Installing an alarm on a car is an opportunity to protect the vehicle from theft and, thereby, provide peace of mind to the car owner. The problem is that standard devices (installed at the factory) guarantee a minimum level of security and offer a small range of options. This is not enough to protect the vehicle from intruders. The best solution is installation car alarm professional type.

If your car already has a security system installed, but it is morally and physically outdated, think about replacing it. Otherwise, the car becomes easy money for car thieves who have the required skills and equipment to break into the car and disable the alarm. However, do not rush into making a choice. Buying and installing a car alarm is a responsible process that should be approached fully prepared.

How to choose a security system?

First decide on suitable model alarms. To do this, prepare a sheet of paper and write down the requirements that must be met for the device:

  • Work radius.
  • Possibility of automatic engine warm-up.
  • Protection against digital hacking (implemented by installing an anti-scanner).
  • Automatic blocking.
  • Auto grabber and other protective functions.

Once the requirements are determined, study pricing policy to determine the potential costs of purchasing the model of interest. Next, study the technical documentation for the devices, read reviews real users and make a decision. If the security system meets its specifications, has a sufficient number of options and has no complaints from other car owners, buy it.

The following articles will help you understand the choice of alarm system:

Features of GSM alarms

For many owners expensive cars best solution- installation of a car alarm with a GSM module. The main purpose of the device is to ensure stable communication between the owner vehicle and central block security system. In addition, in the event of theft, it is possible to quickly determine the location of the car and return it to the owner.

The main disadvantage of GSM systems is their high cost. Installing a car alarm results in a large sum, so many car owners prefer budget options. It turns out that installing security systems with a GSM module is only relevant for expensive cars. If the costs of purchasing an alarm system and setting it up are commensurate with the price of the vehicle, then there is no need for such expenses.

Installation methods

When installing a security system, there are always two options - entrust the work to specialists or do it yourself. Installing a car alarm with the help of specialists has a number of advantages:

  • Guarantee of the quality of the work done. Installation is carried out by specialists who know the features and weaknesses of such systems.
  • Minimum costs time (installation takes no more than 2-3 hours).
  • Security system warranty. If there are problems discovered during the warranty period, you can always return to the service station and have the technicians fix the problem for free.

There is only one minus - the need for additional costs. The services of specialists are expensive, so with this installation method you will have to say goodbye to a certain part of the budget.

Second option - self installation which is accessible to every person. It is enough to have the skills to perform such work and the appropriate tools (see video on how to install an alarm with your own hands, below).

What are the advantages of installing a security system yourself?

Car owners increasingly prefer self-installation alarms. The reasons are as follows:

  • Acute lack of funds (desire to save money).
  • Love for technology. Some people love to DIY, and installing a car alarm is no exception.
  • Non-standard design, when it is impossible to attract craftsmen to carry out the work.

First reason. When choosing a security system, you want to purchase quality device, which often has more high price. But due to the limited budget, there is enough money to purchase the system, but installation work is done independently, without the involvement of a specialist. As a result, you can save money and get a higher level security system at your disposal.

The second reason mentioned above is the desire to do everything with your own hands. Such situations are very common. Many car owners are willing to spend hours sitting near their car, repairing it. For them, this is rest and relaxation, an opportunity to protect themselves from current problems. In addition, installing a car alarm yourself is also a reason to assert yourself and believe in yourself. And using a security system installed and configured yourself is more convenient and enjoyable.

The third reason is the non-standard nature of the device. The situation is as follows. You dream of a high-quality security system, but difficulties arise when choosing a device. After months of searching, the understanding comes that it is easier and cheaper to make an alarm yourself. But another problem arises related to the implementation of plans. If you have certain skills and knowledge, it is possible to do the job.

How to install a security system with your own hands?

Before installing an alarm system on a car, carefully study the documentation and understand the system electrical wiring vehicle. Afterwards, understand the security system diagram and decide on the algorithm for subsequent actions.

Initial stage- determination of the location of the main alarm unit.

As a rule, it is mounted near the fuses, which allows solving two problems at once - simplifying system maintenance and speeding up installation work. Due to the close location of the safety unit and the security system control unit, less problems with voltage supply. There is no need to waste time and deal with the wiring of the machine, because the main components are located next to each other.

  • Connect the system responsible for triggering sound signal to the required connector.
  • Connect the power wires to the central locking system that opens and closes the doors.
  • Switch the turn signals, which also go off when the security system is activated.
  • Connect the power wires (no voltage yet). When performing work, observe polarity. If you confuse “minus” (housing) and “plus”, then there is a high risk of device failure. If you have doubts about the correct connection, use special device- tester or voltmeter.
  • Connect ground. To solve the problem, use a separate conductor, which at one end is connected to the alarm system and the other to the machine body. To secure the wire, use eight or six bolts. For greater reliability, corrosion protection and reduced risk of loosening, treat the bolt with paint.
  • Connect the security system to the car's ignition. To solve this problem, pull a pair of wires from the central unit to the mentioned node. In this case, follow the diagram that comes with the security system.

The next stage of installing an alarm system on a car is connecting a device that provides reception and transmission of information from the central console.

To increase the range, mount the transceiver on windshield vehicle. Lay the wires separately from other conductors. The reason is protection from potential interference, which increases the risk of false alarms of the security system.

The subsequent installation of the car alarm is carried out as follows:

  • Choose a location for the shock sensor and install it. Optimal point for installation - behind the car dashboard. The device is fixed using fasteners that are supplied with the device.
  • Install the signal part ( perfect place- under the windshield wiper mountings). To solve the problem, disassemble the mount, dismantle plastic element, and at the final stage install the siren. Connect the device by laying wires along existing channels. As a rule, two wires go to the windshield wipers, and in addition, lay a couple more (to power the alarm system signal). After installation is completed, install the previously dismantled components in place, following the reverse algorithm.
  • Install a limit switch under the hood that controls the opening/closing of this body element. The location for mounting the device is above the headlight on the left side. When the hood is closed, the chain is closed. But as soon as the attacker opens the hood to disable the security system, the latter will work and notify the owner of the attempted theft.
  • Connect the alarm and power unit. To solve this problem, include a relay group in the system that controls the fuel pump. When the alarm is activated, the relay contacts close, the power unit is blocked, and it will not be possible to start it.

On more expensive cars, when installing a car alarm, a backup system is provided. Thanks to such forethought, the risk of vehicle theft is reduced and the effectiveness of the security system increases. This practice is not popular in Russia and the CIS countries. The reason is the high cost of the device, which not all car enthusiasts can afford.


Installation of a security system is a process that can be done with your own hands, without the involvement of service station specialists. To successfully solve the problem, only three components are required - the presence theoretical knowledge, practical skills and free time. If everything mentioned above is present, all that remains is to do the work yourself and save a large amount on visiting a service station. The final result will definitely please the eye and raise your self-esteem.

Video: 10 mistakes when installing an alarm system

Video: Installing a car alarm. Connection diagram

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Video: Installing an alarm system with auto start in a Renault Symbol car

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With the growing number of car thefts, now almost every second car has an anti-theft system, or as everyone is used to calling it, an alarm system. This device blocks the car's locks and, when attempting to open them or cause physical damage to the car, makes corresponding sounds that attract the attention of the car owner or the police. In addition, the alarm may include special devices, which block the engine from starting without the owner.

Installing an alarm system is a rather labor-intensive and complex process, so many drivers turn to specialized stations maintenance, where for a fairly decent amount the alarm will be installed for them. Those who have not found the money to install an alarm system can install it themselves. Let's try to figure out how to do this?

How does a car alarm work?

First of all, after you have purchased the desired type of alarm, you must carefully study the attached instructions. Very often, many mistakes are made already at the first stage - these are thoughts that can be installed without instructions, based on one’s own knowledge. However, this is not so, you can and should read the instructions, it also contains a special connection diagram.

The most simple alarm system with feedback must include the following elements:

  1. Alarm control unit. This is a kind of center that is responsible for all the work anti-theft system. It consists of a special microcircuit whose task is to receive, process and transmit signals to the performing organs. The location of such a device is chosen by the driver himself, but the most optimal is under the dashboard. This choice is due to the fact that there it will not be so accessible to attackers and the fact that it passes there large number factory electrical wiring, together with which you can wire the alarm system and not spoil the car interior with it.
  2. Antenna. This is a small device made in the form of a box, which is usually placed under the rearview mirror in the car. The main requirement for its installation is that it does not have contact with the car body, and the wires going to it remain with a small margin.
  3. Impact sensor. This device resembles the same antenna and has a special light bulb. It is installed in the center of the car floor and rigidly attached to the body. This location will be the most successful, since its work will be evenly distributed throughout the entire car body. Main feature This sensor is equipped with special adjustment screws with which you can adjust the sensitivity of the device.
  4. Control button. This small button resembles a regular doorbell, only smallest size. It needs to be placed discreetly, and you should be able to press it comfortably. This device allows you to completely disable the alarm if you suddenly lose the control panel or the system has a malfunction that prevents you from starting the engine or opening the doors.
  5. Siren or megaphone. About the meaning of this device there is no point in talking, since everyone has known it for a long time. It needs to be placed in engine compartment bowl down to prevent water from getting inside the device. The siren wires must be routed in such a way that they cannot be approached even under the car.

These are the most famous elements of any simple alarm system. However, if you pay attention to other types of anti-theft systems, they have broader capabilities. The price, however, will increase significantly, and the connection method will become more complicated.

How to connect an alarm with your own hands?

First of all, the control unit is installed, then it is necessary to connect it. The minus can be secured with a bolt on the car body, and it is recommended to look for the plus either on the button alarm, or on the ignition switch. The most reliable option is to consider connecting the plus directly to the battery, but be prepared for the fact that the wire may not be enough and you will have to look for an additional element.

As for lighting, there are two options:

  • Connection to low beam headlights. To be more precise, you need to connect not to the headlights themselves, but to the low beam relay in order to reduce the load on the network. Be prepared for increased battery drain.
  • Connection to alarm system. Find the button contacts and connect the light wires directly to it. Thus, the alarm will be accompanied by a short blinking of the direction indicators.

The most difficult stage in connecting an alarm system can be considered the inclusion of central locking drives in the circuit. This is due to the fact that the design of many locks can vary markedly. Before connecting the control unit to the locks, carefully study the electrical diagram of your car. It is quite possible that you will need to connect not to the drives themselves, but to the drive control unit. Many cars have additional contact pins for this case. The location of the unit can become very unexpected and inconvenient and in some cases, drivers end up connecting wires to the central locking control button. If your car does not have lock actuators at all, then you will have to purchase your own. Currently, the design of many cars provides for this possibility.

Video - How to install an alarm on a VAZ 2109

Door opening and closing drives may have different design, however, they have corresponding conclusions that can be used to determine that they are intended for an anti-theft system. The complexity of the process lies in the complexity of the circuit, which involves connecting the interior lighting system to the doors. In this case, try to study the diagram as carefully as possible and avoid making basic mistakes.

Wires door locks, like all other alarm wires, it is not recommended to be installed outside. Firstly, it does not look quite aesthetically pleasing and the wires will be more often exposed to external influences. Secondly, such a wiring arrangement will easily “give away” the location of the alarm control unit, which will make the task easier for car thieves.

Connection points in mandatory must be insulated using dielectric tape. This will protect the scheme from accidental short circuits, in which both spontaneous unlocking of doors and fire of electrical wiring can occur.

Installing trunk or hood opening drives

This operation is performed last and will not be difficult, since it has a small number of contact pins, which cannot be confused with anything. Connection is made both to standard terminals and to new ones. In the case of the latter, you will have to install them yourself, having first studied the electrical circuit of the car.

Alarm adjustment

After you have installed all the components of the anti-theft system, you can begin making adjustments. The entire setup of the alarm system comes down to adjusting the shock sensor. There are special adjustment screws on it, by rotating which you can adjust the sensitivity of the alarm to the influences exerted on the car body. When unscrewing the screw a certain distance, you need to hit the car body with your palm, thereby assessing the level of sensitivity. After adjusting the sensitivity, reprogram the alarm control unit. How to do this is written in the instructions for the anti-theft system.

This completes the installation of the alarm and its adjustment. Good luck on the roads!

Car alarm connection:

The modern realities of our lives make the installation of a car alarm one of the most pressing problems. First of all, it is ensured reliable protection car from attempted burglary and theft. Currently, motorists are offered the widest selection of alarm systems. And then the question of how to connect the alarm to a specific car comes to the fore. However, first of all, it is necessary to consider the main types of these devices and make the right choice.

Types of modern alarms

Any car alarm can perform several basic functions. All of them, in one form or another, are present in every design. First of all, these devices must respond to all actions towards the car that are illegal. Many of them can block the engine, preventing unauthorized start attempts. In such cases, good alarm attracts not only the attention of the car owner, but also the people around him.

In terms of functionality, modern alarm systems are divided into the following types:

  1. Alarm without feedback . This design represents budget option and is installed mainly on inexpensive cars. The radio channel is considered the most vulnerable point. This car alarm is not capable of protecting the car from experienced car thieves, however, it may well scare away petty thieves.
  2. Alarm with feedback function. Compared to the first option, it is capable of solving much more tasks. That is why it is so popular among drivers. With the help of feedback, the car owner remotely receives information about his car, which is sent to a special key fob. Except security functions, there is a possibility remote start engine. You just need to disable the mobilizer installed at the factory. In urban conditions, the range of such an alarm is up to 1 km.
  3. Usage GSM alarms c GPS module . These devices are becoming increasingly popular due to the ability to control the car via mobile phone. Thus, you can track your car from anywhere, provided the network of the service operator is covered. All information is transmitted in both directions via SMS. Some operators provide a service that makes it possible to track the position of a vehicle linked to a map via the Internet. With this service it will be much easier to find a stolen car.
  4. Satellite signaling belongs to the area high technology. The level of protection allows it to be used in expensive cars. All information is transmitted via communication satellites. This is the most reliable and expensive type of car alarm.

Wide selection electronic devices allows you to choose the most suitable option car alarm system, which includes all the necessary functions. After purchasing, you can install it. To solve this problem, there are two ways: contact a car service center, an experienced auto electrician, or try to install an alarm on your car yourself.

Rules and procedure for installing alarms

If you do not have knowledge of electrical engineering, you should not try to install the alarm yourself. These devices are quite complex and require special knowledge and skills to operate them. After all, the electrical signaling circuit will be combined with electrical network car. The slightest inaccuracy in installation can lead to failure of various relays, blocks and other elements.

There is a certain installation procedure that must be followed. First of all, the places where the main alarm elements will be installed are determined. Typically, an electronic control unit, sensors, antenna, light and sound signals are used for this. A mistake many car owners make is trying to make design changes to a circuit or connection at random. individual elements. IN best case scenario, such equipment simply will not work.

The main connection point for the alarm is the control unit, in which all the wires are concentrated. This greatly simplifies the connection. In addition, the unit is located under the instrument panel, in hard to reach place. After determining the connection locations, you can proceed to the actual installation of the device.

Alarm connection procedure:

  • Installation of sensors in places recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Installing a sound siren under the hood of a car.
  • Sensors, sound alarms, light sources are connected to the control unit in accordance with the diagram.
  • At the end of installation, the unit is connected to the power source.

As a rule, this procedure does not cause any particular difficulties. You just need to carefully understand the connection diagram supplied with the equipment. There are certain connection difficulties with central locking. In such cases, you have to individually understand the circuitry of each car.

Connecting an alarm to a car with central locking

Majority modern cars equipped with central locking. Along with a security alarm, it also performs protective functions. Therefore, the data separate systems must work in harmony, and this depends on correctly performed installation.

The main function of the central locking system is to open and close the locks located on the doors, trunk, hood and fuel filler flap. When the driver's door closes, other body elements are locked at the same time. To control the central locking, there is a button installed in the cabin and a key fob with a remote control. Considering the features of both devices, it should be remembered that the car alarm and central locking circuits must be compatible with each other, and their operation must occur synchronously.

After installing the alarm, additional useful functions appear in the car:

  • Automatic closing of the sunroof and lowered door windows.
  • Upon command from the control panel, you can remotely start and warm up the engine.
  • Create a simulation of an engine breakdown so that the thief lingers in the cabin.
  • Complete blocking of engine starting.
  • Driving a car using SMS messages.

In some cases, the installation of a car alarm is carried out simultaneously with the central locking. This makes it possible to immediately combine electrical diagrams both devices.

DIY alarm installation rules

In some cases, mainly in the absence service centers, car owners try to install the alarm themselves. This matter is not at all hopeless. You just need to follow the basic rules for installing such devices:

  1. All connections of wires to each other and to device elements are made through terminals or by soldering. All connections must be carefully insulated.
  2. The wiring is carried out in hidden form, under the interior trim. Special attention you need to pay attention to the transitions between body elements.
  3. During the connection process, the colors of the wires must be observed in the same way as in the attached diagram.
  4. During work, the battery must be completely disconnected.

Before installing an alarm on your car, it is advisable to study all the terms related to this topic. The manufacturer's website often contains instructions that list connection points. It is difficult for novice installers to understand such “documentation”. And bypassing the immobilizer if the alarm is equipped with auto start can also be difficult. You can connect the crawler yourself, for which there are recommended schemes, but it is not a fact that everything will work as a result. Other common problems and solutions are listed below.

The ignition switch module is equipped with several contacts, but the voltage from the battery always goes to one - to “30”. There is also contact “50”, which is closed with “30” when the starter is started. Use this information when installing an alarm system on any car, even an antique one. Modern cars use many circuits:

Standard ignition switch circuits

In general, to install a car alarm, you need to know the designations of all contacts.

Car alarm installation as well as repairs starts with disconnecting the battery. Then you can himself call which contacts are connected to terminal “30”:

  1. Pin 15 is part of the IGN1 circuit;
  2. “15/2” – IGN2;
  3. The contact in the ACC circuit is designated as follows: 2, ACC, R.

You can determine the purpose of the contacts yourself, for which you don’t even need to start the car. Use an ohmmeter, but don't forget to disconnect the battery!

When carrying out repairs or installation yourself, it is enough to remove the “negative” terminal from the battery.

Electrical relay contacts

To install a car alarm and connect it, it is enough to use standard elements and modules. Among them there may be a relay, to connect which you just need to study the basic instructions. You can install an alarm system on a car, connect it according to the “basic” circuit, and then expand the set of functions by connecting several more relays. Then one of the winding terminals (pin 86 or 85) is connected to the signaling output, and the supply voltage is supplied to the second terminal.

Relay terminal designations

If there is no current in the winding, contact 87A is closed to “common” (to 30). When triggered, two other contacts (30-87) close. For connections relay, if it is controlled electronically, a diode is installed between terminals 85-86. Many people know how to do italarm installation, but for some reason they forget about using blocking diodes.

The diode does not conduct current when the relay is activated. Scheme will be as follows: “+12V” is supplied to the cathode. Use this information and perform repair .

Kit offered with installation

For signaling or immobilizer Premium class, do not search for documentation on the Internet. It is believed that neither repair , nor installation of such systems with your own hands no one will do it.

What you have to deal with

Often the manufacturer himself provides the information necessary for the installation of a car alarm to be completed. It is better when a file containing a photo report and diagram is provided. But this doesn't always happen:

  • Sometimes they provide a list that lists the connection points for the signaling wires. The presence of such lists suggests that installation can and should be done, including with your own hands.
  • If the manual contains a universal scheme, this is already good.
  • A brand like Starline provides a diagram and photo report of the installation. Of course, any photo report refers to a specific car model. And for most models there are similar manuals.

There are schemes that relate to cars of a certain brand. It's better to use them:

Complex twist

You need to get several “braids”, for which hands divide the cores into segments. Photo report , given above, illustrates only the principle: in practice, a small number of segments (3-5) are used.

Often it is necessary to include a diode in a cable break. “Regular” diodes are suitable for power wiring, but Schottky diodes are installed in the signal circuit. Rationale:

  • with their own internal resistances The PN junction causes a voltage drop (up to 0.5 V);
  • Elements with PN junctions may not be connected at all, but then the cost of installing a car alarm will increase noticeably (a 10A Schottky assembly costs 50 rubles).

Let's talk about installing the relay. You can use a “socket” to connect these elements. But often, to increase reliability, the wire is wound to the petals by hand:

Installing the relay

Our photo report explains the meaning of what was said.

If the current switched by the relay goes to bypass ignition circuits, use soldering It is better to use “sockets” to connect signal wiring.


Installing a car alarm is the first and not the most difficult stage in creating security systems. Programming follows. DIY connections can be made without errors. But then it turns out that the signaling does not perceive the commands given to it by turning the key. This happens if a photo report published by car owners is used as a guide.

For programming immobilizer installed in the car, the limit switch must be in working order, the pressing of which is monitored. And for signals, the role of a limit switch is performed by contact “15”.

IN car alarm installation costSetup cost is also included. So, you will have to program it. Ifconnection pointsto the lock module were not used, proceed as follows: in bypass the circuit indicated on the standard diagram and passing through terminal “15” is connected to a wire with a toggle switch. The lever is then “thrown” hands to emulate key turns.

Emulation of pin “15”

Still, it is better not to supplement the standard schemeswith his inventions in the form of toggle switches. Their presence may lead to the need for repairs.

A set of important requirements

The immobilizer bypass module housing is usually made of plastic. And this is not accidental. Such a module is placed away from metal so that it does not block itself with its interference. Another thing is interesting: the image of the module, if it is installed, is usually not shown in any photo report.

Having connected the signaling, program any option and then remove the battery terminal. If the settings go wrong, most likely the main unit needs repair. The video at the end shows something else. It shows how easy it is to hack an alarm. Based on this information, do not make selection mistakes.

Burglar resistance testing

The safety of a car, especially a new one, is very current problem modern car owner. There are several ways to protect your car, the most popular of which is to install it on automatic alarm. Installing an alarm system in a specialized center takes little time and guarantees the quality of the work performed. But there are also disadvantages. The first of which is the high cost of work, the second is the application standard circuits placement of equipment, connection and wiring. But if you have a simple tool and certain skills, installing a car alarm yourself is a completely doable procedure.

Car alarm kit

When choosing an alarm kit, you should adhere to the rule that the cost of it should be 3-5% of the cost of the car. Installation on a car worth 300 thousand rubles security kit 150 thousand would be clearly unreasonable. To install the selected alarm kit on your car you will need:

  • car set of locksmith tools;
  • wire stripper;
  • heat shrink tube and lighter;
  • electrical tape in the color of the car wiring insulation;
  • multimeter or other device for measuring voltage and conductivity;
  • double-sided tape;
  • splen or ordinary foam rubber;
  • car electrical diagram.

Installing an alarm with your own hands will require care and patience; you will have to disassemble the front panel, steering column cover and other interior trim elements.

Equipment installation

At the first stage of installing the alarm, you should understand the alarm itself, for which you should study the attached instructions. Next, you need to understand the electrical wiring of the car, for which you will need a diagram of its electrical equipment. The next stage involves choosing the location for installing the control unit and signaling device. If with the first everything is clear, it is installed in the most inaccessible place - under the front panel, then with the second it is not so simple. It is usually located under the hood, but every car model has a limited quantity accessible places where you can install a siren without any problems. The more difficult it is to get to the source of the sound signal, the more difficult it is to turn it off. When disassembling the front panel and steering column casing, plastic clips may be used, so for installation it is better to use special plastic clips. This way you will protect the casing from damage.

To install the alarm you will have to disassemble part of the dashboard

Electrical connection

The alarm outputs must be connected to the direction indicators or side lights of the car, to the light bulb responsible for indicating the opening and closing of doors, as well as to the engine running indicator lamp. If your car's panel is optitronic, then the only thing that can be connected is the turn signals. In order to install the wires, back side The panel needs to find the light bulbs responsible for indicating the turn signals are turned on. We find a board of light bulbs, tracks are applied to it. You need to find a 12-volt contact and check it, for which we connect the connector to the track, turn on the turn signal and throw in a multimeter. If you have found the required wire, the multimeter will show the presence of voltage at the moment the turn signal lamp comes on.

Pay attention! Searching for wires using the “light bulb” principle is unacceptable when working with a car’s electrical system. Using this method can be costly for the car owner, because you can easily damage the entire power supply system of the car.

As a matter of fact, we look for the wire responsible for opening and closing doors using the same principle. When the car door is open, the multimeter reading should be 12 V, and therefore, when closed door– are equal to 0. We find the control wire for starting the motor using the same method. However, if in your car this function is performed by the tachometer, then it will not be possible to test it in this way.

The alarm connection diagram provides for the connection of the control unit and the central locking of the car. The best way to do this is by connecting to the lock activation relay. We will look for it by analogy with previous actions.


When laying alarm wires, you should assemble them in directions into bundles and wrap them with electrical tape. The insulating tape should not differ much from the factory insulation of the wires. This will make it much more difficult for car thieves to find wires to cut. In addition, the use of electrical tape serves as additional insulation for the wires, increasing reliability. It is best to solder the wires to the connectors and insulate them with heat shrink tubing, and then wrap them with electrical tape. When connecting wires, you can use special clamps, but their use significantly reduces the time it takes for the hijacker to identify the right wire. When laying wiring under the hood (connecting a limit switch and siren), the wires should be laid along existing bundles of electrical wires, making them less noticeable.

Right installed alarm will help protect your car from burglary

Powertrain blocking

Installing an alarm on a car also means blocking the engine if the car is started unauthorized. Most often, the ignition switch connector is used for this. To determine the required connector, you need to ring the lock. The wire that has voltage when the key is in the “ON” position is selected and disappears in the “Start” position. To block the engine, remove the connector from the ignition switch and close this wire with a jumper to a constant plus, and with a second jumper, a constant plus and the starter terminal. If the engine starts, then remove the jumper to the starter, the car is turned off and the found wire is cut. Next, the alarm wires and the cut ends of the wire are connected. The connection should be insulated using heat shrink tubing and the same electrical tape.

Installation of a car alarm using the example of a VAZ 2110

The installation of a car alarm in a VAZ 2110 car can be divided into 2 levels: installation of all elements of the alarm system and connection to electrical circuit car. The most labor-intensive work, perhaps, can be called installing electrical wiring in the doors and trunk of the car.

This is what the central alarm unit looks like with the wires connected to it This is a shock sensor (shock sensor) connected to the central alarm unit This is what the wiring harness connected to the unit looks like, leading to the sensors for opening/closing the trunk and hood, car doors, as well as the siren and lighting equipment If there is only one block on the central unit of the alarm system you have chosen, and you need to connect two sensors, we connect in parallel

The process of installing an alarm system on a VAZ 2110 car

  1. The hood and trunk opening sensors are mounted in such a way that a short to ground occurs at the very beginning of opening.
  2. To install the hood opening sensor, do additional fastening. To do this, we use the mounting plate for the electric door lock drive.
  3. After securing the bracket, insert the sensor into it, adjust it in height and fix it in the selected position using the lower nut. Armed with an ohmmeter, we check how securely the sensor is connected to ground.
  4. The sensor for the trunk is installed in the same way.
  5. As practice has shown, it is best to mount the siren under the hood on the connector of the right mudguard. Do not forget that it is better to point the horn down to prevent moisture from entering it.
  6. We fix the shock sensor (impact sensor) under the dashboard using self-tapping screws.
  7. The microwave sensor is best placed in the central part of the car. Installation instead of the standard rear ashtray is good for this purpose. The ashtray must be dismantled, its holder removed and the sensor installed in it. The sensor wiring is laid in the lining of the central tunnel. The sensor must be securely mounted so that it can well perceive all body vibrations.
  8. The central unit is installed behind the injection controller.
  9. The last stage is the installation of the pager transmitter. We attach the sensor to a degreased windshield, having first removed the film from it. The wiring from the sensor is hidden under the lining of the windshield pillar.

We make the bracket from the mounting plate of the electric door lock drive Fixing the bracket Insert the sensor into the bracket Fixing the sensor We check how reliably the sensor is connected to ground using an ohmmeter We install the trunk opening sensor in the same way. The siren is best mounted under the hood on the connector of the right mudguard Removing the ashtray Installing the microwave sensor in the ashtray holder The central unit can be installed behind the injection controller We attach the pager transmitter to the windshield

We connect the wiring in accordance with the diagram attached to the alarm system you have chosen.


The installed car alarm is checked in all operating modes and adjusted to suit you. When checking, you need to open all the doors, trunk and hood sequentially. When opening each item security alarm should be triggered and the engine blocked if an unauthorized start is attempted. You also need to adjust the sensitivity of the shock sensor. To do this, there are holes in its body in which small bolts for a Phillips screwdriver are visible. As you can see, installing an alarm yourself will require time, a simple tool and a little courage.

Let's sum it up

  • Installation of wires should be carried out as discreetly as possible; existing harnesses can be used;
  • The siren is installed in the most inaccessible place;
  • The wires should not be under constant voltage, this may cause a fire;
  • When the engine lock is triggered, no error should appear on the instrument panel; it can easily identify the blocked circuit.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):