In order for flowers to delight us with their beauty, they need the right and timely care. Fertilizers for roses will help plants develop correctly and charge them with vitality. What kind of feeding does the queen of flowers need, how to properly apply it? different periods life?

When planting seedlings, you need to place a peel or a whole banana at the bottom of the hole, which will replenish the potassium supply for the plant. It is also worth planting roses in loamy soils that retain moisture well. However, if you carry out proper preparation, then any soil can be used for planting roses.

For planting, make a hole in the ground up to 0.5 m deep and about 1 m wide; broken bricks are laid on the bottom to create a drainage layer. The hole must be filled with a soil mixture of soil, urea and superphosphate.

The main fertilizers used for roses include:

  • Nitrogen. It should be used at the very beginning of May after pruning the bush. Nitrogen is required for rapid growth stems and “green mass”. If there is a lack of nitrogen, the leaves begin to darken and turn yellow, and quickly become smaller.
  • Phosphorus in the form of superphosphate, which is applied in mid-spring and late July. This fertilizer improves the flowering of roses.
  • Potassium in the form of potassium sulfate should be added from July to October during budding and flowering. The lack of this fertilizer will lead to roses becoming less resistant to disease.
  • Calcium should be used only if planting will be done in acidic soil - for “neutralization”.

It is very important to remember that roses constantly need microelements, which lead to increased immunity and vitality of the crop. So many useful microelements For of this plant in wood ash.

Moreover, if you plant a rose in a rich and fertile soil, then further fertilizing may not be carried out. If you plant roses in the fall, you need to use exactly half the fertilizer.

But mineral fertilizers should be applied regularly, as they promote flowering of plants.

What fertilizers should be used to feed roses?

Let's take a closer look at the question of what fertilizers should be used.

Mineral fertilizers

Fertilizers should be applied in autumn and spring, and additional feeding from the second year of plant life approximately five times per season.

There are two ways to feed:

  1. Place the granules around the bush, dig in a little and water thoroughly - all substances will be absorbed into the soil along with the liquid.
  2. Spraying. IN in this case the crop will receive all trace elements and nutrients through the “green part”.

Organic fertilizers

Roses need not only mineral, but also organic fertilizers - this can be compost, waste plant origin, rotted leaves.

Organic matter not only supplies roses with useful substances, but also leads to an enrichment of the humus layer. True, it will take some time for the fertilizers to be absorbed: first, the fertilizers are processed by microorganisms, and only after that the plants will begin to absorb them.

For roses, you can use fermented manure, for which you must first prepare a mixture of manure and water in proportions of 1:10 (after which the mixture must be infused for at least a week, stirring it regularly). For each rose bush you need about 3 liters of mixture. Rotted manure can also be used as a mulching material.

Some gardeners prepare an infusion of nettles, to prepare which you need to do the following:

  1. Fill a 10 liter bucket with nettles 30% full.
  2. Add 100 g of nitrogen fertilizers.
  3. The same amount of wood ash.
  4. Fill with water.

Place the container in a warm place and keep for at least a week. Subsequently, dilute the mixture with water in proportions of 1:10 and water the flowers. If you spray plants, the proportions should be 0.5:10.

Fertilizers for roses in spring and summer – what do you need?

Plants begin to actively develop with the arrival of warmth, and during this period it is very important to ensure that there is a sufficient amount in the soil. nutrients.

In spring, fertilizers should be applied after pruning at the time of swelling of the buds. A solution consisting of 10 liters of water and 30 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate is added to the soil.

You can also use rotted manure along with complex mineral fertilizers in an amount of about 100 g for each square meter. It is worth remembering that humus should be laid out away from young shoots so that there are no burns left on them.

In April, when the first shoots appear, you need to next feeding: add 15 g of nitrogen, potassium salt and about 30 g of superphosphate per square meter. If you use mullein feeding, you must first prepare it correctly: mix 1 part of manure in 10 liters of water and keep it warm for about a week. Each bush requires about 3 liters of product.

If you want the queens of the garden to bloom for a long time and very abundantly, they need to be fed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

At the beginning of summer, the first buds begin to form on the roses - which means it’s time to carry out the third feeding. You need to use the same fertilizers as the second time. You can also take an infusion of bird droppings (dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:20). For each bush you need to take about 3 liters of the mixture.

After the first flowering, you need to spray the bushes using potassium salt and superphosphate. You can also use garden compost - about one shovel for each rose bush.

After the roses have completely faded, you need to fertilize them to enrich the crop with nutrients. To do this, you need to use about 15 k of potassium salt and 40 g of superphosphate.

Tip: try to spray the plant with an infusion of wood ash between fertilizing. To do this, take 100 g of ash, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 24 hours. After this, dilute our tincture with another 5 liters of water.

How and with what to fertilize in the fall?

Main problem modern varieties roses is that they cannot prepare for frost on their own, which means they will have to help with this. That is why it is so important to carry out autumn fertilizing as correctly as possible, otherwise the crop may die.

In addition, they should be applied to protect against various diseases that can harm plants.

The first autumn feeding is carried out at the end of August, the second - at the beginning of October.

An important point: under no circumstances use any fertilizers that contain nitrogen. You should also not use manure, because due to this organic fertilizer, young shoots will begin to grow quickly in roses, which will begin to take a lot of strength from an adult plant, which is why it may not survive the winter.

It is best to use phosphorus, potassium and calcium for fertilizing, but you need to be very careful with potassium, because this element will cause the plants to begin to grow quickly and buds will appear that will simply die. It is best to use this composition at the very beginning of autumn.

Prepare fertilizers according to the following scheme:

  1. Potassium fertilizing, for which you need to take about 20 g of potassium superphosphate and monophosphate and dilute them in 10 liters of water.
  2. Phosphate fertilizer, for which 10 g of magnesium sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  3. Calcium supplement. Take a spoonful of calcium nitrate and dilute it in 10 liters of water.

In October you need to add it to the soil organic matter. For example, you can take 1 kg of rotted compost per square meter. But in November any feeding stops.

By the way, when fertilizing in the fall, it is best to use fertilizers in granules, since they are not immediately absorbed into the ground, which means they can “feed” roses even in winter.

Other fertilizers for the “queen of flowers”

In any garden stores You can buy complex fertilizers for roses. And the best one can be called “Fertile Lake”, which contains a full set of micronutrients - they are suitable for all types of roses.

The dry mixture must be diluted according to the calculation: two tablespoons of the product per liter of water. Garden roses you need to fertilize with this solution twice, and indoor ones are fed once every two weeks in the summer and spring and once a week during the dormant period.

In this case, it is better to combine root and outside root feeding.

You can also use Agricola-Aqua fertilizer. If you are going to carry out root feeding, you need to dilute 5 g of the product in 1 liter of water; if you spray the plants, dilute the same 5 g in two liters of water. Feeding should be done every two weeks.

“Rose”, which is easy to use, is considered a good fertilizer.

How to use long-lasting fertilizers?

You can find Greenworld fertilizer on sale, which is very popular among gardeners. It can be used for all types of roses. Fertilizer strengthens the bushes, enhances growth, and saturates the roses with micronutrients. Thanks to the use of "Greenworld", the bushes will bloom longer, their color becomes brighter and more saturated.

The main convenience of such fertilizer is that it does not crumble, has no odor, and does not generate dust. The most important advantage is that Greenworld is a long-acting fertilizer that should be applied at the end of May at the latest.

Another popular long-acting fertilizer is “Pokon”, which leads to stronger stems, proper growth, and excellent flowering. The main convenience is that this fertilizer is applied once, and then micronutrients will be supplied to the plant throughout the entire season. In addition, “Pokon” is recommended to be used when transplanting roses.

It is used as follows:

  1. Take the required amount of granules with a special measuring spoon.
  2. Distribute evenly around each bush.
  3. Water the plantings.


Roses require proper care when growing, and great attention should be paid to feeding issues.

Glorified by the classics, the capricious rose, which is loved by many gardeners, requires specific care behind you. Without it, it withers, blooms poorly and, it seems, simply does not want to please its owner. How to feed roses so that they finally open up in all their splendor?

Roses are like any other perennial, over time, depletes the soil in which it grows and, without proper fertilization, loses its noble appearance.

If you carry out all the necessary seasonal fertilizers for the flower, then:

  • roses will always bloom beautifully;
  • the stems themselves will be strong, and the leaves will be juicy and healthy;
  • the size of the bush will increase proportionally;
  • the plant will be more active and more successful in resisting pests and diseases.

In general, with “well-fed and satisfied” roses everything is simple - just water them regularly and prune them in the off-season. This way they will remain beautiful for many years.

How to feed roses?

Like humans, flowers need certain microelements that are involved in their internal processes - growth, flowering, and rooting of the root system.

The following types of “vitamin” for roses are distinguished:

  1. Nitrogen, which is needed for the development of the bush. It strengthens the stems and leaves, but if you overdo it, it will negatively affect the number of flowers. Therefore, they should be used in moderation.
  2. Phosphorus just the opposite - it is responsible for the quantity and quality of flowering shoots. It is worth knowing that potassium is required in fertilizers containing this element - without it, phosphorus itself will be useless.
  3. Magnesium helps the rose form and release buds. The soil easily loses it during rains or when large amounts of snow melt.
  4. Iron helps the plant fight various diseases, including the most unpleasant chlorosis.

In addition to knowing the types of nutrients themselves, it should be taken into account that in different seasons roses need to be supplied various types fertilizers

How to feed roses in spring

Feeding roses in the spring is very important, when they begin their recovery and development after winter period. This is important for strengthening both the stems and the root system.

In spring, it is worth watering roses with mineral fertilizers containing all the main microelements listed in the previous section. In addition, it is worth making sure that the product contains minor additives that are important for the flowering and appearance of plants.

It is important to remember that you need to water the flower with such means carefully and be sure to ensure that the soil is initially moist. This will help avoid burns to the root system. Overusing fertilizers will be no less harmful than not feeding the rose at all.

After uniform watering with fertilizer has been carried out, you need to slightly fluff up the soil with a hoe in order to retain the nutrients in the top layer of soil. Otherwise, you should follow the instructions indicated on the packaging of the selected product.

Feeding roses in autumn

In the fall, when the plant is already “tired” and has given up all possible resources during flowering, the shrub needs to be supported with fertilizers. Feeding roses for the winter should not contain nitrogen, which, on the contrary, awakens the flower and makes it grow again.

Feeding recipes

General rules for feeding roses

If you decide to fertilize your roses, pay attention to the following rules:

  1. You can't "feed" a rose a large number nitrogen, if lush flowering is needed, phosphorus is used.
  2. If the bush is weak and the root system is poorly developed, then no amount of phosphorus will help. For the development of flowering stems, nitrogen is needed, which increases the strength of the entire bush.
  3. Do not use mineral fertilizers if the soil is dry. This type of watering will burn the roots of the plant.

In general, it is important to monitor the condition of the bush itself and, based on it, feed the plant. For example, if the leaves of a rose have faded, began to dry out, new buds and stems do not appear, growth has slowed down - this is a clear sign that it is time to fertilize the soil with organic matter, improving its quality and living environment for roses

Important! When choosing fertilizer, you should pay attention to the age of the bush, and not to its variety.

How to fertilize the soil when planting roses

If you plan to plant a rose in the spring, and the soil is ready for this and is good in itself, it’s enough just not to touch the plant. Watering and sun will do their job. If the rose must enter the soil in the fall, then it is worth using half of the standard fertilizers for feeding during this period. Recipe autumn feeding– a couple of grams of ammonium nitrate, from 3 to 5 grams of superphosphate, which should be supplemented with literally one gram of potassium salt.

When the rose has already taken root, it has been pruned, and the buds on it have begun to swell, you should use complete set feeding. When planting, fertilizer should contain both mineral and organic mixtures, complementing each other. This will help the rose quickly gain bulk and begin to bloom.

Fertilizers for flower growth

In order for roses to bloom actively and abundantly, they must have enough of all the substances required for the development of the plant. Release large number flowering shoots can only healthy bush with dense foliage, strong main stems and a developed root system.

If all this is available, but the roses still do not please with the abundance of flowers, you will need phosphate fertilizers. It can be used throughout the growing season to improve flowering.

This fertilizer is designed to feed the root system. It develops more actively and provokes the appearance of new shoots with flowers. In addition, phosphorus helps not only to increase the number of stems, but also to improve the quality of buds. They become denser, brightly colored and bloom longer.

It must be remembered for good flowering roses, you need to carefully feed the flowers nitrogen fertilizers, and it’s better to wait with them altogether. This is a top dressing for spring, when the plant should gain strength, develop regular stems and roots, and gain its “green mass”.

Important! Nitrogen actively inhibits the flowering of roses.

Organic fertilizers

Organics for roses are also necessary, as well as minerals. Experienced gardeners claim that these fertilizers should be used in pairs. This is the only way to achieve the best results.

Minerals should be used first - this is the main food of plants. Next you need to add organic fertilizers, which will complement the composition of the soil and help “assimilate” the previous fertilizing.

Ordinary organic matter can act as organic matter. garden compost, perfect for fertilizing the soil around roses. In order to fertilize, you need to evenly distribute a bucket of compost around the bush. Over time, the soil will mix and improve its properties.

Organic matter will help visually improve the condition of the bush and enhance flowering. If a gardener is embarrassed by the unaesthetic appearance of the compost scattered around beautiful plant, it can be disguised with pieces of decorative bark, which you can actually make yourself, or buy in a store.

In general, the rules described are suitable for any plant variety and can be actively applied if necessary. In this case, differences in fertilizer are related to the age of the plant itself.

“Adult” roses do not need a lot of nitrogen - they have already “gained weight”, but they need phosphorus and organic fertilizers, since the soil is depleted over the years of the plant’s “life”, and the development of flowering stems is suspended, the root system is inhibited, and the plant looks and feels feels bad.

You need to approach some types of roses individually due to the abundance of their blooms.

So, roses can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Shrubs- these flowers require intensive autumn feeding, as they have an abundant vegetative mass, which, even with good pruning, does not tolerate winter well.
  • Curlythis type It is recommended to feed not only at the root, but also along the entire length of the vines. For this purpose, mineral fertilizers that have the properties of light pesticides are used.
  • Curtain– varieties of this species respond well to organic fertilizers. A urea solution is well suited for foliar feeding.

To summarize, we can say that roses, regardless of the variety, are not very adapted to our conditions, and therefore require constant care and feeding. But we must remember that everything should be in moderation and at the right time, otherwise they will fatten and devote all their strength to their landscaping.

The rose is rightly called the queen of the garden. From May, all summer and up late autumn they fascinate with their beauty and diversity. But it should be fair to note that this crop is quite difficult to grow in the garden and requires ongoing care and attention. The abundant summer flowering of roses largely depends on how well the garden was organized. spring care, in particular, how roses were fertilized in the spring.

Fertilizer: essential nutrition for the plant

For good growth, maintaining proper metabolism flowering plants requires large amounts of nutrients, respectively, which they take mainly from the soil. But, unfortunately, the reserves of nutrients in the soil are limited; by annually growing plants, harvesting, and removing unnecessary plants from flower beds, we completely remove the nutrients contained in the soil. Therefore, the reserves of nutrients in the soil must be systematically replenished by fertilizing with fertilizers.

Plants need three main nutrients - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Plants need magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, zinc and manganese in small quantities.

First feeding

How to feed roses after winter?

In the spring, at the end of March or early April, when the frosty days are already behind, it’s time gradually open the bushes. If there were frame shelters with paper or film on them, we first ventilate them. With the onset of the first warm days, we remove shelters with partial shading, otherwise burns may occur on the delicate stems that are accustomed to a humid air environment. After about a week, the plant can be opened completely. If the bushes at the dacha were covered with spruce branches in winter, it is advisable to first lift them in the spring, then partially remove them, leaving a couple of branches for shading, and after a few days remove them completely.

Next stage need to rake off the peat or the ground of which roses were covered. This is necessary in order to speed up the thawing of the earth. If this is not done, physiological drought will begin immediately, in this process due to high temperatures living plant buds begin to grow, and the roots located in frozen soil do not perform their functions and do not supply water to the parts of the plant in need. The consequence will be the blackening and death of the plant branches that turned green after winter.

If all of the above was done correctly, literally in a day or two top layer the ground has thawed, we will carry out the first fertilizing. For this first feeding no expensive fertilizers needed for roses in the spring, we feed wood ash. Summer residents who have a bathhouse have an advantage; during the winter period, collect burnt ash in paper bags, it will be useful to you in the spring.

The procedure for feeding roses is simple:

That's all, not the difficult manipulations of feeding roses, but how grateful those who wake up after will be for this hibernation plants.

Second feeding

Next feeding carried out after spring pruning, two or three weeks after the first feeding, in May.

Pruning not only allows us to maintain our ornamental shrubs at the dacha in uniform, very often she also appears important event, helping to maintain the ability to flower. Cultivated and wild roses, like dwarf roses, are pruned in mid- or late April, when severe frosts have already passed.

Different varieties and varieties of roses cut differently. But for each plant, it is necessary to cut out blackened, frozen, shrunken, weak and injured areas of the shoots until the first living, safely overwintered bud on the lower part of the green shoot.

Feeding rose bushes after pruning

After trimming Let's feed the roses under the bush:

  • ammonium nitrate - 2-3 g.
  • superphosphate - 3-5 g.
  • potassium salt - 1-2 g.

It is better to fertilize immediately after pruning, before the procedure of hilling roses.

Preventative spraying

After spring pruning to prevent various diseases of roses We carry out preventive spraying, which is strictly carried out before the buds open. We treat the bushes with a two or three percent solution of nitrafen at the rate of one liter per bucket by spraying. This solution is enough to treat twenty rose bushes.

Feeding roses in summer

For curvy and long flowering rose bushes need to be fed and summer period. Experienced rose growers fertilize the bushes once a month in the summer. It is worth noting that from August we stop fertilizing roses with nitrogen fertilizers; these measures are necessary so that there is no incentive for them to grow and to stop the formation of delicate tissue susceptible to frost.

Which fertilizers are best?

In modern floriculture, primarily complex or combined fertilizers, which contain many very important plant nutrients in a properly balanced form. Often has common sense contribute and special fertilizers, the composition of which is developed and intended for specific types of plants, in this case a nutrient mixture for roses.

In general, fertilizers are distinguished:

Organic fertilizers, in them organic substances are bound directly into organic compounds and benefit the plant cells gradually. Synthesis depends on many factors, such as soil humidity and temperature, and the activity of microorganisms in it. Organic fertilizers contain higher concentrations of nutrients compared to natural fertilizers, for example, ordinary compost, it also belongs to the category of organic fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers contain nutrients consisting of more easily soluble compounds that provide significantly quick effect. It is worth noting that the danger of overdose in this case is significantly higher than with organic fertilizers, and leaching of nutrient particles is also possible.

When and how to feed?

When applying fertilizer in the summer, follow the instructions on the manufacturer's packaging. If there are no instructions or doubts when feeding, it is better to apply less fertilizer than to apply too much fertilizer. For example, excess nitrogen negatively affects the tissue; weak and porous tissue cannot protect the plant, its resistance decreases, and the living organism of the plant becomes defenseless against various fungal diseases or pest attacks.

Solid mineral fertilizers scatter evenly under the rose bushes and rake into the soil. Liquid fertilizers are applied during watering using a watering can.

It is advisable to apply fertilizers to moist soil and, if possible, feed in cloudy weather.

In conclusion, I would like to say that proper care for roses, namely sufficient watering, proper application of fertilizers, proper pruning and formation of bushes, systematic removal of faded flowers, removal of wild shoots will bring lush flowering until frost. The variety and abundance of flowers will delight you and your family and surprise your guests with their fragrance.

Which always pleases us with the beauty and grace of delicate and charming flowers, requires special careful care. It is not enough to just water and loosen the soil around a lovely bush. The rose needs regular and competent feeding, which becomes especially important in the spring.

Why do you need early spring fertilizing?

By the beginning of March, along with the melting snow and prolonged rains that occur during this period, many useful elements. A plant that has survived the winter experiences an acute nutrient deficiency. He needs them to:

  1. It's normal to grow and develop.
  2. Increase immunity that has decreased over the winter.
  3. Bloom long, brightly and luxuriantly all summer.
  4. Resistant to diseases and pests.

In the spring, depending on the variety, the rose should receive three or four feedings with organic and mineral fertilizers in sufficient quantities.

First spring feeding for roses

It is usually held in early to mid-April, but you need to pay attention to the weather. It should be remembered that in cold soil minerals are poorly absorbed. The soil should warm up at least a little and have a positive temperature.

Considering that rose bushes will have to increase their green mass at the beginning of spring, preference is given to nitrogen fertilizers in the first feeding. Ammonium nitrate granules are scattered around the bushes at the rate of 20-30 grams per square meter of rose garden - this is approximately one to one and a half tablespoons of granules. But you can also use them in solution. To do this, it is recommended to dissolve 50 g of granules well in one liter warm water and then mix the resulting concentrate with 9 liters of water. Pour one liter jar of fertilizer under each bush.

Second feeding

Since roses love organic matter, after nitrate two weeks later, when the leaves begin to bloom, mullein, bird manure, humus, and compost are used. It is better to prepare all these fertilizers in the fall. Which one to use is chosen by the grower himself according to his capabilities.

  1. Mullein is bred warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and leave for 5-10 days until it ferments. Then the volume of water is doubled and the bushes are watered in a circle. One bush requires 4-5 liters of fertilized water, but if they are small, then less.
  2. Rotted poultry manure is combined with water in a ratio of 1:10 to obtain the desired concentrate. During watering, it is again diluted with water 1:3. They feed by pouring 4-5 liter jars under the bush.
  3. Humus or compost is spread in a small layer around the bushes, as if mulching the ground.

If there are no organic fertilizers, then take 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt per bucket of water. A liter jar of solution is added to each bush.

Third feeding

third spring feeding Roses are carried out on the eve of budding, usually three weeks after the second feeding. But the timing here is not clear. Now you should completely eliminate nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise the flowers will be small and the green mass will grow even larger.

Take 10 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate per bucket of water, add a liter jar of this essential nutrient under each bush.

In general, preference during this period is given to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorus is involved in the formation of new buds, and potassium is responsible for beauty - color saturation and helps roses to bloom for a long time. The plant should receive magnesium during the third feeding, as it stimulates the appearance of new ovaries. Microelements such as manganese and boron, which strengthen the plant’s immunity, are of particular importance.

  1. “Kemira” (granules, add 30-40 g per sq.m.);
  2. “Agricola” (dilute 10 ml per liter of water, a liter jar for each bush);
  3. "Glinworld" (granules, 25 g for each plant);
  4. "Florovit" (similar recipe).

During the third fertilizing, ash is added, which also acts as a soil deoxidizer. Scatter one glass of fertilizer around the bush. You can also dilute a liter jar of ash in a bucket of water and water at the rate of one liter per plant.

Fourth feeding of roses

It is carried out at the end of May, if roses early flowering. If the flowers are late, then it is already early summer. The composition does not differ from the third feeding.

Features of fertilizing roses in spring

So that the work does not go to waste and brings good results, you need to remember a few important rules:

  1. It is better to underfeed a rose than to overfeed it. In the second case, she will be weak and susceptible to disease.
  2. Before each fertilizing, the soil around the plant must be well watered; nutrients should be added at a distance of 15 cm from the trunk.
  3. Roses of the first year of life are not fed in the spring; they have enough nutrients added to the soil during planting.
  4. If there are prolonged rains, apply in the “dry” intervals foliar feeding according to the sheet. At the same time, the concentration mineral fertilizers or ash (it is also suitable for foliar manipulation) is doubled.
  5. All feeding is carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening.
  6. Roses are not fertilized with pig manure; it is harmful to them.

"Grandma's" recipes

For lush flowering roses are used in spring and folk remedies, which contribute to further lush flowering, healthy growth and plant development.

For one liter of water add 10 g of yeast (dry or pressed) and add a tablespoon of sugar. After a few hours, when the mass has fermented, it is diluted with 5 liters of warm water. Then pour under each bush liter jar. Yeast promotes the formation of beneficial bacteria in the soil.

Add 100 g of husk to 4 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes, then infuse it for several hours. Fertilizing is carried out in the spring on the leaf. Such spraying not only promotes lush flowering, but also develops strong immunity against diseases that are characteristic of roses.

About a kilogram of nettle is diluted in a bucket of water and infused for 3-5 days. Then the infusion is diluted in half with clean water and water the bushes. The solution is useful because it contains a record amount of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and a number of microelements.

Nettle heals the rose bush and strengthens its roots, and, therefore, promotes lush and long flowering.

Rose bushes on mine garden plot- my pride. I spend a lot of time caring for them, but the luxurious bloom of my roses is worth it. In midsummer, glossy leaves on elastic stems and huge amount buds and opened flowers attract the gaze of all passers-by.

However, roses owe their luxurious flowering not only to their care, loosening and watering, but also to the timely application of the necessary fertilizers.

Fertilizing is a very important component of rose care, and if you apply the wrong fertilizer or do not apply it at all, your roses will delight you abundant flowering they won't. Therefore, it is very important to know what to feed roses in order to achieve the desired result.

Roses are real gourmets, and this flower is quite difficult to “overfeed”. The main thing is to apply exactly the fertilizer that the roses require at a specific period of time. In spring and summer, plants require feeding with different compounds.

First of all, it is very important to remove the cover from roses in a timely manner in the spring. If you do this too early, the flower may suffer from spring frosts, and if you do it too late, the roses will begin to rot and it will be difficult to save them. Therefore, remove the shelter as soon as the frost subsides, but do it gradually.

After the snow has melted, even before removing the cover, you can apply a solution of ammonium nitrate under the bushes; this composition will make it easier for the roots to adapt.

First, open the ends of the shelter, then remove the spruce branches, the film, and lastly, rake the peat and mulch from the roots. That's it, your plant is ready to grow. The shelter should be completely removed around mid-to-late April, depending on the region. One of the main indicators is that the temperature during the day should not be lower than 10 degrees Celsius.

In about a week or a week and a half, the rose that has emerged from winter will begin to produce buds. And then you will see which shoots froze, despite your care, and which will grow.

At this time you need to do something easy spring pruning, which is called cosmetic - it consists precisely in pruning dried and frozen stems and shortening them to living tissue.

After this, the soil under the bushes needs to be loosened properly. There is no need to water the rose yet; there is enough moisture in the soil in the spring. In spring, the rose is fertilized twice:

  • You need to fertilize roses for the first time in May. At this time, the dacha is usually quite dry and warm, and it’s time to start working on flowers. For the first feeding, I usually use a solution of mullein, which I apply directly under the roots by watering from above, or humus. You can also use nitrogen fertilizers; roses respond well to them in early spring. In spring, fertilizers containing nitrogen are generally preferred for roses.
  • After about three weeks, that is, the beginning of June, fertilizing needs to be repeated. By this time, the bushes should already be watered, doing it early in the morning or in the evening to avoid burns. Watering should be done with warm, settled water; it is best to use rainwater.

How to feed roses in the summer

In June, directly during the budding period, the rose especially needs fertilizer. At this time, your plant should be fed with any complex fertilizer for roses, which is sold in flower shop. Depending on the type of fertilizer, you need to follow the instructions.

It is very important to observe the proportions if the drug should be diluted with water, otherwise the roots can simply be burned. The only thing you can’t go overboard with is organic matter; humus, peat and rotted manure can be added without fear of damaging the plant.

Roses are preferred liquid fertilizers, and they need to be applied at the rate of 3 - 5 liters per bush, depending on the age of the plant.

Feeding during the period of bud formation is very important; this component of rose care should never be neglected.

Roses should be refilled generously at this time, as the surface of the earth under the bushes dries out. You can mulch the soil to avoid moisture loss. This is especially important to do if you are on your site quite rarely. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; roses do not like this. This is harmful to their growth and detrimental to flowering.

If you add fertilizers for roses in the form of granules to the soil, be sure to combine fertilizing with watering - first you need to water the bushes and let the moisture dry out a little, then loosen the soil, and after that add the granules, being careful not to let them touch the leaves. With this method of applying solid fertilizers, the roots of the flowers will not be damaged.

Starting from the end of July, you should not feed roses with nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen promotes rapid growth, but at the end of summer this is no longer useful; roses may simply not have time to prepare for winter, which can lead to their death.

And we repeat once again - do not under any circumstances change the composition and dosage recommended by fertilizer manufacturers, otherwise you may destroy your flowers.

Immediately before flowering, when the buds begin to bloom, you should once again feed the bushes with mullein, or more precisely, with its liquid solution. Roses really need organic matter at this time to bloom.

Feeding roses in autumn

In the fall, you should feed your roses at least twice more before you begin to prepare them for winter dormancy:

  • at the very end of August or at the beginning of September it is necessary to add superphosphate to the soil - this is the most best fertilizer, which can please a rose in the fall. Potassium salt is also suitable for the penultimate feeding. At this time, you can add ash under the rose bushes, it also contains needed by the plant microelements. Potassium increases the flower's resistance to any diseases, from rotting to infections and fungi, and phosphorus accelerates the growth of foliage and root system. Therefore, the integrated introduction of these components will have the most beneficial effect on your roses.
  • Towards the end of September, and in warm regions- in October, this procedure must be repeated. That's it last feeding, there is no need to fertilize the rose anymore.

After applying the last fertilizer, you should reduce watering, loosen the soil less, and not otherwise stimulate the growth of new shoots - for example, do not prune roses too early.

If you trim the bushes in warm time, before frost, or at least until a significant drop in temperature, the rose will begin to actively produce new shoots, which will definitely die in winter, since they will not have time to grow stronger during the winter. short period warm autumn.

You can give some more tips on feeding roses and correct application fertilizers that will help you achieve lush flowering:

  • If the weather outside is cold or rainy, or both, then it is better not to apply fertilizer under the roots, but to spray the shoots and leaves directly. This will stimulate the plant and cause it to produce new shoots;
  • foliar feeding with manure diluted in a bucket of warm water helps prevent diseases, especially fungal ones, to which roses are highly susceptible;
  • after pruning, as well as in too rainy or, conversely, too dry weather, Epin will be useful for roses, which needs to be sprayed on the bushes;
  • if your roses bloom and grow beautifully without fertilizing, it means you have chosen a good place for them and the soil on your site is rich nutrients. In this case, in the first years you can safely limit yourself to organic matter and not use any chemistry. Water the bushes with mullein or a solution of chicken droppings, spray them, water them, weed them, and your roses will thank you with abundant blooms.

How to feed a rose in winter

This advice is especially relevant for rose lovers who live in cold regions:

  • in late autumn, before proceeding directly to the construction of a shelter over your roses, remove a thin layer of earth from under the roots of the bush and add a little humus or peat there, in approximately the same thin layer;
  • then cut from any cardboard box a large circle so that it can completely cover the top root system. Cut a hole in the circle for the pruned shoots and place it on top of the rose bush. The cardboard should be above the roots of the rose, and the shoots should stick out from the small hole cut inside;
  • then sprinkle the cardboard with a layer of soil, pour a thick layer of manure, peat or humus on top of this soil, and another thick layer of earth on top of it. And start building from above winter shelter for your roses.

This procedure perfectly replaces the hilling of rose roots for the winter and protects them from freezing. In addition, during the winter months, the cardboard in the ground will simply rot, and your rose bushes will begin to receive feeding immediately after the first warm days arrive and the layers of soil and organic fertilizer begin to thaw and penetrate to the roots.

After you remove the winter shelter in the spring, all you have to do is loosen or carefully dig up the soil under the bushes, and organic fertilizer It will serve not only as excellent heating for the roots, but also as an excellent fertilizer for the plant.

It will protect the roots from spring frosts if you are in a hurry to remove the cover, and from drying out if there is not enough rain in the spring.

Your roses will be very grateful to you for your care and the results will not be long in coming.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):