Experienced and novice gardeners often encounter the fact that vegetable pepper (or bell pepper, as it is also called) bushes turn yellow and fall off. Of course, this is not only a problem for a specific garden crop.

Mistakes at the time of transplanting seedlings, improper feeding and other reasons - all this leads to loss of yield. Why pepper leaves turn yellow and fall off: what to do and how to deal with it, read our article.

  • watering errors;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • infection by fungus or bacteria;
  • flaw useful microelements in the soil;
  • The soil around the roots is too dense.

Even for an experienced gardener It can be difficult to find out the reason for the wilting of a plant. But if you follow step by step and focus on external manifestations problems - plants can be saved.

Malnutrition during growth

When the sprout already has from 3 to 5 leaves, it especially needs nutrients for growth. After picking, i.e. planting in the ground, the young shoots are fed at least twice.

Experienced summer residents not only plant seedlings in special soil, but also feed the plants with mineral fertilizers (nitrogen + potassium), at least twice from the moment of diving.

Improper watering

Seedling bell pepper loves moisture. Do not skimp on water - the soil should always be slightly damp. If the earth ever dries out, lower leaves will begin to curl, turn yellow and fall off. The plant doesn’t just shed its leaves - it’s trying to escape.

The mode of watering the seedlings in the room will depend on its sunlight and humidity. If a box of seedlings is placed in bright sun, the soil will dry out faster. Although peppers love light, they should not be exposed to the bright sun for long.

If it’s difficult to find another place, close it window glass temporarily with thick paper. The temperature for sprouts should range from 18 to 25°C.

If sunny days are short in your latitude, you can install lamps above the seedlings artificial lighting. As practice shows, this can improve the situation.

Transshipment stress

When planted in the main place for growth, young plants often begin to get sick due to stress.

To eliminate stress diseases, you need to pick the bushes very carefully: pull the sprout out of the container along with the soil, immediately plant it in the prepared hole (which already contains water and a special soil mixture). This way the adaptation process will be smoother, which is important for future fruits.

Ventilation of the greenhouse

Although peppers do not like drafts, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse and even the greenhouse. Otherwise, the leaves will curl and turn yellow. It is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse or greenhouse with peppers, but not for long.


On the one hand, excessive watering can lead to rotting of the root system. On the other hand, lack of water is also detrimental to the plant. Excess water can also lead to infection with fungal diseases, which will immediately negatively affect the fruit.

Since the plant receives nutrients only in dissolved form, its lack can directly affect the ovaries and fruits.

Important! Before the ovaries begin to form, watering should be done at least once a week at the rate of 5 liters of water per bush.

It must be remembered that the mode and volume of moisture is adjusted depending on humidity and lighting. Every few days, inspect the bushes for diseases and damage.

Feeding peppers

During the entire gardening season, crops require huge amount nutrients. However, fertilizing should always be done in accordance with the instructions. It is important not to overfeed the bushes, otherwise eating their fruits will be harmful.

You can independently determine what substance the plant lacks, because when a plant lacks something, it takes everything it needs to the detriment of the fruit.

  • leaves fall, turn yellow and blue - there is not enough nitrogen;
  • the leaves turn yellow at the edges, curl into a tube, dry out; feed with potassium;
  • lightening of the leaves, appearance of veins - magnesium is needed;
  • chlorosis (impaired photosynthesis) means a lack of iron and copper.

Use fertilizers strictly according to the instructions, do not exceed the dose, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the plants.



This disease is caused by the fungus Fusarium. The leaves turn yellow and dry out. Causes of infection may include: infection from other plants, improper crop rotation, diseased seeds. At the first signs of illness, use Benazol or Fundazol.

Unfortunately, the infection is difficult to cure. Cut down the plants and burn them. At the end of the summer season, fumigate the greenhouse or greenhouse with sulfur, dig up the soil - so that this does not happen again next season. Also, to prevent infection, follow the rules of crop rotation.

Late blight

Changes in humidity can lead to another fungal disease - late blight. Both leaves and fruits become diseased. They are covered with spots of rot.

Disease prevention

Follow the watering schedule and cover the plants at night. Fitosporin can help you (following the instructions).


Whitish spots on the leaves indicate the onset of the fungal disease cladosporiosis. It all starts with the lower tier of leaves. It’s important not to waste time here - dilute according to the instructions copper sulfate and spray all plants.


Many cultivated plants exposed to insect pest attacks. If the fight is not started in time, you can lose not only peppers, but also neighboring crops.

Pepper bushes can be affected by aphids, spider mites, sooty fungus, and whiteflies. To combat harmful insects Various traps are used, as well as various folk remedies:

  • tobacco infusion;
  • infusions and decoctions of mint, tansy, wormwood;
  • solution laundry soap.

Are pepper seedlings turning yellow and dropping leaves? According to reviews from summer residents, seedlings can wither and disappear in one day. What to do and how to deal with this? We invite you to find out possible reasons and start treating pepper seedlings at home. Tips will help with this experienced gardeners, photos and videos.

Are pepper seedlings turning yellow and dropping leaves? According to reviews from summer residents, seedlings can wither and disappear in one day. What to do and how to deal with this?

Pepper seedlings shed leaves: what to do?

Every summer resident, when sowing pepper seeds for seedlings, wants the plants to grow strong and healthy. Only then can we hope for bountiful harvest vegetables But it is not always possible to avoid problems when growing seedlings. According to reviews, pepper leaves may turn yellow, fall off, or curl inward. Why does this happen and how to treat plants?

Pepper seedlings shed leaves if:

  • seeds are sown in infertile soil;
  • plants suffer from improper watering or sudden cold snap;
  • seedlings do not have enough light;
  • pepper is affected by disease or pests.

How to identify the reason why pepper leaves have fallen? The first step is to carefully examine each plant. The gardener’s task is to identify symptoms of seedling diseases and traces of insect activity.

Many country crops They do not tolerate dense plantings well, and pepper is one of them. With insufficient lighting and growing in crowded conditions, seedlings grow poorly, their leaves may turn yellow and fall off. To eliminate the problem, seedlings are picked into separate cups, and weak plants deleted.

At insufficient watering seedlings shed their leaves, the same happens when the soil becomes waterlogged. Watering should be moderate and not too frequent. One moistening of the soil every 3 days is enough. Seedlings should not stand in water. You can get rid of waterlogging if, even at the stage of sowing the seeds, you put good drainage in the container with the seedlings.

Infertile soil is one of the common reasons why seedlings grow poorly and drop leaves. In order for peppers to grow strong, you need to make the right soil mixture. To enrich the soil with nutrients, chicken droppings, stale manure, humus, peat, and ash are used. fruit trees. Will fit complex fertilizers, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

Pepper seedlings: leaves curl inward - what to do?

Have you noticed that the pepper leaf curls inward, as shown in the photo? It's pretty common problem and not in every case you need to do anything. According to botanists, if the cause of leaf curling is uneven growth of the plant, nothing needs to be done. Over time, the situation will return to normal, because in this case there is no threat to the seedlings.

If the leaves of pepper seedlings begin to curl, you need to exclude dangerous problems, otherwise the plant may die. Why is this happening? Here are a few reasons, namely:

  1. Mineral starvation of the plant or excess fertilizer.
  2. Violations of agrotechnical rules for growing seedlings.
  3. Disease damage or pest attack.

Both deficiency and excess of fertilizers are a serious problem. Failure to comply with the dosage when applying fertilizing leads to intensive growth of the plant, which looks overgrown and unusually large. Increasing the recommended dose of fertilizer may cause chemical burns to the roots. According to reviews from summer residents, excess fertilizer leads to withering of seedlings, curling of leaves, and absence of ovaries.

When seedlings are damaged by aphids or beetle larvae, the leaves curl. In this case, you need to destroy the insect. Even at the stage of planting seeds, it is worth taking time to prevent pepper from being damaged by pests and diseases. For this purpose, the soil is disinfected in the oven and watered with the preparation “Fitosporin”. High temperature destroys insects, and “Fitosporin” destroys fungal spores and other infections.

Pepper seedlings: leaves turn yellow and fall off T

With insufficient lighting and growing in crowded conditions, seedlings grow poorly, their leaves may turn yellow and fall off

The most simple reason yellowing of pepper leaves - lack of moisture. Regular and sufficient watering plants will help correct the situation. But what if, after normalizing watering, the situation has not changed? What to do? According to reviews from summer residents, pepper leaves tend to turn yellow when the air temperature drops briefly at night. This is not scary, and gradually the color will return to normal.

It is more difficult to correct the situation if the leaves turn yellow and fall off due to a lack of minerals. Seedlings suffer from chlorosis, a disease in which first the lower leaves turn yellow, and then the entire plant. Introduction of complex mineral fertilizers and tree ash will help correct the situation. Some summer residents use the drug “Epin” simultaneously with the introduction of mineral baits according to the instructions. This growth stimulator strengthens the immunity of seedlings.

Pepper seedling leaves turn yellow and fall off, video:

Have you noticed that pepper seedlings are dropping leaves and don’t know what to do? By studying the reasons why the pepper turns yellow and the leaves curl, you can completely eliminate the problem and cure the seedlings. How do you manage to keep your crops healthy and strong?

Pepper is considered a very capricious vegetable crop. When growing it, many problems and complications arise. For example, a problem that often arises is leaves turning yellow and then falling off. Reasons why sweet vegetables acquire leaves yellow, various. The main thing is to help the bush in time and correctly.

Why do pepper leaves turn yellow?

A yellowing leaf may mean that some factors are preventing it from growing properly. The main ones are:

  • insufficient humidity;
  • excess moisture;
  • little nitrogen;
  • action of toxins;
  • interweaving of roots.

Lack of moisture

Pepper is more than 90% water. It is because of this that the sweet vegetable reacts very strongly to a lack of nutrient moisture. Due to the fact that the dry soil does not have enough water, the leaves of the pepper acquire a yellowish tint.

Falling leaves are half the trouble. If there is a lack of moisture, the plant may lose its ovaries or flowers. Therefore, it is very important to water bell peppers in a timely manner to obtain a good and large harvest.

Excess moisture

Not only insufficient moisture affects the condition of the pepper bush. Excess moisture also negatively affects the plant. The leaves turn yellow from too much water, and then the bush rots.

Nitrogen deficiency

Another reason is considered to be insufficient nutrition and insufficient nitrogen. Therefore, it is very important to fertilize the soil with various microelements to ensure balanced diet plants. To restore nitrogen in pepper, it is necessary to apply one Azogran granule to each bush.

Important! Don't worry if only the lower leaves of the pepper turn yellow. This is because the plant grows and matures.

Exposure to toxins

Another cause of yellowing leaves is toxin poisoning. Sweet vegetable bushes can become dangerously exposed to toxins from plants that previously grew in the area. This occurs as a result of non-compliance with crop rotation.

Intertwining of roots

With the active development of roots, situations may arise when they intertwine with each other. This may lead to disruption proper nutrition, and as a result, the death of the root system.

It's about the soil

If the lower leaves of the peppers turn yellow and fall off, this may ultimately negatively affect the quality of the future harvest.

The reason for the yellowing of leaves on pepper seedlings may be that the condition and quality of the soil is not entirely favorable for the plant. This reason is considered the most common. The soil may lack a certain amount of essential microelements, without which the plant will not receive adequate nutrition, and its leaves will turn yellow.

If the soil lacks substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium or potassium, the lower leaves of the pepper will fall off. Lack of iron, zinc and manganese leads to yellowing upper leaves. With a nitrogen deficiency, the leaves of the plant turn pale, turn yellow, and then fall off. And if there is insufficient potassium, the leaves curl into a tube.


Improper watering is considered another reason why leaves in the soil turn yellow. In bell pepper, the roots are very tender and sensitive, so they react quickly and easily to excess moisture.

Important! If there is excess moisture, water stagnates in the holes. And this leads to the fact that the roots of the plant begin to rot, and it dies.

In addition, the bell pepper begins to develop fungal disease, which leads to a decrease in the development and formation of the bush. Lack of moisture is another reason for pepper leaves to fall off. If you don't water the pepper enough, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

Since bell peppers receive nutrients in dissolved form, if there is insufficient watering, the plant will not have enough of these substances.

The watering schedule depends on weather conditions and air temperature. If temperature regime Normally, one watering for a week is sufficient.


One of the reasons for yellowing of leaves is considered to be a violation of the temperature norm. For proper ripening of bell pepper bushes, you need to adhere to the correct temperature, which is 22°C during the day and 15°C at night. If the leaves of a plant in a greenhouse dry out, it is recommended to ventilate it three times a day. If the seedlings are on the windowsill, it is recommended to protect them from drafts. IN open ground The seedlings must be protected from the cold at night.

To maintain optimal temperature, manure is applied under the bushes. In addition to maintaining a temperature that does not allow the pepper to freeze, manure also provides the bushes with nutrients, with the help of which the plant strengthens and grows.

Diseases and pests and methods of combating them

In order for the bell pepper to grow strong and bring large fruits, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive measures and promptly treat emerging diseases and destroy pests. Popular diseases include:

  • Fusarium

This disease occurs as a result of infection of the bush by the Fusarium fungus. As a result of the defeat, the pepper turns yellow and drops its leaves. Fusarium blight occurs as a result of contaminated soil in which cucumbers or grain crops grew in front of the peppers. If the plant has been infected, then its seeds are also already infected and such seeds will not produce fruit.

To prevent the disease from spreading, the infected plant must be burned. In addition, to combat the disease they use such chemicals, like Benazol or Fundazol. At the first signs of disease, the bushes are sprayed with this preparation.

  • Late blight

Late blight occurs as a result of a sharp change in temperature or from excess moisture. Not only the leaves of the plant are affected, but also the fruits. Which darken and rot. To avoid being affected by this disease, it is recommended to control the irrigation system, as well as maintain temperature conditions at night.

Important! For preventive purposes, pepper bushes can be sprayed with Fitosporin.

  • Cladosporiosis

Cladosporiosis in pepper appears as light spots on the leaves. The disease begins to appear first on the lower leaves. The disease is also called “leaf spot”. If you do not treat the bush with anything, the disease will begin to affect the fruits. To combat clodosporiosis, Bordeaux mixture or Kuproxat, a drug containing copper, is used.

Another reason why pepper leaves turn yellow and fall off is pests. These include:

  • spider mite;
  • whitefly

Pest control must be done using special chemicals.

Interesting! To repel insects, experienced vegetable growers plant together flower crops and pepper. It could be garlic, wormwood or calendula.

What to do if pepper leaves fall off

If the leaves of a sweet pepper begin to fall off, then the very first thing you need to do is establish the right system glaze. It is important that the water used to water the bushes is at least 25°C. To do this, it must be left in the sun. You need to water the seedlings in the morning or evening. In addition, Bulgarian vegetable bushes should be regularly checked for the presence of spider mites or aphids for their timely destruction.

To prevent the seedlings from losing their leaves, it is important to start hardening the plant a week before planting, taking the bushes out onto the balcony or loggia. After disembarkation, it is important to ensure that the temperature is always normal and avoid direct sun rays and drafts.

Just because bell peppers don't like direct sun, this doesn't mean they need to be planted in the shade. The site should be sunny with some shade in extreme heat.

What to do if pepper leaves curl and turn yellow

Curling of leaves in bell peppers can occur as a result of the following problems:

  • insufficient amount of nutrients;
  • uneven leaf growth;
  • pests

As a rule, curling occurs in seedlings, so when signs appear, you must perform the following steps:

  • Move the seedlings to a sunny place. Leaf curl may result from active growth plants, so to help in its formation it is enough to move it closer to the sun and warmth.
  • Fertilize. A complex of fertilizers will allow the bush to receive everything it needs for healthy growth microelements.
  • Pest protection. Aphid or mite larvae can settle not only on the plant, but also in the soil, so it is important to treat it as well. To do this, just water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to feed peppers if the leaves turn yellow

Before you start feeding plants, it is important to establish what exactly is not enough for them.

  • If the leaves of the bush turn yellow and then fall off, then the pepper lacks nitrogen and potassium.
  • When the upper leaves turn yellow - iron, manganese or zinc.
  • If the leaves turn pale, it is due to a lack of nitrogen.
  • If the leaf edge of a seedling dries out, it is a lack of potassium.

To normalize the condition of the plant, it is necessary to apply a special complex of fertilizers, which contain essential microelements. The most important are fertilizers that contain nitrogen and potassium. Spraying also helps a lot, when fertilizer is sprayed directly onto the leaves of the plant. Thanks to this leaf, its former green hue returns.

At the same time, do not forget about maintaining optimal temperature conditions and adhere to the rules and regulations of irrigation techniques. After all, the circulation of nutrients in the soil depends on them.

Kira Stoletova

Pepper is a rather fastidious crop. At each stage of cultivation, certain difficulties may arise. One of them is the situation when pepper seedlings lose their leaves. Such a plant reaction can occur when exposed to various factors. It is worth paying attention to the problem at the stage when the lower parts of the crop just begin to turn yellow.

  • Inappropriate care

    High-quality seedlings are the key to healthy adult plants in the future. To grow strong and strong seedlings, it is necessary to provide it with an optimal microclimate.

    If the sprouts have reached a size of 10-15 cm and the lower leaves have turned yellow, this may indicate that the seedlings are maturing. The process is natural and does not pose any threat. Otherwise, these symptoms may indicate a crop disease. If measures are not taken, the peppers may die.

    Incorrect lighting

    In order for the seedlings to feel great, you need to place them in an environment with good light. Diffuse lighting – ideal option for seedlings.

    It is necessary to prevent direct sunlight from entering the sweet pepper– may cause burns. Especially if there are droplets of water on it, which will serve as a kind of lenses. This will also cause them to fall off in the future. During peak solar activity, you can shade the peppers with newspapers.

    Daylight hours for seedlings should be 12 hours. Therefore, in cloudy weather you should use artificial light using lamps that are installed above the vessels.

    Low temperature

    The plant was brought from America, so it is not easy to adapt to our conditions. This is a heat-loving crop that reacts sharply to lower temperatures. Below 14˚C it stops growing. And when it drops to 12˚C at night, it begins to shed its leaves. This occurs due to the fact that the crop does not receive the necessary substances through the roots. Then it begins to feed on the elements contained in the leaves.

    After picking, to which pepper is very sensitive, optimal temperature for 3-4 days it should be 20-22˚C during the day and 14˚C at night. Then you can increase it to 23-25˚С and 18-19˚С, respectively.

    When the leaves of pepper seedlings fall, you should also:

    1. Regularly ventilate the room - this has a beneficial effect on seedlings and prevents many diseases.
    2. Vessels with seedlings are installed so that they are not in a draft.
    3. Do not keep containers on a cold concrete window sill, as this will cause the soil to cool down too much. You can substitute them wooden boards. Cold air from a window is also contraindicated.
    4. Avoid sudden changes in temperature.

    If seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, then during prolonged cold spells they need to be wrapped and covered. Also contribute large number humus, which generates heat.

    To prevent the seedlings from dropping their leaves after planting, you need to start pinning them back two weeks before. For this purpose, you can take the boxes out onto the balcony, street or remove window frame. Dose fresh air it is necessary in moderation so that the development process takes place gradually. The air temperature for these manipulations should be set constant and not lower than 15˚C.

    Insufficiently nutritious soil

    When the lower leaves of pepper seedlings fall off, you need to pay attention to the composition of the soil. Culture has special requirements for it. Incorrectly selected soil can have a bad effect on the development of sprouts.

    If good light is provided, and the leaves of the seedlings turn yellow below, this may indicate a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Over time, the plants become too thin and begin to crumble. To prevent its fall, it is necessary to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. These could be the following:

    • ammonium nitrate;
    • urea;
    • complex drugs.

    At the stage of yellowing of the lower leaves, fertilizers containing potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are applied. If the upper ones are also affected, the composition of the products should include iron, boron, and zinc.

    All substances are used strictly according to the instructions, because excess elements in the soil are also poorly tolerated by pepper. Before using them, you need to water the soil generously so as not to burn the roots. Foliar feeding in the form of spraying is carried out in the morning, while there is no bright sun. This promotes the rapid absorption of nutrients by seedlings. For this purpose, you can prepare the following solution: give 1 tsp per 5 liters of water. ammonium nitrate.

    Plants prefer soil with neutral acidity. To neutralize high level pH produces liming. To do this you can enter slaked lime, ash, dolomite flour, chalk, cement ash. When cooking soil mixture It must be taken into account that peat increases the pH level.

    Improper watering

    Plants require timely soil moisture. It must not be allowed to dry out.

    It is necessary to water once every 5-6 days as the top layer of soil dries. Water should be added in copious amounts so that it goes deep. If there is insufficient watering, only those roots that are located at the top will receive moisture. To prevent it from being delayed during excessive watering, you need to make holes in the bottom of the container. Excess liquid will drain through them.

    The water should be settled and well heated in the sun (not lower than 25˚C). Watering cold water also causes yellowing of seedlings. It is necessary to moisten the soil in the morning or at evening time(if it hasn't cooled down too much). The basic rule is that water, air and soil should not have very different temperatures.

    Diseases and pests

    Yellowing, curling and falling of leaves can occur when seedlings are damaged by spider mites or aphids. After all, they gnaw small holes and suck out the juice from plant cells. Homes are created excellent conditions for their reproduction, namely:

    • high air temperature;
    • low humidity - to increase it, regularly spray with water from a spray bottle.

    Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to inspect the plants for the presence of these pests. They can be seen with the naked eye. Spider mite They are also determined by the white cobweb that appears on the crop. To combat them, you can use a solution of laundry soap, which is used to treat all parts of the plants. Insecticides are also used. The drug “Aktelik” is suitable, which is dosed according to the attached instructions.

    They also check the soil for pests. To do this, it is loosened. If insects are found, the soil must be completely replaced. It can be disinfected in microwave oven or oven. They also steam it.

    Other reasons

    If all the conditions and rules of care are met, and the leaves of pepper seedlings continue to fall, you need to look for other factors of such influence. One of them may be improper development of the root system or leaf plate.

    There are times when the roots get tangled and their growth and strengthening slows down. Then the plants don't get necessary nutrition. To correct the situation, it is necessary to replant the seedlings and untangle the roots. The procedure is carried out 3-4 days after watering. Finish by moistening the soil with water at room temperature.

    Sometimes it happens natural process, when the central vein grows faster than the leaf itself. If the seedlings do not develop properly, nothing is done.

    Why do the leaves of pepper seedlings turn yellow?


    To prevent leaves from falling off in sweet pepper seedlings, it is worth preventive measures and find out what exactly is the reason. If you follow the care rules, you can grow healthy seedlings.

  • However, despite the apparent harmlessness of this phenomenon, it is necessary to pay close attention to the problem, since the cause of such atypical leaf fall may be serious plant diseases or a gross violation of agrotechnical practices.

    Causes of leaf fall in peppers

    If the foliage of a healthy-looking pepper seedling begins to turn pale, yellow or fall off, the following factors may be the cause:

    • plants were planted in unsuitable soil: depleted or poor in nutrients;

    • the irrigation technique was violated: the temperature regime was not observed, an insufficient amount of water was used, during irrigation a large amount of moisture fell on the leaves;

    • shading of beds with plants or too low temperature in a greenhouse;

    • damage to vegetable crops by pests or microorganisms that cause various diseases.

    What to do if pepper leaves fall off

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the scheme according to which the seedlings were planted. Pepper is a plant that does not tolerate crowding very well, so if the bed is too thick, it is necessary to thin out and plant the seedlings at a sufficient distance from each other. A gap of 30-40 cm is considered optimal, but this value may vary depending on the variety and size of the expected fruit.

    In case of insufficient soil fertility or unfavorable external conditions(prolonged rains, lack of heat and light) root system pepper reduces the intensity of its work and the plant stops receiving nutrients from the right amount, which causes leaf loss. This situation can be corrected with the help of fertilizing: irrigating the leaves with a strong infusion of garden or meadow grass, as well as watering with a growth stimulant such as sodium humate.

    In addition, it should be remembered that pepper does not tolerate high soil acidity and excess nitrogen fertilizers. For gardeners who prefer organic fertilizer, it is worth taking note that the most suitable fertilizer for pepper is considered wood ash, which is brought into the ground at autumn processing beds. When using peat, it is necessary to take into account its ability to increase soil acidity.

    Proper watering

    If even if all necessary conditions caring for the plant, the leaves of the pepper still fall off, then the reason for this may be improper watering. This vegetable crop considered to be quite demanding on the quality of irrigation: the soil must be moistened evenly, without excess moisture or prolonged droughts. Watering is carried out only with well-heated water, since pepper may begin to shed its leaves even after a single use. cold water. The most favorable time for watering is considered to be early morning or the first hours after sunset, while the earth is still warm.

    But, despite the fact that pepper is considered a heat-loving crop, excessively dry air in the greenhouse, lack of ventilation and excessive heat also do not benefit the plant. If the falling leaves are due to the fact that it is too hot outside, then many gardeners solve this problem by attaching specialized non-woven materials to the ceiling of the greenhouse.

    In the cold and rainy summer When cloudy days prevail, greenhouse plants need to be provided with additional illumination by lamps.

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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