Spring is still far away, but flower growers should already think about what flowers will decorate their flower beds in the new season. We remind you that you need to sow some flowers for seedlings already in February.

Early sowing will allow plants with a long growing season to prepare for summer flowering. In February, you can sow annual, biennial and perennial flowers for seedlings.

Sowing seedlings of annual flowers

To decorate these bright and fast growing plants hanging planters or flower beds by the beginning of summer, the seeds should be sown in winter.

Sowing petunias for seedlings

This is perhaps the most popular flowering plant, which successfully takes root not only on personal plots, but also in apartments. And all thanks to the amazing unpretentiousness and resilience. Planting petunias will take you very little time. Since its seeds are very small, they are simply scattered on the surface of moist soil and not even covered with soil. Then cover with film and place in a dark and warm place(after emergence of shoots, the film is removed). Before transplantation to open ground you will have to make 2 picks of seedlings.

If the petunia bloomed before you transplanted it to permanent place- Don't worry: flowering seedlings tolerates transplantation well.

Sowing begonias

At the same time, it is worth planting another variegated beauty - begonia. By the way, some gardeners begin to sow this crop in January. However, in this case, the seedlings will need additional lighting. If you do not have special lamps, then it is better to start sowing in February. Begonia seeds, like petunias, are sown superficially and are not covered with soil.

Planting lobelia for seedlings

Don't forget about delicate lobelia with small blue, pink or white flowers. This plant will be appropriate in almost any flower arrangement. Depending on the variety, you can grow an excellent ground cover or hanging plant. Sowing small lobelia seeds is similar to sowing petunia (they are scattered on the surface of moist soil and the container is covered with film). When the seedlings grow up, several specimens can be planted in one pot at once to obtain more lush bushes.

Planting carnations Shabo

This beautiful plant It blooms only 6 months after sowing, so Shabot carnation seeds are sown in January or February. The sowing depth is 3 mm; the seeds can be sprinkled with calcined sand on top (this will protect the plants from blackleg). The Shabot carnation needs several pickings - then by the time it is transplanted to a permanent place, the bush will be thick and lush.

Sowing biennials and perennials for seedlings

In addition to annuals, fast-growing perennials can be sown as seedlings in February. Then you won't have to wait next year to enjoy their bloom. Plants will bloom by late summer - early autumn.

Pansies - sowing for seedlings

The first flowers of this plant will bloom at the end of July, if you remember to sow pansies (or viola) in the last month of winter. Planting pansies is quite simple. Although the seeds of this crop are also not large in size, when sowing, they are lightly sprinkled with substrate. In order not to have to worry about picking later, the seed can be immediately distributed over the soil surface at some distance from each other.

Planting daisies

You can get daisies to bloom in the fall of this year if you plant the flowers as seedlings in early February. To germinate, daisy seeds require sunlight, so they are not buried too deep. Usually it is enough to spread them over moist soil and sprinkle them with a thin layer of sand or sifted humus. Daisies tolerate replanting well when in bloom, so if the plants bloom in cups on your windowsill, there is no need to worry.

In the first year, flowering may not be very impressive, especially in the case of hot and dry summers.

Sowing primrose for seedlings

Be sure to sow primrose in February. It’s just worth noting that the seed material of this crop must first be stratified. So you should take care of preparing primrose seeds for sowing in advance. When sowing, they should not be buried too deep into the soil; it will be enough to simply press the soil and spray them with a spray bottle.

Please note that primrose seeds quickly lose their viability. So when purchasing, be sure to look at the expiration date indicated on the package.

Planting lupine

Lupine sown in February usually blooms by the end of August - beginning of September. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, before sowing they should be wrapped in a moistened soil for a day. cotton pad. Lupine seed material is sown to a depth of 5-8 mm. It is better to immediately sow the seeds in individual cups so that the seedlings do not have to be planted - the culture does not like picking.

Planting Korean chrysanthemum

So that chrysanthemums bloom in the year of sowing and have time to get stronger and prepare for winter before the end of the season, it is worth sowing them in the last winter month. Chrysanthemum seeds are sown simply by pressing the palm of your hand to the soil and spraying with a spray bottle. Otherwise, their cultivation is quite simple. When the seedlings grow up, they should be pruned and a little later transplanted into a flower garden.

It just so happens that you should prepare for the new summer season in the winter. Think in advance what flowers you want to see in the flowerbed and sow them as seedlings.

Many seedlings are grown flower crops– buying them as seedlings, at least 10-20 plants of each variety, is expensive, but growing them from seeds is easy. In addition, a small seed planted in the soil gives life big plant, which, growing up, makes the world more beautiful - isn’t this a joy for a gardener?

First - the ground

What quality should the soil be for producing flower seedlings? Nothing special is required to sow seeds. The seeds contain enough energy for germination, therefore, especially if you pre-treat the seeds with growth stimulants, ordinary store-bought soil is sufficient for sowing. Neutral slightly acidic peat must be mixed in equal proportions with clean river sand (also bought in the store). You will definitely need drainage at the bottom of the seedling containers.

Advice! It is best to use agloporite artificial pebbles, designed specifically to create a drainage layer.

You can make up seeding soil from three components - peat, leaf soil, sand (1: 1: 1).

Pots or boxes

The second item on the list of things without which it is impossible to grow seedlings is containers. The range of containers, boxes, pots, plastic cassettes, peat pots and tablets for flower seedlings is huge. Any container can have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the material of manufacture, size, and stage of application.

Another thing is important - different stages“maturation” of plants and the need to pick them or replant them require their own different containers. To grow flower seedlings at the first stage - sowing seeds - it is best to use seedling boxes, but not the largest ones - medium or small in size. After picking, it is better to move the seedlings into personal pots, cups, containers - it depends on the size of the future plant.

Seed selection

In addition to selecting from a list ornamental crops, which are preferably propagated by seedlings, you need to know how to choose seeds. Here the main parameter that is worth paying attention to is germination.

Flower seeds, and indeed any other seeds, do not have an expiration date. These are not food products, and in the generally accepted sense, seeds cannot spoil. But there is such a thing as germination period. And if it is expired, then there is really no point in planting seeds - they will sprout poorly and weakly.

What flower crops are sown for seedlings in February

The last month of winter is the time for sowing almost all flowers that reproduce through seedlings. Not worth it middle lane propagate flowers with seedlings, which can be sown directly into the ground (this is done only for more early flowering). It is advisable to produce seedlings of the following crops: ageratum, aster, azarina, marigold, brachycoma, verbena, gazania, carnation, heliotrope, wendium, annual dahlia, delphinium, sweet tobacco, iberis, cleome, coleus, gillyflower, lobelia, snapdragon, nasturtium, petunia, salvia, annual phlox, celosia, cineraria, osteospermum, zinnia.

When to start sowing

Flowers that have a long germination period are grown by seedlings. When sowing seeds in the ground, they do not have enough time to properly develop and please lush flowering. Such flower seeds are sown in February for seedlings, so that 2-3 months pass before planting in open ground - from the end of April to the end of May.

Today, when the florist has at his disposal latest technologies and methods, seedlings can be grown much faster, and the quality can be achieved better. Soil preparation, seed preparation, temperature, water, light conditions (read the article about phytolamps and LED lamps for plants), timely fertilizing - provide your seedlings with all the conditions, and start sowing seeds starting from February 15th.

How to sow seeds

1. Before sowing, it is a good idea to disinfect flower seeds. Soaking in traditional potassium permanganate, which is usually done with vegetable seeds, is not always the method, because some flowers (petunia, lobelia) have very small seeds. It is easier and more effective to carry out disinfectant dusting with a fungicide. How to do this? Pour a pinch of powder into a bag with dry seeds placed in it, close and shake.

2. The soil in the seed containers has already been prepared, moderately moist, with grooves or holes. For petunia and lobelia, no grooves or depressions are needed - only flat surface soil on which the seeds are scattered without covering them with anything. You can mix small seeds with sand or snow. Medium and large seeds are sown to a depth of 1 to 5 cm and sprinkled with peat. The depth of planting seeds is usually 3-5 times greater than the height of the seed.

Read the continuation on the next page by clicking its number below.

What flowers are sown for seedlings

First, you need to understand for yourself which flowers can be propagated by seedlings. These include both annual and biennial plants, and perennials. Of the annual flowers, those most often sown for seedlings are those with long period growing season, or if you want the flowers to bloom early. In principle, you can grow seedlings of any flowers, except those that do not tolerate transplantation well. Most often, seeds of the following flowers are sown for seedlings: Chabot carnation, lobelia, petunia, cineraria, snapdragon, sweet pea, zinnia, marigolds, nasturtium, cosmos, calendula, mignonette, geranium, gerbera, gaillardia, viola, pansy, primrose, balsam, begonia, verbena, ageratum, aster, clarkia, phlox, gillyflower, salvia, godetia, lupine, lavatera and many others.

When to plant flower seedlings

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in January.

Before all other flowers, we sow Shabot carnation seedlings, which bloom 5-6 months after sowing, and tuberous begonia, which takes 5.5-6.5 months to bloom. Begonias sown in December-January have tubers that form better and last longer than those sown in March. The bag of seeds usually indicates how much time should pass from sowing the seeds to the start of flowering, and the longer the time period, the earlier the seeds need to be sown. During this period, flower seedlings are sown, the seeds of which must undergo mandatory stratification - stimulation by low temperature. These include aquilegia, spring and stemless gentians, arisema, clematis, princelings, bathhouse, rueberry, jeffersonia, perennial violet, breaker, alpine bell, irises, many bulbous, lumbago, lavender, primrose. In January, you need to sow slow-germinating seeds of perennials with a thick or dense shell, if for some reason you do not want to scarify them - mechanically damage or remove the seed shell.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in February.

In the second month of winter we continue to sow flowers with long term germination. It is not too late to sow the seeds of Shabot carnation and flowering begonia. In addition, the time has come to plant those plants that feel good both in the garden and at home - fuchsias, balsams, pelargoniums, as well as annuals early date flowering for hanging baskets, decorating loggias, balconies and glazed terraces– petunia and lobelia, for example. In February, seeds of angustifolia lavender, sparkling salvia, Wittrock's viola and heliotrope are sown. However, it should be borne in mind that seedlings of some flowers will need long daylight hours, and you will have to provide additional lighting for them.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in March.

In March, you can plan to grow seedlings of echinacea, fragrant tobacco, verbena, iberis, lobularia, climbing kobe, cleome, bells, herbal carnations, annual phlox, snapdragon, matthiola (levkoya), brachycoma iberisolifolia and climbing azarina, as well as those flowers that for some reason you did not sow in February. In the first half of March, you can sow seeds of flowers that grow well both in the garden and at home - pelargonium, coleus, kufei. In the second half of March we sow seeds of seedlings of the following annuals: Drummond phlox, celosia, helichrysum, alyssum, venidium, ageratum, arctotis, annual aster, penstemona, castor bean.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in April.

In April, seedlings are sown with zinnia gracilis, tritoma berry (or kniphofia), scabiosa, daisy, perennial delphinium, annual dahlia, cornflower, cottonweed, gatsania, helipterum, godetia, morning glory, calendula, xerantenum, fragrant mignonette, scabiosa, Suvorov limonium, amaranth , aquilegia, kochia (summer cypress), marigolds, as well as those flowers that you did not have time to sow in March - annual aster, Venidium, ageratum, lobularia.

How to grow flower seedlings

Pots for flower seedlings.

Readers often ask: What is better to grow seedlings in - in boxes or in pots? Of course, it’s better in pots - you sow in a separate container, and then you don’t have to deal with picking the seedlings. The seedling is not injured, the risk of infection with rot is minimized. However, seedlings at home are usually kept in loggias and on window sills, and there is not much space there. If you're not a fan seedling method, and you only need three or four containers for seedlings, then, of course, it is better to use pots for seedlings. But if you big plans, then it is better to use plastic seedling cassettes with trays, cups or boxes. Don’t get carried away with cardboard containers, especially those for dairy products - now they are treated with some substances that, as they evaporate, inhibit the barely hatched seedlings, causing them to freeze and not develop. The container must be environmentally friendly so that the flower seedlings do not experience discomfort. The best container for seedlings - peat pots. Their porous walls ensure moisture and air exchange of the root-inhabited soil layer; grown seedlings can be planted in open ground directly in them, without damaging the roots of young plants by removing them from the container. These pots contain no toxic substances or pathogens, and are durable enough both dry and wet. A good container for growing small plants is peat tablets for seedlings, which swell when soaked and form a kind of cup filled with peat substrate. This is an ideal dish for seedlings, but small plastic disposable cups for food liquid and large boxes for seedlings are also suitable as dishes for sowing. The main thing is that there are drainage holes, and under the bottom there was a tray for excess water.

Soil for flower seedlings.

Land for seedlings should have the following qualities: looseness, lightness and porosity of consistency, it should have good air permeability and retain moisture, and also meet the requirements of the crop that you intend to grow in it. The following components are unsuitable for soil composition: composts of any kind, leaf soil (rotted leaves), rotted manure, wood shavings, low-lying unprocessed peat, untreated turf soil, chopped straw, hay dust, sawdust from wood impregnated with creazote or treated with varnish, unwashed sea sand , quarry sand, unwashed from clay. Used to compose the soil: high-moor peat, frozen or weathered lowland peat, meadow sand or sandy loam, but not garden soil, turf soil after heat treatment, sphagnum moss, crushed coniferous bark, dry pine needles, grain husks, crushed peanut shells, river and quartz sand , perlite, vermiculite, agroperlite, granulated foam, crushed pumice and expanded clay. A classic example of a substrate for seedlings: 65-70% sawdust, 25-40% sand.

You can buy soil mixture for seedlings in the store - now there is a huge selection of soils for seedlings. For example, Flower soil from the series Living earth, soils Flora, Garden Land, Violet, Universal and so on. In order to choose the soil you need, you need to know exactly in which substrate your seedlings will grow best, and also study the composition of the soils offered in the store. Pay attention to the composition of fertilizers in ready-made soil mixtures - their excess may prevent you from seeing your plants bloom. If the amount of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen in the soil is within 300-400 mg/l, it can only be used as a component for seedling mixture or for planting adult seedlings in it, but it is undesirable to sow seeds in such soil, since the seedlings will turn lushly green, but buds will not form. Do not use garden soil as a substrate for seedlings, as it is unbalanced mineral composition and it contains pathogenic microflora and pest larvae. But the soil for cacti is suitable for growing seedlings, but before sowing its acidity should be adjusted by adding dolomite flour, if necessary. It is advisable to sterilize soil for seedlings, whether purchased or prepared by yourself, in an oven or microwave before sowing.

Well, remember about peat tablets - in many cases this is really the best solution.

Lamps for flower seedlings.

At the end of winter or beginning of spring, the days are still short, and the growing seedlings do not have enough time to develop daylight hours, so sometimes you have to create for them artificial lighting. What lamps are best to use for this, and how to properly organize the lighting? Immediately exclude incandescent lamps from the list, since they emit excessive amount heat, but do not emit needed by plants rays. The choice must be made between energy-saving lamps and phytolamps. Among the energy-saving lamps for germinating seeds, you should choose induction lamps. Lamps with a warm spectrum will be needed to illuminate seedlings that have entered the flowering phase, and energy saving lamps daylight spectrum are suitable for illuminating seedlings throughout the entire growing cycle. Install these lamps perpendicular to the boxes with seedlings.

Among the colossal number of phytolamps, LED, halogen, sodium and fluorescent lamps are most often used to illuminate seedlings. Usually the choice of gardeners falls on fluorescent lamps, since they produce almost no heat, consume little electricity and have a full spectrum of colors. Dignity LED lamps– their durability and low power consumption, in addition, they can emit red and blue colors what stimulates rapid growth seedlings. Halogen lamps lose heat over time, so they are used much less frequently. Sodium lamps installed to illuminate small seedlings. For example, one 100 W lamp is enough to illuminate seedlings located on a one and a half meter windowsill. When choosing a phytolamp, consider which lamps will suit you best - wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted or compact ones that give a directed beam.

Caring for flower seedlings

Watering flower seedlings.

The first watering of the soil is carried out even before sowing, since the seeds are sown in moist soil, but then, until the emergence of seedlings, the soil is not watered - as a rule, under glass or under a film the soil remains moist for a long time. After removing the film, the hatched seedlings are watered regularly so that the soil is always moist, but not wet. With prolonged waterlogging of the soil, there is a risk of root rotting. It is advisable to moisten the soil with seedlings in the first half of the day, since evening watering causes the plants to stretch out and grow sickly and weak. Water for watering seedlings must be left for 2-3 days. Good results gives watering of seedlings with melt water, especially before planting in open ground. Frequent watering require dahlias, fragrant tobacco and nasturtium. And petunia, phlox, purslane, asters, snapdragons, marigolds and zinnia need to be watered only when dry top layer soil. The water temperature for irrigation should be at least 21 ºC. Watering is carried out in different ways: at the root, by spraying from a sprayer, they also use the method of bottom watering - it all depends on what kind of seedlings you are growing.

Temperature for flower seedlings.

After you have purchased and sterilized the seedling substrate, put it in a container, and kept the seeds in Zircon or Epin (this does not apply purchased seeds, which are already prepared for sowing), spread the seeds over the surface, lightly press them into the substrate, sprinkle them with a layer of soil, the thickness of which depends on the size of the seed - the depth of planting should be three times. In some cases, the seeds are not buried at all, but are only pressed to the surface of the soil. If you sowed in dry soil, moisten the crop, but only with a spray bottle. Now it's time to build a greenhouse for seedlings. Usually, it is enough to cover the container with film or glass. Sometimes, to speed up the germination of slow-germinating seeds, it is necessary to arrange the bottom heating of the container with sowing to a temperature 2-3 ºC higher than in the room. In any case, you should not keep the container on a cold windowsill, because in addition to good lighting, seeds need warmth to grow. Therefore, place the seeds on a piece of foam or other support so that there is a gap between the window sill and the seed box. Ideal temperature for germination of seeds of heat-loving crops, 25-30 ºC can be considered, and for cold-resistant crops, 18-15 ºC. When the shoots appear and the greenhouse for seedlings is no longer needed, the glass or film is removed and further development seedlings occur at a temperature of 20 ºC. Of course this general recommendations– Each plant has its own requirements for both lighting and temperature. If you purchased seeds in a store, the factory packaging should contain instructions or recommendations on how to sow the seeds of this particular plant. But if there are no instructions or recommendations on the bag of seeds, our website will always be happy to provide you necessary information, remember this.

Transplanting flower seedlings.

Picking seedlings should be done on time, when the seedlings develop the first two true (not cotyledon) leaves. If you delay replanting, the seedlings will take root much worse. Why do seedlings dive? In order to increase the area of ​​their feeding, because the growing roots of seedlings take up more and more space. In addition, the seedlings become cramped above the ground surface. It is best to plant seedlings in peat pots, because when the time comes to plant the plants in open ground, they can be planted in the holes without removing them from the pots, which subsequently do not interfere with the growth and development of the roots. Some flowers do not need picking at all, and plants with long tap roots, so as not to injure them during picking and replanting, should be immediately sown in peat pots one at a time. If you plant seedlings in a common box, then plant seedlings of large plants up to the very cotyledons at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other, and small ones at intervals of 2.5-3 cm. When transplanting, take the seedling not by the stem, but by the cotyledon leaves, and at the end of the procedure, move the box with seedlings to a dark place for a couple of days.

Feeding flower seedlings.

Two weeks after picking, you need to apply the first fertilizing, which is a solution of mullein 1:10 at the rate of one glass of fertilizer per 8-10 seedlings. After half a month, the seedlings are fertilized with the same composition, but one and a half grams of ammonium nitrate and three grams of superphosphate per liter are added to it at the rate of one glass per 4-5 seedlings. Instead of mullein, you can use bird droppings, and make a second feeding ash solution or Agricola for flowers. Applying fertilizer to the soil is preceded by watering the plants so that the fertilizer does not burn the tender roots of the seedlings. And watch the concentration of the solutions that you prepare for adding to the soil with seedlings: the instructions for preparing solutions indicated on the fertilizer package are designed for feeding adult plants, and you will have to make the solutions twice as weak.

Two weeks before planting seedlings in open ground or moving them to a cold greenhouse, you need to gradually accustom the seedlings to the temperature in which they will find themselves. To do this, seedlings are taken out daily into the yard or onto an open balcony. Cold-resistant plants such as cineraria and antirrhinum begin to be taken out into the fresh air in the shade at an air temperature of 8-10 ºC; for other plants this is too cold, you need to wait until the temperature outside is 10-12 ºC, and only then begin hardening . First time staying at fresh air should last no more than 2 hours, in addition, the plants must be protected from drafts and direct sunlight. Then the plants begin to briefly open to the sun, daily increasing the duration of the seedlings' stay in the fresh air and under the sun's rays. How long your seedlings can tolerate direct rays depends on the characteristics of the crop you are growing. Hardening is very important procedure, it determines how successful the transplantation of seedlings into open ground will be, and what their further development will be.

When to plant flower seedlings in open ground

Seedlings of many flowers are planted in the ground when the threat of spring return frosts has passed - in May or early June. This applies primarily to heat-loving perennials. Seedlings are planted on a cloudy day or evening time, When sun rays will not be able to damage weakened seedlings by transplanting them to a new location. If we're talking about For cold-resistant plants that are not afraid of spring cold snaps, you can plant them as soon as the earth warms up: tightly squeeze a handful of dry earth in your hand, and then sharply unclench your hand. If the soil falls into pieces, it is ready for the growing season. Before planting seedlings, tidy up the area: dig up the soil, add fertilizer to it, loosen and level the surface. Manure and compost are added to the soil in the fall, and humus and mineral fertilizers You can also add it in the spring. The timing of sowing and planting rates are individual for each plant, but the feeding area of ​​the plants should allow them to develop well, that is, they should not grow in crowded conditions. The distance between seedlings when planting is determined by the size, diameter and branching of adult plants. To plant seedlings, depending on what crop you are planting, grooves or holes are made in the surface of the soil, which must be well watered before planting. Each plant should have at least one liter of water. The seedlings are placed in the resulting abundant watering I'm squishy. If the roots are exposed, they should be spread out well. Then the holes are sprinkled with earth, which is pressed tightly so that all the air escapes. If you did everything correctly, then very soon new leaves will appear on the seedlings, which means that you have completed the task.

Spring has not yet arrived, but many summer residents and flower growers are already starting to think in February about what flowers can be planted as seedlings. Due to early sowing plants with a long growing season will be able to prepare for summer flowering. In February, you can plant seedlings using annual, biennial and perennial flowers. Let's take a closer look at which flowers are suitable for sowing as seedlings in February.


This flowering plant, like , can be seen today in the flowerbed of every gardener or florist. The peculiarity of petunia is its unpretentiousness and endurance. Today this type has plants huge amount varieties and colors. Thus, everyone can choose an option to create their own unique flower arrangement.

Hybrid petunias can take on different sizes and unusual colors, while being weather-resistant. Some varieties of petunias lose their attractive appearance if they get caught in the rain or strong wind. But for resistant hybrids such tests are not scary.

There are certain varieties of petunias that have long shoots. Their length reaches 150-180 cm. They have a very attractive appearance if planted in hanging baskets or balcony boxes.

In this case, you need to choose a place that can protect the plant from the wind. The fact is that such petunia has fragile branches that are very easy to break.

In the video - growing Petunia flowers:

It is necessary to sow petunia in late February - early March. The seeds of the plants are very small, so sowing should only be done on the surface of the soil. You should not deepen the seeds. Shoots form quickly within 10-14 days. Grown seedlings must be planted in separate containers. Achieve better development Seedlings can be grown if they are transplanted 2-3 times at the time of growth. At the same time, the volume of the pot is gradually increased. Already in mid-May, the grown seedlings can be planted in flower beds. At this point, the plants have already formed buds, and some varieties may even bloom.


Many gardeners like this plant because of its charming looking. It can be used to create absolutely any composition. When lobelia blooms, it is impossible to see its leaves. This is due to the great abundance small flowers. They all have bright and interesting colors.

Among the wide variety of varieties, in great demand Ampelous and compact cushion-shaped lobelias are used. Their flowers can take on bright blue, light blue, pink, and white colors. You can see the first flowers in June, and flowering lasts until frost. In summer, lobelia can stop flowering. During this period, it is necessary to prune it heavily and water it abundantly. Then she will again delight everyone with her unusual and bright flowering. It will also be useful to learn about how flowers are grown.

Lobelia belongs to ground cover and hanging plants. It can be planted near borders or in a regular flower garden. Lobelia is also great for filling the space in a ball where tall crops are located.

Sowing lobelia should be done in late February - early March. Roll the crops a little, but do not cover the seeds with soil. Be sure to moisten with a spray bottle. The first sprouts can be detected after 14 days. Seedlings must be picked and placed in a bright, well-ventilated place. Already from mid-May they can be sent into the soil.

In the video - growing Lobelia:

Carnation Shabo

This type of plant must be sown at the end of February, since 5-6 months must pass from the moment of planting for it to bloom. Not so long ago, white and red carnations were considered a necessary attribute of various events. Today, the number of varieties is so large that sometimes you don’t immediately understand what exactly is suitable for creating a particular flower arrangement. Moreover, they are all incredibly beautiful and are presented in various color solutions.

The process of growing Shabot cloves is not complicated. The main thing is not to miss sowing time. Otherwise, the plant does not require increased influence, although it develops best on fertile soil.

When the carnation blooms, it has an expressive color, so it needs to be placed in the flowerbed so that it is clearly visible. The plant is light-loving, cold-resistant and drought-resistant.

After sowing has been done, store the containers at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees above zero. When the first shoots form after 7-10 days, proper lighting must be provided. So you will have to make a pick, distributing the seedlings into separate pots. This way they won't obscure each other. To prevent the carnations from stretching, it is necessary to provide them with a lot of light and coolness. Watering should be moderate. Here's how it grows Turkish cloves from seeds, information from this will help you figure it out

The video shows how the sowing and growing of Shabo Carnation occurs:

Begonia everblooming

This plant differs from others in its unpretentious care and incredibly amazing appearance. Begonia can be placed in the garden in various ways. You can use it as an ampel plant or create a flowering border from it. It is planted in containers for balconies and terraces, and also formed into carpet paths.

Depending on the variety, ever-flowering begonia may have green or bronze leaves. But the flowers take on white, pink or red colors. But that's not all, as today you can see two-color varieties. There are low-growing plants, the height of which does not exceed 20 cm.

Begonia seeds should be planted in February, as they take a long time to germinate. Place the seed on the surface of the soil and press down slightly. This will increase the area of ​​contact between the seed and the soil. After planting, moisten the soil.

For seed germination, it is necessary to create a temperature regime of +20 degrees. After 45 days, young seedlings are planted in a separate container. In early June, the plant is ready for planting into a bud. You may also be interested in information about what it looks like

Lavender angustifolia

This plant is characterized by its amazing aroma. It grows well even in winter conditions. Thus, you can grow angustifolia lavender on a terrace or balcony. In a flowerbed, its neighbors can be roses and herbs.

The seeds of the plant in question need stratification. Due to this, its early sowing occurs. Send the seed into the soil to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. In this case, it must be pre-moistened. Cover the container with seedlings with film or glass and then place it in the refrigerator. The duration of stratification will be 3 months.

In the phase of 2-3 pairs of leaves, the plant must be pruned. Planting into the soil occurs after frosts have passed. Compared to mature plants, young plants are not very resistant to cold. And from this, you can highlight more information on how to grow lavender.


This plant loves warm climates. Another name for salvia is sparkling sage. Most often the plant blooms with red flowers, but today breeders have been able to develop varieties with lilac shades. Most often, salvia is used in group plantings. It will attract attention with its brightness and juiciness if salvia is planted over a large area. The plant can also be used for planting in containers.

The seeds of the plant are sent to the ground in late February - early March. They don’t need to be deepened very much, just sprinkled with soil is enough. Picking occurs in phase 4-5 of the true leaf. The crop can be planted in open ground at the end of May - beginning of June. It is better if it is a sunny place. You may also be interested in information about how cultivation occurs


So that this plant pleases you with its extraordinary beautiful flowering throughout the summer, it is necessary to sow its seeds for seedlings at the end of February. Viola is a very popular plant. This is a biennial crop that gardeners actively use when creating various flower arrangements.

The peculiarity of Viola is that it blooms for a very long time. In addition, its flowers can be presented in various colors. The culture is unpretentious in care and can easily tolerate transplantation even when it is blooming. It grows well, so it can be grown both in flower beds and in various containers. But how Violla is grown from seeds to seedlings is described in great detail in this

After planting the seeds, the grown seedlings are picked, planting them in various containers. For the full development of viola, it is necessary to grow seedlings in a cool room, where the air temperature is 14-15 degrees above zero and there is good lighting.

The culture in question loves warmth and sun. It is also demanding on soil quality. You can see the amazing flowering of heliotrope only if regular care. And although caring for a plant is difficult, when you see it bloom, you will understand that your efforts have not gone down the drain.

Heliotrome looks great in a flower garden when combined with bright orange flowers. There is also an option in containers.

It is necessary to sow seeds superficially, because they germinate only in the light. Press the seed onto the ground and cover it a little with soil. In a month, the seedlings will have grown up, so they can be sent to separate pots.

Will also learn about when to sow lawn grass in autumn or spring.

Have beautiful flower bed Almost everyone dreams of having a place near their home. Thanks to the beautiful and unusual flowering of plants, you can transform your home by making it appearance more presentable. But first you need to choose required varieties flowers and plant them for seedlings in February. This method will speed up the flowering process of plants and extend it until the first frost.

Good afternoon to all blog readers!

In order to get a rich harvest on time, you should know the time of sowing crops for seedlings. Many vegetable and flower seeds are planted in February. For gardeners, this period is the beginning of the working season and begins with the selection seed material for disembarkation.

In this article I will tell you what vegetables and flowers can be planted in February. Of course, make allowances for your climatic conditions. If in southern regions and if you have a heated greenhouse, tomatoes can be sown at the beginning of February, then it is better for gardeners living in the north to wait until the end of the month.

Seeds are planted in February for a number of crops that have some developmental features. First of all, the seeds of the group of plants are planted:

  • heat-loving vegetables with a long growing season;
  • perennials with a long period of tuber development;
  • crops seeds, which are distinguished by long-term germination;
  • annuals flowering plants with a long growing season.

The seeds are planted in pre-prepared soil. It is brought into the room in advance for complete warming up. Before planting, the seeds are treated with a special antifungal solution.

Important! For strong seedlings need to choose quality seeds. Only good seed allows you to accurately determine the growing season.

What vegetables to sow in February


At the end of winter, varieties of late ripeness are selected. Their growing season- from 110 to 140 days. These types of tomatoes are formed in ready seedlings for planting more than two months, which allows them to be planted in already sufficiently warmed ground.

Mid-ripening and early-ripening tomato varieties should be sown in February for further cultivation seedlings in greenhouses.

Ripens in 90 to 140 days. From sowing to education seedling material it takes two and a half months. It takes up to seven days for seeds to germinate (under ideal conditions).

When the first shoots appear, the pepper should be regularly watered with water in small quantities. Having a long growing season, the fruits of the crop must have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

Seedlings twenty-five centimeters high with strong, well-formed roots are planted in the ground.

Sowed 60 days before planting in the ground. Their growing season lasts from 100 to 150 days. Seeds are planted in the soil moderate humidity and germinate in two weeks. Seedlings sprout when two or three leaves form.

The crop is distinguished by its long ripening period, regardless of the variety. In order for the harvest to ripen in mid-summer, it is necessary to sow the seeds at the very beginning of February.


It should be sprouted, adhering to temperature regime. Leek is a biennial crop, but it is usually grown as an annual crop, through seedlings.

Excessive thermal conditions during growing seedlings lead to the formation of flower arrows in the first season. Seedlings ripen for transplantation into open ground within 60 days.

Ready planting material can be planted in the ground at the beginning of May, since leeks are not afraid of frost.

It is a crop with a long growing season. Its late varieties ripen in 200 days. Planting celery seeds in February is the best option for this plant, which is not afraid of the first cold weather.

When the first shoots appear, celery must be placed in a well-lit place. The crop should be planted in the soil in mid-May.

It is sown at the very beginning of the last winter month, or in January, to harvest in the first year of the plant's life. Seeds are planted in well-moistened soil. The seedlings ripen at the very end of May and are planted in the garden when the crop has formed five leaves.

Need to sow at the end of the month. The seeds are pre-germinated. After twenty-five days, the seedlings are planted. Best conditions for growing potato seedlings are a temperature of 24ºC and a well-lit area.

Such a culture has low germination seeds and therefore the material for sowing is planted densely. The formed seedlings are placed in warm heated soil or in prepared greenhouses.

Important! After sowing the seeds, it is necessary to ensure that there is no big difference between day and night temperatures.

What to sow vegetables in February: video

What flowers are planted as seedlings in February?

She is often called pansies, are sown in February so that it pleases the eye with its flowering already at the end of May or at the beginning of June. This flowering crop has rather small seeds, which must be well buried in the soil when planted.

The grown shoots are distributed into separate containers. To avoid pulling out the seedlings, the biennial plant is placed in a cool, lit place with a temperature of + 15 degrees.

A very popular flower with a huge selection of varieties and shades. Hardy plant with long flowering. Flowers are sown at the end of winter. Seeds for sowing are distributed over the surface of the soil. The first shoots are noticeable after ten days.

Mature seedlings should be transplanted into separate pots and pre-picked. Petunia is planted in flower beds at the end of spring, after frosts, and blooms without interruption until the coldest weather.

A culture with abundant bright flowering. The end of February is the best time for sowing the plant.

The seeds are scattered over the surface of the soil, and the seedlings should be moistened and slightly deepened without being covered with soil. The first shoots appear in a couple of weeks. The picked plant is placed separately. Planting in the ground takes place in mid-May.

Carnation Shabo

It begins to bloom after sowing five months later. In order not to miss timely flowering, it must be planted using seeds in early February. This plant needs moderate watering, good lighting and warmth. Cloves germinate within a week after sowing. Seedlings can be selected for the flower garden before the start of the summer season.


Is unpretentious universal plant for decorating flower beds and borders. Sits down at the end winter period, as it has a long period of seed germination.

Begonia seeds are laid out over the entire area of ​​the soil and pressed a little. The dive takes place one and a half months after the landing seed material. It is necessary to plant the crop in open ground in June.

Begonia blooms shortly after planting, and delights with flowers until the coldest days.


It is grown from seeds as a perennial plant. Flowers should be sown in the ground to a depth of half a centimeter. Chrysanthemum sprouts appear in at least a week. Dense shoots are separated and distributed separately into soil moistened with water.

Seedlings are characterized by slow growth. Transplantation to a flower garden is carried out one and a half to two months after the emergence of seedlings. The first flowers appear at the end of summer and last until cold weather.


Wonderful bright perennial flowers that are sure to be planted very early. It is sown with seeds at the beginning or end of February, depending on the variety. Small seeds are placed on the surface of the soil and sprinkled lightly with soil.

After planting, the container is taken to a fairly cool place for a month. Then the container is moved to a warm place with sufficient light. Shoots appear on the fifteenth day.

The plant is transferred to the flowerbed at the end of spring or at the very beginning of summer.


Lavender from seeds in the Moscow region. Photo by Rezhnova L.

Perennial evergreen shrub With fragrant flowers. It has a long growing season, which begins with keeping the seeds planted in the ground in the cold. The planted plant should be kept at a low temperature for more than a month, after which it is brought into the heat.

You need to pick the crop during the first three leaves that form. Lavender is planted in the ground immediately at the first warming.


An annual plant planted before the beginning of spring. The sown seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Shoots that have grown to the appearance of four leaves must be pruned.

At the end of spring, seedlings can be planted in sunny places in the flower garden. They will delight you until the cold weather with bright red flags of flowers.


Large-flowered perennial crop. Seeds are planted at the very end of winter. The material for sowing is placed in the prepared soil only three millimeters deep.

The appearance of all sprouts occurs from a week to one month. When a couple of leaves appear, the plant goes into the diving stage. After which it is transplanted into separate containers and after 2-3 weeks it is moved to open ground.


She has comparatively large seeds, which are sown in February so that you can admire the plant throughout the summer. Planting depth is five millimeters.

Germination of pelargonium seeds takes from two weeks to a month. Planting and picking is carried out when two strong leaves are formed.

It is planted in flower beds at the beginning of summer and delights with flowers until autumn.


Perennial flower. Used in gardens as ornamental plant with colorful leaves, which is easily grown from seeds. The seed should be placed on the surface of loose, heated soil. Good light is required for seedlings to emerge.

With regular ventilation, after two and a half weeks the first shoots form. The seedlings can be harvested when three leaves have grown. In May, seedlings are planted in open ground.

What flowers to sow in February: video

In order for the plants to bear fruit or bloom during the designated warm period, you need to know the time of planting the seeds; with this in mind, many crops are sown in February.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):