Garden aster has been well known to people since ancient times. At one time, it captivated residents and Ancient Greece, and China, and Korea, and Mongolia. These countries are the birthplace of this flower.

Today this plant can be found in city squares, street flower beds, and front gardens. Aster is loved not only for its beauty, but also for the duration of flowering. It is especially pleasing with its colors in the fall, when the sky is often overcast and there are more gray days.

History of the aster

The Chinese aster has many admirers all over the world. Translated from Greek, its name means “star”, which is associated with many legends. For example, the ancient Greeks believed that these were the tears of the cosmic Virgin, which turned into dust, from which beautiful flowers grew. Since they associated this constellation with the goddess of love Aphrodite, the flower became her symbol.

They sincerely believed that if you stood among the asters at night, you could hear them quietly talking to the stars.

In China, since ancient times, the annual aster has symbolized female beauty, elegance and modesty. For many European peoples, it became a symbol of sadness for a lost paradise, therefore it was considered a fragment of a distant and unattainable star.

Many believed that aster leaves thrown into a fire could drive away snakes, but most often this flower is called autumn rose, since it is the brightest and beautiful plant, blooming during this period.

Description of the plant

Chinese aster has a widely branched root system and erect green or reddish stems. With a height of 20 cm to 90 cm, they can have both straight and branched shoots. The leaves are alternate, oval with green teeth.

The inflorescence is a basket of tubular or reed petals of varying degrees of terry. Each flower has a yellowish center, while outer side may have pink, purple, burgundy, white, crimson or lilac color.

Flowering begins in July and continues until frost. Today, the Chinese aster in the wild is not as attractive as hybrid varieties, which differ in size, color, and flowering time.

If you plant it in the garden, it is better to choose a place open to the sun, with moderate humidity soil and air.


There are more than 4,000 in the world, which are divided into 40 species. Among such diversity, the annual aster stands apart. She was allocated to separate species under the general name callistephus, which is translated from ancient Greek as “ beautiful flower" The most popular varieties Among them are:

  • "Dragon" - series, distinctive feature which are the petals of a flower. In the inflorescence they are inclined towards the center, and the outer ones have a twisted appearance. With a diameter of 10-12 cm it looks very impressive. The plant grows in a tall “column” with 8-10 powerful stems. Flowers last a long time after cutting.
  • The “Balun” series has large, up to 13 cm in diameter, spherical flowers with a large number petals. Their conical shape prevents water from getting into the middle, which prevents rotting. Grows in a bush of 6-8 stems.
  • The "Princess" series is presented female names, for example, Veronica, Hilda, Alexandra and others. They are characterized by large (up to 12 cm) semi-double flowers with petals twisted into thin tubes. There are 10-12 shoots in the bush.
  • The Pompom series has the smallest (up to 5 cm) flowers, but they cover the bush abundantly. Two-color species are often found.

These varieties annual asters most common in gardeners' flower beds because of their beauty and unpretentiousness.

Growing aster

Callistephus chinensis can be sown directly into the garden bed when frost has already set in, or in the spring, covering the seedlings with film for preservation. At home, they can be sown as seedlings. The seeds of this plant are so small and light that there are up to 450-500 seeds per 1 g. When buying seed, you should pay attention to the expiration date, since the germination period of aster is only 2 years.

When choosing flowers for your garden, you should think in advance about the place for them. Asters prefer sunny side with average soil and air humidity, although they can tolerate partial shade well. The best soil for these flowers - fertile with neutral or slightly alkaline acidity.

A few days before planting seedlings, the soil should be fertilized with humus and wood ash. For large varieties You should maintain a distance between bushes of up to 30 cm, for medium-sized ones - 20 cm, and for small ones up to 10 cm is enough.

Aster care

Although in general the Chinese aster is not picky, to obtain lush decorative bushes You should look after her a little.

  • In dry weather, it should be watered abundantly, avoiding stagnation of water.

  • The first fertilizing, consisting of a complex of mineral fertilizers, should be carried out 2 weeks after planting, provided that the plant has taken root.
  • Subsequent feeding is carried out during the periods of budding and flowering. You can use fertilizers that affect the brightness of the color and growth of the plant.
  • Tall and lush bushes should be tied up.

These are all the requirements that the Chinese aster makes. Growing it is not a hassle, but you can get a flowerbed of beautiful and bright “stars” that bloom until frost.


This type of flower reproduces only by seeds. They can be sown both at home in pots, in a greenhouse, and in open ground.

After sowing, sprinkle with dry crushed humus, water and cover the seeds with film. They sprout on the fifth to tenth day, but until the first leaves appear, it is necessary to maintain the temperature to +20 degrees. After this, it needs to be reduced to +15 so that the plant develops well.

Transplant seedlings into open ground it is necessary in June, when the warmth has already established itself, then the flowers will bloom at the end of July or in August and will last until the end of October. If you do this earlier, you should prepare for the fact that its flowering period will be shortened.


The most frequent illness to which asters may be susceptible is fusarium. Symptoms appear in plants during the formation of a bud or flowering. There are no radical ways to combat this fungal disease, but you can avoid it by taking a number of preventive measures.

  • Firstly, these flowers cannot be planted in the same place earlier than after a 5-year break.
  • Secondly, when preparing the soil, do not use fresh compost or manure, replacing them with humus.
  • Thirdly, it is better to treat the seeds with an antifungal solution before sowing.

  • Fourthly, do not plant plants close to each other so that they can be well ventilated.
  • Fifthly, make sure that water does not stagnate around the root collar.

If a plant is sick, it must be immediately removed and burned. In addition to fusarium, asters can become “victims” of gray rot and powdery mildew, from which spraying with a solution of foundationazole will save you.


The main pests of aster are:

  • Bud aphid, which infects the plant at the seedling stage, with only 3-4 first leaves. It deforms the leaves and seems to twist them. Pest control is spraying with chlorophos, depis or karbofos before the flower has more than 4 leaves.
  • Special preparations, for example, “Iskra” and metaldehyde, save you from tobacco thrips and slugs.

If you carry out preventive work and make sure that asters do not have stagnant water in the soil, then the rest is best flowers for the dacha. They are beautiful, long-blooming and unassuming.

Botanical characteristics, description of Chinese aster

Callistephus chinensis, translated - Aster chinensis, Callistephus chinensis, other names: Chinese aster, gaystra, holy aster, and also compostillon. This is an annual herbaceous representative of the plant kingdom. Its stem is straight, somewhat rough and slightly hairy. The leaves are ciliated, with the lower ones petiolate and coarsely toothed; middle ones are rhombic-oblong, jagged; the upper ones are entire, their shape is lanceolate.

At the top of the stem there is a corymbose inflorescence of a few heads; they are large and single. The marginal flowers are of the reed type; they can be blue, purple, and so on. The fruit is represented by a flattened wedge-shaped-obovate achene; the plant blooms from August to October inclusive.

This is a Chinese aster (photo)

Where does aster grow?

This representative of the flora is considered ornamental plant, it is happily cultivated by amateur gardeners in their dachas and garden plots. It is worth noting that in growing wild Callistephus chinensis is not very attractive, and it looks better when well-groomed.

Growing and care

This plant is considered light-loving, resistant to cool temperature, prefers to grow in open spaces, in sunny places, but can also bloom in semi-shaded areas.

The soil should be fairly light, fertile with neutral acidity. It is worth saying that it is not recommended to grow these flowers after carnations, gladioli, and tulips; they can be returned to their original location after about five years.

In the fall, compost or humus is added when digging the ground, and in the spring, superphosphate, ammonium sulfate are added, and potassium salt is also used. It is recommended to calculate the dosage of fertilizers based on agrochemical analysis of soil samples.

If the soil has been prepared correctly, with regular watering and fertilizing of the plant, in this case the flowers will bloom quite profusely almost until the very first frost.

Quite often, the Chinese aster is affected by fusarium, to prevent this disease, it is recommended to spray the plant prophylactically special solution, consisting of potassium permanganate, ammonium molybdic acid, sulfate salts of copper, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, as well as boric acid.

Reproduction is carried out by seeds; they retain their viability for three years. In this case, sowing can be done in open ground both in autumn and spring, and in addition, the Chinese aster can be planted in protected ground, approximately in mid-March.

In this case, you can sow seeds into the soil in a heated greenhouse directly under the film. In this case, the land is prepared a week before sowing, and required quantity humus and dig well, after which the surface of the earth is leveled with a rake, and then ridges are made, watering them with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

Then the soil is covered with a film and left for three days, after which you can see how the weeds sprout, they are completely removed, which allows you to subsequently grow the Chinese aster completely without weeds. On the day of direct sowing, the prepared soil is once again well loosened and compacted, and the seeds are sprinkled with earth, watered, and covered with cellophane, which is not removed until the first shoots appear.

Subsequently, the sprouted Chinese asters are watered warm water, this will prevent the occurrence of root rot. Then the seedlings are planted on permanent place into previously prepared soil. It is worth noting that this representative of the flora can tolerate frosts down to -4 degrees.

Applications of Callistephus chinensis

Depending on the decorativeness of the inflorescences of the Chinese aster, it can be planted in group plantings, near borders, and these flowers are also recommended for decorating terraces; in addition, they can be grown on balconies.

As you know, aster looks great when cut, it is beautiful in lush bouquets. Boutonnieres can be made from small-flowered varieties. Cut plants will retain their freshness for clean water up to two weeks. In this case, you should wash the stems and often change the water in the vase.

Of course, the aster is considered the queen autumn flower garden, dwarf-sized varieties are successfully planted, while low-growing plants look very impressive. You can use them to replace already faded spring bulbs. You can plant callistephus directly in flower beds in different times, because root system very branched, and it quickly recovers when transplanted.

Accordingly, you can replant already formed adult Callistephus chinensis plants, with formed buds or even already in bloom, in which case they will take root well and decorate any flower garden.


Be sure to plant it in your garden or on personal plot these are beautiful bright flowers, they will decorate any flower bed and lawn, delighting the owners with their appearance, and besides, they are considered quite unpretentious and frost-resistant plants.

When growing aster seedling method in protected ground, seeds are sown in seed boxes filled with a 3:1 mixture of turf soil and humus or peat, preferably from mid-March to the end of April. Mass shoots appear on the 6-7th day after sowing. The most favorable air temperature for seed germination is +18-20°C, and for normal growth and development of seedlings - +15-16°C.

After the seedlings have become stronger, they are pricked to pinch the tip of the main root in order to stimulate the development of a fibrous root system. When growing seedlings, it is watered moderately, ventilated and fed at least twice with 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water.

Before sampling Asters are watered abundantly, which helps preserve the roots. Seedlings are planted in open ground when they are 40-60 days old; they should not be overgrown. By the time of planting in open ground, the plants should have a strong stem 6-10 cm high and 5-7 large bright green leaves. Asters are planted according to the following scheme: row spacing - 45-50 cm, distance between plants in a row - 20 cm. Thickened plantings reduce terry growth and reduce the decorativeness of asters.

At seedless method When growing aster, the seeds are sown directly into the ground in two periods: in spring and before winter. Term spring sowing depends on the readiness of the soil, usually carried out simultaneously with sowing dill, lettuce and carrots. The seeding depth is 1-1.5 cm; the furrows are well watered beforehand.

Under winter sowing asters has its advantages: early spring friendly shoots appear and plants suffer less from fusarium. In addition, this way you can improve the health of varieties, as there is a natural culling of weak plants.

However, with this method special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of site. It should be well leveled, not subject to flooding in the spring, the soil should be light, not floating, and fertile. Sowing is carried out immediately before frost to prevent seed germination in the autumn. Best term- second half of November. In the spring, after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to loosen the soil and thin out the seedlings, leaving a distance of 10-20 cm between plants.

Aster is a light-loving plant, rather undemanding to soil conditions, but it grows better in soils with a high humus content. In hot and dry weather, the fullness of the inflorescences decreases and the number of seeds set decreases, so the plants need timely watering (as the soil dries out). It should not be frequent, but plentiful. After watering or rain, the soil is loosened to avoid the formation of a crust that interferes with the breathing of the root system. Loosening is done finely so as not to damage the roots. On poor soils, 12 days after planting, you can fertilize the plants with a complex of mineral fertilizers.

Of great importance when growing aster is fight against fusarium. In order to keep the plants healthy, it is necessary to strictly comply with agrotechnical requirements: change the planting location of asters annually, return to the last place of cultivation no earlier than after 5-7 years, during the growing season, remove plants with symptoms of the disease and collect seeds only from healthy plants. The introduction of fresh plants leads to a mass disease of aster with fusarium organic fertilizers, as well as excess soil and air moisture.

Development cycle:

Development cycle: annual plant


mechanical composition of the soil: light soils, loams

Planting and propagation:

methods of reproduction: seeds

method of planting seeds: seedling, seedless

time for sowing seeds for seedlings:

March-April in boxes or greenhouses;
. dive with the development of the first pair of true leaves according to the 7x7 cm pattern

time for sowing seeds in open ground:

Autumn and spring;
. winter sowing carried out at average daily temperature 2-4°C (at winter sowing the incidence of fusarium disease is reduced);
. when sowing in October, mulch with peat; in the spring, at the beginning or middle of April, after the snow melts, the mulch is removed

pre-sowing treatment:

The germination of seeds increases if they are soaked in a solution of microelements before sowing.
. if you soak the seeds for a day in aqueous solution Epina (2 drops per 50 ml of water), shoots appear on the second day

Features of seed propagation:

1 g contains 300-500 g of seeds;
. V normal conditions seeds remain viable for 1.5-2 years;
. when stored in a refrigerator at -5°C, seeds do not lose their viability for 5-7 years;
. The most favorable temperature for germination is 18-20°C, for normal growth of seedlings - 15-16°C;
. mass shoots appear on days 6-7;
. when growing seedling method winter sowing is possible in January-February in boxes that are placed under the snow until the spring sowing time; in March-April, the boxes are brought into the greenhouse at a temperature of 20°C; shoots appear in a week; the seedlings are more hardened and resistant to blackleg;

distance between plants:

20-35 cm, depending on the variety

Cold resistance:

High - seedlings are planted in open ground in late April-early May;
. tolerates frosts down to -4-7°C

Growing problems:

Does not tolerate the application of organic fertilizers in the year of planting, as well as dense and acidic soils, since under these conditions the likelihood of contracting fusarium increases - for prevention purposes, planting in one place should be done after 4-5 years;
. best predecessors - perennial herbs or steam;
. grows well at average daily summer temperatures above 15°C and relative humidity air 60-70%; in hot and dry weather, greening and germination of flowers is observed, doubleness is lost, and the number of seeds set decreases (watering is required);
. V rainy summer it is required to feed more often with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers

Decorative properties:


divided by height into:
. dwarf - up to 15-20 cm;
. short - 25-30 cm;
. medium-sized - 30-50 cm;
. tall - 60-70 cm;
. giant - 80-100 cm

Color range:

Color range:

Flowering time:

from July to late autumn;
. early (Anmut, Early Miracle, Pionoidnaya) - the period from emergence to the beginning of flowering is 83-106 days (they bloom from early - mid-July to September);
. average (most varieties) - 116-122 days (from late July - early August to October);
. late (Princess, Radio) - 123-131 days (from mid-late August to late autumn)


From 3 to 18-20 cm;
. Flowering duration is from 35 to 60 days

Asters are characterized by self- and cross-pollination: tubular flowers are pollinated by their own pollen, ligulate ones - by insects cross-pollinated from tubular flowers of the same or other inflorescences, most often of the same plant;
. asters are characterized by self- and cross-pollination: tubular flowers are pollinated by their own pollen, ligulate flowers are pollinated by insects cross-pollinated from tubular flowers of the same or other inflorescences, most often from the same plant
. roots damaged during planting are easily restored, which allows seedlings to be planted of different ages, even in the budding and flowering phase;

Astra - with this word you immediately imagine both a bright flower garden and lush bouquet, and a riot of colors, and the sophistication of the petals. Perhaps from those propagated by seeds flower crops, the aster is our favorite in Russia. Callistephus are grown everywhere, on every garden plot the owner will find a place for this flower, and the asters in return will delight the gardener with their beauty.

There are many varieties of asters; according to some sources, more than 4,000 of them have been created in the world, and at least three hundred are actively used in floriculture. Breeders are working energetically to create new products. Varieties are created in France, England, Denmark, Sweden, and especially many varieties have been created in Germany. Domestic breeders have bred more than 100 varieties of aster. Unfortunately, seeds of Russian asters are currently on sale less often than imported ones. This situation arose as a result of the destruction of the flower seed production system in the country (this was the case in the USSR). Therefore, there are breeders, there are new varieties, but there is no mass seed production and only a small part of the wonderful Russian asters can be purchased in flower shop. But Russian varieties They grow better in our (not nearly as mild as in Europe) growing conditions and are more resistant to diseases. Yes, and selection in European countries is aimed at creating varieties with a long flowering period, which is justified by the long growing season, because spring comes earlier there and winter later than in Russia. But at the same time, as a rule, the longer the flowering period, the longer the period from germination to the beginning of flowering. Therefore, most of the “European” varieties late date flowering (from germination to the beginning of flowering more than 115 days). Domestic asters bloom in more early dates and manage to fully express their best qualities until autumn frosts. Numerous early (from germination to flowering less than 95 days) varieties of aster, created in Voronezh region.

According to the nature of use and the complex of economically valuable characteristics, Voronezh early varieties can be divided into four groups: universal - columnar bush-bouquet; universal - oval bush-bouquet; cutting; dwarf for decorative design. Below is brief description varieties. These data were obtained when grown in the conditions of the Voronezh region when placed in soil according to a 50x30 cm pattern. In italics - “just words about the variety without numbers.”

Universal varieties - columnar bush-bouquet - the plants are very compact, bloom early, the inflorescences bloom together, the columnar-shaped bush looks like a ready-made bouquet, the varieties are good for cutting as bushes, and look wonderful in the flower garden.

Border Lilac. Plant height is 45-50 cm, bush diameter is 20-25 cm. The bush is durable. Reed flowers are flat and wide. The inflorescence is hemispherical, densely double, blue in color, 7-8 cm in diameter. The color does not fade. There are 10-15 inflorescences per plant. Flowering duration is 40-50 days. The variety is resistant to fusarium. The variety is very beautiful - sheer perfection.

Katenka. The plant is 55-60 cm high, 20-25 cm in diameter. The bush is durable. The inflorescence is double, hemispherical, 7-8 cm in diameter, cream-colored; the reed flowers at the beginning of flowering are twisted into an elegant tube, and then acquire a boat-shaped shape. The color does not fade. The average number of inflorescences per plant is 20 pcs. All inflorescences bloom at the same time. Flowering is very early, abundant, lasting 40 days. The variety is cold-resistant, relatively drought-resistant, relatively resistant to fusarium and septoria. An elegant variety.

Sashenka. The plant is 55-60 cm high, 20-25 cm in diameter. The bush is durable. The inflorescence is double, hemispherical, 6-7 cm in diameter, bright pink, the color does not fade, the reed flowers are boat-shaped. The average number of inflorescences per plant is 22 pcs. Flowering is very early, abundant, lasting 45 days. The variety is cold-resistant, relatively drought-resistant, resistant to fusarium and septoria. A variety with a very pleasant pink color.

Universal varieties - oval bush-bouquet - plants with abundant flowering, bloom early, the inflorescences bloom together, the bush is durable, oval-shaped, looks like a ready-made bouquet, the varieties are good for cutting as a bush for spherical bouquets, but they are especially beautiful in a flower garden in massifs and when planted in groups.

Sadness. Plant height is 55-60 cm, diameter is 27-30 cm. The average number of inflorescences on a bush is 24 pcs. Reed flowers are boat-shaped. The inflorescence is double, hemispherical, 5-6 cm in diameter. The color of the inflorescences is dark salmon-pink, fades in very dry, hot weather. Flowering lasts 30-35 days. The variety is resistant to fusarium and septoria. Looks wonderful at the beginning of flowering.

Ruddy Sun. The plant is 50-55 cm high, 31 cm in diameter. The average number of inflorescences on a bush is 32 pcs. The inflorescence is flat, semi-double, medium density, 7 cm in diameter; The color at the beginning of flowering is white, then pale pink (intensity increases during flowering). Reed flowers are boat-shaped. Flowering lasts 35-40 days, abundant. The variety is resistant to fusarium and septoria. Every day the variety is beautiful in a new way.

Beauty's Heart. The plant is 50-55 cm high, 35 cm in diameter, wide, dense. The average number of inflorescences on a bush is 23 pcs. Reed flowers are rolled into needle-shaped tubes. The inflorescence is hemispherical, densely double, dense, 8 cm in diameter, red-purple, does not fade, but on the contrary becomes brighter. Flowering lasts 48 days, abundant. The variety is resistant to fusarium. Bright sharp beauty.

Khavsky Bouquet. Bush up to 62 cm high, up to 35 cm in diameter. The plant has up to 25 double inflorescences of red-carmine color, inflorescence diameter 6-7 cm. Reed flowers are semi-scaphoid. Flowering duration is 35-40 days. The variety is resistant to fusarium. Amazingly good in array.

Cut varieties - the plants are compact, bloom very early (after 76 days), large inflorescences bloom together, the bush is columnar in shape with long peduncles, the varieties are good both for cutting as a bush and as individual inflorescences, they look good in a flower garden in groups.

Tender Dawn. The plant is 55-60 cm high, 23-28 cm in diameter. The peduncles are strong, 40-43 cm long. The inflorescences are reed-type, double, flat-round, 8-10 cm in diameter. There are 6-8 inflorescences on the bush. The color of the inflorescences is soft red with shine and does not fade. At the beginning of flowering, reed flowers are twisted into a tube and then become boat-shaped. Flowering lasts up to 60 days. The variety is resistant to fusarium and septoria. Beautiful endless bloom.

In memory of Ovsyannikov. The plant is 55-60 cm high, 26 cm in diameter. Peduncles are very strong, 41-46 cm long. The average number of inflorescences on a bush is 9 pieces. The inflorescence is hemispherical, double, 9-10 cm in diameter, light lilac in color. Reed flowers are twisted into narrow tubes. Flowering is early (after 95 days), lasting 48 days. The variety is relatively resistant to fusarium. Strict beauty.

Aster In memory of Ovsyannikov

Blue Dali. The plant is 55-60 cm high, 26 cm in diameter. Peduncles are medium strong, 41-46 cm long. The average number of inflorescences on a bush is 6 pieces. The inflorescence is hemispherical, double, 9 cm in diameter, silver-blue, does not fade. Reed flowers are boat-shaped. Flowering is very early, lasting 48 days. The variety is relatively resistant to fusarium. Wonderful silver variety.

Dwarf varieties for decoration - plants with abundant flowering, bloom early, the inflorescences bloom together, the bush is durable, spherical in shape, beautiful in flower beds various types, suitable for growing in containers.

Glow. Plant height 25-35 cm, bush diameter 30 cm. Double inflorescence 5 cm in diameter, crimson coloring, up to 30 inflorescences on the plant. Reed flowers are boat-shaped. Flowering duration is 35-40 days. The variety is relatively resistant to fusarium. The best glow.

Star Pearl. Height 35-40 cm, diameter 28-30 cm. The average number of inflorescences on a bush is 46 pcs. The inflorescences are double, flat-round, 5 cm in diameter, pearl-pink in color. Reed flowers are boat-shaped. Flowering is abundant, lasting 36 days. The variety is relatively resistant to fusarium and septoria. Particularly beautiful in rainy weather.

Snow Pearl. The plant is 35 cm high, 33 cm in diameter, compact, spherical. The average number of inflorescences per plant is 42 pcs. The inflorescence is double, hemispherical, 7 cm in diameter, white. The color does not fade. All inflorescences bloom at the same time. Flowering is very early, abundant, lasting 47 days. The variety is relatively resistant to fusarium and septoria. Large pearls.

Briefly about agricultural technology early varieties, or what you need to know to get good result- abundantly flowering, healthy aster plants:

  • Buy seeds from trusted suppliers
  • For sowing in open ground, only seeds from a new harvest should be used.
  • For growing seedlings, it is better to use seeds no older than 2 years
  • No need to “rape” the seeds pre-sowing treatments, believe me, quality seeds It’s not easy to improve them, but they can be easily destroyed
  • Aster should be placed in a well-lit area (light-loving crop)
  • Ideally, this crop has not been previously grown in the area allocated for aster. Since, to prevent fusarium, it is better to return the aster to its old place after 4-5 years.
  • The soil for aster should be loose, fertile, neutral, prepared for cultivation in advance
  • You should not be late with sowing in the ground (with a non-seedling method of cultivation), sowing in a permanent place in the spring should be done as early as possible, as soon as the soil is “suitable”
  • You should also not be late with planting seedlings, as beauty will not grow from overgrown seedlings
  • The distance between plants in the flowerbed should be at least 20 cm
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply manure under the aster (this can be done no earlier than 2 years before the aster)
  • It is important not to overfeed the plants nitrogen fertilizers, i.e. feeding mineral fertilizers moderate, as needed
  • Plantings should be kept free of weeds
  • Plants need to be watered as needed; both the lack of watering during drought and excessive “flooding” of plants greatly reduce the decorative effect.

The rules are simple, compliance with them gives excellent results. I wish you success flower growers.

Vasily Vladimirovich Kotov

candidate of agricultural sciences sciences, breeder

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):