I really like Decembrist. It grows in the school library and blooms very profusely. My grandmother also has a Decembrist, it has been growing for a very long time, but for some reason it does not bloom, or only 2-3 flowers bloom on it. I want to ask for the Decembrist's appendage in the library. How many segments should such a cutting have? How to plant it? When will it start to bloom? Is it possible to make Grandma's Decembrist bloom?

Elena Dolgova, Bogorodsk

Decembrist, or Christmas cactus, is generally an unpretentious plant. There are cases when plants, clearly unspoiled by care, bloomed regularly. But on the other hand, with constant and regular watering, in a bright place, the Decembrist stubbornly does not want to bloom. So what does he need?

For flowering, the Decembrist requires a period of rest. It lasts 1.5-2 months: it starts in September and ends in early-mid November. By this time, watering is reduced and gradually stopped altogether. A decrease in temperature during this period also stimulates flowering.

Plants that diligent housewives take good care of, in particular, regularly water, are often deprived of such a period of rest. But all the Decembrists in their homeland experience a dry period. For short term cultivation at home, they could not get out of the habit of it.

To achieve flowering, just leave the Decembrist alone - do not water it starting in September. At this time, it is getting cold outside, and the heating in the apartments has not yet been turned on. Thus, without any effort, you will provide the plant with a dry and cool dormant period.


The reasons why the Decembrist refuses to bloom can be different, and this is not only the absence of a dormant period.

I have seen Decembrists growing in dry, gray soil, and at the same time housewives wonder why the plants do not bloom. In response to the remark that the flower does not have enough watering, they confidently declare: “But cacti do not need a lot of water.”

However, the Decembrist, or Schlumbergera, is not “ordinary” desert cactus, but forest. In nature, it lives in the humid forests of eastern Brazil. Precipitation in the form of rain and fog is regular and quite abundant there.

But it should be taken into account that it is also impossible to fill in Decembrist. It is an epiphyte and grows in the forks of branches. That is, water never stagnate in the roots, but flows down. To ensure this watering regime, the pot needs good drainage.

Decembrist may not bloom due to lack of nutrition. One or two sprays with a solution of fertilizers for epiphytic plants will quickly restore the strength of the Decembrist. You can also feed it at the root.

True, if it has not been replanted for a long time, then the land is severely depleted. In this case, only replanting into fresh soil will help. Practice shows that Decembrist grows well in ready soil for violets.

In an advanced stage (when the cactus has not bloomed for years), you should not expect it to bloom soon after transplantation. At least a year must pass for the plant to regain its strength and its development cycle, taking into account the dormant period.

To help the plant recover, you can use growth stimulants such as Epin, Zircon, HB-101.


Decembrists propagate by cuttings consisting of several segments. The more there are, the faster the plant will bloom. But, in principle, one segment is enough.

It is recommended to root Decembrist in soil on the surface of which a layer of sand is poured to prevent rotting. At moderate humidity The cuttings take root successfully just in the soil. But a small amount of moss (both in the ground and on the surface) will not hurt. At the forks tropical trees these cacti grow in a mixture of moss, fallen leaves and large quantity soil (more precisely, leaf humus).

You can root at any time, but it is better to do it when the room is warm. Problems with rooting can only occur in cold soil and if there are drafts on the windowsill.

The cuttings are planted, deepening the first segment by half. If the cutting is large and does not stand on its own, then it is supported on a stand (ruler).

By observing growing conditions, flowering can be achieved quite quickly. During the growing season, plants will be grateful for warm shower or spraying warm water. And don’t forget that the Decembrist must rest. In the fall, just leave it alone!

Why doesn’t Decembrist bloom at home, although everything possible is being done for this? The official name of the Decembrist is Zugocactus truncatus, although it is popularly known both as “Schlumberger” and as “forest cactus”. In fact, there is a lot of information on how to care for the Decembrist. Violation simple rules leads to the absence of flowers in the plant. Sometimes a small correction is enough for the desired flowers to finally begin to please the eye.

Why does the Decembrist not bloom?

The lack of flowers on the Decembrist’s windowsill causes sadness and a desire to do something about it. The most common reasons lack of flowers on a forest cactus: 1. Lack of natural light. On the one hand, the plant does not really like direct sunlight. On the other hand, its deficiency affects the ability to bloom flowers. Therefore, blindly following the recommendation “to create partial shade for the Decembrist” can backfire for a novice gardener. 2. Nutrient deficiency. As an epiphyte, the plant is very attached to natural weather cycles. Therefore in different times year it requires certain types of fertilizers. Ignoring this fact leads to the quiet growth of Decembrist without active flowering. 3.Features of watering. Lack of moisture in summer reduces the development of Schlumberger, which further negates the efforts of other plant care parameters. 4. “Sitting” in one place for more than five years. Without replanting, a flower completely devastates the soil, and the root system ceases to actively strengthen. Replenishment from below is very important for the Decembrist.

5. Frequent rearrangements from place to place. The plant negatively perceives even rotations of the pot around its axis, let alone moving from one habitat to another. If suddenly the first flower buds begin to appear on a forest cactus, then this signal tells the gardener that the Decembrist must be left alone. 6.Large pot. The root system of a forest cactus does not take up much space, so when transplanting new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. Otherwise, the extra space will draw the flower’s attention to root growth and further overdevelopment. 7. Violation of the root system. Not proper care, the presence of pests in the soil, the use of concentrated fertilizers does not have the best effect on the plant. A shriveled appearance is the best indication of a root problem. The best way out is to carry out the transplant according to all the rules. Let this shift the flowering period a little, but in the future the Decembrist will be able to regularly bloom in all its splendor.

Decembrist: care at home

Lighting. Moderate light, partial shade. The northern part of the house is ideal, where there is enough light, but there are no bright rays of the sun. Creating artificial shade can result in a lack of flowering, so it is important to maintain the natural duration daylight hours. In winter, there is no need for additional lighting - lengthening the night regime is a signal for the plant to set buds.

Temperature conditions. Considering that the forest cactus originated from the equatorial forests of Brazil, it can easily tolerate a humid, cool climate followed by hot days. But it is still recommended to place it in a shaded space in the summer, and maintain the temperature within 12-16°C in winter. Starting from September, when the buds are being laid, it is necessary to gradually reduce the ambient temperature.

- Watering. In summer, watering should be more active than in winter. You should not allow moisture to stagnate in the pot, so it is better to “more often, but less” (the soil should dry out in the intervals between irrigation). Watering is reduced in September, reducing it to a minimum in October.

Priming. As an epiphyte, Schlumberger is accustomed to growing in crevices of tree bark, so its roots need air movement. The pot must have drainage holes. It is recommended to fill the bottom of the flowerpot with pebbles (crushed stone, charcoal, broken brick can also be used). Next, you can mix the turf soil, river sand and crushed charcoal (agroperlite and finely crushed red brick are also suitable). A rose does not bloom on such soil, but a forest cactus produces buds with pleasure.

Transfer. It is enough to carry it out once every 2-3 years in a pot slightly larger than the previous one. During transplantation, the root system is checked, removing damaged shoots. The remaining roots are washed in warm water and dried. After changing the place of “residence”, wait 3-5 days without watering (spraying with warm water is allowed).

Feeding. In the spring, it is appropriate to introduce nitrogen-containing fertilizers into the soil a couple of times to activate the growth of young segments. In the fall, they refuse to feed anything, artificially immersing the flower in a dormant period. During flowering, you can gradually introduce fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen-containing substances.

Sometimes careless care of a plant allows the Decembrist to bloom in a riot of colors. Excessive care does not allow the epiphyte to reveal its internal potential, but proper care forest cactus will make him a blooming favorite of the whole family.

Why does the Decembrist not bloom? What to do? - this topic interests many lovers of home flowers. After all, when growing it at home, mistakes are made that not everyone notices. For example, it is believed that all indoor flowers constantly require warmth and a lot of light. So the Decembrist is provided with similar conditions throughout the year. But it doesn't bloom! He didn’t even notice the moment when it was time to release the buds.

To admire in December lush bouquet, competent care should begin in March. Let's look at each month in detail.

March. April

They definitely do spring pruning. Moreover, this is not the use of scissors or a blade. This is breaking off the entire outermost segment of the shoot with your hands. If you leave a half-cut piece on a branch, then rotting or disease will 100% begin. Therefore, you need to break strictly at the knees! And certainly on every shoot.

  • the pots are low but wide
  • there is a thick layer of drainage at the bottom
  • the soil mixture is loose, nutritious, well permeable to air

Then there is no need to disturb the already weak root system. It will be enough to periodically carefully loosen the soil, trying not to damage the roots.

If your Decembrist grows in other conditions, then early spring- it's time for a competent transplant. Just don't buy a huge pot with the future in mind. In such a tub, the soil will quickly turn sour, and the roots simply will not have time to occupy the entire space. In general, for a Decembrist 20 years old, a pot with a diameter of no more than 20 cm is quite enough.

May. June

The flower stands on a sunny but shaded windowsill. Direct sunlight contradicts the natural needs of the Decembrist. And they will burn him mercilessly.

Care at this time is simple:

  • once a month fertilizing with a weak solution of any mineral fertilizer
  • maintaining high humidity ambient air by spraying
  • watering lightly but often
  • temperature at +22-27°C, not higher
  • loosening the soil to improve breathability

The tropics, which is where the zygocactus comes from, are warm and humid, not hot and damp. By the way, Decembrist grows on tree trunks, and not on the ground, so you shouldn’t be particularly zealous with nutrition.

The Decembrist will not refuse organic matter, only in very small quantities. If everything is done correctly, then the rudiments of new shoots appear at the tips of the broken shoots.

July. August

Care continues in the same manner, new shoots grow safely. The only thing is that now they stop feeding completely, but not abruptly, but gradually reducing them to nothing.

By the way, at this time you can safely rearrange the pot with the Decembrist, which will not be possible to do later. You can even take the plant into the garden. At the same time, the cold August nights will remind him of the imminent period of rest.


By this time, feeding has been stopped. Now you need to reduce watering, spraying and any moisture in general to zero.

A big mistake many gardeners make is installing additional lighting for the Decembrist and keeping it in greenhouse conditions. The air temperature should remain no higher than +17°C. Daylight hours are short and dim.

Don't worry about the plant being in spartan conditions. In natural natural conditions this is completely normal. But the flower will understand that the hibernation period is now coming. Just don't change the conditions suddenly. Everything should happen as smoothly as possible and without jumps. By the way, the climate middle zone allows you to keep the Decembrist outdoors or on the balcony until mid-autumn. The only thing you need to do is cover the pots from the rain. Unexpected abundant watering can ruin all your efforts.


The Decembrist is sleeping. All the above conditions do not change. But it’s already a little cold outside, because when the air temperature drops to +10°C, it practically stops all life processes, and we don’t need that. At the same time, the room is too hot for a normal rest period. What to do?

There are options:

  1. Contents on glassed balcony or veranda. Just watch the night temperatures, frosts sometimes occur.
  2. Contents in the room on the windowsill. In this case, the batteries are covered with a thick towel or blanket.
  3. You can isolate the lower part of the window from the room with glass or thick film.
  4. It is also recommended to place a pot with a plant in the entrance or vestibule of the apartment.
  5. Some flower growers manage to keep the Decembrist in a hot room, but lay them out nearby plastic bottles with ice. As they cool down, they are replaced with new ones.
  6. The flower is placed under an open window.

As you can see, there are many options. If you want vigorous flowering of Decembrist, you will definitely find a way to keep it cool.


From about the middle of the month, the Decembrist should be gradually removed from the rest period. Slowly they begin to water the soil, slightly raise the air temperature, and slightly increase the lighting.

By the way, this time is the last moment when the flower pots can be moved to another place. Once tiny buds appear, this will no longer be possible. It is forbidden to even turn the plant around its axis and touch the shoots. Otherwise, all the buds will fall off safely. The Decembrist will grow, skipping the flowering period.

The entire year's preparation will have to start all over again, because zygocactus does not bloom in summer.

December. January

If everything was done correctly, then at this time you admire lush flowering. Now you can’t be overzealous with care. You can only:

  • spray Decembrist with cool, settled water
  • Occasionally water the soil until slightly moistened
  • feed with any fertilizer for flowering plants

The dosage of mineral water should be reduced by 2 or even 3 times. The root system of the Decembrist may not have time to absorb the full measure.


By this time, most zygocacti have finished pleasing their owners and are as exhausted as possible. Do not listen to advice that recommends giving the plant a rest for a month or two. This is fraught with the death of the Decembrist. Remove all faded buds and begin to gradually increase fertilizing, watering and spraying. March is coming, and a new period of preparation of the Decembrist for the next flowering will begin.

There are tips to plant Decembrist in purchased soil for cacti. But it is rocky and sandy, and plants are not adapted to this. Better prepare the soil yourself. All you need is:

  • sand
  • leaf humus
  • deciduous tree bark

Mix in equal parts and plant with confidence. This composition is as close as possible to natural and allows air to pass through well.

Probably, special soil for orchids would be even more suitable for zygocactus. Because they grow in approximately the same conditions for the root system. Just add a little ordinary garden soil to this soil.

If you missed rearranging the pots and the Decembrist has already begun to produce buds, then you will have to adapt and not touch it until the end of flowering. The slightest movement during this period - and you will already miss a whole year without admiring the fabulous bouquet.

You should know that the Decembrist plants buds only on young shoots. If you feel sorry for breaking off a plant in the spring, then you may be left without flowers in winter. In addition, such a procedure helps to form a lush bush, and not two floor-length branches.

Do not confuse partial shade and shading. The first will not help the Decembrist in the formation of buds, because it simply does not have enough lighting. The shoots will be thin and long. The second has a beneficial effect on the development of the entire plant, because it allows you to get maximum lighting without overheating and direct sunlight. sun rays.

Throughout the vegetative cycle, carefully monitor drainage holes. They should be free and allow excess liquid to pass through well. The root system of the Decembrist is already very small and weak. And if it is still constantly in the swamp, then the roots will simply rot. What flowers are there when the plant dies?

Why does the Decembrist not bloom? What to do? After reading our article, you will not have such topics to think about. We laid everything out and described every step of the grower. Follow the recommendations and admire the magnificent bouquet of your tropical “cactus”.

Video: how to make Decembrist bloom

Most housewives have a question about why the Decembrist does not bloom, what to do? There are times when this indoor flower does not please the owners with the beauty of the inflorescences, neither in summer nor in winter time. He is lethargic and lifeless. Sometimes it is enough to move the plant to another place for it to feel better and begin to grow more intensively.

Decembrist (also called zygocatus), not very capricious flower. Buds appear more often in winter. If you take good care of this plant, it will reach 40-50 cm in height and almost the same in width. Decembrist is classified by biologists as belonging to the family of epiphytes; its roots are rather weak. They react quickly if the plant is overheated or flooded, or the soil has dried out. This leads to deterioration appearance Decembrist, and there can be no talk of any flowering. The flower loves diffused light and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. If this condition is met, there is hope that the Decembrist will grow and delight its owners with its vibrant color.

forest cactus

This is what people call zygocactus. Decembrist belongs to the cactus family. Grows in the tropics South America. Loves humid climates. The plant does not have spines, like all other types of cacti. It grows quite quickly. The flowering vine, which the zygocactus resembles during the period when beautiful buds appear, is characteristic of winter. During this period, the tropics are warm and conditions are favorable for flowering. Since the Decembrist is an indoor plant, it receives everything it needs for proper growth.

During the flowering period, the bright shoots and leaves of this plant are covered with candle-shaped inflorescences. They come in purple, white, crimson, red, pink, lilac, and yellow.

Zygocactus looks very beautiful in a flowerpot on the window. This creates unique view against the background of frosty patterns on the glass. When the Decembrist is not blooming, it looks no less impressive. The soft, spiky edges give it the appearance not of a cactus, but exotic flower.

Caring for the Decembrist flower is quite simple. The plant should not be placed on a windowsill located on sunny side apartments. He shouldn't overheat, and he can't stand the cold. It is advisable to maintain the temperature up to +20°C. At +25…+27°C the buds of the Decembrist fall off. You can't fill it up. From excess moisture, the plant gets sick and dies. With normal care, zygocactus can live more than 30 years without transplantation.

If the buds fall, and during this period it is already quite warm outside, it is better to take the plant to a loggia or balcony, but not in direct sunlight. This will help the Decembrist to rehabilitate and grow and continue to bloom. It is advisable not only to periodically water the zygocactus, but also to spray it and apply flower food once a month, not more often. Weak flower roots may not be able to withstand the heavy load created by fertilizers.

Caring for zygocactus at home also involves tidying up the branches so that the Decembrist does not grow in breadth. They need to be trimmed. By the end of September, it is advisable to sharply reduce watering and not feed the flower. It should be placed in a cool place where the air temperature is below +18°C. By November, you need to move the plant to a brighter place and begin to water it intensively. This will bring the zygocactus into a state of awakening and help the formation of buds. It will begin to bloom just in December.

What is important for care?

You need to purchase specialized fertilizers to care for indoor flowers. The ones that are needed are those that are used to feed cacti. A substrate for succulents will also help.

During the flowering period, Decembrist should not be replanted under any circumstances. The pot, which must be carefully selected for the Decembrist, should not be large. It is advisable to keep the flower in one place and not move it. This is especially true during the flowering period.

Problems that may appear even before the Decembrist blooms are associated with a number of factors:

  1. Lack of light or excess of it.
  2. No fertilizers.
  3. Incorrect watering schedule.
  4. “Sitting” in one place without changing for over 5 years.
  5. Constant “moving” from one window sill to another. You cannot even rotate the flower pot around its axis. Decembrist drops buds if the owner carries out these manipulations during the flowering period.
  6. Improper weeding, which leads to disruption of the root system and damage to it.
  7. Pests in the soil or on leaves.
  8. Application of concentrated fertilizers.

How to care for a Decembrist? The answer is simple: do not overdo it when applying best practices. The most obvious indicator that the care is incorrect and problems with the roots have begun is that the Decembrist begins to wither. In this case, it must be replanted as quickly as possible, which will delay the flowering period, but will allow the plant to survive.

In order for the Decembrist to bloom, it must be transplanted correctly. You need to carefully move the root system so as not to damage it. It is necessary to moisten the soil periodically, at intervals of 2-3 days. In summer, it is advisable to water more often, but do not overwater.

When the Decembrist withers and there are no hints of flowering, we can assume that it lacks light. Additional lighting will be needed, but not direct sunlight. If the Decembrist is warm and well, and at the same time he does not suffer in the sun, the first buds will appear.

Necessary care

You need to care for a flower by following proper watering. In summer, zygocactus needs to be given more moisture, but not to oversaturate the soil with water. It is advisable to carry out irrigation. In winter, you shouldn’t water it often; once a week is enough so that the moisture in the pot does not stagnate. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. The flower should be watered in between irrigations.

When replanting, it is better to choose a pot with holes in the bottom and an appropriate tray. It is best to use charcoal, broken brick or crushed stone as drainage.

There is no need to use expanded clay. Turf soil is mixed with sand, charcoal. This is necessary so that the roots of the plant can receive enough oxygen.

Transplantation is carried out once every 2-3 years. You can get an answer to the question of why the zygocactus did not bloom by carefully examining the roots. If there is a lot of damage on them, this is the first cause of the problem. After washing, the roots must be thoroughly dried. The plant should be watered after transplantation only after 5 days. Before this, it is permissible to spray a little water.

Zygocactus loves nitrogen-containing fertilizers. They activate the growth of young branches. Decembrist does not bloom - what to do? Increase the amount of nitrogen fertilizing, but stop fertilizing in the fall so that the ovaries begin to grow. As soon as the flower has bloomed, fertilizing can be introduced, but much less frequently than always. At the same time, there should be no nitrogen in the composition of fertilizers, as recommended experienced flower growers.

Forest cactus does not like artificial shade. If you create it, you no longer have to ask the question of why the Decembrist has no buds. IN winter period the plant does not need sun and light, so there is no need to artificially create them, and if you arrange a long “night” mode, placing the plant in a dark place, you can achieve vigorous flowering.

Why doesn't the plant bloom? It experiences temperature changes. Zygocactus loves it very much humid air and coolness. It’s good if you put it in the most shaded area in the summer and take it out to the country. Why does the Decembrist turn yellow and fade? The soil is depleted. There is an urgent need for a transplant.

Since the Decembrist comes from the tropics, the conditions for caring for it should be close to this type of climate. Under no circumstances should you keep this type of cactus near heating radiators or fireplaces - this will destroy the plant. It is advisable to give it a place away from heat sources.

Pruning and replanting

In order for the Decembrist to bloom many more times, it needs to be replanted soon after it falls. last flower. Since during this period the zygocactus is greatly depleted, it needs to renew the soil.

It is important to trim off unnecessary branches. It is advisable to do this every spring, otherwise the Decembrist will grow so large that it will no longer be able to bloom normally. At the same time, in the fall, young shoots will definitely appear on which buds will grow.

If the crown is trimmed beautifully and on time, the Decembrist will produce a lot of leaves and become more fluffy in appearance. In care, it is important to adhere to the golden mean: do not shade the plant too much in summer and do not create artificial light in winter.

Decembrist, or as it is also called, is a zygocactus, a forest cactus, a rather unpretentious plant. But in order for it to bloom regularly, you will have to create necessary conditions. The plant needs to be properly fed and watered; around the end of August, the amount of fertilizer and moisture should be significantly reduced, reducing everything to simple irrigation. At the beginning of November more than frequent watering plants in houses should be renewed so that by December the tropical pet will please the owners abundant flowering.

This unusual zygocactus came to us from South America and was liked by gardeners - this beauty blooms during the snowy and frosty season for our latitudes. However, not all Decembrist owners manage to admire pink flowers. The Christmas cactus is easy to care for, but it still requires certain knowledge and skills in its maintenance. Knowing certain secrets and nuances of care, you can return flowering to a cactus that has not pleased you for many years.

Reasons why Decembrist does not bloom

All stages of development of the Schlumbergera cactus are divided into the following:

  • growing season (spring-summer);
  • I rest period (autumn);
  • flowering (November-January);
  • II dormant period (after flowering until the growing season).
Flowering is one of the stages in the life of a cactus, which occurs during the Christmas holidays in the Northern Hemisphere. They coincide with in summer, which at this time is advancing in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth, from where this plant came to us.

Important!To your pet pleased you with flowers, it is very important to provide it with proper care during the first period of rest.

Typically, gardeners who contain Schlumbergera cactus for the first time allow several typical mistakes, because of which the pet refuses to bloom.

Lighting violations

If you think that the Decembrist needs a lot of light, especially direct sunlight, like other cacti, then you are making a grave mistake.

A plant can easily get burned if it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation between 11 and 17 o'clock in the afternoon, especially in summer. But deficiency has no less negative effect on the condition of the cactus. sunlight. With a lack of sunlight, the plant also suffers.

Nutrient deficiency

Like most indoor plants, the Decembrist needs additional feeding. There are certain norms for applying fertilizers of different compositions at different times of the year.
It is very important that your pet receives all the necessary nutrients. But there are certain periods for making them. For example, applying fertilizers during the dormant period completely stops the formation of flower buds.

Did you know?Have you noticed that cacti are the most common neighbors of computer monitors on desktops? This tradition comes from the 90s of the last century. It was then that the claim appeared that cacti reduce the level of harmful radiation. In reality these thorny plants they do not have such an effect, because computers do not emit any radioactive rays.

Improper watering

In nature, Decembrist exists in conditions under which it does not receive a large amount of moisture to the roots, so it cannot be flooded. If the plant is overwatered, it will begin to shed its leaves and will almost certainly not bloom as a result.

Excessive watering in the fall is especially bad. Thus, the cactus cannot enter a dormant period, and you will probably not be able to see flowers. But humidification from a spray bottle has a positive effect on the condition of the green resident.


This disturbance usually occurs during the period of first dormancy and flowering. When a cactus begins the process of forming buds or when they have already bloomed, it needs peace in every sense.

Moving it to a new place, turning the other side towards the light and touching it in any way is strictly prohibited, otherwise the plant will get severe stress and suddenly get rid of all the buds (flowers).

Plant pruning

A common mistake in caring for Decembrist, which leads to a lack of flowering, is ignoring pruning of shoots.
The fact is that buds form best on young shoots. Therefore, every year at the end of winter, the Decembrist needs to renew the crown by plucking segments that do not branch.

Unsuitable place to keep

Many beginning flower growers believe that the more and more spacious pot they choose for their pet, the better he will feel and grow faster. This belief is completely wrong.

If the pot does not match the size of the root system, the development of the above-ground part inevitably stops, let alone flowering. Sometimes growth stops for several years.

The fact is that the roots first try to fill all the space inside the pot, and only after that the plant’s forces will be directed to the growth and development of the green part. Besides big pot significantly increases the chances of water stagnation.

Did you know?Some types of cacti native to California can reach 20-25 m in height! These spiny giants are reservoirs for 2 tons of clean fresh water.

The second problem may be keeping zygocactus near heating devices or in a draft. Remember that a slightly lower temperature is better for this plant than hot air.

Violation of the root system

The root system may be damaged as a result of non-compliance with the temperature regime (severe hypothermia), excessive moisture, violation of the rules for transplanting a green friend, use cold water for watering. Obviously, if the roots are injured, the plant will not have enough strength to form flower buds.

What to do to make the Decembrist bloom

To get lush, bright pink-red flowers for Christmas, you need to create all conditions for your pet that are as close to natural as possible. Need to take care of temperature conditions, frequency of watering, lighting and fertilizing. Remember that the most critical period is 50 days before the expected flowering (September-October).

Video: how to make Decembrist bloom

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):