This does not mean that you must necessarily apply all the principles to every part of your plan. But only if you understand these principles will you have creative ideas.

The best landscape design is in the mind of its creator. To create interesting design we recommend following the principles landscape design, but they don't "have to lead" the project. Creativity and creativity are always welcome.

Principles of landscape design

Unity should be one of the main goals of your project. Unity can be better understood and expressed through compatibility and repetition. By repeating similar elements (plants, groups of plants or decorations), we create unity. Compatibility creates a sense of unity when some or even all elements of a landscape fit together and create the impression of cohesion.

Unity can be achieved by combining characteristic features elements in the project, such as height, size, structure, color scheme, etc.

A good example is placing boulders as a focal point. If you've ever seen a landscape where a great white round stone located here, a boulder of red granite in the shape of a square - there and so on, then you might notice that no special unity was created by this specific element.

This is just one example, but the principle applies to all other design elements, such as color groups for example.

An easy way to create unity on your property is to unify the elements of your landscape with one theme. And one of the most available ways creating a theme is the use of some kind of decoration for the garden. It's easier to create a theme garden when the theme is related to something you like and are interested in.

If you like butterflies, for example, you can create a theme by using plants that attract butterflies, as well as putting up statues, ornaments, or any other decor that relates to butterflies.

Unity can be expressed by the dominance of one element in your landscape. Harmony is created by the use of elements in the same style and theme.

Simplicity- in fact, one of the main principles of design and art. This is one of the guiding principles that you can follow both while you are taking your first steps as a beginner and when you create your own garden. Just don't complicate things to begin with. You can do this later.

Simplicity in planting, for example, means choosing two or three colors and repeating them throughout the garden or patio. Decorating with figurines to a minimum and within a specific theme is as consistent with the principle of simplicity as is the consistent distribution of small architectural forms such as boulders.

Balance also implied by the word "design". The meaning of balance is balance. There are basically two types of balance in landscape design: symmetrical and asymmetrical.

Symmetrical balance is when the corresponding garden design elements are arranged more or less equally. In a symmetrical garden, both sides can repeat completely or partially the same outlines, shapes, plant heights, groups of plants, flowers, flower bed shapes, themes, etc.

Remember how you created something similar when you were a child in art class at school. You take a piece of paper, smear paint on it, fold it in half, open it, and see how an interesting symmetrical design is magically created. So a symmetrical balance or design is a kind of mirror image.

Asymmetrical balance, on the other hand, is a slightly more complex landscape design principle. While the structure, shape, color, etc. may remain constant, to create some unity, boulders of different shapes may be scattered randomly. This form of balance often involves various topics individual parts garden All topics are equal, but have various types attractiveness.

Asymmetrical balance is actually out of balance, abstract, or has free form, but still creates unity and balance through the repetition of certain elements.

Here good example: the shapes of flower beds or paths are different on both sides of dividing line landscape, but still uses some repeating elements and plants. One side may be curved with waves, while the other side is straight, smooth, rigid and completely opposite to the first. But again, unity and balance will be created by other elements. This type of shape can create a nice contrast. Smooth lines are pleasing to the eye, but a bold contrast between a curve and a straight line can look very interesting.

Asymmetrical balance does not depend on the shape of your garden. This dependence, of course, can exist, but not necessarily.

An example would be a garden where one side is mostly large shady trees, while the other side is mostly low-growing flower beds, or a combination of both forms. As I emphasized earlier, a landscape can be abstract, but it still needs to maintain unity through some elements, be it stones, plants or decor.

Contrast and harmony can be achieved with the help of plants. Fine foliage versus coarser foliage, round versus pointed leaves, color complements and contrasts.

Plant height, color and structure may vary depending on different areas, but each section should be united by its own theme.

You may have noticed that I talk a lot about “themes.” Many of my clients created themselves successful projects, adhering to the main theme and most of the landscaping principles described on this page. Proper selection of plants or garden decorations is in a simple way creating a specific topic.

Color adds attractiveness to the landscape and can change the feeling of reality. Bright colors such as red, yellow and orange appear closer to you and can actually make an object appear closer. Cool colors such as green, blue and pastel colors appear further away from you and the object may appear further away.

Grey, black and white are considered neutral colors and are best used in the background, while in the foreground bright flowers. However, to add depth to the landscape, you can use plants that are dark and coarse in texture in the foreground, and plants with finer texture and delicate flowers- in the background.

Colors can also be used to draw attention to a particular area of ​​the garden. Bright plant Among the cooler shades it naturally attracts the eye.

Natural transition can be used to avoid radical or sudden changes to your landscape. Transition is basically a gradual change. The transition can be conveyed by the height of the plant or its color. But transition can also be applied to all elements in the landscape, including but not limited to structure, shape, size of foliage, but also paying attention to the size and shape of other elements. In other words, the transition can be achieved by gradual ascents and descents various elements with a variety of structures, shapes, colors and sizes.

An example of a good transition would be the “ladder effect” - a transition from big trees to the middle ones, then to the bushes and finally to the flowers. Creating this transition requires a little knowledge about choosing the right plants.

Transition is one of the principles of landscape design that can be used to "create illusions" in a landscape. For example, moving from taller to shorter plants can create the effect of depth and distance (as in a painting), making the garden appear larger than it actually is. Moving from low to high tall plants can be used to create a focal point to make something stand out and appear closer than it actually is.

Line structures landscape design. This may mainly be due to the location of flower beds, paths and landings.

Straight lines look severe and angular, while curved lines produce a more natural, gentle and flowing effect.

Proportion- this is the ratio of the sizes of the elements to each other. Of all the principles of landscaping, this one is the most obvious, but still requires a little thought and planning. Most landscaping elements can be planned in advance to ensure the garden has the proper proportions.

For example, if you create small garden in patio, a huge two-meter statue placed in the center will look disproportionate and a little ridiculous. Or conversely, a small waterfall with a pond placed in the center of a large open yard can get lost in space.

Don't get me wrong. This does not mean that if you large garden, then you cannot place small figurines or other structures in it. Proportion is relative and elements can be different sizes and located in different parts of the garden. The goal is to create a pleasing relationship among the three dimensions - length, width and depth or height.

A small fountain or pond can look proportional if placed in a corner or on the edge of a large area. It becomes the focal point of a large area, creating its own special atmosphere. Near this pond a small gazebo, a bench can be placed, or a whole topic. Other spaces and themes can be created in the same way. In addition, it is necessary to specifically take into account and pay due attention the right choice plants to avoid disproportionality of plants.

Repetition directly related to unity. It's good to have a variety of elements and shapes in the garden, but repeating the same elements allows for variety.

Unity is achieved by repeating similar elements. If your garden has too many unrelated objects, it can feel cluttered and unplanned.

But there is one subtlety here: the abundance of one element can make your garden or yard uninteresting, boring and monotonous.

But still, unity can be created by repeating several different elements. This can make your garden interesting and original.

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I'll start with general information. What is landscape design? Landscape design is the art of modeling and beautifying an area. It includes gardening, landscape architecture, construction of reservoirs and fountains. This is work with objects of living and inanimate nature - water, stone, earth, plants. Main feature landscape composition– the relationship between natural and artificial components, with the decisive role played by natural components. These include natural and climatic conditions, relief, water, and vegetation. Artificial components are structures various scales, small forms, path coverings. Of course, you shouldn’t overload the landscape; I think this is, if not the main, then one of the main rules that must be taken into account and observed. Otherwise, a designer garden will end up with chaotic thickets of plants, rocky piles, etc.

Basic terms of landscape design.

or rock garden, fantasy style rock garden. Its purpose is to display the flora of the Alpine highlands. Nowadays such structures are practically never found in their original form. Modern interpretation rock garden - “rocky hill”.

ornamental plants with hanging shoots.

BALUSTRADE – fencing of terraces, retaining walls, stairs, consisting of figured balusters. Additionally, it can be decorated with sculptures, vases, etc.

BERSO (or curved alleys)wooden frames entwined with tree branches.

an elegant strip on a flowerbed or lawn (10-30 cm wide) of one or several rows of flowers.

is formed in the bed of a watercourse as a result of water falling from a ledge of at least 1.5 -2 m or several ledges with a significant difference in levels. Decorative effect A waterfall consists precisely in a high, wide and powerful falling stream, accompanied by noise, foam and splashes of water.

HABITappearance plants.

LAWNartificially created turf cover made from cereals or ground cover plants, replacing cereals.

dense, closed row planting of trees or shrubs of the same height, creating the impression of a “screen” or “green wall”.

SOURCEa miniature water device that simulates the release of groundwater to the surface.

- this is a small symmetrical flower garden in the form geometric shapes(circle, oval, square, triangle, trapezoid).

SMALL ARCHITECTURAL FORMSsmall structures (fountains, benches, sculptures, gazebos, lanterns, etc.) installed in gardens and parks for functional and aesthetic purposes. Viewed as secondary, but necessary elements general composition.

or a mixed border, can look like a picturesque strip 2-4 m wide of arbitrary length, or like an irregular oblique space with an area of ​​20-30 m2. It is important, my dears, that the assortment of plants is selected so that the flowering of the mixborder is constant with early spring to late autumn. That is, the flowering of plants replaces each other.

GROUND COVER – the nature of the covering of the top layer of the earth: grassy, ​​moss, lichen, dead (fallen leaves, needles, bark and branches).

RABATKAa long floral strip 50-100 cm wide. It can be one-sided or double-sided.

rocky areas, where ornamental plants are combined with stones (sometimes with ponds).

TAPEWORMa single tree located in an open space (sometimes a shrub or large herbaceous plant), attracting attention with its outstanding size, color, special crown shape, and expressive silhouette.

FOUNTAIN - an architecturally designed stream (or many streams) of water gushing upward.

Common mistakes and examples when copying landscape design elements.

I think many people in their lives have thought about their own cozy place in nature. Whether it's just a seasonal cottage or private house, everyone wants to create their own unique landscape design. When conceiving it, a person searches for information on the Internet, copies the pictures he likes, and adds the sites he likes to his “favorites.” We will now look at some of the common mistakes we can make during the independent work to improve your cozy space.

Mistake 1. Lack of plan when planning.

Now you have decided what exactly will decorate your site. Mentally we planted trees, flowers and dug a hole under a pond, etc. And they are ready to rush into the “battle”. Slow down, friends!!!

To get started, arm yourself with a tape measure, a notepad and a pencil. Walk through the area and write down the distance of existing plantings from each other, existing buildings (sheds, dog house, chicken coop, etc.). Draw a sketch of your site on paper. If you do not plan to completely clear the area of ​​buildings and decide to leave the trees and your favorite shrubs, transfer everything to paper. Having a clear plan in hand, which will reflect all the elements of the garden - flower beds, benches, trees and everything else you are planning, it will be much easier to bring your plan to life. You say: “I’m not a designer to draw.” I don’t force you to do art, like at the Academy of Arts. Just make a sketch, believe me, this is, if not half, then a significant part of the whole matter. In the next article I will talk in detail about the layout of the site.

Error 2. What goes together is incompatible.

When selecting decorative elements, try to take into account not only their appearance and size, but also the combination of all these items in style and even color with each other. Moreover, you need to take into account not only the garden itself, but also the architecture and style of the house. For example, if you have a monolithic log house, then it is unlikely to be appropriate to make a Japanese-style garden.

Mistake 3. Planting only seasonal plants.

Friends, let the garden delight you with blossoms all year round, for landscaping you should select those plants that will not bloom at the same time, and for the winter you can plant several evergreen trees - conifers are perfect. I myself adore conifers. I definitely plan to plant fast-growing and dwarf varieties. I'm tired of looking at the grayness of houses and trees in winter. And I will definitely add

Error 4. Incorrect placement zones

If you have planned, try to allocate a place for it that is clearly visible from all sides of the site. Usually this is under the kitchen windows or near the adult sitting area. Create shade with a tree or pergola. It is important to remember what to plant flowering plants Not recommended for children's playgrounds, they attract insects.

It is advisable to place it away from the garage and the entrance to the site, in a secluded corner or near the bathhouse (swimming pool). All this is, of course, conventions. If the area is small, but you want to create a recreation area, you can fence it off with a hedge or the same pergola.

Error 5...

Of course, it is not the lawn itself that is a mistake; many people simply think that by sowing everything with grass, it will become easier for them to care for the garden. This is not true. The lawn needs to be looked after and we will return to this topic. There are a lot of nuances here. Not all grains, for example, are suitable for the lawn (unless you lay a roll). If the lawn is seeded, then it must be compacted (with a special roller), otherwise next year your lawn will turn into a field of hills and bumps.

We can talk endlessly about mistakes, there are many of them. I named the main ones. Perhaps one more thing - do not forget to take into account when planting plants their size, color and shape. If you miss this, friends, you risk your well-kept garden becoming overgrown. It is better to take this into account immediately than to uproot (thin out) the plantings after several years.

See you again! Don't forget to subscribe to our blog updates. Write to me what topics in this section would be of interest to you, I will try to answer your wishes with my future articles.

Best regards, Tatyana!

The plot turns an ordinary garden into a real work of art. Appearance personal plot largely reflects the essence and mood of its owner, especially if the design was done without the participation of specialists - on its own.

It is quite possible to create a garden landscape design with your own hands; the main thing is to clearly formulate your desires and correctly reflect them on your site. In order for your ideas to become reality in the best possible way, you need to know the basic principles of landscape design.

It is unity that is one of the main requirements in creating a garden project. This can be achieved by combining individual elements or their repetition. It is by repeating various details that you can achieve a complete picture, and the principle of combination is based on the combination different characteristics elements, such as their size or color range. Chaotic arrangement of flower beds, stones or decorative ornaments is unlikely to help create a harmonious picture. The easiest way to give unity to the design is to subordinate all its elements to one theme, creating a common garden style. It is one theme that will unite all the details and make the appearance holistic.

Ease of execution.

How simpler idea, the easier it is to execute - this principle is applicable to many areas of activity, and it also serves as the basis for creating a beautiful landscape design. Simplicity is especially important for beginners in garden design; you can complicate the design later, when confidence in your abilities increases. This principle can be embodied in the choice of 1-2 shades that will prevail or the minimum number of various small architectural forms and garden sculptures .

The principle of symmetry and asymmetry in the garden.

In a well-designed garden, everything should be balanced; landscape design includes two types of balance: symmetrical and asymmetrical.

The principle of symmetry implies the same arrangement various plants, trees and decorative elements on both sides of the imaginary line. That is, in fact, a mirror image of the opposite side. Symmetry always looks harmonious; creating such a garden is quite simple; its design does not require high costs time and effort.

An asymmetrical garden is a little more difficult to create; firstly, several styles can be combined on such a site, and each of them will be equivalent. Secondly, a garden built according to this principle is quite abstract, so it is difficult to balance its appearance. Creating a single picture can be achieved by adding repeating elements, for example, stones of the same shape, to different corners of the garden.

Of course, each person has his own color preferences, and they will influence the colors of the garden. But when choosing a palette, do not forget that light shades seem closer than they really are, and dark ones appear further away. That is why many designers advise placing dark plants in the foreground and planting bright flowers behind them. This technique will make general view more voluminous and rich.

Knowing the basics of landscape design, you can easily, and most importantly - competently, create the garden of your dreams!

Is landscape design fashion, art or science? Why do people who have their own corner engage in landscape design? Why do companies hire designers to design their areas in front of their offices? How to properly create landscape design on your territory? What principles of landscape design should be used in certain situations? And many more questions arise if we touch on this topic, much less delve into it.

Landscape design is the creation of harmony and convenience with the help of green spaces and small architectural forms. The landscape design direction contains a lot of elements and is built on certain principles.

Let's try to cover some issues regarding landscape design.

The main components of landscape design are the following elements:

  1. Buildings are the central element of a landscape composition, the idea of ​​which is to decorate the space around central element so that it is beautiful, cozy and harmonious, and, if possible, hides the shortcomings of buildings.
  2. Lawns consisting of a variety of grasses and paths to them.
  3. Green spaces - flower beds, trees, shrubs.
  4. Large decorative elements or small architectural forms, such as a pool, lake, stream, fountain, sculpture, gazebo, etc.
  5. Small decorative details– lamps, candles, flower beds, flowerpots, etc.

If we talk about the principles of landscape design for a personal plot, then we should highlight a number of basic ones:

  • Integrity. This is the arrangement of identical elements in different parts plot. Elements are taken both decorative and natural. To achieve the integrity of the landscape, you must first draw up a plan and decide on the theme of your composition. The main idea conveyed by this principle is the unity and harmony of all elements of the landscape.
  • Simplicity is another principle of landscape design. In nature, everything is simple, beautiful and natural, which attracts people, so there should be no clutter in landscape design complex elements, shapes and variety of colors and shades - two or three are enough and repeat them in the main elements.
  • The principle of balance. By not observing this principle, you put at risk even the harmony that already existed on your territory. The balance can be asymmetrical or symmetrical.

Symmetrical balance is the repetition of identical elements in mirror image relative to one fixed, visually defined point. Such a point can be different elements of the landscape, for example, a house, a veranda or garden path– it all depends on the specific project. For repetition, you can use groups of plants or the shape of flower beds.

Asymmetrical balance – a variety of shapes and sizes, but at the same time the harmony should not be disturbed in the color aspect, and the shapes should not predominate over each other. The main idea of ​​this balance is the unity of structure, form, type of plants against the background of one non-systemic and changing factor, for example, the boulders will be completely different in shape and size.

  • Combination of plants. Plants, no matter how many or few they are, must be in perfect harmony with each other. Find out everything you can about the plants you choose: size in mature age what they will look like at the time of flowering, watering features, soil preferences, etc. Based on this information, you need to plant plants, bushes and trees. And one more undeniable important point: a combination of vertical and horizontal gardening.
  • The smoothness of the transitions is very important principle, especially for planting plants. The height of plants and the size of leaves should change smoothly and according to the principle: tall trees are planted on background, then the medium ones are planted and the small ones in front. Thanks to this, the depth of the landscape is achieved. It is recommended to use the same landscape design techniques when planting flowers, otherwise large flowers will cover the small ones and no one will notice the beauty of the little ones.
  • When compiling design project, it is extremely important to observe gradual transitions from one element to another. Matching the sizes of adjacent elements and their smooth transition is very important. A huge sculpture placed in a small garden will look strange and awkward, and a fountain small size no one will notice in the vast open space.
  • The principle of working with color. Cool colors create the illusion of a distant object, while warm colors, on the contrary, seem to be close. Grey, black and white are neutral colors that are very suitable for background compositions. You can also apply a color scheme if you have a shady area. In this case, light plants or a flower garden will help. white- for contrast, you can plant very bright flower, for example, red.
  • The principle of landscape filling. Small architectural buildings and elements - greenhouses, verandas, fences, etc. - must be combined with each other and other components of landscape design. To do this, they need to be built from the same material; if this is not possible, then a color scheme will help.
  • The principle “Not only wide, but also upward” - new principle landscape design. Its essence is to create small artificial hills. Hills and mounds increase the area of ​​your landscape and create additional features.
  • The principle of naturalness. Everything in your design should give joy from communicating with nature, emphasizing its uniqueness, beauty and grace. Therefore, the use of numerous elements with strict forms and artificial plants in landscape design is not recommended.

By following the basic principles of landscape design, you can easily draw up a project for your transformed site. However, theory alone is clearly not enough. The implementation of the above principles is no less, and sometimes even more difficult, task. To make your task easier, in the section below we have provided some more tips from experts - for beginners.

Landscape design - extensive and interesting topic. It is quite difficult and unnecessary to tell everything at once. I would like to note a number of the most important advice and reveal some landscape design techniques:

  1. Should stock up necessary tool, without this you won’t be able to do anything: gloves, tape measure, pruning shears, garden shears, a hacksaw for sawing off branches that the pruning shears cannot handle, a lawn mower, a rake, a shovel, buckets, watering cans, a hoe, hoses - this is not a complete list.
  2. You need to be patient. Landscape design is a long, painstaking, but enjoyable job that cannot be done in one day. Not everything depends on you - nature has its own laws.
  3. It is necessary to take care of the land. The earth must “rest” in order to be fertile. Fertilizers and other things will help you here.
  4. When planning landscape elements on your site, take into account the needs of the whole family - a vegetable garden, a swing or a football field - and make appropriate changes. The design should be beautiful, functional and comfortable for all family members.
  5. A useful and beautiful element of landscape design - hedge. This is a unique natural protection of the site from wind and sun.
  6. When planning the design of a forest or grove, take into account the size of your plot - at least 20 acres of land are needed for forest plantings.
  7. A pond will be an excellent decoration for your landscape. This design element is also very functional - it helps to increase air humidity, which will have a positive effect on the plants. The recommended area for a reservoir is from one to three acres, and the depth is preferably at least one and a half meters. It is important to choose the right place. Where the moisture dries out in the spring, groundwater lie closer to the surface - that’s where a pond or lake should be located.
  8. Garden. An important point for this component of our design is pollination. Fruit trees It is better to plant at least two copies.
  9. Pets. If you have livestock or are planning to have one, then the appropriate architectural elements for the life of animals must be thought out immediately in accordance with the general concept.

If you want your home to be surrounded by more than just beautiful nature, but a perfect landscape or park, then you should turn to such a dynamic science as. This is the art of creating parks and gardens, which for a long time does not lose its popularity; on the contrary, it is constantly growing.

Today, not only owners are turning to this country houses and city cottages, but also office owners if they have a nearby plot. This becomes a sign by which the viability of the company is determined. The science of landscape design will help you create your own magical garden, which will delight you at any time of the year, if you are guided by the rules and elements of this science during the creation process. The basic principles of landscape design begin with the very simple rule, it is necessary to take as a starting point the idea of ​​the integrity of space.

Basic rules for arrangement

  1. Integrity of space. This can be achieved in a very simple way, for example, by placing the same decorative or natural elements in different parts of the site. Or achieve the same effect using color solutions, that is, use the same colors. It is best if you initially rely on a specific idea or topic.
  2. Simply put, you should strive for harmony when designing your site and create your own unique style. To do this, you can search for photographs on the Internet and, based on what you see, come up with your own original idea or contact a professional designer.
  3. Simplicity is also one of the most important principles of landscape design. The abundance and clutter of shapes and colors can not only fail to decorate, but even completely ruin the appearance of the site. The optimal solution no more than 4 colors will be used; they should be repeated in the main design elements.
  4. The planted plants should be combined with each other, even if there are only a few of them.
  5. There is also a rule that seems simple, but it is not always followed. Tall trees should be in the very background, then the middle ones, and the smallest ones in the foreground. This creates depth in the garden. The same rules should be followed when creating a flower. What's the point of planting even a very beautiful one? small flower in the background, if it will still be covered by taller plants.
  6. The principle of balance. It is imperative to observe it, otherwise you risk disturbing even the harmony that already existed on the site. The balance can be asymmetrical or symmetrical.

Symmetrical implies the usual repetition of the same elements in a mirror image relative to some limit.

This limit can be a garden path, a crowbar line or a veranda - it all depends on the specific area.

Asymmetrical implies an absolute variety of shapes and sizes, but at the same time everything should be in harmony, no one color should prevail over another. One form should not overshadow the other.

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Some more features

  1. Competent modulation of space using color management. For example, you need to know first of all that colors are divided into cold and warm. Warm colors plants bring it closer to us visually, while cold ones move the space away. Using this simple knowledge you can greatly change the appearance of your garden.
  2. In addition, black, gray and white are an excellent background for any plants.
  3. The use of color can be applied if you have a shady area. White plants will help you highlight it, or rather, creating a white flower garden, which will look even better if some red plant is planted in it. This is done for contrast, to emphasize the whiteness of the flowerbed.
  4. Proportions. Compliance with this rule is also important, in this case all design elements will look advantageous. It is impossible for nearby objects to be radically different in size, otherwise the smaller object will simply get lost against the background of the larger one. In order not to spoil the landscape, maintain proportions.
  5. Vertical and horizontal landscaping should be combined with each other. In this case, you need to take into account absolutely everything that can be learned about the selected plant species: what they will be like in adulthood, when it is time to bloom, what they need to be watered with and what soil is most suitable for them. Based on this knowledge, you need to plant plants, shrubs and trees.
  6. Landscape content, that is, all small buildings, such as greenhouses, verandas, garages, fences and the like. All these buildings must be in harmony with the surrounding landscape and with each other. This can be achieved by using the same material for their construction. If this is not possible, then look for harmony using color schemes.
  7. Everything for peace and joy, no matter what you plan, every step you take should improve nature, emphasizing its beauty and grace, and not disturb it, filling everything with strict forms and artificial plants. Everything created should evoke a desire to spend as much time as possible in the garden, walking along paths, relaxing in a gazebo or sitting by a spring.

If you are planning your garden yourself, then you should start by going to the store, where you should buy everything you might need during the work process. Without these simple and accessible tools, you won't succeed, even if the idea of ​​​​changing the landscape design of your site is simply great.

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