Winter crops are varieties of rye, barley and wheat that are sown in the fall and grow during the winter. During sowing in spring period, winter crops should begin tillering. To complete the process of crop development, it is necessary to maintain for 40-60 days temperature regime from 0 to -3 degrees.

Winter wheat, winter rye and triticale occupy almost half of the land plots that are allocated for growing grain crops. Comparing winter and spring grains, it can be noted that the former differ more long term shelf life, in which its food products can be consumed throughout the year, until the next flowering. Considering that the root system of such plants is well developed, they have an excellent ability to absorb spring and autumn moisture.

The resulting yield from winter crops is much larger, on average 0.5-1.0 t/ha. This happens because the natural biological characteristics of winter crops have the following advantages:

  • They can accumulate a lot of mass in the spring.
  • Before the start of winter they already have a strong root system, so they are capable of excellent bushing.
  • Hardened crops easily survive frosts.
  • They drive out the growth of various weeds, suppressing their growth.

The main disadvantage of plants in the autumn-spring period is that, despite the high biological properties, they can still be exposed to danger from bad weather and die.

List of plants

Winter crops include grain plants that have a long life cycle. The most famous representatives of this kind of crops are: rye, wheat, barley, triticale.

Winter crops become predecessors for winter crops legumes, and subsequently legumes and cereals. Where the soil is not moist enough, winter wheat should be used as precursors. perennial herbs, annual green fodder. There are also winter crops: vetch, camelina, rapeseed, and rapeseed.

Crops that are classified as winter crops have two stages of growing season:

  1. Autumn, which lasts up to 50 days;
  2. Spring-summer, lasting more than 70 days.

Tillage system for winter crops

Pre-sowing tillage is carried out by plowing the soil, and it is very important that the plowed layer is at least 20 cm. It is also necessary to peel the soil. This method of soil cultivation is called autumn cultivation.

As for cultivating the land in the spring, first of all, the source of moisture is closed. During all summer and spring days, at least 4 cultivations must be carried out, during which harrowing and rolling will be carried out simultaneously. The last mixing (pre-sowing) is carried out with deep seeding of seeds. If the growing area is located in places where the land was subject to deflation, then it is cultivated with subsoilers or walk-behind tractors.

The first cultivation of the soil is carried out early spring, at the same time when spring crops are being sown. Plowing is compared with harrowing. In summer, the field must be cultivated using the fall method.

After this, tillage depends on the degree of moisture in the arable layer and the technology for growing winter crops.
Before the sowing of winter wheat begins, peas, flax or other cereal crops are planted in the soil. After this, the land is plowed. The soil is cultivated with disc implements.

Sowing winter grain crops

The timing of sowing depends on the specific region in which winter crops grow. May they have a good time winter period, the active temperature in autumn period. It is necessary to understand that the drier the conditions, the worse the yield will be.

There are several main ways to sow winter crops:

  • Narrow row (distance between rows 7-8 cm).
  • Ordinary ordinary (seed distribution at a distance of 15 cm);
  • Cross;
  • Cross diagonal.

In order for plants to be better absorbed and take root, it is necessary to make rows with a direction from north to south. The depth of embedding depends entirely on the composition of the soil and its moisture content, so it can be either 3 cm or 7 cm.

As for the rules for caring for crops, it is very important that all necessary conditions, allowing to ensure the safety of crops during winter frosts.

Features of caring for winter crops are as follows:

  • If there are weeds, the land must be treated with herbicides.
  • After sowing, carry out chemical weeding to eliminate the possibility of annual cereals sprouting.
  • Spraying must be carried out before the end of the autumn growing season (provided that the crops have not been properly protected from snow mold).

Spring care depends on how winter crops survived the frost. The assessment is carried out 10 days after the start of the growing season.


Growing winter grain crops directly depends on correct selection fertilizers The predominant ones are mineral and organic fertilizers, especially nitrogen. Each type of grain has its own system for feeding winter crops, following which you can get a good and rich harvest.

Organic fertilizer should be used in low-fertility soils, after oats, buckwheat and other annual grasses. It is best to apply them under plowing.

As for doses, they are calculated using a complex method, using a computer or recommendations from scientific centers. Phosphorus supplements Apply before sowing to the treated soil. Since phosphorus is practically immobile in the soil, it is necessary to apply it before sowing.

Bring greater productivity nitrogen fertilizers. They allow you to get a wheat yield of about 50 c/ha. They must be entered according to the following principle:

  1. The first fertilizing is carried out in the spring, before the start of the growing season of the crop. The purpose of this operation is to increase tillering power.
  2. The second feeding is carried out at the stage of plants emerging into the tube.
  3. A third feeding is required in the middle of the booting process to obtain a higher yield rate.

In addition, for the growth of winter crops they are often used mineral fertilizers. Most of all, such plants need manganese and copper. Doses are calculated by specialists in research centers.

As for cleaning, it should be carried out with high quality and in a timely manner. This may require specialized equipment and qualified specialists. About 50-60% of the costs come from cultivation.

Cultivation technology

The technology of cultivating winter crops is a set of works that are aimed at improving the conditions for the growth and development of plants. This process includes techniques that are carried out from the moment the remnants of previous crops are removed from the field and before the harvest begins.

Cultivation technology includes:

  • Soil cultivation.
  • Application of fertilizing.
  • Seed preparation.
  • Sowing.
  • Harvest care.
  • Protecting plants from weeds.
  • Harvesting.

Tillage of winter crops involves loosening, plowing and rolling. Properly selected fertilizers play an equally important role. If the acidity of the soil is increased, then liming is necessary. They are introduced under the main treatment to make the reaction almost neutral.

When preparing the seeds, they are treated. This process must be done in advance, about a week before sowing. You can use special machines to get a more positive result.

The rules of care consist in properly selected fertilizers and the creation good conditions to protect plants during tillering. In summer it is necessary to control pests and possible diseases, which can cause a big blow to the entire crop as a whole.

Once again about cultivation, but on video:

Overwintering of winter crops

The process of overwintering winter crops is important, since when bad conditions Plant damage or death may occur.

Three main risk groups may be affected by wintering:

  • meteorological;
  • frost resistance;
  • feature of the variety and agricultural technology.

A more dangerous period is the transition from winter to spring. It is at this time that the snow melts, but at the same time the frosts do not recede and, as a result, the frost resistance of plants begins to regress. It is impossible to lose winter wheat or rye due to one factor; the crop is affected by risk groups as a whole.

Methods for assessing the overwintering of winter crops involve studying the ability of grain crops to survive in poor winter conditions.

There are two main concepts:

  1. frost resistance (the ability of crops to survive low temperatures);
  2. winter hardiness (the ability of plants to withstand adverse weather conditions).

It is very important to monitor the condition of winter plants in winter and early spring. Before starting the sowing process, it is important to carry out the monolith method, in which samples are taken and the following processes are carried out:

  • After clearing the area of ​​snow, it is necessary to cut down the monolith 20 cm deep and place the plants there without any damage.
  • For two or three days, the frozen soil is placed in a warm room.
  • After this, the monolith is transferred to light and warm room, where it is stored for two weeks.
  • As a result, the plants are taken out of the soil and the quantity is checked. healthy plants who survived an artificially created winter.

Causes of death of winter crops

The causes of damage to winter plants can be:

  • Freezing. As a result of harsh winters with little snow, the process of ice formation occurs in plant cells, the cytoplasm is dehydrated and the protein is denatured. To counter this problem, it is necessary to make shelterbelts and create canopy crops.
  • Getting wet. Appears in drainless lowlands, where a lot of melt water forms in the spring. In this case, winter plants begin to lose sugar, turn yellow and die as a result. To eliminate this, you need to create drainage furrows and vertical drainage.
  • Damping off of winter crops. It forms in low-lying areas where large amounts of water accumulate. If the soil freezes slightly, winter types of plants begin to breathe and come to life, because of this they quickly consume carbohydrates and the process of protein breakdown occurs. To protect winter crops from such consequences, it is necessary to avoid early sowing And large quantity nitrogen fertilizing.
  • Blowing. Appears in autumn and spring in structureless soils. Because dust storms are blowing top layer soil, knotting of tillering occurs, and as a result the plants dry out quickly.
  • Ice crusts. They are formed as a result of the freezing of water that remains behind or under the snow. The crusts adhere tightly to the ground, so they harm the seeds, leading to the death of winter crops. To prevent plants from being subject to such a problem, it is important to create drainage furrows and a snow retention system in a timely manner.
  • A bulge that can occur as a result of alternate freezing and thawing of the soil during the winter. Under such growing conditions, plants can stick out, thereby exposing the tillering node. The consequences are not the most pleasant, because in most cases the process leads to the death of plants.

Spring drought is considered an equally dangerous phenomenon. Plant diseases appear due to the fact that air humidity becomes low and temperatures are low. As a result, the top layer of soil dries out and the number of runs during tillering is reduced. To protect the crop from spring drought, it is necessary to make snow retention and monitor climate forecasts.

National economic importance of winter crops

Almost all over the world, wheat is considered valuable food crop. It is from it that such important food products as bakery products, semolina, confectionery and pasta. An equally important role is played by the fact that wheat contains a lot of protein and gluten.

Wheat grains are used with virtually no waste, because the results of its processing make it possible to create concentrated feed for farm animals.

Winter wheat is no less important agrotechnically, so experts carefully monitor the process of its cultivation. Among the main biological features wheat, it is impossible not to notice that it can germinate even at a temperature of +2 degrees. To grow this crop, it is very important to have highly fertile land, which will allow you to get a good and good harvest.

In general, winter crops have made their contribution to the national economy because they participate in replenishing grain reserves and make good harvest, in contrast to spring crops. In the autumn, the development of winter plants occurs better, and in the spring, although they can, they still suffer less from drought.

Winter wheat needs to be harvested on the 10th day, barley on the 12th. This factor also has a beneficial effect on the role of winter crops in national economy, because in this case, there is more possibilities start preparing the soil for other crops earlier.

Winter crops of green manure will allow you to make the most of the off-season: get rid of pests and weeds, cleanse the soil of infection, make it more fertile. But not every green manure is suitable for autumn sowing.

What to sow?

First of all, you need to determine the priority task. Thus, on poor soils containing little organic matter, which means requiring the introduction of high doses of nitrogen and other nutrients, it is best to sow cruciferous, cereal or legume crops.

If the soil is heavy, clayey and tormented by weeds, oil radish and white mustard, winter and spring rape, rapeseed, peas and vetch will help you, and the easiest way to structure the soil (and stop erosion) is with rye, lupine and phacelia. The same rye, mustard and oilseed radish, as well as marigolds, nasturtium or calendula will help clear the beds of wireworms and nematodes.

The second stage: it is necessary to identify “family ties” so that the green manure does not belong to the same family as the crop planned for planting. Simply put, if next year you are going to grow cabbage, turnips, radishes, daikon or radishes in the garden, then it is best to sow it in the fall with green manures belonging to the legume, buckwheat, borage or amaranth families, but in no case cruciferous.

And, let's say, in orchard you can use everything except cereals - they dry out the soil too much, which will adversely affect fruit trees. You can learn more about the effect of green manure and possible “indications and contraindications” for their use in Table 1.

The third selection criterion is the preferences of the green manure itself. Yes, on acidic soils It is worth sowing lupine and seradella (other legumes do not like high acidity), oats or rye, millet, buckwheat, lupine or phacelia, but it is better not to use cruciferous plants here. On sandy soils Seradella, lupine, sweet clover, and rye will grow well, and on heavy clay soils - broad beans, lupine, buckwheat, and winter rape.

With a slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution, cereals, buckwheat, clover, rapeseed and oilseed radish, as well as seradella, do well. On neutral ones – sainfoin, white lupine, vetch, rapeseed, alfalfa, sweet clover. It is advisable to grow amaranth, sweet clover or sainfoin on saline soils, and mustard, chickpeas or alfalfa on slightly alkaline soils.

If the site is dry, oats, rapeseed, rapeseed, phacelia, sweet clover and sainfoin, and seradella will feel excellent on it, and on a waterlogged site, cereals, clover, lupine, and oilseed radish will fully manifest themselves. In poor soils, cruciferous and legume plants will fully demonstrate themselves.

When to sow green manure? Most of them can be sown throughout

season, as soon as there is free space in the garden bed. Crops sown in late summer and autumn should be able to form a large vegetative mass in as soon as possible. More details about the timing and norms of sowing, as well as the timing of harvesting, can be found in Table 2.

Spring crops sown in late summer and autumn will die with the onset of frost and become mulch, protecting the land from erosion.

IMPORTANT. Are you planning to plant the main crop in the place where green manure is planted? Treat the bed with a flat cutter about two weeks before sowing.

And lastly: alternate green manure crops without letting the soil become empty. And do not allow them to become infested, otherwise, instead of benefiting you, you will only expand the range of weeds.


Family, speciesAction of green manureCulture


Requirements for growing conditionsNote


white mustard, Sarepta mustard, oilseed radish, rapeseed, winter and spring rale

They enrich the soil with potassium and phosphorus, prevent the development of potato scab, fusarium blight, late blight, rheuoctonia blight, etc. Mustard inhibits soil-dwelling nematodes, expels slugs, wireworms and pea mothsNightshade and onion crops, beets, carrots, beans, winter crops, berries, grapesRapeseed does not grow well in high acidity and excess soil moisture.Cannot be used as a precursor for cabbage, turnips, radishes, daikon, radishes. Rapeseed – bad predecessor for beets
Cereal family: rye, oats, sorghum, or sudangrass, barley, wheat, triticale, annual ryegrassThey perfectly loosen dense soil, saturate it with potassium, rye has an unfavorable effect on soil-dwelling nematodes, and its regular cultivation for 2-3 years allows you to get rid of perennial weedsNightshades, melons, cruciferousAny soil types.

Rye forms a powerful root system, which can cause difficulties when cultivating the soil manually (a flat cutter will not cope)

Rye is not used before planting sorrel and rhubarb. You should not use green manure from this family in areas where corn will grow.
Legume family: lupine, broad beans, field and field peas, sweet clover, spring and winter vetch, alfalfa, clover, sainfoin, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, chin, seradella, goat's rue, horned lamb's-foot, beansThey saturate with nitrogen, convert the phosphorus contained in the soil into a state accessible to plants, get rid of weeds and effectively loosen the soilNightshade, pumpkin, cruciferous, onion, strawberryPeas, vetch, alfalfa: sufficiently moist soils. Sweet clover: heavy and rocky

Spring vetch (with oats): loamy, soddy-podzolic, chernozems.

Alfalfa is not suitable for very acidic or alkaline soils.

After these green manures, you cannot plant legumes - peas, beans, lentils, as well as beets and garlic.

Clover, alfalfa and sweet clover are grown in a 2-year crop

Buckwheat family: buckwheatImproves soil structure, significantly reduces its acidity, enriches it with phosphorus, potassium, and organic matterAnySuitable for poor or heavy soils. Loosens well, improves structure, enriches with phosphorus and potassiumSowing buckwheat three times helps get rid of wheatgrass within a season.

Excellent green manure for an orchard



Loosens and enriches the soil with organic matter, suppresses weeds, expels wireworms, prevents the development of root rot and late blightAnyAnyMakes the soil less acidic.

Excellent honey plant

Amaranth family: amaranth and amaranthThey loosen the soil, saturate it with nitrogen, and stimulate the activity of soil microorganismsAny except beets and spinach, which belong to the same familyThe best effect is achieved on light loamy and soddy-podzolic soils.

They don't like being over-watered.

Amaranth greens are good to add to poultry feed.


SideratSowing time and rateTime of readiness for mowing (from the moment of germination)
Spring vetch (mixed with peas, rapeseed or oats)April-August, 15 g/sq.m. m1.5 months
Winter vetch (mixed with rye or rapeseed)After harvesting the main crop,

10-15 g/sq.m. m

Spring rapeApril-August, 1.5-2 g/sq.m. m1-1.5 months
Second half of August, 1.5-2 g/sq.m. mMowing in early spring next year
White mustardApril-September or October-November with a corresponding doubling of the sowing rate to 5 g/sq.m. m1-1.5 months
April-August, 2-4 g/sq.m. m1.5-2 months
Winter rapeseedAugust 20 – September 20, 1st year mMowing in early spring next year
Winter ryeAugust 25 – September 20, 20 year/sq. mMowing in early spring next year
Phacelia tansyfoliaApril-August or before winter, in October-November, doubling the sowing rate to 10 g/sq. m1-1.5 months
AlfalfaApril 20 -May 15, July 15 -August 15,
Sweet clover yellow or whiteApril-August, 1.5 g/sq.m. mMowing 3 weeks before planting the main crop
Feed peasFrom April to mid-August,

15-20 g/sq.m. m

1.5 months
Clover redApril-August, 2 y/sq. mMowing 3 weeks before planting the main crop
Clover whiteApril-August, 1.5 g/sq.m. mMowing 3 weeks before planting the main crop
Lupine angustifoliaApril, July-August, 18-20 g/sq.m. m1.5 months
OatsApril-September, 25 g/sq. mDies in winter, mulching the soil and protecting it from erosion
BuckwheatEnd of May - August, 10-15 y/sq. mAfter 1-1.5 months

Green manure. Comparison of seed sowing - in early August and September

Is it worth the risk? This issue must be resolved by each gardener personally. But it is worth paying attention to several clear advantages of sowing vegetables in winter.

Let's highlight them:

It will allow you to get a harvest 2-3 weeks earlier than in spring, and if you cover the seedlings with film, you can speed up ripening by another 7-12 days. The result is almost a month!

The seeds, which spent the whole winter in the ground, were well hardened and passed through natural selection(the weak ones died), which means the plants will be stronger and healthier; with pre-winter sowing, you can forget about worries about a dry spring: as soon as the snow begins to melt, the seeds swell and begin to grow together, using 100% spring moisture, at a time when spring crops still just being planned.

Resistance to frost, diseases and pests: young sprouts of winter-sown vegetables and herbs tolerate frost without loss (from personal experience I can say that a temperature of -3°C will not cause them the slightest harm), and early shoots are not attacked carrot fly And cruciferous flea beetle who are still sleeping at this time.

Pre-winter sowing - early vitamins from the garden

By spring, we had already used up the supply of vitamins accumulated over the spring, summer and autumn, when fresh berries, vegetables and fruits were in abundance. Pawned on winter storage fruits and vegetables, whatever ideal conditions No matter how they were created, by spring they lose a significant part of their useful substances. How can we make up for the resulting deficit? You can buy gifts of nature in a supermarket or market - of course, if you trust the integrity of the producers. You can buy a complex of vitamins in tablets at the pharmacy (and don’t forget about quality).

But there is another way: to sow vegetables and herbs in your garden before winter. Leaf and head lettuces, arugula, dill, parsley, spinach, spring onions, radishes, beets and carrots - how do you like the star composition for a spring vitamin salad? Do you remember that young leaves and petioles of carrots and beets are a storehouse of vitamins? They are also included in the salad!

Before winter you can also plant colored, Peking and red cabbage, salad mustard, celery (for greens), borage and parsnip. When to plant, and how to do it correctly?

Perhaps the sowing time is the most important question. But exact date No one will tell you, you will have to choose the deadline yourself. Here you need to catch the moment when stable cold is about to set in: a thaw after winter sowing is extremely undesirable, since the seeds can germinate and die with the arrival of frost.

You can start sowing already at 0°C, but if there is a possibility of the temperature rising, it is better to wait. Main criterion– freezing top layer of soil. Even if yesterday it was +5°C, and today it’s immediately -5°C, you can safely sow.

It is also important to arrange the garden bed correctly. It needs a higher place, where with the arrival of spring the soil dries out faster and warms up well. Areas where snow does not melt for a long time in the spring and water stagnates are not suitable for winter crops. Please note: the bed for winter crops is prepared in advance. The soil is dug up and fertilizers are applied. Which ones exactly are up to you to decide; gardeners have different opinions here. Some prefer to apply compost or humus, others prefer phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The main thing is that the soil for winter sowing is fertile and light - heavy soils become very compacted during the winter. Make grooves 3-5 cm deep in the garden bed, cover it with covering material so that precipitation does not wash out the grooves and weed seeds do not get into them. Dry soil and mulching material (sand, compost) are prepared in advance. Completely dry seeds are sown in furrows (for winter sowings, seed consumption increases by 1.5-2 times!), sprinkled with 1.5-2 cm of dry soil on top, then with a 2-3 cm layer of mulch. Mulch will prevent the appearance of a crust on the surface of the soil in the spring and will protect the root system from sudden temperature changes. Then the bed is covered with spruce branches, branches with dry leaves or dry leaf litter (place small branches on the litter so that it is not blown away by the wind). The thickness of this shelter is 15-20 cm. Water winter crops no need! Varieties of vegetables for winter sowing Considering that when sowing before winter, the seeds are in harsh conditions, they must have good germination, to be large, full-bodied. Therefore, it is better to buy high-quality varietal seeds than to use your own - this is not the case when the savings are justified. You can purchase pelleted seeds: additional protection will reduce the risk of their death. We choose varieties that are influenced low temperatures do not form peduncles or form but a very low percentage of the total number.

Beet varieties for sowing before winter.

Podzimnyaya A-474

A mid-early variety, it will ripen in 55-100 days after germination. Valued for its cold resistance, resistance to cercospora and flowering (formation of flower stalks), high taste qualities and shelf life.

Cold resistant 19

A mid-season variety, it will take 65-75 days from germination to harvest. High taste, resistant to cold, color, and stores well.

Egyptian flat

Mid-season variety, 95-120 days from germination to technical maturity. Valued for its stability high yield, excellent taste, resistance to the formation of peduncles. Zoned everywhere.

Polar flat K-249

The variety is zoned for northern regions, root crops will form 50-90 days after germination. Valued for its high resistance to cold, flowering, and pests (root beetles).

Radish varieties for sowing before winter

The main selection criteria: resistance to cold, bolting, and low light.

An early ripening variety, root crops can be selectively harvested 15-18 days after emergence. Valued for its consistently high yield and delicate, slightly spicy taste.

High yielding early ripening variety(18-25 days). High stability to low light levels. Rose red with white tip High-yielding variety, excellent taste, one of the most popular among gardeners. Mid-early (25-30 days), with very beautiful rounded root crops: bright pink with a snow-white tip.

Varieties of carrots for sowing before winter.

Nantes 4

A very popular, problem-free variety, high-yielding, zoned almost everywhere. High taste, early ripening (60-65 days).

Vitamin 6

Mid-season variety (85-110 days), resistant to flowering. High taste, very juicy pulp with a high carotene content.

The variety is zoned for the northern regions, high-yielding, mid-ripening (98-110 days), with a high carotene content. Requires early thinning of seedlings.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe the varieties of all vegetables and green crops, suitable for winter sowing. Therefore, let me once again remind you of the qualities that a variety chosen for sowing before winter should have: resistance to cold, the formation of flower stalks, and lack of lighting; short growing season. Based on these features, you can easily choose suitable varieties to your liking.

Winter vegetable crops

Planting vegetables in the fall allows you to get more early dates shoots, and therefore the harvest. The freed space can be re-sown with crops with a short ripening period or suitable for growing under film in the fall.

Seeds planted at the end of summer or autumn undergo natural stratification in winter - hardening. In spring, you no longer need to prepare beds and seeds. The crops germinate well and grow well, despite climatic features the coming season.

Before autumn planting, fertilizers are applied to the soil. Compost or manure is added at the rate of 3–4 kg per 1 m2, superphosphate and potassium salts – 15–20 g per 1 m2. Nitrogen fertilizers are used only in spring - 20 g per 1 m2.

In autumn and winter, the following crops are planted: carrots, beets, onions, garlic, parsnips, parsley, sorrel, spinach, dill. When sowing, seed consumption is increased to guarantee seedlings in the spring.

Moscow greenhouse salad;

Parsley Bordovikskaya, Sugar;

Spinach Victoria, Broadleaf;

Dill Gribovsky;

Moscow winter carrots, Nantes 4, Incomparable, Shantane, Cold-resistant-19 and Podzimnyaya-474;

Beet Podzimnyaya A-474, Podzimnyaya incomparable, Podzimnyaya flat;

Radish Rose-red with white tip;

Pasternak Student;

Onions Arzamassky, Bessonovsky local, Danilovsky 301, Rostov onion, Kaba, Strigunovsky;

Garlic Gribovsky, Gulliver, Dubkovsky, Lyubasha.

Sorrel and onion are planted in the first third of September. Seeds are sown in rows with a distance of 15–20 cm. In the spring, after the snow melts, the beds are covered plastic film for faster emergence and growth of seedlings. If necessary, use a wire frame made of arcs.

Onions are planted in the fall as sets. Previously planting material sort and plant seedlings of the same size in one bed. Some onion varieties are propagated by nigella.

To plant onions, choose an elevated place with good lighting. Better prepare for planting it raised beds. The sets are planted in rows with an interval of 5 cm. They are embedded in the soil to a depth of 3–5 cm. A distance of 8 cm is maintained between the rows. The beds with onions are mulched with a thick layer (8–10 cm) of sawdust, compost, peat, and humus. Around the end of March, the beds are watered warm water and cover with plastic wrap. After thawing, remove the mulch and care for the onions as usual.

Winter varieties of garlic are planted with cloves or bulbs in the second half of September or early October. They manage to establish themselves in the soil in the fall, but do not sprout. Garlic beds are prepared 7-10 days before planting. They are dug up to a depth of 25 cm and 5–6 kg of humus, 30 k of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt are added to the soil for each m2. Fresh manure is not suitable as fertilizer. 1–2 days before planting, add 10–12 g of ammonium nitrate to the soil for each m2. If the soil is dry, then after applying fertilizers, water it with water.

Before planting, garlic cloves are peeled and inspected. Only large and healthy ones are planted. For disinfection and disease prevention, they are pre-soaked for 2–3 hours in a warm pink solution of potassium permanganate or for 3 minutes in a saline solution (1 tbsp. table salt per 2 liters of water), and then for the same time in solution copper sulfate(1 tsp dry matter per 2 liters of water).

Garlic cloves are planted in beds at a distance that is 3 times their width. Before planting, the soil in the garden bed is lightly compacted with a board so that the cloves do not fall into the voids. However, you should not press them too hard into compacted soil, as the roots need to grow freely. Garlic cloves are immersed in the soil so that 3–4 cm remains from their top to the surface. The bulbs are placed in the soil at a distance of 2–2.5 cm from each other in a row and 20–25 cm between rows. On next year from the bulbs, sets are obtained, which are thinned out, leaving intervals of 10–15 cm.

The beds with garlic are sprinkled with mulch with a layer of 2–5 cm. For mulching, sawdust, peat, humus are used, and branches cut from trees are laid on top to retain snow.

In the spring, the mulch is removed, and the garlic is watered, weeded, fed, and the soil is loosened. The arrows that appear are cut off, otherwise you won’t get a good harvest. When the leaves below the garlic turn yellow, you can harvest. This usually occurs at the end of July or beginning of August.

Dill is a cold-resistant plant, but needs good lighting throughout the day. Therefore, it is planted before the onset of frost. open areas. In autumn and spring at temperatures environment 3–5 °C dill seeds germinate.

Winter crops of spinach are done in November, before persistent frosts occur. The beds with this crop are mulched. For autumn planting use varieties that are less susceptible to stemming. The following year, the spinach harvest is obtained a week earlier than with spring planting. This crop is planted in loose soil, to improve it, 60 g of nitrophoska are added per 1 m2. The seeds are planted in furrows 1.5–2 cm deep, which are pre-watered. The seeds are laid out in them at intervals of 7-10 cm. A distance of 30–35 cm is made between the grooves. The seeds are sprinkled on top with soil, which is then slightly compacted.

Spinach is planted in the fall from early September until November. If it sprouted and shoots appeared before the onset of frost, then they are covered with spruce branches and branches. Under the snow, spinach tolerates the winter well. In early spring, beds with spinach are loosened, fertilized, and covered with special material or plastic film.

Salad late autumn planted in furrows 10 cm wide and deep. Sprinkle them with rotted manure on top and cover spruce branches and fallen leaves. In April, the insulating layer is removed from the beds.

Carrots are planted in November. To grow this root crop, the beds are dug up in the fall and 2–3 kg of humus, 20–25 g of superphosphate, and 15 g of potassium salts are added to the soil for each m2. In acidic soil, add an additional 150 g per m2. dolomite flour or wood ash. Heavy soil improved by adding sand or sawdust.

Beds for carrots are made 15 cm or more high to prevent the formation of stagnant moisture in the soil. To prevent the soil from crumbling, they are fenced with sides. Carrot seeds are planted in furrows in the garden bed to a depth of 4–5 cm.

If the bed is prepared in advance, then it is covered with plastic film. After the onset of frost, seeds are planted in dry soil. They are covered with soil in a layer of 1–2 cm. When planted deeper, the seeds have difficulty germinating and seedlings appear rarely. However, if the soil is peaty, the grooves are made deeper, as the soil will settle and be carried away by the wind. After planting, the soil in the beds is lightly compacted, mulched and covered with branches and spruce branches to retain snow.

In spring, cover is removed from carrot beds. In case of strong compaction, the soil is slightly loosened. The beds can be sprinkled with peat for better heating. After the snow melts over the garden bed, it is recommended to install a frame greenhouse with plastic film. After germination, the plastic film is replaced with a special covering material, which is used until mid-June.

Beets are planted in November, when the ambient temperature drops to 0 °C and the soil temperature drops to –4 °C. The soil in the beds for this crop is also dug up and fertilized with humus, phosphates and potassium salts. The grooves are made 3 cm deep at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Beet seeds in dry furrows are covered with a mixture of equal parts soil, sand and compost. Then the beds are sprinkled with mulch - peat with a layer of 3 cm. To retain snow, you can cover the beds with spruce branches and branches. In the spring, as soon as the snow on the beds begins to melt, the cover and mulch are removed. The soil is lightly loosened and fertilized with nitrogenous fertilizers. You can cover the beds with plastic film, which will speed up the emergence of seedlings. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and after a week the shoots are thinned out. Next, the beets are cared for as usual - watered, fed, loosened the soil.

Radishes are planted in late autumn (November), although the beds are prepared in advance. They are dug up, fertilizer is added, furrows are made at intervals of 15 cm and covered with plastic film. With the onset of frost, radish seeds are planted to a depth of 3.5–4 cm. The beds are mulched with peat and sprinkled with snow.

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Utilities in the garden beds. Combined crops

Winter crops are varieties of rye, barley and wheat that are sown in the fall and grow during the winter. During sowing in spring, winter crops should begin to tiller. To complete the process of crop development, you need to maintain a temperature range from 0 to -3 degrees for 40-60 days.

Winter wheat, winter rye and triticale occupy almost half of the land plots that are allocated for growing grain crops. Comparing winter and spring grains, it can be noted that the former are distinguished by a longer shelf life, during which its food products can be consumed throughout the year, until the next flowering. Considering that the root system of such plants is well developed, they have an excellent ability to absorb spring and autumn moisture.

The resulting yield from winter crops is much larger, on average 0.5-1.0 t/ha. This happens because the natural biological characteristics of winter crops have the following advantages:

  • They can accumulate a lot of mass in the spring.
  • Before the start of winter they already have a strong root system, so they are able to bush well.
  • Hardened crops easily survive frosts.
  • They drive out the growth of various weeds, suppressing their growth.

The main disadvantage of plants in the autumn-spring period is that, despite their high biological properties, they can still be exposed to danger from bad weather and die.

List of plants

Winter crops include grain plants that have a long life cycle. The most famous representatives of this kind of crops are: rye, wheat, barley, triticale.

The predecessors for winter crops are winter legumes, and subsequently legumes and cereals. Where the soil is not moist enough, it is necessary to use perennial grasses and annual green fodder as precursors for winter wheat. There are also winter crops: vetch, camelina, rapeseed, and rapeseed.

Crops that are classified as winter crops have two stages of growing season:

  1. Autumn, which lasts up to 50 days;
  2. Spring-summer, lasting more than 70 days.

Tillage system for winter crops

Pre-sowing tillage is carried out by plowing the soil, and it is very important that the plowed layer is at least 20 cm. It is also necessary to peel the soil. This method of soil cultivation is called autumn cultivation.

As for cultivating the land in the spring, first of all, the source of moisture is closed. During all summer and spring days, at least 4 cultivations must be carried out, during which harrowing and rolling will be carried out simultaneously. The last mixing (pre-sowing) is carried out with deep seeding of seeds. If the growing area is located in places where the land was subject to deflation, then it is cultivated with subsoilers or walk-behind tractors.

The first cultivation of the soil is carried out in early spring, at the same time as the sowing of spring crops. Plowing is compared with harrowing. In summer, the field must be cultivated using the fall method.

After this, tillage depends on the degree of moisture in the arable layer and the technology for growing winter crops.
Before the sowing of winter wheat begins, peas, flax or other cereal crops are planted in the soil. After this, the land is plowed. The soil is cultivated with disc implements.

Sowing winter grain crops

The timing of sowing depends on the specific region in which winter crops grow. In order for them to survive the winter well, active temperatures in the autumn are important. It is necessary to understand that the drier the conditions, the worse the yield will be.

There are several main ways to sow winter crops:

  • Narrow row (distance between rows 7-8 cm).
  • Ordinary ordinary (seed distribution at a distance of 15 cm);
  • Cross;
  • Cross diagonal.

In order for plants to be better absorbed and take root, it is necessary to make rows with a direction from north to south. The depth of embedding depends entirely on the composition of the soil and its moisture content, so it can be either 3 cm or 7 cm.

As for the rules for caring for crops, it is very important that all the necessary conditions are created to ensure the safety of crops during winter frosts.

Features of caring for winter crops are as follows:

  • If there are weeds, the land must be treated with herbicides.
  • After sowing, carry out chemical weeding to eliminate the possibility of annual cereals sprouting.
  • Spraying must be carried out before the end of the autumn growing season (provided that the crops have not been properly protected from snow mold).

Spring care depends on how winter crops survived the frost. The assessment is carried out 10 days after the start of the growing season.


Growing winter grain crops directly depends on the correct selection of fertilizers. The predominant ones are mineral and organic fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones. Each type of grain has its own system for feeding winter crops, following which you can get a good and rich harvest.

Organic fertilizer should be used in low-fertility soils, after oats, buckwheat and other annual grasses. It is best to apply them under plowing.

As for doses, they are calculated using a complex method, using a computer or recommendations from scientific centers. Phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the treated soil before sowing. Since phosphorus is practically immobile in the soil, it is necessary to apply it before sowing.

Nitrogen fertilizers bring greater yields. They allow you to get a wheat yield of about 50 c/ha. They must be entered according to the following principle:

  1. The first fertilizing is carried out in the spring, before the start of the growing season of the crop. The purpose of this operation is to increase tillering power.
  2. The second feeding is carried out at the stage of plants emerging into the tube.
  3. A third feeding is required in the middle of the booting process to obtain a higher yield rate.

In addition, mineral fertilizers are often used for the growth of winter crops. Most of all, such plants need manganese and copper. Doses are calculated by specialists in research centers.

As for cleaning, it should be carried out with high quality and in a timely manner. This may require specialized equipment and qualified specialists. About 50-60% of the costs come from cultivation.

Cultivation technology

The technology of cultivating winter crops is a set of works that are aimed at improving the conditions for the growth and development of plants. This process includes techniques that are carried out from the moment the remnants of previous crops are removed from the field and before the harvest begins.

Cultivation technology includes:

  • Soil cultivation.
  • Application of fertilizing.
  • Seed preparation.
  • Sowing.
  • Harvest care.
  • Protecting plants from weeds.
  • Harvesting.

Tillage of winter crops involves loosening, plowing and rolling. Properly selected fertilizers play an equally important role. If the acidity of the soil is increased, then liming is necessary. They are introduced under the main treatment to make the reaction almost neutral.

When preparing the seeds, they are treated. This process must be done in advance, about a week before sowing. You can use special machines to get a more positive result.

The rules of care include properly selected fertilizers and the creation of good conditions for protecting plants during the tillering process. In summer, it is necessary to combat pests and possible diseases, which can cause a big blow to the entire crop as a whole.

Once again about cultivation, but on video:

Overwintering of winter crops

The process of overwintering winter crops is important, since under poor conditions plant damage or death can occur.

Three main risk groups may be affected by wintering:

  • meteorological;
  • frost resistance;
  • feature of the variety and agricultural technology.

A more dangerous period is the transition from winter to spring. It is at this time that the snow melts, but at the same time the frosts do not recede and, as a result, the frost resistance of plants begins to regress. It is impossible to lose winter wheat or rye due to one factor; the crop is affected by risk groups as a whole.

Methods for assessing the overwintering of winter crops involve studying the ability of grain crops to survive in poor winter conditions.

There are two main concepts:

  1. frost resistance (the ability of crops to survive low temperatures);
  2. winter hardiness (the ability of plants to withstand adverse weather conditions).

It is very important to monitor the condition of winter plants in winter and early spring. Before starting the sowing process, it is important to carry out the monolith method, in which samples are taken and the following processes are carried out:

  • After clearing the area of ​​snow, it is necessary to cut down the monolith 20 cm deep and place the plants there without any damage.
  • For two or three days, the frozen soil is placed in a warm room.
  • After this, the monolith is transferred to a bright and warm room, where it is stored for two weeks.
  • As a result, the plants are taken out of the ground and the number of healthy plants that survived the artificially created winter is checked.

Causes of death of winter crops

The causes of damage to winter plants can be:

  • Freezing. As a result of harsh winters with little snow, the process of ice formation occurs in plant cells, the cytoplasm is dehydrated and the protein is denatured. To counter this problem, it is necessary to make shelterbelts and create canopy crops.
  • Getting wet. Appears in drainless lowlands, where a lot of melt water forms in the spring. In this case, winter plants begin to lose sugar, turn yellow and die as a result. To eliminate this, you need to create drainage furrows and vertical drainage.
  • Damping off of winter crops. It forms in low-lying areas where large amounts of water accumulate. If the soil freezes slightly, winter types of plants begin to breathe and come to life, because of this they quickly consume carbohydrates and the process of protein breakdown occurs. To protect winter crops from such consequences, it is necessary to avoid early sowing and large amounts of nitrogen fertilizing.
  • Blowing. Appears in autumn and spring in structureless soils. Due to the fact that dust storms blow away the top layer of soil, knotting of tillering occurs, and as a result, the plants quickly dry out.
  • Ice crusts. They are formed as a result of the freezing of water that remains behind or under the snow. The crusts adhere tightly to the ground, so they harm the seeds, leading to the death of winter crops. To prevent plants from being subject to such a problem, it is important to create drainage furrows and a snow retention system in a timely manner.
  • A bulge that can occur as a result of alternate freezing and thawing of the soil during the winter. Under such growing conditions, plants can stick out, thereby exposing the tillering node. The consequences are not the most pleasant, because in most cases the process leads to the death of plants.

Spring drought is considered an equally dangerous phenomenon. Plant diseases appear due to the fact that air humidity becomes low and temperatures are low. As a result, the top layer of soil dries out and the number of runs during tillering is reduced. To protect the crop from spring drought, it is necessary to make snow retention and monitor climate forecasts.

National economic importance of winter crops

Almost all over the world, wheat is considered a valuable food crop. It is from it that important food products such as baked goods, semolina, confectionery and pasta are obtained. An equally important role is played by the fact that wheat contains a lot of protein and gluten.

Wheat grains are used with virtually no waste, because the results of its processing make it possible to create concentrated feed for farm animals.

Winter wheat is no less important agrotechnically, so experts carefully monitor the process of its cultivation. Among the main biological features of wheat, one cannot help but notice that it can germinate even at a temperature of +2 degrees. To grow this crop, it is very important to have highly fertile land, which will allow you to get a good and good harvest.

In general, winter crops have made their contribution to the national economy because they participate in replenishing grain reserves and produce a good harvest, unlike spring crops. In the autumn, the development of winter plants occurs better, and in the spring, although they can, they still suffer less from drought.

Winter wheat needs to be harvested on the 10th day, barley on the 12th. This factor also has a beneficial effect on the role of winter crops in the national economy, because in this case, there are more opportunities to start preparing the soil for other crops earlier.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):