The saying about oats, dirt and the prince was not born out of nowhere. For many centuries, farmers observed the influence of nature on the germination and productivity of crops on which their lives depended. One of these factors is the night star. Let's figure out when we should plant the beautiful carrot according to the lunar calendar so that it grows strong, abundant and crunchy.

How do the phases of the moon affect plant growth?

The Earth has been keeping its satellite in orbit for billions of years, and the Moon, as if in revenge, influences any water around us. Ocean tides, blood in vessels, intracellular fluid - everything obeys it. Plants were not left behind by the small planet: the speed at which the cytoplasm rotates and the volume of water raised through the vessels of the stem also depend on the phase of the Moon.

Each lunar month has one sacred night, when even with crystal clear weather, the favorite of poets seems to have been erased from the sky. This is what the new moon looks like - the beginning of the cycle, the time when the energy of living beings is close to its minimum. The day before and after the new moon, it is better not to plant carrots, not to feed them, and not to touch them at all.

But the waxing Moon is the best, festive period for our garden pets. All biochemical processes are activated in their tissues, enzymes awaken, accelerating the synthesis of necessary substances, cells divide more often, powerful flows of vital juices cause leaves and flowers to bloom. Have you noticed that the words “growing moon” and “plant” are similar? These are the days when any green blade of grass is capable of revealing the potential inherent in nature.

Taking into account the lunar phases, you can improve carrot yields

The full moon is the resting phase. The plant is tired and requires a break. Even if it is still in the state of a seed, it still rests for company. In no organism can vital forces rage continuously.

On the waning Moon, it is convenient to stock up on carrots. Vitamins, sugars, oils, carotenoids - all these substances that are beneficial to both plants and humans are distributed among storage cells in root vegetables.

Advice. To determine the phase of the night star, mentally compare the month hanging in the sky with the letter “c”. If it is similar, then the Moon is waning. If not, it grows.

How to determine the optimal moon phase for carrots

Carrot seeds are richly supplied with essential oils, which make it difficult for water to penetrate under the shells, so they sprout reluctantly and unfriendly. Half of the seeds may not germinate at all, and if they have been left for 2-3 years, their germination rate drops even more.

Let's determine exactly when, in accordance with the lunar calendar, it is better to sow this capricious crop. It takes carrot seeds at least two weeks to feel the proximity of wet soil and hatch. This means that the seedlings will enter a state of active life 2 weeks after sowing. This period of their life should fall on the waxing Moon. We count back these same 2 weeks and find out that we will have to sow carrots immediately after the new moon.

Advice. Soak carrot seeds overnight in warm water, changing it periodically. This technique will reduce the amount of essential oils in the seed coat and speed up germination.

Like other root vegetables: beets, radishes, turnips, carrots sown on the waning moon form a strong root system, abundantly overgrown with water-absorbing hairs. Subsequently, the plant will form large root crops rich in sugars and provitamin A, corresponding to the maximum for its variety. They will be stored for a long time, without rotting or drying out.

The best days of 2017 for sowing carrot seeds

Astronomers prepare calendars of lunar phases in advance. The beginning of the waning of the Moon in the spring of 2017 falls on the following dates:

You need to choose a month for sowing, taking into account the climatic conditions of the region, and then all that remains is to guess the correct days. During the new moon and full moon, no maintenance operations should be carried out: fertilizing, thinning, weeding. They can damage the root system of carrots when the plant does not have the strength to restore it.

The lunar calendar has been a plant grower’s constant assistant since time immemorial. Follow his advice, and carrots sown in time will first curl up with emerald tops, and then prepare a surprise - large, sweet root vegetables ripened with the help of the Moon.

Lunar calendar for 2017: video

Planting carrots: photo

Carrots are a crop that grows within two years. How is this possible? By planting it in 2019, you can get the vegetable itself and tops, and in the future 2019 you can get carrot seeds. Carrots are a very valuable, healthy and nutritious product, rich in provitamin A. As a rule, carrot seeds do not sit in the ground for long and sprout within twenty days after planting. This means that in two and a half months you can already harvest this healthy root vegetable. When to plant carrots V open ground in 2019? We invite you to find out the answer to this question.

When to plant carrots in open ground in 2019

When to plant carrots in 2019?

Carrots tolerate cold weather well, which is why they can be planted as in early spring, and closer to autumn. The main rule for planting carrot seeds is that this work must be done on the waning moon (in general, all root crops are usually planted on the aging Moon, so they are better accepted and produce good harvest).

In 2019 good days For planting carrot seeds, according to the Lunar calendar, the following days in April are considered: 17,18,23,28. In May: 4,14,15,19,24,31. In June: 1,7,10,11,15,16,20,30. It will not be too late to plant carrots in July, then they will ripen just in time for mid-autumn; the best days for planting will be July 12, 15 and 18.

For optimal growth and the development of carrots, it is enough to meet a number of conditions:

  • The beds should be located so that the sun shines on them as much and as long as possible.
  • The soil for planting carrots should be well-permeable to oxygen and should not contain stones.
  • The soil should be light, otherwise the carrots do not grow straight down, but give off side branches, become curved and do not have a beautiful appearance.
  • The soil should not be moist, otherwise the carrots will quickly rot.

As a rule, carrots are sown in May, when the weather is warm and dry. Those varieties of carrots that need to be harvested for the winter, which take longer to ripen, are sown already in June and July.

Planting carrots in open ground

Before sowing carrots, the seeds should be soaked overnight in a small amount of water, so they will germinate faster. When sowing carrots, it is important to maintain a distance between rows of thirty to forty centimeters. You should not plant the seeds very close to each other; in order for the roots to develop well, they need a free distance of at least five centimeters. It is a good idea to add sand or ground dried coffee to the soil before planting seeds.

Important! Typically, carrot seeds sprout two weeks after planting, but if the sprouts are very close to each other, they must be threaded. If this is not done, the resulting harvest will not only be small, but also have an ugly appearance.

When planting carrots, you must follow the rules of crop rotation. You should not plant carrots where dill, fennel or parsley grew last season. The fact is that after these plants, pests overwinter in the soil and are not averse to eating carrots. But after cabbage and tomatoes, carrots will receive excellent soil, which has received many useful substances from these vegetables. It is very good to plant carrots where potatoes grew last year. After this root crop, there are no diseases or pests left in the ground that could damage the carrots; moreover, after it the soil remains loose and saturated with oxygen.

To prevent carrots from being attacked by flies or aphids, onions or garlic should be planted next to them. Essential oils, contained in them, perfectly drive away these pests. And calendula sown around carrots will further contribute to obtaining a good carrot harvest.

Now you know when to plant carrots in open ground in 2019? Finally, it is worth noting that for favorable growth Carrots should not be over-moistened as they withstand dry weather quite well. But moderate watering It won’t hurt, thanks to which the root crops will grow larger in size.

Why are more and more farmers now interested in the issue of changing the phases of the moon? Landing different cultures carried out based on shift lunar phases. What is the reason for this and what difference does it make on what day to sow?

The lunar cycle affects the germination and yield of carrots

Mystical moon

Growing or decreasing, we all know it can be different. And in the process of its growth and decline, its impact on others changes. The change of phases determines whether there will be a harvest or whether hair will grow. will there be success in business?

It’s not so much the influence of today’s popular astrologers that plays a role, but rather the awareness of people.

Everyone believes in their own, but there are facts that are pointless to deny. If you cut your hair during the waning moon, its growth will be very slow and the hair itself will become problematic. The same is true with the harvest, with business, with everything. It’s worth paying attention once, maybe several times, and you will be convinced of the reality of this relationship. The lunar month lasts twenty-eight days, namely four weeks. Every week the satellite travels different phases

. Depending on the chosen position of the luminary, a conclusion should be made whether it is worth landing or not.

As the moon grows, it gradually grows out of a thin crescent, becoming larger each time. For carrots, it is beneficial to carry out during this period of time:

  1. Fertilizing growing crops with organic mineral fertilizers.
  2. Sowing treatment: thin them out and plant them.
  3. Remove weeds from garden beds.

During this period, the earth absorbs everything useful, giving it to the roots of the planted plant. Therefore, it is difficult to come up with the most suitable period for planting. You should not plant carrots in the first week after the birth of the new moon, otherwise you may not expect anything other than tops.

When the full moon comes, you can collect material for future landing, but sowing and cultivating the area is strictly prohibited. The full moon depletes the root system. The plant is weakened and cannot be processed or planted.

Full moon - time to collect seeds

When the moon decreases and it decreases in the lunar calendar, crops with root crops can be sown. There is a fundamental difference between the planting period of various crops. That is, some vegetables are planted on the waxing moon, others on the waning moon. Its phase is lunar calendar affects all areas of life differently.

To better navigate, you can buy yourself a lunar calendar and record the days when the moon is waxing and when it is waning. Sowings carried out in the third week of the moon’s life according to the lunar calendar produce abundant shoots. They digest and germinate faster and produce stronger, more beautiful vegetables with excellent taste.

  • organic fertilizers;
  • ensuring generous watering;
  • pest control and weed removal;
  • plowing the soil, or loosening.

This sequence of actions is typical for the autumn and spring seasons, when you are going to plant carrots. In winter, you also plant seeds on the waning moon. If you sow dry seeds, then tillage and soil preparation should be done first by cutting the satellite.

When you are going to plant with soaked seeds, carry out the action in the fourth week of the satellite formation phase. This period is suitable for harvesting. Cleaning these days is effective, since the cleaning performed will allow you to maintain the quality of the product and its.


The waning moon favors fertilization and pest control

When the moon is in Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo, care and any actions in relation to carrots and all root vegetables will be crowned with success. It is better to sow carrots between the end of October and the beginning of November. Sowing should be done with dry seeds. Keep in mind that severe frosts can destroy crops.

Depending on the differences in climate in the regions of the country, there are differences in the implementation of planting carrots according to the phases of the moon, you need to make sure that all factors are accompanied:

  • the moon was in the right phase;
  • the ground has thawed;
  • the climate was appropriate.

Mineral fertilizers are added to root crops when the moon is waxing according to the calendar; organic fertilizers will work if they are applied on a waning moon.

It is better to plant carrots based on several indicators. Using only the phases of the moon in the chart, you will not achieve a harvest.

Basically, planting of crops is carried out in the month of October with seeds, or already in the spring, in the middle. You need to wait until the ground has thawed for sowing to begin. It is important to pay attention to weather forecasts; they do not provide a guarantee, but at times they protect against unnecessary costs.

During the new moon, plants are weakened

Sowing carrots is also effective if you choose the right variety. The root vegetable has many varieties different varieties, which differ in their qualities. Depending on the climate of the region and the taste of the final product, you can choose the one that is most suitable for you.

Before planting a root crop, calculate the phases of the moon and prepare the soil for planting based on the phases. Dig up your area, removing weeds and fertilizing the bud.

If thorough ground work is required, start earlier than usual. Having chosen the phase of the moon, prepare the planting material for sowing. Seeds can be planted dry or soaked. Swollen seeds are the more common and effective way implementation of effective planting of root crops.

You can plant carrots in open ground if your area satisfies all the needs of the crop. If the climate is not warm enough, cover the area where you intend to plant after sowing with film.

During the process of growing root crops, water and process them on the appropriate days of the calendar. planting material organic fertilizers. Carrots need care that will satisfy the crop.

It is important to regularly thin out the rows and not plant them crowded. Abundant watering and fertilizer will spoil the product's taste and appearance. If everything is observed in moderation: provide moderate but regular watering; fertilize in a timely manner and in small quantities; clean the beds on time; you can get a product of excellent quality.

Excessive care will make the labor-grown root crop unfit for human consumption. Since its appearance and taste qualities will leave much to be desired. Moon phases are a popular and accurate indicator for planting and caring for different vegetables and fruits.

Changing phases of the moon also affects growth cultivated plants, and for their fruiting. This was noticed by man long ago, and today it is successfully used by gardeners to obtain friendly shoots and a good harvest.

Carrots, which occupy not the last place in the plantings of summer residents, are also subject to the influence of the night luminary. A lunar month, lasting 28 days, is exactly four weeks, each of which corresponds to its own phase of the earth's satellite.

When to sow carrots according to the lunar calendar, so that the germination rate of the seeds is high, and the size pleases them, they are even and tasty?

Growing Moon and carrot shoots

As the Moon waxes and its crescent becomes wider and brighter, nutrients and moisture from the soil actively rushes from the root system to the foliage and tops.

For the benefit of the future carrot harvest in these two weeks there will be:

  • feeding young plants;
  • thinning and picking of seedlings;
  • weeding in the beds.

Often the first week after the new moon is considered good time for sowing, but this is not true for carrots. Since the summer resident’s goal when growing this crop is the root crop, and not the lush tops, it is better to move the timing of sowing carrots into open ground.

Is it possible to plant carrots during the full moon in spring?

While the moon remains in all its glory in the sky, root system garden crops clearly weakened and sensitive to all kinds of interventions. These days you can not only plant carrots, but also thin out densely sprouted shoots. After all, the resulting root damage during a full moon is extremely difficult for plants to tolerate.

Because the aboveground part plants, including seeds, are full of useful substances, this time is ideal for collecting planting material for the next season.

When can you plant carrots on the waning moon?

When the lunar disk begins to wane, the juices, which were moving towards the crown before the full moon, change direction, and nutrients rush to the root system. This means that the time is coming when you can plant carrots, beets, radishes and other similar crops.

Seeds that fall into the soil in the third week of the lunar cycle actively produce roots. And in grown plants with developed foliage, root crops are formed. If the carrot reacts calmly to damage to the above-ground part, then it is better not to carry out any work affecting the roots these days.

But carrots, like other root vegetables, respond well to:

  • and growth stimulants;
  • abundant watering;
  • pest and weed control;
  • adding organic matter;
  • loosening the soil and digging.

This rule applies to spring and, especially, autumn sowing. When planting carrots before winter, the gardener must be sure that friendly shoots will appear in the beds in the spring. While the moon is in its waning phase, the seeds that fall into the soil have all the conditions to take root well.

  • If the seeds are sown dry, it is better not to hesitate and plant them in the soil when the lunar disk has just begun to shrink.
  • If swollen seeds are used for planting, they can be sown in the fourth week lunar month, when the aging sickle is already noticeably narrowing.

Root crops harvested during this period are of decent quality and are stored well and for a long time.

New Moon and Lunar Eclipse

Vegetation is slowed down during the new moon, so it will be useful to refuse any work related to transplanting, weeding and planting. The crops will not be able to fully absorb fertilizing if it is done on days close to the new moon. It is much more useful to devote time to weeding.

Determining the timing of sowing carrots in open ground according to the Zodiac

All root vegetables, not excluding carrots, are close to the elements of the Earth, therefore they respond better to care on those days of the month when the moon is in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo.

The period of time when it is better to sow carrots before winter, in middle lane better may start in October and end at the end of November. At the same time, the seeds should remain dry, which will delay their germination, but during a long autumn and warm winter such crops risk dying.

IN different regions Planting carrots in the spring according to the lunar calendar takes place in different time, because the climatic conditions in the south and north of the country differ significantly. The main thing is that the soil is ready to accept seeds and does not lose melt moisture, and that the waning moon falls on the days of the Earth signs. If such a combination is difficult to achieve, the work is carried out at the end of the Moon from a favorable sign.

Watering and feeding carrots according to the lunar calendar and the Zodiac

The phases of the moon do not have a serious impact on watering plants, but it is possible to make water supply more efficient and economical. To do this, it is better to water carrots on days when the Moon is in the signs of Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer.

Mineral fertilizers for carrots are applied on the waxing moon, and herbal infusions, stimulants and other organic matter are applied on days when the night light is already waning. Moreover, such events will make more sense when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

Planting seeds according to the lunar calendar - video

Carrots can be found in any summer cottage. And although outlets offer it all year round, yours is much tastier and healthier. But only those gardeners who grow it according to the rules and create a good harvest will get a good harvest. the necessary conditions for its development. In order for the plants to sprout together and delight you with productivity, experienced gardeners advise planting carrots in April or early May, taking into account the lunar calendar for 2018.

Because different varieties carrots coexist quite friendly in the same bed, it makes sense to sow and early varieties, both mid-season and late. It is important to choose the right days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar. The first harvest will be used for salads and other dishes summer period, and those that ripen later will be used for autumn preparations and bookmarks for storage for winter consumption.

Chapter 1. Favorable days for planting carrots in the spring in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

  • March: 20, 21;
  • April: 1, 3, 12, 13, 17, 18;
  • May: 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31;
  • June: 1, 7, 10, 11.

First you need to choose a suitable place for carrots. The amount of harvest depends on how correct it is. It is important to remember that the root vegetable does not like shade, so it is recommended to sow the seeds in a well-lit area summer cottage where the sun shines all day long. Also, the plant does not tolerate being planted in the same place, so it is best to choose a new area every year. Carrots will not grow or will not grow well if herbs such as parsnips, parsley, dill or celery were previously sown on the site. The most optimal predecessors of this root vegetable will be: tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, potatoes and cabbage.

Chapter 2. Unfavorable days in 2018

  • March: 16, 17, 22, 23, 31;
  • April: 14, 15, 16, 25, 26;
  • May: 1, 7, 8, 17, 18;
  • June - 3,4, 5, 18.

Section 1. Preparing carrot seeds

Before planting, the seeds must be prepared. What does this include? Soak the seeds in warm water for some time. Afterwards, transfer it to a damp cloth, which should be quite large so that it can cover the seeds both from below and from above. The seeds are left in a dark, warm place and need to be stirred occasionally. After swelling and the appearance of the first sprouts, the carrot seeds are placed in the refrigerator for hardening. Once this stage is passed, you will be able to identify defective seeds - those that will not be accepted in open ground.

Section 2. Choosing a location

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the proximity of parsley, parsnips, dill and celery. The place for sowing carrots in the spring must be chosen on the basis that it should be illuminated by the sun throughout daylight hours, and this is very important! It will work out very well if last year cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes grew in the same place.

The time when you need to plant carrots in the spring is the second important factor on which the quantity and quality of the harvest will depend. During the day it should already be warmer than +12 degrees, and at night no colder than +5-7 degrees. Only in this case, the flower arrows will not actively develop, but instead the carrot root itself will begin to grow. Now let's ask experienced gardeners, what carrots should I plant in early spring?

Section 3. Sowing

Having waited for good weather when it will be possible to plant carrots in the spring, we dig up the beds and harrow them. We make beds on the soil, the width between them should be at least 15-20 centimeters. Having marked the area, we make straight grooves and spill them with water. Keep in mind that carrots love water! You need to water so that the soil gets wet by 30-35 how to plant carrots correctly in the spring, almost every seed will germinate. For this reason, seeds should be placed in the furrow one at a time every 2-3 centimeters. Sprinkle the planting furrows with soil and lightly compact the top. Within 3-4 days you will already see shoots.

Chapter 3. Favorable days for planting carrots in 2018 in the fall according to the lunar calendar

  • October: 2, 3, 25, 26;
  • November: 11, 12, 13, 17.

Section 1. Planting carrots before winter

On the one hand, it may seem risky to plant carrots before winter. But the devil is not as scary as he is portrayed. This event allows the summer resident to achieve a harvest earlier and save himself from unnecessary hassle, which threaten farmers in the spring. Such seedlings will be stable during the winter, and you will not lose your harvest during spring frosts. In order to instill confidence in yourself that you will not burn out in such a bold undertaking, you should choose the right variety of carrots. Not all varieties are able to survive sub-zero temperatures, so this step is one of the most important.

Section 2. Variety of frost-resistant carrot varieties

  1. Nantes yields a harvest a couple of months after planting, this variety is different pleasant taste and cold resistance. Suitable for winter planting.
  2. Shantane is inferior in quality to the previous one, and matures much later. But it can be more hardy and will survive lack of watering.
  3. Incomparable carrots take a long time to ripen, but the level beneficial properties it's off the charts. Withstands bad weather during the winter.
  4. Vitamin quality corresponds to its name and surprises with its ripening speed and stability.
  5. Losinoostrovskaya is also endowed with endurance and is in no way inferior in taste to all of the above.
  6. Moscow winter is typical for the territory of the same name. Delicious and hardy. And great for planting for the winter.

You choosed suitable variety carrots. Now you need to understand when to sow carrots in the ground in winter and how to choose the right place where you will sow. Choose an elevated place for the winter, sheltered from the wind, but accessible to the sun. The soil should be loose, regardless of the sowing period.

The suitable period for sowing the selected variety is November. Clear the soil of weeds for the winter and loosen it thoroughly. Carrots are planted exclusively in loose soil; no other soil is suitable for this event. You can add sawdust to hard soil for the winter, which has decomposed by half, since fresh ones are not suitable. Once the soil has reached the required consistency, fertilize it with organic fertilizers. If you use manure, do not use fresh manure. Carrots grow crooked when using fresh manure.

Chapter 4. Video

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