The area around the wells is drained using drainage. Around the log house, soil is selected to a width of 0.7 - 1 m and a depth of 2 - 2.5 m. The trench is filled with crumpled fatty clay and compacted tightly, covered with stone and concrete on top, thus creating a waterproofing castle.

If the flow rate is insignificant, water should be systematically pumped out of the well.

The bottom of the well should be covered with gravel or crushed stone in a layer of at least 250 mm. More is better. It is recommended to inspect the well at least once a month, determine its contamination and remove various objects that accidentally fall into it.

It is best to inspect the well using an electric lamp lowered into it on a cord.

Water is taken from wells different ways. A crane for raising water consists of a post with a fork into which a pole is inserted and secured with a pin. A pole is attached to one end of the pole (preferably on a chain), and a bucket is attached to the other. A load is attached to the end of the pole without a bucket, the mass of which is greater than the mass of the end of the pole with an empty bucket. By increasing or decreasing the load, you ensure that the bucket has... water rose easily from the well. In addition, you can place a block on the well and use a strong rope to manually pull out a bucket of water.

Rice. 18. Stone wells

Rice. 19. Concrete wells:

a - reinforced concrete ring; 6, in- mold for making simple concrete or iron concrete rings; G- fittings; d - reinforced concrete ring with a lock; 1 - boards; 2 - wooden ring; 3 - reinforced concrete (reinforcement is shown in dotted lines); 4 - boards

Water is also raised using gates of various designs or using various pumps.

When constructing a well, inspecting it and repairing it, it is necessary to systematically check the presence of gas in it. Before going down into the well, they lower a lighted candle or a bunch of straw into it. If they burn, there is no gas; if they go out, there is gas.

The gas is removed like this: they repeatedly lower a bucket or tub or a bunch of straw into the well and thereby sweep it out.

You can lower a large bunch of lit straw into the well and thereby burn out the gas.

The rotten log house is dismantled and replaced with a new one, exactly the same in size. The part of the log house that is in water is usually better preserved, but it is better to replace the entire log house.

In some stone (Fig. 18) and especially concrete wells, mucus quickly forms on the walls, giving the water an unpleasant odor. The mucus has to be systematically removed. In wooden wells this does not happen or the mucus accumulates very slowly.

Stone wells are made of rubble or brickwork or special ceramic segments. The shape of the wells is round, the masonry is carried out with a wall thickness of 1 - 1 1 / 2 brick, i.e. 250 - 370 mm. IN deep wells The wall thickness must be at least 370 mm. The masonry is carried out on clay solution, but stronger and better - on cement. The part of the well that is in water must be laid out with cement mortar.

Stone wells are made in the following sequence. First of all, they dig a shaft to the most accessible depth and somewhat wider than the outer diameter of the well. The walls of the shaft are being strengthened. The deeper the shaft, the more carefully its walls are strengthened. The bottom of the shaft is well leveled and the main frame is lowered onto it in the form of a ring 30 - 50 mm wider than the outer diameter of the well. This frame is made of two or three rows of boards with a total thickness. 100 - 150 mm, preferably oak, and fastened with nails of such length that their ends can be bent, more firmly holding the rings together. The lower side of the frame is beveled or a cutting shoe made of any steel is attached.

So that the masonry can be compressed more firmly, it should be made required quantity intermediate rings made of oak or other wood (oak is preferable), but narrower than the first frame by 30 - 50 mm. These rings are made from boards 70 - 80 mm thick and fastened with nails.

To tighten the masonry using frames, it is recommended to make four or six steel rods with a length of 1 to 2 m, a diameter of 15 - 20 mm with threads at the ends, nuts, and washers. After this, the intermediate frame is laid on the lower one, but so that it is at the same distance from all its sides. Four or six holes are drilled in the folded frames according to the diameter of the rods. In the upper frame, these holes are outlined with chalk or a pencil. Then the upper frame is placed on the same second one, their edges are aligned and four or six holes are drilled between the previously made ones and marked on the second intermediate frame. In this sequence, holes are drilled in the frames.

Rods are inserted into the first frame, washers are put on them, secured with nuts and it is lowered to the bottom of the shaft, positioned strictly horizontally.

The first intermediate ring is temporarily placed on the top of the rods, the rods are placed strictly vertically and strengthened so that they do not wobble. Only after this do they begin laying. Having completed the masonry with a height of 500 - 700 mm, remove the intermediate ring so that it does not interfere with the work. The masonry is not brought to the top of the rods to the thickness of the ring and nut with washer.

Then take the next rods, 2 m long, and possibly more, insert them into the holes drilled for them in the first intermediate ring, put on the washers and tighten the nuts. Since the nuts protrude from under the ring, holes must be left in the masonry opposite them. If this is not done, the ring will not fit tightly onto the masonry and it will be impossible to firmly fasten it to the masonry. The top of the completed masonry is leveled cement mortar, lower the ring with bolts onto the mortar, but so that with its holes it sits on the released boxes of rods remaining in the masonry.

Place washers on the rods and secure them with nuts, tightening them as tightly as possible.

Then a second intermediate ring with rods for the next row of masonry is put on the ends of the rods and the ring is secured with washers and nuts. The entire masonry is laid in this way.

The installation of bolts is necessary in order to avoid rupture of the masonry when lowering it while removing soil from under it.

To reduce friction of the lower part of the masonry on the ground,

The space between the lower frame and the first intermediate ring is sheathed with boards, placing them vertically. They are fastened firmly with nails, and the lower ends of the boards with outside cut into a "mustache".

Today, few people want to live in a country house or in country house, in which there are no amenities at all, even basic ones. The sewer does country life much more comfortable and pleasant, and also safer, because in case of improper organization cesspool possible infection of plants and groundwater. In this article we will look at how device sewer well made of concrete rings or plastic containers.

Even before the start of work, of course, a diagram of the installation of the sewer well and the entire sewer system must be drawn up, and the installation must be carried out taking into account SNiP standards. Only if this condition is met will it be possible to avoid all errors. And then the sewer will serve you long years without a single problem.

Types of wells

At the first stages of planning, the following activities are carried out:

  • The location of the drainage well should be determined. For this purpose, a site located below the level of residential buildings and at a sufficient distance from the house is suitable.
  • Then you need to select the point where sewage pipe, going downhill, will come out of your house.
  • Now a scale drawing of the sewer well is drawn up. This drawing shows the dimensions of the pipes. In addition, the number of connections must be counted. The quality of operation of the entire sewer system will largely depend on the accuracy of measurements.
  • After the sewer well diagram is ready, you can calculate the amount of materials needed.

First, let's look at what types there are sewer wells. This will make it possible to determine which structures will be included in the site’s sewer system. It may include the following types of wells:

  • An observation room, which is necessary to control the system.
  • Differential, which is required in places with a strong difference in pipes.
  • Rotary, which is placed in places where pipes turn to avoid blockages.
  • Filtration necessary for purification Wastewater.
  • Cumulative - for accumulating wastewater.

Advice! Often one structure can perform several functions at once.

If you look at the cross-section of a sewer well, it will usually include elements such as a working chamber, a neck and a hatch. In addition, a tray should be provided to ensure more convenient system maintenance.

If the sewerage system has a long pipeline, then the creation of inspection wells cannot be avoided. Its main function, as already noted, is to ensure ease of cleaning the system and unhindered monitoring of the sewer system.

Advice! According to existing standards, the distance from the first inspection well to the sewer outlet should not be more than 12 meters, but it should not be closer than 3 meters from the house. All others should be placed at a distance of 15 meters.

Rotary ones are used if a straight pipeline arrangement cannot be avoided. In the place where the pipe turns, a rotary well is installed. Please note that the trays rotary type have special form. Rotating ones can also be used as viewing rooms.

Construction of a drop well

Note that the installation of differential-type sewer wells is required if the natural topography of the site does not allow laying the pipeline with the required angle of inclination.

As a rule, its design will differ from a conventional inspection or rotary well in the presence of a lowering. But if the difference is insignificant, this detail could be dispensed with.

You can do the lowering yourself. To do this you will need a straight cross, a pipe and an elbow. There are connect plastic pipes, then the elbow should reach 45°, if cast iron, then the angle should be 135°. The lowering is attached to the well wall using clamps.

Advice! A cross at the top of the lowering is mandatory, because otherwise, if a blockage occurs, it will be quite difficult to clean.

Construction of drain wells

Please note that depending on the type, the arrangement of the trays will vary. The drain is a reservoir for the accumulation and primary treatment of wastewater and has a number of features:

  • When choosing a location for a drain well, it is necessary to take into account existing sanitary rules, according to which the distance between it and the foundation of the house must be at least five meters.
  • The drainage well should be located as far as possible from the water intake. At sandy soils the distance should be at least 50 meters, for clay ones - at least 20 meters.
  • As a rule, they are square or round shape. The bottom is filled with concrete.

  • It is important to ensure maximum tightness of the walls and bottom so that untreated wastewater does not enter the soil.
  • Drain wells must be cleaned of sewage using suction pumps.

Advice! More advanced sewer systems, which are based on staged wastewater treatment, require cleaning much less frequently.

  • As a rule, they are made of brick, concrete or reinforced concrete rings. You can also use improvised materials, but it will not last long and you will often need to repair sewer wells.
  • The walls of the drainage well must be plastered with cement. The bottom is covered with concrete. It also needs to be sealed with a layer of rich clay. The ceiling is best made of iron concrete slab.

Often the owners country house The question arises of how to make a sewer well from reinforced concrete rings. Indeed, the use of ready-made reinforced concrete rings in construction speeds up the process of creating a sewer system:

  • To create a well from reinforced concrete, you first need to prepare the bottom. To do this, you first need to make a cushion of crushed stone, which is first compacted and then filled with mortar.
  • Reinforced concrete rings are laid on the finished bottom. Their number directly depends on the volume of the future well. As a rule, 3-5 rings are used.

Advice! Reinforced concrete rings are very heavy, so you will have to use special equipment to install them.

  • To achieve tightness, the seams between all rings must be coated with a special solution.

Ready-made plastic containers

One of the most simple option creating storage wells is the use of ready-made plastic tanks. Previously, they were not used because the plastic did not withstand severe frosts. However, thanks to the invention of new types of plastic, this problem was solved.

By choosing this option, you greatly simplify your work, since their installation is very simple. Plastic tanks Available with ready-made holes for pipes and different volumes depending on your needs.

The design of plastic storage wells is almost no different from classic wells. But they are easier to install than, for example, reinforced concrete rings, since the plastic container has less weight and ready-made holes. You will have to punch holes in reinforced concrete blanks yourself. Advantages:

  1. Durability, resistance to aggressive environments.
  2. The structure is completely sealed, which ensures the environmental safety of such containers.
  3. Ease of installation and maintenance.
  4. Resistance to temperature changes from +70°С to -50°С, which allows the effective use of such containers in unfavorable climate conditions.

Construction of filter wells

And the last element of the local sewerage system is the filter well. In this design, wastewater enters after undergoing preliminary treatment through the chambers of the septic tank. When planning the construction of a filter well for a country house or cottage, you need to take into account all the features:

  1. When constructing the bottom, concrete should not be laid in a continuous layer, but only along the perimeter of the bottom, leaving the soil completely free in the center. As a result, the bottom ring will rest on the concrete base, but the bottom itself will not impede drainage.
  2. Also for implementation additional filtration sewage in the lower compartment is done drainage holes at a distance of 5-10 cm. If construction is made of brick, then gaps are left in the tub.
  3. Filter material is poured onto the bottom in a layer about a meter thick. This could be gravel, crushed stone or broken brick. The same backfill is done outside along its perimeter. The inlet pipe should be located at a height of about 50 cm from the top layer of filter material, which is covered with a water barrier board so that the jet of liquid does not wash out the layer.

How can you disguise a well?

No less interesting is the question of how to disguise wells. After all, the place for them is not chosen for reasons of beauty, but you want it to appearance summer cottage not injured. It may turn out that it just ruins the whole look. But finding a way out is not so difficult - you just need to decorate it. However, one condition must be observed.

When decorating a well, you should always leave access to it. That is, it is necessary to use removable decorative items, and it is also important to leave the ventilation pipe and ventilation hatch free. There are several ways to decorate:

  1. It can be covered with ornamental shrubs.
  2. Removable flower beds that can be easily removed at any time look good.
  3. You can install a light wire frame on top of the well and decorate it with climbing plants.
  4. You can put it on top fake diamond. Natural boulders cannot be used due to their enormous weight.

We hope that the article answered all your basic questions about the arrangement various types sewer wells, and now you can do all the work yourself.

The times of cesspools have practically sunk into oblivion. Today private homes are equipped with systems biological treatment autonomous use. But the wastewater must still flow from the cottage to the septic tank. In addition to pipes, it is often necessary to install sewer wells, which according to their functionality are divided into several types and have certain nuances in the device. However, in order to install them correctly yourself, it is enough to follow simple rules.

Drainage networks consist of various elements, each of which has its own functions. Pipelines transport wastewater, shut-off valves regulates this process, and wells of various types allow you to monitor the state of the system and serve as its end point.

There are several types of sewer wells for various purposes

To carry out control, three types of well structures are installed:

  1. Observations.
  2. Drops.
  3. Rotary.
  4. Nodal.

The first ones are installed on long sections sewer pipeline to inspect it and clean it as necessary. The latter are installed in areas with a large slope and allow you to reduce the flow power. Still others are installed at pipe turning points so that in case of blockages they can be cleared. And the fourth ones are installed when it is necessary to combine several water pipelines.

Sewerage pipelines end with a well of one of two types:

  1. Storage – used for storing wastewater.
  2. Filtration – designed for clarification and purification of wastewater.

In a private house, the installation of sewer wells of all these types is regulated by the rules set out in SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures" (SP 32.13330.2012) and SNiP 31-02-2001 "Single-apartment residential houses" (SP 55.13330.2011),

Advice! When installing, do not neglect the requirements of sanitary and building codes in the issue of placing sewerage elements on the site in relation to residential buildings and water sources, otherwise you can “play out” before an outbreak of infection.

Reinforced concrete well diagram

According to sanitary standards Septic tanks and sewer wells must be removed at a minimum:

  • 3 meters from trees personal plot;
  • 5 meters from the foundation and underground gas pipelines;
  • 10 meters from the garden beds;
  • 30 meters from the sources drinking water.

It is often necessary to install a sewer well at a fairly large distance from a private house. You cannot do without long pipelines; you will have to install additional inspection units.

What are sewer wells made of?

Underground chambers of the external sewer system can be equipped with:

  • concrete (reinforced concrete rings);
  • bricks;
  • factory-made plastic products.

Factory-made concrete rings are available for any size

The cheapest and most reliable option is made of concrete rings. Brickwork comparable in price, but due to high labor costs it is rarely used. A plastic tank is quite expensive, but it is the easiest to install yourself. Plastic is lightweight, and you will not need to order lifting equipment for installation.

Internal structure of a typical sewer well

Functionally, well structures differ, but they all have:

  • lid or neck on top;
  • mine and working chamber in the middle;
  • bottom-support at the very bottom.

Items may be different shapes and sizes. Everything in this matter depends on the purpose of the well. In the filtration filter, the bottom is made “leaky” - with a drainage cushion, and the remaining types are made in a sealed design with a durable bottom. The mines also have a wide variety of designs and different numbers of pipe entries.

The sewer system sooner or later becomes clogged. It is with the help of wells that cleaning is carried out. Previously, a plumber went inside for this, but in the last decade, suction pumps and installations have increasingly begun to be used high pressure. As a result, well shafts no longer need to be made large, to fit the dimensions of a person descending. There are enough narrow chambers into which you can squeeze a hose from a sewage disposal equipment.

Now we mainly install sewer wells small size made of plastic. It's cheaper, more practical and faster. Similar plastic products are produced at the factory. The lineup is wide and allows you to choose an option for installation in a sewerage system of any capacity and purpose.

How to properly install a drain well

Before installing a sewer well near a private house, it is necessary to develop a project with the exact location of each element of the system. A simple plan on a piece of paper is not enough. The design must be carried out by a qualified specialist who will immediately take into account all the nuances and rules.

Installation of input into plastic well

A simplified well installation process looks like this:

  1. Preparation of a pit according to the dimensions of the selected structure with a depth below the soil freezing level.
  2. Forming a gravel cushion 20–30 cm thick at the bottom for a sealed tank and 40–50 cm for drainage chamber septic tank
  3. Laying a concrete base slab on gravel.
  4. Installation of concrete rings or plastic structures.
  5. Pipe connection.
  6. Closing the well with a lid with a hatch and ventilation pipe.
  7. backfilling pit and trenches with pipeline.

When using bricks or reinforced concrete rings Special attention During installation, attention should be paid to sealing the well from the inside. All joints and seams must be coated with cement mortar and bitumen. Chambers with drainage do not need tightness at all. The more holes there are in them at the bottom and sides, the faster the drainage into the ground will occur.

Important! Well structures made of plastic need a heavy “anchor”, otherwise they can be squeezed out of the soil during floods. Most often, this clamp is made in the form of a concrete slab, which has a special hook for attaching a plastic well.

Sewage well connection diagram

It is imperative to install a water trap in the filtration and differential well, which will dampen the energy of the water flow and will not allow it to destroy the body or drainage cushion.

The ventilation pipe should rise 0.6–0.7 meters above the ground. This is the only way it will function correctly and prevent the accumulation of explosive gases formed during the decomposition of organic matter inside.

To avoid freezing, the well must be covered with a layer of soil at least half a meter thick at the end of installation. If pouring such a cover from the ground is problematic, then you will have to insulate the structure with polystyrene foam.

Everything is quite simple, the work can be done even alone. But if the sewerage system is long and the septic tank is far from the house, then it is better to use an excavator to speed up the excavation.

Video: correct installation of wells for a two-chamber septic tank

When installing sewer wells, it is necessary to comply with many rules of both construction and sanitary nature. Following these standards will avoid biological pollution soil and sources of drinking water near a private house. You can do the installation yourself; difficulties are possible only with heavy reinforced concrete rings. But in matters of design, it is better to consult with a professional plumber or simply order finished project sewer system.

The construction and repair of wells is strictly limited by technology. According to the regulations, the installation process must comply with the standards prescribed in SNiP. The document describes the regulations for placement, dimensions and other characteristics. SNiP sewer wells have their own number and name "External networks and structures".

Requirements for sewer wells

One of the most important quantities in sewer installation is the distance between sewer wells. It directly depends on the size of the pipeline. So for wells with a pipe diameter of up to 15 cm, the step between wells is 35 meters, and 50 meters for pipes with a diameter of 20 cm. In addition, the installation is carried out with the following design features:

  • fluctuations in pipe diameter or slope in the structure;
  • availability of additional pipeline units;
  • turn in the stock system.

The installation of a sewer well made of concrete is regulated by GOST, and communications made of plastic and polymers are installed with reference to the technical specifications.

Structures made of concrete or stone can be either prefabricated or monolithic. Filtering units are made mainly from rubble stone. From polymer materials For sewer systems acceptable: polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and dense polyethylene.

Note! Modern communications, installed both in private and urban construction, combine elements from different materials. Such techniques are not prohibited by building regulations.

Well sizes

According to SNiP, the construction of sewer wells assumes the following size ratio: the length of the pipeline should be approximately 2 times greater than its diameter. Thus, a sewer system with a diameter of 600 mm is regulated by a length of 1000 mm. Particular attention is paid to sewers with a diameter of 1500 mm or more; their depth depends on other features of the structure.

Volume correct design calculated according to the depth of communications according to the plan. Work to prepare for the installation of a sewer well includes the following steps:

  • marking the area according to plan;
  • preparation of the area (removal of vegetation and stones);
  • dismantling of buildings and systems that impede installation ( this procedure prescribed in special standards);
  • organization of the entry point to the site.

After preparing the work site, they begin to dig a pit. According to SNiP, this stage includes:

  • digging a pit;
  • bottom cleaning;
  • adjusting the depth and angles of the pit according to the plan;
  • applying bottom waterproofing according to plan (standard layer from 200 mm).

When the pit is ready, you can begin installing the sewer well.

Well installation

The installation of sewer wells and its progress directly depends on the material of the structure. The characteristics of the material determine the load on communications and soil.

Stone sewer

Installation work stone structure include:

After installation is completed, the system is filled with water, blocking the inlets with temporary valves or plugs. If there are no leaks, the walls are backfilled, simultaneously making blind areas. Their size must be at least one and a half meters. At the joints with the sewer well, treatment is carried out with a liquid bitumen mixture. When the sealant dries, the structure can be used.

Brick construction

The process of installing a brick well is almost identical to installing a stone structure. The main difference is that the rings are not immersed in the pit, but the well is laid with bricks.

Waterproofing is carried out in the same way as with stone sewerage. However, in addition to the method of laying the rings, the brick structure has a couple more features:

  • a hatch-grate is installed on the storm drain, which also works as a water collector;
  • drainage structures do not require special calculations, since they already perform the function of drainage.

Drop well

The installation of a sewer well with a differential structure has much more than SNiP requirements. In addition to installing the tray, you need:

  • install risers;
  • acquire water supply facilities;
  • make a water wall;
  • construct a recess (pit).

The installation of rings and other elements is identical to the above-mentioned types of construction.

Note! If you are going to install a riser well, purchase in advance metal pipes. They are mounted into the base to ensure the strength of the rings.

A compensation funnel is installed in differential sewers; it reduces the pressure of fast flows. It is not recommended to install such communications yourself. Structures installed not in accordance with SNiP are easily destroyed by pressure.

Installation of a differential system is carried out in the following situations:

  • control over wastewater flows is needed;
  • the intended installation location coincides with other communications;
  • a deep location of the system is required;
  • if the well is a closing well and is installed before discharging water into the reservoir.

In the above situations, sewers with a differential structure are also installed in a suburban area.

Installation of inlet holes for well systems

Installation diagram entrance structures sewer wells depends on the type of terrain and soil. On dry soils it is much easier to install communications; in such areas it is recommended to use cement and asbestos-cement mixtures. On wet soils, careful waterproofing is necessary.

Note! Entry holes are installed in areas with stable soil.

In areas with moving soil, installation is regulated. flexible connections with pipe protection with plastic materials. According to the specifications, a metal sleeve can be installed on the hatch, and the waterproofing can be mounted inside.

Polymer systems

To replace sewer structures made of traditional materials plastic and polymer systems have arrived. They are actively used in communications on private buildings and small industries. Sewerage made from such materials is regulated only by technical specifications.

Polymer structures are characterized by simple installation and high performance characteristics. In addition, systems made of plastics are less cumbersome than concrete structures. Thus, a concrete sewer with a diameter of 100 cm is replaced by a half-meter installation without loss of functionality.

In addition to ease of installation, these structures have the following advantages:

  • small expenses for digging pits: for plastic structures smaller ditches are needed;
  • polymer pipes are compatible with any systems, including concrete ones;
  • All parts of the structure have strictly specified parameters and dimensions, so all sewerage parts can be purchased as a set at a time.

A typical sewer system design includes a manhole. When working with polymer communications, special attention is paid to its selection. It must coincide with the inlet of the structure and not interfere with the collection of water.

Bottom line

Many novice builders do not know what distance from one sewer well to another is acceptable for polymer systems. This value directly depends on the diameter of the pipe. So, with a size of 11 cm, the distance between sewers can be from 15 to 20 m. For pipes with a diameter of 15 cm, the step between structures is 35 meters.

If you need to install many wells in one area, it is cheaper to use polymer communications. They are easy to install and subsequently repair.

The process of planning and constructing sewer systems is not complicated, but there are special rules And regulations SNiP, which impose certain requirements for installation and materials. There are also special public services who check the design of the sewer well according to SNiP, and if violations are detected, they may impose a fine or require that the system be rebuilt.

Therefore, before building a sewer well with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with their main types and installation rules.

Types of sewer wells

By functional purpose mines are divided into several main types:

  • examination rooms;
  • differential;
  • rotary;
  • accumulative;
  • filtration.

Each of these types performs its specific function.

Inspection well

An inspection well (photo) is a shaft that is located above the main drainage line. Such a shaft makes it possible to conduct a visual inspection of the system’s performance and, if necessary, flush it or mechanical cleaning during operation.

In most cases, such shafts are installed on straight sections of drainage at a certain distance, however, shafts installed at turns or intersections of communications can also be called inspection shafts.

Inspection shafts can be of several types:

  • linear, installed on straight sections;

  • rotary, installed in places where the direction of the highway changes. In order to avoid hydraulic resistance, the angle between the incoming and outgoing highways must be at least 90 degrees;

  • nodal, installed at the junction of several highways. Such chambers connect one outlet pipe with several incoming pipes, but there can be no more than three incoming pipes;

  • control, installed at connection points private system to the main one.

Note! The distance between inspection shafts is determined by the diameter of the pipe. For example, with a pipe diameter of 15 cm, the distance between wells is set to no more than 35 meters. With a pipe diameter of 50 - 70 cm, the distance between the shafts is 75 meters.

Drop well

The device of a differential sewer well is simple design(see photo), which is installed in the following cases:

  • when reducing the depth of the ditch under the drainage main;
  • when bypassing other underground pipes or communications;
  • to prevent high speed fluid movement.

According to the type of design and functions, drop wells are divided into several types:

  • a conventional shaft with a liquid supply in the upper part and an outlet in the lower part;
  • difference with the baffle-drain wall to reduce the flow rate;
  • short channels with a large degree of slope to increase flow speed;
  • a mine with multi-stage drops.

Rotary well

Such shafts are installed in those sections of the highway where sharp turns of the channel are necessary, since it is in these places that blockages of the system most often occur.

Storage well

Storage shafts or wells (photo) are designed for collecting and storing waste liquid with its subsequent pumping using a pump or special vacuum trucks.

For private houses, the installation of sewer wells of this type can be profitable solution, if the closest central system is far away or absent altogether. Depending on the volume, such shafts can be made of reinforced concrete rings, monolithic concrete or large plastic containers.

For small amounts of wastewater, installation plastic container most justified, since the price of such a tank is low and the installation process can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of equipment or professional construction teams.

Filtration well

Filtration shafts or wells can be open or closed type. Both types of wells are designed to separate wastewater and separate large debris and heavy substances from the liquid.

Facilities open type They are shafts made of perforated concrete blocks, where liquid leaves through special holes into the ground, and heavy substances remain within the shaft and are subsequently removed by special equipment for burial or disposal.

Closed wells are sealed containers with technological outlets, which are located at different heights. As wastewater enters, floating particles are removed by the upper channels, sedimentary layers are removed by the lower ones.

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