As often as we use towels, we don’t use any other thing in our home. Their fate accounts for a lot of pollution of varying complexity, and at current prices regularly buying new ones is not the best the best option. Let's find out how to wash towels at home from the most complex pollution without emptying your pocket.

Let's not beat around the bush, let's immediately start looking at removing various stains from towels made of different materials.

How to wash terry towels?

Why do we love buying terry towels? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • These towels are very soft and pleasant to the body
  • beautiful to look at
  • easy to use
  • quickly absorb water

It is clear that every housewife wants terry towels to be not only clean after washing, but also to remain just as soft, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve desired result 100%

If such towels are not washed correctly, after the first few washes they become very hard, and drying with them is no longer so pleasant. The simplest method to maintain the softness of terry cloth is:

  • Do not add too much powder when machine washing
  • use fabric softeners that soften the fabric
  • Machine wash in the “Delicate Wash” mode

To prevent the color of the product from fading, you need to use bleach during washing (only in in this case This should be a product for colored fabrics, otherwise your towel after washing will become a completely different color - white streaks and circles).

Remember, no matter what material the towel is made of, before washing it for the first time, you must carefully examine the tag sewn on it; it should indicate:

  • washing temperature
  • maximum ironing temperature
  • Is it possible to wash in washing machine

If a terry towel turns out to be heavily soiled, it is better to wash all the stains by hand and only then “throw” it into the washing machine.

Another advantage of terry towels is that dirt does not eat into such fabric too much, unless, of course, you use it to wipe off the carburetor of a car or the floor from gasoline. Learning how to properly wash terry towels:

  • add bleach only if the product is white or light in color;
  • add very little machine wash powder;
  • If the towel is too wet, you should first dry it and only then wash it (to avoid getting too musty, not pleasant smell);
  • Heavy stains on such towels can be removed by first washing the towel with powder and then washing them in the machine.

We wash bath towels from dirt

Bath towels, their name definitely speaks about the scope of their application. Many people are surprised that such towels get dirty very quickly, because, in fact, we dry ourselves with them after we have thoroughly washed ourselves with “detergents”.

In fact, there is nothing surprising, because:

  • not everyone washes perfectly and thoroughly
  • even if the body is well washed, a certain percentage of dirt remains on it, which is clearly visible on a towel, especially a light one

In principle, bath towels are washed using the same technology as terry towels. In this case, it is also important that after washing it does not tear off your skin, but glides gently and smoothly over your body and wipes away moisture from it. To do this you only need two things:

  • don't use a lot of powder
  • use laundry conditioners

Since such towels are used directly in baths, showers, and saunas, it is very important that the following does not remain on the towel:

  • fungus
  • musty smells
  • various kinds of microbes

Therefore, they need to be washed frequently to prevent unpleasant odors. Please pay Special attention on towels that are used in in public places– saunas, baths, shared showers, etc. Wet towels very quickly “grab” various microbes and fungi, so after using them in such places, you need to wash the towels with special care.

How to wash white towels?

Many people are afraid to buy white towels for home, because they believe that they are too soiled and will have to be washed more often than others, and they are more difficult to wash. There is some truth in this, but have you ever wondered why white towels are used in hotels? Maybe you're thinking because it's fashionable or luxurious?

In fact, they are used only because it is convenient and practical. Are you surprised? Yes, it turns out that washing white towels is even easier than colored ones, especially if they are made of high-quality material.

Everything is very simple and banal:

  • pour bleach into the washing machine (preferably with softener)
  • set the highest temperature

The result will surprise and delight you, but you will notice the smell of bleach. But here too there is optimal solution– in addition to bleach, add scented conditioners to the “compartment” of laundry detergents.

The result of this wash:

  • all stains are removed
  • towel whiter than white
  • smells nice
  • to the touch – not hard

Buy white towels and surprise everyone with your cleanliness and ability to remove stains from them.

How to wash kitchen towels?

With these towels, everything is a little more complicated than with bath and terry towels, because the kitchen is grease, soot, oil, scale, etc. All this sooner or later ends up on a kitchen towel.

I would like to say right away that main mistake The problem with housewives is that they rarely wash such towels. There can be many reasons:

  • fatigue
  • reluctance to bother with several small towels
  • they believe that there is no need for frequent washing, arguing that they cannot be washed anyway

In fact, you can avoid old and complex stains if, after each cooking, you wash them in hot water with powder, or better yet, with laundry soap. It will only take you 5-10 minutes, but it will save you from the painful question of what to wash with:

  • old
  • ingrained
  • greasy spots

If this advice is no longer relevant for you, and the stains on your kitchen towel are the same as those listed above, then let’s find out which stains from which towels can be removed quickly and permanently, and consider simple and convenient ways for this.

Washing towels with vegetable oil

For some, the method in question may seem strange, because it is often necessary to wash kitchen towels from oil. This method does not involve pouring vegetable oil on the towels; the washing technology in this case is different:

  1. We will need a regular bucket (it can contain from 8 to 12 liters).
  2. Pour water into it (not to the brim, so that the towels also fit and the water does not spill on the floor).
  3. Add about two, maximum three tablespoons (tablespoons) to a vessel with water. vegetable oil(it is advisable to use purified).
  4. Stir well and add 250 g of powder (use regular washing machine powder or hand wash).

  1. In the resulting well-mixed solution, place all contaminated kitchen towels.
  2. Leave it all alone overnight.

The next morning you will need to rinse the soaked towels well three times:

  • in very hot water
  • lukewarm water
  • cold water

Despite its originality, the washing method in question is effective. After it, the towels will become very clean and fresh, which means you will achieve your goal. It should be noted that this method also removes stains from the oil itself that have become embedded in the structure of fabric products.

How to wash towels in the microwave?

What housewives can come up with to wash their own “ kitchen helpers" New technologies appear, and housewives find new ways to use them. Let's talk about how the microwave can help remove stains from towels.

All we need in the fight for clean towels is:

  • microwave
  • soap (you can use washing or laundry soap)
  • plastic bag
  • and, of course, dirty towels

The washing technology is very simple:

  1. pour warm water into a bowl
  2. Dip the towel in there until it gets completely wet.
  3. rub it with soap (everywhere and on all sides, paying special attention to stubborn and old stains)

  1. wrap the soaped product in a bag
  2. turn on microwave oven for standard heating (two minutes will be enough)

Despite the strangeness of the method, its effect will definitely please you, and you are unlikely to return to long-term washing and soaking in bowls. Wash washed towels this way is very simple.

How to wash kitchen towels with mustard?

It turns out that mustard powder helps not only against colds, but also for whitening kitchen towels. We'll tell you how it works right now. All we need for washing is mustard powder and boiling water:

  1. Pour mustard powder with a small amount of boiling water (3-3.5 liters will be enough)
  2. Wait 15 minutes for the mixture to infuse
  3. Strain it through cheesecloth
  4. Place dirty towels into the strained liquid
  5. Leave them for a couple of hours

It is important that the solution completely covers the towels. After the towels have stood for several hours in the prepared solution, rinse them well and dry them, then iron them.

How to wash towels without boiling?

Everyone knows that over time, any things, even if you take care of them and wash them correctly, become yellowed and lose their newness and original color.

Of course, boiling is an excellent method for removing stains from clothes and other things, but this method quickly “ages” the fabrics, making them less bright and, moreover, this washing method is too long and difficult. Let's find out how to wash kitchen towels without boiling them:

  1. When using powder when washing things, add a few tablespoons of ammonia
  2. Soak towels you use in the kitchen in a solution of:

After that, rinse well in cold water.

How to wash kitchen towels with soda?

If you are worried - how to remove grease from kitchen towels, baking soda will help you. Baking soda is a “product” that is used in many household processes, including relieving heartburn. It’s probably easier to say where soda is not used.

Washing kitchen towels quickly and efficiently is another place where baking soda comes in handy. So, to keep the towels used in the kitchen fresh and clean, you need to wash them in warm water, after soaking them in a solution of:

  • table salt
  • dishwashing detergents
  • baking soda
  • table vinegar

All these “ingredients” are added to warm water, where the dirty towels are placed, and we leave it all to “sour” for a couple of hours. After this, wash the towels in the same solution and rinse in clean water.

How to wash colored kitchen towels?

Effective and simple methods washing colored towels:

  • machine wash – 40-60 0 (for plain colors – 95 0);
  • with stains from tea or other drinks, towels can be washed with ordinary dishwashing detergent, the main thing is that the stains are removed while they are fresh;
  • complex stains on colored towels before washing, it is better to soak them;
  • add a little vinegar when washing colored towels;
  • rub with laundry soap, then wash as usual.

Whatever method of washing towels you choose, remember that each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are great for terry but won't work on cotton towels, others will clean white towels but may ruin colored ones. All of the methods listed above are proven in practice, so all you have to do is experiment and find your own perfect way get rid of dirt on towels.

Video: How to wash dirty towels?

A kitchen towel is a thing that gets dirty very quickly, and stains on it appear in a wide variety of colors: grease, coffee, strawberries and much more. All this practically cannot be washed, but you want to always have clean towels hanging in the kitchen. Don't buy new ones every day! In this article we will tell you how to wash kitchen towels at home without much effort.

General rules for using and washing kitchen towels

  1. The most suitable fabrics for kitchen towels are linen and cotton. For example, they are made from cotton waffle towels, which can often be found both among ordinary housewives and in best hotels. These towels are very easy to wash. It is better to leave soft and fluffy towels in the bathroom for drying your hands.
  2. Try to use not one, but 2-4 towels at once, and change them more often. With this approach, each towel will take on only part of the “load”.
  3. Use kitchen towels only for their intended purpose. For wiping tables, hands and others kitchen surfaces Foam sponges and paper napkins are much better.
  4. It is better to iron washed towels rather than hang them wrinkled. Believe me, this gives tangible results. Ironed towels are much less susceptible to staining.
  5. If you soak dirty towels before washing, this will give a noticeable result. Wash heavily soiled towels separately from other laundry. Also try to wash them right away, don’t wait for a huge pile of dirty rags to accumulate.

Washing kitchen towels without boiling

  1. Washing with salt. Place in a bowl or other container suitable for hand washing. cold water and add 4-5 tablespoons of salt there. Place dirty kitchen towels there for an extended period of time. For lightly soiled towels, an hour is enough, but for heavily soiled towels it will take a whole night. After these steps, you can safely wash the towels in washing machine. Don’t be surprised if after such a “ salt bath” your towels will be cleaner than new.
  2. Wash with dishwashing detergent. As in the previous method, you will need a basin filled with water. But this time, instead of salt, pour the usual detergent. Submerge the towels and wait 30 minutes. Now feel free to throw everything into the washing machine. This method Particularly effective in removing fat from kitchen towels.
  3. Wash with laundry soap. You've probably heard about miraculous properties laundry soap. No exception is the case with dirty towels. Lather them well and place them in a regular plastic bag. Tie tightly and leave overnight. Afterwards, simply rinse the towels; no additional washing is required.

How to wash kitchen towels using vegetable oil

It also happens that stains remain in their places after washing. We have to improvise and apply non-standard methods. One such method is washing using vegetable oil.

To wash with this radical method you will need:

  • Large saucepan or metal bucket
  • Dry bleach
  • Washing powder
  • Vegetable oil

Boil water in a large saucepan or bucket, add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. dry bleach and a glass of washing powder. You can boil water in a kettle and then pour it into a basin, but this will take more time. Place towels in this mixture and wait for the “dish” to cool completely, to achieve more best result leave it overnight. After this, wash the towels in the washing machine.

The kitchen cannot be without a towel - universal remedy, which is always at hand. The more towels, the better, because they tend to quickly get dirty and become unusable. They need to be changed as often as possible. But of course, this is the face of the hostess and an element of kitchen decor. Since washing kitchen towels at home is so easy, your kitchen can always look neat. You just need to know a few simple life hacks.

If your kitchen textiles quickly becomes unattractive, it is possible that you are using it incorrectly. Why is there a towel in the kitchen? That's right, dry your hands after washing. If you wipe dishes with the same cloth, sweep away crumbs from the table, take hot kettle, wash the stove, dry the vegetables, soon you will not have a towel, but something resembling a floor rag.

Very dirty kitchen towels are disgusting to even pick up, let alone use them for their intended purpose. If the above-described incidents happen in your home, discuss the new rules with your family: a towel for hands, an oven mitt for hot items, a sponge for dishes, a napkin for the table. Perhaps some other innovations will be needed - this is at your discretion.

If you do simple rules, the question of how to bleach kitchen towels will arise only as a last resort. Well, if your textiles have old marks from grease, jam, coffee, or stains of generally unknown origin, you can try to remove them using traditional or in original ways. Don’t rush to throw anything away, you can try to save everything.

7 tips on how to wash kitchen towels

The most important rule is to treat your towel with care, wash it at least once a week and not let its condition worsen. Only in this case will the textiles in the kitchen look decent. If stains appear on it from fat, juice, jam, or simply from dirty hands, is necessary additional help. There are several ways to remove stains from kitchen towels. Moreover, among them there are both old ones, tested by more than one generation of housewives, and innovative ones.


Peculiarities. Removes coffee, tomato and even red wine, “works” with both white and printed fabric. Heavily soiled kitchen towels are soaked in stronger brine. And then they wash it in it.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Fill a basin with five liters of water.
  2. Add five tablespoons of salt.
  3. Leave for an hour - minimum.
  4. Wash as usual, can be machine or hand washed.

Laundry soap

Peculiarities. Traditional remedy to wash greasy kitchen towels. Can be used for both white and colored textiles. The method has positive reviews if the stains are fresh. But laundry soap does not cope well with old dirt.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wet the towel.
  2. Lather generously.
  3. Tie it well in a bag and leave it overnight.
  4. Rub thoroughly.
  5. Rinse.

Vegetable oil

Peculiarities. Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is a universal method that can cope with any dirt. How can you bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil, because, at first glance, this will only worsen the situation? But in fact, it is this ingredient that softens dirty footprints, makes them more amenable to cleansing.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Fill half a 10-liter saucepan with water.
  2. Put on fire.
  3. When the water boils, turn off the burner.
  4. Add to water sunflower oil- two tablespoons, powder for the "machine gun" - two tablespoons, stain remover - two tablespoons.
  5. Mix everything well.
  6. Place the contaminated item in the water.
  7. To cover with a lid.
  8. Set aside until the water cools.
  9. Place textiles in the washing machine (without spinning).
  10. Wash and dry as usual.


Peculiarities. If you don’t know how to remove grease from kitchen towels, turn on the microwave. This newest way which will remove any contamination. But if the item is very dirty, you will have to repeat the procedure three times.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wet the towel.
  2. Thoroughly soap the entire area, especially contaminated areas, with the soap you usually use for washing.
  3. Place in a tight plastic bag. Wrap the package well.
  4. Microwave it.
  5. Turn on the oven for one and a half minutes.
  6. Take a break for a minute and turn on the microwave again.


Peculiarities. Good product, if it is necessary to rid kitchen textiles of mold and blooms that have arisen on it. Vinegar can also be used to remove rust, traces of grease and juice. The product will help with the smell if it is musty.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Pour 5-9% vinegar into a bowl.
  2. Place textiles in liquid.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash as usual.
  5. Rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peculiarities. Hydrogen peroxide can get rid of old stains.
If the towel is very dirty, soak it directly in peroxide. To do this, you need to pour the drug into a bowl and put the textiles there.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Apply peroxide solution to the stain.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash.

Lemon acid

Peculiarities. If you prefer to bleach folk remedies, try using it to remove stains citric acid. It copes well with beet and tomato juice. This method will also help with old stains - you will need to apply “lemon” and after an hour rinse the textiles.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wash textiles using laundry soap.
  2. Squeeze out the water.
  3. Sprinkle dry citric acid onto the stain.
  4. Leave for five minutes.
  5. Shake off the lemon.
  6. Rinse.

4 approaches to whitening

White towels get dirty quickly, so they require a special approach. To tidy up such textiles, it is recommended to boil kitchen towels, but you can do without this.


Peculiarities. Washing kitchen towels with mustard will not only whiten, but also thoroughly disinfect textiles.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Heat the water well, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Prepare dry mustard powder.
  3. Dilute it with water.
  4. Spread mustard paste on a towel, especially dirty areas.
  5. Leave for eight hours.
  6. Wash.

Potassium permangantsovka

Peculiarities. Potassium permanganate will help to bleach kitchen towels without boiling - with this method you can remove even the oldest stains of unknown origin.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Wash the soiled item.
  2. Fill a basin with hot water.
  3. Add 200 g of washing powder.
  4. Add potassium permanganate until the liquid turns a soft pink color.
  5. Dip textiles into the solution.
  6. Cover the top of the container with film.
  7. Do not open until the water has cooled.
  8. Rinse.

Boric acid

Peculiarities. If you need to remove stains from waffle or terry towels, you can use boric acid.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Heat the water.
  2. Pour it into a basin. Add two tablespoons of boric acid.
  3. Place textiles in liquid.
  4. After two hours, wash as usual.


Peculiarities. A product that will quickly tidy up kitchen textiles without spoiling them or disturbing the structure of the fabric.

Step-by-step technique

  1. Grate a bar of brown soap (72%).
  2. Soda ash (50 g) - add to soap.
  3. Fill a basin with water.
  4. Add soap and soda mixture.
  5. Boil textiles for one and a half hours.

If the stains are very strong, you should still boil the kitchen towels with the addition of dishwashing detergent or special stain removers.

When choosing what to use to remove grease from kitchen towels, do not forget to use a good powder and conditioner. This will double the service life of the towels. In case you are looking for a more budget-friendly solution, a mixture of essential oil and soda - thanks to this the textiles will be fresh, fragrant and pleasant to the touch.


In the previous article, I told you, dear readers, where germs and bacteria live in the kitchen. They do not bypass our kitchen towels, with which we dry our hands, wipe washed dishes, washed vegetables and fruits, and sometimes grab hot pots and pans.

To keep your towels sparkling clean and fresh, you need to wash them properly, and today you will learn 6 effective ways to wash kitchen towels.

There are many ways to wash kitchen towels, which are used depending on the situation.

It is suitable if the towel is not very dirty (this is usually the case if you change the kitchen towel once every two days). The kitchen towel can be washed without soaking in a modern washing machine. The main thing is to set the temperature correctly (for white cotton towels 90-95 degrees, for colored ones - no more than 60 degrees) and use the appropriate powder (for white or colored linen), this increases the efficiency of washing.

Method two - for very dirty towels

To wash a heavily soiled towel, you must first soak it. Moreover, it is possible various options manual soaking:

  • you can soak for 3-4 hours in washing powder, adding 100 grams of soda (soda will eliminate the unpleasant odor), but this is only possible for white towels, since colored towels can fade and lose their original color when soaked in washing powder;
  • can be soaked in a bleach suitable for the fabric, and to achieve maximum effect Soaking for an hour in universal Domestos works well;
  • can be soaked in cold salty water (one tablespoon of salt per liter of water) for one hour. This is suitable for both white and colored tea towels. This soak will help remove coffee and tomato sauce stains.

Then wash the kitchen towels as usual in the washing machine, as in the first method.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

You can use this bleaching method for any towels: both colored and white. The method is intended to remove greasy marks and to rid fabric of yellowness.

For whitening you need to take:

  • 5 l. water;
  • bleach powder 1 tbsp;
  • washing powder 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp..

In Bring to a boil. Add all ingredients, mix. Soak dirty napkins for 10-12 hours. Rinse them afterwards. This procedure makes them brighter. If desired, they can be washed after bleaching to consolidate the effect.

Washing with bleach is the easiest way to whiten napkins, including those with old marks. Use bleach to remove traces of grease and oil. If the products have turned gray or yellowed, they are emitting bad smell, then bleach will also help. Choose bleaching products without chlorine in their composition: their advantage is that these products do not wear out the fabric. If you often use products containing chlorine, the fabric will quickly become unusable.

For machine washing, choose oxygen-containing bleaches. They are suitable for light and colored napkins.

How to use the product:

  • Wet the towels well;
  • Pour bleach (see the instructions for dosage) into the special compartment of the machine. You can also add washing powder, but it is not necessary;
  • start the car.

Remember that light and colored items should be washed at different times. temperature conditions. Bleach will help rid them of unpleasant odors and will also disinfect them. But it makes no sense to use air conditioners for this: they do not disinfect, but simply mask the unpleasant smell. The products are intended for bath towels, not kitchen towels.

Many housewives collect dirty things to wash them all at once. This should not be done with kitchen items: wash them immediately to prevent stains from being absorbed. Remember that old marks are much more difficult to remove.

Washing with vinegar to combat unpleasant odors

Table vinegar is a universal remedy and very useful in everyday life. One of the secrets of its use is as effective remedy from an unpleasant odor. There's vinegar on everyone kitchen, so it can be called the first and most available help in the fight against the unpleasant odor emanating from kitchen napkins: it helps both with the smell that remains after food, and with the smell of mold, which often occurs if the towel is not properly dried.

Used for processing table vinegar 9%. There are several ways to combat odor:

  1. To remove an old mark, pour vinegar on it, wait a few minutes, and then wash it off.
  2. To wash the entire napkin, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar to 5 liters of warm water, immerse the napkins for 5 minutes, and rinse.
  3. The main purpose of vinegar is to remove mold smell. Place the napkins in the machine and start washing. Pour half a glass of vinegar (or a full glass if the wash is large) into the conditioner compartment. This can be done while washing. The machine will use vinegar as a conditioner, which will remove the smell from the product.

To ensure that kitchen napkins last as long as possible, do not use them as potholders: this will keep them fresh longer and maintain a presentable appearance.

We remove difficult stains with hydrogen peroxide and citric acid

Like vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and citric acid are substances that are widely used in everyday life. They are also suitable for removing difficult marks that even bleach could not cope with.

For example, citric acid copes well with traces of beetroot or tomato juice.

How to use acid:

  1. To begin with, the mark must be washed off with ordinary laundry soap.
  2. If the trace is fresh, then pour in the acid for 5-10 minutes and then rinse; if it is old, then pour the powder for 1 hour. Be careful not to rub the citric acid in with your fingers to avoid getting burned. You should not wash very thin napkins this way.

We use hydrogen peroxide in a similar way: wash the stain, soak it in peroxide, leave for half an hour, and then wash the napkins.

When working with hydrogen peroxide, acid and vinegar, always wear household gloves to protect your hands.

Homemade laundry products

Many available tools are suitable for processing kitchen utensils, as they effectively help deal with pollution. In addition to vegetable oil, you can use mustard powder, baking soda, silicate glue, boric acid.

Dry mustard

note that we're talking about specifically about mustard powder, which can be bought in any supermarket. Be careful: fresh mustard powder bakes strongly, so use it only with household gloves. Mustard also copes with old pollution. Mustard powder also helps to disinfect napkins and copes well with unpleasant odors.

The easiest way is to use powder to combat stains. To do this, separate it hot water into a thick paste, rub it into the mark. If it is old, then leave the napkin for 6 hours.

If you want to wash the entire napkin (to bleach and disinfect), then first wet it well with hot water, and then spread the mustard pulp over it using rubbing movements. Leave the item to soak, then wash it.


Regular salt Suitable for washing colored and light-colored napkins. It helps get rid of coffee stains, as well as traces left from fruits and berries:

  1. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 liter of water. The amount of water depends on the number of towels you need to wash.
  2. Dip napkins into the solution, leave for half an hour, then wash.

Baking soda

Soda can be used to boil white items (if they are heavily soiled or the stains are old), or for washing. To boil accessories, add 1 cup of soda to several liters of water. You need to boil the napkins in this solution.

For hand or machine washing, soda is used as follows: a paste of soda is applied to the marks, left for half an hour, then the items are washed. Or you can soak the napkins in soda solution and then wash.

If the stains are complex and cannot be removed, then when machine washing, you can add baking soda to the washing powder compartment, and then wash the napkins at maximum temperature.

To combat old stains you can use soda ash: mix it with washing powder, leave the kitchen items to soak overnight.

Dishwashing liquid

It can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to remove difficult stains. However, you should not often use this method: because of this, the napkins quickly wear out. You can use any detergent to remove marks. It is simply applied to the stain and left overnight. Then the napkin should be rinsed well and washed in the machine. After the first procedure, the stain may lighten, but not completely disappear: in this case, repeat the procedure twice.

Laundry soap

Using regular laundry soap, you can remove any stains, including drops of grease. Due to its high alkali content, soap helps get rid of even old traces. There are several ways to use:

  1. The towel must be thoroughly wetted with water and then soaped generously. The product is then wrapped tightly in plastic bag and leave for a day. This method is best suited for washing colored napkins. After a day, the towel must be washed.
  2. To combat old stains, you can make a solution of laundry soap and soda. For 1 standard bar of soap (choose 72% soap without fragrances or other additives), take 3 tablespoons of soda. The soap must be grated, mixed with soda and added to hot water for washing. The towel is boiled in this solution for half an hour, then washed in the machine. If these are white napkins, then they can be washed using bleach.

Please note that boiling is not the first stage of washing, but the second: it is not dirty towels that are boiled, but pre-washed towels. It is this sequence of actions that helps remove complex and old stains.

Silicate glue

Silicate glue is not the most famous, but very effective method Remove stains from kitchen towels. The glue is used together with washing powder to boil napkins. Boil 3 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of glue and powder, then boil the towels in this solution for half an hour. Afterwards they should be washed immediately. It is very important to wash the napkins immediately after boiling, since it is then difficult to remove the glue from the product.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.