I have already had 3 years of experience in growing persimmons from seeds and this is already a decent-sized tree on the balcony. The experiment can be considered successful, except for some confusion about where to put the seedling? However, it is interesting, so I will share observations and practical tips.

Before you start growing, it makes sense to think about what you will do with the grown heat-loving tree. In average and northern climates, persimmons are unlikely to bear fruit or even bloom. It is simply a broad-leaved tree that needs care, is capricious, moisture-loving and sun-loving.

In winter, the tree sheds its leaves and will not be able to please you with anything. If the wintering temperature is not observed, the persimmon will simply die and will not wake up in the spring.

It is not difficult to germinate persimmon seeds. It is enough to place the persimmon seeds in a warm, humid environment and after 2-3 weeks you will see a strong white sprout.

Do not hesitate to plant, place the sprouted seeds in peat pot with fertile soil, one in each and provide necessary and abundant moisture. You can place pots of sprouts in a low container of water. It is better if there are no drafts nearby.

As a fertilizer, persimmon sprouts love sleeping black tea, but be careful not to breed fruit flies, which also love tea and will happily eat the tender roots of plants.

Do not place 2-3 seeds in one pot “to be on the safe side” - the germination rate of fresh seeds is almost 100%, and it is difficult to plant excess sprouts due to the great tenderness of young plants.

If you grow 2-3 grains at once, a leader will be determined among them, which will not allow other sprouts to grow normally, but they will significantly slow down its growth and desperately fight for life when broken off or cut off.

It is better to take persimmon seeds for planting from overripe sweet fruits, already translucent from ripeness. Large oblong seeds are the seeds.

An important point - do not leave the seeds to dry out; place them for germination right away, immediately after you have eaten the persimmon. Persimmon is an autumn product, so get ready for the fact that you will almost immediately have to prepare the plant for wintering - the most difficult period in the plant’s life.

Persimmon shoots are similar to bean shoots - a strong, thick sprout, which is crowned with a seed that has broken into halves. There is an important trick with this bone - no matter how sloppy the bone looks, do not even think about touching it, tearing it off, or helping it free from the tough skin if it seems to you that it is stuck or stuck.

Surprisingly, such help and any interference seriously weakens the plant. Wait for the first two leaves to appear and unfold. After this, the sprout can already be considered a seedling. Place the seedling in a small flower pot.

Transplanting a plant into too big pot undesirable - the plant will begin to actively develop the root system and may die.

A 1 liter pot is enough for the first year of persimmon life. You can leave the persimmon in a small pot for 3 years, but then you will have to worry about fertilizing and maintaining moisture between waterings.

Persimmons can stand on the windowsill for the first year or even two or three if the tops are properly plucked and the crown is formed. But let's not forget that persimmon is a tree that will feel a little cramped in the house. Decorative qualities persimmons are not too tall.

Wide leaves do not have the waxy gloss and grace of ficus. In the winter, persimmons necessarily shed all their leaves and need a special temperature regime. Temperatures around 0 or +5 degrees Celsius are desirable.

It is difficult to provide such a regime in an apartment in most cases. It is better to plant a mature three-year-old seedling in open soil.

Wintering persimmons grown from seeds

If there is no problem as to whether it is possible to grow persimmons from seeds, to germinate it is enough to spit the seeds into a cup of water and forget for a week, and then attach the resulting sprouts. The problem of how to survive the winter is quite relevant.

More than half of persimmon sprouts die in the first years during wintering. The sprout does not like rearrangements, therefore, until the last leaves fall, do not touch the seedling, do not turn it towards the light, or move it to a place more convenient for you.

Gradually reduce the intensity of watering. The leaves will turn yellow and fall off. Do not tear off yellowed leaves and remaining grains. Wait until they fall off on their own.

Cover the soil at the root of the plant with fallen leaves. Move the pot with the plant to a cool place. The desired temperature is from 0 to +5 degrees.

At this temperature, the persimmon sleeps peacefully. When the temperature rises, the plant may wake up at the wrong time and die from lack of sun. In the spring, when the plant's buds swell, you can move the persimmon to the windowsill, choosing a sunny, well-lit place.

In early spring, persimmons begin to grow, absorbing fertilizers and water in incredible quantities. Your task in this case is to look after the size of the future tree. Pinch the top bud about 20 cm from maximum height, which you define for the plant.

The optimal height is considered to be 1.5 meters. If you allow the plant to grow tall, it will pose problems. Immediately pinch the top bud at a height of about 1 meter to avoid pulling the persimmon. After the side shoots appear, pinch them too.

Wait for new shoots to emerge from dormant buds on the trunk and allow them to grow to maximum length. This will happen approximately in the 3-4th year of the plant’s life.

Only with the help of constant growth control will you be able to keep the persimmon within a decent framework, not allowing it to grow. Keep track of young shoots. Without your control, persimmons can throw out long young shoots up to 1 meter overnight. Stop such attempts, let them better foliage it will be dense, and the shoots will be frequent and not too long.

How to plant persimmons in a large pot

It’s time to transplant persimmons that have passed the 3-year mark into a large pot. Buy a big one clay pot with a deep tray, you've lived with persimmons long enough to understand how much they love water.

Fill one quarter of the pot with expanded clay or put any other medium drainage. Remove the persimmon from the old pot along with a lump of earth and slightly straighten the curled roots. Most likely, the entire earthen ball will be solid roots, so be careful not to damage them.

Place the straightened roots in a new pot and sprinkle with fresh purchased slightly acidic soil. You can use soil for garden plants, for a vegetable garden, soil for roses and begonias is also suitable. The soil should be loose and light.

If you don't want to purchase ready soil, you can make it yourself by mixing fertile land with light filling, for example, foam balls.

But when using self-collected soil, there is an increased risk of bringing pest larvae and weed seeds into the house, something that will have to be fought for a long time. From above, to the ground, after abundant watering, lay a layer of fallen leaves.

The leaves of the persimmon itself are ideal for shelter, since they are large, wide and quite dense. After transplanting, if temperatures are high, you will have to water the persimmon 2 times a day. Then gradually work up to daily watering. In cloudy weather, it is enough to water the plant 2 times a week.

Keep an eye on the leaves; if they begin to wither, droop, turn yellow, or curl into tubes, most likely the plant does not have enough moisture.

Well, congratulations, you have grown tender persimmons in your own home. It’s hard to say what you will do with it now. In the climate of the middle zone, persimmon most likely will not survive in open ground.

From this article you will learn

How persimmon grows

This is a tree, most often 5-7 m tall. But there are giants, such as the Caucasian persimmon, which can grow up to 30 m, and there are dwarfs, whose height is no more than 2 m. But they are all very light-loving, the crown of these trees is wide and spreading. Because of this, the tree looks larger than its actual size.

Overall it looks like big apple tree or a pear. The leaves are quite large and bright green. But the flowers are small, inconspicuous, greenish and almost invisible. A fruit is most often called a fruit, although according to the classical definition of botanists, it is, surprisingly, berry.

What are the fruits?

The fruits are very diverse in color, shape, and taste. They can be green, yellow, orange, crimson-red and almost black, smooth or pubescent, sweet, sour, tart, dense or soft, and the taste and color of the pulp can vary depending on the degree of ripeness and storage conditions.

Round or flattened, elongated or heart-shaped, the size of a grape or about good tomato, the fruits of this tree have enjoyed constant success for a long time. And not only because they are attractive and tasty, but also because they contain many useful microelements.

Few fruits and berries can compete with persimmons in terms of beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, and especially iodine content.

How persimmons bloom

The flowers are small, greenish in color. There are male and female flowers. Sometimes flowers of a mixed type appear, but not every year and not on every plant. Moreover, on one tree there can be only one type of flower, or maybe two, or all three. Therefore, in order to get a harvest, it makes sense if possible plant several seedlings.

It is believed that at 6-8 female trees 1 male is enough. Bumblebees and bees pollinate flowers, so it is very useful to plant plants nearby that bloom at the same time as persimmons to attract insects.

Fortunately, there are also self-pollinating varieties. Such a tree, even if there is only one in the entire area, will still bear fruit successfully. This plant begins to bloom in late spring or early summer. Much depends on the region, weather conditions and varieties.

Does persimmon grow fast or slow?

It grows quite quickly; grafted varieties begin to bloom and bear fruit sooner. Usually, 4-5 years after planting, you can already see flowering in grafted seedlings, but plants grown from seeds bloom at best for 7-8 years.

Which persimmon can withstand frost?

Of the variety of subspecies, persimmon is best suited for growing in harsh conditions. Virginian. It is the one that can withstand a short-term drop in temperature to -30 o C. Its fruits are small (like small apples or large apricots), but they taste very sweet.

In addition, this species is particularly flexible and adaptable to new conditions. Planting material for Virginia persimmon can be purchased at specialized nurseries or from amateur gardeners. In addition, it is used as a rootstock for more heat-loving varieties.

Advice: immediately plant Virginia persimmon in a permanent place, as it does not tolerate transplantation well.

Will persimmons bear fruit from fruit bought at the market?

Fruit seeds, which we usually purchase at the market or in a store, are not suitable for growing in open ground in regions with cold climates. Plants grown from them freeze at the roots even at -15 o C, not to mention more severe winters.

Naturally, there can be no talk here not only of fruiting, but even of flowering. Those who want to grow just such a persimmon can be advised to grow it at home, in room conditions, or in a specialized greenhouse.

Favorable conditions for growing persimmons

There are several ways to propagate persimmons. This tree reproduces by both seed and vegetative way, that is, cuttings. We will look at both methods step by step. But first, let’s get acquainted with what this tree loves most, what conditions suit it best.

Soil requirements

Sufficiently fertile, loose and moisture-permeable soil is suitable for growing persimmons. Clayey, swampy and saline areas are unsuitable for growing this tree. If the soil is sandy, it makes sense to add fertile soil, compost and humus. On heavy black soils, make good drainage and add baking powder.

Ideal option: turf and forest land. Unnecessarily nutritious soil can cause powerful plant growth, but the timing of flowering and fruiting will be delayed by several years.

Optimal humidity

Persimmon is a subtropical tree. In addition to heat, it needs moisture, not only of the root system, but also of air. When watering, the water should not stagnate, and it is best to spray in the evenings and only with warm water.

If your region has an arid climate, or the summer was rainless, the trees will have to pay special attention, often watering and loosening the soil. Can trunk circle mulch. This will help maintain soil moisture and reduce the amount of watering.

Alternatively, you can sow green manure. In the winter, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly; this helps the tree to safely endure the hardships of winter and survive until spring.


Like all southern plants, persimmon has a very long growing season and increased light requirements: for its normal development A minimum of 2000 hours of light per year is required. You can find out data for your region in a special directory.

If there is a need for additional lighting, then you will have to plant persimmons in a partially heated greenhouse, creating artificial the necessary conditions. If a plant does not have enough light, for example, if it grows in an area where there is a dull shadow from a fence or building, then its leaves curl and the fruits fall prematurely.


In addition to light and moisture, persimmons need warmth. She feels best at a temperature of 28-30 o C. winter period root system withstands temperatures down to -8 o C, frost-resistant varieties can survive even at -18 o C, and only a few specimens can survive -27 o C, and most often not only the roots, but also the crown suffer.

Therefore, no matter what frost-resistant variety it is, in regions where in winter the thermometer drops below -10 o C, it is better to cover persimmon growing in open ground. In nature, the most frost-resistant, Virginia persimmon In winter it can withstand temperatures down to -28 o C.

How to grow persimmons from the seed

Very simple. It is much more difficult to protect a young tree in the harsh conditions of central Russia. Therefore for northern regions It is recommended to grow only frost-resistant persimmon varieties from seed, in particular Virginia persimmon. Subsequently, a large-fruited variety can be grafted onto such a seedling.

For those who live in more southern regions, you don’t have to worry: if frosts are rare and do not fall below -10 o C, the climate is humid and warm, spring comes early, and autumn is in no hurry, then you can grow almost any variety of persimmon.

To do this, it is enough to remove the seeds from a ripe fruit (or better yet, several fruits), rinse in water, disinfect in a pink solution of manganese, plant in light, damp soil, cover with film and wait for germination.

Advice: do not take seeds from frozen fruits for planting; use only fresh ones, preferably those ripened on the tree.

It is not recommended to plant persimmon seeds directly into the ground in the garden. To begin with, it is better to germinate them at home, and when warm days come, gradually accustom the seedlings to street conditions and only after that plant them in a permanent place.

Choose an area sheltered from the wind and sufficiently lit. However, at first, be sure to shade the seedlings until they adapt. Do not forget that persimmon is a tree; the distance between seedlings should be at least 6 m for vigorous varieties and 3-4 m for less powerful ones. The planting pattern is arbitrary, but most often they are planted in a checkerboard pattern.

Persimmon grown from cuttings

Compared to growing from seed, cuttings have one clear advantage: you are guaranteed to get a plant with the same qualities as the mother.

It is imperative to take a cutting that has already fruit tree that meets all your requirements. It's best to root in early spring, before the start of the sap flow process. But you can harvest cuttings in the fall. A cutting intended for planting must have at least 2 buds. Leaves, if any, are removed. The cut should be at least 4 cm from the bud.

  • We plant the cuttings in separate containers or in a common seedling box. In both cases, we put a good drainage layer on the bottom.
  • We take light, nutritious soil. It is highly advisable to add baking powder, preferably perlite and a little crushed charcoal.
  • We plant the cuttings in this soil mixture, lightly press the soil, spray it and place it in a well-lit place, but so that the cuttings are not exposed to direct rays of the sun.
  • The optimal temperature regime is 22-24 o C. If desired, the cuttings can be treated with one of the root formation stimulants before planting.

    Caring for young plants consists of timely watering, spraying on hot days, and regular but infrequent feeding. It is necessary to feed no more than 2 times a month, while alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

  • As soon as the first leaf appears on the cuttings, the plants must be shaded from direct sunlight. If the weather permits, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground.

Look at the video in more detail on how to properly root green cuttings:

Planting in spring is possible only when the threat of frost has definitely passed and the ground has warmed up sufficiently. In autumn, the ground should still be soft and warm, and there should be enough time for the cutting to adapt to the new place before the first frosts.

In the first years, shelter for young plants is a must.

The process of proper planting in the ground

  • First of all, we choose a suitable place: sunny, but not too open so that there are no drafts. They are often planted under the protection of the wall of the house, so that later the tree does not interfere with the building and is sufficiently illuminated.
  • We prepare the planting hole as for an apple or pear tree: at least 30x40 cm. Immediately drive a peg of sufficient height into the bottom. If necessary, we place drainage at the bottom, then the depth of the hole increases accordingly.
  • On sandy soils we add more compost and turf soil, on normal soils – half the norm is enough. Place a small mound of earth at the bottom of the hole and place it on it. young plant there, fill it with prepared soil, lightly compact the soil and water it abundantly.
  • If persimmon is planted in autumn period, then if there is a threat of the first frost, be sure to cover the plant and mulch the tree trunk circle.

Feeding and caring for seedlings

Caring for seedlings is the same as for other young trees: timely weeding, loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing. In dry springs and especially hot summers, additional watering and spraying are necessary, but you need to be careful with fertilizing, especially at first. All fertilizing that stimulates shoot growth is stopped at least 1.5 months before the onset of cold weather.

An overfed plant grows actively, but the wood does not have time to ripen, so during a cold winter such a plant may die irrevocably. It is best to fertilize in the second half of summer potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, combining them with spraying.

Advice: persimmon is capable of accumulating iodine in its fruits, which it receives from the air in coastal areas. It is very useful to add potassium iodide (0.02%) to the water when foliar feeding.

Shade the young tree from scorching direct sunlight. Although this is a southern plant, excessively bright sun can cause burns on the leaves.

Protect from strong winds, place a screen nearby or plant tall annual plants that will protect the seedlings from dry winds.

How to trim persimmons

To prevent the tree from growing too tall, they begin to shape it almost from the first year of life. Actually, as soon as the seedling has grown to a height of 0.5 m, you can begin the process.

Usually the crown is formed in the shape of a bowl or in a sparsely tiered system. This allows you to adjust the height of the tree and speed up the ripening process of wood and fruits. As experience shows, than smaller plant, the greater his chances of survival.

In a mature tree, it is necessary to remove all shoots that thicken the crown, grow inward, intertwine, weak and thin, leaving 5-6 well-formed skeletal branches. like this Formative pruning is best done in the fall.

In the spring, it is advisable to carry out sanitary pruning: remove all frozen and dried branches. Sometimes in harsh winters the plant freezes heavily, but young shoots begin to grow from the roots, and the tree becomes like a bush. In this case, it is better to leave 1 shoot and re-form the crown.

Summer pruning of shoots is carried out only if there is a need to remove diseased or damaged branches. Rejuvenating pruning of persimmon is carried out during a period of reduced active growth of young branches, while all very old, diseased and damaged branches are removed; it is better to prune too long ones, carefully forming a new crown.

In the year of pruning, such a tree, as a rule, rests and does not bear fruit.

Persimmon diseases and their treatment

For the prevention and protection of young plants in spring and early summer, the preparations “Topaz” and “Chorus” are used. In the fall, before the onset of stable cold weather, spray with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Sometimes succulent young foliage is attacked by whole hordes of aphids, mites and other pests. Timely treatment with Aktara or Karbofos will help. Do not treat with poisons during flowering or shortly before harvest.

Persimmon grafting

To speed up the fruiting process and to obtain larger and tastier fruits, it is strongly recommended to graft young plants. In addition, this is the only way to correct the sex of plants, since in the case of growing from seed it is impossible to predict this moment.

  • For grafting, cuttings are taken from cultivars. Grafting is usually done using the split and budding method. Timing of vaccination: “split” preferably in January-February, but kidney vaccination is better done in August-September.
  • It is advisable to take the grafting material from an already fruit-bearing tree. suitable variety. It is advisable to use varieties early fruiting, otherwise we risk getting a harvest that ripens too slowly and for a long time.
  • Persimmon of one variety can be grafted onto persimmon of another variety. No one has yet succeeded in grafting onto other trees.

And in the video below you can see how the vaccination process almost looks live:

Grafted plants begin to bear fruit already at 4-5 years of age, while those grown from seeds - at best at 7-8 years.

When does persimmon ripen?

IN natural conditions growing, for example, in Abkhazia, it ripens at the end of autumn or even at the beginning of winter. Much depends on the variety. There are early, middle and late varieties. In central Russia it makes sense to grow only early ripening varieties. It happens that in one area the same variety ripens earlier or later, much depends on weather conditions.

Sometimes the harvest is harvested after the first frost so that the astringency in the fruits disappears. Therefore, persimmon season is not only autumn, but also winter. The fruits may fall off on their own as they become ripe, but most often they are firmly attached to the branches and must be collected by hand.

Why don't persimmons bear fruit?

Persimon does not bear fruit for several reasons:

  • A tree with only female or only male flowers grows on the site.
  • The plant is overfed nitrogen fertilizers or grows on soil that is too oily and rich in humus.
  • The tree is not insufficiently insulated for the autumn-winter period and flower buds freeze out.

Why do persimmons drop fruits?

Fruits drop prematurely if:

  • There is no suitable pollinator growing on the site.
  • Agricultural cultivation techniques are not followed: the tree does not have enough light, moisture or nutrition.
  • If the plant is sick or susceptible to pest attack, the ovaries also fall off.
  • Sudden temperature changes can also cause fruit to drop.

Why do leaves curl and dry?

  • Excessive or insufficient watering. With excessive moisture, the roots of the plant may develop root rot and other diseases. If it is insufficient, the required amount of nutrients does not reach the leaves and therefore they curl.
  • When there is insufficient light, the leaves also curl and fall off.
  • Lack of microelements in the soil.

How to store persimmons so that they ripen?

It often happens that you have to harvest a crop that has not yet ripened. Persimmon is perfectly stored and ripened if you place it in a cool, dry (not lower than 0 o C and not higher than 3-5 o C) room that is well ventilated. In such conditions it can be stored for several months.

Advice: choose for long-term storage only undamaged fruits, without stains or cracks.

  • To speed up the ripening process, bananas and other fruits that produce ethylene can be placed next to persimmon fruits, which contribute to faster ripening of the fruit.
  • In addition, storage at higher temperatures also has a beneficial effect on the ripening process of persimmons.
  • Sometimes the liming method is used: green fruits are dipped in 10% water for a couple of days. percentage solution lime
  • Ripe fruits can be frozen, dried or cooked.

Where do persimmons grow?

Each subspecies and variety has its own pros and cons; some trees can live and develop normally only in countries with a very warm, humid climate, while others can withstand frosty winters and can please residents of more severe climatic zones with a harvest.

Heat-loving varieties successfully grow and bear fruit in industrial scale in Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Dagestan. Krasnodar region is also quite a suitable region for growing this crop. By the way, in Gelendzhik persimmons can grow even without shelter. In the Caucasus and Uzbekistan, wild persimmon grows in almost every garden, the fruits of which are small, but are considered to be very healthy.

Every year this culture moves further north. Already, many hobbyists are successfully growing winter-hardy varieties in the Moscow region, in Rostov region, as well as in Volgograd, Belgorod, Chelyabinsk, Ryazan regions. Persimmons have been grown quite successfully for a long time in Ukraine, and recently even in Belarus.

Persimmon is a very flexible plant. Two identical seedlings of the same variety may show themselves differently. The plant is quite different from the pear and apple trees we are used to. Therefore, those gardeners who live in central Russia and set out to grow persimmons in their gardens need to take into account some of the features of growing this crop in open ground.

Are there large-fruited frost-resistant varieties?

Of course, I really want the fruits to be large and more similar to those we see on store shelves. Hybrid varieties have now been obtained that combine best qualities Virginia persimmon and eastern persimmon. The Russian variety can withstand frosts down to -26 o C. And more recently, an amateur gardener from Belgorod region V. Evdokimov developed a new frost-resistant variety, which he called Belogorye.

In addition, a very interesting variety bred in Crimea, called Nikitskaya Burgundy. As can be seen in the photo, it stands out among other varieties in the size of the fruit and the color of the pulp. The fruits have an excellent taste, and an adult tree can withstand temperatures down to -28 o C.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that persimmon, like many once strictly southern plants, is quite possible to grow in your dacha even for residents of central Russia.

Despite the fact that persimmon begins to bear fruit quite early, it lives a long time, bearing fruit for more than 50 years. With good agricultural technology, correct formation crowns and timely anti-aging pruning - even longer. The yield from one large mature tree in the southern regions can reach 200 kg per season.

Growing persimmons in the harsh conditions of central Russia is, of course, not an easy task, but very interesting and promising. No instruction can replace personal experience, but we hope that our tips will help you avoid the main mistakes in growing persimmons.

If this crop is properly cared for, it will certainly reward you with delicious fruits. The hour is not far off when the food of the gods will grow both in Siberia and the Urals, and not just in Sochi!

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate

She is sometimes known as tomato tree. Its sweet fruits can often be seen on winter store shelves. This is a persimmon plant. At home it grows, but rarely bears fruit - it has a very freedom-loving disposition. But there are ways to tame it - to grow a healthy, beautiful tree that produces a regular harvest of large, sweet, orange berries.

Numerous sources of literature on indoor gardening sometimes, unknown to why, novice gardeners who want to grow it at home, receiving fruits, seem to be deliberately intimidated with all sorts of creepy facts from the biography of a plant named persimmon. A tree at home will not bear fruit, some write. Getting even just a sprout from a seed will become an extremely difficult task - others echo.

Persimmon grows easily at home, even bears fruit; you only need to know the basic aspects of its agricultural technology.

Video about growing persimmons

So, the myths:

  • The seeds are very difficult to germinate. Special treatment is required before planting. You can often find lengthy instructions on seed removal, stratification, disinfection and other pre-sowing rituals. However, none of this is required, especially if you are planting seeds directly from the fruit you have just eaten. Just sprinkle lightly with soil and water regularly. in a few days - maximum, in two weeks you will see powerful shoots reaching towards the light. It is known that seed germination quickly decreases, just like in citrus fruits. If you received a seed separated from the fruit pulp several weeks ago, then it is recommended to soak them in a growth stimulant solution, for example epin, root, heteroauxin.
  • Feeding and fertilizers are simply necessary for successful home growing. From others cultivated plants the tomato tree differs only in that it is more demanding on the lightness of the soil. Does not tolerate heavy soils well. The issue of fertilizers should also be treated very carefully. Persimmon is one of the plants that thrives in poor soils; it is better to underfeed it than to overfeed it with mineral and especially organic fertilizers.
  • Asthenia is tropical, so it requires special care. Provide it with year-round tropics, then you will have a harvest. In fact, everything is somewhat different. Our ward is able to withstand cold temperatures down to -20°C, and the Virginia form tolerates frosts of -40°C. The tree requires a cold winter period. Only then does it bear fruit at home.

Persimmon photography

Proper agricultural technology begins with planting

Sow the seeds and water, avoiding the muddy condition of the soil. We put it where it is warm, there are no drafts. After 10-16 days, the seeds will sprout. We move them closer to the sun, on the windowsills. Sometimes the seed shell refuses to fall off the leaves and prevents their further growth. We carefully pick it out with a knife, or wrap it in damp gauze and leave it for a while. Once it swells, it will fall off on its own.

Photos of young persimmon trees

With good air humidity and high temperature Our seedlings are actively growing. We wait a couple of weeks, watering regularly, after which we plant the sprouts in separate pots, if you choose seedling boxes for pecking seeds. Or we leave the strongest ones growing there for each seed pot.

A seedling of the first year of growth actively forms the root system and wood. For the first couple of months, the volume of the planting pot will be enough to fill with the root network. Then we change to a larger container. But again, as in the case of citrus fruits, you cannot increase the diameter of the pot very quickly.

In order for persimmons to bear fruit at home, you shouldn’t allow them too much. By providing all the conditions for rapid growth, we spoil the tree, turning it into an accelerator that will never please you even with flowering.

Providing us with fruits is not the plan of a plant if it grows at home, in a limited space. No matter how big the pot is, it will not replace the roots of the tree natural conditions. In addition, the apartment’s dry air, light, and, most importantly, temperature conditions are far from desired. Our goal is not to create all the necessary conditions for flowering and fruiting, but to force the tree to bear fruit. However, this does not mean that persimmons in the apartment should be tormented by hunger, cramped conditions and dryness. It is necessary to maintain a balance between stressful and favorable conditions. This is the agricultural technology of moderate restriction, which forces tall tropical and subtropical trees to bear fruit in cramped living conditions.

Photos of preparation for persimmon transplantation

So, with each transplant we increase the diameter of the pot by 3-4 centimeters. During the first year of life, the plant can be replanted twice due to its strong growth. Subsequently, we replant every six months. Starting from the third year of life, we reduce this to an annual transplant. From the age of five, we replace the pots with a larger volume every year.

Persimmon loves light, but protect it from the sun

Now about the light mode. It is known that our ward loves the sun. Most often, to satisfy this need, we put trees on balconies or in gardens. But don't overdo it. A sharp increase in daily illumination after indoor ultraviolet scattering through window glass can negatively affect the health of the plant and lead to leaf burns. It's better to teach it gradually.

Firstly, we move the persimmon closer to the light in the evening, when the sun is no longer so strong, ultraviolet rays are dissipated in the atmosphere. Or it is best to take the tree out into the fresh air during cloudy days. then the best adaptation to natural conditions will occur.

Secondly, in the first days, if the weather is clear, provide shade to the plants. Pull with south side matte fabric or dense non-woven covering material.

Photo of persimmon transplant

Third. Due to the active drying of greenery by the wind, trees begin to consume much large quantity water. Increase irrigation doses; drying out of the soil is unacceptable.

It’s worth saying right away homemade persimmon does not like a lot of feeding, responding to it with weak growth and a painful condition.

Limited volumes of soil do not allow for the development of a large root system. A large root system cannot feed the large green mass of a tree. This means that persimmon at home requires significantly less food than its free-ranging counterparts. Where will the tree put the absorbed nitrogen from fertilizing, if it is mostly required to increase green mass and stimulate growth?

Our task is the opposite - to limit and slow down the growth of the tree if possible. Microelements that are not used will lead to an overdose inside the persimmon tissues. And this makes the tree frail and painful. An overfed tree is no better than an underfed one. Phosphorus is also required by the tree for the most part for flowering and fruit set, just as potassium is necessary for the ripening of bark and roots.

In the photo there is a persimmon

However, this does not mean that we should stop fertilizing our persimmons altogether. Feeding is necessary, but in much more moderate quantities. It's better to focus on micronutrients. There are a lot of universal inorganic complexes for indoor flower plants. They also work well with persimmons. Microelements help strengthen the plant's immunity, which is extremely useful, because persimmons constantly suffer from stress at home. It is worth saying that the provision of microelements greatly influences whether your subtropical pet will bear fruit.

Fertilize regularly, twice a month, but in small doses.

Also does not like persimmon organic fertilizers. Accustomed in natural conditions to the poor rocky soils of mountain slopes, it feels uncomfortable on manured chernozems. It’s better to water it with complexes of humic acids and effective microorganisms. They improve the ecology of the soil inside the pots and help the roots better absorb mineral fertilizers.

And of course, we remember that under no circumstances should you fertilize on dry soil. Forget about this rule if you set yourself the goal of burning the persimmon roots

Persimmon in the photo

After waiting for the fourth or fifth leaf, we pinch the sprouts. This provokes active growth of side shoots. When they also grow to 4-5 leaves, we pinch them. Our goal is to prevent the tree from growing, leaving it compact. Soon we will have a spherical, low tree. You just need to periodically pinch the ends of its branches

To force persimmons to lay fruit buds, the method of ringing individual branches is also used. It is better not to use trunk ringing - this is a rather risky technique.

  1. we choose some strong branch
  2. remove the ring of bark at its base with a sharp knife perpendicular to the direction of growth
  3. turn over and graft outside this ring is in place of the cut.
  4. wrap it with electrical tape or film to avoid moisture loss from the cutting-grafting site.
  5. After some time, a ring of new bark should form here. This means that the vaccination was successful.
  6. the growth of such a branch is weakened, which automatically gives a signal to actively lay fruit buds and bloom.

We can also graft to separate parts Tree cuttings taken from indoor fruiting persimmons. Such grafts will bloom and set fruit more readily.

Photo of persimmon grafting

  1. We find a suitable cutting and deliver it home in a humid environment.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut the cutting from the bottom on both sides with a peg, holding the blade away from you.
  3. Place it in water mixed with sugar
  4. The grafting site is determined to be a strong vertical branch. We trim adjacent branches so that food goes to the grafting site.
  5. Use a sharp saw to cut it horizontally. Using a knife, cut the diameter of the stump to a depth equal to the length of the peg of the cutting.
  6. Insert the cutting into the cut.
  7. We wrap everything well with adhesive tape, cloth or tape.
  8. We put a plastic bag on the cutting, tying it below the grafting site on the branch. This is necessary to avoid moisture loss until the fusion of the cambium tissue between the rootstock and scion occurs.
  9. As soon as the cutting starts to grow, this means that the grafting was a success.

Winter storage

It requires a cool, even cold winter. Starting from mid-autumn, we reduce watering and completely stop feeding. The leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. If your tree is already bearing fruit, then most likely the fruits will hang on the plant for a long time after the leaves have completely fallen.

Video about persimmon

We harvest and send the plant to a cool room. You can choose a cellar for winter storage; our tree doesn’t need light without leaves in winter. Of course, some species of this representative of the ebony family can withstand cold weather down to -30-40°C, but most often we grow seeds taken from Caucasian varieties. Their winter hardiness is usually limited to -15°C. You can choose a winter apartment for our green pet unheated entryway or cool balcony, if you are sure that there will always be above these temperatures. But it’s better to play it safe – provide the tree with conditions close to 0+5°C.

We periodically ventilate the room with the wintering bush, preventing soil and wood mold from developing. We also monitor soil moisture. It cannot be allowed to excessive dryness, and excessive waterlogging. Two small waterings during the winter are optimal. A good winter will contribute to the establishment fruit buds next summer. The tree will regularly delight you with its harvest.

In winter, the shelves of shops and supermarkets are full of orange: oranges, tangerines and, of course, soft and juicy persimmons. This fruit came to Russian and European tables quite recently - only 100 years ago. Until this time, he was “hiding” in his homeland - China and Japan. Persimmon is a heat-loving crop, so it is not often found in our gardens. However, persimmons can be grown at home in a city apartment. To do this, you will need fruit seeds and a little knowledge about the features of caring for this tree.

Types of persimmons

Persimmon is rare in domestic gardens. It is grown in the south: Krasnodar region, Caucasus, Crimea. Therefore, in other parts of the country this tree can only be grown at home. Both on the street and under the roof of a house, persimmons look very decorative. This small tree with dark green leaves that turn red over time, and large, fleshy fruits with a bright and rich aroma.

Persimmons begin to bloom in May. But ripe fruits from the tree can only be collected at the end of autumn. That's why they go on sale in winter.

There are 5 generally recognized varieties of persimmon, which differ primarily in their fruits:

2 ways to germinate persimmon seeds

Persimmons are propagated only with the help of fruit seeds. There are 2 planting methods: more difficult and easier. The first requires more effort, but also provides more guarantees for a positive result.

  • Eat ripe fruit. Wash the seed and leave it to dry.
  • Wet a small piece of gauze and wrap the bone in it.
  • Place the wrapped bone in a plastic bag and tie it, puncturing it to allow oxygen to enter.
  • Place the package near a working battery, heater or other warm place.
  • Once every 3 days, open the package and check for mold.
  • After 2 weeks the sprout should hatch. Otherwise, you can throw away this bone and start the procedure from the beginning.

The second instruction is even simpler and easier.

  • Prepare the bone as in the previous case.
  • Prepare a small plastic cup and make holes in the bottom.
  • Take neutral soil, moisten it, loosen it and fill the glass.
  • Place the seed in the ground to a depth of 2 cm.
  • Cover the glass with film and place in a warm place.
  • When a sprout appears, it needs to be helped to get rid of the top film using thin tweezers.

To have a greater chance of getting sprouts, you need to plant several grains at the same time in different glasses.

Advice. Those who have extensive experience in planting trees advise sanding the seed before planting.

Rules for caring for a home tree

Persimmon is an Asian plant, so it loves 3 things: warmth, light, moisture. And it needs to be grown taking this feature into account.

The first thing you need to do is determine the place in the house where the tub with the tree will stand. There must be good lighting. But straight Sun rays can burn the leaves, this also needs to be taken into account and artificial light sources must be organized. They are turned on in the morning and evening for 2 hours.

In summer it is useful to let the plant breathe fresh air- take it to the threshold or at least to the balcony. In the first week - for 1-2 hours. When the plant gets used to it - for the whole day. The tree must be protected from drafts.

For planting, take seeds from ripe fruit

For the winter, after the tree stops bearing fruit, the persimmon is moved to rest in a room with a temperature of 3-5°C. This could be a cellar or attic, but you just need to remember about lighting, otherwise the plant will quickly die.

Watering for a persimmon tree needs moderate: do not overwater, do not allow the soil to dry out. Be sure to organize drainage for the pot so that excess water dripped into the stand. Additionally, the leaves are sprayed with water at 50-60°C.

Young seedlings need to be fed once every 2 weeks. For this purpose, a mineral complex and organic fertilizers are used. They alternate. When the plant comes into force, it is fertilized only during the growing season.

So that the plant has decorative look, it must be carefully trimmed. This is done when the tree reaches 30-40 cm in height. young tree replanted once a year, after 5 years - once every 2 years.

Attention! A large pot for this plant is a big danger. The thing is that root-free soil can easily oxidize and lead to rotting of the root system.

The benefits of “food of the gods”

The benefits of persimmons are hard to overestimate. Its rich composition treats the most common diseases of a resident of a modern metropolis:

  • magnesium - for hypertension;
  • vitamins C and PP - against depression and low immunity;
  • carotene - has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, skin condition, prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
  • potassium and glucose - improves brain activity;
  • iodine - for the thyroid gland.

Persimmon sprout

Persimmon is also useful for colds, gastrointestinal and liver diseases, and during pregnancy.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of persimmons in the postoperative period, as well as for those who suffer from constipation and diabetes.

Advice. Children often refuse persimmons because of their “knitting” properties in the mouth. Adults may not like it either. To get rid of the tannic effect, this fruit needs to be frozen in the freezer and allowed to thaw or immersed in cool water for several hours.

It can be difficult for someone who has no experience to grow persimmons at home the first time. If the rules of care are not followed, the tree may die. But this is not a reason to be upset. Experienced gardeners claim that a properly grown tree at home will bring a rich harvest for many years in a row.

How to grow persimmons from seeds: video

Growing persimmons: photo

The beautiful ebony tree - persimmon - is also known under other names: wild date, date plum, heart fruit. For centuries, it has delighted people with its unsurpassed fruits. The bright orange fruit is a storehouse of useful substances for the full functioning of the human body.

People interested in how to grow persimmons from seeds on their windowsill at home, so that a properly cared for tree bears fruit abundantly every year, need to follow some rules.

a brief description of

China is considered the birthplace of persimmon, but thanks to its qualities, its growing area has expanded far beyond the borders of its homeland. This vitamin tree has found its admirers throughout the East, in Europe and is well known to the residents of Crimea and Krasnodar region. Before you grow persimmon from seeds at home and get a harvest of your favorite berry, you should clarify that persimmon is berry crop . Knowing all the secrets, getting a fruit-bearing tree at home will not be difficult at all.

In open ground it is majestic tree reaches eight meters in height, has a widely spreading crown with oblong leaves, languidly lowering their glossy surfaces to the ground. At the beginning of the growing season, their color is pale yellow, gradually turning into rich green over time. The persimmon leaf is usually ovoid in shape, 7 cm long and 4 cm wide. Closer to autumn, the color of the leaves is amazing in its palette; on one tree the leaves are pale yellow, light green, orange, rich green and purple.

The tubular flowers of this tree are hardly noticeable. They grow on last year's growths; on one tree, single cream-colored female inflorescences and pink male inflorescences, always arranged in threes, are clearly visible. Very interesting tree, it can change gender every two years. Once every two years, female flowers awaken on the tree, and after two years, male flowers. Bisexual specimens are found.

Another surprising feature: some varieties are parthenocarpic; in the absence of pollinators, the fruits have no seeds.

If persimmons, which do not require pollinators, grow with persimmon trees of a different variety, then the pollinated flowers will bear fruits that are radically different from their relatives.

Growing persimmons from seeds at home is an interesting and easy task, but the reward will be magnificent, small miracle- this is the highlight home flower garden . The size of the plant to be grown is determined by the size of the pot in which it is planted. Persimmons bloom in May, and the first ripe fruits appear closer to winter. It grows slowly and, subject to simple agrotechnical measures, the first flowers will appear in 4-5 years, and after eight months the reward will be a tasty, self-grown fruit.

Landing Features

For planting, choose a round-shaped fruit, large sizes, brightly colored. There should be no mold or rot on the leaves; the presence of this factor indicates the unsuitability of persimmon as planting material. Frozen berries are not used because they have a non-viable seed.

Preparation of material

After eating a well-ripened fruit, the seeds are collected and placed in a container with a prepared weak solution of potassium permanganate for one or maximum two days. Only those seeds that have sunk are selected for planting.

For speedy germination, stratification is carried out, processed planting material growth stimulator "Zircon", "Ekopin", "Ecosil", "Novosil", for two months at a temperature of +5C. To stimulate seed growth, it is effective to use freshly squeezed aloe juice. One teaspoon of juice is diluted in one hundred grams of water. The soaking technology is as follows: take a piece of clean gauze, folded several times, lay it out on a saucer, wrap the seeds in it and water it with the prepared nutrient solution. Throughout the entire germination period, the gauze is kept moist. The structure is placed in plastic bag.

The bag is tied tightly, there must be air inside it - it turns out small inflated balloon. The prepared package can be placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5 degrees, but you can do the radical opposite by placing the preparation in warm place with a temperature of +35 degrees. In the refrigerator, the sprouts will hatch in two months, and near the radiator, the results are visible in ten days.

At the last stage before planting, the prepared seeds are kept on a room heating radiator for seven days.

Immediately before sowing, carefully, with light movements, file down the hard protruding edges of the grain with sandpaper.

Such a detailed description of how to germinate persimmons from seeds at home will help you guarantee excellent results.

Process technology

At the same time, you can plant the grain using a simplified version, for this you need:

Numerous reviews from happy owners of fruit-bearing trees indicate the possibility of planting according to this principle. But careful post-planting preparation shows that the treated seeds produce more vigorous shoots, and the sprout differs from others in its strength and growth energy.

A prerequisite that is recommended to be followed is properly balanced soil composition. Mixable river sand and peat one part each and two parts of leaf soil are added. Flower shops sell prepared soil mixture for fruit trees. Everyone is already here necessary components: fertilizers, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fibers, coal, tree bark- everything necessary for the harmonious development of the plant.

The technology for planting sprouted and non-germinated seeds is no different, only when planting sprouted seeds, care is required so as not to break off the sprouts. When the first shoots appear in the pot, remove polyethylene film . When sprouts emerge, they often have a bulging brown seed shell at the tip of the sprout. It is positioned by pinching the top of the sprout very tightly; if it is not removed, the sprout will die.

Using small nail scissors, with minimal effort, the unnecessary element is removed. If it sits very tightly, you cannot pull it. The plant is sprayed with a spray bottle and covered plastic bag and left overnight. The next morning you can remove it without effort.

Difficulties in growing seedlings

When the first shoot appears in a flower pot, it is moved to the windowsill, because with a lack of light it will stretch into a thin thread. A seedless persimmon will grow into beautiful tree subject to the correct light conditions. Ebony wood is of southern origin, so it is created in winter. artificial lighting: two hours in the morning and evening for comfortable development.

A planted seedling has properties that characterize this type of plant - it produces a new leaf almost every day. Therefore, it should be taken into account that this is a fast-growing tree. It needs to be replanted as it grows into a larger pot.

It is also interesting to know how persimmon grows at home: it grows very quickly at first, and with age the growth rate slows down. The pot is selected 7-10 centimeters larger than the previous one. You can’t take a big pot initially, since the free soil will turn sour, and this will lead to the death of the seedling:

  • In the first year of growth, the seedling is replanted frequently as the root system grows.
  • From the second year of development, transplantation is carried out in the spring.
  • In subsequent years mature plant replanted as needed. Attention is paid to the soil; over time, it becomes depleted and needs to be replaced. Transplantation is carried out once every 3-4 years, but annually upper layer by 6−8 cm is updated.

Thus, from detailed instructions you can understand how to germinate persimmon from a seed, but the subsequent process called picking is no less important. The first picking is carried out when the plant has 3-4 leaves. The seedlings are carefully removed from the ground and replanted, then covered glass jar to create a favorable microclimate. After two months, the persimmon reaches a height of 35-40 cm, which requires replanting. The cultivated plant loves moisture, but excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system and death of the tree.

Grow decorative tree From a seed it is quite possible, but it will not bear fruit. For this purpose a vaccination is done. It is recommended to graft with a cutting from a self-fertile tree that is already bearing fruit. You can purchase cuttings from a botanical garden, nursery, or from friends; it is important that the grafting material is obtained from a healthy tree. A seedling grafted at one year of age will produce its first fruits after 4 years.

Caring for a grown plant

Persimmon grown in an apartment requires a tropical climate for its full development. In Belarus, amateur breeders have achieved excellent growing results original wood in their apartments and shared their secrets:

When fertilizing, organic fertilizers are not used, the best option fertilizing is complex fertilizers for flowering plants. The fertilizer must contain phosphorus and potassium, this is prerequisite. Feeding is carried out twice a month.

Vitamin tree

At home, persimmon grows into about a one and a half meter tree, bringing useful fruits. One of the main advantages of persimmon is the presence magnesium in its pulp, it is a good medicine for hypertension. Vitamin PP will save you from depression and increase the body's immune resistance. Carotene - indispensable assistant of cardio-vascular system, it is also an antioxidant that prevents cancer. Potassium improves cerebral circulation. Glucose strengthens the heart muscle. The low acidity of the fruit improves the gastrointestinal function of the body.

It is difficult to find a fruit that dares to compete in chemical parameters with persimmon. This is a storehouse of vitamins, an indispensable assistant for restoring strength and maintaining health, truly a generous gift from nature.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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