The circulation pump for the heating system boiler performs a rather important function - it is responsible for the uninterrupted circulation of the coolant through the pipes and radiators. The efficiency of the heating system and the comfort of living in a private house or apartment largely depend on the choice of unit.

Feed pump for a steam boiler - device design

Each pump for a heating boiler performs its own tasks in the heating system closed type. The main element of such a pump is the rotor, on which the efficiency of the unit directly depends. When the pump operates, the rotor rotates inside the stator, which is fixedly mounted on a solid base. Some models are equipped with a ceramic stator, which protects the rotor from limestone.

The edges of the rotor are equipped with blades, the rotation of which pushes the coolant further through the pipes. For the most part, boiler pumps are equipped with one rotor, but there are models with several working elements.
The rotor is driven by electric motor. The motors of most pump models are characterized by high power and long service life. All pump elements are housed in a durable aluminum or stainless steel housing.

Types and features of pumps for boilers

Boiler pumps available on the market are divided into two types. These include:

Pumps of the latter type can be classified separately according to the method of connecting the motors. They are divided into coupling and flange units. The most common is a coupling pump for a gas boiler. He has high reliability, good performance and can be mounted on pipes with a diameter of up to 32 mm.

Network pumps for boiler houses - role in heating systems

Heating systems in which the coolant circulates naturally have gained popularity quite a long time ago. However, they are still in high demand among residents today. It is precisely such systems that require a booster pump for the boiler room. In such systems, fluid moves due to the laws of physics. The circulation is based on the difference in density and mass of cold and hot coolant. The slope of the pipes helps in uninterrupted circulation of liquid. General scheme The operation of such heating systems is indicated in the image below.

At the same time, even the slightest errors in the calculation and installation of pipes lead to a decrease in the quality of heating of residential premises. A circulation pump for the boiler will help fix this. This device performs several important functions, among which it is necessary to highlight:

  • Its presence allows you to lay pipes without a slope, which greatly simplifies the installation of the system;
  • To install the heating system, you can use pipes with different sections;
  • Due to the temperature difference, plugs do not form inside the pipes that would impede the free movement of the coolant;
  • The rooms are heated more evenly, since the liquid moves at a certain, always the same speed;
  • The difference between the temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the pump always remains minimal, which allows you to save a certain amount of energy.

In addition to saving energy, the presence of a pump allows you to extend the life of the boiler and the entire heating system. Under such conditions, the pump operates at a certain power, which prevents overheating.

This system allows the use of temperature controllers. By installing them on each radiator, residents can regulate the heating level themselves. One of the main advantages of using a boiler pump is the ability to maintain a stable temperature in the premises in cases where the boiler or other elements of the system are temporarily not working. Another big plus is the ability to use smaller volumes of coolant than in systems without a pump.

Rules for installing boiler pumps

Any equipment, be it a unit for a heating system, or a pump for flushing boilers, must be installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. One of the most important conditions is to choose the correct location of the device. The pump shaft must be positioned strictly horizontally. Otherwise, inside the system, air jams, due to which the bearings and other elements of the unit will remain without lubrication. The result of this will be rapid wear of the device parts.

One more thing important condition- This right choice places for pump insertion. The unit must force the liquid to move through the pipeline. Standard scheme installation of the device is shown in the image below.

The main elements in the diagram are shown in this order:

  • boiler;
  • coupling connection;
  • valves;
  • alarm system;
  • pump;
  • filter;
  • membrane type tank;
  • heating radiators;
  • liquid feed line;
  • control unit;
  • temperature sensor;
  • emergency sensor;
  • grounding

This scheme provides maximum effective work pump and heating system. At the same time, the electricity consumption of each separate element system is reduced to a minimum.

Features of connecting pumping equipment

If a system is used to service your home forced circulation, then when disconnected electrical supply The boiler pump must continue to operate, receiving energy from a backup source. In this regard, it is best to equip the heating system with a UPS, which will maintain the operation of the structure for several more hours. External batteries connected to it will help extend the life of the backup source.

When connecting the pump, you must avoid the possibility of condensation and moisture getting into the terminals. If the coolant heats up to more than 90 °C, then a heat-resistant cable is used for connection. You will also need to avoid contact of the pipe walls and power cable with the motor and pump housing. Power cable connects to the terminal box on the right or left side by changing the location of the plug. In the case of a side-mounted terminal box, the cable should only be routed from the bottom side. Required condition– grounding must be connected to the pump.

IN production premises and workshops use industrial pumping equipment for boiler rooms. Thanks to its use, it is possible to achieve savings on heating costs by quickly moving the coolant through the pipes. In addition, the pumps make it possible to supply even the most remote buildings from the boiler room. hot water. They create the necessary fluid pressure in the system, thanks to which the coolant moves through the pipeline.

All pumps are energy machines that, in order to move liquid through a pipeline, increase its pressure through static or dynamic action. They are divided into two main groups: dynamic and volumetric. The first group includes devices that move liquid due to hydrodynamic forces. Displacement pumps operate by creating surface pressure by changing the working chamber.

Pumps for boilers and other purposes

The two main groups of pumps include many subtypes. Thus, dynamic models can be: centrifugal and axial, inertial, vortex, worm and disk. Volumetric: rotary and reciprocating action.

To choose the right pumping equipment, you need to know the answers to the following questions:

  • what is the fluid flow rate and at what pressure is it planned to pump;
  • operating conditions, where and at what temperatures the pump will be used - indoors or outdoors outdoors;
  • for what purposes the equipment is used. Thus, the characteristics of boiler pumps differ significantly from the parameters of devices designed for supplying water from wells or pumping out waste fluid;
  • information about the liquid used: availability particulate matter and their fraction size, viscosity, toxicity and other parameters.

Applicable to heating and supply systems hot water most the best option are circulation pumps. They promote constant circulation of coolant in the heating circuit, thereby increasing heat transfer and operating efficiency of the boiler room. The use of circulation pumps optimizes the thermal regime in industrial premises, thereby reducing energy costs and increasing the service life of heating equipment.

Company TPK "European engineering systems» offers circulation pumps that meet the following requirements: silent operation, reliability, low power consumption and long term services. All products are manufactured by world leaders in pump manufacturing, which are German and Italian companies.

Basic parameters of pumps

For a more detailed selection of a pump, you need to know which parameters to pay attention to first. For any equipment model, this is the pressure “H” and the flow “Q”. Knowing these two parameters, you can freely select a pump for your planned purposes.

Pressure is the difference in fluid energy at the entrance to the pump and after leaving it, it is calculated in meters of water column. This value is also called outlet water pressure.

Flow is the volume of liquid that the pump transfers per unit of time. The parameter is determined in liters per second or cubic meters per hour.

TPK "European Engineering Systems" supplies industrial pumps with a wide range of basic technical characteristics, which are pressure and flow.

Mains pumps are often used in boiler rooms. Such products perform the function of pumping hot water in a heating network system. The temperature of the network water, which the installed unit is capable of driving through the pipes, reaches +180 degrees.

At the same time, the device and design of network pumps are relatively simple, and at the same time, the devices show high level performance along with reliability.

1 Scope and characteristics

Characteristic features of network pumping devices are ease of installation and low maintenance. Materials such as high-quality steel and gray cast iron, from which such equipment is made, help to increase the safety margin and durability of the pump. Specifications network pumps allow them to work with predominantly clean water, which should not contain solid parts with a diameter of more than 0.2 mm, as well as more than 5 mg/l of mechanical impurities.

Most often, network pumping devices are used to create water circulation in heating networks, as well as to service a boiler (heating) network installation. Such units are manufactured both with one gear and in a 2-stage version. The drive operates using electric power units (motors). They look like horizontal pumps.

The units also include in their device:

  • housing with horizontal connector;
  • impeller with double-sided water inlet;
  • bearings, shaft and end sealing elements;
  • chambers for end seals and flanges for mounting bearings installed in the housing;
  • rolling bearings that support the rotor;
  • roller or ball support bearing for drive;
  • bearing for the radial axis.

The average water supply of devices for boiler houses is 450-500 cubic meters per hour, the pressure is around 50-70 m, and such a parameter as inlet pressure varies within 16 kilograms per square centimeter. Pumps whose purpose is to circulate hot water in small heating systems, have lower power and performance indicators, but they also cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

The scope of application of network products is not limited only to heating systems, in particular boiler rooms. This equipment is successfully used for supplying fuels and lubricants to bases, warehouses and industrial enterprises, for pumping reagents into water treatment plants, as well as in water treatment systems designed for pumping water into water supply systems when the pressure level in pipes drops. At the same time, such equipment is also used for cleaning tanks, as well as storage facilities for substances such as fuel oil.

2 What pumps are used for boiler rooms?

Network pumps for boiler houses are most often centrifugal, equipped with an electric motor. By type they can be divided into: network, make-up, intended for raw water. You can also find this type of pump as a nutrient pump.

In boiler water supply systems it is common install several devices at once that have the same characteristics. The pumps are connected in parallel, with one of them being the main one, and the second being a backup and starting as needed when the first one fails. However, it is also possible to operate two devices at once. In this case, the water pressure in the pipes remains the same as when operating one installation, but the water supply increases, the level of which becomes equal to the amount supply of each device.

For boiler houses, the best option would be to install a centrifugal 1-stage pump type KM, a 1-stage unit type D with 2-way suction, or type TsNSG. In addition, many professionals recommend installing condensate type KS units in the boiler room. In this case, the final choice depends on the specific requirements of the buyer, which, as a rule, are determined by the operating conditions of the future equipment.

2.1 Selecting a device and calculating the required pressure

Pumps for boiler rooms are selected strictly based on the requirements of the heating system, or more precisely, on the required pressure. To understand how much pressure is needed for optimal performance your system, you can refer to the formula created for these purposes.

Calculation of the pressure level that is necessary for the proper functioning of the heating system can be calculated using the following formula: H=(Lsum*Rsp+r)/(Pt*g).

The formula at first glance does not look the simplest, but when studying each value, calculating the required pressure is not difficult. The symbols in the formula by which you can calculate the required pressure mean:

  • H – the required pressure value in meters of water column;
  • Lsum – total length contours, taking into account pipes reverse and submission. If you use a heated floor, you need to take into account the length of the pipes laid under the floor in the calculation;
  • Rsp is the specific resistance level of the system pipes. Taking into account the reserve, take 1 linear meter 150 Pa;
  • r – general meaning system pipeline resistance;
  • Pt – specific density of the coolant;
  • G is a constant that is equal to 9.8 meters per square centimeter, or the unit of acceleration due to gravity.

It is often difficult to calculate the total resistance of system elements. However, in this case it can be simplified general formula, replacing this amount with the coefficient k, which is a correction factor. Thus, the correction factor of a system in which any thermostats are installed will be equal to 1.7.

For a conventional system with fittings standard view and taps that do not have elements for thermostatic regulation, the correction factor is 1.3. A system that has many branches and highly saturated shut-off and control valves has this coefficient at 2.2. The calculation using the final formula, in the case of a correction factor, will have the following form: H=(Lsum*Rud*k)/(Pt*g).

By calculating using this formula, you will be able to understand what parameters and characteristics the pump you need to purchase has. We emphasize that it is recommended to choose a pump for boiler rooms whose power will not exceed that necessary to create the required pressure. If you buy a pump with more power than is needed to provide the desired pressure, you will simply be wasting your money.

2.2 Installation of a boiler room in a private house (video)

Pumps are machines designed to move liquids and impart energy to them. Feeding, make-up, network, condensate, circulation and other pumps are installed in boiler rooms. They are selected based on performance and pressure. The number of pumps must be at least two, one of which is a reserve one. In boiler houses, vane (centrifugal, vortex, axial) and jet (ejectors, injectors) pumps are used. The drive motor for the pump is electric motors, which are usually connected using a coupling.

1. Feed pumps. In boiler rooms with steam boilers Feed pumps are installed, which can be centrifugal and piston (electric or steam driven). Their number must be at least two with independent drives, and one pump (or more) must be steam driven.

Performance of one electric pump, kg/s

Pressure created by the feed pump, MPa

We select the pump according to the table. 15.3. We choose 2 productive pumps.

The capacity of the feed pump (backup) with a steam drive must be at least 50% of the rated capacity of all boilers

The pressure remains the same = 1.672 MPa.

We select piston steam pumps according to table. 15.7.

2. Network pumps. Designed to create circulation and installed on return line heating networks where the water temperature does not exceed 70 °C. Performance network pump determined by the total consumption of network water = 16.62 kg/s or 59.8 m 3 /h.


The pressure of the network pump is MPa

We select network pumps according to the table. 15.4…15.6.

3. Condensate pumps

Their performance is determined based on the maximum amount of condensate, and the pressure must be sufficient to overcome the resistance of the condensate pipelines, pressure in the deaerator and hydrostatic pressure due to the difference in levels of the installation sites of the pump and deaerator (approximately MPa). We select a condensate pump according to the table. 15.10.

4. Make-up pumps. Serve to replenish water leakage from the heating system. We select the capacity of the booster pump to be twice as large for the possibility of emergency feed-up of the heating network.

The required pressure of the make-up pump is determined by the water pressure in the return line of the heating network and the resistance of the pipelines and fittings in the make-up line, approximately

We select the feed pump according to the table. 15.10.

5. Source water pump. Designed to supply water from the boiler house water supply source (reservoir, water supply, well) to the water treatment system (WTS). For raw water pumps we use a K brand pump.

The pump capacity is

Select the required source water pump pressure MPa

We select a network pump according to the table. 15.10.

The results of the selection of all pumps are summarized in a final table.

Table 10. Final table for pump selection

Pump purpose


Head, N, m



Electrical type engine

Feed pump

Spare pump

Network pump

Network pump

Make-up pump

Source water pump

Condensate pump

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