The kitchen is one of the most visited rooms in an apartment or house, which requires daily care, cleaning, housekeeping and other hygiene procedures. What’s most unpleasant is that even if you spend time every day cleaning the countertops, tiles, and furniture, you will still have to thoroughly scrub all surfaces at one point. And if you need to clean it from days-long plaque, when daily cleaning was relegated to the second, third or more distant plan - very difficult. In this article we will tell you how to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen at home.

How to choose a cleaning product?

Every housewife has faced a similar problem, because there is not always the energy and time to thoroughly clean the kitchen surface immediately after contamination, and grease stains very quickly turn into a persistent, difficult to wash off coating.

Kitchen sets have at least three various types surface coatings, each of which requires an individual approach. It is necessary to choose a cleaning agent based on the furniture material, since chemical and mechanical impact may leave negative consequences on a particular material.

Using a caustic cleaning powder will help instantly clean a stained kitchen surface. However, it may leave scratches on the glossy headset and over time the product will become unusable. Therefore, before purchasing and choosing a product, you need to determine the material from which your product is made. kitchen set.

Important! The packaging of the detergent always contains instructions for use and states for which surfaces it is intended.

Features of household chemicals

In order not to harm the surface being cleaned, the product must be applied in advance, with warm water. After a few minutes, you just need to wipe the headset without the risk of leaving scuffs or scratches on it.

Important! You should be more careful about furniture made from cheap materials or fiberboard, which can become saturated with moisture and swell. Such processing can ruin them.

If you have purchased a new, unknown product to remove grease from your furniture, it is better to test its effect on an inconspicuous small area of ​​furniture.

Important! For each surface you should select individual means. All work must be carried out with gloves, thoroughly rinse the surface with water after treatment and ventilate the kitchen area.

To clean vertical kitchen surfaces, it is better to use a spray or gel composition. This way you can avoid dripping and control the intensity of application.

Folk remedies for all surfaces

Our grandmothers hardly used chemical cleaning products in their kitchens, but their spaces were always clean and attractive.

When wondering how to remove grease from kitchen cabinets, pay attention to the following products:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • lemon and its zest;
  • acetic and malic acid;
  • vodka and alcohol;
  • mustard powder.

Using soda or mustard

Before you start using the panel, you need kitchen furniture wet for soaking hot water. The cleaning process itself is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Apply soda or mustard to the sponge.
  2. Use gentle movements to remove grease stains from contaminated areas.
  3. Wipe the surface clean water to remove any remaining product.

Important! If the surface is heavily soiled, it will not be possible to remove plaque immediately, and therefore you will have to make some effort to clean it.

To clean heavy and old dirt:

Use of lemon zest

To clean the surface with lemon, follow the following instructions:

  1. A tincture is made from lemon zest and vinegar.
  2. Clean with a sponge soaked in the resulting mixture.

Important! The result is an excellent result, the advantage of which is a pleasant citrus aroma.

Vodka and vinegar

The following recipe is suitable for cleaning any surfaces, including glossy and unfinished wooden furniture in the kitchen:

  1. In a glass of water, mix vodka and vinegar equally.
  2. Add a couple of drops of any essential oil.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a container with a spray bottle and spray the contaminated surfaces with this mixture.
  4. Gently wipe the surface with a clean sponge.

Cleaning wooden furniture

Wash greasy spots With a solid wood set, you can, oddly enough, use vegetable oil and soda:

  1. We prepare the cleaning composition at a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Apply the resulting slurry to contaminated areas.
  3. We rub the composition with a soft brush - you can use a toothbrush.

Important! Basic operating principle this method lies in the fact that fat is dissolved by a similar oil, which removes it from a dried state. The soda absorbs the released oil and washes it off the surface of the headset.

Cleaning polished surfaces

Furniture polishes are quite expensive and can also be harmful to health. Therefore, to avoid extra costs And negative influences on the body, it is possible to use ordinary potatoes - the surface of the furniture is rubbed with a tuber cut lengthwise.

Important! The result will please you, because the effect will be no worse than using sprays purchased in a store.

Special equipment for cleaning kitchen furniture

The use of modern steam cleaners in the kitchen is becoming increasingly popular. Without using detergents, this device can clean any surfaces, materials and fabrics with a powerful jet of steam.

Important! Its only drawback is that under the influence of high temperatures, wooden furniture with a thin film coating and a soft surface can deteriorate.

Melamine sponge

Melamine sponge is similar to rubber or plastic that shrinks when compressed. Its action is similar to the action of a stationery eraser, erasing pencil marks from a sheet of paper.

Important! The sponge removes dirt without the use of detergents, so it is great if you need to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen in a delicate way. But then you will need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, quite thoroughly, since particles of the miracle sponge can be absorbed into the wood. Melamine itself is a substance harmful to human health if ingested.

Over time, the sponge wears out and decreases in size. Using this device is quite convenient and harmless to health if you follow the rules specified by the manufacturer.

The choice of purchased surface cleaning products is quite extensive.

In shops big choice various means. They are effective and are produced in whole series. When choosing how to wash off grease in the kitchen, you should take into account the material from which the furniture is made, and give preference to gels and liquid formulations.

Lack of everyone store-bought drugs contains a high content of surfactants, which actively decompose grease on cabinets, but dry hands and can cause allergies. Safe and natural remedies network company Amway are gentle and harmless to health. But their price is very high. To remove dirt in the kitchen, Faberlic produces natural compositions. Their effect is weaker, but the cost is comparable to store-bought drugs.

All anti-grease products in the kitchen are used according to the same scheme:

  • apply to the surface;
  • withstand a certain time;
  • wash off;
  • wipe dry.

Be sure to thoroughly wash all products and wipe the furniture dry.

Only the application methods and exposure time differ. They are indicated with the instructions on the package.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease without scratching it. You should use only mild detergents, without abrasives, without bleach or acids.

How to clean old grease in the kitchen. Only with a sponge and napkins:

  • microfiber;
  • flannel;
  • cloth.

To remove especially greasy stains, use a toothbrush and cotton swabs. After applying the detergent composition to the kitchen furniture, it is allowed to act on the dirt for 20 - 30 minutes, then continue cleaning.

If you can’t wash the cabinets of grease in one go, you need to repeat the procedure after a few days. You should not rub harder or increase the concentration of the detergent. Scuffs and lightened spots form on the surface.

Household wet wipes sold in stores can quickly remove grease from kitchen furniture. You don't even need to use detergent. The composition with which the napkins are impregnated washes away dirt. Glossy surfaces may leave streaks. Their removal is done dry paper towel immediately, without allowing the furniture to dry out. It is more profitable to buy household napkins in large packs with a valve. Then they will be enough for several cleanings and the natural moisture of the detergent will be preserved.

Using a steam generator with various attachments, you can direct perfect order. Clean the kitchen furniture from grease, restore the whiteness of the seams between the tiles and the gloss of the tiles themselves. The exception is a kitchen set made of MDF. It swells from steam and high temperature, delaminates, and loses its appearance.

Natural wood and plastic can be easily cleaned with a steam mop with an appropriate attachment for cleaning vertical surfaces. After steaming, kitchen cabinets and tiles should be wiped dry. Ideally, use a microfiber cloth; if you don’t have one, cloth and flannel will do. There will be no streaks left on the kitchen surfaces, and they will shine like new.

Steam cleaners are good for removing dirt.

Steam can easily clean kitchen tiles from all types of dirt and old fat, especially in the apron area. There, during cooking, most of the pollution ends up on the wall. Splash marks remain when cleaning and cutting food; drops of water, steam and fat eat into the surface of the tiles, especially with a matte finish.

Option beautiful and budget kitchen cabinets and cabinets made of pressed sawdust - MDF. With proper and careful handling, kitchen furniture long time will look good. The MDF facade has different coatings:

  • lamination;
  • PVC film;
  • coloring.

Each type has its own advantages and weaknesses, which must be taken into account when choosing how to remove grease from kitchen furniture.

Laminate furniture has many color options and imitates different types of wood. The disadvantage is that it is not durable. The film covering the slabs does not tolerate moisture, loses its shine and peels off. Even such a mild abrasive as dry baking soda can scratch the coating.

Among the disadvantages of laminated kitchens is fragility

How to remove grease from laminated MDF kitchen cabinets. Most in a simple way is a soap solution.

  1. Grate half a bar of dark laundry soap on a coarse grater and dissolve in 2 liters of water.
  2. Apply the solution to contaminated areas with a sponge, being careful not to wet it too much.
  3. After a while, wash the softened fat with the same sponge.
  4. Remove any remaining soap and dirt with a damp cloth.
  5. Wipe dry and polish with a paper towel.

Soap easily removes grease from the smooth laminate film. If the greasy stains are old, you won’t be able to remove them in one go. It is better to regularly clean the kitchen of dirt or try rubbing old grease with vodka.

PVC film coating is not afraid of moisture or aggressive detergents. The exception is acetone and other solvents. Despite this, before using a new composition, you need to try its effect on the coating. You need to choose an inconspicuous place and rub it with a napkin soaked in the product.

PVC coating is moisture resistant, but is afraid of aggressive detergents

Launder PVC coating from fat folk remedies possible using laundry soap, vinegar with white clay.

  1. Dilute the clay by filling it with vinegar, approximately 2 times more in volume. Grind and mix until smooth.
  2. Apply the composition to the dirtiest places that have not been washed, or spread in a thin layer if the grease has formed a fresh film.
  3. After about 20 minutes, the clay will dry and absorb the fat layer dissolved by vinegar.
  4. Rinse off any remaining clay with warm water, rinse and wipe dry.

Glossy surfaces must be rubbed with a dry towel, otherwise cleaning products will leave streaks on them. Even handprints remain on the doors if the cabinets are not constantly wiped down.

For painted surfaces Do not use detergents that are not based on acids, chlorine, solvents or abrasives. How to remove grease from a painted kitchen. Vinegar with clay, laundry soap and baking powder.

  1. Pour a pack of 100 grams of baking powder into 50 grams of vegetable oil.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Apply a thin layer to greasy stains.
  4. After 20 minutes, wipe everything off with a damp cloth.
  5. Remove residues with water and wipe.

They mainly paint MDF panels, applying paint to the facade, then several layers of varnish. This must be taken into account before cleaning the kitchen from grease. Even rough fabric can ruin the shine and leave dull scuffs. Folk remedies - baking soda with vegetable oil - will help you clean your kitchen furniture from old grease.

  1. Oil is added dropwise to the soda and mixed until a thick porridge is formed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the stains using a soft sponge or cotton pad.
  3. After 30 - 40 minutes, the composition is removed with a paper napkin.
  4. The area of ​​contamination is washed soap solution and wipes dry.

Cleansing occurs due to the softening of fat with oil. Baking soda absorbs all the dirt. There is no need to rub the composition, just remove the headset from the surface. Baking soda is a mild, fine abrasive and can scratch the varnish.

Natural wood absorbs water and swells. When making furniture, it is impregnated and coated protective compounds. How to clean the kitchen from natural wood and save unique beauty wood We wash with home remedies:

  • laundry soap;
  • mustard;
  • congee;
  • vodka.

Furniture polish is used from store-bought formulations. It is sprayed onto the surface and immediately wiped with a napkin. The wax contained in the composition covers the furniture with an additional layer and protects it from moisture. Polish solves the problem of how to remove scuffs and small scratches on wooden kitchen. You should not constantly use polishes. It is enough to use once a month, washing the furniture in the kitchen with other means in between.

Vinegar mixed in equal parts with olive oil. The wooden surface is first treated detergent, then the compound is applied to a clean scratch and rubbed with a napkin across the defect. It is best to use microfiber and wipe everything dry.

Depending on the surface, cleaning methods are selected individually

Mustard is suitable for removing grease from kitchen furniture made of all materials. How to clean the headset with it? Horizontal surfaces should be slightly moistened with water and dry mustard should be sprinkled. After a few minutes, wipe the countertops and lids with a sponge.

For vertical surfaces, a porridge-like substance is prepared from mustard powder with the addition of water. Apply a thin layer to the furniture with a sponge. Mustard removes grease and dirt without damaging the varnish and paint coating of wood and MDF. Cleansing occurs quickly, so after 10 minutes you can wash off the remaining mustard powder with clean water - a damp cloth soaked in water.

After boiling rice, do not pour out the water from it. You will have something to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen. It is advisable to wash with a warm decoction; it can easily remove minor fatty deposits. Old stains It won't be deleted in one go.

Some housewives use rice water to cleanse dirt.

Vodka is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed. Then wipe with a dry towel. Remaining stains heavy pollution and old fat is moistened additionally, wiped after 10 - 15 minutes cotton pad, removing remaining moisture and dirt.

When preparing for cleaning, the question of how to clean grease from kitchen tiles is resolved. Waterproof tiles have a hard surface. Regardless of the matte or glossy version of the tile, when cleaning it you cannot use:

  • abrasive powders;
  • solvent;
  • metal scourers;
  • acid based products.

How to clean grease from kitchen tiles without damaging its surface. You can use purchased special products and natural homemade ones used for furniture:

  • soap;
  • mustard;
  • White;
  • vinegar with soda;
  • vodka.

Use dry mustard as a cleanser

Using a spray bottle, you can apply Whiteness to tiles and mortar. Add 10–20 ml of it per liter of water and spray it over the tiles. Can be applied with a sponge, wetting it in the composition. When working with bleach, be sure to wear protective rubber gloves and a mask.

In addition to cleaning tiles from grease, Whiteness removes dirt and whitens the seams between tiles. It can be replaced with oxygen bleaches. They act effectively and do not destroy cement mortar joints

For tiles, housewives make their own detergent to remove grease. Mix lemon zest, dried and ground into powder, vinegar and vodka. Spray on the surface of the tile and wipe with a napkin. Heavily greasy areas cannot be cleaned in one go.

Apply the solution using a spray bottle and rub

For those who cannot stand the smell of table vinegar, it can be replaced with apple vinegar and mixed in equal proportions with vodka.

Plastic dissolves in acids and loses color when in contact with bleaches. Abrasives scratch it. You can wash it by special means and folk:

  • laundry soap;
  • rice water.

Suitable for plastic and any gel-like and liquid product for dishes. it should be dissolved in water, a few drops per liter, and the surface should be wiped with a soft sponge. The plastic must be rinsed well with water and wiped dry, rub it until it shines, removing all stains and marks.

Glass is easy to clean from grease. To do this, you can use dish soap, soap, and soda. For shine, you need to rinse off the detergent and rinse everything with a weak solution of vinegar. You can simply dilute 100 ml of vinegar in a liter of water and wash the glass covered with a greasy film.

You can wash glass by usual means for dish washing

Get organized quickly glass apron or a window in the kitchen, you can spray it on windows and mirrors. You can wipe it with old newspaper for a shiny shine.

The hardest part is the handles and other fittings

When you have managed to clean the kitchen and everything seems to be shining, handles, hooks, and awnings catch your eye. They are clean on top, but dirt is hidden in the corners and underneath them. It is impossible to get it out with a sponge or napkin. Therefore, cotton swabs and an old toothbrush are used.

First, the composition is prepared:

  • soda with vegetable oil;
  • mustard with water;
  • vodka.

A universal remedy for removing old fat under the arms at home is ammonia and anise drops. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Can also be used purchased product, designed to clean grease and dirt on the surface of this type of furniture. First you need to apply the prepared composition. Then, after a while, remove the dirt from hard to reach places toothbrush. Where there is not enough lint, use cotton swabs and toothpicks.

Many folk remedies cope even better with greasy stains and dirt on furniture, tables, chairs, cabinets, countertops and other kitchen furniture than industrial chemicals. Such cleaning products, which can be prepared at home, allow you not only to wash off grease from kitchen appliances but also save time and money.

If we compare household chemicals sold in stores with folk remedies, the latter are safer for humans and can be an excellent assistant in the fight against dirt in the kitchen.

Before you begin removing grease from the surfaces of kitchen furniture, you should select suitable cleaning equipment. It is worth choosing a more gentle tool - a sponge, soft cloth, microfiber, cloth, flannel. Any of the materials can perfectly remove grease from kitchen furniture. There is no need to use metal brushes: using such products can leave scratches and other damage on the furniture.

Damaged furniture gets dirty much faster: scratches become clogged with grease, plaque and dirt.

When cleaning the kitchen, you should use rubber gloves for the safety of your hands and nails.

Before completely washing the furniture from dirt, you should check the quality of the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture. This measure will protect the furniture from damage.

Various cleaning products

You can use the most different means, which can be found in every kitchen. You need to choose one or another product taking into account the types of stains and types of furniture that need to be cleaned.

Baking soda against stains

A simple way to clean furniture is to use baking soda. It can be washed glass surfaces: dishes, inserts in the set. It cleans well plastic parts in the kitchen (refrigerator doors, Appliances). You should moisten the stained area and wipe it with baking soda. Wash off any remaining substance with a damp cloth.

Soda can be used to clean soft seats in the kitchen.

First you need to wet the seat with water. Then generously cover the greasy stains with baking soda and begin scrubbing them with a brush. Afterwards, you need to leave the soda absorbed into the furniture for 15–20 minutes. Then collect the powder with a vacuum cleaner.

If the stain remains, you can try diluting one tablespoon of vinegar with one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent in 250 ml of water. The product is applied with microfiber to the stains. The seat should be wiped with a clean damp sponge.

Laundry soap and soda

Both soap and soda are effective means in the fight against grease on the surface of furniture. Both components can handle stains individually, but together they allow you to achieve the desired result.

To prepare a cleaning product from soap, you need to grate it on a coarse grater into a deep bowl. You need to add a little warm water to the soap shavings. The solution should become cloudy. The resulting product must be applied to contaminated areas using a sponge. While the solution is still wet, apply a small amount of baking soda on top and treat problem areas. The consistency is washed off twenty minutes after application.

Soda in such a solution is an abrasive agent that will help thoroughly wash contaminated areas.

Soapy soda solution is great for metal and plastic surfaces. Should not be applied to glossy or varnish coatings, as scratches may occur after cleaning.

It is important to remember that laundry soap must be dark Brown color. If the soap is bleached and has a fragrance, then it will not be able to cope with stains in the kitchen.

Cleaning furniture with vinegar

Good for fighting fat table vinegar, can be used Apple vinegar. In addition to furniture, countertops and tiles in the kitchen, you can also clean limescale from metal and ceramic objects and get rid of scale in kettles.

You need to add a little water to the vinegar. Apply the resulting solution to the greasy stains with a rag and wait until the grease comes off from the surface. Then the set should be wiped with a damp soft cloth.

Baking powder for grease stains

Baking powder will help you quickly clean your kitchen utensils.

You need to prepare a paste of baking powder and water. The product is applied to dirty surface and stays on it for half an hour. Then it is washed off with water.

Anti-greasy alcohol

Alcohol or vodka removes grease stains perfectly. The product cleans well modular furniture and regular headsets coated with a glossy surface. Before processing furniture, you should open the windows in the kitchen.

To make the product, you need to dilute one tablespoon of alcohol in one liter of water. For cleaning you can use a sponge, rag and spray bottle. Using available products, treat the kitchen furniture and leave to clean for half an hour. You can remove the solution with a regular damp cloth.

Vodka is also good for combating pollution. In this case, you can simply moisten a sponge in vodka and wipe the greasy surface, and then rinse with water.

Disinfection and cleaning with alcohol and vinegar

An excellent product that not only fights grease and dirt, but also disinfects furniture from bacteria and germs.

To prepare the solution, mix table vinegar, alcohol and vodka in a ratio of 2:1:1. You can add a third of a teaspoon of any essential oil to the mixture.

The resulting mixture must be used to clean dirt using a spray bottle. The solution should remain on the contaminated areas for ten to fifteen minutes. Then you should wash off the solution with a napkin or sponge. After using this mixture, the furniture will emit the aroma of essential oil.

Essential oils for cleansing and pleasant smell

Essential oils with other components do an excellent job of cleaning furniture.

In order to get rid of unpleasant odor To effectively care for surfaces made of wood, you will need essential oil of spruce or eucalyptus. Add a few drops of oil to a container of water and then wipe the wooden surface with a sponge.

You can prepare a mixture of orange and eucalyptus oils with vinegar and vodka. You should take half a glass of vodka, half a glass of vinegar, half a teaspoon of orange oil and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix the solution thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. Apply the product to greasy spots for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with a damp cloth.

This recipe can cope with dirt not only on wooden surfaces: it helps fight limescale on metal surfaces and washes plastic and ceramic parts.

Lemon as a detergent

A lemon slice effectively and safely fights fat. In addition to furniture and other surfaces, you can use lemon to clean tiles and remove scale and limescale.

It is necessary to wipe the furniture with lemon so that the juice drains from the surface. After ten minutes, the set can be washed with warm water and wiped with a paper towel.

Citric acid for all types of pollution

Solution from citric acid– an excellent remedy for stains on furniture. To prepare the solution you will need one liter of water, 15 grams of citric acid and a little detergent. The liquid should be applied to problem areas and then wiped with a damp cloth.

Acid can be used to clean limescale on metal and ceramic surfaces.

Vegetable oil and soda for all types of headsets

The furniture will be clean if you use a product made from vegetable oil and soda.

The product is excellent for washing wooden surfaces, sets and furniture made of MDF and solid wood, cutlery, tables, chairs, shelves, doors, frames and dishes.

It is necessary to prepare a slurry that will resemble sour cream in consistency. To do this, you need to take vegetable oil and soda in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to areas with greasy stains and treat them with a soft brush. Leave the polished surface for half an hour. Then remove any lumps of fat using a cloth. The headset may need to be re-processed, since the greasy coating may not come off the surface the first time.

By using an oil and baking soda scrub to clean your kitchen, you can achieve sparkling cleanliness and also perfectly protect your furniture from high humidity in the kitchen or drying out from high temperatures.

This mixture should be used once every two weeks.

A mixture of clay and vinegar

A product made from clay and vinegar will perfectly remove stains in the kitchen. The product is suitable for wood and solid wood, floors, walls, tiled surfaces and pots.

To get a mass for cleaning, you need to add a little vinegar to the clay. The product is applied to a sponge and the surface of the headset is wiped with it. After the procedure, the surface should be washed with water.

The clay in the cleaning product acts as an abrasive substance. You should choose clay without stones, as they can damage the furniture during cleaning.

Mustard powder for kitchen furniture

The product is suitable for cleaning any surfaces from dirt.

Mustard dissolves fat well, so after washing, dirt and grease will remain on the napkin.

In order to wash the surface from dirt and grease, you need to moisten it with water and sprinkle with mustard powder. Then wipe the furniture with a dry cloth. A damp cloth or sponge will help to completely remove mustard powder.

You can use mustard to clean kitchen units with a protective surface, stoves, sinks, and refrigerators. The powder should not be used on wooden surfaces and MDF furniture.

Anti-stain salt

Salt is great for cleaning wooden surfaces. It effectively removes greasy plaque and prevents the spread of germs and bacteria.

To clean, wipe areas with dirt and grease with salt.

Can be used once a week saline solution for processing facades and countertops.

Dish detergent

Regular dishwashing detergent can also be used to clean tiles, appliances, kitchen units and other furniture in the kitchen. It is enough to dilute a little product in water and get foam. Treat all contaminated surfaces with it. It is advisable to use the abrasive side of the sponge to scrub off stubborn stains and old grease.

This product can be used after every meal preparation.


There are many cleaning products for kitchen units, furniture, dishes, cutlery, various surfaces, floors and walls. All of them contain chemicals that can cause enormous harm to the human body. Many people are susceptible allergic reactions, difficulty breathing while using such products. Therefore, the advice of mothers and grandmothers, who previously used folk remedies to combat greasy deposits on various kitchen surfaces, comes to the rescue. Such products clean no worse than industrial ones. It is necessary to observe safety precautions when treating the kitchen with one or another cleaner. You should use gloves, ventilate the kitchen during and after cleaning, and keep children and animals away from the substances.

Every housewife wants the kitchen to always be perfectly clean. That is why grease stains that appear on kitchen furniture are the subject of a tireless struggle for cleanliness.

Follow the rules when cleaning

You can apply several simple techniques to make the task easier.

  • During the cooking process, it is better to immediately wipe off greasy stains, then further painstaking work may not be necessary. To do this, you need to moisten a paper towel or rag with warm water and wipe away the dirt without allowing it to dry.
  • If grease stains are thoroughly located on kitchen cabinets, it is worth carrying out preliminary preparation contaminated surface. This will make it easier further work for fat removal. Lightly squeezing soaked in warm water paper towels, press them firmly onto the stain, leave for 5 minutes until the fat softens. If the furniture is made of fiberboard or similar materials, then water cannot be used, since such surfaces can absorb moisture, collapsing in the process.
  • For cleaning, you need to choose soft fabrics: sponges, microfiber, flannel, etc. Avoid metal sponges and brushes. Otherwise, scratches will form on the surface of the kitchen furniture, which will quickly become saturated with grease, dust and dirt. It is very difficult to clean them later.
  • It is better to carry out such cleaning using rubber gloves to protect your hands and nails.
  • You need to know exactly what materials are used to make kitchen furniture in order to choose the right one. suitable means for cleaning.
  • Before using any cleaning product, you should test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture.
  • Regularity is required when cleaning. When a greasy stain has just formed, removing it will require much less time and effort than dealing with old frozen blots.

Handy grease removers

Before resorting to “heavy artillery” in the form of super-powerful household chemicals, you can use folk remedies and wash off grease from kitchen furniture in the following ways:

  • Lemon fights greasy stains very well. To do this you need to pour on problem area lemon juice, and sprinkle soda on top. Once the fat begins to clump, wipe it off with a paper towel. This method is also good because after such cleaning the kitchen will remain with a fresh citrus smell.
  • Lemon acid. Add lemon to the water at the rate of 15 grams per liter and a little dishwashing detergent. Apply the resulting solution to the stains, and then wipe them with a sponge.
  • Vinegar. If the fat is old, then ordinary table vinegar diluted in water will help. Wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in the product, you can leave it for about 5 minutes to act, then all that remains is to wash it off with a damp cloth. A solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice works on the same principle.
  • Mustard. Walk over the dirt with a damp sponge, well sprinkled with dry mustard or soda. But if the dirt is old and you couldn’t remove it right away, you can prepare a thick paste, apply it to the surface of the greasy stain and leave it for a while. Then remove the solution with a paper towel or sponge.
  • Baking powder or baking soda, but the latter has a more pronounced abrasive effect, so it is not suitable for glossy and varnished surfaces. Dilute the selected ingredient with water to a paste, apply to the stain, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse. By the way, baking powder is convenient for cleaning.
  • Vegetable oil and soda. If you need to clean grease from wooden furniture, MDF furniture, as well as doors and chairs, then a creamy mixture of two parts butter and one part soda is ideal for this. Treat dirt with the mixture and rub a little. If necessary, leave for half an hour and then remove any lumps of remaining fat with a paper towel. For old, greasy blots or very large ones, you will have to repeat the procedure again. By the way, this treatment with a scrub of soda and oil is useful for furniture, since it can protect it from high temperatures in the kitchen and drying out, or vice versa, high humidity.
  • All-purpose solution with vodka. A product that can clean even the oldest greasy stains from kitchen surfaces. To make it you will need 200 g of vodka and the same amount of vinegar, add ½ tsp to it for flavor. essential oil. The resulting solution is applied through a sprayer as vertical surfaces kitchen cabinets, and horizontal, which is very convenient. After waiting 10-15 minutes and making sure that the product is effective, remove the residue with a paper towel or sponge.
  • Laundry soap. Grate brown soap 72% on a coarse grater and add warm water to dissolve. The resulting soap solution washes away greasy stains well. Suitable even for marble and granite surfaces.

Not all of the listed methods are universal and good for all furniture surfaces. You need to be especially careful when choosing cleaning products for wooden and glossy kitchen sets.

Are your kitchen cabinets sparkling and clean? It's time to continue general cleaning kitchens or take note, .

Separately about the nuances

Before using any cleaning product on furniture, you should test it on a small, inconspicuous area.

If it is a glossy, enamel or polished surface, then you cannot use various powders with an abrasive effect in order to avoid damaging its integrity in the form of small scratches.

  • To clean glossy surfaces based on MDF, it is better to choose various gels that do not contain chlorine, ammonia or aggressive acids. If the façade is made of PVC film, the cloth should not be too wet when cleaning.
  • It is very easy to clean a plastic kitchen using baby soap or dish gel. A soap solution is made from one of these components and the grease is removed using a sponge.
  • Separately, it must be said about untreated wooden surfaces. To clean such furniture, it is best to use a regular soap solution, then rinse off the remaining soap with water and be sure to wipe dry. After all, unprotected wooden surface has the ability to absorb any solution like a sponge.
  • Not suitable for polished kitchens wet cleaning. It is advisable to wipe such furniture daily with a soft cloth and applied cleaning polishing wax.

Which cleaning product to choose is up to you. There is no single algorithm here. The main thing is to get desired result with less effort and cost.

Extraordinary, bright and stylish - glossy kitchens firmly “stand” on the pedestal of the most popular kitchen sets. What is the secret of this furniture? It's simple - brilliant gloss with its very presence transforms the room and becomes the main accent.

Even classic white gloss will not look standard, and dark shades of facades are also chosen for small rooms, because the mirror effect visually “pushes” the walls and raises the ceilings. Is it true, Glossy furniture also has its own requirements - it “loves” delicate care.
What do owners need to know? beautiful facades to maintain the shine of your kitchen furniture?

Let’s say right away that you will need to take care of glossy facades every day.
Ideally, you should clean the surface after each cooking. Why? Because glossy headsets leave all traces of splashes, grease, fingers and steam. If you do not remove dirt from the furniture, it will quickly become unusable and, of course, lose its brilliant beauty. But, knowing all the enemies in person, you can extend the life of the headset and easily clean the facades even from difficult stains.

The first enemy is moisture. Wet cleaning is not suitable for a glossy kitchen. Especially if your headset is made with using PVC films. Unfortunately, regular exposure to water and grease can cause the film to peel off. What to do? The first thing is not to wash the surface. big amount water and keep the facades dry at all times. If the kitchen is small, there is a more radical way - choose glossy facades only for the top ones wall cabinets, and choose the most vulnerable bottom drawers from practical and unpretentious material.
Enemy No. 2 - direct sunlight. Over time, bright light will “steal” the shine of a rich and colorful façade. There is only one way out - to experiment with the arrangement of glossy furniture. If your kitchen “lives” on sunny side, in the hot season, you can hang thick curtains that will protect the facade.
Another enemy of a glossy kitchen is hard brushes. What is the most common thing you do to get rid of grease stains? Rub with brushes or thick rags, especially when you need to wash off old grease stains. So here it is glossy surface Do not rub with metal scrapers and brushes. You risk seeing scratches. How then to clean the facade?
Your best friend- This soft fabric and microfiber. And of course, regularity. To prevent drying of grease, stains and water marks.
And the most dangerous enemy is abrasive cleaning substances. We are used to caring for facades as simply as possible - selecting effective powders and very active cleaning products.
This option is not suitable for glossy surfaces. Do not wash doors with powders that contain acids, alkalis or chemical solvents. Furniture must be handled carefully and delicately.
The solution is to use liquid products. It is best to choose those that say “for glossy surfaces” on the packaging.

There is another way that will extend the “life” of furniture: purchase a more powerful hood.
Even if you have a small kitchen, look for a hood that is 20 percent more powerful than the current one. With good technique, drops of fat and steam will settle less on the surface and you will need to wash facades less often.
Here, in fact, we come to the question of what to wash with shiny surfaces, if you can’t use powders, aggressive agents and metal scrapers?
Let's see what you need to have in your kitchen to quickly and effectively remove stains, fingerprints and grease stains.
Use a kitchen façade cleaner
Use glass cleaner. This liquid will help remove stubborn grease stains.
Cleaning sprays whose packaging says “for glossy surfaces” are also suitable for kitchen facades. They will help remove steam stains and fingerprints.
Use dishwashing liquid, whatever you have. It will effectively remove both splash marks and greasy marks after cooking.
Wet wipes come in handy when you don’t want to wash all the facades, but just need to remove a few steam stains or stains. Wipes should not contain alcohol. A microfiber cloth will help you wipe the façade dry and quickly remove moisture from the surface.

You can safely wash greasy stains with microfiber and use it as a substitute for hard brushes. Polish with wax will be able to enhance the shine of furniture and will act as an antistatic agent.
After you have wiped the facades with a dry cloth, use polish to remove static tension and prevent dust from settling on the facades.
You can wash shiny surfaces with delicate shower cleaners or regular liquid soap. The main thing is that the composition does not contain nitroglycerin, acetone and synthetic resins.
In order for the facades to always shine and literally dazzle with their beauty, they must first be cleaned with detergent or spray.
Then wipe dry with microfiber and apply polish and wax.
Such careful care and service life of the furniture will extend and save you from more serious cleaning when you need to clean out old grease stains and steam stains.
After each cooking, it is best to wipe the facades with a dry cloth or wet wipes.

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