Those who undertake to grow seedlings on their own are faced with two troubles: the infamous “black leg” and the pulling of seedlings. There are other problems with young seedlings, but these two are probably what summer residents have in their nightmares.

We have already talked about how to save your seedlings from blackleg:

The main mistakes when growing seedlings and their unpleasant consequences were also discussed:

Today we will figure out why seedlings stretch, how to prevent it, and what to do if the seedlings have already stretched.

There may be one reason, or there may be several at once. And no matter how unpleasant it may be to admit it, the one who planted it is to blame for pulling out the seedlings. This failure cannot be attributed either to the weather or to seed producers, because the main reasons are:

  • lack of light,
  • thickened planting,
  • non-compliance with the timing of sowing seeds,
  • extra feeding,
  • unnecessary watering,
  • heat.

1. Seedlings are stretched due to lack of light

The most common, the most main reason, due to which the seedlings stretch out. Out of every hundred elongated seedlings, 95 elongated due to lack of light. Plants need light like air. When there is insufficient lighting, seedlings begin to look for a light source and reach for it. And here is the result: the stem has become thin, fragile and long.

When plants are overplanted, they struggle to survive. They compete for space, nutrients, and light. In an effort to catch up and overtake their neighbor, the seedlings stretch out.

What to do in such a situation? If the seedlings are still small, it’s time to

If the time for picking is missed, the seedlings begin to stretch later, you can try to carefully remove one lower leaf. Sometimes this works because the sheet is lost for young plant– shock. In this state, it stops growing upward, activates root formation and the stem thickens. Subsequently, this manipulation can be carried out again. In total, it is permissible to remove a maximum of three lower leaves from one seedling.

3. Seedlings are stretched due to early sowing

We've already talked about this more than once, but repeating it won't hurt. There is no need to rush to sow seeds! Each culture has its own. If you plant the seeds too early, the seedlings will simply outgrow and begin to “suffocate” in the glass from lack of everything.

Many gardeners like to pamper their seedlings in a warm place until they are planted in the ground. In such conditions, the roots grow more slowly than the stems, and the seedlings become elongated. It is especially important to reduce the temperature at night or in cloudy weather.

In addition, it should be remembered that some crops are heat-loving (peppers, tomatoes, eggplants), and some are not so much (cabbage). And for each of them there is an optimal temperature regime that must be taken into account. We also talked in detail about temperature conditions for seedlings.

5. Seedlings are stretched due to excess moisture

It’s not often that seedlings stretch out due to excess moisture, but it does happen. And the combination frequent watering With high temperature and air humidity - just ideal condition for the appearance of “bumpy” seedlings.

Watering seedlings must be approached wisely, especially in the first three weeks after emergence. During the first week of life, the seedlings do not need to be watered at all; in extreme cases, they can be sprayed with a spray bottle. Then rare (every 5-6 days) but abundant watering is recommended to thoroughly wet the soil. And tomato seedlings are watered even less often - only when the soil in the cup dries out.

6. Seedlings are stretched due to unnecessary fertilizing

At making the right choice And good lighting Seedlings do not need fertilizing. And if your soul is restless without feeding, you don’t need to overdo it nitrogen fertilizers. First - phosphorus and potassium. After 10-12 days -
nitrogen. In quantities prescribed by the instructions on the fertilizer bag.

What to do if the seedlings have already stretched out?

If very young seedlings have stretched out, it is more or less clear what to do:

  • Pick into individual containers,
  • Illuminate,
  • Reduce watering and fertilizing,
  • Reduce temperature.

If the seedlings have stretched out several weeks before planting in the ground, the recommendations are similar: reduce watering to a minimum and lower the air temperature by 5-7 degrees. After this, for crops that are capable of growing additional roots on the stem, you can try to bend the stem into a ring, place it in a container and sprinkle it with soil. If containers allow, you can hill up the plants to the first leaves.

Hardening also helps. If night temperatures are more than 6°C, and daytime temperatures are more than 15°C, it’s time to gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air- take out on glass balcony. Even long-legged plants grow stronger before our eyes from such a shake.

We do not recommend treating plants with growth regulators such as Atleta. Yes, many summer residents are delighted with its effect, but you should not sacrifice the future harvest for the sake of the beauty of the seedlings. After all, the entire potential harvest is laid on initial stage development of the plant, and when this development is artificially restrained, the consequences are difficult to predict.

How to plant stretched seedlings of individual crops

The general rule for planting overgrown seedlings in the ground is this: make the holes deeper and plant the seedlings at an angle of 40-45 degrees, directing the roots towards south side. Bury the plant down to the leaves. On the part of the stem that is in the soil, additional roots form. Over time, the plant straightens and continues to develop normally.

Tomato seedlings

Tomatoes are very tenacious and will withstand any manipulation well. Overgrown seedlings can be cut into pieces and planted as cuttings. You can plant lying down, deepening to the very upper leaves. You can cut off the top of the seedling and root it in water. In any case, the tomatoes quickly form roots and grow as if nothing had happened.

Pepper seedlings

It’s sad, but peppers should not be planted lying down or buried in the soil at all. There will be no additional roots, no harvest. A good news The problem is that pepper seedlings rarely grow. Almost never.

Eggplant seedlings

When planting or picking, stretched eggplant seedlings are buried in the soil or planted lying down, having previously removed all the leaves (except the top). Additional roots develop on the buried stem and the plants develop normally.

Cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, melon, watermelon

The long flexible stem of pumpkins easily rolls into a ring and fits into the hole. We press it to the soil, cover it with fertile soil and wait for additional roots.

Cabbage seedlings

When planting in the ground, elongated cabbage seedlings can be buried down to the cotyledon leaves. And after 8-10 days, help young plants with potassium fertilizing: 8 grams/square meter of potassium sulfate or 150 grams/square meter of ash.

To obtain strong seedlings vegetable crops By summer, it is very important that the seedlings do not stretch during the process of growing them. Neglect of basic rules leads to the fact that plant seedlings become thin and weak. In this case, all forces are spent on lengthening the stem, stretching towards the light. In future long stems tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and other crops will bear fruit poorly: to get the same yield, you can take 20 stocky or 50 elongated bushes. And this is extra labor and irrational use of land.

Common reasons for pulling seedlings

All reasons elongated seedlings come down to three groups:

  1. Lack of light;
  2. Low temperature;
  3. Excessive care.

Seedlings cannot help but stretch in insufficient light. In order for seedlings to feed, they need to synthesize nutrients. This occurs in the light through photosynthesis. If there is little light, then the bushes are drawn to its source. The same goes for dense plantings. Even if the daylight hours are long and bright, the neighboring leaves do not allow the rays to be absorbed.

Another reason why seedlings stretch is low temperature. In nature, heat and light are always interconnected. If it's sunny, the temperature is high, if it's cloudy, it's low. At low temperatures, the plant deceives. Metabolism slows down in the cold, and it “thinks” that there is not enough light: it involuntarily reaches out to it.

The last reason for seedlings to stretch is associated with excess fertilizing and constantly wet soil. If you are fed and watered just like that, then why work? And when overnutrition the person becomes fat and sick. It’s the same with seedlings: nothing stops them from growing and stretching endlessly. Roots don’t grow: why, if they cope with their functions? But in nature the plant will die.

Optimal mode for growing strong seedlings

If you want the plants to be strong and not stretched out, take proper care of them, imitating them as much as possible. natural conditions. Just don’t go to extremes: sometimes it can be as hot as +40 or as cold as -5 degrees, but this will not benefit the seedlings. But they benefit from a regime that corresponds to the climate of the plants’ homeland.


To form strong seedlings follow the lighting rules:

  • With the appearance of the first shoots, provide adequate lighting;
  • When growing seedlings from January to March, provide artificial lighting. For shade-tolerant plants - at least 8 hours, for light-loving plants - 12;
  • Artificial light will be needed if the seedlings are located on a north or west window.

To prevent seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and cucumbers from stretching out due to a lack of light from dense planting, choose correctly the minimum allowable area for one plant: less space is possible, more density is not allowed. Lettuce and cabbage can be planted 1 bush per square with a side of 6 cm. The side of the square for eggplant with pepper is 7 cm, melon, watermelon and cucumber is 8 cm, tomato, squash and zucchini is 10 cm.


If you are still thinking about what to do to prevent the seedlings from stretching, then pay attention to the temperature. It depends on the growth phase, plant type and lighting:

  • For cruciferous vegetables (cabbage and others), when seedlings appear, the temperature should be in the range of 6-10 degrees. After germination - from 14 to 18 during the day, to 8-10 at night. Seedlings do not grow if the temperature is below 7, and stretch if it is above 20. The soil temperature should be kept at 14-15 degrees, but not less than 10;
  • For celery, lettuce and different varieties Onion, when seedlings form, the temperature should be kept at 8-10 degrees, then increased to 15-18. At night - up to 12-13, and in cloudy weather - no higher than 16;
  • For nightshades when seedlings form - 13-15, a week later on a bright day up to 21-24, on a cloudy day - no higher than 17-18, at night - 12;
  • For pumpkin crops at germination - 16-17, a week later - up to 24 on a sunny day, 18 - cloudy and 15 - at night.

Melon and watermelon are the most heat-loving plants. Therefore, to prevent them from stretching out, an exception must be introduced for them. All indicated temperatures for this family need to be increased by 2-3 degrees. Then melon and watermelon seedlings will grow stocky and capable of producing tasty and aromatic fruits.

Prevention of pulling seedlings of certain crops

It’s not always possible to organize perfect care for seedlings. Then the question arises: is it possible, and if so, how to make the seedlings not stretch? Can. There are a number of measures for this: these are folk and chemical methods. If you use them, the seedlings will inevitably become stocky, and it will be easier for them to adapt to natural conditions.

How to regulate the growth of cucumber seedlings

Since cucumbers are heat-loving crops, it is impossible to stop stretching seedlings by ensuring critical temperatures. Then all that remains is to maintain bright and continuous lighting. Do not forget about watering: they should be done only when earthen lump dry Otherwise, instead of a densely woven coma, you will get 1-2 liquid shoots.

Of all the pumpkins, melons, pumpkins and zucchini are more resistant to cold. Therefore, in order for the seedlings to be strong and not stretched out, you can not only provide them with maximum lighting, but also make the temperature 4-5 degrees lower than for cucumbers. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise the plants will get sick.

How to make cabbage seedlings not stretch

Since cabbage loves the cold, it is easy to force it not to stretch by applying low temperatures. For a sown crop – 20, for the first shoots – 8, a week later – up to 17 on a bright day, 15 – on a sunny day. At night the temperature should not be higher than 10 degrees. Here are the highest limits. To determine the lower (minimum acceptable), subtract 2 degrees.

To prevent cabbage seedlings from stretching, play with light. From the moment sprouts appear until the formation of three true leaves, plants need intense light. Lamps must have high efficiency, otherwise most of the electricity will be converted into heat. Then it will be difficult to regulate the temperature. With the appearance of the fourth leaf, the light can be reduced.

What to do to prevent onion seedlings from dragging

The only available method of combating the stretching of onion seedlings is pruning. As soon as it has grown to 15 cm, cut it to 8. And so on as many times as you like. The effect is good, and the greens will immediately fall on dinner table– will he refuse a portion of fresh greens? There is only one minus - the method is suitable for onions, and not for other crops that will immediately die from such a procedure.

After planting seeds, inexperienced gardeners can observe the following picture: the seedlings are very thin and grow higher and higher, and root system still weak. Why is this happening? Let's try to understand the reasons and correct the situation.

If the seedlings have stretched out, there are several ways to save the situation

Reasons for pulling tomatoes

If seedlings stretch, then there is no need to blame the wrong variety or look for other excuses. The reasons are quite simple:

Greed. Not everyone has the opportunity to grow seedlings on spacious balconies; usually there are 2-3 windows. Therefore, housewives do not spare seeds and plant them very densely. Such plants begin to grow in a dense forest, and each of them strives to receive a ray of light. As a result, the tomatoes race towards the sun.

It is difficult to obtain high-quality seedlings from such elongated seedlings

Better to plant less seeds to get strong and healthy bushes. The harvest from such tomatoes will be much greater than from stunted sprouts.

Excessive concern. What does taking care of a plant include - watering and fertilizing. If you do this very often, the bushes will quickly stretch out. It is necessary to water only when the soil is completely dry. If there is no extreme heat, then after germination it is recommended not to water the sprouts for 10 days. Fertilizing should also be done carefully. It is very important not to feed with nitrogen fertilizers. If this happens, the sprouts will begin to “thicken” and this will not benefit the plant.

Each bush should have enough space to grow

It is quite easy to identify overfed seedlings. The uppermost small leaves begin to curl inward. With severe overfeeding, the entire top will be twisted and dented.

Lack of light. In poorly or rarely lit rooms, tomatoes will stretch upward. Seedlings need to be provided with sixteen hours of daylight.

Stretched seedlings fall from their own weight

Therefore, it is necessary to purchase fluorescent lamps. It is advisable to turn them on in the mornings and evenings.

Thin seedlings

If, after all, the tomato seedlings have stretched out and become thin, then you can use the following methods:

Planting tomatoes in the ground should occur with deepening of the stems. This does not mean that the holes are dug deep; planting at an angle should be studied. You cannot plant seedlings deep, because the ground below is still cold and the roots may freeze. To begin with, grooves are formed with a depth of 8–10 cm. Next, they are filled with water and waited until completely absorbed. Then the seedlings are laid out along the grooves so that the tops of the plants are at a distance of about 50 cm.

Tomatoes are planted lying down with their roots facing south.

The roots must always face south. IN in this case the plant will straighten up faster, because it will begin to reach for the sun.

Severely overgrown seedlings are divided into 2 parts. We count 5-6 leaves from the roots and cut off the remaining top. Place the cut part in a container with water. After 7 days, roots will appear on such plants. You should wait until they reach 1–1.5 cm, after which they can be planted in pots or boxes. This method allows you not only to cope with the problem of elongated tomatoes, but it will also turn out additional seedlings. The resulting plants form into one stem. On the lower part of the cut plant we wait for the stepsons to appear. They should grow to 5 cm.

Planting with depth to the first true leaf

20–25 days before landing in open ground pruning of the stepsons begins. The top two stepsons are left, and all the rest are removed.

Shortening seedlings before planting delays the first fruits

The plant has grown a lot, and there is still a lot of time before planting in open ground, so you can sprinkle it. This can only be done when there is still plenty of space in the pot. Before adding new soil, the seedlings are not watered for several days.

  1. After this, the wilted tomato stems are laid in a spiral along the contour of the pot. Each new turn is covered with earth. Most last layer compacted and watered abundantly.
  2. If there is not enough space in the pot, you can pick tomatoes in a container with greater height. The trunk is not twisted, but simply covered with layers of soil. Each layer is watered generously.

Nitrogen deficiency is manifested by yellowing of leaves

These two methods allow you to get rid of the problem. The buried parts of the trunk will soon act as roots. As a result, the root system will be strengthened, and the tomatoes will receive additional nutrition.

Urea slows down growth

Let's look at how you can slow down the growth of a plant using watering. If the plant begins to stretch and changes color, this indicates that it does not have enough nitrogen. In this case, it is necessary to make a solution from urea. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of urea in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution should be watered over all the seedlings. Next, all the boxes with tomatoes are put away in a cool place so that the temperature is no higher than 8–10 degrees. After carrying out this procedure, the seedlings will turn green again and slightly slow down their growth.

Watering with urea slows down the growth of seedlings

A little about temperature

Temperature is very interconnected with light. If there is a lot of light, then the temperature regime is allowed to be higher. Optimal temperature in good lighting it is +25 degrees. But on cloudy days, the favorable temperature will be + 18 degrees. It is not advisable to drop below +17 degrees for the first 3–4 weeks of growth. This can lead to the development of root rot. To insulate a cold window sill, you can place foam under the boxes.

The temperature for seedlings should be at least 24 degrees

Non-compliance temperature regime is the main reason for tomatoes stretching.

Lack of light causes sprouts to stretch

It is especially common among vegetable growers who grow seedlings in room conditions. After all, it is very difficult to achieve a certain temperature in an apartment without additional equipment.

Illumination of tomato seedlings should be at least 14 hours a day

There are three small tips that suggest applying experienced gardeners to prevent the plant from growing quickly upward:

  • Using a piece of cardboard or just using your hand, move it over the plant 2-3 times with gentle movements. The seedlings will be squat and strong. This happens because when touched, the leaves release ethylene gas, which stunts plant growth. But this method is effective when there is enough light.

High-quality seedlings - low, dense, green

  • Five to six times a day it is necessary to turn the pots or boxes so that the plant’s strength is spent on turning in the sunny direction.
  • It is advisable to immediately transplant the elongated sprouts individually, then they will stop their rapid growth.

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, you must follow all the above tips and rules. Only then will it be possible to receive good fruits and satisfaction from your work.

Growing seedlings is one of the most important “rituals” for our gardeners. IN Middle lane, and especially in the North-West, otherwise there is no way to get a harvest. Only seedlings can speed up the ripening of fruits.

And what often happens with seedlings is that they stretch out, become thin, frail, and frighteningly transparent. What to do if the seedlings are stretched and how to avoid them stretching? We'll talk about this today.

Why do seedlings stretch?

Lack of light and temperature disturbances are the main reasons for the stretching of seedlings. Moreover, there may be a lot of light, but the planting density is such that the plants have to literally make their way to sun rays through the dense formation of brothers. What kind of bushiness are we talking about here?

To prevent seedlings from stretching out, grow them correctly

There are 3 simple rules, which allow you to get excellent seedlings and they won’t drag you down.

1 - Ambient temperature

This is probably the most important rule. All plants have different temperature requirements when growing, but they can be generalized. That's what we'll do.

For germination: about 25 degrees. After sprouts appear: 20 degrees (day), 15 degrees (night).

2 — Planting density

Under no circumstances should you plant seeds frequently. This is often the reason why seedlings stretch during germination. In dense plantings, like in a young birch forest, whoever stretched out the fastest received a portion of light. The stems of the seedlings are thin, long, sway in the wind, under the weight winter snow bend all the way to the ground.

It is best to immediately plant each seed separately, in its own glass. This, by the way, will allow you to arrange the seedlings as optimally as possible. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. But you won’t have to seat them later.

3 - Rare watering

Under no circumstances should seedlings be watered; each subsequent watering should be carried out only when the leaves begin to droop from lack of moisture. This stimulates the vitality of the young plant. And in combination with lower night temperatures, it further hardens the future harvest champion.

Therefore, we remember: you cannot water the seedlings enough. We water only when the leaves of a young plant begin to wilt a little.

Do not allow the foliage of plants to touch each other - this is also a signal for the seedlings to stretch. The plant senses that a competitor is nearby and rushes to growth. Arrange the cups with seedlings so that the leaves of one plant do not touch others.

To prevent cabbage seedlings from stretching

Before germination: keep the temperature at 20 degrees.

First sprouts: lower the temperature to 10 degrees for a week.

A week later: keep it at 15 degrees, plus additional lighting, until three leaves form.

To prevent cucumber seedlings from stretching

But for the cucumbers low temperatures are harmful, so they always need about 20 degrees, without any hardening. They love a lot of light, so give them plenty of it. Maintain the distance between seedlings so that the leaves of neighboring plants do not touch. Then they won't drag on.

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching

Tomatoes love light and warmth, but at the same time they can easily tolerate long-term temperature dips. You can prevent tomatoes from stretching by trimming the leaves.

When tomato seedlings have five leaves, then one or even two bottom sheets should be trimmed. This will stop the growth of the plant for 5 days. But at the same time, the thickness of the stem will increase, which in itself is very important for the future harvest.

I was surprised myself when I bought such chunky tomato seedlings last year. By the way, you can cut the leaves again when there are five leaves on the trunk of the seedling again. This will further strengthen the plant.

Video - if cucumber seedlings have stretched out, it’s easy to fix!


Many gardeners are faced with the fact that flower seedlings stretch out for some reason, but do not know why this happens. This process disrupts natural development plants and can cause their death, so we will discuss ways to combat this problem.

Is it time to check the growing conditions?

At favorable conditions cultivation develops normally, without any pathological processes. The pulling problem usually occurs as a result of exposure to certain external factors. This is mainly caused by insufficient lighting - too weak or short. This phenomenon is especially common during winter period, as well as at the beginning of spring, which is associated with short daylight hours. To prevent stretching and ensure extremely comfortable conditions for seedlings, it is recommended to use additional artificial lighting using fluorescent, electric lamps or reflective screens.

Non-compliance with the rules for sowing seeds can lead to pulling. The fact is that when sowing is too dense, an accumulation of plants occurs, as a result of which the seedlings lack moisture, nutrients, as well as places for full growth and normal development. One more negative factor, which often causes the problem under discussion, can be called inappropriate temperature. Too high temperatures (from +25 °C and above) invariably lead to elongation of seedlings, and also provoke excessive and premature development of their root system.

Failure to comply with the timing of sowing seedlings can also cause improper development of seedlings. Optimal period planting largely depends on the plant variety, as well as climatic conditions, characteristic of a particular area. However, if we talk about generally accepted rules, then it is not recommended to rush this process. The most favorable period for sowing flower seedlings is considered to be the end of February - beginning of March.

What are the consequences of improper care?

The absence of picking, as well as its untimely implementation, leads to uneven plant growth. As a result, taller and stronger seedlings begin to shade and crowd out others, and this becomes the impetus for the seedlings to stretch out. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to plant seedlings in separate containers approximately in the second week after emergence. Determine the most favorable period possible, based on appearance plants. If the stem of the seedling has become sufficiently strong and has acquired two or three true leaves, then it is time for picking.

Many gardeners do the same thing characteristic error: they try to actively feed the plants, intensively feeding them with various fertilizers. However, excessive saturation of the soil with humus, as well as nitrogen fertilizers, may well cause intensive growth and elongation of seedlings. This phenomenon is especially common with frequent and abundant watering. It is important to follow the rules for feeding and moistening seedlings, and the standards may vary depending on the type of flower. Typically, the intervals between seedling fertilization procedures should be at least 10 days. Both excess and lack of nitrogen can cause seedlings to stretch. In this case, the seedlings fade and acquire a pale green tint.

How to deal with the problem?

What to do if time is lost and the seedlings have already stretched out? This question is asked by almost all gardeners who are faced with this problem. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors. Provide plants with maximum comfortable conditions for normal growth, which consist of proper lighting, temperature control and moderate soil moisture. If the seedlings develop unevenly, it is time to disperse them so that the seedlings do not shade or crowd out each other. When the stretching was caused by an excess of fertilizers, in urgently stop feeding, lower the room temperature by a few degrees and 2Do not water the seedlings for 3 days. This will help slow down the process of excessive growth.

Even when pulling out flower seedlings, you can try using the following technique: deepen the location of the stem in the soil to the level of the cotyledons, and then carefully trim top part seedlings.

In case of excessive stretching of seedlings, some gardeners prefer to divide the stem into two parts, simply cutting off the upper part of the seedling, approximately at the level of its fifth leaf. So the lower part remaining in the ground takes on a normal appearance (provided that the shoots are trimmed in a timely manner). The cut stem can be placed in a container of water so that it acquires roots. About a week after this, the sprout can be planted in a separate pot and cared for in the same way as all other flower seedlings.

The so-called loop method gives a good effect in the fight against stretching of flower seedlings. To prevent further disturbance in the development of seedlings, you need to make a small depression in the soil where the seedlings grow, place part of the stem in it in the form of a loop, and sprinkle it with soil. To complete the procedure, tamp down slightly and then water the soil.

There are also a number chemicals, helping to stop the stretching processes (for example, a product called “Athlete” or “Amulet”). They can be used both to prevent the problem in question and as a effective means combating existing pathological processes in the development of seedlings. To achieve these goals, the drug should be poured under the root of the plant or used to spray it. If stretched seedlings are characterized by an unhealthy appearance and pale color, then adding an ash solution to the soil, as well as nitrogen fertilizers, can bring favorable results.

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