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Lifter anti-gravity device

Reviews for Lifter anti-gravity device

It looks beautiful and just classy, ​​but it’s not clear about the asymmetrical capacitor

this is when the covers have different area and configuration.

Gentlemen, I will explain this effect to you: these strings are CRAVING))))))

Here's the thing: And most importantly, scientists cannot explain. What do they care about ZeroScam with an asymmetrical capacitor? Yes, videos on YouTube are the future. Although, it would be better if the author collected garbage on the street. It’s still spring and there are more benefits than setting up a puppet theater in 320*240 resolution in Kulibin)))

All experiments demonstrating this effect are as similar as twins. Why not, for a change, equip the frame with a portable high-voltage source, thereby freeing it from power wires.

Yes, because the thrust of this thing is negligible, it works on the principles of ionic wind. 1-2 gr. for her, decisive weight. You cannot build a sufficiently powerful high voltage source with such a weight.

This is not antigravity, but an electrostatic effect, breaking electrical circuit earth-apparatus, the apparatus will crash to the ground. Now, if we conduct the following experiment, disperse the electric charge along the height of the device’s body, in such a way that the electric potential in the upper part of the device differs from the potential in its lower part with a smooth step of voltage change, then in this way it would be possible to compensate for the electrostatic field of attraction of the earth, this would look like electrical invisibility, but in this experiment it is necessary to protect the step of voltage change and solve the problem of its regulation with changes in flight altitude

Sources: podelki-na-video.ru, clipsonline.org.ua, nasha-vselennaia.ru, www.culibin.net

Evgeniy Kovalev
head of the Riga Antigravity group

The Chinese have been launching fireworks rockets into the sky for 3000 years, and only Tsiolkovsky realized that their flight could be used as a means of transport.

You all threw stones up and they flew, and you saw it, but you didn’t see that the flight of stones and arrows, and other thrown objects, can also be used as a vehicle! Or isn’t the flight of a stone flight?.. I am the first to realize this.

I tell everyone - pick up a stone and throw it up! Now do the same, but without the hand. And I suggest even more - analyze from the standpoint of physics what you did with your hand, and create an engineering solution for your action, implementing it in a closed apparatus, using an internal mechanism that violates Newton’s 3rd law.

Doesn't a stone thrown upward by hand overpower the force of gravity with its counterforce or antiforce? And isn’t a stone thrown upward an anti-stone? And if instead of a hand the same action is performed by an internal mechanism, then such a stone will already be an anti-gravity plane!.. What did I say unusual?.. I’m just opening my eyes to things known to everyone.

It also doesn’t matter what kind of mechanism it will be that replaces the hand, whether it will be mechanical, pneumatic, electric, explosive, combined or something else, the main thing is that it produces a purposeful action and moves the mass of the anti-gravity plane - the stone - in the right direction.

And the fact that Newton’s 3rd law can easily be violated is evidenced by the facts that Academician Akimov told me about - 120 patents have been issued in the world for the creation of inertoids, and from me - which create uncompensated forces in the horizontal direction. But stop! .. Why can’t you create uncompensated forces in the vertical direction? changes the direction of its movement, then don’t the walls serve as a fulcrum for it? After all, what is a fulcrum? This is power......, it is always a Greater Power!... And the whole state of things in the World suggests that everything is subordinate to a Greater Power, both in physics and in life. Also, the direction of movement always occurs in the direction of the Greater Force, according to the resulting forces.

If a stone is gravitationally attracted and moves downward, then we simply say that the stone falls. And if the stone performs an action against the force of gravity, then it will perform an anti-gravity action, or, otherwise, an anti-gravity fall. The same applies to anti-gravity planes, which can fall in all directions of the volume of space, depending only on where the force for movement is applied. And the force of gravity serves as an additional force, comparable to the force of resistance, which must be overcome by a targeted greater force produced inside the apparatus. In the absence of gravel field, the acceleration of the device can be even greater. I think that in everyday life, when talking about a new unconventional power method of flight, it is correct to say this - anti-gravity planes fly due to anti-gravity fall, understanding that in outer space, where the effect of gravity on the device is minimal, they simply fall (like comets!).

For a better understanding of the operation of the anti-gravity aircraft “engine”, imagine this picture - you are in a closed box (in an elevator) standing on a scale. Your task is to do everything possible to make the box fly up! What would you do? Naturally, you would jump up and hit the top of the box with your hand... But we are observers from the outside, we don’t know what happened in the box, we just see that the box flew up, and the scales show no weight. We can only guess what happened in the box, and in order to better understand, we ask you to repeat the experiment with the box bouncing repeatedly...

Observing from the outside, we can judge the work of the “engine” inside, and we fix that inside the box some kind of “engine” creates uncompensated forces in the vertical direction, and that the box briefly violates Newton’s 3rd law, and we also see that the box for further movement, all that is missing is a support point... (similar mechanical devices “jumpers” have long been known!).

If we consider all the work carried out in the World on the creation of inertoids that create uncompensated forces in a closed system for their movement, both in the horizontal and vertical directions, then according to the method of creating uncompensated forces, they can generally be divided into two groups - the first includes flywheels and other “imbalances”, in which, at best, 0.5% of the expended energy goes to the movement of the device, the other, the remaining part of the energy, is spent on empty rotation. Such inertoids have no future at all!.. (so whoever deals with them is wasting his time). The second group includes vertical inertoids designed by biophysicist Leonid Baburin, my colleague, and Muscovite Yuri Koinash. They are based on mixers and pumps, and in this regard they better than the first, since in these devices the useful energy expended on movement can already reach a percentage! And with proper fine-tuning, such devices can easily take off from the table, and even move in space. What is also valuable about these devices is that they have some sort of engine! But in my understanding today, these devices are good as school demonstration devices for changing weight in a closed system, and nothing more; they are not suitable for flights in space, since they also waste the lion’s share of the “expensive” energy.

Real anti-gravity engines, of various directions, were developed by me; they spend almost all useful energy on movement. And the word inertoid does not fit in with my devices, since there is no uncompensated force in them. They have only one force - the force of forward movement!.. If I call my anti-gravity planes vertical inertoids, then I call them that so that they at least somehow understand me. After all, this is a new thing and no one in the world is doing this. Also, no one helps me, as if people fundamentally do not want to fly into large space beyond the solar system?.. And no one will fly without me... they won’t let me, take my word for it. It’s not easy, they created it and flew to visit their “friends” aliens!... Who are constantly flying here and watching us... The technical part in this matter is not the most important thing. ... I believe that this Discovery will change people’s understanding of the structure of the World... .

In my papers, all the devices, of various directions - all flying. And those initiated into this matter do not deny the fact of flight - it is so simple (but it is simple when you know it!). Which models don’t fly, I know about this myself, but they make it more clear why they don’t fly? In principle, any body shape can fly from any direction, even the plane is backwards or sideways, but in this case its wings will be redundant. You can throw binoculars, a phone, a bottle with your hand, or, when angry, into the water? And they will fly, or more correctly, they will fall (any movement is a fall!..., it’s just a matter of names - people have given their names to different types of movements).

From the standpoint of physics, I have studied the entire closed system!... (it’s one!). Schemes of movements have been developed, systematized into tables, like multiplication tables. If any designed device does not fit into these movement patterns, then it simply will not fly! Everything obeys certain laws. Also in aviation (I can’t say more about the power anti-gravity engine, the rest is just showing and explaining the models).

When there is such an opinion in society that aliens in their UFO spacecraft use some kind of anti-gravity fields, still unknown to Science, to move in space, thereby endowing them with superpowers, and even many physicists strive to find such fields by deweighting frogs in static fields and sandwiches, above the fulcrum, then this formulation of the question is not for me. Any field must create a directional force (thrust) in order to move the mass so that there is flight. In this case, energy must be expended to move the mass of the apparatus (remember from the physics course - in order to move a load weighing 1 kg to a height of 1 meter, you need to spend so much energy...). What kind of engine will move the mass of the apparatus is not so important, here the matter is only in the efficiency... And an ordinary spring sometimes performs the same role no worse than any field, since it can have a higher efficiency. D. (or work done!) It’s all about the feasibility of using engines.

The static method of flight by John Searle and Alexander is based on the fact that the static field created by the device neutralizes the effect of gravity and deweights the device, which is generally not bad, considering that the aliens have extremely multi-ton devices. But do not forget that if you need to deweight a mass, then you need to expend energy, which is what devices based on their principles of motion do, taking it from the environment in incredible quantities, and from which they... push off like a rocket. That is, in essence, their devices, driving the “expensive” received energy through themselves, waste it ineptly, throwing it away from themselves “down the drain.” And in this regard, they must have low efficiency - to move 1 kg of mass they spend a lot of energy. And if this type of flight does not have problems in the earth’s atmosphere, then they can arise in the intergalactic vacuum when there is a lack of energy, when you need to make an instant start from a place in case of danger or attack... Moreover, in order to induce field strength, their devices initially must expend energy. And the induced field, as is known, decreases with the square of the distance... It may happen in the intergalactic vacuum that they can spend more energy on inducing the field than they can receive in return from the outside, that is, this is essentially a stop and no flight! (if we are to direct the field in a vacuum, maybe it would be better with some kind of narrow beam? But I’m not an expert in this, I’m just expressing my opinion). Where there is practically emptiness, nothing, then from nothing you can only get nothing. But you still have to be optimistic, I think that in intergalactic space, acceleration from a place in a static way can be compared with the pressure of sunlight on the surface... That is, static vehicles will accelerate, but very slowly. It is in this that I see a significant difference between my power method of flight and the static one. And also in the maneuverability of my devices. In the future, they are capable of recording the same “miracles” that alien anti-gravity planes will perform in the sky, that is, flights at different angles on high speed, and everything else that “brothers in mind” do. For my method of flight, the more rarefied the environment, the better and more ideal it is for flight. In addition, K.P.D. they are higher, and they spend less energy to move 1 kg of mass. And this means that if in space there is a “competition” for speed, starting from a standstill, between the static method of flight and the power one, then the power method will easily overtake the static one, and I think so in the earth’s atmosphere, since the power method of flight can theoretically accelerate at the speed of a bullet, while the static method of flight needs to gain “speed” for this, and in this regard it is more inert. It follows from this that in small maneuverable and high-speed UFOs, my flight method dominates... But with all this, I think that in the future there will be a reasonable combination of both flight methods in one device. Much will depend on the purpose of the anti-gravity aircraft and on its flight mode, for example - it is profitable to deweight a heavy mass in a static way, while spending huge amount energy, but will be accelerated by force... (this is one of the reasons why “cigar” type devices do not strive to fly in the earth’s atmosphere). For my power method of flight, a small UFO, from statics it is enough to have only a static field that would reduce the drag of the environment... Even from this disassembly it is clear that in the future there will be many different engines for anti-gravity aircraft operating on different principles, not talking about their forms.

But there are still a lot of unresolved problems, researchers are just beginning to master new unconventional types of flight, but which will certainly lead people to the stars...

The difficulty in my business now lies in something else - how to create anti-gravity engine so that it weighs little, is economical, powerful, etc. These are the purely design questions that concern me now. Therefore, taking this opportunity, I invite designers and sponsors to this new business - to the creation of anti-gravity aircraft, both power and static - but you understand, such a free distribution of the “pie” will not always continue... (I have now given the task to Alexander so that he created a static cart, my proven invention of yesteryear - I only realized it the other day true meaning, with her clear example she proves my method of flight and his, it so happened that our two methods of flight “intersect” with each other, everything is interconnected)... I do all this so that people can fly to the stars faster, only this is by me moves, and given the importance of this Discovery for Humanity, I cannot count on human factor- who believes me or doesn’t believe me, as well as one designer who can abandon this matter for some personal reason, because with all the simplicity of the design of the power anti-gravity aircraft engine, not everything is so simple, the main thing here is physics, and the designer’s ability to create different engines , tying them to this new anti-gravity physics. Naturally, when the designers prove to me that they are such, then after signing the papers, they will be privy to this matter, and all doubts about my method of flight will disappear for them - I guarantee this, the main thing is that they “get into” this matter. And then I will help them in every possible way.

In general, designers of power anti-gravity aircraft will face the same problems as designers of automotive equipment, because my anti-gravity aircraft is essentially a family flying car! But I want to immediately cool the ardor - the first anti-gravity aircraft will be as imperfect as the first car, and it’s up to the designers themselves to bring it to perfection, which I think will not take much time, given the technical level of development of our civilization. Also, designers of anti-gravity aircraft can expect unlimited creative possibilities, both in the design of various models of devices, and in the design of the engines themselves.

In addition, if we develop the “family” direction of powered anti-gravity aircraft and flying cars, then over time they will become the safest form of transport. You can imagine the following picture - you flew with your family to the area of ​​the southern islands for the weekend, to enjoy the underwater World around these islands, and all this without leaving your closed apparatus (you are already tired of sunbathing!), and returning back, for some reason, Your engine has failed in the air! ... It’s okay, you just need to throw out the parachute and splash down on the water, where you will swing in the waves like an ordinary pontoon until your friend, from whom you asked for help via mobile phone, arrives, so that he will fly, pick you up with his hook, and tow you to the anti-service . And if you continue to develop this idea, then the same story may happen to you on Mars, or on a planet near another star... (but then the transfer of information will not occur in an electromagnetic way).

It’s interesting that Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky considered my type of flight! It’s just that in his time, Humanity had not yet matured to fly in the Big Space at high speeds. He wrote - if people fly in a projectile fired from a cannon (acceleration 1500 m/sec), then they will simply be crushed by the g-force, so I propose a quiet, calm flight of the rocket... And these words of his sounded like a “taboo” for a century everyone! But stop!... The flight of a projectile is not flight? Who is stopping you from flying quietly this way at first?...

The rocket is considered the most uneconomical form of transport, it is 90% filled with fuel, and is repelled by own gases, which serve as her fulcrum. Try to blow at your feet, and take off, pushing off from your “own gases,” and just jump and take off, pushing off from the floor. What is better to have as a fulcrum - air or a solid body? There is no need to talk about which type of flight will be more economical!.. For example, the American rocket of past years, “Saturn - 5” is 100 meters high, and weighs 2700 tons, the propulsion system develops a power of 20,000,000 horsepower. And this is just to launch a small capsule with astronauts into orbit! Imagine - your house flew into space, pushing off only from its own gases! Truly people love gigantism! With such a reserve of energy as a rocket, anti-gravity aircraft weighing several tons or tens of tons would fly to another galaxy, if not further... But the rocket also requires a launch pad, a guiding mast, 120 meters high and weighing 6000 tons, a lot of people, a flight control center... The equipment of the cosmodromes themselves costs tens of times more than the rockets themselves! All this reminds us of some kind of cult from history - a rocket flies into space!... Although you can get into a “flying car” - an anti-gravity plane, and without any calculations of flight trajectories, without headaches, just fly into space, in flight speed, overtaking “easily” the fastest rocket, just like the aliens’ anti-gravity planes do. (and I also know how to do this, but in ordinary life I have to deal with nonsense... which says a lot...)

It amazes me that Humanity thought of repelling from gases, but from something as simple as repulsion from solid, still haven’t thought of it! Well, at least from water, but no, from gases, from air! It’s good that it’s not from a vacuum, although such ideas are already being proposed. Say this to an alien, and he will immediately, without understanding, think that earthlings must be a “cool” technocratic civilization if their devices can push off in space even from gases!..

I have made two more major Discoveries that can be applied in practice. The first is the elimination of the g-force, regardless of the movement of the vehicle, - the creation of an artificial gravity force inside any spacecraft,
- braking of a closed apparatus, contrary to the inertia of mass movement, (with an explanation and disclosure of what overload is?). The second is the creation of the most powerful “perpetual motion machine”, which can never be surpassed in power, because of its design essence, even in the future! He will always be in order more powerful than that, what will be created in the field of creating “perpetual” engines! ... Is it possible to do more work with less work?.. Say it’s impossible!.. And I will prove that it is possible... You have all used this, but you don’t see... (to prove it you need to design and make it..., and it can be adapted to any technology, and if you use it in Antigravity, it means flying forever between the stars, although nothing from technology is eternal, everything breaks, is erased).

The invention of such a “perpetual motion machine” became possible because I have a different understanding of the origin of electricity. The existing one, Maxwell's, does not suit me at all. Let's take for example a school device, a simple electric generator with a coil rotating in a magnetic field. If we put on a rubber glove - an insulator (prime mover), and begin to rotate the "coil", then over time we will give out so much electricity (for heating, lighting) that the amount of energy supplied will be many times greater than the amount of energy stored in a given mass as a whole (in the entire generator). The question is - where do you get energy from?.. If someone proves to me that electrons run in a circle, then I will say to this - you are violating the law of conservation of energy and mind! From nothing you can only get nothing... The answer is clear - you take extra energy from the environment!.. But there is no such simple definition in any physics textbook!... This is called “hitting the bull’s eye without aiming!”

I also like the phrase “mechanical energy” when converting one type of energy into another. Whoever receives “mechanical energy” is probably a wizard or magician! I personally can only get electrical energy. But jokes aside, in physics they often do not see the difference between force and energy, merging these different quantities together, and this causes many problems, and this is one of the reasons why there is a dead end in physics.

In this article I would like to touch upon the significance of creating artificial gravity inside a spacecraft for Humanity. Since I had to deal with the fact that they do not understand the significance of this, and they do not believe that this is possible! In addition, all inventors are now keen on creating “perpetual motion machines”, although energy is in various forms Mankind already had it, and the “perpetual motion machine” is just a device that complements the existing ones. And is it really impossible to live without energy? After all, they lived!... But you can’t live without gravity!... Therefore, in terms of importance, I put this invention in second place after flight...

People on earth, and astronauts who flew into space for the first time, perceive weightlessness as fun - you can fly freely, water and objects fly. But ask cosmonaut Dzhanibekov, who flew in space for 1.5 years, weightlessness “sicked” him. Weightlessness is a hostile environment for humans, comparable to being in the air containing some harmful gas. It destroys the body; weightlessness is an unnatural human habitat. It’s okay for you not to eat, not to sleep, not to go to the toilet, not to take a shower, a bath, what will the quality of life be like? (in films about the future of Humanity, everyone walks around in spacecraft just like at home, and feels at home, flying).

Imagine that after several years of flight, a person flies to some planet in another galaxy. How can he explore it? He will be a corpse!... There are many inconveniences associated with weightlessness - many instruments only work in the field of gravity (scales), and labor productivity is low, but what about copulation?... For for many years flight, life in a spacecraft without gravity can turn into hard labor.

One reader who understands physics hinted to me (I didn’t even think about it, since I love rockets so much) - if even now we eliminate the g-force in rockets that launch astronauts into space, this will allow us to reduce the number of rocket stages from three to one , as in military missiles. They are specially made so that astronauts can withstand overloads. And this is saving iron and fuel - billions of dollars today...

For many, eliminating overload is like stopping gravity! Although this is not at all true, you just need to figure out the forces, but with existing physics this is an impossible task. The difficulty here lies in how to eliminate overload when various types movement of the device, maneuver? I developed this as a multiplication table, and the most difficult thing in this matter, the highest level of this matter, is to eliminate the overload, and create an artificial overload, in the volume of a ball, a round ball. I understand how to do this, but it has not been fully developed - there is no time.

All these Discoveries became possible because I look at the World with a different look, and I, like Tsiolkovsky, have developed my own language of physics and my own understanding of the structure of the World. I study the real properties of masses from the position of force, and the action produced by force. For me, all these Newtons, Ohms, Amps, Volts sound like Ivanov, Sidorov, Petorov! (imagine - 1 Ivanov multiplied by 1 Petrov, we get Sidorov!). What are you studying, the names of the heroes of physics, or the properties of forces?

And in conclusion - one reader asked me in his letter - what major invention has benefited Humanity? I answered him - everything!.. Telephone, TV, car - if it weren’t for them, we would have lived in the “Stone Age”, and we would not have known about many things. The point is not in the inventions themselves, but for what purpose they are used! And often evil comes not from the inventors and scientists themselves, but from those who use their Discoveries and inventions.

Tsiolkovsky struggled for 35 years to implement his invention, and only Tsander and Korolev turned his idea into reality - they created a rocket. I hope in our information age this will not happen with my invention - the anti-gravity plane.

It depends on you when you fly to the stars!



At the beginning of the formation of our magazine, in 1996, a section was conceived in which we could talk not only about modern electronics, but also on topics that are interesting to people with a broad technical education - the kind that can only be obtained in Russia. These are topics about little-studied phenomena, unusual theories and practices, and non-traditional knowledge systems. Mystery fuels interest in life and gives a chance to gain new knowledge. Such topics take you beyond the routine and allow you to somewhat shift your point of view on familiar things. And the new point of view is, as the history of discoveries says, a necessary condition to find new ideas. In our opinion, a good technical magazine should have a small section that is of interest not only to electronics specialists, but also to their relatives and friends. After the first year of active publications, there was a long period of calm, when Chip Club was published only a few times. The regular release of club issues was hampered by the absence of the initiator of these publications. Now this obstacle has been removed, and from this issue we intend to begin regularly publishing Chip Club issues again. We decided to devote the topic of this issue to antigravity. IN recent years Sensational reports appeared about successful experiments in this area, which, however, were received by the scientific world with great skepticism. Nevertheless, public attention was attracted to the topic, websites on antigravity appeared on the Internet, and some large organizations (NASA, ESA, BOING) began funded work to find methods for controlling gravity.

People have always dreamed of flying. Light and free, like birds or like super-illusionist David Copperfield. About a smooth rise up without a noisy propeller or a huge ball. How many technical applications could be found for this - transport without roads, houses in the air, flights into space. So many fairy tales, legends, novels and even witness reports have been created on this topic that a large library could be compiled from them. But, alas, nature did not provide us with wings and limited the possibility of free movement only to the surface. However, people received intelligence, with the help of which they, firstly, came up with the word “gravity” to denote the force that presses us to the planet, and, secondly, they discovered the laws that govern our movement in the field of gravity.

The use of the concept of gravity made it possible to feed more than one generation of philosophers, and knowledge of the laws of gravity made it possible to develop devices for movement in space - airplanes, balls and rockets. Our aircraft turned out to be, however, very imperfect and cumbersome, and movement with their help can only be called flight in the imagination. Remember the last time you flew on an airplane - half asleep in an easy chair, a glass, a snack - and no romance of flight... On the other hand, why should our aircraft be perfect - after all, very little is known about gravity. Essentially, all that physics knows about it is Newton’s law, which allows one to calculate the magnitude of the force of attraction between bodies with masses M and m and located at a distance R:

where G is the gravitational constant.

That's it, there is nothing more to say about the nature of force, no internal properties, no dynamics. No gears of the attraction mechanism, no ways to control gravity. And I would like to get antigravity - some kind of field or influence that compensates for gravitational attraction or at least reduces it. It would also be desirable to implement the anti-gravitator in the form of a portable device.

Of course, scientists have been and are looking for ways to uncover the secrets of gravity.

In the 19th century, theories of gravity were created based on the idea of ​​ether - a universal medium that fills all space. Ether particles hit evenly from all sides, but on the side of the Earth, some of them are delayed, and therefore we are pushed towards the Earth by particles from other directions. This theory is very visual, but it leads to a problem that cannot be solved within its framework in explaining the lack of heating of the planets due to bombardment by ether particles. However, the ethereal theory is still alive in some circles that are far from academic science. According to this theory, to shield gravity, you need to make an umbrella from a special substance, and then the pressure of the ether will cause movement in the direction of the umbrella. This idea was used in one of Herbert Wells' novels, but, unfortunately, no one succeeded in creating a material for shielding gravity - Wells' kevorite.

In the 20th century, Einstein attempted to provide a deeper explanation of gravity by replacing the concept of the gravitational field with the concept of the curvature of space near a massive body. In a curved space, natural movement is also curved, uneven, bodies seem to naturally roll into a spatial hole and no fields need to be introduced. This idea created fertile ground for mind games theoretical physicists studying the stars and the Universe, and they have been playing them with enthusiasm for almost a hundred years. These games benefited astronomy by initiating a number of discoveries, the most interesting of which were black holes, which could be tunnels in space-time leading to other worlds. Some observed astronomical objects are indeed similar to black holes in a number of ways, but it is not yet possible to prove this directly. However, for earthly practitioners, this theory did not provide anything new, in comparison with Newton’s ideas, either in calculations or in explanations, since in Einstein’s theory there are no other possibilities to bend space except with the help of very large masses.

About a year ago, reports appeared about a possible violation of the law of gravity on the scale of the Solar System, when data were received about inexplicable changes in the nature of the movement of 4 space probes that reached the edges of the Solar System. NASA researchers have found that the speed of the probes is decreasing faster than Newton's law, indicating the action of a force of unknown origin. One of the probes is Pioneer 10, which was launched to the outer planets of the solar system in 1972 and is now located beyond Jupiter but is still available for radio communication with Earth. By studying the Doppler frequency shift of the radio signal coming from the probe, scientists were able to calculate how quickly the ship moves through space. Its trajectory has been carefully monitored since 1980. It turned out that Pioneer-10 reduces speed much faster than it should. At first it was thought that this could be explained by the force generated by small gas leaks, or that the ship was deviating from its course under the influence of the gravity of an invisible body located in the solar system.

Then analysis of the trajectory of another spacecraft, Pioneer 11, launched in 1973, showed that this probe was also affected by the same mysterious power. It was then that it became clear that the scientists were faced with the influence of some force unknown to science: after all, Pioneer-11 was located at the opposite end of the Solar System from Pioneer-10 and therefore the same unknown body could not influence it. In addition, there is an assumption that the same force acted on the Galileo spacecraft on its way to Jupiter and on the Ulysses probe when it flew around the Sun. The probe can change its speed only due to emissions of matter, for example, due to the evaporation of something from it. However, taking into account possible phenomena of this kind did not provide a satisfactory quantitative explanation of the effect, and the only explanation remains a change in the force of attraction. Opponents object that a change in gravity should also affect the movement of distant planets, which is clearly not observed.

Data on the quantitative values ​​of deviations from Newton’s law have not been reported in the general press, but, most likely, we are talking about small amendments to the law of gravity, so this is unlikely to have an impact on the problem of antigravity on Earth. Direct measurements of the forces of attraction between massive balls under normal terrestrial conditions have been carried out repeatedly, and Newton's formula has been confirmed with high accuracy.

Some time ago, attempts were reported to detect antigravity on the scale of galaxies (megaworld). The fact is that astronomers have long established the fact that galaxies are moving away from each other. According to the Big Bang hypothesis, based on Einstein's theory, this expansion is due to the inflation of space-time, which began with the formation of the Universe. It's like a balloon with a pattern: the balloon is inflated and the details of the pattern scatter. But there is also a more physical hypothesis, based on the assumption of the existence of energy in space that causes antigravity. Regions with such energy should be located between galaxies and are not directly observed, but should have a pushing effect on the galaxies and cause bending of the paths of light rays passing near them. Literally at the time of writing this article, reports appeared about the discovery of distortions in the images of very distant stars, and distortions of exactly the nature that are predicted by the anti-gravity hypothesis.

Confirmation of the existence of antigravity in space would, of course, be a great scientific discovery, although talking about its impact on earthly technology is problematic, since the scale of distances on Earth is completely different.

So, it seems that the existing physics of gravity puts an end to attempts to develop any ideas for antigravity. It is no coincidence that in reputable academic scientific communities, anti-gravity projects are still classified in the same category as projects to create perpetual motion machines. This analogy is not accidental. Indeed, if we could learn to turn gravity on and off using simple means, then it would be easy to build a generator that receives energy simply from the Earth’s gravitational field: we take a massive load connected by a rod to the axis of the electric generator, turn off gravity, raise the load to greater height and turn on gravity, the load falls and spins the generator rotor, then the cycle repeats. Since the gravitational field is determined only by the mass of the Earth and cannot change, an inexhaustible energy resource is clearly visible here. But there is nothing inexhaustible in nature, as experience teaches. This means that the assumption of the possibility of simple control of gravity contradicts the law of conservation of energy, which is the cornerstone of science. So it’s impossible to control gravity for free.

Of course, these are just speculative considerations against anti-gravity, and they stem from a certain scientific paradigm that was created by a certain generation of people, based on own experience. New experience will appear, and the paradigm will change, and with it, speculative prohibitions will be lifted. That is why there are enthusiasts trying to detect anti-gravity effects in nature or in experiment. The motivation for their search is numerous historical facts testifying to the existence of inexplicable scientific point view of the phenomena of controlling the force of gravitational attraction.

Middle Ages: weightless witches

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the Catholic Church, in its struggle to establish an absolute monopoly on ideology, eradicated with fire and sword the bearers of any cultures that differed from the Christian one in the understanding of the church fathers. One of the notorious activities of this “activity” was the witch hunt. Nowadays this phrase is used in figurative meaning, and then it had a completely direct meaning. Witches included people with unusual abilities, which today are called extrasensory. These abilities were innate and supported by certain traditions in closed social groups. The Church carried out real genocide, the literal elimination of a unique gene pool, destroying hundreds of thousands of such people only according to official documents of that era. For us, it is the official court documents of the Inquisition that are of interest. The fact is that one of the criteria for identifying witches was measuring their weight. Weight was determined either by weighing on special church scales or by throwing into the water with tied limbs. If the suspect weighed less than 5 kg (approximately) or floated on the water like a cork, he was considered a sorcerer or witch and was burned at the stake. Such cases were not isolated, otherwise it would not have made sense for the inquisitors to issue instructions for mass application.

Obviously a living person regular sizes cannot weigh as much as a three-month-old baby, even if he loses a lot of weight. A person consists of 70% water, and if you drain it all, then even 50 kg will remain 15. In addition, the witch did not always have such a low weight, but only in certain mental states that remained after witchcraft rituals. Most often, witches could not consciously control their weight; this happened spontaneously after performing some ritual actions. We can say that we have documented evidence of the possibility of weight management without technical devices. Unfortunately, so far no one has been able to obtain any more detailed scientific information on the problem of gravity control from church documents. Apparently, the inquisitors were not distinguished by scientific curiosity.

Facts about levitation in Europe

Levitation is the floating of objects in the air without visible support. IN lately this term is becoming familiar in technology: levitation in a magnetic field is used to create monorail trains. But since ancient times, levitation has meant precisely the soaring of a person. Much well-documented evidence of the existence of levitation has reached us. The oldest of them is given in the Bible, where there is a story about Christ soaring over water. Another very famous officially recorded levitant can be considered the Carmelite nun Saint Teresa, whose flights were testified to by more than a hundred Catholic priests. She spoke about her unusual ability in her autobiography, dated 1565.

“Ascension comes like a blow, unexpected and sharp,” she writes. “And before you can gather your thoughts or come to your senses, it seems as if a cloud is carrying you into the heavens or a mighty eagle on its wings... I am completely I was aware of myself to see that I was in the air... I must say that when the ascension ended, I felt an extraordinary lightness throughout my body, as if I was completely weightless.”

The monks were very disapproving of manifestations of levitation and tried to get rid of their unique ability. The same Saint Teresa did not want to fly and prayed for a long time to get rid of this gift, which is what happened in the end.

A very famous levitant was the holy fool Joseph Desa (1603-1663), nicknamed Cupertino after the name of his native village in Southern Italy. Unusually pious since childhood, he strived in every possible way to experience a state of religious ecstasy. After joining the Franciscan Order, he really began to fall into ecstasy during prayer, but with one side effect - he flew into the air. One day this happened before the eyes of the head himself Catholic Church. Joseph arrived in Rome, where he was given an audience with Pope Urban VIII, which caused him to become so ecstatic that he rose into the air and soared until the head of the Franciscan order, who was present, brought him to his senses. Scientists of that time observed and officially recorded more than a hundred cases of Joseph's levitation. Since these flights confused believers, they tried to hide Joseph in monasteries, which turned out to be a difficult task. His gift did not wear off until his death, which occurred after a serious illness. In 1667 he was canonized.

Known among Russian levitants are Seraphim of Sarov, who rose into the air during prayer, and St. Basil the Blessed, who was transported by an unknown force across the Moscow River more than once in front of the crowd.

In total, about 300 human levitants are registered in church documents.

The most famous flying man of the 19th century was Daniel Douglas Hume. One of the American newspapers describes his first famous flight as follows:

"Hume suddenly began to lift himself off the floor, which was a complete surprise to the whole company. I took him by the hand and saw his legs - he was floating in the air a foot from the ground. The struggle of a variety of feelings - alternate bursts of fear and delight made Hume shudder from head to toe, and it was clear that at that moment he was speechless. After some time, he sank, then soared above the floor again. For the third time, Hume rose to the ceiling and lightly touched it with his hands and feet.”

Over time, Hume learned to levitate at will and for forty years demonstrated his unique art in front of thousands of spectators, including many of the then celebrities: writers Thackeray and Mark Twain, Emperor Napoleon III, famous politicians, doctors and scientists. There were attempts to convict him of fraud, but they were unsuccessful.

Tibetan levitation

In Buddhist culture there is no concept of sin, and therefore levitation in India and Tibet was treated as a phenomenon worthy of study and mastery. And they achieved remarkable results. Unfortunately, the Indians, unlike the Europeans, were not particularly careful about officially recording events in documents, and it is much more difficult for us to judge the reliability of many reports. Nevertheless, according to the evidence that has come down to us, the ancient levitants rose into the air two cubits from the ground - about 90 cm. And they did this not by chance, as in Europe, but purposefully, in order to achieve a more comfortable position during the performance of religious rituals.

Buddhist texts say that after the Indian founder of Zen Buddhism, Bodhidharma, came to the Shaolin Monastery in 527 AD, he taught the monks how to control the energy of the body - an indispensable condition for flight. Both Buddha Gautama himself and his mentor the magician Sammat used levitation, who could remain suspended in the air for hours.

Nowadays, the phenomenon of “flying llamas” is known. The English traveler Alexandra David-Neel, whose book was translated into Russian, wrote that she observed with her own eyes how on the high mountain plateau of Chang-Tang one of the Buddhist monks, sitting motionless with his legs bent under him, flew tens of meters, touched the ground and soared again into air, like a ball bouncing after a strong throw. At the same time, he was in a trance, and his gaze was directed into the distance - at the “guiding star”, visible in the light of day only to him.

As part of the social movement of transcendental meditation, founded in 1957 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a physicist by training, “flying yogis” competitions are periodically held - long distance jumps in the lotus position. Jumping records are measured in meters. The mechanism of such jumps is not very clear, although they are trying to explain it by a powerful sharp contraction of certain muscle groups. In some rare cases, there was a noticeable hover in the air during a jump, indicating the appearance of a levitation effect.

Also from Tibet came to us descriptions of the use of levitation to move goods. Missionary priests working in the Far East said that local residents were able to lift heavy boulders to high mountains using groups of different sounds. Outwardly, it looks as if the body is losing weight in the field of sound vibrations. The book “The Lost Techniques” by civil engineer and air traffic controller Henry Kjelson, who worked in Tibet, provides a unique description of the lifting of objects to a high-mountain temple. This is the description.

In 1937, the Swedish physician Dr. Jarl met a young Tibetan student, Khenson, at Oxford and became friends with him. A couple of years later, in 1939, Dr. Jarl traveled to Egypt on behalf of the English Scientific Society. There he was found by a messenger from Khenson, who urgently asked him to come to Tibet to treat the Supreme Lama. Dr. Jarl took leave, followed the messenger, and after a long journey by plane and caravan, Yakov arrived at the monastery, where his friend Kzhenson now occupied a high position. Dr. Jarl remained there for some time, and, thanks to his Tibetan friend, learned many things inaccessible to ordinary foreigners.

One day a friend brought him to the vicinity of a high-mountain monastery and showed him a sloping meadow, which was surrounded from the northwest by high cliffs. In one of the rock walls, at an altitude of approximately 250 m, there was big hole, which resembled the entrance to a cave. In front of this hole there was a platform on which the monks built a wall of stone blocks. The only access to this platform was from the top of the cliff, and the monks lowered themselves down using ropes. In the middle of the meadow, about 500 m from the cliff, there was a polished stone slab with a round depression in the center. The depression had a diameter of 1 m and a depth of 15 cm. The stone block was delivered to this depression by yaks. The block had a diameter of about a meter and a length of one and a half meters. Nineteen musical instruments were installed around the block in a 90-degree arc with a radius of 63 m. The radius of 63 m was measured with extreme precision. Musical instruments consisted of 13 drums and 6 trumpets. 8 drums had a diameter of 1 m and a length of 1–1.5 m. 4 drums had an average diameter of 0.7 m and a length of 1 m. The only small drum had a diameter of 0.2 m and a length of 0.3 m. All pipes were same size, length 3.12 m and socket 0.3 m.

The large drums and all the pipes were mounted on tripods, which made it possible to orient them in the direction of the stone slab. The large drums were made from 3mm iron sheets and weighed 150kg. They were built in five sections. All the drums were open at one end, while the other end had a metal base, which the monks beat with large leather clubs. Monks lined up behind each instrument. When the block was set, the monk behind the small drum gave the signal to begin the concert. The small drum created a very high sound and could be heard even against the background of the terrible noise created by other instruments. All the monks chanted a prayer continuously, the tempo of this incredible “music” gradually increasing. For the first four minutes nothing happened, then, with a jump in the tempo of the “music,” the stone block began to rock and oscillate, suddenly rose into the air and, with increasing speed, floated along a parabolic trajectory upward towards the platform in front of the cave opening, located at an altitude of 250 m. After three minutes of climbing, he landed on the platform. The horizontal length of the track was about 500 m. Workers continuously brought new blocks to the meadow, and the monks, using this method, transported 5 to 6 blocks per hour.

It was an incredible sight, and Dr. Jarl was the first foreigner to see it. He believed, however, that he was the victim of a mass hallucination and therefore decided to capture this wonderful spectacle on film. He shot two films. The films showed exactly the same things he witnessed.

This unique description is so detailed that it allows quantitative assessments of the phenomenon to be made. The mass of each load was about 5 tons, the average speed was 3 m/s, the flight duration was 200 s, and the trajectory altitude was 250 m. Apparently, the main driving force was the mental efforts of the monks, and “music” made it possible to synchronize these efforts.

Levitation in Florida

In the state of Florida, USA, south of Miami, there is a local attraction visited by tourists called Coral Castle. The uniqueness of the castle lies in the fact that it was created by just one person without the use of construction equipment. The information for tourists tells the following story of the creation of this castle.

Edward Lidskalnins was born in Latvia in 1886. Nothing is known about his childhood and youth, except that at the age of 26 he became engaged to a 16-year-old girl named Agnes Scuffs. But two days before the wedding, Agnes broke off the engagement. She was decisive and firm: “I cannot become your wife. For me, you are too old, and you have no money at all.” Edward was shocked. He loved Agnes more than anything in the world. Soon, saying goodbye to his family, he left everything and left for America, a country about which he was told fantastic stories - as if there was no better place in the world to start a new life. He wandered around Texas and California, working as a lumberjack and cattle driver, until he finally settled near Florida City on the west coast in 1920. The climate here was perfectly suitable for him: Edward was never distinguished by good health, he was 152 cm tall and weighed only 45 kg, and he also suffered from a progressive form of tuberculosis. The stranger made a pitiful impression on the neighbors. “It seemed to us that this weakling was not capable of lifting anything heavier than a garden saw,” they readily told numerous reporters. However, it was “this dead guy” who single-handedly created a structure whose total weight exceeds 1,100 tons. It took 20 many years. The stubborn Latvian delivered huge blocks of coral limestone from the coast and cut blocks out of it, without even using a primitive jackhammer - he made all the tools from abandoned car remains. To split the blocks, he used an original technology: using a homemade chisel, he punched holes in dense limestone and inserted old car shock absorbers into them, previously red-hot, then poured cold water on them and the stone broke into pieces.

How Edward managed to move and lift multi-ton blocks remains a mystery: he was very secretive and worked exclusively at night. Numerous attempts by curious neighbors to spy on how the work was progressing were unsuccessful: as soon as someone appeared in the vicinity of the castle, the work immediately stopped. “Gloomy Ed” (as his neighbors called him) did not let him into his possessions with much reluctance: he silently grew up behind the annoying onlooker and silently glared at him until he left. He had amazing gift feel the appearance of an uninvited guest at any time of the day. And when an energetic lawyer from Louisiana set out to build a villa next to his castle, Edward found nothing better than to simply... move his brainchild to another place, 10 miles to the south. How he managed this is another question that has no answer to this day. It is known that he hired a powerful truck that arrived every morning. The driver left for loading time and returned around noon, when the body was already filled with coral blocks, each of which weighed 5–6 tons. Many people have seen this truck. But no one can boast that they saw Ed loading or unloading the car. The neighbors unanimously claim that he never had any tractors or lifts. And even if there were, the technology of that time would not have helped him in any way. To all questions, Ed answered only one thing: “I discovered the secret of the pyramid builders.” We will never know this secret - in 1952, Edward Lidskalnin died suddenly from stomach cancer. After his death, fragmentary notes were found in the room at the top of the square tower, which talk about the magnetism of the Earth and the control of the flow of cosmic energy. But he did not leave any specific explanations. Many years after the death of “sullen Ed,” the intrigued American Society of Engineering conducted an experiment: they rented the most powerful bulldozer and tried to move one of the blocks that Edward did not use in construction. It didn't work out.

There have been many hypotheses explaining the phenomenon of the Coral Castle. All of them are, in one way or another, based on fragmentary stories of people who accidentally witnessed Ed’s work. An elderly neighbor swears that she once saw Edward... singing to the stones! “He put his hands on them and made long-drawn out sounds. At first I thought the guy was crazy,” she said on David Letterman’s famous TV show dedicated to the mystery of the castle. And two curious boys claimed that they took a powerful night vision device from their dad and watched as heavy stone blocks flew through the air. “He handled them like they were balloons,” they vied with each other to tell a New York Times reporter.

So, judging by the very scanty observations available, when transporting coral stones, a levitation technique similar to the Tibetan one was used.

Gravity Control Experiments

Attempts to create anti-gravity devices have been made since the 19th century, but inventors did not go beyond bouncing mechanisms with rotating eccentrics. In the second half of the 20th century, inventors switched to experiments with rotating electromagnetic fields. From the reports on this topic that appeared in the press, we decided to highlight three works: John Searle, Yuri Baurov and Evgeniy Podkletnov, because, firstly, they ended up in serious scientific journals and, secondly, these works continue to this day, despite scandals and harsh criticism.

John Searl was born in 1932 in Berkshire, England. IN childhood he had a long series of strange dreams in which he was taught certain technologies for working with special magnetic substances. However, at this age he could not understand the meaning of these visions; nevertheless, they influenced his choice of profession. He became an electrical engineer and became interested in research with magnetic substances. In 1946, Searle announced his discovery of the fundamental nature of magnetism. He discovered that adding a small component AC radio frequencies (10 MHz) in the process of manufacturing permanent ferrite magnets gives them new and unexpected properties, namely, during the interaction of such magnets, unknown forces arose, leading to unusual movements of the magnet system. Searle developed a generator from these magnets and began experiments with it. The generator was tested outdoors and driven by a small engine. It produced an unusually high electrostatic potential of about a million volts (he claimed), which manifested itself through electrostatic discharges near the generator.

One day the unexpected happened. The generator, without ceasing to rotate, began to rise upward, disconnected from the engine and soared to a height of about 50 feet. Here it hovered a little, the speed of its rotation began to increase, and it began to emit a pinkish glow around itself, indicating the ionization of the air. The radio receiver located next to the researcher turned on spontaneously, apparently due to powerful discharges. Eventually the generator accelerated to high speed and disappeared from view, probably going into space. In any case, his fall was not discovered.

Since 1952, Searle and a group of collaborators have manufactured and tested more than 10 generators, the largest of which was disc-shaped and reached 10 m in diameter.

Searle refused to publish his research in scientific publications, but agreed to collaborate with Japanese professor Seiko Shinichi and provided him with a description of the main points of magnet manufacturing technology. In 1984, Searle's work was reported on by the German popular science magazine ERaum & ZaitE. Currently, Searle is retired and, apparently, is not involved in projects.

Searle's ideas have attracted enthusiasts in different countries, including Russia, where they are being developed privately by several research groups, although official science refrains from commenting. Therefore, the appearance in 2000 of a report by V.V. in the reputable scientific physics journal “Letters in ZhTP” (vol. 26, pp. 70–75) was quite unexpected. Roshchina, S.M. Godin from the Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, entitled "Experimental study of physical effects in a dynamic magnetic system." They described the version of the Searle generator they developed and the unusual results and strange effects obtained with it. One of the results was a 35% reduction in the weight of the installation, which weighs 350 kg. Later the authors published a book with detailed description experiments and his own theory of the phenomenon. We were unable to find any information about the continuation of this work.

Another direction of research in the field of overcoming gravity is associated with Yu.A. Baurov. More than 20 years ago, while analyzing astronomical data, he hypothesized the existence of a fundamental vector potential in our galaxy. As is known from physics, the vector potential is an unobservable directly physical quantity, the gradient of which (that is, spatial heterogeneity) manifests itself as a magnetic field. Using magnetic systems, creating a large eigenvector potential, and orienting it relative to the potential of the Universe, one can obtain forces of large magnitude and use them to overcome gravity. According to this hypothesis, there should be a preferred direction in space, and the maximum force effects should be observed in this direction. Baurov conducted several experiments to confirm his theory, which he described in 1998 in his book “The Structure of Physical Space and new way obtaining energy." Apparently, this is the only area of ​​research in which a sound idea that does not contradict scientific principles is used. Nothing is known about the continuation of these studies.

The latest work on antigravity, which has become sensational, is associated with the name of the Russian physicist Evgeniy Podkletny, who left for Finland in the 90s. He studied the properties of superconductors and in 1992 experimented with a setup that used a disk of superconducting ceramics, cooled with liquid nitrogen and spun to a speed of five thousand revolutions per minute. In one of the experiments, Podkletnov noticed that a stream of smoke from his colleague’s cigarette suddenly rose more sharply to the ceiling above the disk. Subsequent measurements recorded a 2% decrease in weight for any objects placed above the disk. Screening of gravity was detected even on the next floor of the laboratory. Unfortunately, all subsequent attempts to repeat Podkletnov’s experiments failed. The scandal that arose around the unexpected sensation cost Podkletnov his scientific career, and his numerous followers - a lot of wasted money. NASA spent $600 thousand to create its own installation, but in the end its experts said that the Russian scientist’s method was inherently flawed.

Nevertheless, enthusiasts of this direction of antigravity remain. As the BBC reported, with reference to the Jane's Defense Weekly almanac, the American company Boeing closely took up Podkletnov's work in order to independently decide how much to believe various rumors and newspaper canards. The fact is that the Podkletny effect has some theoretical justification. Back in 1989, American researcher Dr. Ning Li, working at the Space Flight Center. Marshall, theoretically predicted that a well-twisted superconductor placed in a powerful magnetic field could become a source of gravitational field, and the strength of this field would be sufficient for measurements in laboratory conditions. In 1997, Ning Li began developing an installation that would become the world's largest antigravity generator. The disk in its unit will have a diameter of at least 33 cm and a thickness of 12.7 mm. Podkletnov himself, according to the German newspaper "Sueddeutsche Zeitung", is working on a new device that does not screen, but reflects gravity, and does this in a pulsed mode. In his opinion, a pulsed gravity generator will soon “be able to overturn a book at a distance of one kilometer.” He predicts the emergence of a new type of small aircraft.

In general, the story with Podkletnov continues.

Another experiment on weight management is known to the author from personal experience gained in 1991 in one of the public laboratories, of which there were many at the beginning of perestroika. In this laboratory, all kinds of unstable and chaotic phenomena and processes were studied to search for manifestations of hypothetical particles, conventionally called microleptons, in material objects. In an experiment conducted by the author, the effect of a long-term high-voltage, high-frequency corona discharge on the weight of small samples of various materials placed on one of the cups of sensitive laboratory scales (scale accuracy 0.1 mg) was studied. At certain conditions The effect of a small (up to 10 mg) reduction in the weight of objects, consistently repeated in dozens of experiments, was achieved with a specific stepwise dependence of the change in weight on time, shown in the figure. After turning off the discharge, the weight returned to normal after about 15 minutes. Ratings possible influence electrostatics, heating, etc. gave an order of magnitude smaller possible changes in scale readings. But the influence of some properties of the experimenter was strong, since not everyone got the experience (the experimenter was part of the voltage supply system, and the geometry was fixed). The experiments eventually reached a dead end due to the lack of any reasonable theory of the phenomenon. At that time we knew nothing about Tibetan sound levitation, the analogy to which is now visible, a decade later.

The diamond is not yet visible

So, everything suggests that antigravity exists in nature rather than vice versa, but its mechanism is still completely unclear. The state of affairs with experiments to control the weight of objects is by no means satisfactory. It is also quite surprising that, despite the numerous cases of evidence of levitation, apparently no one has been able to fully study this phenomenon, which allows skeptics to reasonably doubt the reality of the existence of this phenomenon. But we can use the following analogy with ball lightning. Even about 50 years ago, scientists were skeptical about eyewitness accounts, believing that these were some kind of visual phenomena that occurred during a thunderstorm. Now the number of observations has crossed a certain threshold, and no one doubts the existence of the phenomenon. But this did not change anything - there is still no complete explanation of the nature of the phenomenon and no one has been able to conduct a rigorous experimental study of it! Professor Kapitsa tried to simulate ball lightning in the laboratory, and even at the beginning he obtained plausible plasma balls, but this work was not continued, and the mystery of natural ball lightning remains unsolved.

However, interest in the problem of antigravity has clearly been growing recently, judging by the increasing number of publications and discussions on the Internet.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has not previously been seen to be developing methods for controlling gravity. However, NASA Cleveland's theoretical Breakthrough Propulsion Physics project, as well as a number of unusual experimental results reported in leading scientific journals, have convinced the agency, according to ESA adviser Clovy. de Matos, that this issue should be taken seriously. Since September 2001, experts Orfeu Bertolami and Martin Tajmar have reviewed more than a dozen proposed ESA gravity control schemes and concluded that most of them are frivolous. Some schemes, including those based on the effects of superstring theory, allow for a negligible effect, while others simply contradict proven principles. However, noting the unattainability of antigravity for today's science, they identified three reasonable projects that could lead to the discovery of antigravity in the future:

  1. The Sputnik 5 space probe is designed to investigate strange gravitational anomalies detected by the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 automatic stations.
  2. Experimental studies of the behavior of antimatter in a gravitational field, which can be carried out on the International Space Station.
  3. The study of superconductors and superfluids, which, perhaps, when rotating, can create “gravitomagnetic” fields, similar to how a rotating magnet creates an electromagnetic field.

In addition to space travel, controlling gravity could also be useful here on Earth. Metals, ceramics and organic crystals produced in microgravity differ remarkable properties. For example, alloys produced in zero gravity, due to the absence of defects, can have a strength that far exceeds normal strength. Microgravity may allow bodies to be suspended directly in space, avoiding their contact with the container; this could be useful in pharmaceutical applications, for example, to avoid contamination. Some types of superconductors can also only be produced in microgravity.

So, physicists are hoping for a forceful way to solve the problem of controlling gravity with huge energy costs (and financial ones too). But... the phenomena of levitation do not involve large energy expenditures. Most likely, in these phenomena, a person only controls certain energy processes associated with the Earth. In much the same way as we operate powerful mechanisms without exerting much effort. The existence of instructions for weight management is evidenced by the Indian Vedas, which even contain practical guide on levitation, a kind of know-how that describes how to put yourself in such a state as to lift yourself off the ground. But over the past centuries, the meaning of many ancient Indian words and concepts has been lost, so it is impossible to translate this invaluable instruction into modern language.

Of the concepts existing in modern science, only in the concept of a quantum field can one see hints of the existence of a non-force approach to physical phenomena. Quantum physics has long used the concept of psi-function to analyze interactions between particles of the microworld. For a long time, this description was considered nothing more than a convenient formalism for the statistical analysis of large ensembles of particles. To prove the limitations and non-physicality of this formalism, famous physicists - Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen - came up with a paradox in the 30s, the essence of which is that if the description of the psi function is correct, then its logical consequence should be the possibility of the existence of an instantaneous, non-physical distance-dependent interaction between particles that had “related” connections in the past (that is, born in the same process), which was considered absurd at that time. Surprisingly, at the end of the 20th century, this phenomenon was confirmed experimentally in experiments on the so-called quantum teleportation, and the paradox, instead of refuting quantum theory, confirmed it.

Macroscopic manifestations of the quantum field are just beginning to be studied, but striking differences from the action of known force fields are already visible, and this is what gives hope for the emergence of new approaches to the study of the properties of gravity.

In conclusion, here is a quote from an article about individual aircraft in the magazine “Technology for Youth” No. 10, 2002:

“Suppose the technical problems are solved, and millions of flyers rush from ground traffic jams into the city skies. What will happen? We don’t undertake to judge the air traffic over decorous German cities, but here we have... A massive fall of cigarette butts and bottles on the heads of unfortunate citizens It will seem like seeds in comparison with air transport accidents. You can, of course, stretch a kind of heavy-duty protective trampoline net over the entire city, but where will the planes land? And if someone wants to throw something explosive and poisonous at the city from above? No? , definitely, before announcing mass enrollment in Carlsons, Bucky Rogers and other Batmans with Baba Yagami, it is worth thinking a thousand times over the safety measures of those below. Enthusiasts of the transport of the future, however, object to this: “Once upon a time, both a steam locomotive and a car. , and the plane were considered unacceptably dangerous for others." Let's wait and see?"

How does it work?

Why doesn't a satellite flying in orbit fall to the ground?

What happens if you reduce the orbital diameter to several meters?
What speed must the satellite have to stay above the surface?

If you take a torus and fill it with liquid metal which can be accelerated in any way to the first escape velocity, for example, by an electromagnetic field, then at a certain threshold speed value the centrifugal force will exceed the force of gravity (see photo 1) and the boobs are turned to the side the system will take off.
It is very simple to explain this mathematically, imagine yourself as small as an inch (this is how we imagine integral and differential calculus), next to a meter-long torus you will be like a person next to a stadium if you spread your arms to the sides ( and the lilliputian has smaller hands than a buttercup), you can cover less than one degree of the torus surface. To a first approximation, a curved surface closed by your palms can be equated to a straight line; from a height of a kilometer, a million broken straight lines will look indistinguishable from a circle. Then we have the right to consider an elementary section of the torus surface bounded by your palms as a straight line and consider the movement of mercury under the torus shell as a straight line directed at an angle to the horizon due to the sphericity of the earth’s surface. (Actually, the surface of the earth is geoid, but this will not prevent us from taking off). If the earth were flat, then nothing would come of it, the elementary force vector would be directed parallel to the flat earth, and the vector sum of the elementary vectors would be equal to zero, but fortunately for us the earth is not flat, so hurray! Let's fly!

I suggest using mercury. In this case, two more secondary effects will appear:
1) Synchronization of mercury atoms by an external field like this with the manifestation due to this secondary effect of traction ( spider effect)
2) Local time warp (speed (gravity) and time are related, see relativistic GPS corrections according to the theory of relativity)

This is how easy it is to make an anti-gravity engine for any collective farmer-mechanizer.
To compensate for the gyroscopic effect, two counter-rotating tori can be used. or rotate the fields that deform time - The deformation of local time is the “support” on which the anti-gravity engine rests. This is well shown.

Conclusions: bastard, look at the tits correctly:
In the photo: a victim of science

For those interested, padonkaff decided to write a short post-script:

But what about in space, where there is weightlessness and there are no planets nearby, how to get thrust?
The answer came when I was walking around the house, two or three circles:

We need to create an asymmetrical time lens.
This can be done by organizing the process of movement of mercury (I took mercury solely to simplify the perception of thought (mercury has not been used for a long time even in thermometers).

Let's imagine that mercury is made up of atoms (this is really true) and each atom moves on its own due to its internal structure (the fact that we are warmer than absolutely zero proves this), and if we accelerate it, we will get the inertial force vector coinciding in the first approximation (without taking into account the spin effect? ​​a football kick "dry sheet" is a pitiful semblance of the spin effect) with the axis of movement if we consider an infinitesimal movement.

Since there are a lot of atoms (1000000000 and so on, count the number of zeros yourself, I’m too lazy), our task is to organize the movement so that the addition of the force vectors of the atoms is not zero, and we get a large and strong resulting thrust vector, this can be done by organizing the movement of mercury through a pipe for example.

The second and even more important effect that is hidden from our eyes is the reason for the movement of an atom due to its internal structure; by synchronizing these atoms with an external field and controlling the phase shift of the atoms, we can (who would doubt it, probably the one who understood what I wrote) organize atomic vibrations mercury and control the phase shift of these vibrations, the atom is an oscillatory system.
All that’s left to do is find a method of influencing the atom. Considering that the natural frequency of vibrations of atoms is high, for example, cesium is 9.1 GHz, it is necessary to work at these frequencies, which somehow implies the creation of high-frequency field generators, which in turn implies superconducting technology with a quality factor of the oscillatory circuits equal to 1 (one, efficiency 100%) otherwise the circuit will burn out due to inertial heat release of transient processes in oscillation cycles. We see hints of a solution - either other methods of influence - for example, you can try to work with displacement currents on installations developed by Stanislav Avramenko

Conclusions - types of engines in order of increasing technology level from simple to complex:

1. the simplest anti-gravitator - eversible (relative to the axis forming the torus body) torus with rotating mercury.
2. A more complex engine without mercury, rotates/turns around the axis forming the body of the torus only fields. (as in the video top view, side view)
3. The third option is to use the spin effect
4. The fourth option is synchronization of atoms with polarization and control of the phase shift of atoms

To top off this epic creativity, light trolling of us you know who:

But here is our merciless answer, which kagbe hints that we can too and victory is just around the corner

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):