From quality plastic windows a lot depends: service life, heat conservation, functionality of fittings, sound insulation, design. To understand what kind of windows you need, let's figure out what qualities an aluminum profile and a plastic one have, their similarities and differences.

Aluminum windows

It can't be said that aluminum windows worse or better than a plastic profile. Rather, this design has qualities that are used for a certain type of construction, but there may be exceptions. “Cold aluminum windows” (without thermal insert) are used for shopping centers, partitions, sports facilities, etc. “Warm aluminum” can also be installed in residential premises.

What are the characteristics of aluminum windows?

  1. The design of such windows is reliable and their service life is at least 80 years.
  2. They are organically used to construct modern buildings, decorating appearance, amenable to any design decisions.
  3. The reliability of the design makes these windows accessible to large sizes. This quality allows them to be installed in business centers, modern art and creative buildings and many other buildings.
  4. They can withstand temperature changes perfectly.
  5. Having a reliable aluminum profile, the doors do not sag over time and are not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.
  6. Having no harmful substances in their composition, they meet high environmental standards, so they can be safely used in the construction of hospitals, children's and healthcare institutions, etc.
  7. Aluminum - durable material so they are not damaged. And they require minimal care.
  8. Give in to anyone design solution: deep curves, construction of stained glass windows and winter gardens.
  9. Fire resistance.

Plastic windows

Plastic windows are widely popular among the population. It is common to see them in every apartment of a multi-story building. They are ideal for private homes. They have characteristics that perfectly preserve energy, which is why it has become important to install them in residential apartments and private premises.

Main characteristics:

  • Compared to its aluminum “brother,” the plastic profile is afraid of straight sun rays. And although modern technologists currently claim that they have achieved the ideal formula, the service life of such a profile is lower than that of aluminum - 35-50 years.
  • Even if you want to install a plastic window, for example, in a building where the window opening is larger standard window and equal to above 3200 mm on one side, it will not work - this profile is afraid of bends.
  • Thanks to several double-glazed chambers, as well as wide profile, plastic windows are able to perfectly retain heat in the cold period, and coolness in the summer.
  • Multifunctional fittings.

Considering all the parameters of plastic windows, we can safely say that you should purchase such a profile only if you have a certificate. In any other case, it may consist of toxic metals.

What is the difference between aluminum windows and plastic ones?

  1. The possibilities of the material used in aluminum structures allow you to create the most unexpected design creativity. The plastic profile has its own limitations in size.
  2. The service life of aluminum structures is longer ( over 80 years) than in plastic ( 30-50 years).
  3. Ultraviolet rays can have a detrimental effect on plastic profiles. Over time, it may darken or, in the worst case, become deformed. In contrast, aluminum construction does not have these disadvantages.
  4. Although an insert (thermal break) made of a non-heat-conducting material is used for the aluminum profile, this design is used mainly for offices and non-residential premises. Unlike the first, plastic windows are still installed in apartments and houses for citizens to live in. Thanks to its wide profile, it perfectly maintains its energy-saving properties.
  5. The composition of plastic windows is PVC- polyvinyl chloride. This substance is chemical product. But it has been proven that under regulatory standards (which is confirmed by a quality certificate) it is absolutely harmless. Aluminum profile is an environmentally friendly product and does not contain harmful and toxic impurities of heavy metals.
  6. As for fire resistance, plastic windows are significantly inferior to aluminum ones. Aluminum doesn't burn. Plastic, in principle, too, but upon contact with fire it emits a pungent odor and begins to melt.
  7. Price. An aluminum profile is almost twice as expensive as a plastic one.

Similarity of designs.

Coming out of the cave, our distant ancestor built a house. Then, when he got tired of sitting in the dark, he cut a hole in the wall so that his new home would be light and cozy. Perhaps this is how the first window appeared in human history. Since then it has become not only mandatory building element, but also a common noun. “Window to Europe, light in the window...” But let’s leave the lyrics and move on to more mundane things, namely: what kind of windows are there, what they are made of and how they differ from each other.

Today's building materials market is simply overcrowded various types window frames Wood, plastic, aluminum, metal-plastic... All these materials are widely used in production window designs. However, in modern residential and office premises, windows made of PVC (plastic) and metal (usually aluminum) are becoming increasingly common. The purpose of our article is to understand the difference between plastic windows and aluminum ones. The tasks they face are the same - to conserve heat, be comfortable and practical. But which design most effectively solves them? Let's try to find out.

Plastic – a miracle of the 20th century

One of the greatest achievements of mankind is the creation polymer materials and their wide application.

Note. The polymers themselves have been known for a long time. Information about the first synthetic polymers appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. But they gained real widespread popularity in the 50s of the last century.

Products made from polymers very quickly filled the industrial, construction and household markets. Windows based on them, which appeared in the second half of the 20th century, quickly and on a large scale supplanted all other types of window profiles. In principle, this is understandable - plastic windows have a number of advantages compared, for example, with classic wooden frames. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • High climatic adaptability - temperature changes and high humidity do not affect the quality of the profile.
  • At correct installation have maximum tightness thanks to physical properties plastic (expandability, elasticity).
  • They are not afraid of frost.
  • Good UV resistance. They can be exposed to direct sunlight for years without losing their original color.
  • Excellent chemical resistance. Alkalis, acids, mineral additives - in general, everything that is in the current rains and snow is of little danger to plastic.
  • The sound insulation of this type of window is considered one of the best.
  • Long service life. Quality windows made of PVC can be used for over 20 years. More expensive analogs containing titanium oxide and various additives can increase this period to 40 years.
  • Lowest cost. Wooden and metal bindings are more expensive.

Naturally, these miracle windows also have their drawbacks, otherwise they would look suspicious.


  • Requires extremely careful handling. Scratches and chips are one of the main troubles of plastic profiles. They appear easily and simply, but getting rid of them is very problematic.
  • Quite difficult to install. Everything must be set exactly to the level. The slightest distortion will cause loose closure and, accordingly, a significant decrease in the efficiency of the window in achieving the main goals - maintaining heat and combating drafts.
  • Sometimes, even after a quality installation, condensation forms on the windows. This problem is solved by repeated ventilation, which is not entirely good.
  • Plastic is plastic, and in certain situations it can represent a source increased danger. For example, in the event of a fire, burning of a PVC window frame may well lead to poisoning.

As you can see, there are some shortcomings, but by and large they are lost against the backdrop of many advantages. From all of the above, it becomes clear that the main application for PVC windows is the residential sector, small office offices and small public institutions: home cafes, mini shops, etc.

And how are their metal rivals doing in the fight for the buyer’s wallet and how great is the difference between plastic windows and aluminum ones? Read on.

Aluminum – the metal of the future?

Despite the fact that aluminum window coverings have been known for quite a long time, many believe that they are the future. In any case, they are conquering the European market, albeit slowly but surely. According to statistics, aluminum windows have already overtaken their wooden “relatives” in terms of sales, although they lag behind plastic ones in this matter. Let's see how metal can surprise us.


  • Easy to maintain and do not require special care, easy installation due to low weight and low sensitivity to mechanical damage.
  • High-strength metal allows the window profile to be used for 30 to 50 years without unnecessary tricks to care for it.
  • The rigidity of the material guarantees protection against all kinds of shrinkage, shaking and shrinkage.
  • Good environmental friendliness. Aluminum is natural, natural material, which does not contain any harmful chemical additives, so it is completely safe for health under any conditions.
  • High climatic adaptability.


Aluminum is a metal, and, unfortunately, this fact gradually turns from an advantage into a disadvantage:

  • Windows made of any metal have very low thermal insulation or, in other words, high thermal conductivity.
  • It is impossible to achieve maximum sealing and, as a result, we have poor sound insulation and some other minor troubles.
  • Metal is much more expensive than plastic.

With all their undeniable advantages, aluminum windows, as we see, have a number of disadvantages, of which the two most significant are low thermal insulation and high price. However, one of them (thermal insulation) has already been solved. Today the so-called warm windows, which in the fight for heat retention are not much inferior to PVC profiles. But on the other hand, the second disadvantage has increased - these windows are even more expensive than conventional “cold” models.

Typical scope of application of this type window profiles in the field of domestic needs is small - this unheated premises, loggias and balconies, summer kitchens, verandas. However, in industry, in social and public buildings and in various office and shopping centers, aluminum window coverings are the undoubted leader. The enormous strength of the structure plays a decisive role in such structures.


If we objectively evaluate the information received, we can say that it is quite contradictory and contrasting. There are both positive and negative characteristics here. In order for all this to look harmonious and orderly, let’s group the above facts in a comparative table. It will only show the differences between the two types of windows. Let us warn you that we are providing analysis. typical options, which are most in demand in the consumer market.


Plastic windows Aluminum window
Excellent sound and heat insulation qualitiesBoth characteristics leave much to be desired
High sealingMedium sealing
There are certain difficulties during installation. Quite heavy and very demanding when it comes to levelingEasy to install due to its low weight and high strength
Poorly adapted to minor repairs. When caring for the window, you should be extremely careful not to scratch it.Easily repaired and does not require special care. It is not easy to cause any physical harm - metal is metal
Average service life – just over 20 yearsThis indicator is aluminum profile almost 2 times higher - on average 40 years
Condensation FormationThere is no such phenomenon
Environmentally hazardous in some situationsEnvironmentally friendly in all situations
Application area: residential buildings, small offices, shops, as well as small and non-residential, but heated premises.Main scope of use: industrial buildings And large structures public use. In the residential sector they are used in cold rooms without heating and for glazing balconies and loggias.
Most cheap option On the marketMore expensive than plastic, and significantly


From the table we clearly see the difference between plastic and aluminum windows. We can say that both types of windows have their pros and cons. You should choose based on specific conditions, capabilities and needs. And, most importantly, the installation of window profiles should only be done by qualified specialists. Otherwise, even the most expensive and ultra-modern windows can turn into permanent source irritation due to problems with cold and drafts.

Correctly selected and professionally installed aluminum structures They have a stylish appearance, are reliable and durable, practical and easy to use. Such windows are popular today among private consumers, owners of city apartments and country cottages. They are ordered by owners of large shopping and entertainment complexes, restaurants and business centers to furnish their facilities. Professional architects and designers value translucent aluminum systems for wide range constructive and decorative solutions.

Main advantages of aluminum windows

  • Resistance to complex climatic conditions, to significant changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Ease. The design of aluminum windows has light weight and does not create additional stress on basic elements buildings and structures. Therefore, their installation requires minimal preparation.
  • A wide range of models in thickness, opening type, size, energy saving indicators, price category and color scheme.
  • Compliance with the most stringent environmental and fire safety standards.
  • High level of tightness.
  • Modern appearance. In addition, there are special technologies finishing of frame surfaces, as a result of which it is possible to give them different structures and use different types color combinations.

Selection of designs according to energy saving level

Modern types of aluminum windows are produced taking into account the purpose of the premises and the basic requirements for their operational properties. For their manufacture, different types of profiles are used, which have the necessary insulating and technical characteristics. Advanced production technologies and combinations different materials currently allow the production of designs required sizes and structures, taking into account the initial parameters of the object and individual preferences consumers.

Aluminum profile windows are:

  1. "Warm."
  2. They are equipped with special heat-resistant inserts made from high-strength materials: nylon, nylon, propylene, ethylene and other types of insulators. Their composition, density and other properties are selected for a specific type of structure, taking into account the requirements of the Customer and the operating conditions of the premises. Modern translucent aluminum systems can be equipped with two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows, which reduce the level of heat loss. Such windows are in demand when equipping residential properties, office centers, banks, restaurants, beauty salons and other operated facilities.

  3. "Cold."
  4. This aluminum glazing characterized by low weight, increased strength, long term service and quite affordable price. To arrange these models, as a rule, they are used single-chamber double-glazed windows, hollow, lightweight profile without thermal inserts. When installed on balconies and loggias, sandwich panels or opaque plastic elements are used instead of glass.

The choice of aluminum profile is made after studying the features of the object, the client’s personal wishes, requirements for energy saving and aesthetic characteristics of the structure. Professional specialists help produce necessary calculations even at the preliminary design stage, select the optimal control systems and functional components.

Additional options

When selecting window designs, much attention is paid to the opening/closing system, which can be performed in the following options:

  • Rotary
  • Folding
  • Tilt&Turn
  • Sliding
  • Combined, in which several opening/closing options are combined and blind elements can be used.

It is also important to immediately determine the level of load on window structures during their operation. The type of fittings used will depend on these data, shut-off valves and basic mechanisms. Large glazing areas, panoramic and stained glass translucent systems must be equipped with components of increased reliability and durability.

Before choosing aluminum windows, you must also decide on their color scheme, which can be selected from a special catalog. Modern coloring metal elements additionally protects them from negative impact damp environment and possible mechanical damage. Depending on the stylistic and architectural features object, you can order decoration of aluminum surfaces under different kinds natural stone(marble, malachite, granite) or under the structure of natural wood. It is possible to paint the window profile in any color according to the RAL line - from light beige to deep brown shades, making up the ideal combination of external and interior decoration apartment or private house.

Comparison of aluminum and PVC structures

Comparative analysis of aluminum and PVC structures

Advantages of PVC

In such systems, the inherently bad thermal stability The polymer is raised to the desired level by adding inorganic and organic additional stabilizers to the starting material. These additional stabilizers are more expensive than traditional lead compounds. Therefore, the formulation of PVC profiles based on calcium and zinc is today more expensive than the traditional formulation based on lead. Currently produced calcium-zinc stabilized profiles have impeccable quality characteristics. Their resistance to weathering is exceptional and in everyday use they are flawless, with no problems associated with disposal, just like with lead-stabilized profiles. During the recycling process, they can be mixed with other formulations.
Below is a comparison table technical characteristics received PVC material with different stabilization.





Volumetric weight (density)

Elastic modulus

Tensile strength

Yield strength

Softening point

Based on the above, we can highlight the following advantages PVC for the manufacture of window profiles:
- low cost raw materials;
- high thermal and sound insulating characteristics;
- weather resistance;
- possibility of application decorative covering(painting in bulk - by co-extrusion method, surface coating or painting);
- environmental Safety;
- possibility of recycling;
- durability, service life up to 50 years.

Disadvantages of PVC

At the same time, PVC profiles also have disadvantages.
1. Low modulus of elasticity.
Among the materials used in construction, the elastic modulus of PVC is the lowest E = 2.47-2.98 N/mm 2, while for wood across the fibers it is equal to E = 50 N/mm 2, and for aluminum alloys E = 71 N/ mm 2. Therefore, to increase the strength parameters of PVC profiles, their reinforcement is required.

2. Addiction mechanical properties on temperature.
As the temperature decreases, the elastic modulus of PVC increases, but its fragility also increases. It is no coincidence that window companies are suspending the installation of PVC windows in winter time at temperatures below -10 -15 °C, when the risk of brittle destruction of the PVC profile at mechanical impact great
With increasing temperature, PVC gradually softens and at temperatures above +40°C a sharp drop in its strength characteristics begins.

3. High coefficient of linear expansion.
PVC has a coefficient of thermal expansion α = 80x10-6 1/ºС much greater than that of the adjacent materials used building materials such as concrete (10 x10-6 1/ ºС) and glass (8.5x10-6 1/ ºС. This ratio of values ​​leads to the fact that temperature deformations of PVC products can affect the adjacent structures.

4. Selectivity to cleaning products
Although PVC as a material is chemical resistant, aggressive environment, especially in major cities, can contaminate the surfaces of the structure. When selecting suitable cleaning products, avoid those containing solvents. The surface of a PVC profile treated with a solvent has weaker weather resistance, and with further use, stains or a change in color of the profile may occur.

Features of PVC profile production technology

Due to its high temperature resistance, low tendency to shrink and warp, and wide softening range, PVC is ideal for the manufacture of profiles by extrusion.
Serial production of window profiles from plasticized impact-resistant PVC was started in 1954 by the company " Trocal"(Germany).
The extrusion line for the production of window profiles consists of an extruder, a die, a calibration cooling element, a calibration table, receiving pull rolls, a saw, a profile layer and a device for packaging finished products.
The production process consists of separate technological stages:
- feeding PVC powder or granulate into the extruder funnel;
- plasticization of the molding mass in the extruder to a temperature of 80-120ºС;
- molding and cooling in the die and calibration-cooling element;
- passage through receiving rolls;

In addition, PVC window profiles are recyclable. For example, in Germany there is a system for collecting and recycling PVC, and you can already find certified window profiles obtained from recycled material. Their quality is no worse than profiles obtained from primary material.
All developed window PVC systems consist of structurally interconnected elements, which include main and auxiliary profiles. The main profiles are the profiles of frames, sashes and imposts. Auxiliary profiles include: glass beads, overlays, connecting elements, guides, boxes for roller blinds and window sills.

Market share of PVC structures

Glazing of small areas is ideal for PVC products. window openings residential and public buildings(both newly constructed and reconstructed), that is, where glazing performs only an enclosing function, and load bearing capacity the profile system is practically not taken into account. In this group of structures, PVC systems have reached such a qualitatively high technical level that it is already difficult for structures made from other materials to compete with them.
The second group of PVC structures includes winter garden structures, small shopping pavilions, balconies, verandas, small areas walls In these cases, the profile also does not support large static loads.
As for the manufacture of these volumetric structures, especially winter gardens, currently various manufacturers PVC profile systems, two fundamental approaches to solving this problem can be traced.
The first is based on their assembly from elements of a simple window system, supplemented by a set of various reinforcing and connecting profiles, and rafter structures roofs. The second, more expensive option, involves the use of a facade system. That is why the position of the producers PVC profiles towards winter gardens is complex and ambiguous. Many large manufacturers (for example, VEKA) believe that the use of PVC in construction is unjustified and cede this area to manufacturers of aluminum systems. The Rehau and Thissen concerns have specially designed winter garden systems with elaborate structural elements roofs.

Taking into account the characteristics of polyvinyl chloride, PVC profile systems have limited opportunities for use in facade systems, here they are inferior to aluminum systems in almost all respects with the exception of thermophysical characteristics.
One of the serious obstacles for PVC applications V facade structures is the susceptibility of the profile system to significant temperature deformations.
If for a rack made of an aluminum alloy with a length of 3300 mm, the change in length with a temperature difference from -28 ºС to +22 ºС is 3.84 mm, then for a similar rack made of a PVC profile, the change in length will already be equal to 13.4 mm. Such a change in the length of façade elements over large areas will lead to significant deformations of the structure as a whole, as a result of which waterproofing may be damaged or glass units may be destroyed.
The next limitation for the use of PVC profiles is the glazing of large-area cells. A long PVC crossbar will also experience deformation due to temperature changes and will require serious reinforcement from the load with a large double-glazed window.
Therefore, glazing of building facades, domes, and large-area skylights is usually made from aluminum profiles, the variety of which provides a wide range of possibilities for the architect.

Characteristics of aluminum alloys for translucent structures

Aluminum – metal silver color, density 2.699 g/cm 3 at 20°C, elastic modulus E = 71 N/mm 2, melting point 660°C.
IN earth's crust contains 8.8% aluminum. It is the third most abundant element in nature after oxygen and silicon and the first among metals. It is part of clays, feldspars, and mica. Several hundred Al minerals are known (aluminosilicates, bauxites, alunites, and others). The most important aluminum mineral, bauxite, contains 28-60% alumina - aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3.
Aluminum was first obtained in its pure form by the Danish physicist H. Oersted in 1825. In 1885, based on the technology proposed by the Russian scientist N. Beketov, an aluminum production plant was built in German city Gmelingham. Over five years, this plant produced about 58 tons of aluminum - more than a quarter of all world production at that time.
The method, invented almost simultaneously by C. Hall in France and P. Heroux in the USA in 1886 and based on the production of aluminum by electrolysis of alumina dissolved in molten cryolite, marked the beginning modern way aluminum production. This method of obtaining requires high costs electricity, and therefore became in demand only in the 20th century.
Technically pure aluminum is rarely used in construction due to its low strength. To increase strength, alloying additives are introduced into it - magnesium, manganese, silicon, zinc, copper, chromium, etc. Therefore, aluminum alloys have a 2-5 times greater O greater strength compared to pure aluminum.
For the production of window structures, alloys based on Al-Mg-Si are used, which in their own way chemical composition refer to deformable aluminum alloys, strengthened by heat treatment. In Russia, the AD31 alloy is used, in Europe - alloys 6060, 6063 (differences in more stringent requirements for the content of impurities). The strength characteristics of these alloys are not fundamentally different from each other - see table.



Alloy 6063,
state T1

Alloy AD31,
state T1

Volumetric weight (density)

Tensile strength (temporary tensile strength)

Yield strength

Elongation at break

Thermal expansion coefficient

br>D0.B8.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5.D0.B2.D1.8B.D1.85_.D1.81.D0.BF.D0.BB.D0.B0.D0.B2. D0.BE.D0.B2"> Advantages of aluminum alloys

The advantages of aluminum alloys include:
- high mechanical strength at low density (specific strength);
- relatively high corrosion resistance;
- high manufacturability, good machinability and weldability;
- high plasticity;
- preservation of strength characteristics at temperatures from -80°C to +100°C;
- high reflectivity;
- no sparks upon impact;
- absence of toxic combustion products;
- absence of heavy metal impurities;
- lack of magnetic properties;
- service life 80 years.

Disadvantages of aluminum alloys

Disadvantages include:
- linear expansion coefficient is twice as large as that of steel;
- high thermal conductivity;
- susceptibility to electrochemical corrosion in a humid environment;
- high cost of semi-finished products.

Features of the production technology of aluminum system profiles

In 1906, architect Francis Plym, founder of the company Kawneer"(USA) invented the first metal window. By 1920, his company became the first manufacturer of aluminum structures for architecture. The production of aluminum profiles can be divided into two main stages: the production of the profile itself and its subsequent protective and decorative coating. Profiles made of aluminum alloys are produced by pressing, namely pressing an aluminum billet through a matrix with a given cross-section. By analogy with PVC process extrusion of profiles is also called extrusion.
The profile extrusion line consists of a furnace for heating the workpiece, hydraulic press, a container with a matrix, a block of cooling fans, receiving tables, a drawing machine, a saw, a profile aging oven. The production of aluminum profiles consists of the following technological stages:
- cutting aluminum poles into blanks;
- feeding the workpiece into an induction furnace for heating to a temperature of 450–500 °C;
- passage of the workpiece through the matrix, formation of the profile geometry;
- cooling of the profile at the exit from the matrix - hardening;
- pulling out profile blanks;
- cutting profiles to specific lengths.
- hardening of the profile in an artificial aging oven.
As a protective and decorative coating for profiles greatest application found electrochemical oxidation (anodizing) and painting with powder dyes according to the RAL scale.
In accordance with functional purpose profiles for aluminum windows have a similar classification to PVC and are divided into main (frame, sash, mullion, etc.) and auxiliary profiles.
Due to the high thermal conductivity of aluminum as a material, there is a division of profiles into two main groups according to thermal characteristics:
- “cold” profile for internal structures;
- “warm” profile for external enclosing structures.
Warm differs from cold by the presence of thermally insulating polyamide inserts that cause rupture heat flow. But despite the use of insulating inserts, thermal resistance aluminum profiles remain lower compared to PVC profiles (0.35...0.66 m 2 °C/W on average for aluminum versus 0.5...0.75 m 2 °C/W for PVC).
For glazing large surfaces of buildings, when the proportion of translucent fences approaches 100%, stained glass, or facade systems, which can withstand significant wind loads, loads from the weight of the filling, as well as operational loads. This advantage is predetermined by the material itself, namely metal.

Market share of aluminum structures

Currently, all translucent structures for the facades of buildings and structures are made of aluminum, as are the elements installed in the facades (windows and doors with various types of opening). The strength characteristics of the metal make it possible to produce window and door structures from aluminum not only in a larger format, but also with a longer service life than from PVC profiles. Also thanks to this, products appeared special purpose: burglar-proof, smoke-proof, fire-resistant (with special fillers) and others.
Since the coefficient of thermal expansion of aluminum is close to the coefficient of thermal expansion of glass (the same temperature deformations) façade systems with structural glazing appeared without the risk of glass unit destruction.
The module, assembled like a window frame, predetermined the emergence of element-facade technology intended for curtain walling. This technology production and installation of glazing large areas facades made it possible to significantly reduce the overall construction time based on the following principles:
- standardization of manufacturing (production large quantity identical modules);
- high-quality workmanship modules in a controlled environment (factory assembly and sealing);
- reducing the labor intensity of installation of modules;

Which material to choose: PVC or aluminum?

Today the share of plastic windows is European market exceeds 51%, while wooden – about 27% and aluminum – 18%. The remainder of the market comes from various material combinations, the most common being wood-aluminum.
The popularity of PVC windows in this segment of structures will continue in the future. However, due to the development of technology, aluminum windows are gradually regaining lost market shares; they are increasingly used for residential buildings.
But still, the main niche in which aluminum is practically irreplaceable is the glazing of loggias, balconies, large stained glass windows and facades. The development trend of modern architecture with maximum glazing of facades, which makes buildings lighter, brighter and more comfortable, fully contributes to the development of aluminum systems.


Materials used in the article :

Boriskina I.V., Plotnikov A.A. "Design of modern window systems civil buildings» 2004
Röhrl E. Report at the KBE international congress on November 18, 1997 “PVC as a special material.”

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