One of the most original indoor plants is Dracaena Sandera.

Moreover, many flower growers in whose house it grows do not even realize that it is a type of dracaena, sincerely considering it bamboo. Among flower growers, the name “bamboo of happiness” is even common.

However, sanderina has nothing in common with bamboo other than appearance and place of origin.

Home to this unique herbaceous plant is Africa, Asia, South America.

And if domestic variety, as a rule, is low and reaches a height of 1-1.5 meters, then wild plant can grow several tens of meters. Moreover, this plant even blooms in its homeland.

Unfortunately, in room conditions this happens extremely rarely.

Planting and transplanting: rules, features

The main thing you need to decide when bringing Sandera home is where to grow it. There may be several options.

The most popular is growing in water. It would seem that this is the simplest way: set it and forget it. But that's not true.

Two basic rules must be followed:

  1. Firstly, the water must be clean, so it must be changed at least once every two weeks. Moreover, when changing water, it is necessary to wash the roots of the plants. Water for replacement must be taken from settled, melt or rain water.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to carefully monitor the water level in the container. The water should not be allowed to be more than 2 cm above the dracaena roots. This may cause the plant to begin to rot.

Dracaena sandera planted in water

A more advanced way to grow “bamboo of happiness” without soil is hydrogel. It is a polymer, absolutely sterile and safe.

To plant a plant with its help, you need to put a small number of balls in a container, place the plant there and pour water.

The peculiarity of the polymer is that it quickly absorbs water, increasing in size several times. Gradually it releases moisture to the plants.

This is very convenient for forgetful gardeners who may not water the plant on time, as well as for those who often leave home for a long time. For planting, you can use a transparent gel or colored one, for greater decorativeness.

Another option is planting in the ground. For this purpose you can buy as ready mixture, or prepare it yourself from a mixture of earth, peat and sand, taken in equal proportions. For planting, you need to choose a container that is not wide, but deep.

Plants must be replanted using the transshipment method. Best period for this - the beginning of spring (March, April).

For young plants, the frequency of transshipment is once every 1-2 years. Older plants can be replanted every 3-4 years. It is not recommended to replant old plants.

For them, once a year you can simply replace top layer land for a new one. After transplantation, the plant needs more abundant watering, but it cannot be fertilized for three to four weeks.

Sandera in the ground

Plant care

Dracaena Sandera is one of those plants that even the most inexperienced gardeners can grow. Despite all its exoticism, the more unpretentious indoor flower difficult to meet.

Optimal conditions – good lighting, but not direct sunlight, sufficient timely watering, periodic use of fertilizers.

If these conditions are not provided, the dracaena will grow more slowly and will lose some of its decorativeness, become paler, but will not die.

Features of care in the summer-spring period

What to do to provide the plant with good conditions in summer and spring:

  1. The first thing to do is find good place for the pot. If the room is not on sunny side, then the window sill can become such a place. If the window is south, then the pot can be placed on a special stand not far from it. Best optioneast window. The plant can adapt even to partial shade, but in this case its leaves will become lighter.
  2. Optimal temperature growing– 20-22 degrees. Dracaena can tolerate lower or higher temperatures, but there is a rule. The higher the temperature, the more humid the air should be.
  3. Watering– produced as the soil dries out. In summer it is necessary to water at least twice a week.
  4. Spraying– is also necessary conditions for growing a plant. If the air is very dry, you can spray it a couple of times every 7-10 days. If the humidity level in the room is normal, then one spray can be replaced by wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. Once a month, the flower should have a shower.
  5. Like any other indoor plant, Sanderu needs to be fertilized. If the plant grows in soil, then this can be done quite rarely (no more than once a month). You can use either a universal fertilizer or one made specifically for dracaenas and succulents. If the flower grows in water, which does not contain nutrients like soil, then it will need to be fertilized twice a month. You can use soluble fertilizers for aquatic plants for this.

Cold season

Caring for Dracaena Sandera in winter and autumn is almost the same as in the warm season, but there are still differences.

The main difference is only in watering, which is reduced to once every seven days in cold weather.

In addition, since in winter and autumn there is little sun and it is not as hot as in summer, the flower can be moved directly to the windowsill, but only if it does not blow.

If the air in the room becomes drier due to heating devices, then you can increase the number of sprayings to three to four times a week.

How to make a spiral

Many owners of “lucky bamboo” are interested in the question of how to make Sandera’s trunk curl like a spiral.

This is quite easy to do at home, and there are several different ways.

The simplest one: place the young shoot in a spiral-shaped tube. Since the trunk young plant is very flexible, as it grows it will take the shape of a tube.

Later it will harden and the tube can be removed. It is best to use a plastic mold for the stem so that it can be easily cut.

The second method is to gradually wrap young shoots around a straight stick as they grow and secure them in this position.

You just need to carefully monitor the growth of the plant and have time to give it shape in time, before the trunk hardens.

It's easy to make a spiral

Plant propagation

Sandera can be propagated in two ways: by seeds, by dividing the stem or by cuttings:

  1. Seed option is more suitable for professional cultivation of plants, since it is quite labor-intensive, requires experience and good conditions for seed germination. The second and third options are simpler.
  2. To propagate a plant stem division method, you just need to cut the stem into required quantity parts and put them in water. The upper sections must be waxed to prevent moisture loss. You can keep the pieces in water for quite a long time. You should not immediately replant them in the ground after the roots appear. It is best to wait for new shoots to appear.
  3. Regarding propagation by cuttings, then to do this you just need to cut off new shoots and put them in water until roots appear. The cut site of the parent plant must be thoroughly waxed.

The plant cuttings have already sprouted

Problems, diseases and pests

Dracaena Sandera is a surprisingly persistent flower, practically not susceptible; if it suddenly has any problems, then it’s all to blame - improper care And bad conditions indoors.

The most common problem is dry yellow ends. The main reason This is due to either poor lighting or lack of moisture.

You can also watch brown spots on the stem. This indicates that it is high time to change the water. In this case, you can cut off the rotten part and leave the rest in water for rooting.

Among the pests that can infect the plant,. To get rid of them, you need to buy special preparations and treat the plant with them.

Indoor bamboo

Sandera is popular among flower growers not only due to its attractive appearance and ease of care. According to the Taoist teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that this plant can bring good luck, health and prosperity to the home.

Bamboo of happiness (varnishes) – so in everyday life called variety indoor dracaena– Sander (Sanderian). This type of plant differs from its “relatives” in that it is similar in appearance to bamboo, and not to a palm tree, like the others.

All flower growers are accustomed to the fact that the most common method of propagating this crop is propagation by dividing the stem. Moreover, to this day it is still unknown exactly how it reproduces in a “natural” way.

The most common propagation method is the stem division method. To do this, the stem of an adult plant is cut into several parts.

The upper cuts are covered with soft wax. This is done in order to prevent the stem from losing moisture: the wax prevents the stem from drying out.

In order for the resulting cuttings to take root, they are placed in a glass of water, to which you can add “Kornevin”. After a few weeks, the shoots will begin to develop roots. But don’t rush to transplant the plant into the ground right away: it will feel good and grow well just in water.

When the roots grow well and new shoots appear, the cutting can be safely transplanted into a pot.

Rooting the stem in several places.

There is another way to propagate dracaena, which will allow you to get several plants from one stem at once. To do this, it is necessary to treat the stem in a special way: cover both ends of the stem with wax exactly halfway.

After this, the cutting is placed in a horizontal flat bowl so that the untreated sections of the stem are at the bottom. The cutting areas must be constantly filled with water. As soon as the roots appear, the plant can be transplanted into the substrate.

Be careful with watering: the buds should be dry and not lying in water.

Propagation by cuttings and shoots.

The most in a simple way Propagation of the culture is propagation by upper and lateral cuttings. To do this, you simply need to cut off the top of the shoot and root it in water or moist soil.

After cutting, be sure to treat the rest of the stem to prevent it from drying out and dying.

Dracaena Sandera or “bamboo that brings happiness,” apart from the similarity in appearance, has nothing in common with ordinary bamboo. Seeing the plant for the first time, few people can guess that it is just a dracaena. But this tree does belong to the family of palms grown indoors.

Dracaena bamboo perfectly decorates any room and changes its atmosphere in better side. Such pseudo-bamboo deserves special attention from amateurs indoor flowers, since it is one of the most unpretentious, hardy and easy-to-care plants. There is an opinion that those who have Dracaena sanderiana growing in their home find happiness and prosperity.

Unpretentious dracaena with the appearance of bamboo

Dracaena sandera - evergreen perennial originally from Africa. It has a green, fleshy, smooth stem with characteristic constrictions (which is why it is confused with bamboo). The height of the stem can reach up to one meter. The leaves of Dracaena Sanderiana are dense and variegated, but in comparison with other dracaenas, they are short (about twenty centimeters).

Many people call this type of dracaena “lucky bamboo”. And this is no coincidence. This name comes from an old legend.

Once upon a time, a couple in love lived in the same tribe. But the bride's father, who was the High Priest of this tribe, did not allow the guy to marry his daughter because the young man was poor. But this did not stop the guy in love and he came to the priest to ask for a blessing for their union.

Then the bride's father stuck a dry branch into the ground and ordered the guy to revive it within five days. The young man diligently watered the branch with water and, after the allotted time for the dead wood, beautiful green leaves grew. The wedding took place, and this branch became a symbol of happiness and love.

Flowering of Dracaena sandera can be observed infrequently; this plant blooms approximately once every ten years. An arrow appears on the plant, and on it appear light flowers, which emit a not very pleasant aroma.

What conditions need to be created for the active development of Sandera

Before you start a dracaena, you should take care of favorable conditions, in which she will live and provide her with proper care. Although this flower is unpretentious, there are still some nuances for growing it at home.


Dracaena bamboo is a light-loving plant, but at the same time does not tolerate direct contact with it. sun rays, which can lead to her death. To create optimally comfortable conditions It is necessary to choose a place where the sunlight will be diffused. But it is possible that a plant can thrive in a dark, humid room. But then the dracaena leaves will not be particularly bright and rich.

Air humidity and temperature

The bamboo tree tolerates dry air well and does not need to constantly spray the leaves. For Sandera it is much more important fresh air and wiping leaves from dust.

Comfortable temperature for bamboo is from twenty to thirty-five degrees. If the room is dark, then the air humidity should be high. In this case, the plant can be moved to the bathroom.

How to grow bamboo that brings happiness

There is more than one way to plant this plant. The fact is that Dracaena Sandera is a rather unusual flower that can grow and develop well in water instead of the usual soil. But you can plant this plant in the ground and it will also feel great.

How to Grow Spiral Bamboo in Water

In order to plant Dracaena Sandera in water, you simply need to place the flower shoot in a container of water. The liquid should cover the roots of the plant by a couple of centimeters. Water for growing should be purified at room temperature. It will need to be updated once every one and a half to two weeks.

Water can be replaced with hydrogel; the plant also develops well in it. For planting, it is better to buy a transparent pot, which will make the composition more impressive. The gel should be filled with water and left for three and a half to four hours to swell. Prepare the plant for planting by removing parts that have rotted. Place the flower in the pot and fill the empty space with hydrogel. The advantage of the gel is that its properties last for five years. After this period, it will need to be replaced with a new one.

Due to the fact that the flower takes root so well in water, sometimes the question arises whether it can be planted in an aquarium. This is only possible if the plant stem is not very deeply immersed in water.

The plant is also grown in fountains. To do this, it is necessary to secure the roots of the plant with pebbles, and change the water once every seven days and add regularly necessary for the plant nutrients.

For planting you should use special mixture for dracaenas and palms. Dracaena will develop well in the ground, where equal parts soil and sand will be mixed.

Bamboo needs good layer drainage. Therefore, small stones or expanded clay should be poured into the bottom of the pot. If dracaena is grown in the ground, then you should not water it abundantly, as this can lead to rotting of the flower roots.

What are the features of caring for the flower of happiness?

In order to grow and develop well, Dracaena sandera must receive certain care at home.

For this flower water is extremely important. On hot summer days, the plant needs to be watered abundantly and often, but in winter, on the contrary, watering should be moderate.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor the formation of the plant.

Indoor bamboo is very is developing rapidly. If it grows in conditions suitable for it, the shoots quickly lengthen, and leaves form on the trunk and crown, which makes the plant ugly and unlike ordinary bamboo.

In order for Sanderiana to have a presentable appearance, you should constantly cut side shoots and leaves. In addition, if there are a lot of shoots, this will gradually lead to yellowing and wilting of the leaves.

To avoid this, you need to make a formative cut:

  • side shoots are removed with pruning shears, leaving no stumps;
  • leaves are systematically cut off;
  • cut areas are treated activated carbon, melted paraffin or lubricated with garden varnish to prevent infection from entering the trunk;
  • a trunk that has become very elongated can also be cut off. It will continue to grow, and shoots will reappear from the “dormant buds.”

You can create a variety of compositions from the shoots of young dracaena, since its shoots are still flexible and well formed.

It is necessary to feed dracaena from spring to autumn. Plants grown in soil need more nutrients than those grown in water. If the plant lacks mineral fertilizers, then gradually the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

How to replant dracaena? And what nuances should be taken into account?

How does the bamboo of happiness reproduce?

Dracaena Sander can be propagated by lateral and apical cuttings or by dividing the stem.

How does cutting work?

Growing dracaena by dividing the stem

After the apical and lateral cuttings are cut from the shoot, it can be used for propagation. The stem actively takes root and gives rapid growth. To do this you need:

  • Using a clean, sharp knife, cut the stem into pieces five centimeters long with two dormant buds;
  • treat the upper cut with molten paraffin;
  • after the paraffin becomes hard, the pieces are immersed in water;
  • Once roots appear on the stems, they should not be planted immediately. You need to wait a while until root system It will grow well, and new shoots will form on the stem.

Pests and diseases of indoor dracaena

Although the plant is hardy and unpretentious, it can still be exposed to various diseases and pests.

This fungal disease, in which the roots of the plant become soft and turn brown. The leaves turn yellow and wither. It is almost impossible to cure the plant. It is better to remove infected bamboo and thoroughly disinfect the pot afterwards.

Occurs when growing plants in poorly lit rooms and at low temperatures. As this disease develops, reddish-colored leaves appear on the leaves. yellow spots, A sheet plates will soon die off. For treatment, they are treated with fungicidal preparations, and proper further care and conditions of detention are provided.


Formed when insufficient humidity indoors. Shields of gray or brown, yellow spots, then the leaves wither and fall off. The plant should be treated with a soap-alcohol solution.


Damages the plant due to excessive watering. The leaves curl, become covered with powdery secretions, yellow spots appear, and then the leaf cover falls off. To cure a flower, you should treat the soil with Intravir.

Among indoor green friends special place allocated to Dracaena Sander. Most unpretentious variety Dracaena is called the bamboo of happiness. If desired, the trunk can be grown without foliage, reminiscent of bamboo. Only on the top part will there be a tuft of leaves. Dracaena sanderiana develops in the ground and hydroponically; fancy compositions are created from several trunks in one pot. It is easy to purchase and propagate Sandera. Caring for her is easy.

Bamboo or Dracaena Sander in a composition

The teaching of Feng Shui, according to which everything in the world is connected and in harmony, gives plants a special place in the house. Rituals associated with the cult of bamboo are gradually spreading throughout the world. But grow natural bamboo difficult at home. The bamboo of happiness everywhere, including China, is considered to be the Dracaena Sander plant, shown in the photo.

A pleasant guest in China is given three bamboo shoots with wishes of prosperity. Financial success will bring five stems. Seven shoots will become a talisman of health and longevity. For complete family well-being the talisman will be the presence of 21 stems. If the compositions are decorated with satin ribbons and placed in transparent vases, all the good fairies will flock to this house.

The difference between sanderiana and bamboo is that its stem is not bare:

  1. A layer may form in each constriction.
  2. The stem can be cut into cuttings to produce several new plants.
  3. The top with leaves will easily take root in water. New shoots will grow at the cutting site.

Bamboo grows into a single stem with a very tall, smooth trunk.

Therefore, when talking about bamboo of happiness, they mean Dracaena Sander. You can grow leafy ornamental plant with variegated foliage throughout the stem. The unusual composition attracts attention, when intricately curved trunks of different heights create an ornament.

Sanderiana can be grown in water, hydrogel or in a regular substrate. At home, the plant reaches a meter in height and grows slowly.

Dracaena Sandera care at home - photo

Bamboo of happiness grows well in water, provided the stems are immersed 1-2 cm. But the water must be distilled with the addition of special fertilizers for bamboo. You can use melt water after freezing the bottle in the refrigerator for 2 days. Any water is changed regularly after two weeks, or earlier if it turns sour.

The plant develops well in a substrate of sand, leaf and turf soil. It needs to be made a little heavier by adding garden soil. The flower is watered after the top layer of soil has dried.

The Dracaena Sandera plant does not need to spray its leaves; dry air does not bother it. Dust should be removed from the leaves, opening the pores for breathing.

Lover of warm keeping at a temperature of 18-30 degrees, scattered sunlight, Sanderiana can take up residence in the bathroom. Due to insufficient lighting, its leaves will turn pale, but will develop normally.

The constant removal of young unnecessary shoots from the main trunk is one of the main techniques in caring for Sander's dracaena . If the bamboo of happiness is grown, it must live up to its name. However, there are leafy forms of the plant. They require different care. Spiral stems are obtained if, during the development of a young plant, it is placed in a special case.

At good care at home, Dracaena Sandera leafy looks amazing, which is clearly visible in the photo.

How to propagate Dracaena Sander correctly

The bamboo of happiness reproduces only vegetative way. Big problems does not happen when receiving new plants. Choosing the right substrate for planting is not difficult. It consists of turf, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1. Soil acidity should be at the level of 5-6 units. At home, Dracaena Sander reproduces:

Dividing the stem into parts occurs only with a sharp knife, as evenly as possible. The rods are installed in a container with softened water. The upper sections are covered with wax, but not hot, so as not to burn living tissue. In this state, the roots will first appear, and then the buds will appear in the upper part, not far from the cut. Now the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place.

If it is a vessel with water, the requirements for fertilizing and changing the liquid with washing the vessel and pebbles are met. If Dracaena Sander is planted in the ground, you should choose a suitable pot and follow the rules of maintenance.

An interesting way is to root in a horizontal position. In this case, half of the cut on both sides is covered with wax. The rod will produce roots in a flat plate so that the bottom part is in the water. Then the rooted stem with sprouted buds is transplanted into the ground, resulting in a plant with a common root and several trunks.

It is easy to propagate Dracaena Sander from cuttings and shoots. The top of the shoot or side cuttings are cut off. They can take root in water or in the ground. The main thing is that after the operation you need to cover the open sections on the mother plant with wax. Under the hood of polyethylene film or using a jar, the plant will produce new shoots in 4-6 weeks.

Plant happiness bamboo at home, it will attract good luck and prosperity to the family.

Dracaena sandera at home - video

“Bamboo of happiness” or Dracaena Sander grows well indoors, but allows you to get simply fantastic forms, for which it is valued by amateurs. Exotic appearance and ample opportunities to give the plant completely original bends, and in quite short terms, attracts many who want to decorate their home with this plant. Caring for Dracaena Sandera is not difficult if you know the basic rules.

Description of Dracaena Sander

Indoor bamboo looks similar to regular bamboo, but has large leaves. It won't require too much effort. Dracaena Sander is enough proper care: abundant and frequent watering, sufficient lighting.

In our stores, Dracaena Sander is often sold as “bamboo of happiness” or “Lucky Bamboo”

Origin of Dracaena Sandera

But this is not at all the same bamboo that came to Europe from China and Japan at the beginning of the 19th century. Despite the fact that scientists have bred more than 100 species of bamboo that can grow well in European conditions, Dracaena Sander does not belong to any of these species. By and large, it is not bamboo at all. In fact, the plant belongs to the asparagus family.

The fleshy stem is the main difference between Dracaena Sander and bamboo

Variety of forms

Many people are attracted to Sander's dracaena by the twisted stem, which is achieved by changing the position of the plant relative to the light and horizontal level.

How to achieve a twisted stem of Dracaena Sander

Specialists working to give a plant a certain shape use a narrow beam of light that periodically changes direction.

Instructions for growing Dracaena Sander in the shape of a spiral:

  1. A peg is placed near the stem of Dracaena Sander.
  2. The stem gradually twists around the peg.
  3. And so that the stem looks like a tightly twisted spiral, it is fixed on top with wire or ropes, preventing it from rising.

When the stem hardens, the plant will take on the shape of a pretty curl forever.

How to achieve a braided stem shape

Instructions for growing Dracaena Sander in the form of a “pigtail”:

  1. Three or more young stems are planted in a pot.
  2. Braid the stems into braids, leaving a small distance between them so that the plants have room to thicken.
  3. At the end, the weaving is fixed using a rope or any other available means. The wire may leave scars, so it is better to use soft garters such as wide tape or polyethylene twisted into stripes.

The plant must be inspected periodically and, if necessary, the fixation must be loosened.

"Bamboo of Happiness" - unpretentious plant, which is easy to grow at home. But his decorative qualities are very much appreciated.

Dracaena Sandera feels great indoors and reaches a height of 1 meter. The leaves are slightly twisted, up to 23 cm long, and have a grayish-green color. It is unpretentious in cultivation, does not require spraying - the plant tolerates dry air easily.

Dracaena Sandera is considered a very tenacious plant - in natural conditions it is quite difficult to destroy, and it grows indoors and delights the owners with its exotic appearance

If dracaena grows in water, it needs to change the water at least once every two weeks, and the water should sit for at least a day before this. IN winter time The plant is not sprayed, but wiped with a damp cloth.

In stores, dracaena can be sold not in a pot, but in a vessel with water, but it is recommended to grow it in soil

Dracaena is also sold in stores in “bundles”, when several stems of dracaena grow in common potty practically from the same place and represent an interesting composition.

Rules for caring for Dracaena Sander

The following basic care requirements must be observed:

  • water with warm, settled water, or preferably melted water;
  • do not allow excess water in the pot;
  • periodically feed with fertilizers starting in March;
  • keep the plant in a place where there is enough sunlight;
  • periodically trim young shoots and leaves;
  • replant as necessary, but at least once every two years.

Material about the rules for pruning dracaena will also be useful:

Planting and transplanting

An important stage in growing Dracaena Sander is its correct landing And .

Planting in the soil

Stores sell special soil that is created specifically for dracaenas, but you can prepare it yourself.

Take the mixture in the following proportions: 2 parts leaf soil, 1 part turf and 1 part sand. In such soil the plant will feel as comfortable as possible.

In special palm soil, without any work on formation, the plant resembles an ordinary palm tree, the trunk of which becomes woody over time, and the top is decorated with sweeping decorative leaves

Before filling the pot with soil, you need to take care drainage system, which is used as pebbles, river or sea, expanded clay pellets and other material. Shoots that have reached 10 cm can be planted in the ground. During propagation, sections of the plant are sprinkled with ground activated carbon.

Growing “bamboo of happiness” in water and gel

The water in which Dracaena Sander is grown is prepared in advance so that it has time to settle. The temperature of the replacement water should not differ from that in which the plant is located, so that there is no additional stress. Optimum temperature 21–25 °C. Fertilizers, if necessary, are dissolved in water in advance.

In winter, dracaena contained in water should also be illuminated with a lamp, and in summer try not to allow too much high temperatures. At more than 35 °C the plant begins to turn yellow and shed its leaves.

Tips for growing Dracaena Sandera:

  1. In order for a houseplant to grow well, it needs to create optimal conditions lighting and temperature.
  2. Dracaena Sandera grows at almost any temperature, but best results obtained at 16–21 °C.
  3. The lighting should be bright, but keep in mind that the leaves of the plant are delicate and direct rays of the sun can cause burnt areas.
  4. If you plan to place the dracaena on a windowsill, then not on a southern one. When all the windows face south, it is better to abandon the window sill and place the plant nearby.
  5. In winter there are few sunny days, there will clearly not be enough light, so they use electric sources for illumination. An incandescent lamp is not suitable for this, but a source of cold daylight it will be just right. It’s even better to use special phytolamps that are designed to illuminate plants.

Dracaena Sandera takes up a lot of space, so other large plants are not placed next to it.


Dracaena Sandera loves the golden mean - ideally the soil should be slightly moist. Too much and too little water is bad. In practice it looks like a good one full watering once a week if the plant is in a pot with soil.

IN new water You can add a little fertilizer, but do this with caution, since an overdose will have an adverse effect on the plant - it will quickly draw the necessary substances from the water.

The plant perceives warm “rain” very well; it is enough to carry out this procedure once a month, the water should be slightly warm. It is important to ensure that water after such watering does not accumulate in the space between the leaves, which can lead to rotting of the plant. The described watering regime is good for winter; in summer, the frequency of watering is doubled, and on particularly hot days, watering is done every other day. Additional humidification of the air around the plant is not required.

Top dressing

To activate the growth of Dracaena Sander, foliar feeding is used.

Feeding Dracaena Sander, which is planted in the soil

A plant that is planted in the soil needs periodic feeding, especially starting in spring. At this time, you can feed once a month, in the summer the frequency is increased. But it is advisable to reduce the amount of fertilizer when the plant enters the phase active growth. It will be enough to take one third of the norm indicated on the packaging of the fertilizer used.

Choosing fertilizers for dracaena is not difficult; you can use universal ones mineral supplements, sold in stores, with little or no added organic matter

Feeding Dracaena Sander, which is in the water

A plant that constantly “lives” in water needs more nutrients, but it is important to be careful and not overdose. The leaves of the plant are very susceptible to nutrients, arriving with spraying. It is better to carry out the spraying procedure with the addition of fertilizers in the morning, after regular watering. clean water. Root and foliar feeding should not be carried out simultaneously; it is better to alternate them.

The flowering period of dracaena coincides with warm time year

Care in summer period when dracaena begins to bloom, it comes down to abundant watering and fertilizing. The plant will definitely “thank you” with beautiful white flowers with pleasant aroma. And red berries will become a real decoration indoor bamboo. The dormant period of the plant is not expressed.

Table: main care errors and ways to correct them

SymptomsCauseWhat to do
The upper leaves turn yellow, but retain their elasticity.There is a lot of calcium in the soil or water.Reduce water hardness. At home, this can be done using special water purification filters or electromagnetic devices.
The leaves appear lifeless and lose their shine.Excess light. Spider mite.Rinse the leaves of the plant with water. Treat the plant against ticks.
Leaf discoloration.Lack of magnesium and iron.Feeding with microelements.
The leaves become discolored until transparent.Lack of nitrogen.Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers.
The leaves are drooping.Lack or excess of moisture. Other reasons: dry hot air, cramped pot, pests.Treat against pests with one of the following drugs: Aktara, Fitoverm, Actellik, Fufanon according to the instructions. If necessary, replant the plant or move the pot to another location.
The leaves curl and dry out.Lack of moisture.It is good to saturate the soil with moisture, water the plant from above, and move it to a cool place.
The leaves turn yellow and fall off.Excessive watering and poor living conditions.Check soil moisture, light, correctness and frequency of fertilizing.
The leaves suddenly fall.May be caused by shock.Reduce the amount of light, provide sufficient watering, do not move the pot.


Dracaena at home is rarely affected by pests, only if the care conditions are not at all suitable for it. Real enemies of happiness bamboo - red spider mite and mealybugs.

fight with powdery mildew You can use insecticides, but it’s easier to buy a new plant

Reproduction of Dracaena Sander

Most often, Dracaena Sander is propagated using cuttings and shoots, killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, they obtain material for propagation, on the other hand, they give the plant a decorative appearance.

Instructions for propagating Dracaena Sander:

  1. The stem is cut into pieces from 5 to 10 cm. A pruner is best suited for pruning. Special garden shears will also do the job.
  2. Leave a stump at least 7 cm in size, otherwise the plant may not cope with stress. A properly trimmed stump rejuvenates and turns into a beautiful plant again.
  3. Dracaena is most often rooted vertical way, penetration into the soil - 2–3 cm.
  4. The soil around the hole is sprinkled with sand. It is in the sand layer that the very first roots appear. Horizontal way You can get several independent plants from one cutting.

The best time to trim and root new cuttings is early spring

Water the planted cuttings with melt water, which contains less harmful salts. One of the root-forming preparations, of which there are many, is also added to the water. The most common root growth stimulator is Kornevit. For dracaenas it is better to take spacious pots with holes and a mandatory drainage device in them. Propagation of the “bamboo of happiness” by cuttings is the most practical option in all respects.

Video: propagation of Dracaena Sander by cuttings

Growing from seeds

This process will seem much more complex and painstaking, although Dracaena Sander seeds can be bought in almost any store. But you will have to take their germination very seriously - the task is quite labor-intensive. For good germination seeds needed high humidity, which is convenient to maintain, for example, in a plastic box, placing the seeds on a damp napkin or cloth.

Disinfection is carried out with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (weak pink), keeping the seeds in it for 20 minutes

The place should be warm, add water as needed.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the seedlings are transplanted into cups with light soil, which you can buy or prepare yourself from turf and sand in a 1:1 ratio. They are buried no more than 1.5 cm. The cups with planted sprouts are covered with film on top and placed in a warm place with sufficient light. Once a day, the film is opened slightly to ventilate the air. It is dangerous to overwater young plants a large number water - watering should be careful and very measured.

Dracaena seedlings can remain in cups for about 4 months. When they reach the same number of centimeters in height (4–5), they can be transplanted into pots, if properly further care They will grow into beautiful ornamental plants.

Formation of Dracaena Sander

The degree of decorativeness depends on the imagination of the plant owner. The fact is that dracaenas contain dormant points on the entire surface of the trunk. They are arranged in a spiral. This means you can make a cut anywhere and it will start to grow. additional branch. It is this property of dracaena that makes it possible to obtain amazing fruits from it. decorative options. And if you add to pruning the use of wire or tape to redirect the growth of existing branches, this will increase the decorative possibilities.

Dracaena Sandera, better known as the “bamboo of happiness,” feels great in our apartments. It can be given such amazing shapes. Everyone who comes to visit you will be shocked by its beauty.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):