How to grow peanuts in the garden? Just like on the windowsill. Yes, yes, this legume grows remarkably up to the middle lane. And to the south, few people have not tried to plant it on their site. At the same time, peanuts do not require unearthly care. He is very unpretentious. True, it requires some growing conditions. But all of them are quite doable by any person and an improvised tool.

Choosing seeds

More specifically, beans. From a biological point of view, peanuts are not nuts at all. Well, let's not go into the wilds of botany and the intricacies of the origin of the species. It is now more important for us to choose the right seeds for planting. They can be bought at any store or market. The main conditions are very simple:

  1. The beans must be raw. That is, fried, salted, glazed or sweet will not work.
  2. The seeds should have a native red shell. The cleaned ones just won't come up. Ideally, it is better to buy shelled peanuts and carefully shell them at home.
  3. Beans must be whole. Sometimes halves or even crushed are sold. Naturally, it is useless to expect seedlings from such seedlings.

It is best to purchase seeds in the market. There you can touch them, examine them from all sides, choose the most beautiful ones. Anything can be in a shopping bag. Especially if it's opaque.

Advice. Try to get large peanuts. Then your harvest will be rich with large beans.

Choose a site

Anyhow, where to stick peanuts will not work. We do not have South America, so that any land will come up. It is advisable to choose a place where the sun will illuminate the planting from morning until evening. So the bush will receive the maximum amount of light. This is exactly what is needed.

Also, it would be nice if this area was closed from strong winds. No, the gusts will not break the landings, they are too low. But even a light summer breeze can cool them down. And peanuts like to live with temperature range from +24 to +27°С. When lowered, it stops in development. Doesn't die, but stops growing. Therefore, it is better to provide the most comfortable conditions.

By the way, young shoots of peanuts will have to be covered with something from birds. These feathered miners are happy to pull out sprouts to feast on the mother bean. And they tear out absolutely all the shoots, to a single one. Therefore, when choosing a landing site, consider how you will protect them. There are several options:

  • Put on a special bird net. Cherry and cherry trees are still closed to her.
  • Place a scarecrow or stakes with rattling shiny objects.
  • Cover shoots with thin nonwoven fabric.
  • Ask your or a neighbor's cat to guard the young shoots.

The last method is extremely unreliable. These felines strive to sneak away on their own business, or in pursuit of a bird, they themselves can thoroughly crush the peanut plantings.

Advice. Choose the first way. It is the most efficient and reliable.

Preparing the land

In principle, peanuts do not require special conditions. The looseness of the soil is much more important to him. After all, it is under the ground that the formation and growth of beans takes place. Therefore, it is recommended to bring a decent amount of clean sand to the beds in the fall. This will give the earth the necessary looseness.

At the same time, the plant must take strength somewhere for full growth and filling of peanuts. Fresh manure is categorically contraindicated for him. Fatty compost will only cause explosive growth green mass, and flowering will be meager and miserable.

But we need flowers! From them, nuts are then born. And what trace elements are responsible for good and abundant flowering? That's right, phosphorus and potassium. Means, in early spring as soon as the snow melts and dries a little upper layer soil, we bring any mineral fertilizer to the garden. We look at the composition on the packaging. The dosage is applied according to the manufacturer's recommendation. We focus on legumes.

After that, we dig the earth well, but do not break the smallest lumps. Peanuts like a little rough ground, so you can bring soil from the forest and scatter it on the beds. Naturally, in the fall and spring we weed out all the weeds. They will prevent faded ovaries from rooting. But in principle, weeding can be carried out regularly during the subsequent hilling.

Before the time of planting peanuts, it is advisable to harrow the ground again. This will wake up the weed seeds. You will have time to weed the area again, so that nothing prevents the bushes from growing calmly.

Advice. After spring training cover the soil with black non-woven fabric. So it warms up faster.

Preparing peanuts for planting

Very often people complain about the germination of beans. Sometimes, out of a dozen, only one comes up, a maximum of three things. To warn yourself against such a nuisance, peanuts must be soaked before planting. Naturally, the shell is removed. This will make it easier for the beans to germinate.

In order to awaken the vitality in the nuts, they are soaked for 4 hours in warm water. You can even add any biostimulant or adaptogen to the liquid:

  • zircon
  • aloe juice

The amount of the drug can be found on the package. Just don't overdo it. The seeds will still take as much as they need. So why the extra spending?

After soaking, the remaining liquid is drained, but the peanut itself does not need to be washed. Now the beans need to be laid out in a single layer on a damp cotton cloth or paper napkin. To do this, take a pallet or a wide flat plate (dish). Top the soaked peanuts with another layer of cloth or loose paper. Then lightly moisten the entire structure and put in warm place. Darkness is not required.

After about 23-25 ​​hours, the bean halves should open slightly, and a small sprout will show from the inside. Those seeds that have not woken up within 3 days are hardly viable. They can be safely thrown away or fed to livestock (birds). Just before that, rinse them to remove the biostimulant from the surface.

After opening the beans, they can be planted in the garden almost immediately.

Advice. Soak your peanuts at least 2 days before planting day to make sure you cull the beans that don't germinate.

Planting peanuts in the garden

Some recommend planting beans in holes. It's inconvenient and long. Do you plant beans in furrows? And peas too. What's worse than peanuts? Draw grooves already, simplify your task. Leave the distance between them at least 30 cm. So then it will be easier to spud plantings.

Pour the grooves well clean water. After all, at first, sprouts need moisture. And by the time of landing, it is already practically absent in the ground. By the way, in open ground peanuts are planted around mid-late May. By this time, there is no longer any threat of a return frost. And their peanuts do not tolerate.

After watering, carefully lay out the soaked beans at a distance of 16-17 cm from each other. Then we sprinkle with a layer of earth 6.5-8 cm. We do not mulch the beds. Now it remains to wait for shoots.

Advice. If in 18 days shoots did not appear, it means that you did something wrong.

Taking care of seedlings is not at all difficult. Periodic loosening of the soil, regular weeding and medium watering about once a week. Looking forward to bloom. It's hard to miss it. Yellow-orange butterflies of flowers are clearly visible from afar.

The peanut flower only lives for one day. Opens up in the morning, fades by evening. But there are a lot of them on the plant. It is ridiculous to read that a peanut flower needs to be pollinated in these 12-15 hours. Some articles say so. The plant is completely self-pollinating and does well without outside help.

During the flowering period, care is a little more complicated. But don't let that scare you. The only difficulty is that you have to water the peanuts more often. About once every 3-4 days. And feed once with any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Now it's time for hilling. After all, after flowering, the ovary descends to the soil and burrows into it. This is where the formation of nuts takes place. Therefore, you need to help the plant a little. All hilling comes down to three stages:

  • With the beginning of flowering, mounds are raked around the stems about 5 cm in height.
  • A week later, the mounds increase to a height of 13-14 cm.
  • After the end of flowering, the last hilling is carried out. The height of the mounds is 22-25 cm.

This procedure allows for more early harvest. At the same time, it increases by almost 30%. After flowering, watering is again reduced to 1 time in 7-9 days. By mid-August, watering is gradually reduced, and by the end of August they are reduced to nothing. Now it remains only to wait for the harvest. True, during a cold snap below + 20 ° C (this sometimes happens), it is recommended to cover the plantings with a film or dense non-woven material. Still, peanuts love heat.

Mass yellowing of leaves and shoots serves as a signal for harvesting time. Do not rush to pull out the bushes with your hands. This will leave most of the crop in the soil. Use the most common garden forks. Just pry the bush, it easily comes out of the soil.

Of course, now there is a great temptation to peel off peanuts in order to dry them faster. But in the stems and shoots still a large number of nutrients. Therefore, without cutting off the nuts, carefully shake the bushes off the ground. Then we hang them down with stems in a warm, dry room. It could be a shed or an attic. And only after the tops have completely dried, you can cut off the beans. During this time everything useful trace elements will pass into them from the stems.

Well, now you have your own home grown peanuts. You can leave some for seeds next year, and the rest is easy to eat.

  1. In our country, diseases or pests that love peanuts have not been noticed. The only thing is that in a cool, humid summer, rot on the shoots may appear. Therefore, if it rains, it is advisable to cover the plantings with a transparent film. Peanuts do not like excessive waterlogging of the soil.
  2. Do not plant multiple seeds in one hole. The peanut bush is always lush and sprawling. He needs some room to grow. And if all three seeds sprout, then instead of good development and proper growth will only be a constant struggle for a place under the sun and food. The harvest in this case will be meager, with small tasteless beans.
  3. Usually peanuts are fully ripe by the end of September. But, it is better to dig up the bushes a little earlier if the first frosts occur in your area at this time. The fact is that nuts begin to be very bitter after frost. And bitterness is almost impossible to get rid of.

How to grow peanuts in the garden? It turns out it's very simple. Follow all the recommendations and you can enjoy nuts own production. And no exotic! Having tried to grow it once, it wonderful plant you will write for a long time on your beds.

Video: how to plant peanuts (peanuts)

Plant peanuts in the garden and receive good harvest help simple rules cultivation and recommendations from experienced agricultural technicians.

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Basic requirements for planting and growing peanuts on the site

Peanuts thrive in loose, light and water-resistant soil and do not require special care.

However, to get good results, the gardener must take care of the following rules:

  1. To increase the yield, seed material should be planted in cups in April.
  2. For good development of peanuts, the soil temperature should be kept within 15-30°C.
  3. For optimal germination plants need to take care of crop rotation on the site.
  4. In early spring, during preparation for the summer season, the soil must be fed with fertilizers.

Planting peanuts in open ground

The optimal period for planting peanuts is May. By this time, the soil on the site warms up enough and will not be able to harm seed material. At the same time, the region for growing crops also plays an important role.

The timing of planting peanuts depending on temperature regime environment may change. If there are frosts in the region at the end of spring, it is better to plant the plant in early summer. In the northern latitudes, summer residents prefer to plant peanuts in seedlings.

To grow seedlings, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Place seed at a depth of 3 cm in cups with light soil.
  2. Place cups with peanuts in a well-lit area.
  3. On the 28-30th day, seedlings can be planted in the country in the ground.

For regions with moderate climatic conditions, the period for growing seedlings increases to 60 days.

How to grow peanut seedlings will be discussed in a video from Lyuba Tsaplina.

Site selection

Before planting peanuts in the garden, you should decide on the location of the crop. Achieve a good harvest will help correct crop rotation in the allotment. better in places previously fed with organic matter.

The following crops are considered the best predecessors of peanuts:

  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • cucumbers.

Unfavorable predecessors of peanuts are legumes. When planting peanuts in their place, the plant develops root rot.

When choosing a site, the following cultural features should be taken into account:

  1. Peanut belongs to thermophilic plants, therefore, when choosing a landing site, it is necessary to take into account the temperature factor.
  2. For the growth and development of culture, areas well lit and closed from gusts of wind are suitable.
  3. Although the plant loves moisture, it does not tolerate its excess. The area for peanuts should not be stagnant for moisture areas and groundwater.
  4. For good growth and the formation of fruits, it needs moist, light and neutral soil. The plant does not grow well in saline and acidic soils.

Ground for peanuts should be enriched:

  • humus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

In addition, it is worth considering that young shoots are a favorite delicacy for birds. Therefore, in the future, the gardener will have to take care of the shelter of crops.

You can protect the peanut planting site in the following ways:

  1. Put on a special bird net.
  2. Cover shoots with non-woven fabric.
  3. Build a scarecrow or stakes with shiny and rattling elements.

Soil preparation

Prepare the soil for future peanut crops in the fall. To give the soil looseness when digging suburban area sand is brought into the beds. For the full growth and ripening of peanut fruits, it is important to take care of feeding the soil. Cannot be used as a fertilizer fresh manure. When making fatty compost, only rapid growth of shoots will occur. Flowering will be insignificant, and, accordingly, the harvest will be small.

For getting bountiful harvest you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. After the snow melts, apply mineral fertilizers (phosphorus, potassium) to the topsoil.
  2. Dig up the ground, breaking up large lumps.
  3. Put away weeds from place.

For quick warming up of the soil, after carrying out the preparatory procedures, it is better to cover the place with a polyethylene sheet.

Selection and preparation of peanut seeds

When choosing planting material, it is necessary to give preference to zoned varieties. It is better to buy beans in trusted stores or from friends who grow peanuts.

Adapted to the climatic conditions in middle lane the following varieties are considered:

  • Adyg;
  • Spanish;
  • Krasnodar;
  • Stepnyak;
  • Klinsky;
  • Accordion.

If the varieties selected for planting give a good harvest, you can subsequently use own seeds. By the third generation, such seeds are fully adapted to the conditions of the region and there are no difficulties with their cultivation.

Photo gallery

Variety Adyg Variety Klinskiy Variety Bayan Variety Krasnodarets Variety Stepnyak Variety Spanish

Seed treatment before planting

Before entering into the soil, it is correct to free the grains from the shell and soak in warm water for 4 hours. This will prevent poor germination of the beans.

To stimulate growth, you can use the following drugs:

  • Zircon;
  • Appin;
  • aloe juice.

After soaking with peanuts, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Arrange the beans on a damp napkin or cotton cloth.
  2. Top them with another layer of moistened cloth.
  3. Peanuts put in a warm place for a day.
  4. Produce the selection of viable material.
  5. The open beans are planted in the ground.

Soaking peanuts

Seed planting technology

Peanuts are planted in two ways:

  • square nest method;
  • wide range method.

Landing seed produced in both cases to a depth of 6-8 cm.

Planting peanuts in the garden using the square-nest method allows you to:

  • maintain open ground in a loose state;
  • carry out weeding between rows from weeds.

Such a scheme involves planting beans at the corners of a square 60-70 × 60-70 cm. 5-6 peanut grains are placed in each hole. After sowing, the holes are covered with earth and slightly compacted.

Many summer residents prefer the wide-row method of planting peanuts. The distance between the bushes of the plant in this case is 20-30 cm, and the row spacing is at least 60 cm.

Before sowing beans, the grooves are watered with water, after which they proceed to the following:

  1. 5-6 plant seeds are placed in each well.
  2. Sprinkle the planting with a small layer of soil.
  3. Slightly trample the soil.
  4. Re-water the peanut planting site.

Square-jack scheme Wide-row scheme


To care for peanuts, it is necessary to periodically perform the following procedures:

  1. Perform regular loosening of the soil.
  2. Perform weeding between rows of weeds.
  3. Water the plant at least once a week.

During the flowering period of culture, the rules of care become more complicated. The plant needs to be watered more often and fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

To form nuts and harvest, you must do the following:

  1. Heat up small mounds 5 cm high.
  2. After a week of flowering, increase the hills to a height of 13-15 cm.
  3. After the flowering of the culture is completed, the last hilling is carried out to a height of 25 cm.
  4. Reduce watering to 1 time per week.
  5. By mid-August, watering should be gradually reduced, up to a complete cessation.
  6. During a cold snap, planting peanuts is recommended to be covered with a dense cloth.

Pest protection

A potential threat to peanuts is represented by rodents and a bear.

  1. Install a mesh fence to a depth of 5-8 cm underground.
  2. Collect grain and dig it in the garden.
  3. Cover it with ruberoid.
  4. Cover with manure and plant debris.

Disease control

Common diseases for peanuts are:

  • cercosporosis;
  • fusarium;
  • powdery mildew;
  • alternariosis;
  • phyllostictosis;
  • gray rot.

To prevent these diseases, you must do the following:

  1. Follow crop rotation.
  2. Isolate last year's crops from new ones.
  3. Treat the area with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  4. Treat crops with fungicides.
  5. Sprinkle plants with ash and tobacco.


How to plant peanuts in the city and take care of the culture will be described in the video from the Dedovsky Method channel.

Did you know that when you eat peanuts, you are eating close relatives of beans and soybeans? Do you know that peanuts do not grow in the ground, as many people think, but on trees? If you know, then you, incorrectly, will not be surprised by anything. Though wait! You will certainly be surprised by peanuts in an ordinary pot, grown in the form.

How to grow peanuts at home

Today we'll talk about.

If you are reading this, then you are interested in whether the seeds of this plant can be planted and whether they will germinate. We have for you good news- peanuts can grow not only in open ground, but also in pots for indoor plants, so you should be fine. Start by buying nuts, giving preference to those that are in the shell, not the peeled ones. If you plant an unpeeled peanut, it is believed that it will grow more actively, receiving all the necessary nutrients from the peel. Also in the store, pay attention to the freshness of nuts, appearance - if they are covered with mold, then they can hardly be planted.

You can use for sowing small peat cups in which seedlings are grown. To lighten the soil and improve its moisture-repellent characteristics, add a little river sand and peat.

Note! Be sure to soak the seeds before planting. Use a damp cloth for this.

Open the peanut shell so that the nuts are halfway in it. Moisten the soil before planting, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate for this. In each pot, put one open sash with a few nuts in it, sprinkle with earth. Then fill the pot warm water. You can buy goods for the garden on the website of our partners.

Place the pots in a warm place, you can put them on the windowsill next to the battery - so the seeds will sprout faster. After about two weeks, the first shoots should appear; you can transplant them already "permanently". Take a wide container at least 30 centimeters deep for this, as the nuts will ripen in the ground, and the roots are known to need space to develop. Lay drainage on the bottom of the container, cover with loose earth.

Note! Relocate bushes with lumps of soil, so as not to damage the leaves and roots!

Then slightly compact the soil at the base of the plant and fill it with a heated solution with a root stimulator. If such a stimulant is not at hand, then use a plant-based biostimulant - aloe. Squeeze the juice from one leaf directly into the water intended for irrigation. cover the container plastic bag for seven days, air it every day. These simple manipulations will contribute to a faster survival of the bushes. After a week, remove the film and place the containers close to the light, but avoid direct sunlight! Water regularly and loosen the soil - peanuts cannot stand dryness, its growth slows down in such conditions. Feed it weekly with mineral fertilizers.

Peanuts grow quickly and should bloom as early as June. Bright yellow flowers will appear, but only for one day - after that they will fade and be replaced by "fresh". Two or three hours of such flowering is enough for the pollen to ripen and the plant to be pollinated. Soon, the stem of the pollinated ovary will begin to lengthen and gradually tilt towards the ground until it penetrates it.

After hitting the ground, the young fruit is located there in horizontal position. Ripening occurs in the ground at a depth of about 10 centimeters. There, the fruit turns into a five-centimeter bean, consisting of several nuts.

Note! Around September, stop feeding and reduce the frequency of watering - so the nuts will develop better in the soil.

Soon the leaves will turn yellow, which will indicate the end of ripening. After the leaves turn completely yellow, gently pull the bushes out of the ground. If you growing peanuts at home right, then on each bush you will have fifteen to twenty beans with nuts.

After digging, put the bushes on thick paper and leave for a few days to dry - this way you will prevent the formation of mold. As a result, the beans should easily separate from the branches. Peel the collected nuts and also lay them on thick paper, dry for several days, stirring occasionally.

And remember: peanuts are an annual plant. If everything went well, you can try again next year. grow peanuts at home already in open ground. Many gardeners do this, so why not give it a try?

Planting and caring for peanuts (in a nutshell)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground - in mid-May.
  • Lighting: bright light.
  • The soil: moist, light, with a content of humus, calcium and magnesium, sandy loam or chernozem of neutral reaction.
  • Watering: after drying of the top layer of soil. During flowering - 1-2 times a week in the morning, after flowering watering is moderate, but evening spraying of peanuts with warm water is necessary. In a drought, sprinkling or watering along the furrows between the rows is desirable. In a season with normal rainfall, 4-5 waterings will be needed.
  • top dressing: complete mineral fertilizer: 1st - when shoots reach a height of 10 cm; 2nd - at the beginning of fruiting.
  • reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: thrips, aphids, caterpillars and wireworms.
  • Diseases: affected powdery mildew, phyllostictosis, Alternariosis, Fusarium wilt and gray mold.

Read more about growing peanuts below.

Peanut plant - description

The peanut is cultivated annual plant up to 70 cm high with strongly branched shoots. Its root is also branched, taproot, the stems are erect, pubescent or glabrous, slightly faceted, with recumbent or upward lateral branches. Peanut leaves are pubescent, alternate, 3 to 11 cm long, paired, with a grooved petiole and two pairs of pointed elliptical leaflets. Peanuts bloom with whitish or yellow-red flowers, collected 4-7 pieces in short axillary inflorescences. Despite the fact that each peanut flower blooms for only one day, and fades by evening, the flowering of the whole plant lasts from late June or early July until late autumn. Peanut fruits are oval, swollen, two-to-four-seeded beans, one and a half to six centimeters long, with a cobweb pattern. As they mature, they lean towards the ground, sink into it, and mature there. Peanut seeds are oblong, bean-sized, covered with dark red, light pink, cream or greyish-yellow skin. Peanut fruits ripen in September-October.

Planting peanuts in open ground

How peanuts grow.

Peanut cultivation is carried out on open areas with intense lighting without the slightest hint of shadow from buildings or other plants. Peanuts grow at temperatures above 20 ºC - if the temperature drops by literally two degrees, the growth of the plant stops. The easiest way to grow peanuts is in Ukraine and in other warm regions, sowing its seeds in the ground at the time when the acacia is in bloom. Peanuts in Russia, especially in areas with a cool climate, are best grown in seedlings.

When to plant peanuts in the ground.

Since peanuts can only be planted in warm soil, they do this after sowing gourds, when the earth warms up to 12-14 ºC, which means not earlier than mid-May. Keep in mind that return spring frosts are detrimental to peanuts. As seed, you can use peanuts bought in a store or on the market, but not fried, not candied and not salted.

Then you can plant peanuts.

When growing peanuts, it is very important to observe crop rotation. It grows best after crops such as cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes, especially if organic fertilizers were applied under these crops. But after legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils), peanuts are not grown, because the plant can develop root rot.

Soil for peanuts.

The soil for peanuts should be moist, light and neutral, with a high content of humus, magnesium and calcium - black soil or sandy loam. The culture does not tolerate saline soils, but acidic soils you need to lime before planting peanuts.

The site for planting peanuts is prepared in advance: for autumn digging of the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm, from 1 to 3 kg of humus is applied for each m² of area. In the spring, the soil is again dug up, but not so deep, and adding 50 g of Nitrofoska to the soil for each m² of land.

How to plant peanuts.

How to plant peanuts Peanuts are planted in holes 10 cm deep, staggered at a distance of 50 cm from one another. The gap between the rows is left within 25-30 cm. You can sow peanuts in the garden in a square-nested way according to the scheme 60x60 or 70x70 cm. Planting peanuts can also be done in a wide-row way, observing the row spacing of 60-70 cm and the distance between plants in a row of 15- 20 cm. 3 large seeds are placed in each well, since small ones may not germinate. After planting the seeds, the bed is watered abundantly from a hose through a shower head under weak pressure so as not to erode the soil.

How to grow peanuts.

How to grow peanuts in the garden? Caring for peanuts consists in watering the beds during the drought period, weeding, loosening the soil and top dressing. Young low seedlings must be protected from weeds. Weeding can be combined with loosening the soil, and vice versa. At the end of flowering, 1.5-2 months after sowing, the growing ovaries will begin to descend to the ground and germinate into the soil, where peanuts will ripen. As soon as the ovaries begin to bend down to the ground, the bushes are spudded with moist, loose soil, like potatoes, so that the receptacle can quickly reach the nutrient medium. Instead of hilling, you can add a layer of mulch of humus, sawdust, sand or peat at least 5 cm thick to the bed. On average, 30-50 beans ripen under each bush, each of which contains from 1 to 7 seeds.

Watering peanuts.

Groundnuts like moist but not wet soil. It should be watered when the top layer of the soil dries out. During flowering, it is watered abundantly, once or twice a week in the morning; after flowering, it needs not so much watering as spraying in evening time in a day or two. If it rains during the ripening period of peanuts, cover the bed with polyethylene. And in a drought, it is best to sprinkle peanuts, but if this is not possible, then water the peanuts along the furrows between the rows. In total, 4-5 irrigations are carried out per season.

Peanut nutrition.

For the first time, peanuts are fed with a solution of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 45 g of potassium salt and 70 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water when the seedlings reach 10 cm in height. The second time - at the beginning of fruiting, although this top dressing is optional.

Peanuts at home.

Choose strong and healthy peanut seeds and soak them overnight in a bowl of water and a drop of Epin. In the morning they should have small white sprouts. Plant the seeds in loose soil placed in a wide bowl. Peanuts germinate very quickly, and immediately after flowering, hypophores are formed in place of the flowers, which, bending, go into the ground, where peanut beans develop. Did you know that peanuts grow underground? They contain peanut crops away from drafts, on the southern windowsill, but at noon the plant needs shading. Water the peanuts regularly, but be careful not to allow water to stagnate in the roots. Spray on peanuts on hot days to prevent colonization spider mites. Two and a half or three months after germination, peanut leaves begin to turn red, and this is a sign for you that peanuts in the soil are already ripe.

Pests and diseases of peanuts

Peanuts can be infected with powdery mildew, phyllosticosis, Alternaria, Fusarium wilt and gray mold.

powdery mildew- the first signs of this disease look like single spots powdery coating on both sides of the leaves, which, with the course of the disease, grow and cover the entire leaf, from which it turns yellow and dries. It affects the disease and stems, and even embryos. With a strong infection in the fight against powdery mildew, they resort to treating peanuts with systemic fungicides - Bravo, Quadris, Ridomil, Switch, Skor, Topaz or Horus.

phyllostictosis, or leaf spot, not by that much harmful disease but it needs to be dealt with. The onset of the disease can be recognized by small brown spots growing up to 6 mm in diameter. Gradually, their middle fades, the fabric in it dies off, and the border becomes brown-violet. phyllostictosis progresses during the period high humidity air. Effective in controlling the disease of plant treatment with fungicides a wide range actions.

Alternariosis, or black leaf spot, manifests itself in years when, at the end of the growing season, humid and warm weather is established for a long time. Black spots up to 15 cm in diameter form on the edges of the leaves, which grow and merge with the development of the disease, why the edge leaves die off. On the spots, you can see a dense black coating of the fungus. In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to observe the agricultural technology of the species, which serves to increase the resistance of the plant to the pathogen.

Fusarium wilt manifests itself in the form of root rot, causing the cessation of growth and development of the plant, yellowing of its ground parts and rapid death. The danger of the disease is that it can subside for a while, but during the period of flowering and fruiting it develops with renewed vigor, which leads to the death of plants even before harvest. Observance of agricultural technology and timely harvesting will help to prevent Fusarium wilt.

Gray rot usually occurs at the end of peanut flowering and is manifested by rusty-brown spots, which pass from the leaves along the petioles to the stems, which makes them top part withers and dies. On the affected plants, fruits do not form, and those that have already formed are deformed. The active development of the disease is observed at the end of summer in conditions of humid and warm weather. It is possible to prevent the appearance of gray rot only by growing peanuts on a high agricultural background.

Sometimes peanuts can also suffer from dwarfism, dry rot, ramularia and cercosporosis.

Of the pests, thrips, aphids and caterpillars can annoy peanuts, which you can get rid of by sprinkling a garden bed with a mixture of wood ash and tobacco dust, and peanuts are treated with insectoacaricides from thrips. Worst of all, if the peanuts begin to eat wireworms - the larvae of the click beetle living in the ground. Their destructive activity is not hindered even by the fact that peanuts are in shell - they easily gnaw through it and feed on peanut seeds. To destroy wireworms, pit traps are dug in several places, in which pieces of beets, carrots or potatoes are placed. The traps are covered with boards, pieces of slate or metal, and after a while they open and destroy the larvae that crawled to feed.

In order to minimize the risk of pests appearing on the garden bed, observe crop rotation and agricultural technology of the species, remove weed grass from the site in a timely manner.

Harvesting and storing peanuts

As soon as the peanut leaves turn yellow, dig up a couple of beans, and if the seeds from them are easily shelled, be ready to harvest. Usually peanuts are harvested when the air temperature is kept steadily within 10 ºC. Do not delay harvesting until the cold weather, because after the soil freezes, the seeds pick up bitterness and become unsuitable for food. Wait for a nice sunny day and start cleaning. Forks are used to dig up fruits. After being removed from the ground, the beans are separated from the stems and dried on fresh air in the shadow. When the shell is dry, place the beans in cloth bags and store in dry room with good ventilation and temperature not higher than 10 ºC.

Types and varieties of peanuts

There are more than 70 types of peanuts in the legume family. Several species are grown in South America, but outside of this continent only two species are cultivated - cultivated peanuts and Pinto peanuts. Great amount cultivars Peanuts are conditionally divided into four groups:

Spanish group (Spanish varieties)

- This small peanut is grown in South Africa, as well as in the southeast and southwest of the United States. The Spanish type of peanut is characterized by a higher oil content than in varieties of other types. Spanish peanuts have medium-sized kernels in a pink-brown shell, which are used mainly for the production of peanut butter, candied and salted nuts. The largest suppliers of Spanish peanuts are Texas and Oklahoma. The best varieties of Spanish-type peanuts include Dixie Spanish, Spantex, Argentinian, Spanet, Natal ordinary, Star, Comet, Spanhoma, Florispan, Spankromm, Tamspan 90, O'Lean, Spanko, Vilko, White Core, Shafers Spanish and others.

Valencia Group

represents varieties for the most part with large kernels. These are tall plants, reaching a height of 125 cm, with three-seeded smooth fruits. The seeds are oval, in a bright red shell, for which they are often called redskins (redskin). This group is a subgroup of the Spanish.

Group Runner

- varieties of this group according to palatability superior to the Spanish type, in addition, Runner is better fried and gives more high yields. The kernels of the Runner varieties are large and oblong. They are used for the production of peanut butter and salted nuts for beer. The best varieties Runner groups are Dixie Runner, Early Runner, Virginia Bunch 67, Bradford Runner, Egyptian Giant, North Carolina Runner 56-15, Georgia Green, Fragrant Runner 458, Southeast Runner 56-15 and others.

Virginia Group

- These selected, large peanuts are roasted in their shells and used for confectionery. The best varieties of the Virginia group are Shulamit, Hull, Wilson, Gregory, Virginia 98R, Perry, Virginia 92R, North Carolina 7, North Carolina 9 and others.

Peanut properties - harm and benefit

What are the benefits of peanuts? To understand the benefits of peanuts, you need to study its composition. Peanuts contain linoleic, pantothenic and folic acids, vegetable fats, glutenins, easily digestible proteins, starch, sugars, vitamins A, E, D, PP, B1 and B2, iron, macronutrients magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. The composition of its fruits includes antioxidants, and this makes peanuts, along with strawberries, pomegranates, blackberries and red wine, one of the most effective means prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Peanut proteins have an optimal ratio of amino acids, and this is the reason for their excellent digestibility. human body. The fats contained in peanuts have a mild choleretic effect, which is useful for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Folic acid promotes the renewal of body cells, and a large number of antioxidants protect cells from free radicals and serves as a prevention of vascular ischemia, heart disease, early aging, atherosclerosis and the formation of cancer cells.

Peanuts have a calming effect on people with increased excitability, help to restore strength faster, improve memory, increase potency, increase sexual desire, and eliminate insomnia.

Due to their high protein content, peanuts increase the feeling of fullness, which is why nutritionists often use them as the basis of diets for weight loss. What peanuts do not contain is cholesterol.

Peanuts - contraindications.

Anyone, even the most useful product, if used in excessive quantities, it can harm, therefore, the use of peanuts must be observed in moderation, especially for those who suffer from excess weight. The harm of peanuts can affect people prone to allergies, especially if you eat its kernels along with the skin, which contains strong allergens.

Contraindications to the use of peanuts are also arthritis and arthrosis. We recommend that you monitor the quality of the product, as moldy or rancid peanuts can lead to poisoning.

Now it is not difficult to buy peanuts so beloved by many, these healthy and tasty nuts have long ceased to be exotic. But growing peanuts on own site few decide. And in vain! It is quite real even in climatic conditions central, and even more so the southern part of our country.

First of all, it is important to take care of planting material. You can also plant beans, crushed or whole, but the most germination will give the shelled seeds. You can buy them in gardening stores. Best Yield It was in zoned varieties that such varieties of peanuts as Stepnyak, Krasnodar, Ukrainian Valencia were specially bred for our climate.

You can start preparing a bed for peanuts in the fall. Well, if the precursors of the nut are pumpkin, for example, cucumbers or zucchini, but after the rest of the legumes it is better not to plant peanuts. The bed is dug deep, refueled organic fertilizers. For a peanut, you should choose the most illuminated place to provide it with a lot of sun.

In the spring, the bed will have to be cultivated and the furrows prepared for planting, placing them at a distance of 70 centimeters from each other. It is advisable to apply phosphate fertilizers.

To speed up the ripening process of peanuts, temperate climate you can grow seedlings at home. Seeds are left on a damp cloth or cotton wool for a couple of days to germinate. Then they are planted in peat or ordinary pots with wet and nutrient soil. This can be done at the end of April, so that at the end of May, when there is no longer a threat of frost, plant peanut seedlings in open ground.

In warmer climates, you can plant the seeds directly on the beds, the distance between the bushes should be 20 centimeters. Seeds are planted at a depth of 6 to 8 centimeters. If May frosts are not uncommon in your climate, you can cover the peanut bed with a film or build a small mobile greenhouse.

The peanut will begin to germinate if the soil has warmed up to plus 14 degrees, before that, seeds or seedlings should not be planted.

Peanut blossoms are cute yellow flowers, bushes can reach a height of 75 centimeters, but in temperate climates they will be slightly smaller, like the nuts themselves. Caring for peanuts after germination is not difficult - in general, as they say experienced gardeners, the care process is similar to growing potatoes that are well known to us.

It is necessary to hill the bushes. The first hilling is carried out when the shoot has reached seven centimeters, then you can repeat the procedure after 10 days, so that the stem is gradually underground. Hilling should be done after watering or rain to keep the soil moist.

Peanuts do not need to be watered excessively, they do not like stagnant water. Watering should be carried out only in case of drought, once every 10 days - this will be enough. One month before harvest, watering must be stopped.

The fact that the crop is ripe is evidenced by yellowed peanut leaves. In addition, you can dig under one bush to check if the seeds are easily husked from the beans. In our climate, this usually happens in late September or early October. It is important to remove the peanut before the first frost, otherwise the crop may simply disappear! If frozen, the seeds will lose their germination capacity and may become bitter, unsuitable for consumption.

It should be remembered that peanut harvesting is carried out in two stages. First, peanuts should be dug to the surface, like potatoes, put in rollers so that they dry out a little. After that, the beans will be easier to separate from the roots. If autumn weather threatens with rain, then dug peanuts together with the shoots and roots, as a whole, should be transferred to dry in the barn, in the attic, where they can be hung for four days.

The resulting bean crop should be dried before being sent to storage. The temperature during drying should not exceed 40 degrees, care must be taken to ventilate. Peanuts are stored in beans, shelling the nuts just before use. Rag bags or racks are suitable for storage, for better preservation, you should choose a cool room, for example, a cellar. By the way, experts believe that roasted peanuts are even healthier than raw ones, so use them with pleasure.

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