Almost all of our domestic plants came from distant countries. And each of them requires an individual approach. One needs the sun, while the other can die from its exposure and prefers shade. Some require plenty of moisture, while others need to be forgotten. And in order for the plant to please the gardener with its appearance, you need to know the rules required for care. Consider a catalog of popular indoor flowers.

Classification of indoor plants

All homemade plants can be divided into 4 groups, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. Groups:

  • decorative foliage. This group, if all care rules are followed, will stay with flower growers for a long time. Their leaves are mostly all year round green. The only thing is that there are species that should be kept in cool rooms in winter.
  • decorative flowering. Flowers of this group are considered to be long-lived. Their leaves do not die off after flowering; in some species they simply become less attractive. Among indoor plants of this type, some need to be kept cool in the winter, and some should be taken out into the garden in the summer.
  • decorative flowering potted plants. These types are mainly used for a variety of flower arrangements. Once they have lost their appearance, they are simply disposed of. But, if you leave the tubers of some types, you can use them next year. That is, plants of this group can be decoratively flowering for a short time.
  • cacti. This is the most famous and popular type. Their stems are covered in thorns and hairs. Sometimes cacti also have common leaves. Many of the cacti may bloom. They are long-lived and quite unpretentious.

Catalog of indoor flowers

Let's consider the names related to decorative foliage, which are valued for beautiful leaves, as well as decorative flowering ones, capable of boasting beautiful flowering.


This is a shrub that attracts with its exotic appearance. It has a rosette of leaves with straight stems that eventually develop into a trunk. Depending on the species and age, it can reach three meters. Leaves of this house plant juicy green, elongated shape. Dracaena at proper care V room conditions can last up to 15 years. Types of dracaena:

  • dracaena tree
  • Dracaena cinnabarica
  • Dracaena deremenskaya
  • dragon tree
  • dracaena fragrant
  • Dracaena Godsefa

Dracaena is unpretentious shrub, which will not cause a lot of trouble for the grower if you follow following rules care:

  1. Dracaena is a light-loving plant, but it must be protected from direct sunlight.
  2. moisture-loving, necessary abundant watering. It must be carried out as soon as it has dried top layer approximately 2 cm of soil.
  3. It is advisable to loosen the soil before watering.



Belongs to coniferous crops. It is not demanding in care, it will easily take root in a new place. He is very photophilous and is not afraid of sunlight. If there is insufficient light, the cypress may die. Does not tolerate drafts and strong wind, but the room where it grows needs to be ventilated regularly.

The plant loves moisture, so it needs to be sprayed, and you can also place containers with water next to the pot. Cypress needs to be watered regularly, monitoring this every day to prevent the soil from drying out. IN winter time You can water less often to prevent rotting of the roots.

Cypress in May - September needs to be fertilized with fertilizers. It can be purchased in specialized stores.

Decorative flowering indoor plants are loved because of their exquisite flowers. They are also among themselves vary in appearance, care requirements, and smell. Examples of decorative flowers: Saintpaulia, acacia, anthurium and others.

Saintpaulias or Usambara violets

These indoor flowers almost ideal, because they bloom almost all year round, generally without taking up much space on the windowsill. Many colors of flowers, there are like delicate shades, and bright flashy ones. In order for violets to bring joy with their flowering, they need to create necessary conditions. Rules for caring for Saintpaulias:

The lower leaves and faded flowers are torn off. If in the spring Saintpaulia gave a second rosette, then it must be cut off and placed in water.


It has a shortened stem that can be aboveground or underground. Its leaves are green in color, reaching a length of 15 cm, and 7 cm wide, the flowers come in a variety of colors. Anthurium care rules:


It's stemless houseplant with short root. Types:

  • spathiphyllum cannofolia - differs from its other species in the wonderful aroma of the flower. Its leaves are lush green. Blooms in spring and winter.
  • spathiphyllum profusely blooming - can bloom throughout the year.
  • Spathiphyllum Willis - perfect for growing indoors.
  • Spathiphyllum heliconifolia is quite large, reaching a height of up to 1 m.

Spathiphyllum care rules:

Houseplants, photos and names of which you see below, belong to the decorative flowering potted plants. Difference from the previous type The fact is that such indoor flowers can only spend a short period of time in living quarters. If the plant begins to fade, then the days of this flower are already numbered.

Only some of their species can be saved. Therefore it would Most plants are thrown away, some are saved., moving them to a cool place, while others can be stored in the form of bulbs until next landing.

The short lifespan of such crops is the main drawback. These include flowers such as azalea, chrysanthemum, poinsettia, gloxinia.


It is considered an evergreen, branchy, beautifully flowering dwarf plant. Types of indoor azaleas:

  • Indian azalea. The height of this evergreen shrub is up to 50 cm, its leaves are small, no more than 3.5 cm.
  • Japanese azalea reaches a height of 50 cm, it has white shiny leaves that are smaller than those of its previous species.

Basic rules for caring for indoor azaleas:

Cacti are a separate type of indoor crops that delight the gardener with their unpretentiousness.


A fairly large cactus with a dark green stem in the shape of a ball or cylinder. Main The difference from all other cacti is the presence of papillae from which needles appear. The roots are usually located on the surface, only root system in the center goes deep. Types of Mammillaria cactus:

  • Mamilaria shide – miniature view, shaped like a ball with a diameter of 4 cm.
  • Mammillaria macrosapular - this species is distinguished by its large size, up to 30 cm in height.
  • Snow-white mammillaria is also a fairly large species.
  • Mammillaria Teresa - this type of cactus has a very large flowers, reaching 3 cm in diameter and, as a rule, they are purple in color.
  • Mammillaria spinosa is a medium-sized cactus, often unbranched and cylindrical in shape.

Basic rules of care:


This is a classic cactus with a stem in the shape of a ball or cylinder. Its flowers are yellow, pink, white, and red. Types of lobivia:

  • Lobivia backeberga is a dwarf with a gray stem color. It does not exceed 5 cm in diameter, the color of the flowers is cream.
  • Bolivian lobivia - a cylindrical stem with a gray-green color. The height of this type of cactus reaches 10 cm.
  • Lobivia densispina - this cactus consists of a number of species of different stem shapes, flower colors, and spines. Main feature their large size and bright colors.
  • lobivia zhajoyana - this type of cactus is distinguished by its spherical stem, with a diameter not exceeding 10 cm.

Basic rules for caring for indoor crops:

Having considered the types and names of the presented crops, the gardener will be able to independently choose the most suitable one for himself. Because depending on their type indoor flowers vary according to home care requirements.

Yellow home flowers perfectly lift your spirits and give you vigor. It is believed that sunny color brings health to the house, financial well-being and joy.

Yellow indoor flowers for beginner gardeners

Abutilone (domestic maple) with proper care it can flourish all year round, in addition to the winter season.

He loves regular watering, fertilizing and loose soil at the roots. It is good to place it on a balcony or loggia when it gets warm with early spring until late autumn.

Balsam It is unpretentious to grow and can bloom all year round.

It is necessary to water abundantly in summer, less in winter. Except New Guinea balsam, other varieties should be protected from direct sunlight.

- This evergreen shrub with magnificent buds.

Pruning is necessary only at the end of winter - beginning of spring to increase branching. In spring and summer, you need abundant watering, and in autumn and winter, moderate watering, maximum 2 times a week.

Can bring joy with flowers yellow in spring and summer.

It has very unusual trifoliate leaves. It can withstand high temperatures, but prefers to live in a cool place. Watering it once a week is enough.

It has spherical inflorescences, which can be from May to October. It should be watered every 3 days and left alone in a cool, bright place during the winter months.

Homemade yellow flowers for experienced gardeners

Blooms in autumn time year for two months.

It not only has beautiful bright yellow flowers, but also variegated leaves. True, for such beauty it demands special attention. She loves it well lit warm room without drafts and direct sunlight.

Bauhinia (orchid tree)) has flowers similar to orchids and butterfly-shaped leaves.

She prefers to live on sunny windowsills, but after wintering it is better to “accustom” to the bright spring sun gradually.

Almost everyone likes it for its large flowers on thick stems. However, he cannot stand high temperatures and direct sunlight, in summer it needs abundant watering and weekly fertilization. Once the flowers appear, it is better to place it in a cool place to prolong the flowering period.

Has long stem, densely covered with fragrant flowers.

It requires very bright light, moderate temperatures in summer and coolness in autumn and winter.

It has large bracts that can bloom from February to October. It grows well at temperatures of 16-22 degrees. When growing it, you should avoid drying out the soil and water it more often in warm seasons.

Hello, dear readers! It is often impossible to create in a room ideal conditions for plants. The indoor air is often dry, lack of sunlight, and drafts. All this is a destructive environment for many types of fastidious indoor plants, especially for representatives of exotic flora. Lack of attention, failure to fertilize, irregular watering and other mistakes that we make out of inexperience kill our potted pets. And we look with sadness at the drooping stems of the ruined flower, which has become close to our hearts.

I really want to prolong the feeling of summer, create harmony and an aura of comfort in the house with the help of indoor plants. Don't deny yourself this. And place unpretentious indoor plants in your house that can withstand conditions that are unbearable for other plants and require minimal care. So, what are there unpretentious indoor plants photos and their names.

Indoor flowers that don't require a lot of light


For those who want to make the process of caring for indoor plants easier, Aspidistra is suitable. This is decorative foliage plant, capable of growing even in dimly lit rooms, even prefers shade, especially in hot weather. Aspidistra suffers from direct sunlight, which can cause burns on the leaves. Aspidistra is not afraid of temperature changes, so for a long time it can grow on a balcony, terrace, winter garden.

Initially, Aspidistra was bred for gardens and parks, so its selected smaller copy retained increased resistance to unfavorable conditions. Aspidistra is a cold-resistant plant that is not afraid of drafts and dry air. All care consists of moderate watering, 2 times a week in summer and spraying the leaves, once a week in winter. But the plant can survive without watering for some time. Replant no more than once every three years. The plant does not require fertilizers, but watch out, if the leaves become dull and begin to grow more slowly, then perhaps there is not enough fertilizing.

Aspidistra is amazingly beautiful in lush color, when its wide, long leaves open in all directions with rays. The English called Aspidistra " iron plant”, emphasizing her resilience and endurance. The plant is ideal for those who are constantly on the move, because infrequent watering and dry soil will not harm the plant in any way.

Antarctic cissus

Another lover of darkened rooms. Another name for Cissus is homemade grapes. Indeed, it is easy to confuse it with grapes, because its branches resemble vines and its shoots have tendrils. Despite its name, Antarctic Cissus comes from the tropics, and unlike its fellow Cissus rhombifolia, it does not tolerate direct sunlight at all. Antarctic cissus is ideal for dimly lit rooms.

Never leave it on the windowsill, best place for him inside the room. Cissus is resistant to temperature changes and resistant to pests. Watering is moderate. Cissus does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil, so infrequent watering will only benefit the plant. Cissus vines will become good decoration any home, they can beautifully wrap around the handle of a basket, they can fall down from shelves, from cabinets, they can be used to make amazing beauty green racks.


One of the most unpretentious indoor plants, striking in its vitality. There are many varieties of Ficus, and all of them are low maintenance. Ficuses are indifferent to dry air, irregular watering, and tolerate a lack of light. At the same time, Ficuses work non-stop to improve indoor air, absorbing toxic volatile substances such as phenol, benzene and trichlorethylene, giving in return useful biological substances that help cope with insomnia and depression. The variety of types, foliage colors, shapes, sizes allows you to choose the most suitable Ficus for your home.


Popularly better known as " Pike tail", "Mother-in-law's tongue." A plant with striped leaves stretched upward does not suffer from a lack of light; it can be placed even in those parts of the house where the sun's rays occasionally reach, such as the corridor. Although bright lighting will not harm the plant. He is not afraid of unventilated rooms. The plant itself is a source clean air in the house, absorbing unpleasant musty odors. Therefore, when leaving, feel free to leave Sansevieria indoors.

Sansevieria can tolerate everything that would kill many plants. Irregular watering or its absence for a long time, dry air, drafts - Sansevieria doesn’t care about anything. However there is certain rules care It is not recommended to overwater the plant, the roots may begin to rot, you cannot pour water into the center of the plant's rosette, watering is carried out only in the soil, periodically you need to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, replanting every 3-4 years. Sansevieria wonderful plant for beginners, for those who are rarely at home or who simply do not have time to take care of house plants.


Loved by many gardeners, Euphorbia is not demanding in care. Beginners or lazy gardeners will love this plant. There are many types of Milkweed, even some that resemble cacti. But they all do not like abundant watering; they tolerate both light and dark rooms, they can be placed on window sills. In the shade, the plant slightly loses the brightness of its foliage. However, Euphorbia does not like drafts. In summer, the plant is watered once a week, but in winter, once a month is enough.

One of the most popular types of Milkweed is the "Christmas Star", another name for Poinsettia, which blooms on Christmas Eve. Its star-shaped red flowers are nothing but modified upper leaves, which turn red in December. The "Christmas Star" has the same hardy disposition as its brothers.


This is an unpretentious indoor plant that can be left in a room without any problems, even with curtained windows, when going on vacation. The plant loves shaded places, but requires abundant watering. When planning a vacation, you can accustom the plant to a lack of moisture by gradually reducing the volume and frequency of watering. When you return, resume deep watering.

Tradescantia is indifferent to dry and hot indoor air, drafts and temperature changes. There is a huge variety of Tradescantia species, most often found in houses and apartments hanging types indoor plants that cascade graceful waterfall bright leaves.


Or popularly " Women's happiness"is a houseplant loved by many gardeners for its ease of care and attractiveness. Blooms every summer. Plant care is minimal; even a novice gardener can handle it. Bright direct rays of the sun can leave burns on Spathiphyllum leaves. He loves diffused, dim light; partial shade is also suitable for him. Loves moisture and spraying at any time of the year.

Despite the fact that the plant is moisture-loving, repeated watering is possible only when the top layer of soil dries out. In winter, watering is minimal. Spathiphyllum will normally survive without watering for some time. If, after a long drought, you begin to water it abundantly and regularly, the plant usually blooms. But if before leaving you notice a fresh bud, then it is better to cut it off, so Spathiphyllum will better survive the drought. Spathiphyllum heat-loving plant, drafts and sudden temperature changes are dangerous for him.


Another unpretentious indoor plant that is ideally suited to the indoor microclimate. The plant will be a wonderful decoration for your home; it is compact, low-growing, and can fit even on a narrow windowsill. Peperomia is valued not only for its luxurious leaf colors, but for its ease of care. Peperomia does not need bright sunlight; it prefers diffused light. Peperomia comes from the humid tropics of the Amazon, where the temperature is +18-22 degrees and high humidity. However, Peperomia does not require abundant and frequent watering. Watering should be moderate and repeated only when the soil dries out.

Surprisingly, Peperomia, a resident of humid forests, normally tolerates dry indoor air. But if you want to please your pet Peperomia, then give her tropical rain from a spray bottle. The Brazilian Peperomia loves warmth very much, so drafts and temperature changes are not her element. Read more about the types of peperomia in the article


Surprisingly adapted plants for survival. There are many varieties of Succulents, which by the way include the most beloved: Crassula " money tree", Aloe, Callanchoe, Lithops, Juvenile and other species. All species are united by high vitality and low maintenance requirements. Succulents are plants with fleshy leaves that store moisture. Caring for all types of succulents is the same - they all love moderate watering, good lighting And drainage soils without stagnation of moisture. Succulents are flowers that do not require frequent watering. Real works of art are created from Succulents by combining unusual pots, different types plants that will undoubtedly decorate the interior of any home.

Crassula, Crassula, "Money Tree"




Lithops (Living Stones)



Unpretentious flowering indoor plants


Prized for its amazing decorative qualities. Its bright yellow and orange flowers, like small lights, will warm you up on the coldest days. After all, Clivia blooms in winter, for 20-25 days. It’s easy to get such emotions; Clivia is not demanding in care. Clivia needs light, but keep it out of direct sunlight. It will not die from lack of light, but will only lose the splendor of flowering. Watering is moderate, air humidity does not matter for Clivia, so it does not need to be sprayed.

Clivia has an interesting and very useful feature, you can not water it at all for some time. To do this, place the plant in a cool, dimly lit place. In such conditions, Clivia will hibernate and will spend at least water reserves soil, and when conditions improve, it will wake up again and delight with bright flowering.


An unpretentious flowering indoor plant that attracts with the beauty of its leaves and flowers. Its beauty is attractive and dangerous. Anthurium poisonous plant, so place it away from children and pets. The plant loves moderate diffused lighting, without direct sunlight. Perfectly adapted to the indoor microclimate. Pleases lush flowering without any effort from the grower. Anthurium is a resident of the humid tropics, so it loves moisture very much; spray it as often as possible, wipe the leaves or humidify the air.

An indoor flower does not require frequent watering.Water it generously only when the top layer of soil is dry. It is better to drain the remaining water in the pan after watering to avoid rotting of the plant roots. Anthurium has a strong immune system and is not afraid of diseases. The flower will not only become a wonderful decoration for the home, but will bring love and happiness to the owners.

The most unpretentious indoor flowers photos and names


A flower revered in the East, considered a talisman there family hearth, radiating positive energy, capable of relieving depression, is another flowering representative of indoor plants with an unpretentious disposition. Hibiscus without special care It can bloom all year round if you place it on the windowsill and provide plenty of watering. Hibiscus does not like cold and drafts. When there are sudden changes in temperature, it drops leaves and buds; upon returning to normal conditions, it quickly recovers.


When the maple outside your window turns yellow and your “House Maple” sheds its leaves or Abutilon blooms without special care, then it’s time to enjoy internal space warm cozy home. Abutilon foliage really resembles maple leaves, but is not a relative of the maple. During the flowering period, and in some species of Abutilon, watering is plentiful. During dormancy, when the plant is resting from flowering, watering is moderate.

In general, Abutilon is an unpretentious plant, but with sharp fluctuations in light or temperature, or drafts, it sheds its leaves. When a plant is healthy and happy, it itself becomes a source of pure humid air in the room.


Balsam or popularly “Vanka wet” has already become the favorites of many gardeners. It has earned its love for its invincible vitality and ease of care. Blooms even in low light conditions, in apartments with windows on north side. Feels great in dry apartment air, is not demanding of heat, and tolerates heat well. Watering in summer is frequent, repeated watering when the top layer of soil dries out, in winter watering is reduced.

Unpretentious indoor plants photo and name

There is a large selection of unpretentious indoor plants that can survive in extreme conditions our apartments, houses in heating season. And it doesn't have to be experienced florist and invest a lot of effort and time in caring for indoor flowers to create a blooming green corner home garden. Unpretentious indoor flowers are ideal for those who are often not at home or who do not have enough time to care for them. Lack of time or inexperience is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of keeping green, flowering pets at home. Choose, plant, grow and never despair if something goes wrong. We hope that our tips will help you find your unpretentious indoor plant.

Every home has indoor flowers that not only decorate it, but also delight with its presence. By choosing the right flowers, you can create a blooming island on your windowsill all year round.. Long-flowering unpretentious plants give joy, good mood and are beneficial by purifying the air.

When growing flowers at home, of course I want their care to be minimal and their flowering to last as long as possible. There are many such plants and you can choose to purchase Clivia, Decembrist, Indoor gerbera or, Saintpaulia, etc.


When selecting a plant, you need to pay attention to the requirements for growing conditions, because the duration of flowering and appearance flower.

Top 10 flowering indoor plants

Abutilon (Indoor maple)

Blooms from spring to autumn, and as it declines daylight hours the number of flower stalks decreases and the plant enters a dormant phase. But if you provide additional illumination with lamps daylight, provide fertilizing and watering, flowering does not stop. The leaves are similar to maple leaves, hence the second name. Abutilon flowers look like lanterns of different colors.

It is unpretentious in care, it needs a lot of bright light, regular watering, and a temperature limit of 18-25 ºС. The plant is fast growing, its height reaches 1.5 m. In spring, abutilon shoots need to be cut to 1/3 of their length. To stimulate flowering, fertilizing should include potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

Anthurium is a plant with large glossy leaves and heart-shaped flowers.

Needs constantly moist soil, can grow even in the shade, but blooms better and develops on southern and western window sills. For abundant flowering winter temperature should not be lower than +15°C, summer temperature +25°C.

Loves spraying, but only with standing water for at least two days, or better yet, with purified water.

Feeding is advisable organic fertilizers(Gumat, “Ideal”, “Darina”), because. the plant is sensitive to an excess of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mineral salts.

Impatiens blooms almost all year round. It is photophilous, but it must be excluded from direct sunlight. In autumn and winter, with a lack of sunlight, flowering continues perfectly with artificial lighting. It loves moisture, both in the soil and sprayed on the leaves, especially on hot days. Growing temperature +15÷ +25°C. does not like crowded conditions, so neighbors should be at a distance from it, otherwise it will shed its leaves.

Reproduces well apical cuttings. At 3-4 years of age it requires replanting and rejuvenation; old plants bloom worse.


heat-loving flower, loving moisture, but not spraying on the foliage. To maintain air humidity, you need to place containers of water between flower pots. At air temperatures below +16°C, begonia will not bloom. It loves bright, diffused light; in the bright sun, the leaves fade, the flowers fade, and begonia loses its decorative effect. Feeding to stimulate flowering should be given to begonias every 2 weeks, alternating organomineral with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

To form the splendor of the begonia bush and the formation more side shoots periodically need to cut off the tops of the shoots, using them for propagation.

Begonias great variety: there are bush ones, they are also ever-flowering, tuberous, double, hanging.

A classic window sill from the time of our grandmothers. An unpretentious, light-loving plant that loves abundant but infrequent watering. Temperature growing +8÷+25°C. Geranium loves a lot of air, so in summer it should be placed on balconies or in the garden. Pots for growing should not be large; to obtain a lush flower bush, you need to plant three seedlings in one pot.

Pelargonium royal

It differs from geranium in having larger flowers and a smaller, almost absent smell of leaves. Care is the same as for geraniums.

For more abundant flowering and to make the bush compact in spring, pelargonium needs to be pruned, leaving 3-4 internodes.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Hibiscus is an evergreen flowering shrub. The lifespan of one flower is a day, for hybrid, double forms up to 3 days.

Demanding about sunlight, abundant watering and fertilizing. In summer you need to spray daily. At insufficient watering drops buds and flowers. Hibiscus needs to be replanted annually; the top layer of soil is removed from mature plants and a new one is added.

Depending on the pruning method, hibiscus can be grown in tree or bush form. Flower height can reach 1.5-2 m.

Hibiscus responds very well to regular feeding once every 2-3 weeks.


An unpretentious plant that prefers light partial shade and moderate watering. Loves high humidity air, but absolutely does not tolerate leaf spraying. Pots with Koleria should be placed on trays with expanded clay filled with water.

The temperature during flowering should be +23÷+26°C. In winter at the level +16°C. Once a month it is necessary to feed Koleria liquid fertilizers for orchids.

Pachistachis is a plant without any special pretensions. The main thing is abundant watering, high air humidity, and regular pruning. Optimal temperature+20÷+26°C. When the temperature rises, it stretches out and exposes the shoots; when it drops, it sheds its leaves.

Needs diffused light, loves it fresh air, but not drafts. Loves leaf spraying.

Pachistachis needs to be cut off and the tops pinched as the shoots grow so that it bushes and does not stretch out.

An evergreen shrub that blooms all year round. The lifespan of a flower is one day.

Prefers bright, diffused light; direct sunlight needs to be shaded. Winter growing temperature +20 °C, summer + 24°C. Water abundantly as the soil dries. needs high humidity air, so flower pots are placed in trays with wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss.

Ruellia is very sensitive to drafts and dry air, which can cause leaves to fall off.

The plant can be formed as a bush or vine.

Choosing flowering plants for landscaping a home or office, you need to understand that, although it will be short, they will have a break between waves of flowering. During this period, the flower rests and gains strength. Give even unpretentious flowers a little attention and in return they will give you lush and long-lasting flowering.

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are installed between the bed and nightstand, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic beauties also cleanse the air of pollution. You can choose your favorite flower among wide range species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia pulcherrima or royal orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of profuse blooms. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements turning your home into evergreen garden. But there's something you should keep in mind different requirements care at home. Plants such as succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers require daily care. Therefore, you should know in advance about caring for indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you don’t know the name of a flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose proper care at home.

Perhaps abutilon (indoor maple, rope) is not one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are starting to notice the beauty of it small bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. His decorative look due to large bright colors, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x...

Agave is native to the desert areas of North America. Species belonging to this type have different sizes, leaves, and flowering periods. Agaves are grown mainly for their decorative leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agave blooms after a very long time (tens of years). The worst thing is that after flowering it dies. Fleshy, thick leaves, collected in rosettes with sharp...


Aglaonema in natural conditions found in southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


Loves partial shade and warmth, the temperature should not fall below 18°C, with more low temperatures, the flower stops growing. Watering is intensive, the plant loves high humidity, responds well to spraying, but does not like...

Aglaonema variable, or variable(Aglaonema commutatum), belongs to the Araceae family. Of the 50 species, several species are most often grown at home. In general cultivation there are more attractive hybrid varieties and even interspecific hybrids. Aglaonemas are popular in home growing thanks to attractive decorative...

Correct name Adenium grown at home - Adenium obese, or Desert rose (Adenium obesum) - unusual interesting plant, impressive in structure and color of flowers and original form, characteristic of bonsai. Grow as a houseplant in summer period can become a decoration for a terrace or garden. Find out more about the unusual...

Among the types of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called “Venus hair” - adiantum. The flower is cute, delicate and elegant, but due to improper care Adiantum will have an unattractive appearance. Adiantum varieties are characterized by fans with fronds, with the shape of a slightly rounded triangle. The stems are thin, visually similar to hair. Adiantums are suitable for...

A species grown at home - Aichryson x domesticum, called the “tree of love” and “flower of love”, belongs to the Crassulaceae family. A small branched shrubby succulent similar to Aeonium domesticum, it is distinguished by ellipsoid-shaped leaves; in Aichrizon species the leaves are more diamond-shaped. Aichrizon homeis easy to confuse with another...

Alocasia is native to the Malay Archipelago and its leaves grow from a rhizome. Beautiful variety is Alocasia Lowe, which has shiny, dark green leaves with white veins. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The tubers of the plant reach up to 4 kg in weight and are food for the inhabitants of Asia (only a boiled or baked fragment is suitable for consumption - raw, poisonous).


Aloe is a genus that contains hundreds of plants, although it is still the most known species Aloe vera genus and aloe vera(Aloe arborescens). Appears more types and varieties that you should pay attention to, species are characterized by high decorative advantages. Aloe arborescens and aloe vera famous for their healing properties, in this article, first of all...

medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe real, also called Aloe Barbados. An easy to grow houseplant. Aloe has been known since ancient times; mentions of the plant were contained on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to 3,000 BC. Alexander the Great reportedly recommended giving the leaves to wounded soldiers to help the soldiers' wounds heal faster. The plant is probably...

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):