Most often, food products themselves are the source of stains on textiles. Meanwhile, adding refined and deodorized oil to hot water along with laundry detergents helps clean and whiten even heavily soiled kitchen towels.

Appearance fabrics are often spoiled by various stains, which can be difficult to get rid of

Cozy, clean kitchen It’s almost impossible to imagine without fresh white towels, which are not only a practical element for drying hands and dishes, but also an elegant decorative component that creates a certain homely atmosphere. The appearance of the fabric is often spoiled by various stains, which can be difficult to get rid of.

Using vegetable oil for washing

Of course, with this method of washing, whole bottles of oil are not poured into the water. For cleaning and bleaching, use no more than 1-3 tbsp.

For example, to 10 liters of very hot water add:

  • 20 ml of vegetable, usually sunflower, oil (about 1.5 tbsp.);
  • 25-30 ml bleach;
  • 30 g baking soda.

You need to soak dry laundry in this composition and leave for 8-10 hours. After this, wash with rinse in hot, warm and cold water. The laundry will become clean, and, interestingly, with the help of such cleaning you can remove old greasy or oil stains that have long spoiled the appearance kitchen textiles.

Vegetable oil can be used in combination with washing powders. You will need:

  • 3-4 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry bleach;
  • 150-200 g washing powder.

Soak the towels for 3-3.5 hours, then wash and rinse in cold water.

One of the oldest ways washing using sunflower oil involves placing towels in water at a temperature of up to 60°C, to which 2 tbsp are added. l. oil and 1 tsp. vinegar. The laundry is soaked for 12 hours and then rinsed 4 times alternating hot and cold water.

How to properly wash sneakers washing machine

How to bleach kitchen towels (video)

Features of vegetable oil

Only refined and deodorized oil is used for washing clothes.

Purification of products extracted from plant materials from foreign impurities (or refining) includes a number of technological processes, providing the ability to wash kitchen utensils using vegetable oil:

  • hydration, which frees the oil from precipitated substances;
  • alkaline neutralization, which removes free fatty acids;
  • adsorption bleaching, bleaching oil by removing coloring pigments from it;
  • winterization or freezing, which removes waxy substances.

Deodorizing vegetable oil removes substances that emit a strong odor.

Only refined and deodorized vegetable oil is used for washing clothes.

Refining, including deodorization, makes the vegetable oil colorless, free from substances that can cause soiling of laundry. The remaining acids help to wash clothes well in combination with bleach and soda.

Preventing the appearance of persistent contamination

As you know, it’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. Transferring the meaning of this saying to kitchen textiles, we can say that towels will be clean not because they are washed, but because they are less likely to get dirty.

To keep textile fabrics used in the kitchen clean, we recommend:

  • have a sufficient number of towels in the kitchen for regular replacement;
  • send soiled ones directly to the wash, without waiting for other clothes to accumulate in the laundry basket, in order to avoid contamination being absorbed into the texture of the fabrics;
  • wash towels with greasy stains separately from the rest of the linen;
  • iron washed and dried towels, this helps to significantly reduce stubborn dirt;
  • try to use cotton and linen products as kitchen textiles, avoiding terry fabrics, they get dirty faster and lose their original properties, becoming hard and unpleasant to the touch;
  • for wiping hands, cleaning kitchen surfaces If possible, use foam sponges or disposable paper napkins to prevent excessive contamination of towels.

How to clean the filter in a washing machine yourself

Other methods of washing and bleaching clothes with added oil

Traditional methods include many various recipes to ensure the cleanliness of textiles.

To get rid of stubborn stains, use laundry soap (inexpensive, Brown) with a high content of fatty acids, from 72%. The contaminated fabric is generously rubbed with this soap and placed in a tied bag for a day. plastic bag. After this, the fabric should be rinsed and, if the stains have not completely disappeared, the remaining dirt should be removed by soaking in water with the addition of vegetable oil and vinegar, and then washed as usual.

Laundry soap has long been used for washing clothes, receiving positive reviews even with active use washing machines. Rub this soap onto the most contaminated areas of the fabric immediately before washing.

The soap is also effective for whitening. Using dissolved shavings laundry soap the laundry is soaked in hot water with the addition of 5-7 tablets of hydrogen peroxide (hydroperite), 1 tbsp. l. oil and a few drops of ammonia. After the water gradually cools, textiles are washed in the usual way.

Ammonia can be added when washing white towels in machines. Add 1 tbsp to the special compartment for washing powder. l. ammonia, due to which things are effectively bleached during washing.

Soaking laundry in cold water with the addition of 1.5 tbsp helps to get rid of heavy stains. l. vegetable oil and 5-7 tsp. salt. Before placing textiles, the salt must be completely dissolved. The laundry is soaked overnight and in the morning you just need to wash it by hand or in the machine.

Why does the washing machine jump so much during the spin cycle?

Vinegar is used to soften hardness tap water which very often does terry towels hard to the touch. For 10 liters, add about 100 ml of vinegar for rinsing after washing.

Washing a towel with vegetable oil (video)

Machine washable

The use of washing machines in some cases can lead to discoloration and rapid wear of a towel or kitchen cloth, so you must first soak it overnight with the addition of vegetable oil. The likelihood of rapid wear increases if the temperature regime washing and excessive use of household chemicals: bleaches and stain removers.

  • observe the dosage of bleach and stain removers, required quantity household chemicals are indicated on the manufacturer's packaging;
  • when washing white cotton towels, the water temperature should not exceed 90°C, for colored or made from synthetic fabrics - 40-60°C;
  • do not spin fabrics at high speeds;
  • white towels are washed separately from colored ones;
  • when using water with increased level apply rigidity special means to soften it;
  • regularly carry out preventive cleaning of the washing machine to prevent the accumulation of dirt and mold on the cuff, pipes, and drum, which can cause contamination of the laundry during washing.

Maintaining the functionality and cleanliness of the washing machine and following the instructions for using cleaning products will ensure long-term operation, preventing damage to the laundry.

Boiling to whiten kitchen utensils

If after soaking the towels in water with vegetable oil, stains still remain, you can try boiling them. It's a long time ago known method getting rid of old pollution and stains on white towels. It involves boiling water with laundry placed in it. Boiling time is from 15 to 30 minutes. Fabric products are placed in a basin or enamel bucket with water, to which can be added washing powder, laundry soap shavings, calcium-containing soda.

Selection of detergent for washing membrane clothes

Boiling is suitable specifically for old stains that cannot be cleaned during normal washing. Do not immediately boil a kitchen towel if a stain has just appeared on it. This way you can “brew” fresh contamination, and getting rid of the stain will be much more difficult. In the process of exposure high temperature Dirt molecules are destroyed causing the appearance stains and various unpleasant odors.

After boiling, the laundry goes into the washing machine. The result is white, clean towels free of dirt and unpleasant odors. Textiles made from cotton and linen are best suited for this method of cleaning and bleaching.

Caring for textile kitchen products can cause some inconvenience and hassle, but it is necessary to maintain not only beauty and comfort in the kitchen, but also to ensure hygiene and health safety

Removing stains of various origins

For some stains, it is advisable to use exactly those compositions and substances that most successfully cope with a specific type of contamination.

If the towel is stained with fruit, you can use hair shampoo. It is applied to the stain, and the textile product is washed in warm water.

Stains from coffee drinks and tea can be removed with a solution of water and ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. This mixture is carefully poured onto the stain, after which the item is sent for washing.

Stubborn dirt is removed using a combination of hydrogen peroxide, citric acid and ammonia. Rub the stained area with this mixture, leave it for an hour and then wash it off. If the stains are not washed off, then soak the towels overnight with the addition of vegetable oil.

Caring for textile kitchen products can cause some inconvenience and hassle, but it is necessary to maintain not only beauty and comfort in the kitchen, but also to ensure hygiene and health safety.

Towels are the constant helpers of any housewife in the kitchen. They are used to wipe dishes, furniture, and electrical appliances. It is not surprising that over time, towels lose their presentation, turn gray and become stained. How to restore their whiteness and freshness using available funds? In our article you will find the most effective methods whitening and stain removal.

Why are kitchen towels so difficult to wash?

White towels and napkins in the kitchen are the pride of any housewife. They look beautiful, elegant, give the interior freshness and special comfort. But it’s the fabrics white get dirty the fastest, regardless of the structure of the material and the type of contamination. On colored towels, dirt doesn't show up as quickly. What is the reason for such difficulties?

For kitchen towels, not only cleanliness is important, but also disinfection

Firstly, for cleaning the kitchen we prefer to choose towels made of soft fabrics: cotton, terry, waffle. Their structure is such that the product perfectly absorbs moisture with all the contaminants dissolved in it, and retains it even better.

The liquid evaporates, dries, and the dirt settles on the closely intertwined fibers, firmly becoming attached to them.

Secondly, the basis of contamination in the kitchen is often fat-containing substances. As you know, any fat - vegetable or animal - penetrates deeply into the fibers of the fabric, and it is very difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to remove it.

Note! The longer you use a towel without washing it, the more difficult it will be to remove dirt from it. Try to replace used towels with new ones as often as possible.

Products traditionally used for whitening What to do if your kitchen towels have turned gray and look almost like floor rags? Experienced housewives know several methods using plant and.


  • The first include:
  • mustard;
  • lemon juice (citric acid);

vegetable oil.

  • The most commonly recommended chemicals for whitening towels are:
  • laundry soap;
  • soda (baking or ash);
  • fabric bleach (for example, "Whiteness");
  • silicate glue;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • “Mole” pipe cleaner;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Small stains can be removed simply by using our usual soap, powder or soda. But radical whitening will require more time, as well as the use of more potent substances.

Photo gallery of funds

Laundry soap ensures cleanliness and disinfection Lemon juice whitens perfectly Baking soda perfectly removes stains Silicate glue in combination with other products cleans fabric Vegetable oil softens grease stains Hydrogen peroxide cleans, bleaches and disinfects Chemical bleaches ideally clean kitchen towels, removing any dirt Mustard in powder form cleans fabric by interacting with soap

Traditional methods

Naturally, you don’t want to use expensive powders and bleaches to wash kitchen towels. So we will try to give you simple recommendations, which were used by our grandmothers. You can easily find all the necessary substances at home and in the nearest hardware store or even grocery store.

Table “Folk methods and instructions for their use”

Product used


Safety Tips

500 g bleach, 500 g soda ash.

Dissolve the product in a bucket of warm water, leave for 2 days, strain. Soak the towels in the resulting liquid for 4–5 hours, wash and rinse thoroughly.

Since this product is very aggressive, use rubber gloves and be careful not to get the solution in your eyes.

Dry table mustard.

Stir a packet of mustard powder into a bucket of hot water and let it sit for a couple of hours. The resulting cloudy liquid has good bleaching and degreasing properties. Soak towels in it for 3 hours, then rinse thoroughly. Subsequent washing is not necessary.

Laundry soap and boric acid.

Thoroughly soap wet towels with laundry soap. Place them in a bucket of hot soapy water, add 3 tablespoons boric acid. The solution should completely cover the towels. Leave for 4 hours, then wash as usual.

Gentle and harmless way, protective measures not required.


Sprinkle a damp kitchen towel generously table salt Lightly rub it into the fabric and leave for 1 hour. Prepare a solution of 5 liters of warm water and 5 tablespoons of salt, soak a towel in it for another 1 hour. Wring out, rinse and wash in hot water.

A gentle and harmless method, no protective measures are required.

Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.; table salt – 2 tbsp. l.; bleach “Whiteness” - 2 tbsp. l.; soda ash– 1 tbsp. l.; washing powder – 1 cup.

IN enamel pan Pour 10 liters of water, boil and gradually add all the ingredients in order. Mix thoroughly. Immerse towels in the solution and boil for 40 minutes. Turn off the heat and wait until the contents of the pan have cooled completely. Remove towels and rinse thoroughly.

If it is not possible to boil, leave the towels in the hot solution for a day.

The level of aggressiveness of the substance is medium. It is advisable to use rubber gloves. Protect your eyes and mucous membranes from splashes.

Lemon juice or citric acid.

Take freshly squeezed juice of 1-2 lemons or dissolve a sachet of citric acid in 1 glass of water. Wet the surface of the towel thoroughly and rub particularly prominent stains thoroughly. Fold the towels into plastic bag for 3 hours, tie. After this, wash as usual.

Absolutely harmless method, no security measures required.

Silicate glue – 3 tbsp. l.; laundry soap 72% - half a bar.

Dissolve these products in a bucket of water and place kitchen towels in it. Boil for 30 minutes over low heat, turn off the stove, cover the bucket with a lid and leave until completely cool. Rinse thoroughly running water; washing is not necessary.

A gentle method, it is enough to use rubber gloves when rinsing.

5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

Heat water, dissolve salt and hydrogen peroxide in it. Soak kitchen towels in the solution for 5-6 hours. Then rinse and wash.

5 liters of boiling water, 10 drops of potassium permanganate solution, half a piece of laundry soap.

Grind the soap into shavings, soften in water, add potassium permanganate. Pour boiling water, stir and dip towels into the solution. Leave overnight, then rinse clean water. This method not only whitens, but also disinfects, so it is well suited for terry towels.

Safe method, no protective measures required.

Even the most modern kitchen It won’t be convenient if you remove all the potholders, napkins, aprons and towels from there. There will be nothing to wipe up splashes of fat or sauce, remove the pan from the heat. And just dry your hands after washing. Fortunately, no one is encroaching on our kitchen textiles. But the issues of washing and bleaching remain relevant. Many people use it for this household chemicals, but you can get by with other means. For example, our grandmothers knew how to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil. This method helps just as well today. You can also use soda, vinegar or other household ingredients. It makes sense to try it different variants to ensure their simplicity and convenience.

The advice does not actually concern how to bleach kitchen towels or how to wash them. But the housewife will have less worries in this regard if she observes only four simple rules. And things will not take on a faded and shabby appearance for a long time.

  • You need to have several towel sets (one for use and several spare, replaceable ones).
  • It is recommended to send the set for washing after 2, maximum 3 days of use (even while no dirt is visually visible). If such a frequency seems unnecessary, it is still advisable to change the set at least once a week.
  • Do not neglect ironing - ironing not only gives neatness to products, but also contributes to more long-term preservation cleanliness.
  • To wipe the dirty surface of a stove or table, it is better to use rags or napkins, which then do not have to be thoroughly washed.

Kitchen textiles must be clean and tidy

Terry fabrics are considered a poor choice for the kitchen. Harmful microflora develops in them faster due to the slow drying of absorbed moisture. Linen or waffle cotton products are more preferable. However, folk wisdom It will also help with home bleaching of terry items. If you use vegetable fats, the dirt will be washed off from the pile.

It is much more difficult to get rid of old stains than fresh ones. Therefore, it is recommended to wash kitchen textiles frequently. It is better to separate such items from other laundry, especially if there are greasy stains. Although, if the towels are practically clean, separation is not necessary (don’t forget about sorting by color).

When performing kitchen work, it is recommended to use disposable paper napkins. After wiping hands or dishes, they are simply thrown away. Paper cannot always fully replace linen or cotton fabric. But it’s convenient to at least wipe off the grease and major dirt with such a napkin. And blot moisture from clean, soap-washed palms with a woven product. Then the likelihood of untidy stains appearing will be significantly reduced.

Terry fabrics take a long time to dry and are less washable

How to bleach kitchen towels at home

This method of getting rid of stains may seem quite unusual. After all, when fats get on the fabric, it is most difficult for it to return cleanliness. Apparently, the action of the remedy is based on the principle of fighting like with like. The fatty component of the solution removes dirt from the threads. What's happening chemical reactions are not that important to us. The main thing is whether washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is effective, and reviews from many housewives confirm this. The method is praised because it helps not only to deal with stains, but to preserve bright colors for a long time. This is difficult to achieve simply by using commercial whitening products. Especially if you choose inexpensive chlorine-based ones.

  • First option

First you will need to make a mixture of the following components:

  1. hot water (after boiling) – 5 liters;
  2. vegetable oil (refined) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder – 0.5 cups;
  4. bleach, preferably dry – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Sunflower oil softens old fats ingrained into the fibers

You can choose any bleach, even the most inexpensive one. There are also no special requirements for washing powder. The water needs to be very hot, after boiling. Everything mixes well, and the towels are soaked in the resulting composition for a couple of hours. Then they are washed (possibly on a quick cycle) and rinsed.

The treatment even gets rid of stubborn old stains. This is a great method to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling. If some traces of dirt do not completely disappear the first time, they will definitely go away after 1-2 repeated washes in the same way.

Important: the laundry placed in the liquid must be initially dry m.

  • Second option

In this case, the components are slightly different. Cool boiling water is used. The calculation is made for a larger volume of liquid, which will cool longer and the soaking will last. Otherwise the procedures are similar. You will need:

  1. boiling water – 15 liters;
  2. vinegar essence - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder (any) – 2/3 of a faceted glass;
  4. bleach (preferably powder) – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  5. vegetable oil (refined) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

The basic set of ingredients is similar for most vegetable oil washing recipes

The components are mixed well in water until the powders are completely dissolved. Dry items are soaked in the resulting liquid overnight. Then they are lightly wrung out and washed by hand or in a machine.

An effective product rids tissues not only of traces of fat, but also of tea, coffee or wine. Some housewives prefer to replace vinegar essence in this recipe with baking soda. This composition is also effective, but the solution can foam a lot. You need to work with him more carefully.

This is important: it is better to dissolve the powder and bleach in a small volume of liquid before adding the fat additive.

  • Third option

In terms of ingredients, this recipe resembles the first two. But the calculation is made for a 12-liter bucket. Required:

  1. water – 10 liters;
  2. dry bleach – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder - half a glass;
  4. vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.

The bucket of water should come to a boil on the stove. The rest of the ingredients are poured in and the solution is mixed. Washed dry items are placed in the resulting liquid, after which the fire is turned off. It is advisable to cover the container tightly. Everything remains in this form while the soaked items cool down. Then you just need to rinse them.

Laundry soap

A long-standing and well-known method for bleaching kitchen towels at home. Great for colors and whites. All you need is warm water plastic bag and good laundry soap - dry, dark brown, with the inscription “72%”.

Further actions will not cause any difficulties. Things need to be wetted, soaped generously and thoroughly. Then put it in a plastic bag, remove the air from there and close it tightly. It is necessary that soaped laundry does not dry out. Leave it in this state for a day. Then all that remains is to take everything out of the bag and rinse.

After treatment, difficult stains, dirt and yellowness should come off. If towel products are boiled, many recipes also add shavings of laundry soap.

Potassium permangantsovka

This is what we usually call pharmaceutical potassium permanganate in everyday life. The substance has the appearance of small crystals of a deep violet-black color. When dissolved in water, it gives it a color from pinkish to dark crimson, depending on the concentration. It serves as a strong oxidizing agent, which is where its bleaching power comes from. Provides additional chemical disinfection.

Simple composition but powerful whitening effect

To process laundry you will need:

  1. a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate (not raspberry);
  2. 72% laundry soap – 100 g;
  3. boiling water – 10 liters.

Soap is made into shavings, which are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of boiling water. Separately in glass jar Potassium permanganate is diluted and poured into soapy water. The color of the solution should turn dirty brown. Pre-washed items are placed in the resulting liquid. The container with the contents is tightly closed and left for 6 or more hours. Then bleached towels need to be rinsed well.

As a variation of this recipe, it is suggested to use any washing powder (1 cup) instead of soap. Otherwise, everything is done the same way. Treatment with potassium permanganate has earned a lot good reviews. The method is also suitable for terry products.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Another effective recipe How to bleach towels at home. Perfect for more delicate items too. With such processing, the fabrics are almost not damaged and do not deteriorate for a long time. The following components are needed:

  1. hot water (about 70 °C) – 6 liters;
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. ammonia– 1 tbsp. spoon.

Products to be bleached must be pre-washed. Chemical components are added to highly heated water. Linen is placed in the resulting solution. After 20 minutes, take everything out and rinse several times.

How to soak towels with different additives

Sodium chloride copes well with yellowness and dirt

These are proven tips on how to whiten towels at home during the soaking stage.

Water is drawn into the basin, preferably cool. Add regular salt (1 tablespoon per liter of liquid). Things are left in the solution from 1 to 7-8 hours, depending on how dirty they are. Then all that remains is to wash them.

  • Mustard powder

The solution will require approximately 15 g of mustard for each liter of water. The powder is thoroughly mixed in boiling water so that there are no lumps and a rich color is obtained. Then you should wait until the suspended particles settle into sediment. The resulting almost transparent liquid is drained. Things that need to be cleaned and bleached are immediately soaked in it. Exposure time is about 3 hours.

  • Dish detergent

Baking soda not only alkalizes water, but also gently cleanses fibers

Any dishwashing detergent is diluted in water (about 20 g per 10 liters). Notable greasy spots better to grate concentrated product. The textiles are soaked for about ten minutes (you can leave them longer). This is followed by normal washing.

  • Soda and ammonia

The treatment is suitable for white fabrics. Prepare a solution for soaking from 5 liters warm water, 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 ammonia. The exposure time is at least 3-4 hours. Then the laundry will need to be rinsed and washed in the usual way.

Video: whitening with vegetable oil

For now, we don’t have the opportunity to do without fiddling with dirty textiles in the kitchen. It makes no sense to take such small items to the dry cleaner. Professional laundry services are rarely used for everyday items. But there is traditional methods how to bleach towels, kitchen tablecloths and napkins. This work can be done quickly and efficiently. Application natural remedies will be beneficial for the health of all family members. This approach will help you save a little on your home budget. Perfect cleanliness in the kitchen will be provided, and will require a minimum of time and effort.

Every woman who considers herself a talented housewife has repeatedly wondered: how to bleach kitchen towels? Being always at hand, they take the brunt of the blow. There are all sorts of stains on them: greasy, oily, from tomatoes, chocolate, beets, ketchup, burnt dishes... Due to frequent washing, even with a successful stain removal operation, the fabric loses its whiteness and looks sloppy. And most importantly: towels are always in sight, showing all guests the “professionalism” of the hostess. Therefore, the question of whiteness is more relevant than ever.

Today, housewives have a wide variety of whitening products at their disposal. industrial production, and older relatives are ready to tell in vivid colors how they bleached kitchen textiles by boiling. Some even still have wooden tongs for stirring laundry! But boiling for modern woman in most cases it is unacceptable, and there are allergies to household chemicals. And even when the housewife regularly uses industrial bleach, there are situations when it simply isn’t available at the right time. In this case, you can make do with improvised means that help bleach the fabric without resorting to boiling.

How to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil and other “kitchen” products?

The whitening procedure can be carried out by soaking in solutions prepared using products that are found in every home:

  • vegetable oil;
  • mustard powder;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vinegar.

The vegetable oil whitening recipe includes the following steps.

  1. Fill a large basin or bucket with 10 liters of hot water.
  2. Dissolve 2 tbsp in water. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. baking soda, a partial glass (meaning a 250 ml glass) of washing powder.
  3. Soak towels in the solution overnight.
  4. In the morning, wash them as usual, either by hand or in the washing machine.

Can bleach towels at home mustard powder.

  1. Fill a basin with as much hot water as needed to completely cover the laundry.
  2. Dissolve mustard powder in water. For every liter of water, add 2 tbsp. l. mustard.
  3. Stir the solution several times to disperse the mustard better.
  4. Soak items in the solution for 3-4 hours.
  5. After the required time has passed, wash the laundry as usual.

Ordinary table salt will help in the fight for crystal whiteness.

  1. Dissolve salt in water - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 l.
  2. Soak items in brine overnight.
  3. In the morning, wash as usual.

Baking soda is an all-purpose home care cleaner. It is also successfully used to bleach fabrics.

  1. Dissolve baking soda in water - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 l. water. You can also take 1 tbsp soda. l. for each towel.
  2. Soak the laundry in the solution for 4-4.5 hours.
  3. As time passes, wash items in the most convenient way.

You can wash old kitchen towels without boiling by soaking them in vinegar.

  1. Wash your clothes as you normally would - by hand or using a washing machine.
  2. Soak towels in vinegar. For this purpose would be better suited colorless transparent table vinegar.
  3. Leave them to soak for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Wash the towels again, you can washing machine in fast mode. Set it to double rinse.

  1. Choose towels that are easy to bleach, such as waffle, cotton or linen.
  2. Change them frequently to prevent dirt stains from becoming old.
  3. Use towels only for drying hands and dishes. For everything else, there are potholders, mittens, paper rolls and similar kitchen tools. Then you won’t have to wash anything, and the fabric will not lose its snow-white appearance.
  4. After bleaching and washing, iron the towel. It will retain its dirt-repellent properties and beautiful appearance longer.
  5. White towels, although considered more easily soiled than colored ones, can be bleached big amount ways than to return whiteness to the background on which a colored pattern is depicted.

Whitening with medicines from the medicine cabinet

To bleach kitchen towels at home, you can look in your medicine cabinet. Some drugs will come in handy:

  • hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • ammonia;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Hydrogen peroxide 3% can be used for whitening both independently and simultaneously with ammonia to enhance the effect.

  1. Wash kitchen towels.
  2. Heat water and add 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  3. Soak the laundry for a short time - 15-25 minutes will be enough.
  4. Wash your laundry on a quick cycle.

To get a whitening effect when hand wash, add ammonia to the water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 3 l. water.

Potassium permanganate, better known as potassium permanganate, although it has bright color, is able to whiten kitchen towels without boiling.

  1. Heat 10 liters of water.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of water into glassware and dissolve 6-7 crystals of potassium permanganate in it. Stir until you get rid of the sediment.
  3. Pour the dissolved potassium permanganate into a bowl of water.
  4. Grind 1/4 piece of 72% laundry soap. This can be done using a grater or knife. Dilute the soap in water to which potassium permanganate has been added.
  5. Soak the laundry in the solution overnight.
  6. In the morning, wash towels with double rinse.

Bleaching with means from the soap arsenal

To whiten towels at home, you can use the following detergents:

  • dishwashing detergent;
  • laundry soap 72%.

Grease stains are one of the main problems with kitchen textiles. You can wash them using dishwashing detergent, which was inherently created to combat grease. Just choose a transparent product so that there is no coloring effect.

  1. Dissolve dishwashing gel in warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 3 liters of water.
  2. Soak towels in the solution for half an hour.
  3. After time has passed, wash them as usual. If you wash in a machine, set it to double rinse. If by hand, rinse the towels more thoroughly than usual.

Laundry soap, the constant companion of all Soviet housewives, still serves faithfully in the fight against pollution. The method of whitening with its help is simple, but it will take time.

  1. Lather the towels thickly with laundry soap.
  2. Place them in a tight plastic bag overnight or even for 18 hours (day and night).
  3. After time has passed, remove the laundry from the bag and wash it with double rinse.

Products for bleaching kitchen towels are affordable and practical. Try what you like best, and perhaps you will forget about expensive industrial bleaches.

Even a child knows that cleanliness in the house is not only the sterility of the premises and kitchen utensils, but also towels. Many housewives throw away old towels as soon as they become greasy and dirty. Of course, you can buy new towels and not think about anything, but these are additional financial expenses. That is why it is useful for housewives to learn how to wash kitchen towels at home.

Young women don't know when to wash their kitchen towels or how often they should do it. You need to remember that the frequency of washing may depend on several factors. These include:

  • Number of people in the house;
  • Purpose of the towel;
  • Air humidity level.

It is difficult to wash very dirty towels, so you should not bring them to a critical state. If it starts to look untidy and becomes tough and greasy, it’s time to put it in the wash.

Sometimes, looking at a towel, housewives decide that it may still be

Kitchen towels should not be left in this state.

used within a few days. This is the wrong decision, as it is going to be in the kitchen a large number of bacteria that get from the item onto the dishes and then into the human body. It follows that Towels must be bleached frequently. If you remember this rule, stains will not have time to appear on things.

Washing colored kitchen towels

Every housewife should know how to wash kitchen towels so that they are not only clean, but also do not lose their attractiveness.

If you use the wrong product, you can discolor the fabric, thereby making the towel unattractive.

It’s not difficult to stain something, but getting rid of the stain is not always easy. Before washing, it is necessary to consider the material from which the towel is made.. Of course, most of the methods are applicable to many materials, but it is better to carefully study each method.


Colored terry towels are best washed at 50 degrees. If washing is carried out in a washing machine, then you should select the standard mode.

Please note that before washing, items must be soaked in vinegar solution. Add 20 ml to 0.9 liters of warm water. vinegar. If the towel is not very dirty, you can use a stain remover soap solution.

Before washing, towels should be soaked in vinegar solution.


Most housewives prefer to use waffle towels. They, like terry towels, get dirty quickly and need to be washed constantly. It should be noted that colored towels should be washed separately from other items. In addition, do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to use bleach, otherwise the fabric will quickly discolor and become flabby.

You can use dishwashing detergent, since it will be impossible to wash towels soaked in grease with plain soda. It is best to soak the fabric before washing.

Whitening kitchen towels

Most often, housewives use white towels. Unfortunately, fat and other substances are quickly absorbed into the material, and the item becomes unusable. That is why you need to figure out how to bleach kitchen towels at home. Actually exists great amount ways to bleach fabric. Each housewife must decide for herself how to whiten things.

Vegetable oil

The described method will make your towels snow-white

Few people know, but it is possible to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil even if they are heavily soiled. Of course, this method may seem strange, but this does not mean that it is not effective.

To start bleaching things with sunflower oil, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate solution. To prepare it you will need:

  • Refined vegetable oil in the amount of 2 tablespoons;
  • Any washing powder in the amount of 100 grams;
  • Dry bleach in the amount of 2 spoons;
  • Water at least 5 liters. The water must first be boiled.

It should be noted that the water should be at least 80 degrees, then the whitening effect will be better. All components are thoroughly mixed, and then a towel is added. It is important that the towel is in the solution for at least 3 hours. After the specified time has passed, you can wash the item in a washing machine on a standard cycle.

If the stains have not disappeared, wash the kitchen towels with vegetable oil again. After 3 repetitions, even heavy pollution will be deleted.

Potassium permanganate can also whiten towels well.

Potassium permangantsovka

Towels in the kitchen should always be clean. That is why they need to be not easily washed, but also bleached. It is recommended to pay attention to traditional methods, since you can bleach towels at home using improvised means.

A solution of laundry soap, water and potassium permanganate copes well with the task. Before removing stains, the solution must be properly diluted. For 9 liters of water take 90 grams. soap and a pinch of potassium permanganate. The darker the liquid, the stronger the solution. This information should be taken into account when washing heavily soiled items.

First, the towels must be soaked in the resulting solution for 6 hours. After the specified time has passed, the items are thoroughly rinsed.

It is important to remember that these methods cannot be used to remove stains from colored items.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Traditional methods involve the use of scrap materials, which is why you need to know how to bleach terry towels different ways. TO effective means You can include a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. It is important that all proportions are respected. For 6 liters of water you need to take 2 tablespoons of peroxide and 1 spoon of ammonia.

Soak towels in water with dish soap added

Simply dip the towel in the solution for 20 minutes and then rinse. Then the item will need to be dried. If the method does not help, you need to try again.


Another effective way of whitening is washing with mustard. First you need to prepare a solution. To do this, mix 1 liter of boiled water with 15 grams of mustard powder.

When the product is ready, the towel is immersed in the solution for 3 hours. After this, the item must be rinsed several times.

Dishwashing liquid

Since it can sometimes be difficult to remove grease from kitchen towels, it is recommended to use dishwashing detergent. It is enough to dilute the product in hot water and then soak the towels in it. After 30 minutes the towel will be clean and bleached.

It's best to choose detergent, which contains bleach and deals with grease. In most cases, the method allows you to cope with even severe dirt.

Whitening kitchen towels without boiling

Some fabrics cannot withstand such a radical bleaching method as boiling. Therefore, they cannot be boiled, which means you need to think about how to wash dirty kitchen towels so as not to damage the material.

A good way without digestion is to use calcined soda solution . Take 200 grams of soda for 2 liters of water. The towel should be soaked in this solution for at least 20 hours. After a day, the towel will need to be rinsed and dried.

Colored towels should not be boiled

Washing colored towels without boiling

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to get rid of contaminants quickly, but use boiled water it is forbidden. In this case, people do not know how to wash kitchen towels. It's actually simple. Need to do strong saline solution.

When the solution is ready, you will need to dip the towels into it. After about 6 hours, you can rinse them. If the method does not completely remove dirt from the item, you should repeat the procedure.

How to remove odor from towels

Terry towels can sometimes smell bad. To get rid of the problem, you need to soak the item in water diluted vinegar. Pour a glass of vinegar into 9 liters of water. After 30 minutes, the towel can be rinsed and dried.

One more in an effective way is the use microwaves. This method is more suitable for waffle towels. Before washing an item, it must be placed in household appliances, and the smell will disappear from the kitchen towels. After this, it is better to wash the towel.

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