Many have heard about the miraculous effects of succinic acid on plants. Let's find out the details of use, as well as the results of using this remedy on orchids.

About succinic acid

succinic acid is a natural component present in all living organisms that use oxygen for respiration.

This acid got its name thanks to the German researcher George Agricola, who isolated this acid from amber in the 15th century. Other names for this acid: butanedioic or ethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, succinate.

The main functions of succinic acid:

  • energy production;
  • protecting cells from harmful effects;
  • participation in cellular respiration processes.

Therefore, succinic acid is beneficial and non-toxic for plants and humans. When used, it has a very important effect: in organisms it is directed precisely to those areas where its effect is needed. Excess does not accumulate either in the soil or in plants.

Succinic acid is found in free form in coal, resins and amber. It contains trace amounts of iron chlorides and sulfides. This acid is produced industrially in two ways: by chemical synthesis or during the processing of amber.

The acid obtained by processing amber is expensive, but its composition is no different from “chemical” acid. You can buy an inexpensive chemical preparation on sale, which is odorless white crystals. Release form: tablets or powder.

You can buy succinic acid at pharmacies or gardening stores, both in pure form and in various formulations.

Succinic acid - gallery

Succinic acid in powder Succinic acid produced from amber with the addition of glucose and vitamin C Pharmacy succinic acid in tablets You can buy succinic acid in gardening departments

Succinic acid crystals dissolve in water, alcohol and ether. Only aqueous solutions are used for plants.

Succinic acid is a biostimulant. Using this product you can improve the microflora of the substrate and stimulate plant growth.

The acid neutralizes toxins in the soil and helps the plant absorb useful microelements. The effect of using succinic acid can be seen after about two to three weeks.

Succinic acid is used for:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • better absorption of fertilizers;
  • plant growth and development;
  • neutralization of toxins;
  • resuscitation;
  • root restoration;
  • stimulation of flowering.

After treatment with succinic acid, the orchid begins to form new flower stalks and buds, grow new roots and leaves. The weakened plant strengthens and restores leaf turgor. Therefore, it is useful to use succinic acid for unfavorable and stressful situations.

Succinic acid does not replace fertilizing, but is only an auxiliary stimulant.

Application of succinic acid for orchids

What you need to know about the use of succinic acid:

  • It is undesirable to use it during dormancy or flowering of the orchid;
  • one tablet is equivalent to acid powder on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • The acid must be diluted in hot water; it will not dilute in cold water;
  • you can use food-grade utensils, this acid is not harmful (even beneficial) to humans;

Please note that taking it yourself is strictly prohibited! Specialist consultation is required.

  • Acid should be stored in a cool, dry and dark place;
  • it is necessary to protect it from heat and keep it away from sources of ignition;
  • Keep the prepared solution for no more than 3 days (unsuitability is determined by white flakes in the solution);
  • Do not leave the roots of the plant in the solution for more than 4 hours;
  • do not use for solutions aluminum cookware, preferably glass or plastic.

Precautionary measures: do not inhale dust and succinic acid spray!

Instructions for diluting acid in water

How to dilute and use succinic acid - video

Application for treating leaves with loss of turgor

If an orchid with leathery leaves (for example, Phalaenopsis) has become wrinkled and lethargic, then you need to wipe them with a solution of succinic acid.

Dilute one tablet in 250 ml of water and wipe the leaves with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. This should be done every morning until turgor is restored.

For orchids with more delicate leaves, simply spray them with this solution and do not allow the substrate to dry out.

Application of succinic acid to restore leaf turgor - video

Watering and restoring roots

To water orchids, dilute 1 tablet of succinic acid per 1 liter of water.

In this case, you need to know that:

  • You can water both healthy and reanimated plants;
  • at submersible irrigation a healthy orchid needs to be soaked for 30 minutes;
  • frequency of use - once or twice a month with breaks during the period of dormancy and flowering of the orchid.

Methods of watering orchids - gallery

This is how you can water an orchid with a tray Watering an orchid substrate with good drainage Watering an orchid using immersion This is how you can soak a reanimated orchid without roots

Using succinic acid, you can help the orchid grow new roots. Even if there are no roots, an orchid can be saved!

Small orchids can be planted on moss, and instead of watering, spray it with a solution: 1 tablet per 500 ml of water.

The frequency of spraying depends on the air humidity - just make sure that the moss does not dry out! Alternate spraying with plain water and spraying with a solution.

A small orchid will grow roots better on moss

For soaking:

  1. Dilute one tablet in 500 ml of water and soak the roots for 1-2 hours.
  2. If there are few or practically no roots, then spray root collar And lower leaves orchids in the morning.
  3. You need to soak twice a week, spray every other day until new roots appear.

Treatment of roots with succinic acid - video

Treatment of orchids during transplantation and beyond

When replanting an orchid, it is useful to treat the roots with a solution of succinic acid. The plant will tolerate stress better and will grow roots faster in the new substrate.

Soaking during transplantation:

  1. Having freed the orchid roots from the substrate, cut off everything rotten and dry.
  2. Make a solution: 1 tablet per 500 ml.
  3. Keep the roots in the solution for 30 minutes and plant the plant in a new substrate.

After planting the orchid, you can continue treatment with succinic acid by wiping the leaves, spraying and watering.

If the orchid is healthy, then spray those parts of the plant that you want to stimulate and strengthen 1-2 times a week. Wipe the leaves with a solution of succinic acid as they become dusty. Once a month you can water or soak the orchid in the solution.

Treatment during treatment

Alternate spraying all parts of the plant with wiping the leaves. Do this in the morning until there are signs of recovery. You can dip the reanimated parts of the orchid with a cotton pad soaked in the solution.

Solution: 1 tablet per 500 ml.

The frequency of treatments is every other day.

Resuscitation of orchids using succinic acid - video

To stimulate flowering

To stimulate flowering, spraying and soaking the roots are used. Before spraying, you need to wipe the leaves with a cotton pad soaked in the solution.

Solution: 1 tablet in 500 ml of water.

You need to spray old flower stalks and leaf axils with a warm solution every morning.

Soak the orchid as you would when watering.

The use of succinic acid in combination with other drugs

Succinic acid can be used in conjunction with other drugs: vitamins, stimulants, glucose and others. Let's look at examples of such complex solutions.

Tonic for orchids

Solution for 1 liter of water:

  • Succinic acid - 2 tablets;
  • Glucose - 1 piece;
  • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1 ampoule;
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) - 1 ampoule;
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) – 1 ampoule;
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1 ampoule.

A tonic is used for spraying, wiping the leaves and watering the usual scheme. It stimulates flowering and the growth of new roots very well. After flowering, a break is taken for 1–2 months. It is advisable to process early in the morning or in the evening when it is dark.

Vitamins are quickly destroyed in light, and the acid is no longer stored 3 days, therefore it is advisable to use the solution immediately and not leave it in reserve.

Cocktail for resuscitation of orchids

For 1 liter of water from tablet preparations:

  • Succinic acid: 2 tablets;
  • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1/5 tablet;
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) – 1/2 tablet;
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1/2 tablet;
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - 1/2 tablet;
  • The drug Kornevin is on the tip of a knife.

The cocktail is used like a tonic: for watering, spraying and soaking. Frequency of application, as with the usual regimen for resuscitation.

There is a strong opinion about the incompatibility of vitamins, but competent doctors refute it!

Succinic acid with garlic

  1. Mash 6 cloves of garlic and leave for 24 hours in 500 ml of warm water.
  2. The next day, strain the solution, dilute 3 tablets of succinic acid in hot water and bring both solutions warm water up to 8 liters. Water the orchids.
  3. Use 1-2 times a month.

Changes in orchids after using garlic with succinic acid - video

What harm can the use of succinic acid cause?

It is difficult to overdose on succinic acid, but it is still better not to exceed the indicated dosages and frequency of use. On average, for prevention it is used 1–2 times a week for spraying and wiping leaves and once a month for watering.

Do not forget that succinic acid is a biostimulant, and the use of this product must be combined with basic feeding, treatment and proper care of your orchid. This is the only way the action of succinic acid will produce the expected and long-term effect.

When your orchid enters dormancy, you need to stop feeding and using any type of stimulant. During flowering, you should also not feed or stimulate the orchid with succinic acid, otherwise it may drop all its flowers.

Succinic acid application table

Application Solution concentration Peculiarities Frequency of application
For leaf turgor 1 table for 250 ml Wipe with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. Every day or every other day until turgor is restored.
Root treatment 1 table for 500 ml Soak for 1-2 hours or spray. Soak 2 times a week, spray every other day until results appear.
Watering 1 table per 1 liter When submersible watering, keep for 30 minutes. 1–2 times a month with a break during dormancy and flowering.
Spraying 1 table for 500 ml You need to spray it in the morning with a warm solution. For flowering: every morning before flowering begins. For treatment: every other day until results appear. For prevention: 1–2 times a week with a break during dormancy and flowering.

In caring for indoor flowers a lot of tricks. So, succinic acid for orchids, like living water. It has a stimulating effect on all organs. As a result, the flower grows faster and throws out flower arrows. Acid cannot replace fertilizers, but it promotes their effective absorption. The drug is environmentally safe and decomposes into simple elements in the soil.

How to use succinic acid for orchids at home

The most problem area orchid root system. Roots not only nourish aboveground part, but also participate in the process of photosynthesis. The use of a stimulator creates conditions for active root growth. The use of succinic acid for orchids is useful for recovery from stressful situations. The whole plant becomes stronger. The root system is actively growing, the leaves become more rigid, and even delicate flower petals become more stable.

Like no other drug, succinic acid will help:

  • accelerate the growth and development of a young orchid;
  • improve the substrate, restore balance;
  • accelerates the conversion of fertilizers into biological form;
  • strengthens the plant's immune system;
  • accelerates photosynthesis processes.

plant in short time recovers, throws out arrows, blooms long and luxuriantly.

A blooming orchid must be protected from contact with any insects. If the flower is pollinated, it will immediately wither.

All parts of the plant can be treated with succinic acid, and different ways. The roots are immersed in the solution during transplantation. Depending on the condition of the plant, the roots are kept in the solution from half an hour to several hours. Then they are dried and the orchid is transplanted into sterile soil. It is important to properly prepare the plant for transplantation, and then after a week you can see active growth of roots.

The leaves should be treated with a damp cloth soaked in an acid solution, so as not to create stagnant zones in the leaf axils. You should not leave droplets on the leaves.

The orchid will be grateful if it is sprayed with succinic acid for orchids from a spray bottle once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the growth of new shoots is stimulated. The remaining solution can be watered over the roots. Solution lifespan homemade no more than 3 days. It is better to use a fresh drug.

How to dilute succinic acid for an orchid depends on the form of the substance. It is available in tablets and powder. Therefore, for the required concentration, 1 gram of acid is diluted in 5 liters of water.

Plant tablets contain active substance in an amount for dilution in 500 milliliters of water. If there is a powder substance in the first aid kit, then you need to take a little powder on the tip of a knife and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water. The solution cannot be prepared for future use. Succinic acid is an unstable substance; in water it decomposes into simple components and becomes ineffective.

Dissolve a substance in warm water while stirring. Add cold water to the required volume.

You cannot store vegetables and fruits in a room where an orchid blooms. The ethylene gas released suppresses the flowering of orchids. Other aerosols should not be used indoors.

How to feed an orchid

Fertilizer for orchids is used with caution. Do not feed sick or only transplanted plants. Undigested fertilizer will only poison the soil. Due to the specific soil, liquid formulations can be used, but the dilution is 3-4 times less than the recommended dose.

Feeding for orchids stops two weeks before flowering. No fertilizing is done during flowering. Recommended liquid formulations.

"Bona Forte" is considered the best fertilizer for orchids. Prolongs flowering up to six months, applied before and after flowering in greater dilution than according to instructions.

"Flora" natural fertilizer based on vermicompost, intended for foliar feeding

Pokon seramis granules, long-acting balanced fertilizer. Provides roots with oxygen and regulates soil moisture. Using this composition allows you to water your orchids once a month.

Using succinic acid for stimulation in stressful situations and fertilizers for healthy plants You can get long-blooming orchids.

Video about the positive experience of using succinic acid

Greens lovers growing exotic beauty on the windowsill, facing the vagaries of orchids. Without knowing some rules of care behind them, you can destroy the plant.

This category includes rules use of certain drugs and fertilizers. In this article we will look at the use of succinic acid for the phalaenopsis orchid.

Succinic acid plays a significant role in life. She is useful, her biological properties have regenerative and protective action.

Application biostimulant combined with basic fertilizers. It is difficult to overdose; with regular use, soil oxidation is possible.

Succinic acid is multifunctional stimulator very broad and mild impact.

Use of the drug as activates:

  • Intensive increase in leaf plate;
  • Promotes formation of new shoots and flower stalks.

Succinic acid for phalaenopsis orchids: instructions for use

Root restoration goes quite slowly.

Practically it is impossible to force an orchidfastdevelop and grow new roots. But succinic acid with its stimulating, biologically active properties can help the plant.

For the successful growth of an orchid, it is necessary to create a favorable environment.

In situations where most of the leaves and roots have rotted completely, you need complex procedure resuscitation and leaves in greenhouse conditions.


  • Remaining roots and leaves should be sprayed with a light solution of succinic acid for start and growth in the ratio of 1 tablet per 2 liters of water and left to dry for up to four hours;
  • Next prepare a transparent container, one-quarter filled with large fractions of the substrate, and place it approximately 2-3 centimeters above the soil surface;
  • The orchid should not come into contact with the ground, best option- hang in the air. Use larger sizes;
  • Remove the design away from direct sunlight;
  • Moisten the substrate as it dries and watch how the phalaenopsis reacts to its new housing. Try to create conditions close to natural environment a habitat.

In three or four weeks you will be able to admire the first roots.

To restore leaf turgor

Let's consider one of the options - cuttings using a greenhouse.

Faded arrow cut off near the roots and cut into cuttings with two buds, remove the scales from one of the buds and place in a transparent container with wet moss sphagnum moss at the bottom of the container.

Spray the cuttings inside the greenhouse with a solution of succinic acid and close the lid.

Place the container in warm place with a temperature of 30 degrees and we expect.

Humidity and heat will give results and we may let's see baby orchids.

Frequency of drug treatment. What are the risks of overdose?

Succinic acid is considered harmless biological medicine With unique properties for plants.

If used frequently as a growth stimulant, there is a risk acidify the soil of orchids.

Be careful and observant.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to use succinic acid correctly:

Video instructions on how to feed orchids:

Video tips for growing orchids:

Watch the video on how to restore turgor on orchid leaves:

At proper care positive results The benefits of using succinic acid during the growing season will not be long in coming.

Having a healthy and lush appearance, orchids will delight you big amount flower-bearing arrows and huge flowers.

Learn to see correctly dialogue with orchids. Appearance they will tell and show where they need help.

In contact with

In order for home orchids to actively grow and delight with frequent flowering, it is important to properly care for them. However, watering and fertilizing alone are sometimes not enough: the flower produces foliage, but there are no new shoots or flower stalks.

To “wake up” an orchid, succinic acid (SA) is often used. This is an organic biostimulator of growth, thanks to which the plant becomes more resilient, actively increases green mass and soon blooms.

    Show all

    What is succinic acid used for?

    In addition to accelerating growth, succinic acid ensures rapid adaptation of the plant to new conditions and is therefore often used after replanting a flower. To others beneficial properties This substance includes the following:

    • protects the plant from adverse factors: overheating, excess soil moisture, frost;
    • promotes rapid recovery leaves and stems damaged by frost or sunburned;
    • improves the absorption of fertilizers by the flower;
    • increases the plant’s immunity to diseases and pests;
    • activates the growth of the root system.

    Succinic acid not only makes the plant itself more resilient, but also has a positive effect on the quality of the soil. It triggers the destruction of harmful chemical substances and helps improve microflora. If this additive is used according to the instructions for use, it does not have any harmful effects on plants.

    Forms of release and rules for preparing the solution

    For plant growing purposes, succinic acid is produced in the form of a powder, the additives of which are only 0.5%. Pharmacies sell the drug in the form of pills or tablets. The former are preferable to use because they contain less ballast substances.

    For YAK in powder, the proportion is 1 g per 1 liter of water. If there are no scales in the house with which you can accurately measure the required amount, the substance is taken at the tip of a knife. The resulting solution is suitable for use only for 2–3 days, during which it should be stored in a tightly closed plastic or glass bottle in a dark place. After this period, the composition loses its beneficial qualities.

    If the substance is in tablets, then the composition is diluted in the ratio of 1 piece per 2 liters of water. It is recommended to crush the tablets first. To prevent the filler from getting into the solution, it should be prepared as follows:

    1. 1. The pill or tablet should be placed in a fabric bag. It is advisable to use a filter from a dropper for this, but you can fold flaps from nylon tights in several layers.
    2. 2. Pour 1 liter into a tall container hot water and hang the bag so that the tablet is immersed in the liquid. There is no need to shake or stir the water in the vessel.
    3. 3. When the tablet is completely dissolved, the composition should be carefully poured off so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the container.
    4. 4. To prepare the working solution, the resulting base composition must be poured into the cold water, stirring continuously.

    The base solution of tablets or pills must be used immediately as it deteriorates within a few hours.

    Methods of application

    The method of using succinic acid depends on what it will be used for:

    • for watering;
    • for processing leaves;
    • to stimulate root growth;
    • to restore an orchid without roots;
    • for seed treatment.

    Watering rules

    To water an orchid that grows in the ground, you should use a watering can with a nozzle in the form of a thin tube without a sprinkler. It is necessary to slowly move the watering can over the surface so that the water flows in a thin stream and, if possible, all earthen lump turned out to be moisturized. After some time, the liquid will begin to flow into the pan, which will mean that watering should be stopped.

    If there is no drainage holes, then water with the same watering can. After 20 minutes, you need to drain the remaining solution, for which you need to tilt the pot, holding the roots of the plant with your hand, and wait until all excess liquid will drain.

    Leaf treatment

    To wipe the leaves, you need to moisten a piece of cotton wool or soft fabric in an acid solution and carefully treat the leaf plates.

    Care must be taken to ensure that the solution does not get on the base of the leaves. Otherwise, there will be a risk of not noticing it and, accordingly, not removing it in time.

    Yak is kept on the leaves for no more than 2 days, after which it is removed using a cloth or napkin soaked in water at room temperature.

    Use to stimulate root growth

    Before replanting the orchid, the roots of the plant are soaked in a solution. If the plant is weakened and needs urgent restoration, then it root system must be kept in the composition for 2–2.5 hours. For strong healthy flower optimal time holding - half an hour.

    Next, the roots need to be left in the air to dry, after which the orchid can be planted in another pot. According to flower growers, results can be observed within 6–7 days: new shoots appear on the peduncles, and the root system begins to actively grow.

    Restoring an orchid without roots

    Sometimes in floriculture practice there is such a sad situation when an orchid is left without roots at all. Usually the reason for this is improper care. But even in this case, the plant can be helped to grow new roots. There are 2 ways to do this, the first of which looks like this:

    • Succinic acid should be diluted in a ratio of 4 tablets per 1 liter of water.
    • Pour the solution into a transparent container and place the plant there so that only the root collar is immersed in the liquid.
    • Place the container in a lighted place, but not directly Sun rays. Provide the plant with warmth and high humidity air.
    • The solution should be added from time to time (every 2-3 days) to maximize the benefit for the orchid.
    • After 2–3 months, the plant will take new roots. When their length reaches 5 cm, the flower can be planted in a flower pot.

    The second method looks like this:

    • Crush 2-3 tablets of succinic acid.
    • Coat the petiole of the plant with the resulting powder.
    • Fill the pot with a substrate typically used for orchids and place the flower in it.
    • Until the plant takes root, it should be watered less frequently than usual and the leaves should be sprayed.

    Seed treatment

    Seeds treated with succinic acid have improved germination rates, plants grow better and suffer less. The dosage is 1 g per 0.5 liter of water or 1 tablet per 1 liter of water.

An orchid is a beautiful, but rather whimsical plant. With proper care, it can bloom throughout the year. However, if you don’t create for her necessary conditions, you will have to admire only the foliage. Succinic acid for orchids helps strengthen the plant and stimulate its development, but this substance should be used carefully.

Ideal feeding for orchids

Succinic acid is a colorless crystalline substance that tends to completely dissolve in alcohol and water. IN natural conditions this compound is found in amber, brown coal and living organisms. You can purchase succinic acid tablets or powder at any pharmacy. It is widely used in floriculture for processing orchids (especially phalaenopsis).

Succinic acid - universal assistant for gardeners growing orchids

The popularity of succinic acid is due to many useful actions the effects it has on plants. These include:

  • resuscitation after a stressful event, such as transportation or transplantation;
  • activation of the rooting process of cuttings;
  • increasing the duration of flowering;
  • stimulation of root formation;
  • acceleration of regeneration of stems and leaves damaged as a result high temperature or frostbite;
  • increasing resistance to adverse factors - sunburn, lack of watering, frost, waterlogging;
  • saturation of leaves with chlorophyll, which increases growth intensity.

Besides positive influence on the plants themselves, succinic acid also improves the quality of the soil. It improves microflora, promotes the destruction of toxic substances, and accelerates the processing and absorption of other fertilizers by orchids.

Important! At correct use harmful effects no acid was detected on plants.

How to prepare a solution: proportions and nuances

Succinic acid is available in powder form or in tablet form. The method of preparing the solution depends on the form of the drug.

Succinic acid is easily absorbed by the plant

When using tablets, you need to dilute 1 piece in 1 liter of water at room temperature. But this should be done in stages:

  1. First, the tablet is diluted in 200 ml of liquid.
  2. After complete dissolution, add the missing amount of water.

Powdered acid is diluted at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter. If out of stock suitable scales, allowing us to determine required amount drug, you can use a regular knife. You should take enough acid to fit at the very tip and dissolve it in water.

Important! A solution of succinic acid is suitable for use only for two to three days after preparation, then it completely loses its beneficial properties.

Video: how to dilute succinic acid tablets to water an orchid

Ways to use succinic acid

For beginning gardeners, succinic acid can become a lifesaver in caring for a demanding flower. But to get the desired effect, you need to follow certain recommendations.

An orchid is a very delicate and demanding flower, which is important to nourish correctly

How to water

It is recommended to water orchids growing in the ground with an acid solution using a small watering can without a sprayer. The liquid should flow slowly, in the form of a thin stream, and gradually fill the entire soil surface. When it begins to flow out through the bottom holes, watering should be stopped. You need to wait until the excess liquid drains into the pan.

Watering with succinic acid solution is done slowly

Watering an orchid in a container without drainage holes, for example, if the plant is grown in a glass flask, has its own characteristics. This is done using the same watering can, but it is important to drain the excess solution after 15–20 minutes as follows: holding the root system and drainage with your palm, tilt the pot and wait until the liquid has completely drained out.

If the orchid is located in a place protected from drafts and temperature changes, watering can be carried out at any time of the day. Otherwise, it is advisable to perform the procedure in the morning so that the plant dries out by evening.

How to wipe leaves

To treat orchid leaves, you need to soak a piece of cotton cloth or cotton pad and perform wiping. Avoid getting acid into the base of the plates.. In this case, the solution may not be noticed and, accordingly, may not be removed in due time.

When wiping an orchid, it is important to prevent acid from getting on the base of the leaves.

Important! Do not leave the acid on the leaves for more than two days. It becomes useless for the plant.

In order to remove the drug, the plates are wiped with napkins soaked in ordinary water room temperature.

Video: master class on wiping orchid leaves

Features of application for root system growth

Processing of a phalaenopsis orchid, as a rule, occurs before its transplantation. The procedure is performed by soaking the roots in a solution, while varying the soaking time. If the case is critical and the plant needs emergency restoration, then you should leave the flower in the composition for 2–2.5 hours. For a healthy orchid, half an hour of treatment is enough.

Treatment of roots activates their growth

After soaking, the roots must be thoroughly air dried. Only after this can you begin transplanting into another container. Experienced flower growers note that the result can be observed within a week - root growth is activated, new shoots are quickly formed on the peduncles.

Video: treating phalaenopsis with amber fertilizer

How to revive an orchid without roots

Flower growers are familiar with the situation when an orchid loses the bulk of its roots as a result of inappropriate care. To save the plant, its shoots and leaves are sprayed with a concentrated solution of succinic acid - 4 tablets per 1 liter. It is better to carry out the procedure daily in the morning. For spraying, it is recommended to use a spray bottle with a fine nozzle so that the liquid is well dispersed. Don’t be afraid of an overdose, the flower will take exactly as much as it needs. For greater effectiveness, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every day before the procedure, and then apply a fresh composition.

Young shoots especially need spraying with succinic acid; the solution helps stimulate their growth.

There is also a less troublesome method - immersing the plant without roots directly into the solution. Spraying the leaves with this fertilizer in addition to this option is not recommended.


Another way to help a flower grow roots is as follows:

Video: master class on processing orchids to resuscitate roots

Is there a risk of overdose: how often can you use acid?

Orchids are able to easily absorb succinic acid. There is practically no chance of overdose. The excess substance is not used by the plant as a food product. However, compliance with certain standards helps to achieve the maximum positive effect.

You can use a solution based on succinic acid different ways. But at the same time, regularity of use is general. The orchid should be treated once every 20–30 days. It is not advisable to use acid more often. Flowers just can't absorb a large number of of this substance.

How to use so that the benefit does not become harm

Succinic acid does not pose a serious danger to humans, but if it comes into contact with mucous membranes or skin covering it can cause irritation. Therefore, it is important to follow safety precautions:

  • When working with the drug, you must use gloves.
  • If the solution gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with water.

And also not excluded allergic reactions and irritation respiratory system as a result of exposure to acid. In this situation, you need to seek medical help.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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