High technology cease to be something inaccessible, belonging only to scientists in their laboratories. They enter a person’s life more and more closely, providing coziness and comfort. One of the clear examples, previously found only in science fiction novels, is the “smart home” system, which allows you to relieve the owner of a lot of worries: automate the management of all communications, reduce heating and electricity costs, increase the convenience and safety of the home. In reality, this is computer technology, logical and understandable to everyone who wants to understand its structure, allowing you to create this system with your own hands.

What is a “smart home”

This is a high-tech automation system that controls all systems, engineering communications or residential devices. Simply put, it is a processor that supervises and coordinates the operation of all devices connected to it.

Most of the problems that arise for residents are due to a lack of attention paid to a particular communication node or subsystem. Heating, water supply, electrical networks at home - all these groups of equipment periodically fail due to minor faults not detected in time, which gradually grow to the size of a serious problem. The complex constantly monitors the functioning of communications and promptly warns of emerging threats or possible malfunctions.

The structure of the complex is designed for maximum convenience for the user, for example, it is possible to control the entire system using a smartphone

Thanks to this technology, it becomes possible to program the time for turning on or off a particular node, or the transition from one operating mode to another. For example, organize daily switching on/off street lighting, increase or decrease in temperature in heating system depending on weather conditions. It becomes possible to manage electronic devices the entire house using one remote control, which allows you to turn on a DVD in the living room, but watch it on a TV installed in the kitchen, if it is more convenient for the owner.

The capabilities of such a system are great and depend only on the types and implementation options.


There are many varieties of the complex, each with its own pros and cons, which are most conveniently considered in the table.

Types of system Peculiarities Advantages Difficulties
Wiredwork directly, transmitting signals from control sensors to the control unit or actuators via wires laid in the house
  • fast response of wired devices;
  • There is no risk of overloading the transmitting bus with different commands, that is, “freezes” and malfunctions.
  • complex installation, time-consuming and labor-intensive;
  • the need for installation during construction is unacceptable for ready-made houses
Wirelesscommunication between actuators and control subsystems is carried out via television and radio communicationsthere is no need to lay wires, which significantly speeds up the installation process, eliminates interference with the structure or disruption of the final finishing of the house
  • the need to frequently replace batteries in control elements;
  • communication with the base via radio somewhat limits functionality.
Centralized complexesallow full control over the state and operating mode of all communications at home from a single control unit - a processor with a large number connectors for connecting equipment and devicesis able to coordinate and combine all the involved elements of the roomhigh degree of dependence of work on the abilities and quality of the program installed in the processor
Decentralized complexesare a set of microprocessors independent from each otherthe ability to minimize the consequences of failure of an individual nodea large number of separate control elements, which sometimes creates confusion and complicates the setup or configuration process
with open protocol
The control commands used in the system are used by many manufacturersallows you to connect devices from different manufacturers that can be recognized by the processor and work under its controlit may be necessary to partially adapt the elements to each other
Closed protocol kitscontrol is carried out in its own language, developed by the manufacturer, and allows the use of only appropriate devices or instrumentshas a high degree of compliance of all nodes and elementsdoes not allow the connection of foreign devices - they will not be recognized by the system and will not be able to work in conjunction with it

The development of new, improved types of this technology is ongoing. Updated or newly created versions of software or constructive solution capable of performing more complex and responsible tasks.

Advantages and Disadvantages

« Smart home"is a complex and multifunctional system that undoubtedly has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to install in a room and configure any type of it according to your own parameters, from security to water supply or heating.
  • From the first days of operation, this complex allows you to save up to 30% of the cost of maintaining the house.
  • High level of comfort.
  • The ability to use this system not only as a manager, but also as a source of entertainment.

Within the framework of this technology, you can adjust not only the operation of audio and video equipment, but also, for example, the temperature of the water in the pool

However, there are also not the most pleasant moments associated with it:

  • High cost. This is the main problem limiting the spread of technology. The costs of acquisition and installation are too high, and the failure of some system components is sometimes beyond repair due to unaffordable prices.
  • Difficulty in laying wires for the system. This procedure is very labor-intensive and is only available at the construction stage ( interior decoration). If you replace the system with a wireless option, its cost instantly increases several times.
  • The need to have a separate room or space for installing equipment. For a small home, this moment becomes no less problematic than the rest. You will need a backup power source and voltage stabilizers that protect components with the control unit from voltage surges. All this needs to be installed, maintained or repaired somewhere.

Despite the existing difficulties, the installation of this system is becoming increasingly popular and widespread.

Do-it-yourself preparatory work before installation

Before proceeding with the actual installation of the system, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work:

  1. Select a specific type, available for technical and financial positions.
  2. Create detailed project, working drawing of the entire system.
  3. Inspect the house and assess the condition of communications, their readiness for installation of controls and monitoring sensors.
  4. Determine the most convenient place for installation, installation and location of the main components and elements of the complex.

Some types of the system require a computer on which the necessary programs are installed, and a home website is created that displays the system diagram and basic controls. Configuration and adjustment of such a complex is carried out from a PC, tablet or smartphone.

This arrangement of icons, each responsible for its own “section”, makes managing the system much easier

Preparation requires a clear understanding of the operating principles, configuration, features or design of the selected complex. If knowledge is not enough, you will have to familiarize yourself with the structure of the system and get necessary information or abandon the idea of ​​organizing such a complex complex using only your hands and head, and seek help from specialists.

Smart home diagram

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to draw up a diagram that allows you to determine all installation points, methods of connection, communication and control of elements.

The complex diagram includes many elements, for example, cameras, video server, sensors and performers

A schematic representation allows you to visualize the configuration and operating principle of the system, and determine its most critical components and sections. It consists of three main groups of elements:

  • Sensors They are the “sense organs” of the system, signaling changes or detected disturbances.
  • Executive elements, mechanisms. These devices have a direct impact on communications, changing the operating mode, switching or adjustment.
  • Control devices, controllers, servers. This is the central part of the system, performing control, executing installed programs and managing its functioning.

This will help you visualize the configuration, detect errors, and draw up a specification for the composition of the system.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

To assemble a system with your own hands, it is best to purchase a ready-made kit that meets the needs and capabilities of your home or apartment. The installation procedure is described in detail in the user manual, which must be carefully read before starting work and constantly checked during practical operations.

The installation process of the complex consists of connecting actuators and sensors to the central processor. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Installation of control sensors.
  2. Installation of actuating elements - servomotors, switches, taps, etc.
  3. Connecting devices to the corresponding connectors on the processor board.

After installation is completed, trial run, system setup.

Separate small circuits are being developed for some subsystems

It is recommended to start with the simplest functions and gradually move on to more complex operations. You should not immediately program multi-stage operating modes; first you need to adjust and configure the system using elementary actions.

Features of installation in a cottage and apartment

The composition and configuration of the complex is largely tied to the type or size of the premises.

  • For a private house, cottage or dacha, heating, water and electricity supply subsystems, which are often used in autonomous mode, are relevant.
  • For an apartment connected to centralized networks, control of these elements comes down to timely switching on or off. Often these elements are not included in the system at all.

The number of actuators involved in the complex increases with increasing autonomy of the home. How less dependency from network or other resources supplied from outside, the greater the fullness of the control complex, the higher its responsibility and significance for the life support of the home.

Controls: voice and manual

There are two groups of these elements:

  • Wireless. Used for communication television or radio technology.
  • Wired. They are connected via a special cable (sometimes using a regular twisted pair cable), have a quick response to commands, and a high degree of reliability.

System functions can be controlled from different devices:

  • Control panel.
  • Control panels.
  • Control unit, shield - all three of these types imply the use of buttons or a touch screen.
  • Tablet, smartphone, PC - here you can also use the voice method.

Remote controls are wireless devices and are mainly used on closed-code systems. Control panels have a stationary installation type and are usually equipped with a touch screen.

At the request of the customer it can be installed stationary system adjustments to the complex's operation

The method of communication with actuators is the same for all types of devices, since ultimately the commands come to the processor, which transmits them to a specific mechanism.

Installation of the system " smart home» is accessible to trained people who understand the principles and features of the complex. Lack of self-confidence and lack of understanding of certain aspects are grounds for turning to specialists. Mistakes made during the installation of this complex complex in a country house or apartment can cause serious consequences, therefore, you need to realistically assess your capabilities so that the created system can only bring additional comfort.

In the previous article, we looked at how the installation and installation of a “smart home” occurs. And finally, installation work have come to an end. The cables are laid exactly according to the design and neatly hidden in the walls. The equipment is installed in the required locations. What's next? The next stage is connecting and setting up a smart home. "Smart home" is a complex system with enormous capabilities. In order for a “smart home” to know how to act in each specific case, it needs a program. The software is created individually for each object. Our employees develop a set of programs and perform system programming.

We offer our customers only high-quality hardware and software. However, when working with any complex systems There is a theoretical possibility of a crash or freeze. If such a nuisance does happen, it will not become a problem - we keep installation kits for all equipment. To restore the system, you only need to call a wizard who will reinstall the program. After programming the system is completed, the actual connection and setup of the “smart home” is carried out. We check and configure the equipment. Then it's time to create scenarios for the smart home.

What is a smart home scenario?

A scenario is a pre-programmed model of smart home behavior in response to a particular event. Examples of typical scenarios: “adult arrives” - the light in the hallway, kettle, TV and air conditioning are turned on; “child’s arrival” - the lights in the hallway are turned on, access to controlling the computer and household appliances is limited. Scenarios may include an economical heating mode during the absence of the owners, periodic turning on of the lights and music center during a long departure of the owners to simulate their presence, etc. Typical scenarios are created in accordance with the customer's wishes. After training by our specialist, home owners will be able to create scenarios on their own.

So, we have created all the necessary scripts. The next stage of connecting and setting up a “smart home” is to test the systems. Our employee checks how correctly the systems execute certain commands. Test operation is carried out, and then additional testing is carried out.

You can control the smart home system from anywhere - from a special remote control, from a control room, from a computer and even from an iPhone. The device from which control will be carried out is chosen by the customer. If after some time the home owners decide that the selected control system is inconvenient or for some reason does not suit them, a representative of our company will come and reconfigure the equipment in accordance with the customer’s wishes. When all equipment is adjusted and checked, the work is handed over. Our specialist, together with the customer, turns on the equipment, reproduces various scenarios and teaches the owner the rules of operation. After delivery of the object, we provide warranty and post warranty service"smart home" systems.

Having a house outside the city is everyone's dream. Therefore, every family, having financial capabilities, tries to purchase or build housing that would correspond modern standards accommodation. IN lately Smart home projects are extremely popular. They not only allow you to properly plan the space, but also guarantee the owners maximum comfort and convenience.

General characteristics

A “smart home” is the housing of the future, in which the operation and control of all systems is carried out automatically, providing the premises with a high level of security and all the necessary conditions for living. In such houses, labor costs for management are completely eliminated, since the installation temperature regime, lighting and other things are not done manually. In addition, the building is equipped with special monitors with sensors that can identify in advance potential threats to both its own systems and the residents themselves.

In the event of power outages, heating malfunctions, smoke or unauthorized entry, the unit instantly notifies the owners and independently corrects the problems.

The main advantage of a smart home is that it flexible systems controls allow you to significantly save energy costs, since in the absence of residents, all devices are turned on in an economical mode. Thanks to the built-in programs, such an installation will regularly carry out all the instructions of the owners, often predicting them independently. Therefore, we can say that after installing such an innovation, a “non-staff butler” appears in the home. The only downside to the installation is high price, but it justifies itself over time.


To make a country house as comfortable as possible, many owners install a “smart home” system, which helps not only save energy resources, but also precious time by automatically managing all communications and entertainment centers. Depending on what functions and capabilities are available in the installation, it is divided into several types.


Consists of switches, sensors and climate control devices. All equipment is controlled using a wired panel, which receives signals. It is located in the main panel and cables are supplied to it. The advantages of a wired installation include high reliability, as well as high click speed. After pressing the button, the program starts without delay, which saves residents from long waits; the scripts, when installed correctly, do not freeze. In addition, the control elements are characterized beautiful design. They are usually equipped with smart switches and a variety of integration systems.

Thanks to a wired smart home, it is much easier to adjust the temperature in the rooms, as well as control the video and audio rooms. It lasts a long time, since the devices do not contain batteries that require constant replacement. In this case, fireproof and low-current switches are used. In order for the system to work reliably, before installing it, it is necessary to select the location of the panel in advance and route the cables there.

If a country house is built of wood, then the owners need to first coordinate the project and prepare a place for electrical wiring.

It is also recommended to install a wired device during home renovation, when the wiring has not yet been done according to the classical scheme. This will be difficult to do in a finished building. For installation, they usually use a large shield measuring up to 60 cm in width and up to 150 cm in height. Installation work is best carried out with the help of experienced specialists, since the equipment is expensive and the slightest mistake can lead to a number of troubles.


Unlike the previous version, in this system the actuator signal is transmitted to operating devices not via wiring, but via a dedicated radio channel. This allows you to significantly save on electrical wiring and installation. Such installations can be placed in houses with completed renovations and a regular wiring diagram. Due to the fact that each switch is “wireless”, it becomes possible to set different lighting effects by pre-programming the function keys. Installation of these systems does not require project preparation, therefore they are ideal for wooden buildings, and their price is quite affordable.

A wireless “smart home” powered by a radio channel directly depends on the quality of communication, so various interference from phones and electrical appliances can negatively affect its functionality. In addition, the quality of radio communication also depends on building material walls, and if the wiring is too scattered along the walls, the signal level will be minimal. In the case when the system is controlled by batteries, they should be changed regularly, otherwise at the most inopportune moment something may not work.

Some wireless systems consist of radio equipment that is powered by alternating electricity, so they need to lay a neutral wire. To avoid problems with the installation of such an installation, it is recommended to immediately lay an additional neutral wire under the switch. They put it in a box. The disadvantage of the device is that it is difficult to establish stable functionality in it, since in the house you will have to control not only floor heating and lighting. In addition, the security of the installation is low and “hackers”, applying a signal external communications, can quickly damage it.


Its operating principle is based on programming modes that come from a single logic module. As a rule, the device is represented by a controller having many outputs. The controller is pre-loaded with a unique program responsible for managing communication systems and actuators. Thanks to such technologies, it is possible to use a huge selection of complex scenarios and any equipment. The advantages of the device include the ability to control in one window, the creation of complex tasks, taking into account the state of the home owners, the time of day and the lunar cycle. In addition, it is possible to connect any type of equipment to the system.

As for the shortcomings, they also exist. First of all, such a centralized “smart home” completely depends on human factor, because it works according to a program written by a programmer, and if contact with it is lost, then the entire system will need to be completely reprogrammed. Secondly, during installation you should install a high-quality controller, otherwise if it fails it can stop the entire system. Thirdly, it is high cost.


The operation of a “smart home” in this case is based on the use of a microprocessor with a non-volatile board. Therefore, these systems are considered the most reliable and if even one equipment malfunctions, the entire system will fully continue to function. The installation is easy to maintain, and if there is a need to create a new script, then an additional logical block is simply used for this. Today you can find many on sale decentralized systems, differing in functionality and design.

Unlike previous options, when installing the installation, many devices are placed in the panel, so it is recommended to give preference to well-tested manufacturers, otherwise in the future you may encounter their failure.

Required Equipment

Before installing a smart home system in your country home, you need to create the right project and purchase all the necessary devices.

Depending on personal preferences, the equipment set may vary, while minimum set must consist of:

  • sensory system;
  • adjustments with which equipment and lighting will be turned on and off;
  • monitors where video surveillance will take place;
  • alarms;
  • controller;
  • application programs for smartphones containing the necessary gadgets;
  • cloud network channels that simplify connecting and managing devices.

How to install and configure?

Installing a “smart home” is quite accessible with your own hands, but since installation and technology require proper execution, it is best to seek help from specialists. The contractor will begin by determining the features of the object, then propose the most suitable project. After the design, an estimate will be drawn up, which will include control devices and a system diagram.

If the owner of the house is confident in his abilities and can do the installation himself, then he needs to complete the following steps.

  • Before the start repair work a network of cables should be laid in the housing and a server cabinet, racks under it should be installed and everything should be covered with mounting boxes. IN technical room you need to place electrical supply equipment, a switch, and connect the automation to the modules.
  • After the renovation of the premises is completed, you can install acoustic speakers and a control system by connecting touch panels. Next, you should perform a test setup of the system.
  • The final stage will be the final setup of the equipment and test work, after which the installation is put into operation. At correct execution design and installation, the “smart home” system will begin to function effectively and fill the interior of the home with harmony and comfort. To reliably hide it from prying eyes, even at the stage of finishing the room you will need to skillfully hide auxiliary equipment and wiring.

From the above we can conclude that installing a “smart home” is labor-intensive, since most of the time is spent on creating a project and installing equipment. In this case, the speed of work depends on the number of installations, wall material and housing area. Typically the entire process takes up to two weeks, including script programming.

Control systems

Typically, modern city apartments and houses outside the city use purification systems, air conditioning, lighting, and also install a security alarm and video audio equipment. Therefore, by equipping their home as a “smart home”, its owners have unique opportunity It’s convenient to manage this entire “orchestra”. In order for automation to occur quickly and without failures, such an installation is divided into subsystems: security, climate control, lighting, multiroom and home theater. Each of them is characterized by its own type of management.


Groups or individual lamps can work in different mode, for this purpose they are given their own level of illumination. Control is carried out using remote controls; it is possible to remotely set illusory scenarios for the owners being in the apartment. All lighting sources are controlled by a single remote control, and you can additionally set the date, time or a specific event. The brightness of devices and automatic switching off of lamps when leaving the room are adjusted in the same way.

Climate control

This system controls devices that provide heating, air conditioning, air purification and ventilation. Thanks to the configured settings, the equipment works smoothly in the specified mode. In addition, some projects also provide remote climate control, thanks to which comfortable temperature installed before the home owners arrive. All equipment is controlled from a single remote control, where you can control the heating depending on the date, time and season. The rooms are also additionally equipped with humidity and temperature sensors, which are triggered at a certain time and regulate the climate.

Home cinema and multiroom

This system includes not only players and TVs, but also related equipment: curtains, blinds and lighting. Thanks to well-organized work, the room creates a special atmosphere for watching films. Control can be either voice or automated by pressing buttons on the remote control.

Security system

Represents a unique multifunctional device, which is remotely controlled and quickly responds to various alarm situations, including fire safety, alarms and disruption of communications. Fire and security alarms operate automatically and turn on immediately after the owners of the house leave. It can be controlled using either cell phone, and the remote control. You can remotely receive signals about gas leaks, water leaks and burglaries. Information is instantly sent to your mobile phone or computer.

The “smart home” device is ideal for both a country house, a summer house, and an apartment. Since the system is expensive and its installation is not easy, homeowners who want to install it themselves will be helped by expert recommendations to avoid mistakes.

  • You cannot use equipment that does not match the style of the room. Equipment of different designs will spoil the interior of the room, because it is unsightly when the panels in the room are arranged in a chaotic order and differ in color from the decorative decoration of the walls. For example, a plastic white intercom is inappropriate on a wall with a dark surface. Therefore, even at the design stage, it is necessary to pay attention to such points special attention and purchase suitable keypads and panels. In addition, the devices must be additionally masked with special plates or frames that blend harmoniously with the rest of the interior elements.
  • Installing a large number of control panels on one wall is also not a good idea. For example, a floor heating thermostat, climate control, multiroom remote control and switch installed simultaneously will not only complicate the control of the equipment, but will also look cumbersome. As a result, a “smart home,” on the contrary, will complicate life and will not make it comfortable. Therefore, to prevent this, you should try to place a minimum of devices on the walls, giving preference only to sockets, switches and touch panels. As for setting the temperature in the rooms, it is usually done once per season, so control panels can only be installed in important rooms.
  • Many homeowners prefer to install a “smart home” only with wireless control. Of course, modern life is designed in such a way that every person cannot live without a tablet or mobile phone. But if you completely rely on this control method, you may find yourself in a risk zone and lose control over the devices if your smartphone breaks down or the Internet goes out. Therefore, experts advise connecting wireless and wired panels at the same time.

They can be located in the same place, their service life exceeds 30 years. Mobile control is performed using a tablet or phone. In the event of a breakdown or loss of a mobile device, the system can easily be reset to stationary control. It is difficult to break and such panels do not discharge.

  • A smart home is considered a complex system in which all components must work smoothly and in harmony. Therefore, by purchasing equipment from different manufacturers, such harmony can be disrupted. As a result, problems of incompatibility of equipment will arise, and the installation will not only become difficult to manage, but also serious malfunctions in its operation may occur. To prevent this, it is necessary to select equipment that has the same technical indicators and information transfer speed. It is also not recommended to use additional auxiliary software and expansion gateways or installers; they will only complicate settings and control.
  • Professionals usually build a smart home system based on a software platform and equipment from one manufacturer, whose products are well known in the market and have positive reviews. The right decision would also be to purchase one integration platform, which is designed for automated control of climate, lighting, security and fire safety systems, and audio and video equipment. It is reliable in operation, its warranty service is up to 5 years, and most importantly, the platform ensures compatibility of all devices.
  • During the installation of a “smart home”, it is important to organize the workflow correctly, using special software applications. At the same time, it is not advisable to create separate scenarios for climate, music or light, as they will complicate control. Each brand offers programs of its own design, so if you install them all, it will be difficult to find the necessary bookmark on your desktop. In addition, to configure, you will need to constantly switch from one program to another and regularly update the software.
  • Installing one application designed for a smart home will help simplify the task. Thanks to it, you can check the mode of devices in a matter of seconds, automatically update the version and quickly find the desired section in the lists.
  • To make the installation happy comfortable conditions for living, its design is best entrusted to specialists, since the slightest inaccuracy in the diagrams can disrupt the operation of the system and damage expensive equipment.

To learn how to design a Smart Home system, see the following video.

Smart Home technology is familiar to almost every user of digital devices, so there is little point in talking about the features. Smart home equipment is supplied in two versions - an expensive complex package and in the form of components; in the second case, the system must be assembled with your own hands. Consumers who buy an off-the-shelf package may not understand the features, but tech-savvy buyers already have a good idea of ​​the functionality they want.

“Smart home” in every home – how accessible is the technology?

In practice, the use of Smart Home technology depends on the available equipment and software applications with which you can control the installed system. Our review will focus on the components offered on the market, and will discuss both price and technical availability.

Readers can choose between low-cost hardware that provides all the functionality they need, and more expensive systems that offer advanced features, high reliability and safety. Both options are available to a wide range of consumers and do not require huge investments.

Available solutions – what are they?

Today you can choose between the following offers:

  • specialized Chinese-made equipment and mobile API applications, the level of reliability of which can be improved due to inexpensive Russian-made equipment also produced in China and various desktop systems;
  • Russian components that allow you to assemble almost as many as you like difficult decision A smart home with the required level of reliability and protection, made by yourself with independently programmable PC-based functions, expandable on a modular basis;

First, let's figure out where to start and how to choose components for your Smart Home. Note that the functionality of the system can be expanded as needed in one or another version. The necessary and optimal equipment package allows you to control lighting and turn on/off equipment, usually carried out not only from remote controls, but also from a software application installed on a PC or on the user’s smartphone.

Smart apartment or small house: how to make your life more comfortable?

Available technologies and their features

Objectively, technology has already become a part of our lives. Today, speaking about Smart Home technology, we are talking about the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. These are devices that can be connected to the Internet via wired or wireless channels, in the second case via Wi-Fi (with an average range of up to 50, depending on the transmitter) or Bluetooth (up to 10 m).

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are two short-range radio communication standards that have a short range and are used in systems home automation. Bluetooth can only be used if the distance between the control module and the device is no more than 10 m, and in practice - no more than 3-5 m. The range of Wi-Fi wireless transmission depends on the transmitter and specific installation conditions; the radio signal is poorly transmitted by concrete floors.

Despite fairly developed capabilities, manufacturers are not intensively introducing and selling such equipment. The main problem is that the widespread use of technology will lead to an increase in the number of IoT devices that the existing Internet infrastructure is simply not designed for. As a result, those who want to install a Smart Home in their apartment inexpensively will have to understand the intricacies on their own, without relying on large manufacturers.

AliExpress – China will always help out: “Do-it-yourself smart apartment” package

If you want to implement new home automation solutions at low costs, of course, you need to contact manufacturers who sell their products on AliExpress. This portal practically does not offer “Do-it-yourself smart home and how to make” packages, but there are necessary equipment, which is quite enough for the necessary equipment of an apartment or house.

So, the minimum package of equipment that is available in China is very affordable price and applications on the network - let's call it “Do-it-yourself smart apartment” - includes:

  • on/off control household appliances and devices;
  • sensory systems;
  • lighting control equipment;
  • devices for monitoring and security - alarms and video cameras;
  • Smartphone API apps available for free on Google Play;
  • network cloud applications that make it easier to connect and control home appliances.

Smart Home Equipment on AliExpress

The range of equipment includes relays for connecting devices, dimmers for smooth load control (for lighting and electric heating) and package systems that include control of climate control, lighting, alarms and sometimes a video camera. Full list offers can be obtained by entering “smart home”, “smart home”, “intelligent home”, as well as the names of two Chinese manufacturers Lilovo and Sonoff, into the search bar of the AliExpress portal.

Sonoff releases Wi-Fi relay for remote control household appliances from a smartphone. The device is installed on a line with one or more electrical appliances and allows you to turn the power supply on and off from a smartphone using a mobile application.

The advantage of this device is that it is always available online, can be connected via the telephone network (PTSN) and allows you to set an individual work program using 8 built-in timers. Through the relay, you can control the operation of any household appliance with a power of up to 2.2 kW using the eWeLink mobile application, available on Google Play IOS and Android.

Sonoff products are also available in Russia. The price in China is about 6 dollars (without remote control), in Russia - 2000 rubles (with remote control). The relay is offered in two versions for 10 A and 16 A; in the second case, in addition to all kinds of household appliances, a boiler can be connected to the mobile application.

Other models of electrical accessories work similarly, allowing you to connect several devices at once, for example, Sonoff Sensor-AM2301. Moreover, control is implemented with different timer values.

The manufacturer produces three Wi-Fi models Sonoff relay:

  • Sonoff World On – Wi-Fi relay with connection to a mobile application (for household appliances and cameras);
  • Sonoff World On TF – Wi-Fi relay with sensors, for example, for a climate control system (for boilers and air conditioners);
  • Sonoff World On RF – Wi-Fi relay with remote control, for example, for gates and doors with magnetic locks.

Sonoff also produces touch-sensitive dimmer switches for lighting devices with continuous adjustment, which can simultaneously be connected to Wi-Fi and a mobile application.

For devices to be accessible on the Internet, they must be connected to one of available ways. One of the successful and inexpensive options can be considered a Broadlink home automation router that supports 4 types wireless communication WI-FI, IR, RF and 4G.

With its help, you can connect all home devices via a SIM card to the mobile Internet. It is better to choose the services of an operator with a new communications infrastructure, in particular, one of the MTS packages with per-megabyte pricing.

XIAOMI produces a whole range of relays, dimmers, sensors for home automation. First of all, you should pay attention to Wi-Fi humidity and temperature sensors, door and window sensors, smart sockets and inexpensive IP cameras. The equipment of this company is distinguished by its simplicity and affordability along with high quality assemblies.

The manufacturer produces package solutions for apartments and small houses- This Xiaomi Smart Home Suite. This package is widely offered in Russia and belongs to the luxury equipment category. Price category These sensors are slightly higher than devices from Sonoff.

Lilovo touch switches only work with remote controls. Their key feature is the ability to smoothly adjust the lighting, elegant design and different color solutions. Switches from this company can be used to turn on and off household devices without an Internet connection.

Wi-Fi relays from Russian manufacturers

Products can be purchased in China Russian manufacturers that assemble electrical accessories on a Chinese base. Russian Smart Home DC Wi-Fi relays are available at a lower cost than Sonoff, and are considered more reliable and accurately pick up the signal. The consumer disadvantage of the Smart Home relay is the absence of a plastic case, but this is the simplest, most reliable and inexpensive way to integrate household devices.

API applications for smartphones on Google Play

  • eWeLink is an application that allows you to connect a seemingly unlimited number of Smart Home devices and supports products from Sonoff and a number of manufacturers. The disadvantages include some latency in Russian networks; it is advisable to connect to the application through the interface of a mobile provider, and not wired PTSN (public telephone network) channels.
  • Smart Home from Alltek Technology Corp. is another universal mobile application to which you can connect lighting devices, alarms, heating and a number of other home devices. Some users respond better to this application than to eWeLink.

You can download a whole range of more on Google Play mobile applications for connecting home automation devices with varying levels of versatility and stability.

Home automation devices can be connected using local PC-based and cloud-based applications. Each of these options has a number of advantages. Applications in the “cloud” are designed for low-cost use of Smart Home technology with a wide range of functions, but in such systems there remains open question security and unauthorized access to home devices.

Desktop package offerings in a secure cloud environment or for desktop are designed for automation country houses, public buildings and institutions. This application guarantees a high level of security and reliability.

Smart Home Applications:

  • Bitdefender is a packaged application for securely connecting home automation devices, which allows you to use the functions of any external cloud without risks;
  • Friendly-tech.com offers a range of home automation products including IoT device management with an admin console and user interface via mobile services, including using the cloud (IoT SaaS)
  • IoT Home Guide is available as a package for fairly large home automation systems, as well as from API partners OpenHAB, Home Assistant and Eclipse SmartHome.

Clouds "Smart Home":

  • Sharp Cloud Smarthome System is a developed cloud system for home automation; an arbitrarily complex automation system for both a home and an entire neighborhood can be built on it;
  • Cloud Based IoT Platform GO+ is a Russian free platform with a small number of users.

Russian equipment from the Smart House company is distinguished by high reliability and build quality. The manufacturer offers various electrical accessories, sensors, and relays for building arbitrarily complex systems using Smart Home technology with a guaranteed level of security. The devices allow you to create home automation systems with an individual set of functions; software is available for mobile devices, PCs and tablets.

Video instructions for assembling and operating the Smart Home


The equipment we have described will allow you to create various solutions for the automation of residential premises and household plots, ranging from inexpensive budget solutions for apartments to full automation of large country houses. It is worth noting that web platforms for managing home automation devices are not currently being developed due to a concept problem.

Buyers are offered to install local systems PC-based or create private clouds managed by ready-made applications. The user can choose for himself and assemble the most suitable option for automating an apartment or house.

Recently it has become fashionable comfortable life. Everyone tries to make it easier for themselves through the use of different devices. The simplest example is a TV remote control, which allows you to change channels and control the sound without leaving the couch. Almost everything can be controlled remotely, as long as the system allows it.

In the same way, you can arrange your own home, which will allow you to regulate it from your computer or phone. It's very convenient and simple. A smart home will allow you to save money and time on many things that previously required effort, energy or personal presence. This can be done while working in the office or on vacation - from the countryside, the sea, or another city.

A do-it-yourself smart home will make the life of the owner and his family as comfortable and cozy as possible.

This system performs the following functions:

  • climate control (heating and air conditioning);
  • lighting ( convenient location light sources, brightness control);
  • security (cameras, motion sensors, control of locks, alarms, monitoring of gas and water leaks);
  • home management.

But it is not at all necessary that a smart home performs all of them. If opportunities do not allow or there is no such need, it is quite possible to configure only several or one system. If a person creates a smart home with his own hands, for convenience, you can configure them one by one, and not all at once.

Creation methods

Smart home is automated system for management electrical appliances at your place of residence using a computer or other gadget. Full automation of living space.

A smart home can be created in two ways:

  1. On your own.
  2. Buy ready-made technologies.

In the first option, you can be smart and save on something. The second option has a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  • verified;
  • reliable;
  • qualitatively;
  • There are ready-made modules that solve the necessary problems.


  • expensive;
  • little flexibility in management;
  • limited module capabilities;
  • protocols, circuitry - closed;
  • inability to interface with other systems.

Therefore, in order to make the most convenient and comfortable housing possible, the best way out is to create a smart home with your own hands.

Foundation to start

In this case, you need knowledge and the necessary equipment. If it is enough to go to a hardware store to buy pieces of equipment, then you will need to obtain knowledge and you need to know what kind, in what area.

What you need to rely on when creating a smart home with your own hands:

  • on open standards, protocols;
  • cheap components;
  • the already accumulated experience of other people;
  • enjoying the process.

Since the implementation of such an undertaking is quite complicated, in order to do without professionals you need to be an expert in the problems that you will have to face. Areas in which knowledge is necessary in order to build a smart home with your own hands:

  1. Electrician (knowledge of technology, principles of working with the flow of electricity, assembly of electrical appliances and their parts).
  2. Principles of construction automatic systems(all about controllers and signals).
  3. Programming (to create a control panel).
  4. Knowledge of the system itself and the equipment with which you will have to work.

Very often, a smart home is a fairly simple structure. For example, monitoring water leakage, SMS notification, controlling lamps using a remote control.

Possible solutions

In order to create a reliable smart home with your own hands and control it, you need to select the right equipment, develop programs, and experience in engineering and design.

The most difficult thing will be connecting this system with air conditioners, cinemas and other third-party devices.

The main element of a do-it-yourself smart home is considered to be a control panel, usually a computer. It will perform the function of the brain in this large organism. With its help you can solve a huge number of problems within the system. It is flexible, can perform many functions, and combines all components into one whole. The Linux operating system should be installed on it.

After installation operating system on a server/computer, you should create a website for it in Apache. This is one of the most difficult tasks. It is possible to find ready-made modules on the Internet, but if you want to do everything yourself, you will have to work. First, you need to understand how php and MySQL work, understand in what sequence to install scripts that will be used all the time, and report information about the system. The JQuery library will help you create a website that is easy to use, appearance. The website engine will make it easier to work with databases.

IN modern computers There are many protocols and standards (RS232, USB, Ethernet, TCP/IP, Wi-F) that make it easier to integrate all the units and create a smart home with your own hands. In essence, there is a process of information exchange between different structural parts. Since the house is created with your own hands, and not by a commercial company, the main principle in understanding is that you need to start this. And solve problems as they arise. Evolution is built on experiments.

Before you start, you need to decide on the functions that are most necessary. For example:

  • light/heating control;
  • fire safety;
  • alarm/door lock.

Security system

It is necessary to install video cameras in places that require visibility. The signal from them will be transmitted to the main console and recorded (depending on the settings). Thus, it will be possible to control everything that happens in the house when the owner is not there.

Along with video surveillance, you can equip motion sensors. They will work on the principle of cameras; you just need to download the necessary modules and understand them.

You can also control the lock. It is quite possible to configure it so that control is carried out using a smartphone. But there is one point: you need to select a lock with the ability to access without electricity, so as not to remain on the street or locked in the absence of one.


Before going to bed, you really don’t want to get out of bed to press the light switch. A DIY smart home can make life easier in this regard too. You can install devices on all light control keys that will allow you to do this remotely. It is also possible to regulate the brightness of the light (using dimmers) and the number of light bulbs on from your smartphone.

You can also control the humidity level and temperature if you connect 1-wire sensors to the server. This will ensure comfortable living in all weather conditions.

Heating system

Heat control is a very convenient thing. The batteries can be adjusted so that the batteries turn off immediately after the owner leaves, and turn on several hours before returning. This allows you to significantly save money and resources.

Heating equipment (boiler, pipelines) must be connected to sensors that will transmit information to the controller. Expansion modules, a thermocouple, relay blocks, display and adapters, and a waterproof digital thermometer will also be useful. All these components are installed according to the diagram, tested, then program code is written for the controller, taking into account the modules and capabilities of the system.

This scheme can solve the problem of heating automation in the house. You can program the necessary parameters yourself or change them in the future. The controller will read the sensors and control the boiler.


Everyone knows that you have to pay for comfort and, as a rule, considerable sums. As already mentioned, creating a smart home with your own hands, and not with the help of a specialized company, will allow you to save money and avoid installing a huge number of functions they offer, but are not needed by the homeowner.

Even this option is not a small expense. Although this system allows you to save money. If someone forgot to turn off the light, the iron, or left something in the socket, everything can be corrected remotely.

It is also possible to set up a schedule for the operation of different appliances: coffee maker, air conditioner and others. This will make the homeowner’s life much easier and allow maximum savings on electricity.

The most convenient thing is the ability to regulate the heating system. True, you will need to install special temperature sensors, but this will allow you not to overload resources, but to heat the rooms to the set temperature. Now there will be no need for batteries to work around the clock.

But still, if it is not possible to create such a system, you can get by with installing certain elements. For example, the lock can be synchronized with the phone, the same can be done with lighting, but you will need special lamps.

Smart home in the office

The same system can be installed at work. For example, if, when leaving, a person always forgets to turn off the computer, coffee machine, air conditioner and other appliances, this can be done from anywhere in the city without returning back. Such a system will make work more productive and less costly. And with the same amount of time spent in the office, productivity will double.

If a person values ​​corporate secrets, a security system will come to the rescue and electronic locks, which can be controlled from home. Ideal option There will also be installation of CCTV cameras. Then all the secrets and important documents will definitely remain in their place.


A smart home with your own hands will make life easier and more comfortable. In addition, the process of creating it will help unite the family around solving another difficult problem and will increase the level of knowledge in technical areas. After all, equipping a home control system requires a lot of knowledge and a lot of expense.

All systems are computer/server controlled. Some can be transferred to the phone, especially everything related to notifications.

A do-it-yourself smart home will allow you to control:

  • Security systems;
  • Sockets;
  • Electrical appliances;
  • Lighting;
  • Locks;
  • Heating.

Also by others necessary things. And most importantly, it can save you a lot of money on small amounts if you use it on a schedule. This will increase comfort and general level security in the house. And now it won’t be so scary to leave children alone.

If you install such a system in the office, all trade secrets will remain them, and the level of effectiveness will increase.

Do-it-yourself smart home is much better than programs purchased from special organizations. After all, the owner will not deliberately install a lot of unnecessary applications. This also allows you to reduce financial costs on equipment.

Therefore, if you want to improve your quality of life, experiment and modernize your place of residence. Forward! After all, this is the key to evolution and development.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):