucasus as a result of natural hybridization of cherry plum (Prunus divaricata Ledeb) and thorn (Prunus spinosa L.). These plants are quite common in the wild of this area. The usefulness of plums has been known for a very long time. It is known that the ancient Romans successfully consumed its fruits as food. During the times of Kievan Rus, this tree became especially popular. The plum spread from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean countries and Central Asia, then during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, several trees were brought to Russia from Europe. Today plum grows everywhere, excluding the northern regions.

The ancient healers Avicenna and Abu Mansur knew about the beneficial properties of home plum, using the fruits, leaves, and gum of the plant for medicinal purposes. Plum fruits were recommended as a laxative, choleretic, and tonic. Stomatitis and conjunctivitis were treated with plum gum. Muhammad Hussein Sherazi recommended sour and sweet and sour varieties of plums for fever, palpitations, as a thirst quencher and antiemetic.


  1. Zvonarev N. Plum, sloe, cherry plum... Varieties, cultivation, calendar gardening work. - Litres, 2013. – 288 p.
  2. Kalyuzhnaya T. Frost-resistant garden. - Litres, 2015. – 449 p.
  3. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants of traditional medicine. - OLMA Media Group, 2003 – 270 p.

Description of the fruit

The world-famous plum plant is famous not only for its tasty and useful fruits, but also pleasing to the eye spring bloom and autumn rich leaf color. It appeared in the process of natural crossing of sloe and cherry plum, and after that it received a wide distribution and many species, hybrids and varieties.

These trees or shrubs, capable of reaching almost ten meters in height, can be classified as belonging to the Pink family and the Plum and Almond subfamily. They are blooming delicate flowers pinkish or white, giving elegance to the area - therefore they also have decorative value.

But the main “dignity” of this plant is its fruit - drupes surrounded by pulp and loose skin. Their color range is quite varied (from green to purple). Plums can be divided into several varieties, and these, in turn, into groups. They can differ in the degree of fruit density, acidity, sweetness, astringent properties, as well as the strength of the connection between the pulp and the stone.

Beneficial features

These fruits are actively used in cooking, both raw and for preparing desserts, fillings, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. In addition to their wonderful taste, plums can boast of many vitamins and substances beneficial to humans in their composition. Some of them are preserved even after processing, for example, vitamin P.

Also, these fruits can bring significant benefits for various diseases and deviations from the norm. Plums have a laxative and diuretic effect, which helps the body get rid of harmful substances, excess water, cholesterol, salt. This fruit will also be useful for diseases of the heart, kidneys, intestines, and liver.

Due to its low calorie content, this ingredient can be safely included in any diet for weight loss.

Harmful properties

But advantages in some cases can also turn into disadvantages. For rheumatism and gout, the diuretic properties of plums can be harmful. People suffering from problems with the gastrointestinal tract and high acidity inside it should also be careful with this fruit.

Since sugar is part of this plant, it is not advisable for diabetics to consume it. In children, eating plums may affect gastrointestinal tract, cause pain and diarrhea. And adults shouldn’t overeat it either.


The interesting thing about this fruit is that it is equally popular both fresh and dried. Prunes are also widely used in cooking and are not without beneficial properties.

Despite the fact that new fruits are constantly appearing on sale, those that grow in our gardens do not lose their popularity. One of these favorites is the plum, the fruits of which are famous not only for their original taste, but also big amount useful qualities - we’ll talk about them in the article.

Cultural history

The plum has been known for many years, but the exact version of the appearance of this plant has not yet been established. Archaeological excavations in Switzerland have revealed plum pits among other finds, suggesting that even prehistoric people had a source of food from these fruits. History claims that these fruits have long been exquisite products that were constantly on the tables of kings and other rich people.

Some scientists believe that the plum originated in Ancient Rome. Already before the start new era The Syrians made prunes, which they traded with other countries. In Russia, the fruit was the favorite of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. There is a theory according to which these fruits came to Europe thanks to the Crusades.

Did you know? The plant first appeared in the Caucasus. There is an opinion that the tree is the result of hybridization of sloe and cherry plum. Later, a large number of different varieties were obtained through selection.

Berry or fruit?

IN Lately Some people began to call the plum a berry, although before that it had always been a fruit. Let's look at why these changes were made. According to botany, berries are originally multi-seeded fruits that ripen on bushes and plants. The plum has one seed, and the fruit ripens on the tree, which means calling it a berry with scientific point vision is not possible. However, there are enough varieties small sizes, which grow on bush-shaped trees and have very small fruits. In this regard, differences arose in the qualification - berry or fruit.

Let's consider what a fruit is: according to the classification in botany - edible fruit with a large amount of sap, growing on a tree, shrub, appearing instead of a pollinated flower, has a certain amount of seeds, which, after ripening, fall into the soil and sprout. It follows that if a fruit grows on a bush and has one seed, it means it is a fruit.
Despite all this, few people in everyday life pay attention to such scientific information, so it cannot be considered a mistake when this fruit is called either a berry or a fruit.

Why berry?

The scientifically incorrect interpretation that plums are berries is due to the fact that today low-growing hybrids - shrub-shaped plants with small fruits - are very popular. At the beginning of the last century there were Scientific research, as a result of which it was definitely established that the plum is a fruit tree. As was described earlier, these fruits are called berries only in everyday life; from a scientific point of view, this definition is not correct.

Why fruit?

Since the plum tree is tall, stone fruit, and bears fruits with one seed in a hard shell, growing on a small stalk, scientists are sure that this is a fruit. Everyone knows that berries have a lot of juicy pulp and small seeds located in the pericarp, and they grow on bushes.

What are the benefits and where are plum fruits used?

Unique taste and great amount The vitamins and minerals that are important for humans, which are found in plums, make this fruit not only one of the most beloved, but also healthy desserts. Besides all this, it is also endowed with many beneficial qualities that are used in different areas.
Those who constantly eat plums never have problems with appetite, since the fruit activates the intestines and improves digestion. The leaves are also used for medicinal purposes, from which decoctions are prepared for external and internal use. Various masks and decoctions for skin and hair are made based on plums. And of course, a large number of tasty and healthy dishes and preparations are prepared from it.

Important! The fruit seed contains the cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin. In the body, it decomposes with the release of hydrocyanic acid - it is very harmful to health. It is important that during heat treatment this substance is destroyed.

In medicine

Fresh and dried fruits, compotes and plum juice have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. In folk medicine, there are many recipes based on this product. Tinctures, decoctions, and poultices are prepared from plums to treat skin lesions. The fruit is characterized by the following positive properties:

  1. An excellent laxative that is prescribed to both children and the elderly.
  2. Used to cleanse the intestines during inflammation, when other means cannot be used.
  3. The unsweetened fruit is good for obesity and diabetes.
  4. This fruit is prescribed for non-infectious hepatitis.
  5. Helps eliminate cholesterol.
  6. They act as radioprotectors, removing radioactive substances from the body.

Cosmetic properties

Plum is useful to use not only internally, but also as cosmetic preparations. The main thing is to first make sure that you are not allergic to this product. Most often, masks and body oil are prepared based on the fruit.

The benefits of plum are as follows:

  1. Is an antioxidant.
  2. Nourishes and moisturizes the skin, making it soft and velvety.
  3. Combats dryness and brittleness of hair.
  4. Has a beneficial effect on the skin around the eye area.
  5. Used as a flavoring agent in cosmetics.
  6. Used as an emulsifier to combine various components.
  7. Takes care of nails and cuticles.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.