Electric heating boilers are in steady demand among owners of private houses, since it is not advisable to use powerful heating equipment in all rooms. And often, any other sources other than electricity are simply not available - and then it is much easier to provide a cottage with electricity than to supply gas to it. You can also choose a solid fuel boiler, but solid fuel requires both storage and delivery space, while electricity is always at hand.

You can purchase an electric boiler “Proterm” or any other popular and reliable manufacturer from our company. Here you will find many types heating equipment, as well as high-quality service, a full guarantee for all goods and fast delivery.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric boilers

The main advantages of electric heating boilers are the following factors:

  • relative cheapness and easy access to an energy source;
  • a minimum of mechanical parts, due to which maintenance of such a boiler is easier than a gas or any other;
  • opportunity automatic operation, which allows you to turn on the heating at any time convenient for you according to a given program;
  • no noise during operation. An important feature for a residential building, as well as compactness and light weight, which allows installation electric boilers almost anywhere;
  • no harmful emissions into the atmosphere and no need for additional installation chimney.

Among the disadvantages of electric heating boilers is their low power. For heating rooms larger than 300 square meters. m such equipment is not enough. Another disadvantage is low efficiency, due to which they consume quite a lot of electricity.

Features of electric boilers

Due to its ability to heat relatively small areas, electric heating boilers are used in apartments, as well as private houses and medium-sized industrial premises. Often such equipment is installed as additional equipment to the main one (gas or solid fuel). This prevents the heating system from shutting down due to a temporary lack of fuel other than electricity.

The main requirement when using an electric boiler Galan, Vaillant and other brands is technical feasibility installation of equipment of similar power in the room, that is, the availability of an appropriate power supply system should be provided in advance.

The climate company Termomir offers wide range electric boilers of various capacities. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the desired model boiler

Electric boilers are designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating) , various administrative, commercial and production facilities with an area from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating is optimal where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case of problems with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block of heating elements, a control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with a circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to its compact size and light weight electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room and installation is allowed in utility rooms or utility rooms, pantries, kitchens, basements, and even living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to operate and do not create harmful emissions and foreign odors, do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning and regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on stable availability of electricity and high demands on quality and reliability electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of electricity costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used to a minimum, in winter - at full power. Thanks to the built-in automation, the boiler will not operate continuously, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

For selection electric boiler you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
For selection specific model electric boiler, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently, our company’s product range includes both the best electric boilers from European manufacturers and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

See also:

The climate control company Termomir offers a wide range of electric boilers of various capacities. Read the information or call our consultants to choose the right boiler model.

Electric boilers are designed for heating private house, dacha, apartment (including for apartment heating), various administrative, commercial and industrial facilities ranging from 30 to several thousand square meters. m. Electric heating is optimal where there is no main gas or where there are strict requirements for the environmental friendliness of heating devices. Also, an electric boiler is often used as a backup heating option in case of problems with the main boiler, for example, a gas one.

An electric heating boiler consists of a heat exchanger, a block of heating elements, a control unit and control and safety devices. Some electric boilers are equipped with a circulation pump, expansion tank, safety valve and filter. The coolant heated by electricity circulates through a system of pipes and radiators, providing space heating, as well as heating water in the boiler. An electric double-circuit boiler is used for heating and hot water supply, a single-circuit boiler is used only for heating a house, as well as for heated floors.

Compared to boilers using other types of fuel, electric boilers are cheaper, more compact, safe and silent. Connecting electric boilers is much simpler and less expensive than other types of boilers. Due to their compact size and light weight, electric boilers are wall-mounted, do not require a separate boiler room, and installation is allowed in utility or utility rooms, storerooms, kitchens, basements, and even in living rooms.
Electric boilers are easy to operate and do not create harmful emissions or foreign odors, do not require constant maintenance, expensive cleaning or regular fuel purchases.

Dependence on the stable availability of electricity and high demands on the quality and reliability of electrical wiring. You should also take into account the fairly high cost of electricity. To make an informed decision about purchasing an electric boiler, it is recommended to make a preliminary calculation of electricity costs.

The boiler will be used in the Russian climate on average from September to April inclusive, i.e. only 8, not 12 months a year. In autumn and spring, the boiler will be used at a minimum, in winter - at full capacity. Thanks to the built-in automation, the boiler will not operate continuously, on average about 8 hours a day, so the approximate energy costs for the year can be calculated using the following formula:

240 days X 8 hours a day X boiler power X cost of 1 kW of electricity

Electric boilers with a power of up to 12 kW are available in single-phase (220 V power) and three-phase (380 V power), and boilers with a power of more than 12 kW are only three-phase. Most electric boilers with a power of more than 6 kW allow multi-stage power adjustment.

Various remote programmers that can maintain the room temperature according to a user-specified schedule help save energy without sacrificing comfort.

To select an electric boiler, you need to find out the power of the device. Basic calculation – 1 kW of boiler power is enough to heat 10 m2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.
To select a specific electric boiler model, you can contact the consultants of the Termomir company. Remember that in addition to the boiler itself, it is necessary to purchase other elements of a complete heating and water supply system (radiators, pipes, pumps, thermostats, boiler and much more), so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Currently, our company’s product range includes both the best electric boilers from European manufacturers and good inexpensive Russian electric boilers.

See also:

Today, more and more people are choosing an electric boiler for heating. There are 3 types of this device depending on the method of heating the coolant. Based on descriptions, videos, photographs, prices and your opinion, you can decide which electric boiler to choose for heating your home.

The most popular and affordable is a heating element electric boiler for home heating. At its core - heating element(heater), transforming electrical energy to thermal. The main disadvantages are:

  • low efficiency (80-93%) due to the need to warm up the heating element first, and then the water. During operation, scale forms on it, which also reduces the efficiency of the entire system.
  • The boiler often fails due to overheating of the heating element. It is necessary to ensure that the heating element is completely immersed in water.

Photo of a wall-mounted heating element electric boiler for heating:

Photo of a floor-standing heating element electric boiler

The second type is an induction electric boiler. The system of work in it is based on the rule of induction. The heating element is an induction coil that converts electromagnetic energy into thermal energy. An induction electric boiler for heating a private home appeared quite recently, so it has not yet received mass recognition.

The main advantage of an induction electric boiler is its absolute safety, since the connection with electrical circuit completely excluded. The efficiency is about 99%. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Photo of an induction electric boiler

The third type of electric boilers is electrode or ionic, which operate due to the ability of water to transmit electric current. Efficiency – 94-95%. The devices are compact in size and weight. Making an electrode homemade electric heating boiler is quite difficult. There is also a nuance - electrical conductivity exists only in water with a certain salt content. Distilled water is not suitable.

Photo of an electrode electric boiler

Installation methods

Methods for installing an electric boiler in a house depend on its type and size. Thus, a heating element electrical appliance for heating a private house is represented by fairly large models with an average weight of 15 kg. Wall options lighter and more compact. They are attached to the wall of the house using dowels and anchor bolts.

The boilers are suitable for heating homes with an area of ​​about 50 square meters, at the same time, their power will be insufficient for indoor work large size– 100 square meters or 150 square meters. They require even more impressive devices. Installation must be strictly vertical and horizontal. It is recommended to maintain a distance from the floor of at least 1.5 m.

Electrolytic (electrolysis, ion) boilers are small devices weighing up to 1 kg. They must be fastened clearly vertical position not higher than the installation line of the heating system radiators.

To heat a private house with electric boilers of the third type, induction, it is necessary closed system with the obligatory connection of a circulation pump and an expansion tank. The induction unit is attached to the wall, which must support its considerable weight (on average, 24 kg).

For a floor-mounted electric heating boiler with a power of more than 5 kW, a special metal stand, which is firmly attached to the base of the house and connected.

Regardless of the type of boiler electric type, there are no significant differences in installation. The connection of the electric boiler to the heating system of the house must be carried out according to general rules security:

  • they should not be placed near the water supply system, as there is a risk of leakage and short circuit;
  • It is necessary to take into account not only the power of the boiler, but also the power of radiators for heating the house.


IN technical specifications One of the most important performance indicators is the power of the heating device, which can range from 2 to 60 kW. Operating voltage – 220V or 380V. The recommended area of ​​the house, cable cross-section for the electric boiler, unit efficiency and other parameters are also indicated. Let's take a closer look at them.

Low-power devices for electric heating houses are used to connect to the main sources of heat energy (gas or solid fuel boiler). If you plan to have one heat source, then it is better to choose an electric boiler of higher power. Low-power electric boilers for heating private houses up to 50 square meters with a voltage of 220V are single-phase.

To heat a house with an area of ​​50-100 square meters, you need to install an electric boiler with a power of 6-11 kW, connected to a three-phase voltage system of 380 V. If your home measures 100-150 square meters, choose an electric heating device with a capacity of 11-16 kW. When connected to electrical network, follow the recommendations technical passport electric boiler for heating relative to the cross-sectional diameter of the cable, as shown in the photo:

Efficiency of an electric heating boiler. The most high-performance induction electric boilers give an indicator of 98-99%. In others types of efficiency may be 80-95%.

The dimensions of the heater are not particularly important for operation. But if there is only one heat source in the house, then the best option will opt for a large-sized model.

Pros and cons of electric boilers

House heating systems with an electric boiler compare favorably with gas analogues and boilers operating on solid or liquid fuel. Advantages of connecting electric boilers:

  • are not a source of open fire;
  • no harmful emissions;
  • no need to install a chimney;
  • there are no problems with operation, since the entire process is automated;
  • do not create noise in the house during operation;
  • have high efficiency work (up to 99%);
  • suitable for heating private houses that are not connected to gas communications;
  • do not require constant cleaning;
  • can work autonomously;
  • you can make a homemade electric boiler;
  • do not require annual service which saves a lot of money.

Main disadvantages:

  • complete dependence on electricity supply;
  • high level of electricity use;
  • high cost of electricity


Complete electrical appliance heating consists of several important elements:

  1. An electric boiler is the heart of the entire heating system, where the coolant is heated.
  2. Expansion tank. The heated water is distributed throughout the heating system. The expansion tank is an element of the safety system that absorbs excess water, thereby preventing the system from overloading.
  3. The circulation pump provides all heating system at home with a constant circulation of coolant and the necessary ionization in the boiler body.
  4. A pipe system with thermoregulation sensors allows you to regulate the operation of a heating system with an electric boiler and save electrical energy consumption.
  5. Radiators – necessary element systems for heating a private house.
  6. Shut-off valves with valves provide serial connection elements of the system.
  7. Fuses are used to protect against electrical surges. When it is turned off, the voltage decreases gradually, which protects the safety of the entire structure.

We calculate the power of the energy boiler

Power is one of key characteristics electric boilers, which you should focus on when choosing an electric heating device.

To optimally select the power, two main parameters are usually taken into account - the area of ​​the house and the specific power of the boiler for different regions. So, for cold latitudes this figure is 1.2-2. For middle zone– 1-1.2. And for southern latitudes power density heating is 0.7-0.9.

The formula most often used is:

W = S x W beats / 10 sq.m., where

W - electric boiler power (kW)

S - house area (sq. m)

W beat - specific power per 10 sq.m

According to this formula, an electric boiler for heating a house of 50 square meters will have a power of 5-10 kW. House of 100 sq.m. a heating unit of 10-20 kW is required. And to warm up a cottage of 150 sq.m. You will need an electric boiler with a power of 20-30 kW.

The heat loss of an insulated house is 0.6 kW per 10 sq.m. According to calculations, there is 30 kW of heat loss per 50 square meters of room, 60 kW per 100 square meters, 90 kW per 150 square meters.

How to choose the right electric boiler for heating a private home: expert advice

When choosing an electric boiler, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • house dimensions;
  • degree of insulation;
  • sizes and number of doors and windows;
  • type of window glazing.

The issue of insulation is very important, since even an electric boiler maximum power will not be able to warm up an average-sized house of 100 square meters to a comfortable living temperature of 25 if all the heat evaporates outside. You will have to pay a fairly impressive amount for the electricity spent.

By insulating your home, you will not only pay less for heating, but also choose the most economical electric boiler for heating your home with a voltage of 220V, focusing on key indicators - the area of ​​the house and the power of the heating device.

When choosing an electric boiler for heating a private home, be guided by the ratio: the boiler power is equal to a tenth of the estimated area of ​​the house. Thus, an electric boiler for heating a house of 100 square meters requires a power of at least 10 kW. And an electric boiler for heating a house of 150 square meters depends on the power of the heating mechanism of 15 kW.

It is better to choose heating devices with little excess power. This will allow you to regulate the operation of the electric boiler, preventing it from functioning at the maximum level.

Homemade electric boiler for heating with your own hands

In pursuit of an economical electric boiler for heating a private home, many are interested in how to make such a device with their own hands. First of all, forget about the concept of “economical electric boilers”. They simply don't exist. Any similar unit consumes a lot of electricity, converting it into heat. Another thing is that you can actually make an electric boiler yourself from affordable materials. To do this you will need to buy or have:

  1. pipe cutting for an electric boiler;
  2. steel sheet 2 mm thick;
  3. tools;
  4. welding machine.

A homemade, economical electric boiler for heating a private house is a pipe welded on both sides, to which pipes are attached for cold supply and drainage. hot water into heating radiators. The branch pipes must have threads on the side where they are connected to the outlet pipes. For a small private house up to 50 square meters homemade will do electric boiler with a pipe diameter of 219 mm and a length of 0.5 m.

A heating element with a power of 1 kW, which requires a voltage of 220V, is quite suitable. It is highly recommended that it be located at the bottom of the electric boiler near the chilled water outlet. Thus, the heating element will be completely immersed in water, which will prevent overheating and failure of the homemade electric boiler.

It is also necessary to wire the electric heating boiler, i.e. connect expansion tank, circulation pump, fuses. Next, the electric boiler is connected to the electrical panel and heat pipeline. If you lack qualifications, it is better to entrust this part of the work to professionals. Only in this case is the normal, safe functioning of the entire device guaranteed.

Installation and installation of electric boilers

Installation and installation of a heating system with an electric boiler requires compliance with safety rules:

  • When working, make sure that the electricity is turned off;
  • the wall of the house on which the electric heating boiler will be placed must support its weight and be fireproof;
  • An important stage of work is grounding the system;
  • The higher the power of the electric boiler, the larger the cross-section of the electrical wire should be.

To work you will need:

  1. perforator;
  2. level;
  3. pipes;
  4. electrical wire;
  5. fasteners;
  6. fastening profile;
  7. mounting plate;
  8. keys of the required size;
  9. suitable installation diagram for an electric heating boiler;
  10. user manual.

The action plan for heating a house with an electric boiler is as follows:

  1. Marking the location of the boiler.
  2. Drilling holes in the wall of the house.
  3. Fixing the mounting profile and mounting strip, onto which the electric boiler is then attached using dowels. For floor option a special metal stand is attached to the base.
  4. Electrical part installation work provides for the connection of an RCD and a circuit breaker. It is necessary to select an electrical cable of the required cross-section in accordance with the power of the device.
  5. Grounding the device.
  6. Wiring the electric heating boiler according to the diagram, i.e. connecting it to the home heating system.
  7. After completing the entire range of work, water is collected and the functioning of the entire heating system is checked.

Connecting an electric boiler to the heating system: diagrams

Having an electric boiler alone is not enough to keep the house warm. You still need to properly connect it to the heating system. A correctly executed piping scheme will also allow you to save on the use of equipment to control the water temperature in the heating system, preventing it from overheating. In addition, piping the electric boiler increases its operating efficiency.

The piping of an electric heating boiler has two circuits - small and large. First, the heated coolant passes through the small piping circuit, and then is included in the large one, from where it is distributed over the radiators.

The wiring diagram includes:

  1. circulation pump for pumping cooled water back into the water heater;
  2. pressure gauge - connects to monitor pressure in the heating system;
  3. radiators;
  4. pipes of different diameters;
  5. balancing valve;
  6. distribution valve;
  7. auxiliary elements (adapters, tees; safety, air, return type valves; fastening couplings, bolts, nuts).

Of the tools needed wrenches and a welding machine.

Heating of a private house with an electric boiler can be carried out according to 4 main connection schemes:

  • with natural circulation, which is used as an emergency option in case of power outage;
  • with forced circulation - used as the main connection diagram;
  • classic wiring;
  • using primary-secondary rings. Used in complex systems heating, including the installation of heated floors.

For heating multi-storey buildings A cascade circuit for connecting an electric boiler is used.

Watch a video about electric boilers:

Prices for electric boilers

Prices for electric boilers for heating private houses vary for many reasons. First of all, the cost depends on the type of heating fluid and the manufacturer. Let's present the information in a table.

Type of electric boiler Main Features Price
Mains voltage (V) Electric boiler power (kW) Domestic models (RUB) Foreign models (RUB)
heating elementnew — easy to use and operating principle;

- can be used with coolants various types(water, oil, antifreeze);

— has an attractive design that fits into any interior;

— it is possible to install and connect the factory version in the kitchen of a private house.

220 1,5-5 6 000-20 000 25 000-60 000
220, 380 5-10 15 000-40 000 27 000-70 000
380 10-15 18 000-45 000 30 000-70 000
Electrode - based on an electrode in which water is heated due to the electrical conductivity of water;

— compact dimensions;

— the device itself blocks operation in case of leakage;

high degree safety and efficiency

220 2-5 4 000-5 000
220,380 5-10 5 000-7 000
380 10-15 7 000-8 000
Induction - principle electromagnetic induction;

— direct contact with the coolant is excluded;

— very high operating efficiency (up to 99%);

- No detachable connections;

— high degree of safety;

long term service (up to 30 years)

220 2-5 15 000-20 000
220,380 5-10 20 000-25 000
380 10-15 25 000-40 000

IN recent years Electric boilers, which replaced gas boilers, are becoming increasingly popular, because they have several main advantages. In this article we will talk about which electric boiler to choose for heating a house of 50, 100 and 150 square meters, what parameters should be taken into account and why.

The essence of the operation of electric heating equipment is similar to gas. Only here thermal energy is formed under the influence of current that heats the heat exchanger in which the liquid moves.

Main advantages

  • they do not make noise during operation;
  • do not require a chimney;
  • easy to use and maintain;
  • do not burn oxygen in the house.

The only drawback is its sensitivity to voltage changes, which can lead to breakdown.

Varieties and differences

There are several types of electric boilers, differing in structure, connection features, efficiency, but suitable for houses of 50, 100, 150 square meters. Let's look at the main ones so that you can navigate when choosing equipment.

heating elements new

They got their name due to the presence of special heating elements - pipes, plates located in the heat exchanger. One device can contain up to eight such parts of 2 kilowatts each.

The heating level is adjustable, depending on the design, either manually or by means of automated system. Manufacturers offer consumers large selection models, both single- and double-circuit, operating on:

  • water;
  • antifreeze;
  • oil

During operation, you should constantly ensure that the heating elements are completely covered with coolant. If they become exposed, this will lead to overheating of the entire system and premature failure of the boiler.

Among the main disadvantages of heating elements heaters are:

Price for this type systems range from $50 and can rise to $1000 - it all depends on the size, power, modernity of electronics and control modules, as well as the brand name.


These boilers use special electrodes. The water warms up well due to the fact that it contains salts.

Main positive features electrode equipment consists of small dimensions, ease of operation and high security. By the way, the efficiency of such models reaches 95%!

TO negative aspects boiler applications of this type It is worth mentioning the use of coolant only containing salts, as well as the relatively frequent replacement of electrodes.

The cost of the simplest electrode boilers is about $60.


Possess relatively complex design, since they assume the use of an induction coil, due to which, when current flows, induction is created - it is this that ensures the heating of the core located inside the coil.

Structural complexity has its own positive characteristics- allows you to significantly increase the efficiency, reaching an incredible 99%.

Among other positive characteristics:

  • low energy consumption;
  • the ability to use virtually any coolant;
  • no scale even after long period use.

But among the not so pleasant qualities is the cost. It starts at $400 and can reach $3,000.

Advice. If you have chosen an induction boiler, it is better to buy more expensive model, giving up cheap ones - this will allow you to save significantly in the future on additional purchase and installation of valves, filters, and expansion tank.

Let's review the most popular models of electric boilers last year, which were rated by customers. Let's look at different models price categories And different manufacturers, with an optimal ratio of quality and price. The rating included only those models that, according to statistics, received more positive reviews and that are recommended by service center specialists.

The best Russian electric boilers for heating houses of 50, 100 and 150 sq.m.

The advantage of Russian developments is the provision stable operation in harsh conditions. It's not just features Russian climate when the boiler must maintain an optimal microclimate at outside temperature-40°. The main thing is protection against sudden and significant voltage drops in the network. Of course, a stabilizer would not be superfluous, but in general the equipment is resistant to such surges and continues to work efficiently.

Manufacturer: KrasnoyarskEnergoKomplekt plant. The boiler is designed for autonomous heating residential or production premises area up to 120 sq.m. During the development, the peculiarities of the Russian climate were taken into account, protection was installed against voltage surges in the network, insufficient power, and overheating.


Requires connection to three-phase network. As additional features:

  • power indicator,
  • thermometer,
  • room thermostat,
  • programmer

The body and heating element of the device are made of stainless steel, the presence of a control panel allows you to quickly and easily configure the operation of the device. Let us note a few more advantages of the boiler - its compact size, overheating protection, which turns off the device if the maximum temperature in the system is exceeded. The autodiagnostic system allows you to determine the cause of a breakdown or malfunction. Decipher the error code using the instructions.

Cons: no pump included, noisy operation.

The average cost of the device will be 21,400 rubles.

Single-circuit electric boiler Russian production designed for heating residential buildings, production or administrative premises with an area of ​​up to 180 square meters.

Technical characteristics of the device:

The appliance is single-circuit, that is, it is intended only for heating without heating water. Connects to a three-phase network with rated current circuit breaker 32 A.

The boiler can operate in manual and automatic mode; the built-in multi-stage protection system helps prevent equipment damage.

Among the advantages of the model, we highlight easy installation, quality system protection and the ability to connect remote control. Additionally provided:

  • power indicator,
  • pressure gauge,
  • room thermostat

You can connect external control. The advantages of the protection system against various emergency situations are protection against overheating, safety valve, air vent. There is a diagnostic system in place, in which the machine itself determines what happened to it.

The downside of the device is its heavy weight.

The average cost of a boiler is 48,000 rubles.

Automated single-circuit wall-mounted boiler for heating domestic and residential premises.


RusNIT 270M is single-circuit, that is, it is intended only for heating without heating water. Connects to a three-phase network with a rated current of the circuit breaker of 110 A. Can be connected to room thermostat, boiler, temperature sensor, GSM module and to the “warm floor” system.

Thanks to the presence of built-in sensors that monitor the filling level of the system and maximum temperature coolant, the safe operation of the device is guaranteed.

There are indicators on the body that allow you to monitor the operation of the boiler.

The downside of the boiler is that the kit does not include a circulation pump.

The average cost of the model will be 53,000 rubles.

The best European electric boilers for heating houses of 50, 100 and 150 sq.m.

Europe is known to be a supporter of high-quality, safe, but short-lived devices. A rare product can last more than 10 years. Moreover, often it simply turns off and that’s it - resuscitation will no longer help. But over these 10 years, the quality of work will always remain at its best.

Wall-mounted boiler designed for heating operation with forced circulation. The device can be connected to a boiler or underfloor heating system.


It can be connected to a single-phase or three-phase network with a maximum current of 41 A for one phase, and 14 A for three. There is a self-diagnosis system - the boiler itself will notify you if something has failed or the condition is critical. Find the error code in the instructions and decide whether to fix it yourself or have it repaired by a professional.

Among the advantages of this model Italian manufacturer It is worth highlighting the presence of a circulation pump in the kit, the ability to connect to a boiler and warm floor. The full-fledged protection system is captivating:

  • from overheating,
  • avoiding freezing
  • safety valve,
  • air vent,
  • anti-blocking pump.

The average cost of the device will be 34,500 rubles.

Single-circuit electric boiler, which is able to provide heat to a room measuring 180 square meters. meters. The heat exchanger is made of stainless steel; a boiler can be connected to the device.


Connection to a three-phase network with a maximum current of 32 A. There is a self-diagnosis system - the boiler itself will notify you if anything has failed or the condition is critical. The instructions explain the error codes.

The Protherm Skat 18 KR 13 model is distinguished by its simple and convenient control, when using room regulators the process will become even easier. Built-in automation guarantees protection against overheating of the coolant and excess pressure in the boiler. The main advantage of the device is economical energy consumption, frost protection and the possibility of self-diagnosis.

The average cost of the model is 39,900 rubles.

German single-circuit electric boiler for heating country house It is distinguished by its light weight, compact size and sleek design.

Model specifications:

The boiler is equipped electronically controlled, which makes it easier to configure the device, and the display allows you to control the temperature of the coolant and determine error codes when diagnosing breakdowns. Connection to a three-phase network with a maximum current of 32 A. There is a self-diagnosis system - the boiler itself will notify you if anything has failed or the condition is critical. The instructions explain the error codes.

The kit includes a circulation pump, expansion tank. It is possible to connect to a boiler and heated floor.

It's also worth noting silent operation devices, the presence of frost protection function, power adjustment.

The disadvantage of the product is that the boiler is sensitive to voltage changes in the electrical network, so the purchase of a stabilizer is required.

The price of the model is from 43,000 rubles.

VIDEO: Features of heating a house with electricity

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):