Group tomatoes cherry(they are also called “cherry”) are the fastest ripening among all tomatoes. Cherry tomato varieties get everything greater distribution in gardening and summer cottages. Which is not surprising: vegetable fruits, having a richness of taste and color, at the same time attract with their compactness and decorative appearance. In addition, cherry tomatoes are distinguished by their particularly smooth ripening and uniformity in fruit size, which is very convenient when storing vegetables in canned form for the winter. Breeders annually develop new varieties of cherry tomatoes. Let's try to find out which the best varieties tomatoes are recommended for cultivation in temperate climate zones.

Determinate varieties

Determinate (low-growing) varieties of cherry tomatoes do not need staking and pinching. But if the bush becomes excessively branched, it is necessary to trim off unnecessary branches. But it is not recommended to trim the main leaves, since the procedure has a depressing effect on the plant - it produces a small harvest.

  • The ampel variety of tomatoes forms brushes instead. The fruits weigh only 15 g. The variety is grown in a greenhouse and is particularly resistant to fungal infections, including fusarium.
  • Raisin F1 is a variety of cherry tomatoes, also intended for greenhouses. Pink oval fruits weigh about 15 g.

Indeterminate varieties

Most cherry varieties belong to indeterminate (high-growing) and semi-indeterminate (medium-growing) forms. Are grown tall varieties, both in greenhouse conditions and open ground, and even on window sills and balconies.

  • The Kira F1 variety is distinguished by its early maturity during ripening and long shelf life (up to 2.5 months). Fruit orange color form massive clusters with 16 - 20 fruits.
  • Madeira F1 is intended for film greenhouses. A hybrid with red fruits weighing 25 g and a pleasant taste, it is very resistant to fungal and viral diseases.
  • Pink cherry - variety for unheated greenhouses. The fruits have pink color and weight 23 g.
  • The Swia Pia variety has the smallest fruits in the world. Harvest in any climatic conditions(except for the tundra and the far north) and bears fruit until frost. Sweet small fruits used fresh and canned, and also dried. Gardeners often grow the crop as a hedge.
  • Bourgeois prince - considered one of the best and high-yielding varieties cherry tomatoes. The crop is very unpretentious when grown, is resistant to diseases, and has early ripening periods. Red fruits are excellent for canning and drying, practically without losing their original taste and aroma during processing.
  • The hybrid Bunch Ildi has a yellow color and an unusual sweet-spicy taste. About a hundred fruits are tied on one brush. It is grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse.
  • TO yellow varieties Cherry tomatoes also include Orange grapes. Tomatoes have a sour taste and keep well. Several hundred fruits grow on a cluster yellow color. The variety is characterized by a high content of carotene - a substance that has a beneficial effect on vision.
  • The Green Pearl variety is highly valued among gardeners. The fruits have an excellent sour- sweet taste. Initially, oval fruits grow on the bush, later the plant produces pear-shaped tomatoes. The variety is grown both in greenhouses and in open ground.

For growing in room conditions and cherry varieties are great for the balcony: Baby, Golden Bunch, Pinocchio, Rowan Beads, Bonsai, Balcony Miracle. At the time of buying seed material You should pay attention to the presence of markings “for balcony” or “for loggia”.

Tomatoes are heat-loving crops, so in regions where summers are short or not hot enough, it is more profitable to grow them in greenhouse conditions. The success of this lesson will depend not only on proper care, and also from the initially well-chosen variety.

It is very difficult for a novice greenhouse farmer to understand the abundance of types of this vegetable, since, along with the existing traditional varieties, new varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses have now been developed, for example, Dutch ones.

Each variety of this culture has its own characteristics:

And in the height of the bushes;
and in productivity;
and in sustainability;
and suitability for certain conditions.

In short, the selection criteria are numerous. So, what popular tomatoes exist now that are intended for growing with your own hands in greenhouses, what is their difference and what should you consider when choosing them?

Criteria by which you should select tomatoes

Experienced farmers advise paying attention to the following parameters when choosing tomato seeds or seedlings:

Size or type of bushes.
Yield indicator.
Taste properties and fruit size.
Ripening time.
The degree of resistance to adverse conditions and diseases.

Size or type of bushes

Different groups of tomatoes by growth

All varieties of tomatoes that can be grown in a greenhouse are divided into groups according to their growth patterns. Each of them must be approached subjectively, since, depending on the type, they have special qualities.

So, there is the following main list of tomatoes that are selected according to this criterion:

Determinate varieties are characterized by limiting the growth of the underlying stem. This process ends after the appearance of 5-6 inflorescences, the first of which are laid somewhere above the 9th leaf, and all subsequent ones - at intervals of 1-2 leaves.

The second phase of vegetative growth in this group is observed after the fruits have formed on the first inflorescences. Unlike the superdeterminant group, this wave occurs much earlier. Such plants have a compact and low bush that has a strong, erect stem.

This is a good option for cultivating such tomatoes in natural conditions, both in the south and in middle lane. However, for example, for the Urals, the method of growing this group in open ground is not suitable. IN northern regions It is better to breed them in greenhouses.

Formation of determinate tomatoes

Super determinate tomatoes capable of forming a bush small size. Their vegetative growth stops after the formation of 2-3 inflorescences on the main stem, and on long term. The second wave of growth begins after most of the fruits have ripened. However, it is insignificant.

The first inflorescence of this group is formed above the 7-8 leaf. Such tomatoes are considered early ripening, and their yield returns are relatively intense. From the beginning of the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of the actual ripening of the fruit, about 100 days pass.

Semi-determinate varieties and their hybrids are considered intermediate between the determinate and indeterminate groups. Their distinctive feature is a weak manifestation of determinism. In other words, such tomatoes have no restriction on the growth of the underlying stem, even after about 10 inflorescences are formed, which are usually laid at intervals of 2-3 leaves.

The first inflorescence appears above the 9-10th leaf. Semi-determinate tomatoes bear late fruit. The time period from the formation of the first shoots to the beginning of their maturation varies from 118 to 130 days. It is recommended to plant them 3-4 bushes per 1 square meter. m.

Note! Tomato hybrids are valuable products because their fruits do not become smaller from the lower to the upper cluster, as often happens with typical varieties.

Yield indicator

This aspect depends on various factors: and from the plant group, and from the variety of tomatoes, and from the microclimate of the greenhouse, and from proper care. In addition, it should be noted that in greenhouse conditions this indicator always higher than when growing tomatoes in open conditions.

Taste properties of fruits

Taste is an individual concept, as some people like sweet and meaty varieties, while others like juicy, sour varieties. In this regard, when choosing tomatoes according to this criterion, first of all, you need to look at the preference of the gardener himself.

It is also very important to take into account the purpose of this product, since some varieties are better used for preservation or drying, while others are better for everyday use. fresh.

For drying and canning, it is better to choose small, dense and sweet fruits. For example, for these purposes excellent option There will be varieties of cherry tomatoes for greenhouses, characterized by a high content of sugary substances, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Their name fully justifies itself, since translated from English the term “cherry” means “cherry” and the fruits of this variety look very similar to this berry.

The most popular representatives of this species are tomatoes such as:

"Sweet tooth";
"Cherry yellow";
"Cherry red";
"Golden bead F1".

If we talk about hybrids, they are usually more productive. However, when choosing them, you should know that to some extent they are inferior in taste and richness to ordinary varieties. Some well-proven tomatoes include: universal variety, like "Caspar F1".

Large yellow tomato

It is suitable for pickling, salting, making salads, and eating fruits fresh.

The following hybrids also deserve attention:


By size, tomatoes are divided into:

  • large - used for fresh consumption and for long-term storage;
  • medium - used for canning and making salads;
  • small - used whole for pickling or pickling, and also suitable for consumption raw.

More tasty large-fruited greenhouse tomatoes include the following varieties:

« »;

Ripening time

Both indeterminate and determinate tomatoes can be divided into subgroups according to the speed of ripening:

  • Early ripening. These include such F1 hybrids as “Ilyich”, “Typhoon”, “Druzhok”, “Verlioka”.
  • Early ripening. Representatives of this subgroup are “Hurricane” and “Samara”.
  • Ultra-early ripening. These include “Bear in the North,” “Amber,” and “Joy of Summer.”

Note! Maturation determinate tomato, as a rule, occurs faster than indeterminate ones.
Degree of resistance to adverse conditions and diseases

There are both less hardy varieties and more resistant to frost, disease, and so on. The requirements for tomatoes for open ground are less stringent than for those varieties that are planned to be grown in greenhouses, since they may have a different microclimate.

Sometimes achieve ideal conditions in covered structures it is very difficult. That's why greenhouse tomatoes, even with a lack of heat, light and high humidity, as well as during temperature changes, should not lose their productivity and varietal characteristics.

As many years of practice have shown experienced gardeners, most adapted to extreme conditions turned out to be heterotic hybrids. The earliest of them can be identified as “Soyuz 8”, “Druzhok”, “Blagovest”, “Soyuz 3”, “Cavalier”, “Yarilo”, “Gina” and “Shustrik”.

If there is a shortage in the tomato greenhouse sun rays and temperature fluctuations occur in it, experts recommend planting the following tomatoes:

"De Barao";

Resistant to high temperatures The following tomatoes have proven themselves:

"Barberry F1";
"Siberian Giant";
"Orange Giant";
"Banana Legs"

From all of the above, it probably became clear to many that when choosing tomatoes one must be guided by more than one criterion, only then will a novice farmer be able to achieve good yields. This instruction is just a small guide for choosing a variety of this useful and delicious vegetable, and by watching the video in this article, you will learn even more clear nuances.

All this made popular cherry tomatoes, varieties which are very diverse today. Like all other tomatoes, cherry tomatoes are short-growing (determinate, det), medium-growing (semi-determinate, semi-deta) and tall (indeterminate, indete). Among the low-growing varieties there are the so-called superdeets - tomatoes whose plant height does not exceed 30-40 cm. Representatives of these varieties can be grown in pots on a windowsill or in balcony boxes. In addition, small-fruited varieties of tomatoes are divided into cherry tomatoes themselves (from the English cherry - cherry) with a fruit weight of 10-30 g and cocktail varieties with fruits weighing 40-50 g. Almost all seed companies offer a variety of small-fruited tomato seeds. How to choose suitable variety among all this diversity? Let's start with the short ones.

Low-growing cherry tomatoes

It is these varieties that, as a rule, give the most early harvest. They are planted in film shelters, grown in open ground, etc. What do various agricultural companies offer us? Many companies sell cherry seeds in a mixture that contains both red and yellow fruits.

The basket on the window has worked well in past years. An early ripening variety (from germination to the beginning of ripening 80-85 days) for open ground and growing at home, it quickly produces a harvest. There are 8-10 fruits in a brush round shape, weighing 20-30 g - leveled, very decorative, excellent taste. The bush is low-growing (up to 40 cm), super-determinate. The plant limits its growth by itself and does not require pinching or staking.

Granddaughter - ultra-early ripening, bush up to 50 cm tall, flat-round fruits 20-50g

Cranberries in sugar. An early-ripening variety for growing indoors, in open ground and in spring film greenhouses. The plant is low-growing and does not require staking. The fruits are small, round, smooth, dark red. The variety is resistant to late blight and unfavorable weather conditions. A compact bush with small red fruits looks very decorative. The fruits are tasty, juicy, sweet, ideal for preparing salads and whole-fruit canning.

Monetka Ultra-early variety (the period from full germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is 85-90 days) for open ground and film shelters. The plant is determinate, standard, low-growing, can be grown without a garter. The fruits weigh 10-15 g, round, yellow, very tasty and sweet. Ideal for fresh consumption, in salads, as well as whole-plant canning - small tomatoes look beautiful in small jars. Distinctive feature varieties - early friendly formation of fruits, thanks to which it is possible to collect full harvest before the massive spread of late blight.

Tomato Button. Early ripening, very decorative variety, the period from germination to the first harvest is 95-105 days. Designed for growing in open ground. The plants are determinate, 50-60 cm high. The fruits are plum-shaped, smooth, dense, weighing 30-40 g, do not crack.

Tomato Children's sweet. An early ripening variety for open ground. There are 8-10 plum-shaped fruits in a cluster, 30g each - aligned, without articulation, very decorative. The bush is low-growing (up to 50 cm), super-determinate. The plant limits its growth by itself and does not require pinching or staking. The variety can withstand high fruit loads and quickly yields.

Several hybrids are offered by Semko. These are Ira, Kira, Lykopa cherry - with a high content of lycopene, Maksik - although tall, but with very short internodes, Mio - the fruits can be stored for more than three weeks. The shape and color of the fruits are varied, everyone can choose according to their taste.

Cherry tomatoes best varieties

The best cherry varieties, judging by reviews, are:

Ildi F1, indet with a complex brush and a huge amount yellow fruits

Date yellow and red F1 are oblong fruits resembling lady fingers grapes. Excellent taste, does not crack, since the skin is denser than, for example, Date. Good for canning and fresh consumption. Tall.

Kish-mish orange F1 and red F1 are indets, require pinching, in a cluster there are 20-50 sweet fruits that are not prone to cracking.

Honey drop F1 - small yellow bulbs with excellent taste, in exhaust gas the bush is 1.2-1.5 m, in the greenhouse it behaves like an indet, the only negative of the variety is that the fruits can crack, but consumers forgive this for their excellent taste qualities. Early ripening and ripens well.

Cherry red, yellow - tall, very tasty fruits, productive, quite resistant to diseases. Ripe fruits may fall off if they touch the bush.

Black Moor - this variety can be classified more as a cocktail variety, since it has fruits weighing 30-50g, they are elongated black-red in color, the taste is excellent, good for fresh consumption and for canning. Not prone to cracking

The best low-growing cherry varieties

Pygmy - for pot culture, a 1-2 liter pot is enough. The stem is up to 25 cm in height, the fruits are round, red, sweet, very decorative. Can be planted in balcony boxes, does not require pinching.

The balcony miracle is a bush up to 50 cm in height; it doesn’t need to be pinched, but if there is a heavy load, it will have to be tied up with the crop. Round red fruits of cocktail type, weighing 30-50g, early.

Florida Petite is a tiny bush up to 25 cm tall, with round red sweet fruits. Can be used for pot culture.

Bonsai is another baby suitable for windows and balconies. Red, sweet and sour, medium-sized fruits with very short internodes.

Pizzeria – taller than previous ones, up to 70 cm with round red fruits universal purpose, mid-early 107-110 days from germination to fruiting. It is distinguished by thin fruit skin and uniform yield. There are up to 20 fruits in a brush.

Grigorashik is a variety of Siberian selection, judging by its appearance, similar to the Balcony Miracle.

Cherry tomato varieties for greenhouses, as a rule, are also suitable for open ground, where seed producers recommend growing them in a trellis culture. In the greenhouse Special attention You should pay attention to stepsons, since many note their tendency to thicken the bush if you do not have time to remove the stepsons in time. They need even a little more space than ordinary Indians. What should be noted: it is worth planting at least a couple of cherry bushes, but you should not rely on them as you would on pickling or salad varieties. They are great for fresh consumption, pickling, and salads, but the cherry harvest is due to light weight fruits are not as large as those of ordinary tomatoes, although the number of fruits themselves is good care very significantly. Therefore, for pickling, cherry tomatoes are good to use as a sealant in jars with large tomatoes, and for salads it is better to take not the smallest, but rather cocktail varieties and hybrids with a fruit weight of 30-50g, such as Black Moor, Date. Cherry-shaped ones with the smallest fruits are best for fresh consumption.

New items – Golden bead F1 from Aelita with small cherry-shaped yellow fruits weighing 10-15 g, of which there are up to 15-25 pieces in a brush. The tomato was announced as resistant to fusarium, cladiosporiosis and blossom end rot, and mid-season. Another new variety– bicolor Wonder. It will be of interest to lovers of varieties with unusual colors.

Tomato Parrot F1. Ultra-early ripening hybrid from the Ilyinichna company, the period from germination to ripening is 90-97 days. Designed for glazed and film greenhouses. The plants are indeterminate, 1.8-2.0 m high. The fruits are cherry-shaped, round, weighing 18-20 g, very uniform. The hybrid is resistant to TMV, fusarium, and cladosporiosis.

Tomato Sweet Pearl. A variety with abundant cluster fruiting. Early ripening, from full germination to the first harvest of fruits 95-100 days. Recommended for greenhouses and open ground in trellis culture. The plants are indeterminate, 1.8-2 m high. The tomatoes are round, smooth, dense, weighing 10-15 g, on average 15-18 pieces per bunch. All fruits in the cluster ripen almost simultaneously. The variety is relatively resistant to late blight.

Cherry varieties for the Moscow region it is better to choose early ones and with resistance to. Although those who grew such tomatoes note their increased resistance to the same late blight compared to conventional varieties. If the bushes did get sick, it was later than the others. Many lovers claim that their cherry trees do not get sick at all, although they have been planting them for several years now. This is another argument for planting such tomatoes in a risky farming area. Perhaps the resistance of cherry tomatoes is explained by the fact that when developing new varieties and hybrids, natural forms of tomatoes are used, which have great vitality and resistance to disease.

Cherry tomatoes best varieties reviews

When we choose cherry tomatoes, reviews from those who have already grown them are very interesting when choosing. Largest quantity good reviews deserved Honey Drop F1, Yellow Date F1, Ildi F1. It is noted that Sweet cherry tomatoes are sweet and productive. Among the varieties of Siberian selection, Barberry is spoken well of.

Low-growing cherry tomato varieties often do not need tying, but it is nevertheless advisable to tie them up, because due to high load When harvested, even small bushes are spread out on the ground. I had to grow a cherry tomato of the Balcony Miracle variety in a bucket, and although, thanks to fertilizing, the bush had a very powerful stem, I had to tie it up, otherwise the lower branches would bend to the side so that they would simply tear the bush apart. I placed a metal arc in the bucket and tied the top. This variety has medium-sized fruits, rather cocktail-like. And, although they cannot be compared with large-fruited salad varieties, compared to regular red market tomatoes, they were more tasty. But I must say that I live in the south, and they are spoiled with tomatoes here. The son, for whom I planted them, ate them fresh, they made excellent scrambled eggs, and the canned variety is also not bad. But in the south it quickly gives up its harvest and does not bear fruit until autumn.

Varieties of cherry tomatoes reviews

I wouldn't like to write about negative reviews, because often the taste of a tomato depends on the agricultural background. A lack of potassium especially affects the taste. What consumers are most dissatisfied with is mis-grading, which, unfortunately, happens quite often. It was noted that varieties declared as superkids with a height of up to 40 cm grew taller than human height. I came across several negative reviews about the Button tomato - bitterness in the fruit, although appearance very decorative.

There are mixed opinions about the natural forms of tomatoes; there are now such on the seed market. Their fruits are no larger in size than those of the common nightshade weed - about the size of a pea. Some people liked it, but others think that there is simply nothing to eat there - just tough skin. Experiments with tall cherry tomatoes when grown on a balcony are not very successful. The fact is that a pot of not even 1-2, but 6 or 10 liters will clearly be too small for such a tomato, and it will not reveal its potential. True, you can try if you feed it regularly and well.

In a container the size of a bucket, you can try to grow medium-sized varieties, the Aelita company has a lot of them with bushes up to 70 cm, but they are unlikely to be suitable for a windowsill. In addition, the varieties declared by the manufacturer as ampelous, in fact, were not such. Definitely suitable for overhead growing is an amateur variety Talisman.

The small fruits of cherry tomatoes have gained popularity due not only to their size, but also to their specific taste. In many culinary recipes Such tomatoes are used both as decoration and to add special taste and piquancy to the dish.

This species is quite easy to grow on your own personal plot. Cherry tomatoes, the varieties of which are quite numerous and varied, can differ not only in the method of cultivation, but also in taste, color and shape.

The first countries where cherry tomatoes began to be used on a large scale in cuisine were Peru and Chile. It was there that the largest plantations of these tomatoes first appeared. The sizes of the fruits of this variety are in a fairly wide range, some are comparable to a large golf ball, and some are miniature.

In shape, cherry tomatoes can be completely spherical or have oblong contours. The vegetables mentioned have different color: from the usual red to bright yellow and green. There are varieties of cherry tomatoes with black fruits.

The main advantage of this type is the ability to be stored for a fairly long period of time.

To date, breeding scientists have developed frost- and moisture-resistant varieties of this type of tomato. Therefore, cherry tomatoes this moment are grown even in the northern regions of the world, including northern Russia.

Cherry tomatoes are cultivated in almost the same way as regular tomatoes:

  1. First of all, the seeds are sown for seedlings in special peat pots (this is the best option) and sprinkled with soil. Direct planting in the ground can lead to seed death. In addition, it is required warm weather
  2. , therefore, when sowing in May, tomatoes will not have time to ripen before the cold weather, and sowing earlier than the beginning of the last spring month can lead to death due to sharp changes in night and day temperatures. Sowing should be done in previously prepared and heated soil.
  3. This is extremely important, especially if the soil is taken directly from the street. The soil should be heated (left near the radiator for a while) so that microorganisms in the soil are activated, which saturate it with minerals and oxygen. It is better to start sowing in mid to late March. In this case, the seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of earth - about 3-5 mm, after which they are watered abundantly with warm, settled water. In order for tomatoes to develop normally, you should prepare: greenhouse conditions temperature environment
  4. should be about +25...+26°C, and containers with seeds should be kept in the sun for at least 9-10 hours a day. If it is impossible to ensure the latter condition, the plants are placed under an artificial light source. The first shoots appear after 7-8 days, after which the ambient temperature can be lowered to 20°C.
  5. In this case, you need to monitor the condition of the soil and, if necessary, remove extraneous grass that may grow next to the tomato. Cherry tomatoes should be watered constantly, monitoring the degree of drying of the soil. However, you should not overwater the tomatoes. excessive amount
  6. water. It is advisable that the soil around them is slightly moist. This also applies to the period of cultivation in open ground (after transplantation). When 3-4 leaves appear, you should deepen the tomatoes a little so that additional roots appear.
  7. It is recommended to harden off the plants before planting. To do this, they are taken out to a cold room for a short period of time (about 1-2 hours). This allows the plant to gain immunity not only to cold, but also to some diseases.
  8. Planting seedlings in the ground should be done in early May (at southern regions countries at the end of April). Immediately before planting (1-2 days before), you should stop watering and leave the soil to dry out slightly. This will allow the plants to take root better in the soil. If plants are grown in peat containers, watering should not be stopped. The sprout is buried in the soil along with the pot, which breaks down over time and becomes a natural fertilizer.
  9. When transplanting into the ground, remember that the interval between bushes should be about 0.6-1 m. It depends on the variety of tomatoes.
  10. After the plants have taken root, they need to be tied up. This is extremely important. All varieties of these tomatoes require additional support.

After all aspects of growing tomatoes have been considered, we should move on to the most interesting part - the culinary part.

Use in cooking

It is worth noting that these tomatoes have a low calorie content, which makes it possible to add them to dietary dishes.

Another important advantage of this species is the possibility of using varieties with different colors fruit: green, yellow, black, orange, light pink, red and even watermelon-like.

It is not surprising that various decorations can be made from such a combination of colors. In domestic cooking, they are almost always used as a decoration, less often in salads.

The recipes for preparing salads with this type of tomato are the same as for regular tomatoes.

Growing cherry tomatoes (video)

Cherry varieties Before starting to describe the varieties, you should remember that there are both regular varieties and hybrid ones, which are marked on the packages with the symbols “F1”. Their peculiarity is that they do not retain their qualities after replanting. If you collect the seeds of a grown hybrid, you will end up with several tomato bushes different varieties , which were used in the plant. That's why hybrid varieties

will not be considered below.

  • The tomatoes in question have the same division into varieties as regular ones:
  • determinant;
  • indeterminate;


Therefore, below are the best varieties of cherry tomatoes for planting in different conditions.

The following can be grown in open ground:

  1. Tomato " White currant» . This species has spherical fruits, café-au-lait-colored tomatoes (light), there are about 10 copies on a bunch, each of which weighs about 17-20 g. They have a pleasant specific taste, it is recommended to eat them fresh and prepare salads. Can be canned.
  2. Variety "Bead" (sometimes called "Beads"). The plants are quite large and have high yields. The fruit is spherical in shape, bright red in color, can reach 1 cm in diameter, there can be several dozen specimens on the tassel, and have a pronounced sweet taste.
  3. Variety "Black Cherry" quite rare, the tomatoes are black-brown in color, spherical in shape (up to 3 cm in diameter), have a large amount of juice, and have a pronounced sweet taste.
  4. Varieties "Red and Yellow Cherry" They differ only in the color of the berries; early ripe varieties have high yields; one cluster can contain up to 50 fruits. The taste is normal tomato.
  5. Variety “Drop of Honey”. It has pear-shaped, yellow fruits, the weight of which can reach 17 g, the plants are quite tall, with up to 10 fruits on a cluster. The taste is sweet.
  6. Variety "Cherry". In this case, the fruit has a dark red color, its weight is up to 30 g, there are up to 25 fruits on one cluster, and the taste is ordinary tomato.

Greenhouse varieties (can be grown in apartments):

  1. Variety "Minibel" has a bush up to 45 cm tall, good yield, fruit weight up to 30 g.
  2. Variety "Miracle"(sometimes called the “Balcony Miracle”) - a low bush with an average yield, the fruits are sweet and tasty, and are red in color.

Cherry tomatoes (video)

Gallery: cherry tomatoes (15 photos)

Cherry tomatoes are characterized by their amazing taste and small size. They are actively used for canning and preparing salads. This vegetable crop can be grown not only in open ground, but also in a greenhouse. Let's look at the most popular cherry tomato seeds.


Cherry tomatoes may be short in stature. This feature greatly simplifies the process of caring for the crop.


In the photo - Biathlon cherry tomatoes:

This hybrid is one of the best when grown in open ground conditions. The first harvest can occur after 90 days. Tomatoes are characterized by their red color, round shape and flat nose. The weight of one product reaches 80 g. Characteristic feature This variety remains the fact that harvesting can occur continuously.


The height of this crop can reach 55 cm. Despite the fact that the plant is short, its fruits are quite large. The weight of one tomato can reach 500 g. For open type growing, this variety has high productivity. From one bush you can get up to 7 kg of fruit.


Belongs to the species of early maturity. The fruits are colorful and their weight reaches 25 g. The fruiting period occurs until the first frost. Resists various viral and fungal diseases.

Cherry pink

This vegetable crop is characterized by medium-sized specimens. Refers to mid-early. Up to 30 fruits can be formed on one brush, each weighing 23 g.

Which standard varieties tomatoes are grown by gardeners in their dachas, you can find out by reading this

Bunch Ildi

This hybrid is made abroad. It is characterized by fruits yellow color, oval shape. Up to 100 tomatoes can form on one brush. Their taste is very delicate and pleasant. Refers to high-yielding.

Kira F1

The hybrid belongs to the group of early ripening ones. The weight of one tomato can reach 30 g. Their color is orange, they can be stored for a long time and do not lose their presentation. They have an excellent fruity aroma. One brush can grow up to 20 tomatoes.


Mid-season, determinant. Round shaped fruits small size. Color amber green. The weight of one cherry reaches 21 g.

Black cherry

The weight of this cherry reaches 18 g. This bush looks more like a berry than a tomato. The color of the fruit is dark purple.

For the Moscow region

Although cherry tomatoes can be grown on open area, they don't particularly like cold climates. In this regard, special varieties have been developed that need to be grown directly in the Moscow region. Let's take a closer look at them.

Honey drop

For cultivation, you can use not only greenhouse conditions, but also open ground. Harvesting can occur after 100 – 10 days. The weight of one product reaches 30 g. The culture is classified as determinant, its height reaches 1 m.

Cherry Lisa

Flower formation occurs very quickly. Harvesting occurs after 90-95 days. The fruits have a round shape, the weight of one tomato is 30 g. It is not influenced by tomato mosaic. From 1 m2 it is possible to collect 10-12 kg. The growing process can take place in open ground or in a greenhouse.

The video shows cherry tomatoes, the best varieties for open ground:

Choose suitable look Cherry tomatoes are no longer a problem. All you need is to carefully read the conditions in which a particular variety should grow. In addition, you need to choose tomatoes based on your personal preferences, because some people like juicy and large fruits, but for others the best option The tomatoes will become small and sour.

Have you already read all the reviews about cherry tomatoes? Are you looking for the best varieties that are suitable for growing in a particular region? Have you long appreciated the incredible taste of small but juicy fruits? Then pay attention to and the benefits of culture, and be sure to plant them on your site!

We invite you to learn about the sweetest varieties of cherry tomatoes

Sweet varieties of cherry tomatoes

Among the huge variety of cherry tomato varieties, it is worth highlighting those that have been recommended only with the most the best side. The following are the most popular crops of this type with photos.

Honey drop- the best crop, which is characterized by drop-shaped fruits of a yellow hue. The taste and aroma are pronounced, with a certain honey flavor. This variety of cherry tomatoes is considered early ripening, indeterminate. The length of the plant can even reach 2 meters, so you can’t do without a garter.

Tomato Garden pearlsometimes called crumb, which is directly related to the small height of its bush. The plant does not need to be tied up or pinched. The cherry variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses as well as in open ground. Smooth, pearl-pink fruits with a pleasant taste await gardeners who decide to plant the plant.

The photo shows the tomato variety Honey Drop

Tomatoes Quiche-mish- another popular crop that summer residents dream of growing. Low maintenance requirements average height bush, early ripening - the main advantages of this species. As a rule, the long clusters of the plant are strewn with many fruits.

Mariska F1– a hybrid of domestic selection, quite resistant to diseases, tall and early ripening variety. The tomatoes are round in shape and have a raspberry hue. The weight of one fruit is approximately 25 g, the plant itself is suitable for growing in greenhouses.

Sweet Cherry- one of the sweetest cherry varieties, according to reviews from summer residents. An indeterminate hybrid is characterized by long fruiting, high yield, cold resistance, great taste, resistance to pests and diseases and unpretentiousness. In fact, this species is universal; it is used for planting in greenhouses and open ground.

Sweet Cherry - the sweetest varieties of cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes: reviews, photos

To finally make sure that your choice is correct, we recommend paying attention to just a few reviews from those who planted cherry tomatoes in their own garden:

"Mandarin duck, good variety, medium-sized fruits, tasty, bright. Like tangerines, like balls. I think they’re ideal for colorful canning.”

« Graffiti. Interesting, how exotic - pink tomatoes with green ripples. But they were accurate and did not show very good yield for me.».

Reviews of cherry tomatoes

« Yellow cherry tomatoes fully correspond to the declared variety, except perhaps for the clusters - they are more like rowan berries than grape clusters :) I will plant them next year, very sweet and early».

« Black Moor is de barao))) My bushes of these tomatoes cannot be distinguished at all.

But extremely strong, full of fruit, early, sweet. I'll definitely plant it again».

Of course, there are a lot of varieties of cherry tomatoes, so in the photo and in the article you can only learn about the sweetest and most popular ones. The video also contains recommendations to help when choosing a crop.

Video about cherry tomatoes, the sweetest varieties:

Find out which cherry tomatoes, the sweetest varieties, reviews from our article. After all, many of them are already loved by farmers who appreciate the benefits of these vegetables. Compliance with agrotechnical techniques, planting dates and other aspects will help in the future to collect an abundance of small, but so juicy and tasty fruits. Continue reading on the website

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