Flowering plants are often used to decorate the interior. They create a pleasant atmosphere and delight the eye with their beauty and bright colors. And contemplating flowers relaxes and helps relieve stress. So if you decide to have at least one at home flowering plant- this is a very good idea.

What is important to know? The concept of "blooming" all year round"implies a long period of appearance and blooming of buds. However, any plant requires at least a short rest, time to recuperate. Some types of indoor plants have short period rest. They don't require creation special conditions for flowering. They are able to produce buds at any time of the year, regardless of the season. Such flowers are called unpretentious. We will talk about them in this article.


Of the 1,500 known species of violets, everyone can choose a flower for their soul. The variety of colors, shapes and textures is amazing. Thus, the leaves can be pubescent or smooth, and the flower petals can be simple, double, star-shaped, edged, or corrugated.

Violet – heat-loving plant, loving light, but not direct sunlight. She is afraid of drafts. Water the plant carefully, at the root. Avoid getting water on the green mass to prevent rotting. Providing 10 hour daylight hours promotes long-lasting lush flowering of violets.


It lives up to its second name - ever-flowering begonia. It will delight the eye with long, abundant, almost continuous flowering. And for this it requires little - long-term lighting, air temperature not lower than +20, moderate humidity, but in no case should water get on the leaves or buds.

Begonia grows very quickly and blooms in the first year of planting. After 3 years, the plant should be rejuvenated to maintain an attractive appearance and abundant flowering.


The geranium that everyone is familiar with on the window is actually called pelargonium. Botanists call geranium garden or meadow plants, perfectly tolerant of cold weather.

So, we are interested in pelargonium. This indoor plant loves light and warmth, frequent watering. If desired, you can influence the shape and height of the plant, but the flowering will not be affected. So, if you put pelargonium in the shade, it will stretch out, but remain beautiful.

Pelargonium is distinguished by a variety of varieties, colors, and scents.


We are talking about such a representative as phalaenopsis. This one is gorgeous exotic flower will please long flowering. It is quite undemanding in care: it prefers the eastern part of the house, diffused light, and infrequent watering. It will be enough to water it once a week, not large quantity m of water, but always in the morning. At the same time, they look at the condition of the soil: it should be completely dry.


This plant blooms from spring to late autumn, taking a short break for the winter. Sometimes, during the dormant period, fuchsia can completely shed all its leaves.

Fuchsia flowers look like bells and can be simple or double, plain or combine several shades at once.

The plant grows well in the shade, in rooms with artificial lighting, but in this case the quality of flowering decreases. The flower requires frequent, regular watering and loves spraying.

Important: during the flowering period, you cannot rearrange or move the fuchsia pot, otherwise the plant will drop its buds.


This plant is also known as indoor maple. Ask why? Its leaves are shaped like maple leaves. Abutilon blooms at the very beginning of spring and stops throwing out buds only in winter time. If you provide the indoor maple with a long daily period of lighting and regular watering, then it will bloom even in winter, without hibernating.

Application nutritious fertilizer will help restore the strength the plant needs to lay new buds.


This flower has the appearance of a bush, in room conditions It can easily grow up to 2 m tall. Timely pruning leads to the appearance of new shoots and the formation of a lush bush.

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose in other words, is not picky about lighting. But it has been noticed that in a bright place this plant regularly produces many buds. Hibiscus flowers are large, there are varieties with double inflorescences. It’s a pity that a blooming flower only lives for a day; the next day it falls. But almost immediately a new ovary appears in its place.

What is important for Chinese roses is regular, abundant watering. Drying of the soil leads to the cessation of the formation of flower ovaries and the falling of buds.


This flower is popularly nicknamed “male happiness” and is often given to the stronger sex. The plant does not require care and quickly adapts to its environment. What it needs: constant diffused light, regular watering and spraying.

Anthurium blooms for a long time, releasing buds one after another. Its flower is unusual: its shape is similar to an ear of white, yellow or pink color. This cob is surrounded by a spathe - a bent leaf of a contrasting color, usually red or crimson.

Euphorbia Mile

An original, beautiful flower in its own way. It belongs to the genus of succulents. Like all cacti, milkweed has small spines that are located throughout the stem. During flowering, the plant is strewn with small but bright red flowers.

If you give this plant a place on the windowsill, it will delight you with its flowering all year round. He makes no further demands on care. And it will withstand even dry soil and lack of moisture for 2 weeks. This will not affect him at all appearance and flowering.

Experienced flower growers have noticed one more detail - a tight pot stimulates milkweed to bloom profusely.

Do you really want a cozy atmosphere in your apartment? House plants will help create it. Don't rush to the conclusion that this is too troublesome and not for you at all. There are a number of wonderful plants that do not require close attention in terms of care! They will delight you and at the same time have a beneficial effect on your mental and physical well-being.

We have prepared for you a list of 28 most unpretentious indoor plants , which are easy to handle even for a very lazy person. All you have to do is choose a plant (or several) for yourself - blooming or not, with thick leaves or with delicate ones, large for spacious rooms or small for small housing, there are enough options.Read, watch ( all pictures enlarge when clicked), choose...

Abutilone(“rope tree” or “domestic maple” - part of the mallow family). It is not only hardy, but also beautiful plant. Abutilons do not require complex care and special conditions content. It is enough to keep it in a bright or slightly shaded place, water it abundantly, and spray it once every one to two weeks.

Aloe. The “spreading thorn”, familiar to most Russians since childhood. If there was a survival championship among plants, aloe would be a winner! It tolerates almost any conditions well - cold, heat, shade, bright light, and is not picky about soil quality. Moreover, it treats a lot of things; a separate, very large article could be written about the medicinal properties of aloe. Wonderful plant!

Asparagus. The most common variety is the pinnate variety of asparagus. Slightly reminiscent of a fern with needle-like leaves. Loves hanging planters. Grows well in both shade and bright light. In summer, spray several times a week; in winter, water no more than once a week (or even less often).

Aspidistra(the popular unofficial name is “Friendly Family”, part of the lily family). It can go without water for a long time; you only need to water it when the soil dries out, but even if you forget, the plant will survive it. The plant is quite resistant to cold and does not require much light.

Heliotrope(Buranchikov family). Latin name means " rotating behind the sun" Since the ancestors of indoor heliotrope grow in the tropics and subtropics, then decorative types This plant is thermophilic. Relatively unpretentious plant- he needs light ( clear from scientific name ) and warmth, as well as abundant watering. It may seem like a plant that requires a lot of care, but believe me, it’s not at all difficult to take care of it!

Zamioculcas. Like all succulents, it is extremely unpretentious. Completely undemanding to the brightness of sunlight, humidity, and soil composition. Water when the soil dries out, about once a week. So that the leaves grow evenly and the plant has beautiful shape, periodically rotate the flowerpot around its axis.

Golden mustache(Callisia fragrant or homemade ginseng). The main requirements of this plant are a bright place and abundant watering, regardless of the time of year. This way the plant will not only be beautiful, but also have all its medicinal properties, of which there are many in both the stems and leaves.

Kalanchoe. A wide variety of leaf shapes and colors allows you to choose this plant for every taste. The plant retains water in its thick leaves, so water very sparingly, only when the soil dries well. It is advisable to keep it in the light, but not in direct sunlight, as optimal temperature for Kalanchoe from 15 to 20 degrees. And this is another medicinal plant in your home!

Clivia. A very easy plant to care for. Grows well in the shade ( in winter it is even recommended to keep it on the windowsills of northern windows), and in bright light. It is necessary to water very rarely - in the summer 2 times a month, in the winter no more than once a week; between waterings the soil must have time to dry out.

Coleus. Beautiful and unusual combinations the colors of the leaves are very pleasing to the eye, and because of their shape they are sometimes popularly called “ nettle" From important conditions coleus content – ​​warmth, good lighting, wet ( not waterlogged ) soil.

Metrosideros. If your apartment has high humidity and windows facing south, then the plant will take root well. Place it in a well-lit place and water it so that the soil is always slightly moist ( approximately once every 3 days).

Euphorbia Mile(Euphorbia Mili, Vulcanos). It belongs to succulents, so it will tolerate temporary drought well. Keep it on the south window of the room, as the plant loves warmth and good light, water a couple of times a week.

Monstera. If you have no desire to carefully care for plants, but have high ceilings in the apartment, then Monstera is what you need. Loves light partial shade and moisture. Spray the leaves periodically and water the soil generously, allowing it to dry out before the next watering. Monsteras can grow up to 4–5 meters at home.

Pelargonium(everyone knows geranium). This flower used to be an indispensable attribute almost every Soviet apartment. It requires some care, but is not at all burdensome to care for. bright place and good watering in summer, as well as periodic transplants. In winter, water moderately. The plant is able to accumulate moisture, so it is resistant to irregular watering. But if you do not comply with these conditions, then the pelargonium will simply bloom a little less magnificently, and certainly will not die.

Ivy. Sprawling beautifully, ivy can enliven any interior. Ivy varieties with green leaves They will easily tolerate shade, but varieties with variegated leaves need good light, without direct sunlight. Responds well to daily spraying. Water generously as the soil dries out in summer, and a little in winter.

Podocarpus. If you wanted to try growing bonsai, start with podocarpus. Place the pot with the plant in a bright place, water moderately in summer, and sparingly in winter. If you grow podocarpus simply as a plant, then it will not cause problems, but if you grow it as a bonsai, you will have to make a little effort to maintain its chosen shape.

Sansevieria(popularly known as " mother-in-law's tongue " - belongs to the butcher family). A very unpretentious plant, not at all demanding on the level of illumination, even tolerates shade well. Water is retained in dense leaves, therefore it is drought-resistant; water at least once a week in summer, and once every three weeks in winter. The only condition is to make sure that water is not poured into the plant’s outlet itself, otherwise it may rot.

Saintpaulia(the usual one familiar to everyone from school window sills) indoor violet). The violet is familiar to everyone; it needs good lighting, without direct sunlight, and place the flowerpot so that the leaves of the flower do not touch the glass of the window. In summer, water moderately, and in winter, so that the plant blooms, reduce watering.

Spathiphyllum. Grows well in a shaded place, loves warmth. Water thoroughly, allowing the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings. Once every one to two weeks, it is useful to rinse the leaves of the plant with a shower of cool water. Spathiphyllum can remain blooming all year round.

Scindapsus. Decorative liana, unpretentious, not demanding of light, grows well in shady rooms. Water sparingly. Scipandus very rarely blooms indoors, but the plant is very undemanding to care for and will delight you with its green leaves.

Crassula(crassula or " money tree», although it is not very noticeable that there is more money in the apartment with her...). It looks like a tree - the trunk of the plant is solid with plump green leaves. Water not often - once every three days. According to legend, Crassula can attract wealth to the owner's house. To do this, you need to either bury it in the soil with the plant. large coin, or put a few coins under the flowerpot, or hang a few coins on the plant itself (they say they must be Chinese). Check it out, maybe it will help, especially since the fat woman gives no trouble.

Tradescantia. Familiar to many from childhood, although hardly anyone knew how strange this plant is called. It can grow calmly in a shaded area, but in a bright place the leaves will be much more beautiful. There are no special requirements for watering. A very pleasing plant to the eye.

Ficus. Almost all types of ficus require being in a bright place with diffuse sunlight. It may not even last very long warm temperature. There is no special schedule for watering; you need to water the plant when the soil dries out.

Haworthia(or "gavortia"). She doesn't need bright light; a shaded place will do. Watering in summer time moderate, limited in winter; They are not picky about air humidity. The plant will calmly tolerate even a long absence of attention from the owner.

Chlorophytum. A tenacious and fast growing plant. Diffused lighting, partial shade possible. Can tolerate direct sunlight for several hours in a row. In summer it is necessary to water abundantly, but if you forget, the plant will simply wither a little, and not die. The plant is not picky about constant air temperature, the main thing is that it is not lower than 10 degrees.

Hoya. It grows well at room temperature, but can easily tolerate cold temperatures down to +8 degrees. The light falling on the hoya should be bright and diffused. They do not need additional air humidification; water abundantly in summer and sparingly in winter, allowing the soil to dry out.

Schlumberger. The name, of course, is not very euphonious, but this flower will not require much attention from you at all. Place the plant in a bright place or partial shade. It is necessary to water abundantly only during flowering until it ends ( December, January). Then watering is reduced to once a week.

Ehmeya. Prefers good lighting, and after flowering begins it can easily be in a little shade. Water in the summer so that the soil is always slightly moist; in winter, reduce watering. Temperature: room temperature, from 18 to 26 degrees.

We hope that you choose a plant from this list that will awaken and develop your passion for home gardening. The main thing is to understand that even the most unpretentious house plants require at least minimal attention. Well, if you love to look after them, they will thank you with their beautiful view and taking care of your health.

For beginner gardeners, or people on frequent trips, the most unpretentious indoor plants, a list of which we have provided below.

Surely many have encountered the problem of dried flowers in a pot. And it’s not always the gardener’s fault. Frequent travel or work situations do not allow time to add water or fertilize the plant.

On hot days many indoor flowers need regular spraying, which is sometimes quite difficult to achieve; some varieties are sprayed 2-3 times a day, while others are very demanding sunlight and must be constantly shaded at lunchtime.

Office workers simply don’t have time for this, but they want beautiful flowering, especially to purify the air in crowded areas. computer equipment and working personnel. When leaving for the weekend, the office closes, and there is simply no one to care for the plants.

Even in their own home, not everyone has enough time to constantly take care of green space, not to mention traveling for a week.

Lovers of home green gardens begin to independently select and grow one flower after another until they find suitable species.

In this article we will try to speed up and simplify your efforts and provide the most unpretentious indoor plants, as well as abundantly flowering varieties.

Basic requirements for unpretentious plants: rare watering, sometimes fertilize, not water regularly, not necessary spraying and not demanding on humidity and special temperature parameters, and most importantly, maximum flowering and decorativeness.

Many thought that such indoor plants did not exist, alas, among the many species, we have selected the top 20 of which you can choose to your liking.

Dracaena is an unpretentious plant of the agave family. There are variegated and solid green leaves. Variegated varieties require increased lighting, unlike monochromatic green varieties growing in the shade.

Approximate watering 1-2 times a week. If you forget to water, dracaena will tolerate dry climates just fine for 7-10 days. Kept for decorative foliage. Provide moderate temperatures and indirect light and the plant will grow happily for a long time. Does not require regular transplantation.

One of the disadvantages is strong smell, sometimes people can’t stand it, and they have to put the pot on open air. The temperature of the content is 10-27 degrees.

Tall ornamental plant. Ficus is easy to care for, but depending on the variety there are a number of difficulties. There are tall species up to 3 m in height and completely dwarf species not exceeding 15-20 cm. At home they are kept for the decorative purposes of leaves and air purification. The flowering is small and not valuable. Ficus leaves are medicinal and are used to treat skin diseases.

Water as the top layer of soil dries, 1-2 times a week. With the onset of winter, watering is significantly reduced. From time to time the leaves are wiped from dust.

There are some care difficulties described in the ficus section, but dealing with them does not bring much trouble.

There are many varieties and each has its own characteristics and differences.

One of the popular indoor plants due to the medicinal juice of the leaves. Powerful stem leaves are capable of storing a large amount of moisture, like other succulents.

In addition to its medicinal properties, the plant is easy to care for and does not require spraying or frequent watering. In summer they water once a week, in winter once a month. Replanted approximately once every 3 years. Grows well in dry climates.

One of the disadvantages is that it is afraid of direct sunlight. Aloe can grow both on the windowsill and in the middle of the room.

Only one variety of Aloe vera is used in medicine. Average height. In winter the minimum temperature is 10 degrees, in summer it can withstand up to 27 degrees.


Crassula is often called the “money tree”, a very popular plant among gardeners. It grows well on a windowsill and can withstand direct sun. There is another name - “crassula”, because it is from the Crassula family. Growth is slow, therefore, the tree is replanted as needed if the pot is too small.

Blooms with small white flowers. Fertilize in summer period once a month. Tolerates dry air well and does not require spraying. If you forgot to water, don’t worry, the fleshy leaves contain enough moisture to last your entire vacation.

Among the disadvantages: it is afraid of abundant and frequent watering and requires properly selected soil from sand, perlite and vermiculite, which allows moisture to pass through and is breathable.


Monstera is a perennial ornamental plant with large feathery leaves. There are species with monochromatic leaves and variegated ones. A fairly unpretentious plant, except for shading from direct sunlight. Monstera grows quite slowly and is replanted no more than once every 4 years. The leaves reach a length of 1 m, with slits in the middle, for the sake of which they contain a green beauty.

Flowering is practically absent.

But it’s a little picky about watering and temperature. At temperatures below 12 degrees, growth stops. Optimal mode 20-22 degrees. Water infrequently, after the top layer of the substrate has dried, but insufficient watering has a negative effect on the plant. In winter, with the onset of cold weather, the monstera is watered no more than once a week, and sometimes 2 times a month.


Asparagus is a family of asparagus. An unpretentious plant and suitable for a novice gardener. The flowers are small and inconspicuous; the plant is kept for the decorative purposes of its leaves. There are many varieties and forms that are radically different from each other.

Water moderately, after the top layer of soil has dried, if you forgot to water, it’s okay, the plant will have a sufficient supply of moisture.

But there are still disadvantages: you will have to replant once a year. It does not require mandatory spraying, but it really loves it, especially on hot days. Prefers bright, diffused light, but can grow in semi-shade, but direct sunlight should be avoided.

Fertilizer is applied once a week in summer; in winter, once a month is sufficient.


Aspidistra is another unpretentious indoor plant that is often found in offices and greenhouses.
Temperature indicators do not matter, the main thing is that the temperature does not drop below 3-5 degrees. Water about once a week. There is no flowering at home; it is kept for the sake of decorative greenery. Transplantation is carried out if necessary, and given the slow growth, no more than once every 3-5 years.

The height does not exceed 70 cm and grows well on window sills, but with the condition of shading in the summer from direct rays of the sun.

Some varieties grow well in the shade.

One condition - do not over-moisten the substrate and the plant will grow for a long time.

Nolina Bocarnea

Nolina Bocarnea is a family of agave, also called the “bottle palm” due to the shape of the crown. Leaves are lanceolate, drooping. Nolina tolerates dry climates and temperature changes well. But palm trees like high humidity; the soil must always be moist, otherwise the tips of the leaves will begin to dry out. Powerful root system accumulates enough moisture to ensure normal plant growth during periods of drought.

Direct sunlight is not harmful, but in the shade of Nolin, bocarney does not grow readily.

They are replanted once every 4 years, but fertilizers are applied regularly 2 times a month.

The main difficulties with watering: overwatering or underwatering lead to negative consequences.


Sansevieria - popularly called (mother-in-law's tongue, pike tail.) Height reaches up to 1 m.

The main disadvantage is that it dies when overwatered. Replant only if possible when the roots fill the entire pot. Water once a week, in winter once every 3 weeks. A peduncle appears next to the rosette, on which small white flowers bloom. But the main advantage of the flower is its beautiful belt-shaped leaves with different variegated colors like snake skin. The average annual temperature is 18-28 degrees. In winter, not lower than 13 degrees.

The plant is not whimsical and can grow both in partial shade and partially tolerate direct rays of the sun. Air humidity does not matter, and fertilizer is applied only once a month in the summer.


Chlorophytum is an unpretentious plant for air purification. Looks great in the kitchen. Variegated varieties need more lighting. But they can grow in the shade. Grows well as a hanging plant.

In insufficient light, the flower stretches and may shed its leaves. IN special care doesn't need it. Water once or twice a week. Replant as the root system grows. Fertilize once a month.

Disadvantages: drafts and waterlogging of the soil. Water after the top layer dries.


Aglaonema - Grows in shade or partial shade, but is afraid of direct sunlight.

At home, variegated species are often used, which are valued for the decorative properties of their leaves. There are also unique hybrid forms, such as crit, with a red-pink color.

Water rarely, once a week; in winter, watering is reduced by 3 times. There are no special requirements for humidity and temperature. Replanted every 4-5 years due to its slow growth.

The plant purifies indoor air by absorbing toxins and emissions from various synthetic materials.

The main condition is not to over-moisten the soil, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.


Zamioculcas - herbaceous plant with a thick tuber that accumulates a lot of moisture. Can grow in shade and partial shade, but does well under diffused light. Tolerate dry climates, but insufficient watering may shed leaves. Excessive watering has a negative effect on the flower. Water 2 times a week, in winter once a week.

There are no special requirements for the soil; choose a water-permeable and breathable lightweight substrate. In summer, the pot is moved to the open air; Zamioculcos is not afraid of temperature changes and drafts. It is considered one of the unpretentious plants.

Disadvantages: poisonous juice, which is found in leaves and stems. After leaving, wash your hands thoroughly, and in an apartment where there are pets or small children, better plant do not start, or place in an inaccessible place.


Scindapsus is a vine similar to wax ivy. At home, they are kept for the decorative effect of the leaves. They come in plain or variegated colors. IN natural environment The plant blooms with small, scanty flowers. In indoor conditions, it is almost impossible to achieve flowering. But keeping them at home is not difficult. Temperatures can drop to -12 degrees below zero and over 27 degrees above zero. The plant can exist both in the shade and in diffuse sun. The main thing is not to over-moisten the soil. Allow the substrate to dry out between waterings, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.

Golden mustache

Golden mustache is a perennial plant with waxy leaves. The growing leaves partially overlap each other, thereby creating the illusion of a rosette. In addition to being decorative, the plant is grown for medicinal purposes.

Goldenwhisker tolerates hot and dry climates, but can grow in cold weather. The main thing is that the temperature should not fall below 0 degrees. In summer, water abundantly, but do not over-moisten the soil. Propagates easily in several ways. The plant thrives in the shade and in the sun. During the growing season, apply once every 2 weeks mineral fertilizers and spray if possible.


Tradescantia is a highly decorative indoor plant with colorful leaves. Depending on the variety, the shoots are erect or curly. Flowering lasts for 3 months, although each individual flower lives for 1 day.

At home, Tradescantia is kept for decorative leaves and air purification.
The flower needs to be provided with bright, diffused light; its lack affects the color, especially for variegated varieties. In summer, water abundantly, but drainage in the pot is required for exit. excess moisture. In winter, allow the soil to dry out a little between waterings.

Tradescantia is not demanding of humidity, but on hot days it is recommended to spray the surface.

Croton is one of the most beautiful deciduous plants. Only one species is grown at home: variegated croton. Today there is large number hybrid forms of this species. In addition to decorative leaves, croton is kept in the house as a talisman.

The flowers are small and inconspicuous cream color.

Caring for a bush is not difficult, but there are some rules. In summer you need to spray the leaves regularly. Water moderately with water at room temperature. The plant grows well at room temperatures. In summer it can be taken out into the open air; it prefers a lot of light and direct sunlight is not a problem for it.

Among the disadvantages: the juice is poisonous, and keeping it at home if there are children or pets in the house is not recommended.

Coleus is unpretentious in care and the high decorativeness of its variegated forms allows it to compete with croton.

Often, gardeners grow it for its amazing leaf color, but there are flowering hybrid varieties.

The plant is easy to propagate by seeds with a high probability of germination. During hot periods, fertilize once a week and water abundantly. In winter, fertilizers are applied once a month to ensure humid air And moderate watering. In summer, coleus (optional) but spray the surface with soft water. There are no special requirements for the soil; the main thing is to choose a light and permeable substrate.

The most unpretentious flowering indoor plants

Hoya or wax ivy - beautiful creeping herbal plant with white fragrant flowers. During Hoya blooming It has a strong aroma and a large amount of nectar dripping from the flowers, which is why wax ivy is called a weeping vine.

The flower is easy to care for; in summer it is watered abundantly; in winter, watering is reduced to once a week. Grows well in dry and humid climates and is resistant to temperature changes.

There are several types of ivy with different flowering from white to red and flowers of various shapes.

In summer, when high temperatures watering is increased. Lack of moisture affects flowering and leaves.

If you forget to water, the hoya will still feel good for some time, which is why it is often kept in offices.

Disadvantages: strong aroma flowering may cause intolerance in some people.


Is Kalanchoe a flowering plant with a fleshy stem and leaves? refers to succulents.
In addition to its beautiful flowering, Kalanchoe is known for its medicinal properties. The juice is used to prepare various medicines. Flowering lasts throughout the summer, blooms with lush red flowers.

The plant prefers diffused sunlight, tolerates temperatures above 27 degrees and overwinters at 12-14 degrees. In summer, water 2 times a week; in winter, watering is reduced to once.

The average growth rate allows replanting no more than once every 3 years. There are over 200 species.

Low humidity and dry climate do not significantly interfere with active growth. It is enough to apply mineral or cacti fertilizers twice a month.

Geranium is a flowering plant for windowsills. The height of the flower reaches 60 cm. Suitable for the busiest people. In summer the temperature can reach 30 degrees, in winter it does not fall below 12 degrees. Geranium blooms beautifully in sufficient light and partially tolerates direct sunlight.

Lack of light has a significant impact on flowering. The flowers are small and pale. It does not need spraying and grows quite well in dry climates. But the bush is regularly pruned for lush flowering all year round.

In summer they water abundantly, but after the soil dries out, in winter watering is practically stopped. From the many varieties, you will always choose the right geranium for yourself.

Cactus - succulents, are considered one of the unpretentious plants and can exist for a long time without watering. The cactus grows well in open, direct sun, but in the shade they stretch out and may die. In summer it is watered moderately once a week, in winter it practically does not need watering, once a month the soil is slightly moistened.

Cacti occupy the main place among succulents. This type capable of accumulating moisture.

Cacti are small in size and grow slowly, requiring virtually no care, therefore, they are perfect for apartments and offices.

All succulents are resistant to dry climates and high temperatures.

Among the disadvantages - all succulents are afraid of excessive watering, especially with cold water.

In the cacti and succulents section, the main types and varieties of unpretentious plants are provided.

Euphorbia (millie) - prefers a bright place with diffused light. Water rarely once a week. Fertilizer is applied once a month. Due to its slow growth, it is replanted at least once every 3-4 years.

Among the disadvantages, during the dormant period (1-2 months) it sheds its leaves and does not look very attractive.

Blooms beautiful pink flowers. Small thorns will prevent children or pets from destroying the flower.


Saintpaulia, or another name (Uzambara violet). Thanks to its abundant flowering throughout the year and its small growth, Saintpaulia is found among many gardeners. Thanks to the many varieties, there is a wide palette of flowers and forms. Some hybrid forms simply fascinate with their beauty. Humidity is set high, similar to the natural environment. At low humidity, the violet is not sprayed, but the room is additionally moistened.

Water generously in summer warm water 2 times a week, in winter watering is significantly reduced.

A transplant is carried out every year; Saintpaulia needs a transplant when absolutely necessary.

Phalaenopsis orchid

Phalaenopsis orchid is one of the popular and unpretentious flowering indoor plants. Thanks to epiphytic aerial roots, the orchid must be watered 2 times a week and provided with sufficient lighting. Gradually accustomed to the sun, phalaenopsis can grow in direct sunlight, and also blooms beautifully in partial shade.

If there is insufficient lighting, there will be no flowering. One of the disadvantages is that the orchid needs high humidity. Now there are a large number hybrid forms with different flowering. If the phalaenopsis blooms, the flowering is long and abundant. The flowers bloom alternately, which prolongs the flowering period even longer.

Water abundantly on hot days, gradually reducing watering closer to winter.

After each flowering, the orchid needs pruning.


Heliotrope is a perennial flowering plant with a pronounced aroma of flowers. Heliotrope is used in cosmetology as a flavoring agent. Depending on the variety, flowering lasts from spring to September. There is white and lilac flowering with various shades. At home it is unpretentious, but demanding of lighting.

Insufficient lighting leads to stretching of shoots, withered leaves And small flowers. In summer they are kept at 24-26 degrees, in winter the temperature is reduced to 5-7 degrees.

It does not require mandatory spraying, but on hot days it will not hurt. In summer, water abundantly, and as the temperature drops, reduce watering.


Bromeliad is a beautiful flowering plant with long lanceolate leaves. A powerful erect peduncle grows from a rosette. It is considered an unpretentious plant and is well suited for offices and apartments.

There are many species with different blooms. Abundant flowering lasts throughout the summer. There are no special temperature requirements, but the humidity will have to be maintained high.

Water after the top layer of the substrate has dried. At lunchtime, shade from direct rays of the sun. Fertilizer is applied during active growth 2 times a month. No mandatory transplant is required.

Begonia is a beautiful flowering plant that is easy to care for and can grow both in open ground and in pots. At home, they are kept for the flowers and foliage, depending on the variety.

For abundant flowering sufficient diffused light is required. Direct rays may cause burns.

In summer and winter, begonia is kept at normal room temperature.

During the period of active growth, water abundantly; in winter, watering is halved. Excessive watering dangerous for the flower. They are fed rarely once a day of the week and only from spring to early autumn. Subject to simple rules, flowering is long and abundant.

Clivia is a flowering ornamental plant with powerful leaves at the base collected in a rosette. The flower prefers bright, diffused light. Direct rays may cause burns on the surface. In summer they are kept at a temperature of 24-26 degrees, in winter they are reduced to 16 degrees. The plant tolerates dry air normally, but the flowers will be small and the lifespan will be reduced.

The vigorous leaves contain enough moisture if you accidentally forget to water the clivia. Water with soft water after the top layer of soil has dried. In winter, during the dormant period, the plant can exist without watering at all. From spring to early autumn, mineral fertilizers are applied 2 times a month. Since the flower is painful to transplant, this procedure do only when necessary.

Clivia grows well in offices and apartments on window sills.

Schlumberger (Decembrist)

Schlumbergera (Decembrist) is one of the representatives of cacti. The peculiarity of this zygo cactus is that it blooms at Christmas, when most plants are dormant.

The flowering is beautiful, with numerous pink, white, red, purple and other flowers.

Adult plants are replanted every 5 years. The cactus can tolerate direct sunlight, but it must be gradually accustomed to this.

Among the disadvantages: in the summer they are kept at low temperatures, this is the key to abundant flowering in winter period. In winter, normal room temperature is fine. For a cactus it is necessary to provide high humidity and spray throughout the year.

In summer, water generously, allowing the top layer to dry out, but it will tolerate dry climates just fine if you forget to water it.

Living plants in the apartment add coziness and good mood. And flowers that bloom all year round can create a unique atmosphere in any home. Do you think that indoor flowers that bloom all year round require careful care? You are wrong! We will tell you what plants to furnish your home with so that they delight you all the time.

Absolutely unpretentious indoor flowers that bloom all year round are pelargoniums. Lush inflorescences will delight you almost continuously. You can choose a plant with red, hot pink, white flowers. Pelargonium loves fairly dry air and moderate watering.

2. Ever-blooming begonia

Don't know which flowers bloom all year round and don't require too much attention? Then feel free to choose begonia. This plant can be called one of the most popular among gardeners. There are a huge number of varieties of begonias. They differ from each other in the palette of inflorescences, leaf shapes, and sizes. Do you want your begonia to bloom continuously? Then maintain the air temperature around 15-20 degrees, fairly high humidity and ensure timely watering. It is also important that water does not stagnate in the pan.

3. Luxurious Chinese rose

Do you dream of fragrant roses on your windowsill? Then be sure to buy Chinese rose. Photo of this delicate flower can be seen on the Internet. This plant loves a lot of light and abundant watering during flowering. If you stick to these simple rules, the rose will make you happy for long periods flowering.

Also popular among plant growers are cyclamens - flowers that bloom almost all year round. European and Persian cyclamens. Interesting oblong flowers have a bright and rich hue. To provide good flowering For cyclamen, place it in a well-lit place and water it moderately.

5. Unpretentious clerodendrum

House flowers that bloom all year round, such as clerodendrum, are in great demand among gardeners. The bush-shaped plant will delight you with its flowering from the beginning of spring until almost the end of autumn. It is important that the soil in the pot is constantly moist. From time to time during flowering the plant should be fertilized.

6. Luxurious anthurium

Do you also want to know which indoor flowers bloom all year round at home? Anthurium will almost always delight you with its charm. These flowers are blooming early spring, and from time to time new large flowers are thrown out. Protect the plant from drafts, maintain moderate humidity, and you can enjoy its flowering continuously. More information about this plant can be found in the video.

7. Queen of flowers - orchid

What indoor plants does every housewife want to have in her collection? Of course, orchids! The most unpretentious and long-flowering species of orchids is called phalaenopsis. The plant blooms 2-3 times a year, and the flowers can remain on eyelids for up to 3 months. Place the pot with the plant on east window, provide moderate watering and enjoy the magnificent blooming of a luxurious orchid.

Now you know which flowers bloom all year round and what will suit you. Remember these names, and let it always be summer in your home. Be sure to share the article with your friends, perhaps they will also want to have it on their windowsill blooming garden. Be sure to read about to take care of your health!

Indoor flowers create coziness and atmosphere in the room, successfully emphasizing the design. But it also happens that there is no free time to care for plants. Of course, this does not mean that you will have to give up indoor floriculture. There are many indoor plants that do not require special attention and practically grow on their own. The good thing about such flowers is that they can be grown in places where their care is minimal, for example in offices.

Unpretentious indoor flowers: photos and names

The list of such plants is long. Below is a list of the most popular indoor flowers that do not require special conditions for their life.

  • . Attracts unusual shape double flowers. Colors: white, red, pink, crimson. Pelargonium blooms almost all year round, delighting everyone with its beautiful large inflorescences. It is also good because it can be given any height - low, high. It is enough to move the flower to a darker place and it will begin to stretch without losing its exquisite charm. It tolerates lack of watering and dry air very well.

  • Chinese rose. Does not require special care. A place well lit by sunlight is enough for her. It blooms all year round, spreading the subtle aroma of its flowers throughout the room.

  • Fuchsia. Just like geranium, it has a wide color spectrum of its flowers. Cute “lanterns” can be white, purple, and red with different shades. Fuchsia begins to bloom from early spring and ending in late autumn. On hot days it loves spraying.

  • Anthuriummale happiness"). The flowering period begins in the first days of spring and ends with the onset of the first frost. Anthurium is a sociable flower; it is advisable to plant not one, but several such plants in one pot. Well lit and warm place– the best for anthurium. It does not tolerate drafts well, but moist air is good for it. If you keep such flowers at home, we recommend purchasing a humidifier. In this article - - we told you how to choose it.

Indoor plants that bloom all year round

Such indoor plants can be divided into two groups. The first group are those flowers that need constant attention and self-care so that they can bloom alone. a beautiful flower. The second group is bright, richly flowering plants and are in high demand among housewives.

  • . Bright, with a sweet charm, these flowers will not leave anyone indifferent to their beauty. They bloom almost all year round. The wide range of colors, variety of shapes and textures of inflorescences allows you to collect a decent collection of violets on the windowsill.
  • . Belongs to exotic species. It conquers the hearts of flower growers with its gorgeous beauty and delights with long-lasting flowering. The most unpretentious of orchids - Phalaenopsis variety. Breeding a variety of hybrids allows everyone to grow and maintain orchids without spending a lot of time.

Flowering indoor plants that do not require increased care

  • Balsam. He loves western and eastern window sills, and thanks for this with his constant flowering. A south-facing window is also suitable, but in this case it will need light shade from the hot rays of the sun. In summer, it is better to take the flower out onto the terrace or balcony. In winter, the plant sheds its leaves, which is quite normal - a dormant period begins, but over time new shoots appear.
  • . One of the simplest indoor plants that can be easily propagated. Popular namegeranium. Large geranium flowers different colors: red, white, pink, scarlet, purple. Temperature for year-round flowering geraniums - no less than + 12 degrees.

Long-lived indoor plants

Clivia- beyond any competition. Different for a long time life and flower growers love it. Not capricious, lives up to 40 years in harsh conditions. The height of the flower is 50 cm. At the very top of the stem there can be 10-60 flowers (depending on the variety). The most popular flower colors are pale red, yellow and dark red.

Indoor plants (not requiring constant care) for offices

Indoor plants bring tangible benefits- enrich the air with oxygen. The presence of plants in offices is not only welcome, but also desirable! Especially if there are several workplaces in one room.

The air is purified, and plants such as laurel, juniper or chlorophytum, citrus And rosemarynatural bactericides, capable of killing germs and bacteria that hover in large numbers around the office.

They have a beneficial effect on the condition of tired eyes and improve vision. They maintain humidity in the offices, preventing the air from drying out due to the operation of air conditioners and heating systems. With timely watering and spraying, they can neutralize various toxins and reduce the harmful effects of exhaust gases entering the room through open vents and windows. They have a calming effect on the body as a whole.

  • Sansevieria(Sansevieria) is a champion in producing oxygen indoors. Does not require special care. Tolerates drought, drafts and temperature changes. Does not require frequent transplants.
  • Scindapus. A simple plant that easily tolerates excess daylight, low humidity air and dryness. Looks good on cabinets and shelves.
  • Cactus. It is distinguished by a huge variety of species. Does not like frequent heavy watering. Tolerates the light of daylight lamps, but it is advisable to place them on window sills, closer to sun rays, and away from crowded places, so as not to accidentally get hurt on the thorns.
  • Bamboo of happiness. An unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. Ideal for office cubicles. Feng Shui fans claim that it brings happiness and good luck. Different original look and can grow in water. You can decorate a vase with a plant with stones, such as pebbles, and then add water.
  • Chlorophytum. An ideal office plant. Capable of ionizing air, eliminating dangerous impurities from enclosed spaces. Fits into an office interior and is not capricious in terms of lighting. True, it is not advisable to install it in a very dark place.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):