Currently, shops and construction companies offer various wall decoration solutions. You can paint them, stick them on Wall panels or wallpaper. Painted walls and the panels can be washed. Walls should be washed from bottom to top. This will help prevent dirt streaks, which are later much more difficult to remove from the dirty surfaces than from clean ones. When washing walls, use two buckets at once. In the first of them, water should be with detergent, in the second - pure water for rinsing walls. It is very convenient to wash walls with a special flat mop. Wallpapers vary. Modern wallpaper steel is stronger, more durable, and some of them can be washed. They can be treated with a dry or damp cloth. First of all, you should find out how to wash your wallpaper. Moisten with water small piece wallpaper If they begin to darken and swell, they cannot be washed with liquid detergents. These include wallpapers made using silk, linen and leather. They can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a dry rag. Vinyl wallpapers can be washed liquid means. But it should be remembered that moisture cannot be left on them; they should be wiped immediately with a dry cloth. Water can cause them to change color or deteriorate. You need to wash the wallpaper at the seams very carefully, making sure that it does not come off. They should not be washed with abrasive products.

If a stain appears on the wall, it should be removed as quickly as possible. A dry stain should not be smeared. It is better to clean it with a vacuum cleaner. If something has dried, you need to carefully clean it off with a knife or spatula. Liquid stains can be blotted with a napkin. First, try removing it with water: wet a cloth and blot the stain. If there are no marks on the napkin, then you should use a stain remover. To avoid a rim around the stain, it must be moistened. Then use a cloth to apply the product to the stain itself. You can’t rub it: the stain remover will handle it itself. If this does not happen, you need to use a sponge. When the stain disappears, remove any remaining product with a dry cloth. Then wash this area clean water and dry. In many houses, carpets are hung on the walls. They should be cleaned well at least twice a year. If carpets are not cleaned for a long time, various bacteria grow and dust mites, which adversely affect the health of people living in the house. Regular carpet cleaning should be done 2-3 times a week. The simplest cleaning can be done with a vacuum cleaner. But it doesn't remove all the dirt. A vacuum cleaner with a turbo brush cleans carpets much better. Carpet beating is an ineffective method of cleaning.

The most common cleaning method carpet wet cleaning is considered. This can be done manually or using washing vacuum cleaner. But after such cleaning, the carpet must be thoroughly dried so that various microorganisms do not begin to multiply in it.

Using chemicals For wet cleaning carpet should be remembered that they can change its appearance. Therefore, before using, test their effect on a small piece of carpet. After the detergent, you need to clean the carpet with clean water. Then run a stiff brush over the entire carpet, lifting the pile. When inviting specialists, look at their certificates chemical substances, which they will use to clean the carpets.

Ways to remove stains from carpet

✓ Wine, beer, liquor and vodka stains can be removed from carpets with warm soapy water. It is necessary to wet a rag in a soapy solution and wipe the stain with it, then rinse off the solution warm water with a little vinegar.

✓ Tea, coffee or cocoa stains are easy to remove cold water with a small amount of glycerin.

✓ Stains from fruit juices and red wine should be wiped with a cloth moistened with water and a small amount of ammonia.

✓ Cologne and perfume stains are removed with warm water, adding Novost powder to it. Then the stain must be washed with clean water.

Wall care

It would seem that not so long ago wallpaper was the only suitable option for wall decoration in living rooms, hallways were increasingly painted with oil paints, and the walls in kitchens and bathrooms were tiled. Now finishing materials there has become more, and therefore housewives often have to deal with the fact that during cleaning they are faced with the question of how to remove the stain without damaging the surface of the wall.


Just like labels on clothes with detailed information on caring for the item, wallpaper comes with instructions, where icons indicate exactly how to clean it. So, one wavy line indicates that the wallpaper you have chosen is moisture resistant. This means that you can wipe off a fresh stain with a damp cloth, but with old stains you will have to fight in other ways, because you cannot wash such wallpaper. Two wavy lines are placed on washable wallpaper, but despite the name, you still shouldn’t wash them, but you can wipe them with a damp cloth without using detergents.

A greasy stain from wallpaper can be removed as follows: take a paper napkin and iron the stain through it using a low-heat iron. Repeat the action until the stain disappears, each time replacing the napkin with a new one.

Super washable wallpaper is indicated by three wavy lines. Walls covered with them can be wiped with a cloth soaked in a mild soap solution and wrung out well. In this case, attention will have to be focused only on clearly defined stains - it is not recommended to wash the entire surface. Finally, brushable wallpaper, indicated by three wavy lines and droplets, can be washed with a damp cloth or brush using mild detergents.

Very often wallpaper is glued before painting. When using water-based paint, they can be wiped with a damp, well-wrung out sponge, but first it is better to check what comes out of this somewhere in an inconspicuous place. If acrylic or latex dyes, then you can be safe and wash them with water and mild detergents, squeezing the sponge well each time.


Used in interior decoration different colors, and they all require a special approach during the cleaning process. Thus, oil paints, which, by the way, are practically not used to paint walls in residential premises today, react poorly to water, and therefore can be washed infrequently, preferably during general cleaning, and to make the surface retain its appearance longer, you can add it to water bran (200 g per 1 liter of water). The rest of the time they can be wiped with a dry cloth.

Water-based and acrylic paints usually applied to wallpaper, so we wrote about caring for them in the appropriate section.

Wall panels (PVC, MDF)

Wall panels are becoming increasingly popular because, at low cost and easy installation They are distinguished by excellent consumer qualities. They can be wiped with a damp sponge, and in special cases heavy pollution wash with mild detergents. The main thing is not to use products and tools that can damage smooth surfaces.


The choice of tiles has become so wide that the scope of their application has now expanded beyond bathrooms and the design of splashbacks in kitchens. Despite the seemingly durable surface, tile coverings must be washed with caution, because any damage to the enamel will lead to dust and dirt accumulating in the scratch. So, the tiles are washed with mild, non-abrasive agents, paying particular attention to Special attention seams, especially if they are filled with white or light-colored putty. White seams between tiles can be rubbed with chalk.

Since kitchens are usually tiled on aprons that are located next to the stove, droplets of grease often remain on their surface. Of course, it is best to remove it immediately, but if this has not been done and the grease has hardened, you can use special detergents marked “for the kitchen,” but first make sure that they can be used to clean the tiles.

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Correct caring for painted surfaces not only allows you to save decorative qualities painting, but also not to lose its protective properties. Dye protects walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, metal structures and wooden buildings from destructive effects external environment - sunlight and precipitation, temperature changes and excessive humidity. Therefore, when cleaning and washing painted surfaces, you must follow simple rules, since an attempt to paint over stains that appeared as a result of diligent rubbing or the use of inappropriate household chemicals will give the walls a sloppy and untidy appearance.

Although it will be written on the paint can that the drying time of paint, enamel or varnish ranges from several hours to several days, but completely paintwork will reach its chemical and wear resistance approximately 1-2 weeks after applying paint. Accordingly, during this time the painted surface must be treated very carefully and cleaning must be avoided.

Remember that the colors are water based - water-emulsion and water-dispersion- they dissolve with water. That is, wiping the surface wet rag, you will certainly erase upper layer paint, which can cause unsightly stains to appear on the surface, or even the base to show through.

The easiest way to keep a painted surface clean is to periodically wipe off the dust with a dry or slightly damp cloth before it accumulates and turns into outright dirt. Window frames, window sills, doors, slopes, shelves, furniture are recommended to be painted glossy and semi-gloss paints, which are easier to care for, and dirt on such a coating is less noticeable.

Caring for walls after painting

Painted walls in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, from time to time you need to wipe with a cloth soaked in water with the addition of dishwashing liquid or special preparations for caring for painted surfaces. The water temperature for washing should not be higher than 50 degrees Celsius. After washing the wall, it is recommended to wipe it dry. Do not use soda or powders under any circumstances, as they destroy the surface of the paint layer and unsightly matte spots appear on the walls.

Caring for painted floors

Painted floors V modern interior are quite rare. Painted floors should be washed with a well-wrung out cloth; they must first be swept or vacuumed. After washing the floor, in order to improve its appearance, it can be rubbed with a special mastic or wax, like a parquet floor. After drying, the mastic forms a glossy film, which, in addition to its beauty, provides additional protection for the floor from moisture.

You can find it on sale self-shining emulsions, which are sprayed onto a clean floor and rubbed with a rag or sponge. The emulsion can be applied in several layers, the frequency of treatment is once every 1-2 months. However, over time the layer becomes too thick and loses its protective and decorative properties. Approximately once a year, the remaining emulsion must be completely cleaned using special cleaners and reapplied.

Ceiling care

Ceilings are perhaps the least susceptible to contamination, but from time to time it is necessary to carry out a thorough general cleaning, which includes cleaning the ceilings. Since ceilings are most often covered with less durable paints than walls and floors, and often matte or semi-matte, then for caring for painted ceilings It is recommended to use dry brushes or rags, or a vacuum cleaner. If the coating allows, then you can take a damp cloth, but wrung out very strongly, almost dry.

How to remove a paint stain

You should start with relatively safe means that will not dissolve the paint. First, try gently scrubbing the stain with soapy water or dishwashing liquid. If you are not satisfied with the result, try using an all-purpose cleaner. BUT! Be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area to see if it will “eat” the paint. If the product turns out to be too aggressive, then you can not only wash the stain, but get a new one, even worse. On a vertical or inclined surface the stain must be washed off from bottom to top, making sure that no dirty streaks form. After treatment, be sure to wipe the area with clean water and blot dry.

Coated water-based paint need to be handled more carefully. First, try erasing the stain with a regular vinyl eraser from an office supply store. And only then use a damp cloth, and it should be almost dry (otherwise the water will wash off the paint and ruin the appearance).

Decorative rock despite all its effectiveness, it is not pretentious. It doesn't require any special care. Actually, once you put it on the wall you can simply forget about all sorts of maintenance. It does not need any painting or gluing at all. Unlike paint or wallpaper, much more capricious materials are used. Even the highest quality wallpaper will certainly lose its original color after a couple of years. They will fade paper base It will dry out quite a bit and cracks may appear. Such troubles do not happen with a stone. It can be said to be eternal, unless of course the owners themselves, morally tired of the monotonous interior, do not want to get rid of it. Paint applied to walls is even less practical than wallpaper. It needs frequent updating, especially if light shades are chosen. The paint may peel off, especially if the paint base is not applied correctly. Then the walls will require alteration. The stone does not require a perfect base. Simply prime the wall well and you can begin installation.

What is stone care?

Maintenance is generally elementary and consists only of promptly wiping surfaces from accumulated household dust. The stone is absolutely not afraid of moisture, thanks to its special coating. Some types of stone are already sold coated with a water-repellent mixture based on varnish. Thanks to the coating, decorative stone can be washed, just like simple ceramic tiles.

Some types of stone are sold uncoated, then you need to coat them with the composition yourself. The coating is applied after the tiles have been laid and after they have been cleared of mortar droplets. Special impregnation varnishes are offered for coating. Before coating, you must first do a small test. The varnish is first applied to the unused tiles in order to clearly see exactly how the wall will look later.

Once the varnish is applied, it must be allowed to dry. This way you can assess the degree of shine that the decoration on the wall will have. If you like the shine, then you can safely begin opening the decorative stone completely. If the shine is weak, but you want the wall to be brighter, then the decorative stone is covered with a double layer of varnish. Sometimes the shine may seem too bright, then the impregnation is diluted with water and you get suitable composition. When a decorative stone is varnished, we can assume that all its maintenance is complete. Decorative stone does not require annual renewal of the coating.

We can say that decorative stone is an ideal material for those who do not particularly like to make constant cleaning or simply does not have enough time for this.


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Decorative stone is ideal for arranging loggias or balconies. Today, many owners are beginning to actively equip their balconies, organizing cozy...

Rental block

Topic 5. Operation technology wall coverings in the premises of a hotel company

Topic plan

5.1 Wall coverings, their types and characteristics

5.2 Ceiling coverings, their types and characteristics

5.3 Features of caring for wall coverings

5.4 Features of care for ceiling coverings

5.1 Wall coverings, their types and characteristics

When choosing wall coverings for decorative design hotels, in addition to issues of color, style and design, in order not to spend additional funds on repairs and maintenance in the future, it is necessary to be guided by the type and purpose of the room, and also take into account the following properties and characteristics of materials:

High mechanical strength and durability;

Ease of use;

Simplicity and speed of installation and dismantling;


Fire safety;

Antistatic (so as not to attract dust);

Hygiene, availability bactericidal treatment;

Light resistance;

Are these covers washable?

Types of wall coverings

1. Painting or textured plaster

The disadvantages of plaster include labor-intensive surface preparation, a limited choice of designs (otherwise very high price), average characteristics in terms of wear resistance and maintenance capabilities.

2. Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are used in rooms with wet operating conditions (sanitary units) and with increased hygienic requirements (kitchen). Positive traits ceramic tiles - ease of care (washing, disinfection), high decorativeness, wear resistance and durability, negative - limited scope of application, high cost of the tile itself and high installation costs.

3. Textile wallpaper and seamless textile wall coverings

Depending on the types of fabrics used in the manufacture of textile wall coverings - natural, synthetic or mixed, positive and negative sides. The positive properties of natural coatings are their environmental friendliness, high strength, ease of maintenance (flax coatings can even be washed), the negative ones are their relatively low light resistance and the great difficulty of adjusting seams when gluing. Synthetic coatings are characterized by high light resistance, ease of installation and ease of maintenance; the disadvantage is the ability to accumulate static electricity on the surface. Mixed fabrics, depending on the composition, may have the advantages and disadvantages of previous coatings. In order for the coating to look as monolithic as a painted wall, and this result was achieved with a minimum number of mounting and finishing operations, coverings with a width of 3.2 m are used, which allows you to glue it not across, but along the wall in rooms with a ceiling height of up to 3.2 m and lower.

4. Glass wallpaper

This type of fiberglass wallpaper is resistant to abrasion and scratches, reinforces walls, is not subject to combustion, and does not emit harmful substances at any temperature or humidity, does not allow cracks to appear on the walls and is one of the most durable, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly pure materials for walls. The fabric structure allows the walls to “breathe”, which improves the microclimate in the room. Absence nutrients prevents mold and mildew from appearing. Fiberglass wallpaper can be repainted many times. Their disadvantages include a rather long installation cycle, non-repairability and imaginary cheapness (it is necessary to take into account the cost of not only wallpaper, but also paint and extra work in terms of coloring, they have to be painted at least 2 times).

5. Vinyl wall coverings

One of the most modern and practical types of coatings, high density vinyl and special bases provide this material with strength comparable to decorative plasters; the surface of the walls can even be washed with a brush using mild detergents. Being practically indistinguishable in appearance from decorative plasters, they are installed much easier and faster. Virtually no maintenance required special coating gives the material antistatic properties and the ability to repel water and dirt. Some collections have special antibacterial treatment and can be used in rooms with increased hygiene requirements. They also have excellent fire resistance, chemical resistance and color fastness (more than 15 years). The most important positive properties vinyl coverings is their complete maintainability and a very wide selection of designs. This material allows you to imitate any texture, especially with deep relief: plaster, textiles, leather, silk, corrugation, linen, matting, bamboo, straw, etc. An undoubted novelty is super-resistant to mechanical damage (“vandal-proof”) wallpaper based on a durable reinforcing mesh .

6. Cork covering

Cork is interesting and in many ways universal material for interior design of premises for various purposes.

Cork wall coverings not only decorative function, but also have excellent sound and heat-insulating material.

Cork wall coverings have the following characteristics:

* environmental friendliness;

* durability;

* moisture resistance;

* antistatic;

* hypoallergenic;

* high sound insulation;

* high thermal insulation;

* rot resistance;

* resistance to deformation;

* good vapor permeability;

* high decorative characteristics;

* do not absorb harmful odors and gases ( tobacco smoke and so on.);

* do not support combustion and do not emit toxic substances;

* protect the premises from harmful effects electromagnetic radiation;

* resistant to biological effects(bacteria, microorganisms, rodents).

In addition, cork flooring is very easy to install. Mount the wall cork coverings you can do it yourself, I use it vinyl glue for non-woven wallpaper, without resorting to the services of specialists.

5.2 Ceiling coverings in hotels, their types and characteristics

1. Painting and whitewashing

This is the simplest and cheap look ceiling coverings. It is used not only for design purposes, but also to protect the ceiling from harmful microorganisms, fungi and moisture. In order to paint or whitewash the ceiling, you must first level the surface and apply protective layer primers.

2. Wallpaper sticker

Applicable in decorative purposes. It is also a very fast and relatively cheap method of ceiling covering. To apply wallpaper to the ceiling, you also need to do preliminary preparation surfaces (putty and primer). More detailed information You can read about wallpapering the ceiling in this article -

3. Stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings cannot be called the cheapest type of ceiling covering, but they have a number of undeniable advantages.

With their help, you can level absolutely any ceiling, since the canvas (made of vinyl or polyester fabric) is attached to the surface using a special frame and does not require preliminary puttying or priming of the ceiling.

In addition, they are durable (service life up to 25 years) and protect the ceiling surface well from moisture.

4. Adhesive based

Using a special glue, not only laminate or plasterboard is applied to the ceiling, but also plastic panels. This type of coating protects the ceiling surface well from moisture and is a good sound insulator. It is also very good to use if non-standard lighting is used in the room.

5. Hanging

Suspended ceilings are the most universal look ceiling coverings. They consist of metal frame and hemming elements.

With help suspended ceilings you can hide electrical wiring, various defects and unevenness.

6. Warm ceiling

A warm ceiling is a space heating system that operates by emitting infrared waves. The heating element of such ceilings itself is a thin film of foil. In this case, the heating element is usually covered with some kind of decorative coating. Most main feature warm ceilings is the fact that during their operation all objects and surfaces in the room are exposed to heating, including flooring, furniture, etc. Thus, extremely comfortable heat distribution is achieved, which is difficult to achieve using classic heaters (fan heaters, oil radiators, water heating batteries). Advantages warm currents:

Energy saving. An infrared heating element requires much less electricity to operate than classic ones. On average, savings range from 30 percent or more, depending on the quality of the room's thermal insulation.

Benefit for health. Impact infrared radiation useful for many diseases. For example, a person with skin problems in a room heated by a warm ceiling will feel relief almost immediately.

Small thickness. Installing a warm ceiling does not reduce the free space of the room, as is the case with warm floors, where the heating element is resistive cable or pipe with liquid coolant

Fire safety. A heating element warm ceiling even with active work reaches a temperature of no higher than 45 degrees. Thus, this heating system is one of the most fireproof.

Control. Almost all warm ceilings present on construction market our country, are equipped with special control units that allow you to easily and simply control the level of heating of the room. At the same time, for additional energy savings warm ceiling It turns off automatically immediately after reaching the set temperature and turns on when it drops.

5.3 Features of caring for wall coverings

Caring for Painted Walls

The walls deteriorate from frequent washing, so they should be washed no more than 1-2 times a year. Walls should be washed in the direction from the ceilings to the floor, using vertical movements. Such walls are washed with warm water and ammonia(per 1 liter - a tablespoon) or bran decoction. Bran decoction is the safest for oil paint. Place 1 kg of bran in 5 liters warm water. Boil for 25 minutes, then strain and cool slightly.

Care ceramic tiles

The walls are washed with soap and water and soda, then rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

And now there is a huge selection of solutions for caring for ceramics on sale in liquid, gel and powder form. Treat the tiles with compounds at least 2 times a month, then it will retain its shine for a long time. Grease stains from tiles can be easily removed with alcohol or any organic solvent; then rinse well with water.

Wallpaper care

To clean wallpaper, you need to brush it with long handle covered with a soft, clean cloth. Spots on regular wallpaper rub off with an eraser or crumb white bread. Fresh greasy spots are removed by ironing them through blotting paper with a warm iron.

Caring for non-woven wallpaper

This material is very easy to care for.

They are simply wiped with a dry cloth or vacuumed with a round brush. The brush must be clean. To do this, you first need to rinse and dry it well, and only then vacuum the walls. A vacuum cleaner also removes dust and cobwebs in corners well. If non-woven wallpaper is painted with waterproof paint, then the walls can even be washed with a damp cloth.

5.4 Features of care for ceiling coverings

Cleaning a Tile Ceiling

Over the years, foam boards undergo transformation, which has a detrimental effect on appearance such a ceiling. It cracks, fades, becomes dirty, and sometimes even begins to crumble.

Cleaning the ceiling mainly involves collecting dust using a special vacuum cleaner. It is also necessary to periodically carry out professional wet cleaning. The ceiling surface of foam panels must be washed with a specialized gentle solution with the addition of an antistatic agent. Do not use brushes with hard or metal bristles, as they may damage the surface of the panels.

If on tiled ceiling present decorative elements or plaster stucco, then in this case you need to use only dry cleaning. After all, gypsum is a hygroscopic material and moisture is contraindicated for it.

Cleaning suspended ceilings

To clean this type of ceiling covering, they mainly resort to dry cleaning using a professional vacuum cleaner. And when wet cleaning necessary equipment should be squeezed out as much as possible. In the process of cleaning suspended ceilings, a special solution diluted with water is used. detergent. Do not use abrasive cleaning compounds, as well as hard brushes or sponges with metal bristles. Parts slatted ceilings If necessary, it is allowed to remove and wash with warm water. They are then polished with a soft cloth.

Cleaning suspended ceilings

The surface of the stretch ceiling must be wiped dry

High-quality suspended ceilings are generally very practical and do not require complex maintenance. But they still need to be washed periodically. This usually happens in two stages:

Stretch ceilings are washed using soapy water or a solution of neutral detergents.

The ceilings are washed with clean cool water. This will completely get rid of soap stains.

The surface of the stretch ceiling must be wiped dry so that no streaks remain from drying drops of water. To clean a stretch ceiling, you may only use soft cloth. Hard brushes, as well as active forces and loads can cause damage. ceiling surface.

Cleaning a plasterboard ceiling

Drywall should not be wet cleaned. This type of ceiling covering is not waterproof. Only if this material is coated with moisture-resistant paint can it be wiped very carefully with a damp cloth. Experts do not recommend cleaning plasterboard ceilings on your own. To avoid problems, the cleaning of this coating should be entrusted to professionals.

Wall coverings, their types and characteristics. Ceiling coverings, their types and characteristics. Features of caring for wall coverings. Features of care for ceiling coverings

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