Currants are divided into three main types. The classification is based on the color of the berries, but if black and red varieties are common, then their white relative can be seen much less frequently. However, you should not neglect this type of plant: the fruits of the bush contain a large number of useful substances that are often lacking in the human body. But in order for white currants to grow and bear fruit, varieties for the garden must be chosen based on the region in which the plant will be planted.

The best varieties for the Moscow region

The climatic conditions of this region provide gardeners with a large selection of white currant varieties that are guaranteed to sprout and produce good harvest. Fairly mild climate, without large winter frosts and sweltering summer heat create favorable conditions for planting many plants. Let's consider the most popular varieties of this culture, which can please summer residents living in this area.

Sweet and sour berries of medium size will certainly delight gardeners who choose this variety for planting. Unpretentious shrub It is resistant to frost, even the insidious spring frosts typical of the Moscow region will not destroy it. At proper care The plant's productivity is quite high - under favorable conditions, you can collect about 4 kg of fruit from one bush.

A special feature of this variety of currant is also its dislike for high groundwater levels. In the Moscow region, this indicator fully corresponds to the requirements of the plant - there are no large bodies of water nearby. This means that the roots of the plant will not rot from excessive moisture. However, planting near sources of moisture must be done with caution: if it is not possible to check the water level, it is better to protect the plant and add an additional bed.

The ripening of the fruits of a plant of this variety occurs quite early, which allows you to enjoy sweet and delicious harvest already in the middle of summer. Large-fruited shrubs have increased stability To environment, without fear of cold and drought. Popular diseases of this crop Ural white currant also successfully resists: anthracnose and powdery mildew bypass the spreading bush.

Dessert boulogne

Growing this type of bush is quite a troublesome task. This type of currant is extremely whimsical:

  • unstable to severe frosts;
  • often suffers from anthracnose;
  • characterized by low self-fertility.

However, many gardeners manage to get a harvest in the temperate climate established in the Moscow region. Their reward is berries that have rare taste qualities and contain many useful elements. And to small varieties Boulogne cannot be considered: the weight of one fruit on average reaches 0.8 grams, which is a good indicator for currants. The berries ripen in mid-July.

White currant for Siberia and the Urals

The harsh continental climate of these regions allows only frost-resistant plants to be grown: rather cold winters can destroy tender varieties that are susceptible to frost. However, local summer residents should not be discouraged: several varieties of white currant, described below, are quite capable of not only taking root, but also giving the owner a magnificent harvest.

White currant Versailles is the oldest representative of this culture, on this moment widespread almost everywhere. It has good frost resistance, but in extreme cold it is better to provide the plant with additional protection.

This type of shrub is especially valued for its high yield. Large fruits have a refreshing taste with barely noticeable sourness. The berries can be used for preparing any dishes, and can also be frozen.

The description of this variety should begin with a mention of its incredible vitality: any unfavorable conditions, be it cold or heat, are tolerated by the plant with equal resilience. Diseases also rarely overcome shrubs: fungal diseases found on a dense tree medium height almost impossible.

The harvest from one representative of the species is quite abundant. Large fruits with thin skin are quite sweet. Berries are suitable for any type of preparation.

White fairy

Practically immune to diseases like powdery mildew, the bush withstands any bad weather with the same resistance: heat and frost are not able to harm the white currant of this variety.

The characteristics of the fruit deserve special attention. White currant berries collected from one plant are usually almost identical in size, but in the case of the White Fairy this statement is completely incorrect: one bush can ripen fruits from 0.5 to 2 m in diameter.

Sweet varieties for the Leningrad region

For Leningrad region characterized by sharp temperature changes - the proximity of two entire oceans affects it. Therefore, thaws in January or cold rain in mid-July are by no means uncommon for these lands.

Attention! Heat-loving species of white currant will not be able to take root in such weather conditions. It is better to opt for frost-resistant plants - frosts in this region are considered commonplace.

TO late varieties Dutch white currants are definitely not included: at the beginning of July, most of the berries already reach ripeness. Juicy and sweet fruits with a barely noticeable sourness will appeal to adults and children, especially if in their hands skillful housewife will turn into delicious winter preparations.

The low shrub, which prefers a temperate climate, thrives on the lands near the northern capital: it is not afraid of cold winters, as well as the constant rains characteristic of this region.

Another representative of the Dutch currant also feels great in moderate climatic conditions. A plant with pink berries tolerates frost even better than a typical white representative: it can withstand even prolonged and severe cold.

But this species is much less resistant to diseases: in order to maintain high yields and prevent the plant from withering, it is necessary to promptly treat the bush from powdery mildew and anthracnose. And then, already in mid-summer, large pinkish fruits with an excellent sweet taste will ripen on the branches.

Ukraine and white currant

On the territory of the neighboring state, which is remote from large sources of water, the climate is temperate continental. Several types of agriculturally suitable zones allow the cultivation of almost any variety of white currant.

However, Ukrainian gardeners should take a closer look at a variety of shrub called Bayana. It is equally adapted to high and low temperatures, which allows the plant to be cultivated everywhere. However, this species exhibits moderate resistance to diseases and is quite often attacked by pests, especially red-headed aphids. To preserve the harvest, it is necessary to timely treat the bushes with special means.

Harvesting is quite easy: medium-sized berries are easily separated from the bunches. This property, as well as excellent taste, allows Bayana to be grown on an industrial scale.

When choosing a white currant variety, it is important to pay attention to each property of a particular plant and the conditions in which it will grow. Only by assessing these factors can you say with confidence whether you will be able to reap the long-awaited harvest.

Today we will talk about white currants. We will tell you how to properly plant white currants in the spring, choose a place for planting and suitable soil. After reading this article, you will have enough knowledge to grow healthy and fruitful currants.

Did you know? Currants belong to the order Saxifragaceae. This order also includes peonies, bergenia and money tree.

The best varieties of white currants

First you need to figure out what is the difference between white currants and black or red ones.

In addition to color, white currants have other features: they are more suitable for older people than black and red ones due to their ability to prevent diseases associated with increased blood clotting.

Also, white currant contains less ascorbic acid, so it is more valued by people with high stomach acidity. Let's choose the most valuable varieties

currants. The most common variety of white currant. This is a mid-season variety that has a spreading low bush. Versailles currant gives large berries

(diameter – 1.1 cm, weight – 0.7 g). The plant is moderately winter-hardy and produces an average yield (about 8 tons per hectare). Important!

This variety of white currant is resistant to powdery mildew. mid-early variety , which is highly resistant to cold, very delicious berries and precocity. The bush of this variety is semi-spreading and of medium height. The berries weigh 0.5 g, the yield per hectare is approximately 5.8 tons. The main advantages of this variety are annual fruiting and high stability to frost (since the variety was bred for temperature conditions

Siberia). This variety was also bred in Siberia. Belyana has average term

maturation. The bushes of this variety are small and semi-spreading. The berries can reach a weight of 1.5 g, which makes them different from the berries of previous varieties. They ripen at the same time (however, they have poor transportability). The Belyan variety is immune to powdery mildew. The main advantages of the variety are self-fertility and good annual yield. The disadvantages include the fact that the plant is susceptible to anthracnose. This variety is winter-hardy and has medium-early berry ripening. Dutch white gives a good harvest; The berries are quite large and round. The bush of this variety, short. The advantages of Dutch White are resistance to anthracnose, self-fertility and easy propagation by cuttings.

Mid-season variety, which was bred in the Czech Republic. Primus produces large berries weighing 1 g (about 10 kg of berries are obtained from a bush). The plant is resistant to frost, anthracnose, powdery mildew and gall aphids.

All varieties of white currants have both pros and cons. Some give big harvest, but have low resistance to diseases. Others do not get sick, but also bear less fruit. Of course, there are varieties that combine disease resistance and yield, but they are not so easy to find.

The main thing when choosing currants is to buy what you need. Therefore, carefully inspect the seedlings when purchasing.

Proper planting of white currants

After you've looked after desired variety, go to the right choice seedlings, places for planting and soil preparation.

How to choose a seedling

When purchasing a seedling, it is difficult to determine its variety, condition and presence of diseases. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Roots. If the seedling is completely cut off root system, then it immediately disappears. Ideally, it should have two main roots (at least 40 cm long) and many small adventitious roots. It is better to take a seedling with wet roots, which are placed in a container with water or a special mineralized mixture.
  2. Branchiness of the shoot. If you have a seedling without shoots or sprouts, then you should definitely refuse such a purchase. Choose well-branched seedlings with intact branches.
  3. (diameter – 1.1 cm, weight – 0.7 g). The plant is moderately winter-hardy and produces an average yield (about 8 tons per hectare). Carefully inspect the branches of the seedling. If you think they are dry or semi-dry, refuse to purchase.

    For planting, you need to choose a sunny place that is slightly blown by winds. If possible, choose a place where groundwater lie at a depth of about 2 m.

    Do not plant currants in lowlands where moisture will accumulate in the spring. In such places, the plant will become covered with lichens and wither.

    (diameter – 1.1 cm, weight – 0.7 g). The plant is moderately winter-hardy and produces an average yield (about 8 tons per hectare). Currants produce maximum yields when pollinated with pollen of other varieties.

    Soil preparation and fertilization

    If we talk about the soil for white currants, then it is unpretentious to the substrate in which it is planted. It will dry out and wither only on salt marshes or in waterlogged soil.

    However, to obtain maximum yield and healthy seedlings for currant seedlings should be planted in more fertile soil.

    White currants are planted both in autumn and spring (after the ground has warmed up). Great for plants loamy soil, which is dug up and cleared of weeds before planting.

    When planting in the fall, holes are dug in advance so that the soil has time to settle. Their depth should be about 40 cm and 50 cm wide.

    (diameter – 1.1 cm, weight – 0.7 g). The plant is moderately winter-hardy and produces an average yield (about 8 tons per hectare). When digging a hole, the top fertile layer must be laid aside separately. The bottom layer is mixed with mineral fertilizers.

    When planting, the roots are distributed throughout the entire depression and covered first with a mixture of mineral fertilizers (peat, humus, superphosphate), and then with soil from the top layer. It is important not to overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise you will burn the currant roots.

    The plant must be planted at an angle of 40-45˚ so that it develops a strong root system. When planting several bushes nearby, maintain a distance of 1 m so that the plants do not drown out each other.

    Growing and caring for white currants

    You planted a bush and it took root. Now the main thing is to properly care for the plant, apply fertilizers and prune on time.

    How to care for the soil

    When the plant's first buds begin to swell, it should be watered from time to time. hot water(temperature up to 70˚С). This way you will save him from possible pests that sleep in the ground.

    You need to loosen the soil and feed the white currants. Loosening also needs to be carried out if the soil near the currant is woody (the roots of the plant must breathe).

    After cultivating the soil, the ground near the bush can be covered with rotted leaves or other organic matter. So you will feed young plant, protect it from pests, drying out and hypothermia of the roots.

    Don't forget about watering. It should be done more often on hot sunny days. But it is worth refusing to moisten the soil when the temperature drops sharply or strong wind, as the roots may freeze.

    Thus, white currants do not require specific care or expensive fertilizing. With proper care, the seedling will quickly take root and produce a good harvest.

    Proper pruning and formation of a white currant bush

    Pruning currants is an integral part of plant care. Each extra branch is wasted strength and energy of the plant.

    In addition to healthy branches, the bush also spends energy on sick branches that do not bear fruit. That is why do not skip this part of caring for white currants.

    Did you know? Unripe currants contain 4 times more vitamin C than ripe ones. During ripening, the amount of vitamins decreases. A minimum of them is contained in overripe berries.

    Currant pruning is carried out for the first time immediately after planting. At the same time, the tops of all shoots are removed, leaving 3 buds on each. In this way, the crown of a new bush is formed.

    Pruning white currants, unlike black currants, is carried out not in the fall, but in the spring (sometimes in the summer, after harvesting). Pruning consists of removing old branches (which are at least 7 years old), unnecessary shoots (shown in the picture below), broken, diseased and frozen branches.

    The correct bush should consist of 20 branches, the age of which does not exceed 8 years.

    If you follow the instructions, you will get a bush with a well-developed crown and big amount small fruit branches.


    Currants should be picked in warm, dry weather. This way you will get a product that will be stored for as long as possible. Pick the berries with tassels, carefully so as not to crush them. For collection, you can use wide baskets or other containers with a wide bottom.

    (diameter – 1.1 cm, weight – 0.7 g). The plant is moderately winter-hardy and produces an average yield (about 8 tons per hectare).If the berry must be transported, then it is harvested before it is fully ripe.

    If the berries of your white currant variety ripen at the same time, then you need to harvest the entire crop on time so that it does not become overripe and fall off. If the currants are not processed, then on the day of collection they are placed in the refrigerator and stored there.

    It is also worth knowing that if dew has fallen on the currants, then they need to be dried fresh air and only then place in plastic bags and store in a cool place.

    The main thing when picking currants is not to crush the berries and not to store them wet to avoid rotting.

    Methods for propagating white currants

    The simplest and most popular method of propagation is cuttings.

    Cuttings are taken only from one-year-old shoots; the shoot must be healthy and intact. The cutting is cut about 25-30 cm long. After cutting, it must be dipped in paraffin so that the future seedling does not lose moisture. In this form, the seedling can be stored in the refrigerator until planting.

    Before planting, the paraffin is cut off with a sharp knife. The cuttings are planted so that no more than 2 buds remain on the surface (and at least 4 underground). After planting, the ground is fertilized with peat or humus. The main thing at this moment is to preserve moisture in the cutting as much as possible.

    The second method of propagation is by horizontal layering. To do this, in the spring, grooves up to 10 cm deep are made under the mother bushes. Developed two-year-old shoots are placed in them, pinned with hooks and the middle of the shoot is covered with earth.

    Throughout the summer, the cuttings are mulched and watered abundantly. When autumn comes, the rooted shoots are separated from mother bush and transplanted to another place. Those cuttings that are poorly rooted are left on next year, without separating from the mother bush.

    White currants are not propagated by seeds at home, as this is very labor-intensive work, and the percentage of young plants produced is very small.

White currants are much less widespread than black and red ones. However, it is distinguished by a number of useful properties, thanks to which she firmly established herself on land plots many summer residents and gardeners. White currant berries contain a lot of potassium and iron, and the high content of pectin substances helps cleanse the blood.


Mid-season white currant variety, self-fertile. High-yielding. Winter hardiness is very high, resistant to bad weather conditions, and rarely affected by diseases. The bush is medium-sized, slightly spreading, very dense. The leaf is not very large, dense, green in color. The brushes are long and thin. The berries are small, up to 0.8 grams, round, one-dimensional, white. The taste is sweet and sour.

English white

An early ripening variety of white currant, low self-fertility. Feels great in middle lane Russia and Moscow region. Resistant to most diseases, rarely affected by powdery mildew. Compact bush, branches middle length. The leaves are concave, with a grayish-blue tint. The berries are round and medium in size. The separation is dry. Table taste, suitable for all types of processing.

White squirrel

Mid-early white currant variety, self-pollinating. Productivity is high. It easily tolerates wintering, is rarely affected by frost, and during drought requires additional watering. Not affected by powdery mildew. The bush of the plant is medium-sized and does not need staking. The berries are small, round, white-yellow, transparent, with a dry detachment. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant.

White belyana

Mid-season white currant variety, self-fertile. With proper care it gives good harvest. Winter hardiness is high. Tolerates spring frosts well. Has average immunity to diseases. The bush is slightly spreading, the branches are thick, of medium length. Berries different sizes, medium-sized, slightly oval, yellow-white in color. The taste is excellent, suitable for long-term freezing.

White grapes

Mid-season white currant variety, low self-fertility. Productivity is average. Not afraid of long and cold winters, not affected by frost. Tolerates heat and drought well. Resistance to diseases is average. The bush is medium-sized, compact. The berries are one-dimensional, weighing about 1 gram, round, white with a slight yellowish tint, transparent. The separation is dry. The taste is sweet, dessert.

Belaya Potapenko

Mid-season white currant variety, average self-fertility. The low yield is more than compensated for by its unusually high durability and survival rate, which is why it has gained popularity in regions with poor climates and short, cold summers. Practically not affected by diseases. The bush is compact, low-growing. The berries are not very large, with a slight yellowness. The taste is excellent, sweet and sour.

White fairy

Mid-season white currant variety, self-pollinating. Productivity is high. It is highly frost-resistant and tolerates heat and drought well. Weakly susceptible to powdery mildew and other diseases. The bush is slightly spreading, with thick branches of medium length. The brushes are thin and long. The berries are of different sizes, weighing from 0.5 to 2 grams. The shape of the fruit is round, the color is white, with a yellowish tint. Opened dry. The taste is sweet and sour, there is no aroma.

Boulogne white

Mid-early white currant variety, low self-fertility. The variety is designed for cultivation in temperate climates and does not tolerate cold winters and severe frosts. Needs treatment for anthracnose. The bush of the plant is very compact and tall. The leaves are small and green. The berries weigh about 0.8 grams, are spherical in shape, and cream-colored. The skin is very thin, the peel is wet. The taste is very high, suitable for processing.

Large white

Mid-season white currant variety, self-pollinating. Productivity is high. It tolerates wintering well and is not affected by frost. It has good resistance to heat and drought. It is often affected by anthracnose, which is why it requires additional care. The bushes are spreading, tall, and sometimes need staking. The brushes are long, often paired. The berries are round, large, white-cream in color. The taste is sweet and sour, delicate, suitable for raw consumption.

Versailles white

Mid-season white currant variety, self-fertile. One of the oldest varieties, widely distributed throughout the CIS. It easily tolerates frost, heat and drought, and can freeze a little in cold winters. Sometimes it is affected by fungal diseases. The bush is tall and spreading. It is a record holder in productivity and large-fruitedness. The berries are large, round in shape, light cream, transparent. The taste is sweet and sour, refreshing. Suitable for all types of processing.

Dutch pink

Mid-season white currant variety, low self-fertility. Productivity is high. The variety tolerates cold winters and severe frosts well. Needs periodic treatment against powdery mildew and anthracnose. The bush is tall but compact. The berries are quite large round shape, delicate white-pink color. The skin is thin, opening wet. The taste of the berries is sweet with a slight sourness.

Dutch white

An early variety of white currant, self-fertile. Productivity is average. It tolerates cold and frost well and is resistant to adverse weather conditions. However, it feels better in temperate climates. Resistance is average. The bush is low, medium spreading. The berries are medium-sized, ellipsoidal, cream-colored, very juicy. The separation is wet. The taste is sweet and sour.


White currant variety early date ripening, self-pollinating. Productivity is high. From one adult bush you can get up to 6 kg of berries. Tolerates frost and unfavorable conditions well weather. The variety is resistant to various diseases. The bush is low and compact. The berries are large, round, transparent, with a delicate yellow-pink tint. The taste is sweet and sour.


Mid-early variety of white currant, self-fertile. Productivity is high. Does not tolerate frost and winter well. Rarely affected by diseases. The bush is compact, medium height, dense. Fruit clusters are long and dense. The berries are large, round in shape, delicate creamy in color. The skin of the berries is very thin, the peel is wet. The taste is sweet and sour, with a delicate aroma.


Mid-early variety of white currant, self-fertile. Productivity is average. From one adult bush you can get no more than 4 kg of berries. Tolerates frost and drought well. Recommended for cultivation in Eastern Siberia. Fruits well in the Moscow region. Resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose. The bush is compact, low. The berries are large, with a yellowish tint. The skin is thin, the peel is wet. The taste is sweet and sour.


Mid-season white currant variety, low self-fertility. Productivity is high. From one bush you can get up to 10 kg of berries. Tolerates frost and cold winter well. Resistant to adverse weather conditions. Resistant to most diseases. The bush is low, medium spreading. The berries are large, round in shape, beige colour with a yellowish tint. The taste is sweet with sourness.


A mid-ripening white currant variety. Productivity is high. Well tolerated harsh winter and bad weather conditions. Resistant to diseases. The bush is tall and powerful. The branches are spreading, bend under the weight of the fruit and lie on the ground, and need support or tying up. The berries are large, round in shape, light pink in color. The taste is sweet and sour.

Smolyaninovskaya white

Mid-early variety of white currant. Productivity is high. Resistant to cold and frost. Tolerates adverse weather conditions well. Not susceptible to infection by fungal diseases. The bush is medium-sized, dense, medium-spreading. The berries are large, round in shape, almost transparent. The skin is thin, the peel is wet. The taste is sweet and sour.

Uralsk white

An early-ripening variety of white currant, self-pollinating. Productivity is average. High winter hardiness and drought resistance. It is not susceptible to infection by powdery mildew and anthracnose. Bush of medium height, medium spreading. The berries are medium in size, spherical in shape, white translucent in color. They have a delicate aroma. The taste is sweet.


Mid-ripening variety of white currant, self-pollination is average. The variety is suitable for growing in temperate climates, has poor frost resistance, and is affected by frost. Tolerates heat and drought well. Resistance to anthracnose is weak. The bush is slightly spreading, low-growing, dense. Berries average size, round, with a soft creamy tint. The separation is dry. The taste is delicate, sweet and sour.

Agricultural technology for white currants.

Features of planting and growing.

1. General information about white currants. Useful properties of white currant.

White currant is very useful due to its high pectin content; it is used to remove toxins and waste from the human body, helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes, is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, and inhibits the development of neoplasms.

White currant berries contain mineral salts and vitamins important for health, such as vitamin A, C and P, as well as tannins and pectin. Despite the fact that white currants are inferior in vitamin C content to black currants, they contain no less of this vitamin than strawberries and raspberries. White currants have a higher content of iron, which is necessary for blood vessels, and potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and removes blood from human body excess liquid, which, for example, does not allow swelling and bags to form under the eyes. There is also more vitamin P in white currants than in black currants, and the content of vitamin A is even higher. White currant berries contain vitamins B1 and B2, tannins and carotene in small quantities. According to scientific research White currant berries also contain coumarins and furocoumarins; they are valuable substances that have antitumor and analgesic effects, as well as other healing properties. Coumarin is a naturally occurring substance that is considered a medicine that treats excessive blood clotting. The pectin content in white currants is comparable to pharmaceutical drugs, and there is as much iodine in it as in feijoa or persimmon. Possessing valuable medicinal and nutritional properties, white currant helps improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and by increasing sweating, it provokes the removal of excess salts from the body, acts as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic, hemostatic, antipyretic and laxative. White currants cleanse the body well, thanks to their high content of pectins, which also help eliminate “bad” cholesterol.

2. Choosing a place for white currants.

White currants require a well-lit place. Otherwise, the sugar content of the berries may decrease and overall decrease harvest.

White currants should be planted along fences or other hedges. A little wind protection will not harm it, especially on the north side.

White currants do not tolerate stagnant water. If there is a possibility of flooding of the bush in the area, drainage should be done if possible. Otherwise, the shrub will have poor development or even its death.

White currant requires light, slightly acidic soil (pH 6-6.5), medium and slightly podzolized, loamy and sandy loam soils.

3. Planting currants white and care.

A white currant seedling should be buried 5-10 cm when planted in the ground.

Branches young seedling currants are cut by half to two thirds.

White currants do not require mandatory cross-pollination, however, the yield from cross-pollination (the presence of two or more different varieties) increases, the berries become larger and have a better taste.

The feeding area of ​​one white currant bush is 1-2 sq.m. The distance between two adjacent bushes is 1-1.5 meters.

White currants should be fed in the spring. When planting, you should add organic fertilizer (horse humus or humus), from mineral nutrition you can take 70-80 g of double superphosphate, 30-40 g of potassium sulfate or 100 g of wood ash.

Watering white currants should be carried out 2-3 times a week at the rate of one bucket of water per adult bush, twice a day (in the morning and in the evening). Very important good watering in the period July-August, when fruiting begins, and at the same time they are laid on the bushes flower buds, forming next year's harvest. If there is a lack of moisture during this period, crop losses are possible both in the current and next year.

White currant is a frost-resistant crop. However, in order to protect the bush from early frosts and snowless winters, it is recommended to mulch with horse humus in the area around the tree trunk.

4. Pruning white currants.

With proper pruning, you can not only increase the yield of the bush and the size of the berries, but also save it from diseases.

When planting, the branches of a young currant seedling are cut by half to two-thirds. This will help him bush faster.

White currant pruning should be done in early spring before buds open (usually the month of April), or late autumn before frost, after harvesting.

Pruning of branches is carried out close to the ground - stumps should not be left.

It is necessary to remove the oldest (over 10-12 years old) and diseased shoots.

Branches with berries that grow close to the ground and even lie on it should be removed.

It is necessary to periodically thin out the bush to increase the yield and prevent the appearance of diseases and pests.

Of the young shoots, only a few strong and erect ones should be left. Weak and crooked ones should be removed.

If you want to tidy up old bush(carry out rejuvenation), then start cutting out a few of the oldest shoots annually. You cannot take and cut off too many shoots at once, as this will be a very big shock for the shrub.

A properly pruned bush should have 2-3 branches of each age (2 one-year-olds, 2 two-year-olds...2 ten-year-olds). Total approximately 15-20 branches.

Bred by breeders, unlike black and red, is not often found among gardeners, but has a number of valuable properties and features. It is similar to the more common red one, which is great for canning for the winter. Unlike red currants, white currants are best consumed in fresh. Golden berries are good not only as a very healthy dessert, they have also found use in folk medicine. It is worth finding out in more detail what white tea has and its contraindications.

Features of the berry

This is a plant from the gooseberry family. It grows as a shrub about 1.5 m high and higher. The fruits are round, small in size, white, sometimes with a yellowish tint, forming clusters.

The berries last longer on the bushes than other types of currants. White currants have higher yields than other varieties and good tolerance to the dry season.

The taste properties of this berry are very good - it has sweet and sour taste and delicate consistency, generally reminiscent of red currants, but with subtler and softer shades.

Popular varieties

Variety White berry Potapenko is considered one of the best. The berries of this variety can stay on the bushes for a long time, until winter, preserving their aroma and taste. The bushes themselves are low, the fruits are small white-yellow.

Belyanka is no less popular and excellent variety, the yield of the bush is up to 10 kg of berries. The variety is frost-resistant, the berries are yellowish, the taste is tart, sweet and sour.

Nutritional value and composition

The taste of white currants as a dessert berry is an order of magnitude higher than that of the common black currant, but at the same time the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the product is much inferior, because white currants contain 5 times less vitamin C than black currants. But in terms of the content of potassium and iron beneficial to the heart and blood vessels, the benefits of white currants are more noticeable.

These berries contain important acids, pectin, which allows you to make jelly from them, fiber that is useful for digestion, they also contain carbohydrates with proteins and others. useful to the body connections. And also vitamins A, C, P, group B, useful folic acid, which gives the berries a golden color, beta-carotene, beneficial for nervous system magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium. At the same time, the calorie content is low - only 40 kcal per hundred grams of berries, which makes it possible to successfully use white currants in dietary nutrition.

The benefits of white currants for the body

In addition to the above beneficial substances, white currants great amount pectins, which have a beneficial effect on blood quality and help remove harmful heavy metal salts from the body, which is its main nutritional value. A delicious vitamin gift for the table is especially useful for children and the elderly, since such currants do not contain natural, but allergenic dyes, help the heart function, improve blood composition, and a large percentage of vitamin P improves the functioning of liver cells, promotes the activation of the adrenal cortex and the secretion of bile, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Vitamin E, in high degree found in white berries makes them truly an elixir for prolonging youth. Its antioxidant properties slow down the inevitable aging process, improve our reproductive functions, protect against cataracts, and fight free radicals.

Vitamin A, also contained in white currants, strengthens the immune system and vision, prevents tumor processes and lung damage, including in smokers.

B vitamins contained in berries strengthen blood vessels that nourish the brain, which helps withstand stress and psychological stress, and improve memory functions. White currant berries are very useful for men as they increase erectile function.


Now we know what beneficial properties white currant has. And it also has contraindications. Despite the obvious benefits, its use should be limited or even eliminated if gastritis is diagnosed, especially with increased level acidity, or ulcer. The consumption of white currants (like any other) is prohibited for people with blood diseases: low coagulability, hemophilia. It is also contraindicated for patients with hepatitis. This is how the benefits and harms of white currants can affect the body.

Benefits of berries

The best thing is to eat fresh berries straight from the bush. This is how it tastes the most delicious and healthy. If you eat a handful of these berries a day, you can strengthen your immune system, which will allow you to stay healthy for a long time.

But when high yield and if desired, from white currant berries, like from any other, you can prepare delicious and healthy drinks: fruit drink, juice, compote and jelly or make jam, jams or berry puree. A tasty mousse or jelly would be good. In all these dishes, you can use white currants in combination with other fruits as well as any fruit to your taste. The combination of white and red currants is especially successful in jam.

Traditional medicine offers a decoction of berries as an antipyretic, for coughs, for rheumatism, atherosclerosis, for anemia and for diseases when it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins from food. Hypertensive patients are advised to take a decoction of dried berries. However, do not forget that white currant has beneficial properties and contraindications, so if you have hypertension, do not get carried away with eating it.

Juice and fruit drink

Juices and fruit drinks from white currant berries increase appetite, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce bad cholesterol. White currant juice contains many active beneficial substances, but due to the absence of allergenic coloring pigments, juice from the berries is practically safe for people prone to allergic reactions.

White currant leaves: beneficial properties and contraindications

This is a storehouse of useful substances. And not only berries, but also leaves. They can be added to tea leaves for flavor and additional vitaminization of the drink. The aromatic leaves of white currant, like black currant, have bactericidal properties, reduce fermentation and can be successfully used in pickles and marinades.

Teas and decoctions from the leaves, when consumed internally, remove toxins, radioactive elements, and excess uric and oxalic acids. Decoctions are useful for urolithiasis, promote scarring of ulcers, are used in the prevention and complex treatment of anemia.

Branches of the bush mixed with oats are used as a drink to enrich the body with vitamins, increase the production of red blood cells, improve immunity and tone.

The leaves can be added to salads and simply washed and chewed to promote cleansing oral cavity and strengthening the gums, because they have a bactericidal and strengthening effect on the body’s tissues, including the gums and mucous membranes. These are the beneficial properties and contraindications that white currant has.

Recipes for simple and quick preparation of berries

Morse - excellent light vitamin and refreshing drink that preserves the benefits fresh berries. It can be made from a separate type currants, or you can mix from different varieties to taste, including mixed with other berries.

The simplest and fastest thing is to prepare a “lazy” fruit drink. To do this, add one or two tablespoons of currant jam or jam to a glass of cold or warm water.

And in order to prepare the jam itself in the most optimal ratio of vitamins and microelements, all prepared berries are washed, dried and minced in a meat grinder or pureed using a blender. When chopping the currants, you can add two or three oranges with peel, without seeds. This will give it a refined aroma, brightness of color, and this action additionally vitaminizes the berry mass. The resulting puree must be weighed and covered with sugar one to one. Additionally, four more glasses of granulated sugar are thoroughly mixed into the mass. When all the sugar has dissipated, the currants should be placed in pre-sterilized jars, sprinkled with a thin layer of sugar on top (this will help prevent mold), sealed with lids and put in the refrigerator for storage.

So, it is obvious that, like any other berry, white currant has beneficial properties and contraindications. Take them into account when harvesting.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):