All people who have ever encountered individual heating systems in the world are more or less familiar with equipment called AGV. Soviet times. Despite the collective image assigned to this abbreviation, AGV has a very clear decoding, which sounds like “gas water heating device.”

Today, AGV type devices are produced by many foreign manufacturers, and the quality of such products is very high level. The most popular models are AGV-120 and AGV-80. This article will discuss the main characteristics of AGVs and their features.

General description

AGV gas boilers have always been characterized by rather low efficiency, but this is not so important if gas is the cheapest fuel. Old models of autonomous water heaters were equipped with very unreliable automation, which could completely fail within a few years. Of course, it could always be turned off, and this did not affect the performance of the boiler in any way - but positive emotions could not have arisen because of this.

When choosing an AGV for a private home, it is necessary to correctly select the number and sizes of main pipes. Their minimum diameter is two inches. If the diameter of the pipes is smaller, then, firstly, they bandwidth will not be enough, and secondly, there will be formations in the highway air jams and water swirls that interfere normal circulation liquids.

The use of wide pipes, in turn, leads to a significant increase in the amount of coolant in the circuit. A large volume of liquid means more energy spent on heating. This feature must be taken into account when designing a heating system powered by AGW.

There are several modifications standard models AGV. So, on the market you can find devices like AOGV - essentially the same AGV with a similar set negative qualities. The difference between a boiler and an AOGV will be discussed below. In addition, there is a modification of the AOCGV, which also does not have significant differences from the devices described above.

Advantages and disadvantages of AGV

Scroll positive qualities AGV looks like this:

  1. Independence from electricity. This quality is often fundamental when choosing an AGV. The equipment in question does not require electricity at all to operate, so it will fit perfectly in situations where there are problems with electricity, or if there is a desire to save money on it.
  2. Cheapness. Compared to any foreign analogues, AGV wins in everything related to the cost of equipment. This advantage remains such even taking into account the extremely low efficiency of autonomous gas water heaters.
  3. Economical. AGV is rightfully considered one of the most economical types gas heating equipment.

The disadvantages of AGV come down to the following list:

  1. Large sizes. To install an AGV, about 1 m 3 of space is required - and this is quite a lot. Often a separate room is allocated for the installation of such equipment.
  2. Appearance. From a visual point of view, AGV is a purely utilitarian thing that does not have the slightest aesthetic value. In addition to the unpresentable appearance of the heater itself, the heating system is necessarily complemented by large pipes and radiators, so to create good interior you have to be more sophisticated.

Operating principle of AGV

Main structural element AGV is a container in which the coolant is heated. When gas burns, a heat exchanger, made in the form of a pipe and installed inside the AGV housing, heats up. The heat from the heated pipe is transferred to the coolant, which is subsequently sent to the heating circuit.

Gas combustion products are discharged through a chimney built into the boiler design. All automation is a valve that opens gas burner. Thanks to the operation of the valve, the required temperature is constantly maintained in the tank.

AOGV boilers also have an automation unit that turns off the device in case of a number of problems:

  • Traction disorder;
  • Significant reduction in gas supply pressure;
  • The igniter stops burning.

Immediately behind the AGV, the following elements of the heating system are installed sequentially:

  • Expansion tank;
  • Heating devices located in each room requiring heating;
  • Main pipeline providing distribution of heated coolant;
  • Upper pipe distribution;
  • Return pipe.

To know how the AOGV gas boiler works, you need to imagine the physical laws that arise in heating system during his work. The heated coolant has a lower density, which allows it to independently rise above the cold liquid. The coolant enters the main pipeline and is distributed throughout heating devices, gives off heat to them, and returns to repeat the heating cycle.

In AOGV boilers, the liquid moves by gravity, without any additional effort. If during the heating process the coolant expands too much, then its excess is drained into expansion tank. This element is installed on the uppermost section of the heating circuit. When the temperature in the circuit decreases, the coolant returns to the OGV gas boiler.

To increase the efficiency of the system and make it more stable, you can supplement the AGV circulation pump, which forces the coolant to move forcibly and ensures more uniform heating of all sections of the circuit. It must be remembered that the pump requires electricity to operate - and the main advantage of the AGV is its independence from electricity.

AGV modifications

Considering the variety of modifications of gas water heating devices on the market, it is worth understanding how AOGV differs from gas boiler. Looking ahead a little, there is no fundamental difference between the devices; all the differences lie in small nuances.

If we talk in detail, then everything that distinguishes an AOGV from a boiler comes down to the following points:

  • Glass thermometers have been replaced with modern Italian components;
  • Honeywell products began to be used as automation elements;
  • The design is supplemented with a piezo ignition device;
  • The last difference between the AOGV and the boiler is appearance modern modifications have been slightly improved, for which a higher quality coating was used.

Foreign-made AGV

Foreign autonomous gas water heaters differ from domestic analogues in higher cost, increased efficiency and dependence on electricity. The most popular are AGV brands BAXI, FERROLI, characterized by good visual qualities and the ability to fine-tune, as well as RINNAI and ANIERIA, which have ease of operation and reliability in their arsenal of advantages.

However, despite all the advantages of foreign units, domestic ones still have significant advantage– complete energy independence. In addition, AGVs produced in the domestic space are much cheaper in themselves, and from the point of view of efficiency they are better.

Features of operation

During the installation, operation and use of the AGV boiler, the following nuances arise:

  • When the device starts up, a characteristic bang occurs (in the most modern devices it is practically silent);
  • The AGV chimney must be installed at a certain distance from windows and doors;
  • You need to install a garbage container under the chimney, which needs to be cleaned every time you install the boiler;
  • Only gas service employees can install and put the boiler into operation;
  • When installing the device, the requirements described in the documentation attached to it must be observed.


AGV gas boilers are still relevant, despite the fact that they were developed a very long time ago. It's all about large quantities advantages, the main one among which is complete independence from electricity - for the domestic space this quality still remains very important.

16.05.2018 1668

Gas pistols have been known in our country for more than 20 years, but recently they have had a serious competitor - aerosol pistols or aerosol-launching devices. Let's take a closer look at what it is aerosol gun, what is its difference from a gas weapon, and what kind of weapon would be better suited for self-defense?

Gas pistols - design, advantages, disadvantages

“Gazoviki” are almost completely identical in design to firearms. They are made of metal; they use cartridges of a similar caliber and detonation systems as ammunition, but instead of a bullet they hit the enemy with a stream of a toxic substance - an irritant. The main advantage is high reliability, resistance to wear and misfires.

Gas cartridges can legally contain more of the harmful compound at a higher concentration. Pistols are very similar to firearms, and due to the detonation of the powder charge, they produce a loud blast - a serious deterrent.

A gas pistol differs from an aerosol pistol by the higher cost of both the weapon itself and the ammunition. In addition, according to the laws Russian Federation for such devices you need to obtain a permit, that is, you need to experience all the delights of the domestic bureaucracy and become “on the mark” with the police. Before deciding whether a gas gun or an aerosol is better, decide whether you are ready for such procedures.

How are aerosol guns different from gas guns?

Aerosol devices (ADUs) are a simplified and “tailored” analogue of gas workers for the average user. Similar units are produced in a simpler and cheaper plastic case and have a different ammunition design - there is no powder charge in it, the irritant is pushed out by the explosion of a special capsule with a pyrochemical.

There are both striker-fired types of pistols (), structurally similar to gas ones, and electric detonation ones (), similar to traumatic weapons a la “Wasp”.

  • In terms of range and accuracy of throwing irritant, APUs are not inferior to gas workers - the same 3-5 meters, the possibility of use indoors, in the wind.
  • Efficiency depends on the type of ammunition. Modern cartridges for large-caliber aerosols (BAM) contain up to 4 ml of irritant - pepper concentrate or a mixture of OS + CR. This is sufficient in reserve to disable even the largest enemies, regardless of the composition of the toxic substance.
  • Aerosol pistols differ from gas pistols in their simplified controls - a beginner can easily figure them out, most models do not even have a safety lock - only a release button, there is nothing to get confused with!
  • Aerosols are lighter, more convenient to carry, and have smaller dimensions. The impact-resistant ABS polymer used for the production of cases can withstand even strong blows and falls from great heights.
  • Low price - the most simple models(“Udar-M2”) can be bought for only one and a half to two thousand rubles, a pack of medium-caliber cartridges costs 500 rubles. Even the most expensive pistol will cost no more than 4,000 - three times cheaper than the simplest gas gun!

But the most important advantage of APU is its accessibility without special documentation! By law, any adult Russian can purchase this device and ammunition for self-defense by simply presenting a passport. You can carry such a device absolutely freely - in lately they are very common; any police officer knows perfectly well what an aerosol gun is and that such weapons do not need a permit.

Apparently, gas pistols, which are being actively pushed out of the market by gas cans, traumatic weapons, and now aerosols, are about to be completely forgotten by Russians!

Gas exists in various forms, each of which has found application in industry. Natural gas prepared for successful and safe use in the form of fuel, it becomes liquefied. It is this fact that contributes to the main, largest, separation of matter. However, what are the differences and what should you focus on?

Traditional natural gas: what is it?

Natural gas is any gas that can be used as a fuel. This involves the extraction of useful raw materials from the earth. If we focus on a narrow concept, we assume a gas that has the most similar characteristics to the raw material that is extracted from the depths of the soil. Such fuel is not processed, so it can only be successfully transported through specially created and designed pipes.

The most common type of gas is methane

Among the advantages of fuel, it is necessary to note the ability to maintain optimal physical parameters during transportation to the consumer. Most often, natural gas retains its gas state. Special infrastructure facilities are used for storage, thanks to which you can count on the successful use of gas. Properly designed pipes are then used to move the fuel to its users.

Liquefied gas: what is it?

Liquefied gas is as follows:

  • Altered state natural gas, which assumes the shape of a liquid. Formation by cooling of gaseous fuel is assumed.
  • Gases containing hydrocarbons. It is assumed that such substances can be compressed;
  • Gas that has been compressed.

Gas liquefaction is required for convenient transportation if full use of pipes turns out to be impossible or unprofitable. Moreover, there is an opportunity for successful storage of valuable blue fuel.

Liquefied gas of natural origin is a special liquid that weighs half as much as plain water. The possibility of boiling at a temperature of at least minus 158 degrees is assumed. However, boiling can also occur at lower temperatures! First of all, your fuel chemical composition resembles methane. Special tanks are used to store it to ensure safe transportation of the liquid version of natural gas. For successful transportation, it is customary to use cryocankers, which maintain optimal temperature conditions.

To transform classical gas into liquefied gas, you need to immediately several stages. Initially, natural gas must be compressed under a certain pressure and then cooled. The volume will decrease approximately six hundred times.

There is a possibility of a reverse reaction when liquefied gas turns into a normal physical state. For this purpose, regasification equipment must be used.

Liquefaction of the initial gas, which was extracted from the depths of the earth, and its subsequent regasification require mandatory energy costs, which can be significant. As a result, the cost of liquefied gas production per one cubic meter of fuel that can be used turns out to be significantly higher than the cost that characterizes the production of traditional gas and its use without additional measures.

Liquefied hydrocarbon gases are most often represented propane And butane. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, both substances are fundamentally different from methane. For example, liquefaction can be carried out without high temperature. As a result, propane and butane can be used for lighters, cylinders, and automotive heating equipment. You need to understand that butane and propane are rarely supplied through main pipelines, because they have a high cost per 1 cubic meter compared to natural gas released in the form of methane.

Compressed natural gas is also commonly referred to as liquefied gases. It is traditionally represented by methane, but it turns into liquid only under very high pressure. For storage, special equipment is traditionally used, the pressure of which is about two hundred bar. Most often, compressed natural gas is used to refuel cars, because it offers maximum benefits compared to hydrocarbon gases.

What is the difference?

The main difference is the state of the gas:

  • Natural gas remains in its original gaseous state. The temperature is approximately environment. In addition, minimum pressure is assumed;
  • liquefied gas – is converted into a liquid. This requires the mandatory influence of cold air or compression.

As a result, differences in gas transportation and storage methods are expected. Traditional gas can be delivered by pipe only, but without additional processing, if strict transport conditions are met. Liquefied gas must be regasified or removed from the cylinder and must be converted to a standard state.

Natural gas is usually cheaper, liquefied gas is more expensive. This difference in cost is caused by the need to process liquefied gas.

General - liquefied gas before its processing was natural. After this, it changes its characteristics under the influence of cryo-treatment or compression to bring it into a liquid state. Correct operation gas is mandatory for industry.

Published: 03/06/2018 02:57

Good afternoon dear visitors of our site. Did you know that as fuel for gas systems different gases can be used - methane, propane, butane or isobutane. Natural gas (or methane) is used in centralized gas supply systems, propane and butane are used in autonomous systems.

Natural gas is methane, which has the formula CH4 and is a colorless gas. Natural methane gas is odorless, so in order for a person to independently detect a gas leak and take the necessary measures, impurities with a characteristic odor are added to the methane composition.

The critical temperature of methane is -82.5 o C (this is the temperature at which the transition of natural gas into a liquid state is possible with further manipulation of the methane pressure). And the boiling point of methane is -161.5 o C - this is the temperature at which natural gas exactly transforms into a liquid state from a gaseous state.

Propane is a gas from the group of alkanes (hydrocarbons, a number of which are described by the formula C n H 2n + 2), having the formula C 3 H 8. As in the case of methane, propane gas is colorless and odorless, however, like methane, this gas at high concentrations can harm human well-being and health, and at certain concentrations of methane and propane an explosion is possible.

Therefore, the production of propane, like methane, is accompanied by the addition of reagents with a characteristic odor. The boiling point of propane is -43 o C. If methane can be liquefied with a decrease in temperature, then propane can be liquefied in cheaper ways - through compression (increasing pressure).

Butane is also a gas from the group of alkanes, having the formula C 4 H 10, colorless, like propane or methane, and odorless. Like other gases, methane or propane, the production of butane is accompanied by the use of reagents with an odor. What radically distinguishes this gas from the listed alkanes is the boiling point of butane, equal to -0.5 o C. This imposes certain restrictions on its use as a fuel. Other gases – propane and methane – which can be used as fuel without problems at sub-zero temperatures, complement butane in the composition of flammable gases. Thus, propane and butane (or isobutane) are used as components of liquefied petroleum gas.

The difference is physical properties gases imposes the following restrictions on the use of butane and propane separately:

Liquefied butane cannot be used as a fuel at subzero temperatures (since space heating must occur by delivering butane in a gaseous state to the gas boiler)

GOST 20448-90 “Liquefied hydrocarbon gases for domestic consumption” prohibits independent use butane or propane in gasification systems, and also sets restrictions on how butane or propane (in percentage terms) can be used in the mixture - the content of the former should not exceed 60%. IN winter time propane in the mixture for the north of Russia is allowed in an amount of at least 75% of the total volume of the gas mixture.

That’s all for today, dear readers, our GasEcoSet team wishes you Have a good day and a great mood.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):