Growing roses for sale will be an interesting and very pleasant income. By observing the nuances of plant care, you can achieve high profitability project, which is confirmed by reviews from owners of greenhouses and garden plots.

Flowers have accompanied human life since ancient times. They are given as gifts for holidays, brought on dates, they are used to lift the mood, decorate the house, and show feelings. And the rose is rightfully considered the queen in the flower kingdom. There is demand for it all year round, so such cultivation is a great idea for budding entrepreneurs.

Where to begin?

Before planting roses for sale, you need to carefully prepare. Remember that this flower is quite whimsical, capricious and demanding. to the slightest parameters water, soil, air, lighting, etc. Therefore, caring for it must be correct. Constantly maintain optimal conditions in the greenhouse, water, prune and treat plants on time, and also inspect them daily for the first signs of disease.

Breeding roses is possible in two main ways:

  • In the garden, that is, in open ground, it is observed strong addiction depending on the summer season, weather conditions, region of residence, climate, etc.
  • In a greenhouse, which differs in size, material used, installed equipment and production volumes.

In any case, you will need to pay attention to the following things:

  1. Create optimal conditions for the plant.
  2. Prepare a fertile soil mixture ideal for roses.
  3. Buy the right fertilizers.
  4. Stock up on special products for treatment against pests and diseases.
  5. Select the best varieties in accordance with the expected assortment for sale, region of residence and the ability to grow them at home.

It is important to constantly monitor the condition of each flower so that it has a marketable appearance. Otherwise, the business will only bring losses. If you are not an experienced gardener, then ask in advance for theoretical information on caring for this plant, study the existing varieties, and also select a more suitable growing technology that you can stick to for a long period.

Legal side of the issue

To commit entrepreneurial activity All documents are required. To do this, register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC. Although, if the volumes of flowers grown do not exceed certain standards for sale, then the private subsidiary plot (personal subsidiary plot) form of doing business will be more profitable.

Because the this activity relates to the agricultural sector, then it is worth taking advantage of government programs that provide assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs in this area. Having completed everything properly, you can count on benefits when paying taxes, and there is also a chance to receive a grant or other form of material compensation for development.

Greenhouse and equipment

Modern greenhouses are made of polycarbonate. This material maintains optimal conditions for growing plants, protects against temperature changes, and has excellent permeability. sunlight, does not change characteristics during frosts and does not rot or burn. To further protect the ground from freezing, a small foundation is also laid. The base level is made 30 cm in height.

Growing roses as a business requires a minimum greenhouse size of 10-15 meters long and at least 4-5 meters wide. But if you want to breed roses in particularly large volumes, then you will need to create a full-fledged complex with automated system control of all microclimate parameters.

The roof is made pitched, due to which it is possible to achieve uniform heating of the room. If you wish, you can grow roses in such an equipped greenhouse all year round. True, due to the minimal amount of natural light during the cold period, you will have to spend a lot on utilities in order to maintain the optimal level of this indicator. Because of this, the cost of winter goods increases.

The ideal microclimate parameters in a greenhouse for growing roses are:

  • The air temperature immediately after rooting of seedlings is not lower than 20-22 degrees.
  • The maximum permissible limit in summer is 27°.
  • It is better to maintain the temperature at 15-18° throughout the growth period.
  • The ideal humidity is 70%; with any deviations, the plant begins to die or get sick, and the external characteristics of the flower deteriorate.

In order to comply with all parameters, regardless of weather conditions outside the greenhouse, they install modern equipment:

  1. Heating system with automatic adjustment to maintain the set temperature.
  2. Devices for drip or root irrigation, which are often combined with air humidifiers.
  3. Ventilation ducts, forced exhaust system for daily ventilation.
  4. Suitable lighting, in which it is desirable to arrange the lamps so that the light falls on the leaves of the plant, and not on the ground itself, the best option Metal halide phytolamps are considered.
  5. In order to reduce the air temperature during the hot summer period, greenhouses are additionally equipped with fans, which can also be combined with hydrohair dryers and achieve uniform air humidification.
  6. CO2 generators help enrich the room carbon dioxide if necessary.
  7. A shading system is needed on especially bright days to protect plants from excessive sunlight, and in cold weather it helps reduce heat loss.
  8. Special sulfators that release sulfur compounds in small doses and help fight pathogenic microorganisms, thereby protecting the flower from diseases.

Soil preparation and variety selection

If you are wondering how to succeed in this matter, then it is better to carefully study all the available literature on this topic. Only by ensuring the ideal microclimate parameters for roses can you achieve success.

First, the soil for planting is prepared in a special way. The following composition is considered the best mixture:

  • high peat;
  • disinfected turf soil;
  • last year's mullein.

The correct ratio of parts should be 5:4:1. The depth of the planting trench filled with this composition is 50-70 cm. Special fertilizers are also initially added here - 12 g of potassium nitrate, 15 g of superphosphate and 1 kg of meat and bone meal or wood ash. These indicators are calculated per 1 sq. m. area of ​​soil.

To ensure even saturation, the soil is watered and left for a couple of weeks. Exactly one day before planting, the soil will have to be moistened again and warmed to a temperature of 12-15 degrees.

You need to choose a suitable variety for cultivation based on several parameters: what climate you live in, whether you will plant plants in a greenhouse or in open ground, as well as customer preferences or a specific order for the supply of a certain type. It is recommended to purchase seedlings of several varieties and shades at once in order to slightly diversify the offered range of products.

The best ones for growing for sale are:

  1. Roz Gozhar - beautiful Pink colour with overflows. The underside of the sheet remains white, which adds sophistication. appearance. They have good disease resistance. The stems reach a height of 1 meter.
  2. Karina - bright pink buds with a pronounced aroma. Suitable for growing only on rootstock. When artificially propagated, it is necessary to provide good, intense lighting.
  3. Abracadabra is a flower with a very interesting variegated color (dark red splashes on a light lemon-yellow base). The height of the stem does not exceed 60 cm.
  4. Black Baccarat is a dark cherry rose, almost black. The diameter of the flower is about 10 cm, and the height of the stem is 80 cm. It is characterized by a minimal number of thorns, is not picky about lighting and is resistant to disease.
  5. Pascals are large, light, even cream flowers. The ripening of buds is observed almost continuously.
  6. Casanova is golden in color with a light pink base. It reaches 13 cm in diameter and has a pronounced aroma. The stem grows at a level of 90 cm and has a reddish tint. It is also resistant to various diseases, and buds appear throughout the entire growth period.
  7. Norita - deep red, burgundy and black roses that grow up to a meter in length.
  8. Lolita is an interesting color with a change of salmon, orange and cream shades. Large flowers with a pronounced aroma.
  9. Queen Elizabeth - pink buds that turn light when opened. Tall meter stems. Suitable for winter growing as it does not require excessive lighting.
  10. Memory - large belos delicate flowers, sometimes acquiring a slight pinkish tint along the edges.
  11. Dutch rose is often chosen for growing on a rootstock. Recently it has become very popular due to the variety of existing shades, delicate aroma and smooth long stems. They are sensitive to cold, so it is better to breed them in a greenhouse, where you can monitor the air temperature.

Purchase and preparation

If you are just starting out in the floriculture business, then the first batch for growing roses should be purchased in the form of seedlings. Calculate how many and what variety you'll need, then get to work selecting and preparing your plants.

It is best to buy them in special nurseries or garden centers. This way you will be protected from the risks of purchasing spoiled or diseased material. Please note that the root system can be closed or open. Always inspect them carefully for damage. Healthy and viable seedlings look like this:

  • roots are strong and elastic;
  • no spots, cracks, or wrinkled formations are observed;
  • the stems themselves are cut at a height of 20-30 cm and have up to 4 green buds;
  • at the same time, the plant looks alive and flexible with a characteristic color.

To carefully transport the seedlings to your site, they need to be packaged. To do this, the roots are wrapped in a clean, damp cloth or placed in a moss or peat substrate in a separate bag. With a closed root system, that is, when selling them in pots, you just need to water the plant and pack it in suitable boxes.

Before you plant rose bushes, keep them for some time at a temperature of 4-6 degrees. If long-term storage is expected, then the air readings are set at 2-3°.

Before planting, the plants are additionally inspected. If the roots have dried out slightly, they are placed in a container with cool water for a day or a day. You also need to treat them with a solution of copper sulfate or some other antibacterial drug. To do this, the root part is immersed in the mixture for 10 minutes and then rinsed.

Some gardeners, in order to accelerate the growth of plants before planting, additionally treat them with stimulants. Only after all of the above procedures can the seedlings be placed in the prepared soil.


Let us briefly describe the nuances of growing roses in order:

  1. First, the seedlings are placed in soil, which must first be watered and warmed to a temperature of 12 degrees. In this case, the frequency of holes is allowed at 15-20 bushes per square meter. Usually, a planting pattern of 30X30 cm or 25X40 cm is chosen. Pay attention to the depth - the seedlings should be positioned so that the grafting site coincides with the level of the upper edge of the ground. Otherwise, the plant will die or take a long time to take. To compact the soil, you need to water it generously and press it lightly with your fingers.
  2. Immediately after this, the temperature in the greenhouse is raised to 10 degrees. At the same time, monitor the condition of the soil - it should not cool below 12°. The fact that the plant has taken root is indicated by the appearance of green shoots. Then the room is heated to 20-22 degrees. At night, the heating is reduced to 15-17°.
  3. It is very important to water the plants regularly. It is considered more successful to decide to do this abundantly and rarely, rather than often and a little at a time. As soon as upper layer the soil has dried out by 2 cm, you immediately need to turn on the irrigation system. Thanks to installations for drip irrigation this process is automated. Periodically, you also need to loosen the soil so that water is better absorbed.
  4. Additionally, mulching is done. Thanks to this you can avoid too much frequent watering. They increase root aeration by enriching the soil around the bushes with peat or rotted manure. Then the soil becomes less susceptible to temperature changes and does not lose moisture so quickly.
  5. It is very important to monitor the air humidity in the greenhouse. Indicators of 70% are considered optimal. At a lower level, the plant loses buds, preventing them from ripening, and at an increase, it undergoes dangerous diseases.
  6. Don't forget about fertilizers. They are added to the soil not only at the preparation stage before planting, but also during the growth of the bushes. This is done every 10-14 days. Various potassium and phosphate mixtures are used as fertilizing. But you can purchase ready-made complexes specifically for roses. At the end of summer, they stop supplying fertilizers and limit themselves to watering only.
  7. Daylight hours should be 18-19 hours. The illumination level ranges from 15,000 lux. For this purpose, special lighting devices are used. A special need for proper lighting arises in winter.
  8. Ventilation is considered one of the important parameters for maintaining an ideal microclimate. It is done daily using open windows or using an installed forced ventilation system. But avoid drafts or hypothermia.
  9. To protect roses from damage, insects, fungal and other diseases, you need to treat them periodically. For this purpose, fungicides and insecticides are used.
  10. It is also important to carry out proper pruning of the bush in a timely manner, shaping it in the best way. Excess lateral shoots are removed as early as possible.
  11. Immediately before sale, when the buds are already beginning to bloom, the stems are cut off. It is recommended to do this under right angle at 35-45 degrees, with special pruning shears and only in the morning, while the flower is closed. To ensure further growth of shoots for the future, you need to leave enough leaves on the stem. It is important to immediately remove the flowers to a cool place, place them in a container with warm water and a small amount of disinfectant.

Please note that, like every plant, roses also need a period of rest. It coincides with the winter months. At this time, the bushes are not watered, and the air temperature is kept at 2-3 degrees.

Additional methods

You can grow roses not only in greenhouses. Until recently, this was done simply in the garden, in the open ground. At the same time, there are fewer opportunities to control the necessary parameters, there is a greater risk of losing flowers, etc. Such cultivation is limited in summer and strictly depends on weather conditions and climate in the region.

There are also other technologies for growing roses:

  • hydroponically – when soil is not needed for cultivation;
  • on rootstocks - for which rose hips, etc. are often used.

Each option has its own advantages and features. But before you do something like this, you need to study very well all the nuances of breeding using the chosen method, so as not to suffer losses due to mistakes made.

Realization of colors

A feature of this business is that finished goods cannot be stored a long period. Within 1-2 days after cutting the roses need to be sold. There are different channels for this:

  1. Flower shops - enter into an agreement with the owner or open your own.
  2. Cooperation with agencies for organizing events, weddings, etc.
  3. Markets - you need to hire a seller who will do the trading.
  4. Internet – you can deliver bouquets to order.
  5. Search for wholesale buyers.

To increase your chances of profit, you can combine several options for selling a product. At the same time, constantly look for new ways and offer customers a greater variety of varieties and shades.

Financial part

To understand how profitable it is to grow roses, you should first draw up a business plan with calculations. To do this, all expenses and future income are taken into account. And although it is quite difficult to predict individual indicators, it is nevertheless possible to derive average figures based on the experience of existing companies.

Start-up investment (for the first year) Amount, in rubles
1 Installation and arrangement of the greenhouse 400 000
2 Planting material 120 000
3 Fertilizers and insecticides 36 000
4 Hand tools 10 000
5 Public utilities 30 000
6 Business registration 10 000
Total: 606 000

From 100 sq. m of sown area you can get about 20,000-25,000 roses per year, but a lot depends on the chosen variety and maintenance conditions. When selling plants for 40-50 rubles per unit, you can count on an annual income of 1 million rubles.

Even with the costs of maintaining a greenhouse and forcing bushes, there remains a good profit in its pure form for the entrepreneur. Payback occurs after the first season and makes it possible to develop and expand the business.

Video: rose growing technology.

Growing roses in a greenhouse allows you not only to enjoy beautiful flowers throughout the year, but also to create a small business, combining business with pleasure. The video in this article shows instructions on how to make a greenhouse for growing roses with your own hands. You will see that the price of a “pink” business is not so high that you refuse it.

Rose is a flower that is originally classified as a member of the Rosehip genus. The first mentions of these flowers come from Ancient Rome and Greece. Initially, all plants were grown by humans only for medicinal purposes, but not to notice beautiful flowers could not. Thus, through crossings, the beautiful rose appeared in Roman gardens.

In Russia, mentions of this flower date back to the sixteenth century, but they began to be grown and distributed only during the reign of Catherine the Second. First in the gardens of palaces, then in the estates of the rich, the rose won love within itself.

Color Differences

A large number of species and varieties of this flower do not stop growing to this day. The main groups are garden flowers (in the form heat-loving bushes), park flowers (beautiful hybrids and wild ones) and climbing flowers (which wrap around some kind of support).

Roses are also divided according to the number of petals in a flower:

  • Simple- flowers have no more than seven petals.
  • Semi-double– flowers can have from eight to twenty petals.
  • Terry– having more than twenty petals in a flower.

You can also divide flowers according to their colors, even if they have mixed colors with a transition, the main groups are:

  • White mixture – basic white.
  • The yellow mixture is the main yellow.
  • The orange mixture is the main orange.
  • The pink mixture is the main pink.
  • The red mixture is the main red.
  • The purple mixture is the main purple.
  • Brown mixture – basic brown.
  • Multi-colored - if there are several unmixed colors.

They can also be divided by the size of the flowers, by the number of flowers on one stem, by the duration of their flowering, by the way they grow, and much more.

Growing roses

For a good harvest of beautiful flowers, it is necessary to comply with many rules and conditions, since it will depend on us how many suitable buds we will receive.

Therefore, to make a profit, growing roses in a greenhouse for sale must follow some rules:

  • The soil for flowers should be enriched and with many nutrients. Add to soil for roses different kinds fertilizers for good growth, for example, peat, rotted manure and superphosphate (see).
  • It is necessary to protect the seedlings, as they are very afraid of cold and frost. They also need constant moisture, so they are constantly misted rather than watered. Seedlings love tenderness and care.
  • Before planting seedlings, the soil must be properly moistened. This way the plants will take root much faster. And besides, the earth will become denser, which will allow the seedlings to sit steadily in their place.
  • Immediately before planting, seedlings must be kept in settled water.(about fifteen to eighteen hours), then I cut about twenty centimeters above the graft, and only after that I plant it in cool soil.

Advice! Planting depth is very important, since seedlings planted too deeply will begin to rot, and those planted superficially will die. The grafting of the seedling should be above the surface of the ground.

  • Do not plant many seedlings close to each other, since they will interfere with neighbors and the flowers will be noticeably smaller than expected for this variety. Usually no more than ten seedlings are planted per square meter of land.

Growing roses in a greenhouse all year round makes it possible to receive a constant profit and the costs pay off quite quickly.

Growing technology

Below is an approximate technology for growing roses in a greenhouse:

  • First you need to build a spacious greenhouse with good ventilation and temperature control.
  • A pit is dug in the greenhouse, about half a meter deep, which is filled with special nutritious soil for roses
  • It is also necessary to take care and prepare in advance the fertilizers and nutrient mixtures with which you will treat the seedlings.
  • Since seedlings lose a lot of moisture during delivery, they must first be well saturated with water, only then can they be planted.

Important! Seedlings of some varieties of roses are delivered in containers with peat. Before transplanting, they must be watered well; you should not leave the plants in peat.

Selection of rose varieties

Not all roses are suitable for propagation and flowering in greenhouse conditions. The most suitable and durable are:

  • Floribunda.
  • Grandiflora.
  • Rose Gojar.
  • Queen Elizabeth.

Also hybrid varieties roses having different shades of colors, such as:

  • Carina bright pink buds.
  • Baccara, having an orange-red color.
  • Casanova golden yellow flowers.
  • Pascali white roses.

Some miniature varieties of roses are also suitable for growing in a greenhouse, for example:

  • Little Flirt is red and yellow.
  • Skarlet Gem, which has an orange tint.
  • Beauty Secret – deep red roses.

Today there are plants that do without natural light at all, but are still beautiful:

  • Zorina reddish-orange roses.
  • Geheimrat Duisberg roses with soft yellow buds.
  • Better times bright red flowers.

Choice of colors

Of course, not only choosing the right plant variety will ensure you a good harvest of roses. It is also necessary to carefully select seedlings, paying attention to buds, foliage and roots.

It is worth knowing that plants that have their own root system, produce many more flowers on the bushes, but grafted flowers have good persistent stems that are more suitable for sale.

Growing and care

Once the seedlings have taken their place, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is no higher than ten degrees, since at a higher temperature the plants will grow unevenly and some of them may die.

Since the roots of the seedlings must be wet at first, they can be covered with film until the shoots become more than two centimeters. After this, the film can be removed, but do not forget to spray the plants. The main thing is that the air in the greenhouse is humid.

To make the bush more magnificent and produce more buds, experts give several recommendations:

  • Make sure that the humidity in the greenhouse is at least seventy percent.
  • In hot weather, direct sunlight should not touch the buds and leaves.
  • Fertilize the soil monthly and make sure it is loose.
  • In December, plants usually have a holiday. The bushes are pruned, and the temperature is maintained at about three degrees.

It is also necessary to periodically spray the plants with pest and disease control agents and monitor the lighting in the greenhouse. Growing and caring for roses in a greenhouse requires a lot of effort and patience, only under these conditions you will get many beautiful flowers.

Warmth for roses

Growing roses in a greenhouse in winter requires a good and warm construction, so you need to take care of the insulation of the greenhouse. To ensure that the bottom of the greenhouse does not freeze in cold weather, it is placed on a foundation of at least thirty centimeters.

If the foundation is made tape-reinforced, then you need to make a deep cushion of gravel and sand about seventy centimeters deep. It is better to make the frame of the greenhouse metal, it gives more light, and they cover it cellular polycarbonate, which protects well from the cold.

To further insulate the greenhouse, you can make two layers of polycarbonate with air between the layers. The same amount of light will pass through, and it will be much warmer inside. This will help you save on additional greenhouse heating costs.

Cutting off the buds

If you want to get strong, stable shoots with large, bright buds, you need to remove side shoots. By cutting roses, you'll get new blooms of gorgeous flowers fairly quickly.

  • Flowers should be cut before they fully bloom. It is best to do this early in the morning.
  • When cutting flowers for the first time, try to preserve more of the bush's greenery, otherwise it will weaken.
  • The buds should be stored in cool water or in a refrigerator for no longer than twelve hours.

Now your roses are ready for sale, to delight others with their beauty.

How to grow roses in a greenhouse? The main advantage of growing roses in a greenhouse is that the plants will no longer depend on a certain season year, weather, etc. These flowers are always popular and in demand, therefore, if there is a market, they can bring their owner a very good income.

But not everything is so simple when growing roses in a greenhouse all year round. After all, not every variety will produce high-quality harvest in greenhouse conditions, and when building a greenhouse, you need to meet some requirements:

  • You will need a tall and spacious greenhouse. The distance from the upper shoots to the ceiling must be at least two meters;
  • she must have a strong structure, since it will have to stand for several seasons in a row and will not collapse from various weather conditions (an excellent choice of material for construction would be, which is very easy to handle);
  • for better lighting, the greenhouse must have transparent walls and ceiling;
  • the building must be well insulated so that external weather did not affect the internal microclimate;
  • the greenhouse must contain some specialized equipment: as well as artificial lighting to simulate the natural level.


Let's see what a greenhouse with flowers looks like in the photo below.

As for the choice of roses for planting, here it is best resistant varieties are suitable to common rose diseases. An excellent option would be grandiflora, floribunda, miniature and hybrid tea varieties (for example, Queen Elizabeth or Rose Gaujard).

Species that are better suited for planting in winter are: not needing a lot of lighting: Zorina, Geheimrat Duisberg and Better times. For growing Dutch roses in greenhouses, varieties such as Aqua, Freedom, Magic, Versilia and a number of others are suitable.

Preparation and planting of seedlings

Even if you have created all the necessary conditions and acquired the seedlings themselves, then don't rush to start right away for their disembarkation. During transportation and prolonged stay in the refrigerator, they lose a large amount of moisture. Therefore, before planting, the seedlings are left in water for about one day.

If your roses have been transported for too long, then when planting, you only need to dig them in slightly so that there is free space left in the air for grafting, and the entire root system is in the ground.

In cases where planting material you were provided with peat in a package, then it must be removed when planting, and the plants themselves quickly place in the ground or pots, and then water only lightly.

There are no specific dates for planting roses in a greenhouse. The only exceptions are January and February, in which there is very little sunlight. The technology for growing roses in a greenhouse is as follows: before planting, make sure you have dug a sufficiently spacious hole. The roots of the seedlings should lie evenly on its bottom and not cling to the edges of the hole.

However the main thing is not to overdo it If the hole is too large, the roots of the rose will begin to rot. Greenhouse soil should be treated in advance with rotted manure and pus, superphosphate and ammonium sulfate. These substances will ensure the active formation of shoots. The soil itself should also be warmed to 12°C.

After planting the seedlings, they should be evenly moistened so that not a single tip of the shoots dies. Optimal temperature level air temperature for young plants is about 18°C.

As for the density of bushes in the greenhouse, it will be slightly higher than under normal conditions. And it will be 10 flowers per square meter. In this case, you should also take into account the variety of your rose, because some of its species have a high density of greenery.

If the bushes are lush, then the frequency of planting should be slightly reduced. After the first year of life, especially large bushes can be thinned out. When planting roses in pots from grafted seedlings aboveground part trimmed by about 60 percent. Loamy soil is used as soil mixtures. soil mixture with humus.

They should be kept at a temperature of only 6°C and increase it by 2 degrees every ten days up to 12°C. Just at this time flowers are very demanding of moisture, do not forget to water them constantly.

How long does a rose grow in a greenhouse? If everything goes well, the first buds will appear in a little less than a month. After they appear, the temperature in the greenhouse should be increased to 20°C, and then lowered again to 16°C after the buds acquire color. You need to understand that the productivity of roses in a greenhouse depends on many factors.

Care and cultivation

How to grow roses in a greenhouse? In order for your roses to grow beautiful and bright, they will have to be supported at all times. life path. Therefore, here we can highlight a few highlights that a young gardener should remember:

  1. Roses should be watered daily using a drip method. With this method, water will get not only under the bush itself, but also on the leaves;
  2. Fertilizing should be carried out monthly, the most suitable: fermented infusion of chicken manure, complex fertilizers, infusion of ash and manure;
  3. The soil around the roses should be loosened from time to time so that it allows air to pass through better;
  4. Make sure that there are no weeds in your beds, and also maintain the microclimate that your flowers need. The soil temperature should be 12 °C and the air temperature 22 °C;
  5. In the greenhouse for roses needs to be supported not only the temperature climate, but also air humidity. It should be at around 70%.

    Air humidity is especially important for young plants, whose roots cannot yet absorb the required amount of moisture. In this case, regular daily spraying will do;

  6. Flowers in a greenhouse should grow in good lighting conditions, approximately 16 hours a day. In the cold winter and autumn period when alone Sunlight is no longer enough, the previously mentioned artificial lighting systems are used, namely phytolamps. In summer, the greenhouse should be covered with roller shutters or very thin woven materials to prevent the sheets from burning;
  7. Equally important are pruning shoots and cutting buds. These procedures lengthen the flowering period and contribute to the rejuvenation of the bush.

On the last actions worth going into more detail, because with them everything is not so simple.

Whatever variety you shorten the shoots, the minimum length of the latter should be at least 30 cm and from 7 to 12 buds on each.

To prevent the depletion of bushes, roses lateral flower stalks should be removed(they are weaker), leaving only the central ones. Then the bush will concentrate on fewer buds, which will make them larger and brighter. And immediately after their removal, the rose will prepare for the next flowering.

All cutting accessories should be pre-treat with a disinfectant solution so as not to infect your rose. Tools must be perfectly sharpened and there should be no nicks or irregularities on their blades.

Looking at everything possible difficulties and costs, necessary to build a greenhouse and provide all the conditions important for the life of roses, it may seem that this is a costly undertaking that is not worth all this effort.

However, with a careful and adequate approach, roses can become an excellent source of income for you, which will make you happy not only monetary profit, but also its beautiful view.

Watch a useful video about growing roses in greenhouse conditions:

* The calculations use average data for Russia

700,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

300 %


3,800,000 ₽

Profit for the year

3 years


Growing flowers in greenhouses is profitable and profitable business, which, however, requires considerable investment. Thanks to the advent of new technologies, such very whimsical flowers as roses can be grown in protected soil in almost any region of our country.

If you want your business growing roses for sale to be successful, you need to start by drawing up a detailed business plan. It seems that the algorithm for constructing it is extremely simple. All you need is a greenhouse with the ability to regulate temperature and light levels, fertile soil, fertilizers, special preparations for treating plants against insect pests, roses themselves and the availability of free time to care for flowers. In fact, there are many nuances in this matter, ignorance of which can lead to significant material losses.

Greenhouses on a personal plot

The types of greenhouses you will use to grow roses directly depend on the start-up capital you have and, accordingly, the scale of your flower business. If you plan to organize such a business with minimal investment, then you can get by with ordinary greenhouses on your own plot of land.

First of all, before building greenhouse structures, you will need to obtain a document confirming the fact that you are the owner of a personal household plot (LPH). This document is issued by local government bodies, which include, for example, the administration of a rural settlement or a gardening partnership (depending on where the plot you own or rent is located). Unlike a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur, private subsidiary plots do not have legal status.

However, this form has a number of undoubted advantages, which include the absence of the need to pay taxes and the absence of reporting. The disadvantages include limited options sales of finished products. So, for example, you will not be able to sell your flowers through wholesale companies, markets, flower shops, etc. The only option- sell roses to resellers who don’t pay very much. On the other hand, when the business takes off, you will be able to register as an individual entrepreneur and sell your products at your own outlet.

Today there are a large number various options greenhouse structures for growing flowers. Each of them has its pros and cons. In this article, we will look at the most popular greenhouses made of polycarbonate among gardeners. Wood is used less and less as a material for frames due to its high cost. heavy weight and fragility, and increasingly experts give preference to frames made of steel profiles coated with zinc, which does not corrode.

Cellular polycarbonate is modern material, which is quite durable (compared, for example, with glass or, especially, film), fire- and wear-resistant, almost transparent. In addition, this material has good thermal insulation, excellent light transmittance and dispersion, protects plants from sunburn, and is easy to drill and cut.

The maximum width of such a greenhouse is 5 meters. The length can be any, but sizes within 15-20 meters are more common. Although polycarbonate can be used to create almost any type of structure, including dome-shaped ones, however, it is still recommended to make the roof of such a greenhouse pitched with a height of the southern wall 0.5-0.7 meters lower than the northern one.

This design ensures uniform illumination of the greenhouse: the sun's rays will pass through the pitched roof under a more direct beam, warming up the entire space inside the greenhouse. The greenhouse is installed from west to east, and the wall that faces north is made opaque (for example, from a cinder block or a wooden beam).

Greenhouses of this size are rarely made independently, because to do this you need to have not only knowledge, but also special equipment. Some models of polycarbonate greenhouses that are on sale are often already equipped with an economical system drip irrigation and ventilation.

The equipment set may also include a fog-forming unit for cooling the greenhouse, a curtain system for darkening, or, conversely, additional lighting. Very popular is automatic equipment for preparing and supplying solutions for feeding flowers, as well as for maintaining a given temperature and humidity in a greenhouse. Of course, you will have to pay for all these bonuses.

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The cost of the simplest polycarbonate flower greenhouse starts from 100 thousand rubles. The structure described above with an area of ​​100 square meters. meters will cost several times more - in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

Industrial greenhouse complexes

If we are talking about the construction of not just one greenhouse, but an entire greenhouse complex, then its dimensions will differ. The height of the columns can be 4.5-5 meters, the span width can be 8-9.6 meters. The columns are installed at a distance of 4-6 meters from each other. A large volume of air allows for slower cooling or heating of air (which is especially important in summer months) and maintain optimal air temperature with lower heat consumption. Often, such enterprises purchase farms where greenhouses have already been built with a spacing of up to 6.5 meters and a stand height of up to 3 meters. In this case, the air volume is increased by lengthening the support posts to 4 meters. The cost of such reconstruction is estimated at about $500 thousand/ha.

“Industrial” greenhouses are equipped with a heat distribution system with the ability to adjust it automatically (using a computer). For heating, it is optimal to use built-in boiler rooms within the greenhouse complex. In addition, you will need a drip irrigation system, which includes a system of main pipelines with filtering equipment, irrigation water storage tanks, drip lines various types with compensated drippers, equipment for preparing fertilizer solutions, mixers for solutions, irrigation water aeration systems.

To reduce greenhouse overheating in summer time and to reduce heat loss in winter time curtain systems with a capacity of 50% are used. Such curtains can save up to 30% of heat. And when using backlighting, they help increase the level of illumination for plants.

To establish the same temperature throughout the greenhouse, circular hydrofen fans are used, to which water is supplied for fine spraying. In summer, they help reduce air temperature and increase humidity. In addition, receipt fresh air increases the intensity of photosynthesis of flowers.

To sublimate sulfur used to combat powdery mildew, so-called sulfurators are used, which are evenly hung over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse and connected to the power supply through a timer or an automation system for the entire greenhouse. A special computer is used as a climate control system, which controls heating, ventilation, plant power and watering systems, CO2 feeding, and evaporative cooling.

The construction of 4 hectares of such greenhouses costs about 4.5 million euros. This amount includes materials and equipment, customs duties for equipment, work, transportation costs for the delivery of equipment and materials, refrigeration equipment, sorting line, design and survey work.

Features of growing roses

With the use of well-equipped greenhouses, roses can be grown almost all year round. However, in the period from December to February, additional heating and artificial lighting of the bushes will be required, which can significantly reduce profitability. For this reason, most flower growing farms begin forcing, as a rule, in February, which allows them to obtain stems with beautiful buds from March to November.

If you don't have great experience in floriculture, then you should not experiment with varieties. Choose proven grafted or rooted plants of the following varieties: reddish-orange Zorina, red Better Times, golden yellow Casanova, dark orange Skarlet Gem, white Pascali, yellow Geheimrat Duisberg, hot pink Carina, orange-red Baccara, red-yellow Little Flirt, which are successfully cultivated in greenhouse conditions for sale in containers or for cutting. These hybrid tea and miniature varieties are not very demanding on lighting, are resistant to the most common diseases (primarily powdery mildew), have an attractive presentation and are of high quality. Keep in mind that flowers develop much faster on high-quality rootstocks than on own roots, but at the same time the number of colors they form will be less.

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Roses are planted in heated greenhouses in January-February in soil enriched with rotted manure and mineral fertilizers - ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, peat. Vermiculite is often used as a substrate, coconut fiber, perlite or mineral wool.

Large greenhouse complexes usually use the technology of small-volume cultivation in mats - bags filled with various substrates (perlite, coconut, mineral wool, peat perlite, etc.). In terms of price and ease of watering, coke substrates with a fiber length of 16 mm are most optimal. In this case, the cuttings are first rooted in mineral wool or coconut seedling cubes. Compared to other types of substrates, coconut ones have undoubted advantages: they are inexpensive, they can be reused, because although coconut fiber is not very durable, it can withstand steam treatment.

The mats with the substrate are placed in metal gutters, through which the drainage solution is collected. It is discharged into storage tanks or subjected to ultraviolet sterilization and then used again. The bags are placed in two rows. For one linear meter dropped off until seven rose bushes. Thus, up to 80 thousand bushes can be placed on 1 hectare.

As mentioned above, early planting requires additional lighting of roses. To reduce costs, you can start planting roses in March and continue until November. Planting material must be carefully protected from low temperatures. Seedlings for storage are wrapped or placed in open cardboard boxes. During long-term storage, it is recommended to bury the bushes, leaving room for grafting. To prevent the bushes from drying out, they need to be sprayed regularly.

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Before planting, the seedlings are first kept in a container with clean water. Before grafting, they are pruned to about 15 cm and planted in soil heated to 12 degrees Celsius, so that the grafting site is located at the very surface of the earth. If the soil is too loose, the seedlings are buried, because after the soil shrinks, they will be at the required height. Before planting, weakened side shoots are removed from seedlings.

The number of seedlings per square meter of greenhouse soil can be from 10 to 30 pieces. In the second year upon disembarkation large quantity seedlings are thinned out, reducing the number of roses by half. For ease of processing, seedlings are usually arranged in a 30 by 30 or 25 by 40 pattern. Immediately after planting, the roses are thoroughly watered so that the roots settle into the ground. It is best to do this with a hose, and not with the help of a watering system whose jets are not strong enough. In the future, the plants should be watered frequently and abundantly. The need for regular watering is indicated by drying out of the soil to a depth of 2 cm.

Obviously, roses need good lighting to grow. However, many people forget that it is the plants that need to be illuminated, not the ground, otherwise the soil will quickly dry out. For this reason, it is not recommended to tear off the leaves covering the soil unless absolutely necessary. Immediately after planting the seedlings, it is recommended to maintain the air temperature in the greenhouse at 10 degrees Celsius, otherwise they may not take root. Then, after rooting, the roses are grown at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. In the summer, the temperature should not be allowed to rise above 27 degrees. At night, it is desirable that the temperature in the greenhouse be maintained at 15 degrees. To increase the flowering time of roses, the temperature in the greenhouse is lowered by a couple of degrees.

The humidity in the greenhouse should be 70%. This is very important, since a deviation from this indicator in one direction or another can lead to damage to plants various diseases. Do not forget to regularly ventilate your greenhouses, loosen the soil, and remove weeds.

Inspect your roses as often as possible to detect signs of plant damage by pests or fungal diseases. To combat them, special pesticides are used. For prevention powdery mildew, as mentioned above, you will need a sulforator, which heats and produces sulfur vapor in the greenhouse. When using such equipment, it is extremely important to follow all safety regulations to prevent fires in the greenhouse. At the same time, pure sulfur should not come into contact with plants, as it can cause burns on the leaves. The sulforator is usually turned on at night or in the morning, when the lighting is not very intense.

When caring for flowers, experts advise removing all side buds and shoots, leaving only one shoot with 3-4 buds. This will help to form bushes with three to four strong shoots, ready for secondary flowering.

Roses for sale are usually cut in the morning, when the buds are just beginning to open. When cutting for the first time, try to leave most of the green mass on the bush, which stimulates the rapid formation of new strong shoots. With proper care and good conditions from every bush greenhouse rose You can collect up to 12 flowers suitable for cutting.

Do not forget that roses are delicate flowers that require especially careful transportation to the place of sale.

Costs and income for growing roses in greenhouses

Roses are in constant high demand all year round. The first buds appear a month after planting. The profitability of the floriculture business is very high and can reach 300%. Although in fact it will be on average 70%, which is also a very good indicator. With favorable care, roses are distinguished by high yields, which can reach up to 10 kg of green mass per square meter of greenhouse per year.

The cost of equipping one greenhouse will be about 650-700 thousand rubles. 500 thousand rubles from this amount will be spent on the construction and arrangement of the greenhouse itself, and the remaining part will be spent on purchasing planting material, equipment, fertilizers and chemicals. Current expenses include heating and lighting of greenhouses, as well as watering. Monthly expenses for these items will amount to 55 thousand rubles.

Profit for the year can be about 3.8 million rubles with total annual expenses of 80 thousand rubles. Net income from the sale of roses will be from 3.5 million rubles per year. It will take about two months to launch the project (installation of greenhouses, planting seedlings). You should expect your first profit no earlier than six months later. The payback period for such a project is nine months.

For greenhouse complexes, costs and income will, of course, be different. Under the most optimal conditions with year-round cultivation from the second year the yield of roses can reach 200 pcs. per sq. meter with a shoot length of up to 80 cm. The purchase of rose planting material will require about $750 thousand for 300 thousand pieces. For fertilizers, coconut or mineral wool mats in the amount of 50 thousand pieces. it will cost about 200 thousand euros. The payback for such a project ranges from three to five years, depending on energy costs, purchased varieties of roses and the region where the construction of greenhouses is planned.

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Reading time: 13 minutes


It is impossible to imagine our life without flowers. In this case, the bouquet can act as an independent gift, and serve as an addition to it. With a huge variety of flowers, roses are the most popular at any time of the year. This delicate product is distinguished by its beauty and wonderful aroma, it can't help but cause a real splash. positive emotions, while bringing aesthetic satisfaction to a person. By growing roses and coming into contact with beauty, the entrepreneur, at the same time, provides himself with a good income.

Varieties of roses

All types of roses are divided into several varieties.

  • Polyanthaceae

Experts obtained this variety by combining Japanese multiflora with Chinese rose. They have large inflorescences , they consist of small double or single flowers, sometimes fragrant . The height of the bushes reaches 30-40 cm, less often - 60 cm. White varieties are very rare, mostly flowers are pink or red. Rose blooms profusely and continuously until late autumn. The plant easily tolerates excess dampness. Fungal diseases occur less frequently than other varieties. Easily propagated by cuttings. Polyantha roses can be grown both in the garden and at home.

  • Indoor roses in pots

These miniature varieties of beauties are different from their sisters small size bush up to 30 cm. Tiny buds cover the entire bush very abundantly. Roses tolerate shade, but they also like full sun. Feeding, watering, removing dry buds and old twigs is the main thing in caring for little beauties. Bushes with small flowers are suitable for growing at home .

  • Hybrid teas

Long years of selection of tea roses have given the world truly aristocratic flower , very popular among garden plants. Varieties differ in flower shape, aroma and color. The plant forms a bush with large flowers.

Varieties of this group are distinguished according to the following characteristics:

  • height bush 50-90 cm;
  • form flowers spreading or narrow pyramidal;
  • sheet tender or hard;
  • fragrant the flower consists of 20-120 petals.

For the winter bushes cover , since freezing of branches occurs already at a temperature of minus 8 degrees. The first flowering lasts throughout June-July. After a little rest it begins second bloom , lasting until the first frost.

Most popular varieties for growing in open ground are:

  • "Barcelona"
  • "Virgo"
  • "Vulcania"
  • "Gloria Dei"
  • "Katrina Cordes"
  • "Princess Liliana"
  • "Edith Krause"
  • "Yaroslavna".
  • Teahouses

The rose is named so for its scent. It was compared to a freshly opened pack of good tea. They come from a hybrid of Chinese and giant roses. It is believed that the petals of these flowers are the most beautiful of all the roses that exist in the world. However, they are distinguished by a drawback - they are not winter-hardy, so they are grown in Europe only in greenhouses . In open ground, flowers often freeze out, which is why hybrids have begun to be bred based on tea roses.

In particular, by crossing tea roses with Burgundy roses, the new flower with more large sheets , strong shoots and shiny foliage. The petals of this flower are curled at the corners. Characteristic shades are pink, apricot and yellow. These gorgeous flowers Some amateurs are trying to grow it in the Moscow region, covering the plants well in winter. Sometimes tea roses decorate office premises .

  • Dutch

This variety of roses was bred by breeders from the Netherlands, who, thanks to the latest methods and modern technologies, have achieved amazing results. This flower is harmony of beauty among other varieties of roses due to the fabulously beautiful bud with a thin delicate scent . The shoots are even and sometimes reach one and a half meters. The palette of flowers is varied - from white to almost black. They are mainly grown in greenhouses for cutting. Amateur gardeners also love roses because they can be grown in open ground .

The listed features of these varieties are very popular among consumers, and here are the most popular:

  • the Grand Prix- rose with burgundy flower on a stem up to 1.2 m long, selection of hybrid tea varieties.
  • Aqua- a lilac beauty with a flower diameter of up to 12 cm, a stem without thorns.
  • Taleathe most delicate flower ivory shade, mesmerizing in its beauty.
  • Black Baccarat— against the background of burgundy buds, the black outlines of pointed petals make the flower majestic.
  • Terracotta— coral-orange buds captivate with their aroma.
  • Peony-shaped

This species is sometimes called English rose . It was developed by David Austin at the end of the twentieth century. The flowers are distinguished by their intoxicating aroma and varied colors. At rapid growth decorative shoots are formed, so they are often used in wedding bouquets. Bushes do not require special attention , are attacked by pests sharply, resistant to diseases. Grown in open ground.

The best varieties are considered:

  • Konstantin Sprey- a rose with large cupped flowers and a deep pink color.
  • William Shakespeare 2000— the rose bush can reach a height of up to 2 meters, is unpretentious, and easily tolerates shade. Red double flowers with the scent of old roses.
  • Pat Austin- semi-double flowers of a very large shape, begin to bloom without interruption very early. The scent of the flowers is reminiscent of rose oil. They grow well, are not afraid of partial shade, and tolerate cold satisfactorily.
  • Floribunda

Polyantha roses have been replaced by more hardy and effective variety . The flower was bred by the Dane Poulsen, who crossed hybrid tea and polyanthus roses. This classification of Floribunda roses has taken root in Russia. The plant is most popular among summer residents due to wonderful aroma , colorful, good decorative. Bush unpretentious , is resistant to frost, which makes it possible to grow it in the northern regions. You can use this type of roses in flower beds, decorative hedges, curbs.

Main for growing floribunda varieties are:

  • Heckenzauber,
  • Sangria,
  • Frisia,
  • Lilly Marlene,
  • Blue Baju.

Equipment and materials

To grow roses throughout the year in different climatic zones, different types of greenhouses are used.

  • With wooden frame - most inexpensive option. The frame is covered with plastic film. The advantage of a greenhouse is its lightness, ease of construction, and low cost. The negative aspects are the fragility of the frame, fragility and very poor thermal insulation of the structure. Entrepreneurs do not recommend using it in cold regions.
  • Glass greenhouse It will cost more in terms of costs, but it wins in reliability over wooden ones.
  • Polycarbonate galvanized - This modern version stainless steel greenhouse with thermal insulation. Polycarbonate diffuses sunlight, is durable, strong and easy to process.

Entrepreneurs most often install the most simple design in the form of a rectangle from 10 m to 15 m long, 4-5 m wide. For uniform heating internal space greenhouses used pitched roof . The north side should be made higher than the south and covered with opaque material. In one square space you can place from 10 to 30 roses , depending on the variety. For industrial production They use specialized greenhouses with a reinforced frame and a large volume of air.

There are several ways to grow roses.

  • In containers and pots

This method is used by amateurs to grow flowers at home, on a windowsill, terrace, or balcony. Flowers convenient to swap places . The thickness of the container walls is from 2 cm to 2.5 cm, the height is at least 40 cm. If you use a plastic container, it is advisable to place it in a large container , fill the voids with polystyrene foam and the bottom with expanded clay. The plant needs to be watered and fed once every two weeks.

  • Hydroponics

Used to grow the plant mineral wool , preferably coconut soil with good drainage properties. Watering and feeding roses is done directly under the plant itself. Thanks to the water-aeration balance in the root zone, the quality of flowers improves . The method is used on an industrial scale when growing plants.

How to grow properly

Flower growers most often propagate roses vegetatively by grafting. Less often - by seeds, suckers, layering.

Let's take a closer look at growing roses from cuttings and seeds.

  • Growing roses using cuttings

A ripened rose emerges from the stem in early June cuttings are taken . The top cut is made 1 cm above the bud, the bottom cut is made at an angle of 45° and 2 cm below the bud. Two leaves remain on the upper cut, but on the lower one it is necessary all leaves are removed . The cuttings treated with potassium permanganate are placed in aloe juice for 12 hours, after which they are stuck into medium-sized potatoes. Planted in opaque pot with a diameter of 15 cm. Potassium permanganate is diluted with water until pink, and the cuttings are watered with this solution. The flower grows like indoor plant. Transplant into open ground The finished rose should be grown in the spring.

  • Growing roses from seeds

This method is used to remove the latest varieties roses and obtaining the best seedlings of those species that will give complete seeds . Brown, needle, wrinkled, red-leaved roses and common roses are propagated in this way.

It is necessary for this in mid-July collect fruits from a plant. They must be cut with a sharp knife, divided into two parts and the seeds removed. To disinfect, immerse them in a hydrogen peroxide solution for 20 minutes. Remove and place the seeds between layers of cotton wool. Place all this in a plastic bag and leave it for 1.5-2 months in a refrigerator . Check periodically to see if sprouts have appeared.

Transplant the sprouts into peat tablets. Mulch the substrate after emergence of seedlings . The first bud on the plant is formed two months after sowing. Use for subcortex weak solution mineral fertilizers. In spring, plant the plant in open ground.

What conditions are necessary for growing roses in a greenhouse?

Almost throughout the year, buyers experience need to purchase this majestic flower. However, climatic conditions do not make it possible to grow roses in open ground all year round.

For the continuous production of cut roses on an industrial scale, you will need a greenhouse that meets a number of requirements.

1. Air volume in the building must be large in order to maintain the optimal temperature in the nursery. The span of the columns is 8 m, height is 4-5 m.

2.To provide With hot water, the greenhouse is equipped with a heat regulation system in the form of:

  • elevator heating up to 30o;
  • rail heating registers from 70O to 90O;
  • under-tray and side heating registers along the entire perimeter of the rose garden - 70O-90O.

3. For decreasing heating costs, a boiler room with an adjustable computer program should be installed inside the greenhouse. Thermally insulated containers, during the period of CO2 production for feeding plants, with the windows closed, accumulate hot water, which is also used for heating.

4. To provide plants with water, a drip irrigation system is installed, which includes:

  • filtering equipment with a main pipeline;
  • special tanks for filling with irrigation water;
  • drip lines;
  • equipment for preparing fertilizer solutions:
  • system for water aeration.

5. For year-round When receiving cut flowers, connect the lighting system.

6.To save plants from overheating in summer and to reduce heat loss in winter, curtains are hung in the greenhouse.

7. Fans used to equalize the temperature along the entire perimeter of the territory.

8. Against To prevent powdery mildew from spreading, a sulfurizer is used.

Fundamental in the production of roses is proper care and advanced technologies for bush formation. To grow flowers, they are placed in growth bags (mats) filled with coconut or perlite peat substrates. Mats on stands are arranged in two rows. The distance between them is 20 cm, the width of the gutter is up to 20 cm, and between the rows is 160 cm. Up to 7 rose bushes are planted per 1 square meter. On one hectare there is an average up to 80 thousand pieces plants.

Highly profitable business plan

To make a final decision whether to grow roses as a business or not, you should:

  • study the project;
  • draw up a production plan;
  • calculate production profitability.

Thanks to year-round technology and optimal conditions, modern rose farms have certain indicators for flower yield per 1 sq. m.

  • Large-flowered varieties - 200 pieces, shoots up to 1 m.
  • Medium-colored varieties - 280 pieces, shoots up to 0.8 m.

Calculation of costs for the construction of a winter greenhouse with an area of ​​1 hectare:

  • material, construction works— 12,000,000 rub.,
  • equipment, installation work— 3,000,000 rub.,
  • transportation costs - 100,000 rubles,
  • customs duties - 80,000 rubles,
  • refrigeration equipment - RUB 55,000,
  • lines for sorting and arranging flowers - 250,000 rubles,
  • design and marketing services - RUB 350,00.

Total : RUB 15,520,000

Element-by-element configuration of the greenhouse:

  • heating system and boiler room - RUB 1,000,000,
  • climate control system - RUB 3,250,000,
  • system for preparing a working solution - RUB 5,250,000,
  • curtain system - RUB 7,500,000.

Total : 17,000,000 rub.

Cost of technological materials:

  • planting material - 18,750,000 rubles. (100,000 pcs.),
  • coconut mats - RUB 40,080,000. (167,00 pcs.).

Total : 58,830,000 rub.

Expenditure part — 91,350,000 rub. (excluding labor, energy and water).

Revenue part — 400,000,000 rub. (80,000 pcs.*100 pcs.*50 rub.).

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