Radiators with low heights are used to heat rooms with large window openings or with a small usable area. They are inferior in heating efficiency standard options(this is compensated by an increase in the number of sections), but they are suitable for such premises in size and correspond to the overall design. Low radiators include all varieties with a height from 200 to 450 mm, a length from 500 to 6000, a depth of up to 230. Apart from their size, they do not have any special differences; installation is carried out according to almost the same rules as for conventional batteries.

The division occurs based on the design features and type of material. Depending on the connection of heating plates and components, there are: sectional (finned), non-separable (panel) and converter-type batteries. The latter are specially designed taking into account small area heat transfer surfaces and low installation. No less important factor is also the material from which radiators are made; currently you can buy the following types:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • bimetallic;
  • aluminum.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, some are universal, others are more demanding on installation and operating conditions (for example, they are only suitable for systems individual heating).

1. Features of cast iron options.

These heating radiators have high thermal inertia, are affordable and resistant to corrosion. They are used in heating systems with coolant temperatures up to 130 °C and pressures up to 10 atmospheres. This is not the lowest type (due to the thickness of the walls), for example, the compact model MS-100/300 has a height of at least 372 mm. Despite the demand in construction, due to affordable price cast iron batteries have such disadvantages as: fragility, poor heat transfer, slow heating and accumulation of plaque inside the sections.

2. Steel radiators.

The design consists of heating plates in the form of a ribbed shell, the surface is usually protected by enameled anti-corrosion coating. The advantages of steel are: high heating rate, withstand fluctuations in coolant parameters and increases in pressure in the heating system up to 15 atmospheres, excellent thermal conductivity. Disadvantages: significant cost (including costs for complex installation), instability to water hammer and low anti-corrosion properties. The best option applications - individual heating in a private house or country house ( closed system with high temperature coolant).

3. Aluminum batteries.

They are distinguished by their compactness (the smallest sizes), lightness, good heat capacity and heating speed. A significant disadvantage is low chemical resistance and softness; aluminum is not compatible with alloys containing copper, brass and bronze (problems arise during installation and operation of the heating system). As a result, the service life of the radiator is limited, the maximum allowable is 15 years. But when certain building codes during installation of this type Low battery heating system operates with high efficiency, and its compact dimensions allow it to fit into any interior.

4. Bimetallic alloys.

Includes the benefits of steel and aluminum, durable, supportive working pressure up to 25 atmospheres. The pipes through which the coolant circulates are made of steel, with aluminum plates attached to them, and the latter does not come into contact with any connecting elements or chemical reagents. This design provides fairly powerful heat transfer; the batteries are of average size. Restrictions on general use are: high price and scoring ability. In any case, they are valued for their productivity: low radiators for panoramic windows of this type are considered the best for creating effective heat flow with low coolant consumption.


When choosing radiators, focus on the following parameters:

  • Maximum operating pressure (from 6 to 25 atmospheres).
  • Permissible coolant temperature.
  • Thermal power (sometimes indicated for one section; this is taken into account when calculating radiators).
  • Compatibility with coolant.
  • Connection type (bottom or diagonal).
  • Dimensions and center distance.

A preliminary heating calculation is required; the length of a low radiator should not be less than the window opening, ideally 15–20 cm longer than it.

Feasibility of use

Batteries non-standard sizes installed in rooms with large windows: swimming pools, gyms; small apartments with low window sills. They are inferior in thermal power to tall models, but they heat the air more evenly, which ultimately affects the overall coolant savings. Moreover, they have much more aesthetically pleasing, for example, low panel radiators are the best design for hallways, public reception areas and halls. But the most important characteristic The efficiency of the device still remains; if it does not warm the room well enough, you should think about another type of heating (warm floors, standard radiators, additional heat sources).

The scope of application depends on the material, so cast iron compact sections are worth buying for apartment buildings With centralized heat supply. The same applies to bimetallic low batteries; they are generally too expensive for private construction. Aluminum is a universal option, but it is extremely demanding on installation conditions and connecting elements. A special case is a low copper-aluminum radiator, which is ideal for heating in a private home. Despite the unique performance indicators, it is not installed in the apartment due to the risk of damage inner surface abrasive deposits and scale.


Name, manufacturer Properties, purpose Size, mm Power, W Price, rubles
Purmo Ventil Compact, Finland Low panel convection radiators with a built-in thermostatic tap and the ability to adjust the coolant, top and side surfaces protected from mechanical influences 200×600×70 412 3 600
200×3000×70 2060 9 100
Kermi FKV, Germany Steel radiator with ergonomic design. Designed specifically to provide sufficient heat output at a low location. Ideal for modern systems heating with low coolant temperature 300×400×59 379 1 400
Rifar Base 200, Russia Bimetal low battery with closed back panel. Sections are connected without using nipples unique method, the risk of leakage is minimized 261×790×100 1040 6 100
Lietex 200, Italy Die-cast aluminum radiator with sealed heat-resistant gaskets. Features low wall thickness, high heat transfer and attractive design 280×800×85 980 3 500
Sira Swing, Italy Sections consist of 2 or 3 blocks, made of two types of aluminum, which ensures strength and good speed heat exchange. The radiator is known for its high quality enamel coating 245×800×80 890 400
Regullus R1/140, Poland Non-separable convection type model, sealed, with high heat transfer 135×1400×90 780 5 400

The main task of a heating radiator is, undoubtedly, effective heating of the room. But appearance radiator is also important, and therefore in some cases you may need the most compact models of radiators, which not only fit in size to the location of the planned installation, but also fit into overall design premises.

In this article we will talk about the main types of radiators, as well as in what situations you can use low models, and in which you will have to install larger batteries.

Types of radiators

Types of radiators depending on the material of manufacture

Heating experts most often classify radiators depending on the material from which they are made. Each type of radiator can be represented a large number models and standard sizes, therefore, when choosing a radiator, you need to take into account the maximum number of factors!

The main types of heating batteries include:

  • Radiators made of cast iron– widely used in construction. Such batteries are designed for operating pressure within 8 atmospheres, maximum temperature The coolant temperature should not exceed 130 degrees. The main advantages of cast iron radiators include durability and resistance to corrosion, while the disadvantages are low heat transfer and slow heating.

The most compact cast iron radiators include batteries of the MS-100/300 series (height 372 mm) and DD-3/350 (422 mm).

  • Steel radiators– made from steel high quality, as a rule, with anti-corrosion coating. These heating appliance models differ high speed heating, effective heat transfer, as well as significant (up to 15 atmospheres) operating pressure. The main disadvantage of steel radiators is their tendency to corrosion.

  • Aluminum radiator Due to the high thermal conductivity of aluminum, it is one of the most effective sources of heating a room. In addition to high heat transfer and low inertia (such a battery warms up very quickly), an aluminum radiator is also economical.

The main disadvantage of such heating devices is their demands on water quality. If the water in the heating system is not clean enough, the radiator very often corrodes.

Pay attention! It is not advisable to leave aluminum radiators, especially compact radiators. long time without antifreeze and filled with water.

  • Bimetallic radiators combine the advantages of steel and aluminum models. They maintain operating pressure up to 25 atmospheres, are corrosion resistant and durable. The main disadvantage of bimetallic radiators is their high price.

Steel, aluminum and bimetallic radiators are available in various designs and standard sizes. The product lines of these batteries include a sufficient number of low models, so finding a model that fits the dimensions is usually not difficult.

Radiator sizes

The size range of heating radiators is quite extensive and includes models from the lowest to the highest. Traditionally, low radiators include batteries whose height is within 300-450 mm, and for tall ones – models with height 600-900 mm. Both low and high radiators have their own characteristics:

  • Low radiators are installed under window sills in cases where the window occupies almost the entire wall. As a rule, such windows are made either in living rooms or public buildings(conference rooms, lobbies, etc.).

Such compact heating batteries are inferior in efficiency to full-size models, so when using them it is necessary to either increase the number of radiators or additionally install other heating sources.

The advantages of low radiators include more uniform heating of the room: a long battery creates a more efficient thermal curtain, and therefore warm air is distributed throughout the room, leaving virtually no cold areas.

  • High batteries have significantly more wide scope applications. They can be installed wherever the room dimensions allow.

The high performance of large-sized radiators has two aspects: on the one hand, the room warms up faster and more efficiently, and on the other hand, the heat is distributed quite unevenly. That is why, if the high battery is poorly placed, a situation may arise in which it will be too hot in the immediate vicinity of the heater, and very cool in the opposite corner of the room.

Read the article here.

Features of installing low radiators

How to calculate the number of heating radiators

Many of us choose low radiators as preferable from a design point of view. But we should not forget that the main task of the radiator is to provide efficient heating of the room, and by replacing a standard radiator with a lower model, we can get heating of insufficient power.

Therefore, when replacing radiators, it is necessary to calculate what total power we'll need it.

Below are instructions that will help you calculate the required number of radiators:

  • First, we calculate the volume of the room. To do this, multiply the area of ​​the room by its height. For example, if we are planning to replace batteries in a room with an area of ​​12 square meters with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, the volume will be 32.4 m 3.
  • We multiply the resulting figure by 41 W - the standard value for heating one cubic meter in a standard building. In our case we get 1328.4 W.

Pay attention! This standard is calculated for the European part of Russia (including Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod), as well as for Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine. For other territories, information should be found in GOST 30494-96 and other regulatory documents.

  • We got the radiator power we needed. This value must be divided by the power indicated in the passport of the model we have chosen. For example, if we plan to install Rifar Base radiators (pictured) with a power of 624 W, then we will need to install at least three such radiators.

In fact, you can limit yourself to two radiators, but this should only be done in that case. If you rate your room as warm, i.e. even with insufficient heating you do not feel discomfort. But, nevertheless, experts advise not to take risks and round up the resulting number of radiators exclusively in big side!

Self-installation of a low radiator

If desired, you can install the heating radiator yourself.

The installation procedure does not depend on the dimensions of the radiator (except for some nuances) and is carried out as follows:

  • First, we determine the type of connection for our radiator. Single-pipe and two-pipe connection schemes require various operations, so we recommend that you carefully study the photographs in this article and also watch the video.

  • Then we apply markings on the wall for mounting the radiator. It should be remembered that the distance from the bottom edge of the radiator to the floor should be at least 60-120 mm, and from the top edge to the window sill - about 100 mm. These gaps are designed to ensure effective air circulation.

Advice! If you are installing a low radiator and the window sill board completely covers it, you need to cut holes in the window sill and cover them with decorative grilles. If this is not done, the warm air will not be able to provide high-quality heating. window glass, which, in turn, will lead to constant formation of condensation in winter.

  • We mount a shield made of heat-reflecting material on the wall behind the radiator.
  • We drill holes in the wall into which we attach the brackets. We put the battery mounts on the brackets. As a rule, low batteries are relatively lightweight, so brackets that are not the most powerful can be used.
  • We install everything on the radiator necessary elements including exhaust valves.
  • We connect the battery to the system using leads from threaded connection. We seal the joints with tow.

The independent installation stage is completed. Next, we will need to carry out pressure testing, but to carry it out it is better to turn to professionals. The thing is that crimping is carried out using a special device, which is irrational to buy for installing several radiators!

Actually a choice suitable model a compact radiator and connecting it yourself is not such a difficult task. And the main thing to remember is that even a compact heating device must first of all provide effective heating of the room, and only then look beautiful.


When settling in heating structure V own apartment or home, their owners need to decide on the purchase of batteries, taking into account the size of the heating radiators.

In this case, the following basic parameters should be taken into account:

  • degree of heat transfer of one section;
  • the maximum operating pressure for which these devices are designed.
Among the products on modern market The spread of the main parameters of batteries is quite large, since they are presented in a wide range.

Heating radiator sizes

The standard height of the most popular models of heating devices with the center distance along the connections is 500 millimeters. These are the batteries that in most cases could be seen about two decades ago in city apartments.

Cast iron radiators. A typical representative of these devices is the MS-140-500-0.9 model.

The specifications for it include the following: overall dimensions heating radiators made of cast iron:

  • length of one section - 93 millimeters;
  • depth - 140 millimeters;
  • height – 588 millimeters.
Calculating the dimensions of a radiator from several sections is not difficult. When the battery consists of 7-10 sections, add 1 centimeter, taking into account the thickness of the paronite gaskets. If installation is to be done heating battery into a niche, it is necessary to take into account the length of the flushing tap, since cast iron radiators with side connections always require flushing. One section provides a heat flow of 160 watts at a temperature difference between the hot coolant and the air in the room of 70 degrees. The maximum working pressure is 9 atmospheres.

Aluminum radiators. For heating devices made of aluminum on the market today, with the same center-to-center spacing of the connections, there is a significant variation in parameters (more details: " ").

Typical sizes of aluminum heating radiators are:

  • length of one section - 80 millimeters;
  • depth 80-100 millimeters;
  • height - 575-585 millimeters.
The heat transfer of one section directly depends on the area of ​​its fins and depth. Typically it ranges from 180 to 200 watts. The operating pressure for most models of aluminum batteries is 16 atmospheres. Are experiencing heating devices with one and a half times greater pressure - this is 24 kgf/cm².
Aluminum radiators have next feature: the volume of coolant in them is 3 and sometimes 5 times less than in cast iron products. As a result, high movement speed hot water prevents silting and deposit formation.

Bimetallic radiators. The steel core in such devices does not in any way affect their appearance and the size of the heating radiators, but the maximum operating pressure increases significantly. Unfortunately, the increase in strength bimetallic battery leads to high costs. And the price of such a product is already inaccessible to a wide range of consumers.

Bimetallic heating radiators have the following section dimensions:
  • length 80-82 millimeters;
  • depth - from 75 to 100 millimeters;
  • height – minimum 550 and maximum 580 millimeters.
In terms of heat transfer, one bimetallic section is inferior to an aluminum section by about 10-20 watts. The average heat flux is 160-200 watts. Due to the presence of steel, the operating pressure reaches 25-35 atmospheres, and during testing - 30-50 atmospheres.
When arranging a heating structure, you should use pipes that are not inferior in strength to radiators. Otherwise, using durable devices loses all meaning. For bimetallic radiators, only steel liner is used.

Low batteries

Radiators with a small center distance have the following advantages:
  • they can be placed under a low window sill;
  • they have maximum heat transfer per unit area.
Cast iron radiators.

The dimensions of the MS-140M-300-0.9 heating radiator sections are:

  • length 93 millimeters;
  • depth - 140 millimeters;
  • height – 388 millimeters.
Due to its smaller dimensions, it is reduced - it is equal to 106 watts from one section at an operating pressure of 9 kgf/cm². Among foreign analogues there are cast iron products with an interaxial distance along the liners equal to 200 and 350 millimeters, this type is much higher.

Aluminum radiators. U low batteries made of aluminum, both domestic and imported, the spread of the center distances is quite large. You can find 150, 300 and even 450 millimeters. Since the possible section length starts from 40 millimeters, the device looks compact and unusual. Low aluminum heating radiators have height dimensions starting from 200 millimeters. The depth of many models compensates for the lack of the other two parameters and is 180 millimeters.
As for thermal power, it varies from a minimum of 50 watts per section to a maximum of 160 watts. The determining factor is the fin area of ​​one section. At the same time, the change in dimensions does not significantly affect the working pressure - low aluminum appliances designed for 16 atmospheres, and when tested at 24 atmospheres.

Bimetallic radiators. All the sizes of heating radiators that they have are also typical for aluminum heating devices. Thermal power is within the same limits. On sale you can find aluminum low radiators with heat output of 80 and 140 watts per section. The working pressure is 25-35 atmospheres.

Bimetallic low radiators, such as in the photo, have two nuances:

  • among heating devices there are batteries not with solid steel cores, but with steel tubes placed between aluminum collectors. Their operating pressure, indicated by manufacturers, is usually 12 or 16 atmospheres;
  • they often do not have vertically located channels and in the case of side connection can be heated from the collectors due to the thermal conductivity of aluminum. The circulation of the coolant is ensured by the last section, since it is flow-through.

Tall radiators

When the selection of radiator size is limited due to lack of space for placement standard device, preference is given to tall and narrow batteries, since these models have limited width.

Cast iron radiators. Unlike domestic cast iron products standard dimensions, among foreign products you can find designer devices, the height of which is unusual for Russian consumers. For example, the Demrad Retro line of cast iron radiators.

Their sizes are as follows:

  • the height of the section with a width of 76 millimeters varies from 661 to 954 millimeters;
  • depth - 203 millimeters.
Working pressure is 10 atmospheres, they are tested at 13 atmospheres.

In the largest sections thermal power reaches 270 watts. At the same time, narrow heating radiators can have height dimensions of 2400 millimeters. Working pressure is limited to 6 atmospheres. High altitude promotes solid power: with a temperature delta of 70 degrees, it reaches even more than 433 watts.

Aluminum radiators. Typically, for tall aluminum radiators, the connections are placed at the bottom to make the pipes invisible.

Bimetallic radiators. Basically, models of tall and narrow bimetallic radiators are original designer designs, and accordingly all their sizes are non-standard. Basically, these products are rarely sectional - they are, as a rule, monolithic.

An example of such heating devices is the radiator model Sira RS-800 BIMETALL, which has the following parameters:

Before calculating the size of a heating radiator, it is necessary to decide on the model of a specific heating device for a room of a certain purpose and area. It should be remembered that heat transfer is affected not by the size, but by the power of the individual sections, which are assembled into one battery.

Choice, taking into account the sizes of heating radiators, details in the video:

Radiator models, the height of which does not exceed 450 mm, are currently in fairly wide demand at facilities with panoramic glazing or low window sills.

Such heating devices are called “low heating radiators” and are ideal solution, if you need to organize heating of a “wet” or cold wall.

The products demonstrate very low heat transfer coefficients and, as a rule, have a significant length. This is what is required to resolve such issues.

Of course, when deciding to use certain radiator models, the customer strives to purchase the maximum stylish models, organically fitting into the interior design of the room where they are planned to be installed. For example, heating radiators are low in height. But these are, first of all, heating devices and only secondarily - design elements. Therefore, technical specifications should be a priority when purchasing.

The main parameter by which modern radiators are classified is the material from which they are made. This is what, first of all, sets all the operating parameters of the product. The market today offers radiators made from the following materials.

Bimetallic heating radiators

The collectors through which the coolant moves are made of black or stainless steel. An aluminum jacket (ribs) is fused onto them, like a frame, which increases the heat transfer rate of the radiator.

The main advantage that low bimetallic heating radiators have is significant operating pressure, firstly, and compatibility with almost any metal, secondly.

This radiator is capable of operating on any coolant: in versions with steel collectors Ph (6.5 - 9), with stainless steel (5 - 11).

All sections have good heat transfer with minimal system inertia. This makes it possible to maintain the set temperature in the room using the automation installed on the boiler. Or special regulators installed on radiators.

The product is quite expensive. A number of models, due to design features, require the installation of inlet filters for the coolant. The latter must be cleaned regularly.

Low cast iron heating radiators are available in three options executions:

  • classic cast iron radiators (low),
  • radiators given modern shapes.
  • floor radiators.

Pros: resistant to corrosion and have excellent thermal inertia.
Cons: working pressure does not exceed ten atmospheres (low), cast iron is fragile material, is subject to rapid contamination of internal channels, which reduces the heat transfer of radiators.

Minimum height similar devices is 200 mm. Model Global GL200/80/D. These are the lowest heating radiators. Al radiators included model series many manufacturers of similar products.

Their average heat transfer rate is 89-98 W. The center distance is set, as a rule, by one of three meanings: 400, 350 or 300 mm.

The advantages of radiators from specified material can be considered:

  • Lightness of design;
  • Small capacity;
  • Fast response to changes in temperature;
  • Significant heat dissipation.

The most important disadvantage that low aluminum heating radiators have is the chemical activity of the material and the softness of Al - aluminum.

Long and reliable operation can only be ensured by using a high-quality coolant with the following indicators: Ph = (7-8), Prab = (5-6) Bar for extrusion models, (10-12) for cast ones. The coolant should not contain suspended matter and oxygen, which destroy the structure.

It should also be noted that low heating radiators for panoramic windows are represented by models of steel and plate products of convector types.

Radiators can be produced in two versions: wall-mounted and floor-mounted (decorative cast iron).

Features of installing low radiators and the main stages of installation work

The technology for installing low models of heating devices, in the vast majority of cases, does not depend on the size of the radiators. The heating scheme used (one or two pipes) plays a role here.

We select places where low heating radiators will be placed, and mark on the walls places for installing fasteners for them. It should be taken into account that minimum distance from the floor to the lower edge of the radiator there should be at least (60 - 120) mm, and from its upper edge to the bottom of the window sill there should be at least one hundred millimeters. The indicated gaps are necessary for optimal circulation of heated air.

  • In cases where a heating device of the group in question is installed in a room, and the existing window sill completely covers it, it is necessary to drill or cut several holes in it, which are then covered with a decorative grille.
  • In cases where such work is not carried out, warm air there will not be sufficient opportunities to heat the glass in the window to the required temperature. And this is a direct path to the constant formation of condensation indoors during the cold season.

Behind each of the mounted radiators, a layer of heat-reflecting material must be attached to the wall.

Then, according to the markings, holes are drilled in the wall. Brackets are fixed into them, onto which low-height heating radiators are then attached. It is then connected to the heating system. All joints are sealed.

Installation of such radiator models has a number of specific features, which directly depend on the material of the device. For example, Al is strictly not recommended to be combined with copper or alloys containing Cu. Therefore, if the heating system is wired copper pipes, you should abandon the installation of Al radiators and the use of brass and bronze fittings. The best solution– galvanized fittings and fittings.

The fully assembled system is pressure tested, after which it is declared fit for use.

Calculation of the number of heating radiators

Let us remind you once again that the main task of a radiator is to heat the room. Therefore, when the owner, guided primarily by the appearance of the room, changes standard-sized heating devices to low-size radiators, at a 1:1 ratio, the result is a heating system of insufficient power.

Therefore, the question of replacement begins with preliminary calculations of the total required power that low heating radiators will have to produce.

A heating radiator is a heating device, popularly known as a “battery”. Heating devices transfer the heat delivered to them through pipes to rooms that need heating. Heating radiators are made from various materials, as a result of which they have different thermal conductivity and ability to withstand internal pressure.

Types of heating radiators depending on the material of manufacture.

Aluminum radiators They have good thermal conductivity and heat dissipation. Pleasant appearance, lightness, ability to withstand high working pressure - these are the advantages. Minus: aluminum, when reacting with water, releases hydrogen, which accumulates in the radiator. At first, it is necessary to remove accumulated gas from the coolants daily, otherwise the heating system will not function.

Aluminum radiator

Bimetallic radiator is a modification of an aluminum radiator. They are as beautiful and ergonomic as aluminum ones. They are distinguished by the presence of internal steel elements. They are able to withstand pressure up to forty atmospheres and have a greater margin of safety. Unpretentious to the environment.

Cast iron heating radiatorsthe old model is not at all aesthetically pleasing. Painting them is inconvenient, but they can be hidden under special protective screens. There are now more modern models improved cast iron radiators. The undoubted advantage of cast iron radiators is their unpretentiousness. They are capable of serving up to 50 years without replacement; they are not afraid of any rusty water, nor the presence of contamination. Minus cast iron radiator is low thermal conductivity compared to radiators made from modern materials.

Cast iron radiator

Steel heating radiators are available in two types: panel, sectional and tubular. Panel radiators are inexpensive, unpretentious, and their design is hundred. Tubular radiators have very high heat transfer and long term service (up to 25 years). Designers work on their creation, which allows us to classify this type of steel radiators as premium. Sectional are a structure of several sections connected to each other using spot welding. This significantly increases the service life and allows you to withstand pressure changes.

Steel panel radiator

Are you tormented by the question of buying a water heater, but can’t choose a brand? Read in our article what

Read interesting article how to connect aluminum radiators

What do you need to know about the sizes of heating batteries?

Heating radiators are produced different sizes, which allows you to choose for their installation optimal place indoors.

An error in choosing the size of heating radiators will lead to excessively low, or, conversely, high temperature in a heated room.

Knowing the dimensions of heating radiators, their power and the area of ​​the room where you are going to install them, it is easy to calculate the optimal number of heating devices needed. The choice of radiator height depends on the intended installation location. Often, radiators are installed under the window, so to calculate the height of the heating radiator, you need to measure the distance from the floor to the window sill. Also, all heating devices must be on the same level. Heating radiators are divided into three types according to their height:

  • Standard height.
  • Low heating radiators.
  • Tall heating radiators.

The length of the radiator depends on the number of sections.

Dimensions of cast iron heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of cast iron heating radiators: section length 93 mm, depth 140 mm, height 588 mm.
  • Low heating radiators dimensions: height 388 mm, other parameters are the same.
  • Tall cast iron heating radiators: height from 661 to 954 mm, section length 76 mm, depth - 203 mm.

Cast iron heating radiators can last up to 50 years without replacement

Dimensions of aluminum heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of aluminum heating radiators: height 575-585 mm, section length - 80 mm, depth - 80-100 mm.
  • Low: height from 200 to 400 mm, section length from 40 mm, depth up to 180 mm.
  • High: height 590 mm, depth 95 mm, section length 80 mm.

Aluminum radiators have good heat dissipation

Dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators: height 550 – 580 mm, section length 80-82 mm, depth 75-100 mm.
  • Low: height 30 -500 mm, section length 80 mm, depth – 95 mm.
  • High: height 880 mm, section length 80 mm, depth 95 mm.

Bimetallic radiators combine all the most best qualities steel and aluminum radiators

Dimensions of steel heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of sectional tubular radiators: height 600 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm.
  • Low: height 400-500 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm
  • High: height 700-900 mm, length the same.

Steel radiators are most often used in individual heating systems

Power and size

Its power depends on the size of the heating device. Average heating power of a cast iron radiator section standard height is 160 W, while the power of the section of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators is 200 W. Therefore for high-quality heating room, the size of the purchased cast iron radiator must be larger than the size of the corresponding aluminum and bimetallic radiators. You can calculate the heating radiator power for your room as follows. First you need to find out the volume of the room. To do this, multiply the width by the length and the height. Length – 5 m, width – 3 m, height – 2.5. 5*3*2.5=37.5 cubic meters To heat 1 cubic meter in a standard building, 41 W of thermal power is consumed. To heat a room with a volume of 37.5 cubic meters, 37.5 * 41 = 1537.5 W will be required, i.e. approximately 1600 W. In case of extreme cold, when calculating, it is better to increase the resulting power by 15-20%. 1600+20%= 1920W = 1.92 kW Knowing the power of the heating device, we calculate the number of radiator sections standard size. The power of the cast iron radiator section is 160 W. 1920:160 =11.25 i.e. 12 sections. Power of the aluminum radiator section 180W 1920:180=10.6 i.e. 11 sections. Section power bimetallic radiator 200 W 1920:200=9.6 i.e. 10 sections. Section power steel radiator 140 W 1800:140 =13.7 i.e. approximately 14 sections.

Power should always be rounded up; it should not be underestimated!

These are approximate data; a lot depends on the radiator model, its height, and heat transfer. In principle, every self-respecting manufacturer indicates on the packaging what the power of one radiator section is. Knowing it, you can calculate the exact number of sections required to heat your room.

Selecting the dimensions of heating batteries

The dimensions of heating radiators are selected based on the thermal power they generate. If heating radiators are placed, as recommended, under windows, the following features should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the window sill to the top of the radiator should not be less than 100 mm;
  • the distance from the floor to the radiator is at least 60 mm.

The length of the heating radiator should be 55 - 75% greater than the width of the window.

Find out everything about electric horizontal flat storage water heaters at the link:

Bottom line

When choosing the size of radiators for your home, remember that The calculation of thermal power should be made not based on the volume of the room as a whole, but taking into account the volume of each room separately. So, if you have several rooms, calculate the volume of each of them, and calculate how many radiators are required to heat the bedroom, how many for the kitchen, how many for the living room, for the bathroom, separately focusing on the size of the heating radiators. Please note that when using a screen for a radiator or decorative lattice, the radiator power must be recalculated upward.
It is allowed to install additional radiators along blank walls in corner rooms, which prevents freezing of the walls and protects against dampness.

When buying heating radiators, do not rely on sellers for everything.

Make preliminary power calculations and estimate required dimensions heating devices. In this case, you will not only purchase those heating devices that best meet your needs, but you can also save a lot of money.

The presented video will help you when choosing a heating radiator

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):