The Asteraceae family includes many beautiful plants, among which is Ageratum. The flower received such an unusual name because of its characteristics; this plant blooms for a very long time, starting from June and ending with the first frost. Translated from Latin the word ageratos Means ageless. Gardeners have already fallen in love with it and this is not surprising, because the plant has an unusually beautiful appearance and is suitable for decorating not only lawns and flower beds, but also balconies. More information about growing ageratum from seeds will be discussed in this article.

Peru is considered the birthplace of ageratum. This is a perennial plant reaching a height of 20-60 cm. Thanks to its unusual properties, ageratum can delight gardeners with its flowering for a long time, it’s not for nothing that it is popularly called “long-flowered.”

The plant is used in landscape design, so most often it can be seen in gardens country houses. Blooms until the coldest weather and is beautiful appearance made longflower an obligatory guest of various flower exhibitions. The inflorescences have pleasant aroma, which does not disappear for a long time, like the pristine beauty of flowers. What makes ageratum decorative is that its style and stigma are slightly longer than the corolla of the flower. The diameter of the baskets reaches 1.5 cm, and they, in turn, form large inflorescences (up to 12 cm), which evenly cover the entire plant.

Note! The shape of the leaves, depending on the ageratum variety, may vary. Most often, there are plant varieties with oval leaves, the edges of which have denticles. Ripe fruits contain huge amount seeds (at least 6,000 pieces per 1 g). The seeds are unpretentious, so they can germinate even after several years of ripening.

Popular plant varieties

There are more than 70 various types plants that differ from each other in their decorative characteristics (shades of flowers, flowering time, height of the bush, and so on). But not all are used in gardening. Let's look at the most common varieties.

Table. Popular varieties ageratum.

Variety name, photoDescription

Extraordinary beautiful plant with large lilac-blue or white inflorescences. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 30 cm, which is why it looks more collected and compact. This is a late plant as it begins to bloom in the second half of June.

Small bushes up to 15 cm in height are colored with densely pubescent green shoots. The inflorescences of this variety are colored lilac, although plants with blue flowers. The flowering period occurs in June.

One of the most popular ageratum hybrids, distinguished by its short growth (up to 15 cm) and small blue flowers. Flowering begins in early summer.

A strong plant with thick and durable shoots, reaching a height of 30 cm. The diameter of the dense inflorescences is no more than 2.3 cm; they are decorated with flowers of a lilac hue. This variety begins to bloom in the second half of June.

An unusual variety of ageratum, the inflorescences of which are painted in two shades: light blue petals surround the white core of the baskets. The inflorescences of this plant are quite larger, which makes it excellent option for garden decoration.

Refers to compact varieties of ageratum. Its height rarely exceeds 20 cm, although specimens up to 15 cm are most often found. The color of the buds is dark pink, and the inflorescences that then emerge from them have a pale pink tint.

Sowing time

If you decide to grow ageratum seedlings, then you need to understand that the period between sowing the seeds and the first flowering is at least 60 days. Because this heat-loving plant, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of spring frosts while planting seedlings in the soil. Even slight cold snaps can have a negative impact on the flower - this must be taken into account.

Note! Having carried out simple mathematical calculations, it is easy to guess that for sowing ageratum seeds the most optimal period considered mid-March. Of course, you can sow the seeds at a later period, but this will delay the onset of flowering a little.

Growing from seeds

Ageratum is a perennial plant, but in our conditions in its long-term use there is no need at all. Propagation can be carried out in two ways - cuttings and seeds, but, having finally weighed the pros and cons, flower growers usually settle on the second method.

Note! The development cycle of ageratum is accelerated, which distinguishes the plant from its “colleagues”. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to move the sowing period to April-May.

Like any plant, ageratum loves nutritious soil. IN in this case It is better to use slightly acidic or neutral soil, so if you decide to prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing humus, lime and garden soil, do not forget to add a little - this will reduce the acidity of the soil. Also, do not add too much humus, since its excess will have a bad effect on flowering, making it more sparse.

This all applies only to soil prepared with one’s own hands. Few gardeners do this. It will be much easier to purchase ready soil for flowers in the store, what to do with preparing it.

Nutritious universal soil for vegetables and flowers

Sowing seeds

Step 1. Fill the seedling container (in this case it's a container) soil mixture approximately 80%. If you want to grow several varieties of ageratum at once, it is better to take a separate container for each of them.

Step 2. Place the seeds from the bag onto a plate. There is no need to use everything, since the seeds are very small and there are quite a lot of them. Half the contents of the package for one container is quite enough. Preliminary preparation seed material no need to carry out.

Seeds are poured onto a plate

Step 3. Sow the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. They have a long shape, so you can easily notice if they have accumulated 5-6 pieces in any place. Use a regular toothpick to push the seeds away from each other. This will be much faster than removing the seedlings later.

Step 4. During the growing process, monitor the soil moisture. At an early stage, humidity can be preserved by placing the container in a special container with a hole made. If you do not provide the seeds with enough moisture, the plant will die in almost all cases.

Step 5. Place the seed container on a windowsill with sunny side. If all are met necessary conditions for seed germination, you will soon get such friendly shoots.

Transplantation into open ground

In the second half of May, having chosen a clear and warm week (having looked at the weather forecast in advance), begin transplanting plant seedlings in open ground. Place the seedlings in the previously prepared holes, and fill the remaining space with soil, which must be slightly (but not heavily) compacted. The distance between low-growing varieties of ageratum should be no more than 15 cm, between tall ones - up to 25 cm.

Note! The area where you plant the plants should be sunny, since even slight shading can cause the shoots to stretch. As a result, the flowering intensity decreases. Even though the bulk of the work is behind you, you still have work to do. It's about about caring for ageratum.


Although the plant is considered unpretentious and does not require care, you still need to pay attention to it. But the labor and time spent will not go in vain. As a result, you will be rewarded with lush and bright flowering ageratum.

Top dressing

For feeding you can use not only minerals, but also organic fertilizers. Gardeners also prefer to add complex fertilizers. This should be done every 3 weeks, and the first fertilizing should be carried out using a minimum dosage of fertilizers. Otherwise, flowering may slow down due to their excess. It is highly not recommended to use manure to fertilize the soil, because it can destroy the ageratum.


The root system of this plant is very developed, which allows the ageratum to extract required quantity moisture from the soil. Therefore, water regularly - every 3 weeks, but at least once a month. During hot periods, the frequency of watering, as well as the amount of water used, can be slightly increased.

Pruning ageratum

To obtain lush and beautiful bushes, it is necessary to periodically trim the ageratum. Leave no more than 4 internodes when pruning to speed up plant development. Before the first frost, you can transplant the flowers into separate pots and grow them in greenhouses or at home. Proper care will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers throughout the winter.

Note! With the onset of spring, the bushes can be transplanted again into open ground or cut the plants into cuttings, thus rejuvenating it.

Loosening the soil

Regular watering and fertilizing are not the only things that need to be done when growing ageratum. The soil around the plants must be loosened regularly. Since this flower likes to grow in airy soil, this procedure will improve its growth. When loosening, be sure to remove all weeds, as they inhibit the growth of the plant. After completing the next weeding, mulch the soil. This will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

Disease and pest control

Like most ornamental plants, ageratum can be exposed various diseases, the most common of which include root rot. Neglect preventive measures will lead to rotting and, as a result, death of the plant. To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to the intensity of watering and periodically loosen the soil. Ageratum can also be affected by cucumber mosaic, which is also the result of non-compliance with the rules of care.

Seedlings that are still indoors or in a greenhouse must be protected from whiteflies. If these pests do appear, it is imperative to remove the damaged plants and treat the flowers themselves with insecticides. Carry out treatment until all insects are completely destroyed. Over time, when you transplant seedlings into open ground in a flower bed, nematodes or cutworms may encroach on the plants. In this case, you also need to use special means for processing. And remember that correct and conscientious adherence to the rules of agricultural technology will protect your plants from such troubles.

Decorative uses

As noted earlier, ageratum is of great value for landscaping and decorating areas. This is due to long flowering, unpretentiousness and color variety. This combination is quite rare among ground cover ornamental plants.

Ideal for decorating balconies, loggias or borders low-growing varieties ageratum, and tall plants Can be grown for later cutting. If we talk about combination with other colors, then blue varieties ageratum will look great with eschscholzia, zinnia and marigold. In other words, any unpretentious flowers yellow shades.

Video - Germination of ageratum seeds

(Ageratum) is a small plant of the aster family that came from America. In our geographical zone it is grown as an annual due to its heat-loving nature.

Description of ageratum

Did you know? One ageratum fruit can contain up to 8 thousand seeds

How to transplant ageratum into open ground, rules for picking a flower

Ageratum, which will subsequently be transplanted into open ground, must be pricked twice. The first is carried out after the fifth leaf appears on the seedlings; they are transplanted into a larger container or of similar size, but with a greater distance between the plants.

15-20 days after the first, a second picking of each seedling is made into a separate glass or other individual container. At this time, seedlings need regular and sufficient lighting.

Important! Since grown ageratum seedlings have a rather weak root system, it is advisable to carry out the second picking in separate peat pots, and plant them in open ground. This will protect the delicate roots during transplantation.

End of May - beginning of June - optimal time when to plant ageratum in open ground.

Ageratum is popularly called “long-flowered” and for good reason. This annual, brought to us from Central and South America, where it safely feels like a perennial plant, very long period flowering. It begins in June and lasts until frost. Our summer residents mainly grow Mexican ageratum or, as it is also called, Houston's ageratum.

Ageratum, depending on the variety, grows from 15 to 50 centimeters. Its leaves are dark green, with jagged teeth and a core that is round, triangular or diamond-shaped. Ageratum flowers are small, fragrant, usually blue, but there are also white, pinkish, and lilac color. They resemble pompoms in shape, and during the wild flowering there are so many of these pompoms that even the leaves are not visible.

Ageratum: growing from seeds

You can grow such picturesque beauty for your flowerbed from seeds. But before starting this activity, you need to decide on the varieties. The name of the variety or hybrid must be indicated on the packaging, otherwise, instead of beauty, you will get plants of different sizes with different flowers and timing of flowering. The following varieties can be recommended for beginners.

“Pink Beauty” is a compact variety, from 15 to 20 centimeters high, at first it produces dark pinkish buds, and the inflorescences come out pale pinkish;

"Nepttune Blue F1" is a popular hybrid with dark blue flowers on small low plants about 15 centimeters;

"Ocean" - early view, a low-growing plant up to 20 centimeters, light turquoise flowers;

“Bavaria” is an original variety that produces large inflorescences with two colors: the middle of the basket is almost white or pale blue, around which there is a fringe of clear blue petals;

“White Hawaii F1” - the height of this hybrid is no more than 18 centimeters, and it blooms with snow-white flowers, “Summer Snow” is a bush abundantly blooming with snowy inflorescences, about 40 centimeters high.

Growing ageratum seedlings

In ageratum, it takes about 60 days from planting the seeds to the appearance of the first flowers. Therefore, ageratum is usually grown by seedlings.

Ageratum seedlings are sown at the end of March - beginning of April in order to obtain a luxurious blooming carpet. For cultivation, you can use a ready-made soil mixture from flower shop, or you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to mix peat with sand and add a little humus or leaf soil. After this, the soil mixture needs to be calcined in the oven for 15-20 minutes and left for a day.

Ageratum seeds are small, so they are sown on the surface of the soil mixture without covering them with soil. The planted seeds are moistened with a spray bottle. After sowing, the container is covered cling film and placed in a fairly warm and well-lit place. Seeds germinate at temperatures not lower than 18 degrees. In this case, the film is opened for ventilation once every two days.

Conditions for growing ageratum seedlings

Ageratum shoots usually appear on the 4th day after planting, but germination may take 10-12 days due to quality planting material. Don't forget to water the seedlings regularly using a spray bottle. You can use a weak solution of complex fertilizers for watering.

After the appearance of the second or third true leaf, the seedlings dive into separate cups. If ageratum is intended for growing on a balcony, it can be immediately planted in flowerpots at a distance of no more than 5-7 cm from each other. Typically, picking is carried out at the end of April.

The grown seedlings are planted in the flowerbed in the second half of May at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, so that the ageratum feels as comfortable as possible. Then, having grown, the plants close together into a beautiful long-flowering carpet, for which flower growers value ageratum.

The Asteraceae family includes many beautiful plants, among which is Ageratum. The flower received such an unusual name because of its characteristics; this plant blooms for a very long time, starting from June and ending with the first frost. Translated from Latin the word ageratos Means ageless. Gardeners have already fallen in love with it and this is not surprising, because the plant has an unusually beautiful appearance and is suitable for decorating not only lawns and flower beds, but also balconies. More information about growing ageratum from seeds will be discussed in this article.

Peru is considered the birthplace of ageratum. This is a perennial plant, reaching a height of 20-60 cm. Thanks to its unusual properties, ageratum can delight gardeners with its flowering for a long time, it is not for nothing that it is popularly called “long-flowered”.

The plant is used in landscape design, so most often it can be seen in the gardens of country houses. Flowering until the coldest weather and its beautiful appearance have made the long-flowered plant an obligatory guest at various flower exhibitions. The inflorescences have a pleasant aroma that does not disappear for a long time, just like the pristine beauty of the flowers. What makes ageratum decorative is that its style and stigma are slightly longer than the corolla of the flower. The diameter of the baskets reaches 1.5 cm, and they, in turn, form large inflorescences (up to 12 cm), which evenly cover the entire plant.

Note! The shape of the leaves, depending on the ageratum variety, may vary. Most often, there are plant varieties with oval leaves, the edges of which have denticles. Ripe fruits contain a huge number of seeds (at least 6,000 seeds per 1 g). The seeds are unpretentious, so they can germinate even after several years of ripening.

Popular plant varieties

There are more than 70 different types of plants, differing from each other in their decorative characteristics (shades of flowers, flowering time, height of the bush, and so on). But not all are used in gardening. Let's look at the most common varieties.

Table. Popular varieties of ageratum.

Variety name, photoDescription

An unusually beautiful plant with large lilac-blue or white inflorescences. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 30 cm, which is why it looks more collected and compact. This is a late plant as it begins to bloom in the second half of June.

Small bushes up to 15 cm in height are colored with densely pubescent green shoots. The inflorescences of this variety are colored lilac, although plants with blue flowers may be found. The flowering period occurs in June.

One of the most popular ageratum hybrids, distinguished by its short growth (up to 15 cm) and small blue flowers. Flowering begins in early summer.

A strong plant with thick and durable shoots, reaching a height of 30 cm. The diameter of the dense inflorescences is no more than 2.3 cm; they are decorated with flowers of a lilac hue. This variety begins to bloom in the second half of June.

An unusual variety of ageratum, the inflorescences of which are painted in two shades: light blue petals surround the white core of the baskets. The inflorescences of this plant are quite large, which makes it an excellent option for decorating the garden.

Refers to compact varieties of ageratum. Its height rarely exceeds 20 cm, although specimens up to 15 cm are most often found. The color of the buds is dark pink, and the inflorescences that then emerge from them have a pale pink tint.

Sowing time

If you decide to grow ageratum seedlings, then you need to understand that the period between sowing the seeds and the first flowering is at least 60 days. Since this is a heat-loving plant, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of spring frosts while planting seedlings in the soil. Even slight cold snaps can have a negative impact on the flower - this must be taken into account.

Note! Having carried out simple mathematical calculations, it is easy to guess that mid-March is considered the most optimal period for sowing ageratum seeds. Of course, you can sow the seeds at a later period, but this will delay the onset of flowering a little.

Growing from seeds

Ageratum is a perennial plant, but in our conditions there is no need for its long-term use. Propagation can be carried out in two ways - cuttings and seeds, but, having finally weighed the pros and cons, flower growers usually settle on the second method.

Note! The development cycle of ageratum is accelerated, which distinguishes the plant from its “colleagues”. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to move the sowing period to April-May.

Like any plant, ageratum loves nutritious soil. In this case, it is better to use slightly acidic or neutral soil, so if you decide to prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing humus, lime and garden soil, do not forget to add a little - this will reduce the acidity of the soil. Also, do not add too much humus, since its excess will have a bad effect on flowering, making it more sparse.

This all applies only to soil prepared with one’s own hands. Few gardeners do this. It will be much easier to purchase ready-made soil for flowers in the store than to prepare it.

Nutritious universal soil for vegetables and flowers

Sowing seeds

Step 1. Fill the seedling container (in this case a container) with the soil mixture about 80%. If you want to grow several varieties of ageratum at once, it is better to take a separate container for each of them.

Step 2. Place the seeds from the bag onto a plate. There is no need to use everything, since the seeds are very small and there are quite a lot of them. Half the contents of the package for one container is quite enough. There is no need to carry out preliminary preparation of seed material.

Seeds are poured onto a plate

Step 3. Sow the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. They have a long shape, so you can easily notice if they have accumulated 5-6 pieces in any place. Use a regular toothpick to push the seeds away from each other. This will be much faster than removing the seedlings later.

Step 4. During the growing process, monitor the soil moisture. At an early stage, humidity can be preserved by placing the container in a special container with a hole made. If you do not provide the seeds with enough moisture, the plant will die in almost all cases.

Step 5. Place the container with the seeds on a sunny window sill. If all the necessary conditions for seed germination are met, you will soon get such friendly shoots.

Transplantation into open ground

In the second half of May, having chosen a clear and warm week (having looked at the weather forecast in advance), begin transplanting plant seedlings into open soil. Place the seedlings in the previously prepared holes, and fill the remaining space with soil, which must be slightly (but not heavily) compacted. The distance between low-growing varieties of ageratum should be no more than 15 cm, between tall ones - up to 25 cm.

Note! The area where you plant the plants should be sunny, since even slight shading can cause the shoots to stretch. As a result, the flowering intensity decreases. Even though the bulk of the work is behind you, you still have work to do. We are talking about caring for ageratum.


Although the plant is considered unpretentious and does not require care, you still need to pay attention to it. But the labor and time spent will not go in vain. As a result, you will be rewarded with lush and vibrant flowering of ageratum.

Top dressing

For feeding, you can use not only mineral, but also organic fertilizers. Gardeners also prefer to apply complex fertilizers. This should be done every 3 weeks, and the first fertilizing should be carried out using a minimum dosage of fertilizers. Otherwise, flowering may slow down due to their excess. It is highly not recommended to use manure to fertilize the soil, because it can destroy the ageratum.


The root system of this plant is very developed, which allows the ageratum to extract the required amount of moisture from the soil. Therefore, water regularly - every 3 weeks, but at least once a month. During hot periods, the frequency of watering, as well as the amount of water used, can be slightly increased.

Pruning ageratum

To obtain lush and beautiful bushes, it is necessary to periodically trim the ageratum. Leave no more than 4 internodes when pruning to speed up plant development. Before the first frost, you can transplant the flowers into separate pots and grow them in greenhouses or at home. Proper care will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers throughout the winter.

Note! With the onset of spring, the bushes can be transplanted into open ground again or the plants can be cut into cuttings, thus rejuvenating them.

Loosening the soil

Regular watering and fertilizing are not the only things that need to be done when growing ageratum. The soil around the plants must be loosened regularly. Since this flower likes to grow in airy soil, this procedure will improve its growth. When loosening, be sure to remove all weeds, as they inhibit the growth of the plant. After completing the next weeding, mulch the soil. This will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

Disease and pest control

Like most ornamental plants, ageratum can be susceptible to various diseases, the most common of which is root rot. Neglecting preventive measures will lead to rot and, as a result, the death of the plant. To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to the intensity of watering and periodically loosen the soil. Ageratum can also be affected by cucumber mosaic, which is also the result of non-compliance with the rules of care.

Seedlings that are still indoors or in a greenhouse must be protected from whiteflies. If these pests do appear, it is imperative to remove the damaged plants and treat the flowers themselves with insecticides. Carry out treatment until all insects are completely destroyed. Over time, when you transplant seedlings into open ground in a flower bed, nematodes or cutworms may encroach on the plants. In this case, you also need to use special processing agents. And remember that correct and conscientious adherence to the rules of agricultural technology will protect your plants from such troubles.

Decorative uses

As noted earlier, ageratum is of great value for landscaping and decorating areas. This is due to long flowering, unpretentiousness and color diversity. This combination is quite rare among ground cover ornamental plants.

Low-growing varieties of ageratum are ideal for decorating balconies, loggias or borders, and tall plants can be grown for further cutting. If we talk about combination with other flowers, then blue varieties of ageratum will look great with eschscholzia, zinnia and marigold. In other words, any unpretentious flowers of yellow shades will do here.

Video - Germination of ageratum seeds

Below are described possible difficulties problems that you may encounter when caring for ageratum, as well as how to eliminate them.

What is Ageratum?

Ageratum is a plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its name translated from Greek means “the one that does not grow old,” since this shrub can not fade for a long time and delight with its fresh look. The ageratum plant is mainly found in the tropical climates of America (both North and South), and is also found in eastern India. Varieties of this evergreen perennial plant gardeners number about 60. In our temperate climate it is very easy to grow and propagate. But it is worth being aware that ageratum on our land will be an annual plant, such an atmosphere is created for it climatic conditions in our middle zone.

How to plant Ageratum?

Planting ageratum seedlings in open ground will not be much of a hassle. You just have to check and not miss the moment when frosts may occur in spring period. Then you don’t have to worry, the ageratum will position its root system deep into the soil as far as it will allow it to ripen best. So:

  1. Before planting, dig up the soil so that loose soil allowed maximum oxygen to reach the roots of the ageratum.
  2. Make ordinary holes in the ground at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other. The plant is not picky and does not require additional drainage or equipment.
  3. Move the plants into the soil. The planting depth should be the same as it was in the seedling container; there is no need to bury the seedlings too deeply or, on the contrary, leave most of them above the ground.
  4. Is everything right? Expect the ageratum to bloom in about two months in the palisades and flower beds where you moved them.

Ageratum propagation methods

There are two ways to propagate ageratum: by cuttings and seeds.

Turning seeds into seedlings

This method is used to obtain crops of various colors.

  1. In the first months of spring (March or early April), sow ageratum seeds in seedling boxes or other special container. Use a light base for planting, and do not sow the seeds too deeply into the selected substrate.
  2. On average, the seeds should sprout within two weeks, then allow them to grow a little, this will take three to four weeks. After the expiration date, pick up the seedlings, placing them away from each other.
  3. Pick grown seedlings a couple of times as the ageratum grows. That is, after another 2-3 weeks, replant the seedlings of this plant again.
  4. Young plants do not tolerate excessive moisture in soil and damp climate, and one of the conditions for growth should be dry air. If they are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses, then daily ventilation is necessary. Watering plants should only be done in the morning.
  5. Before planting ageratum in open ground, about two weeks in advance, transfer it to open air, while protecting against freezing at night. To do this, simply cover the ageratum if necessary.


This method of propagating ageratum is suitable if you want to get dense shrubs of small height with absolutely identical parameters.

To do this, prepare in advance: late autumn select the mother plants of the plants and keep them all winter in greenhouse conditions. Then in the spring in March or April, plant them in the soil of seedling boxes or directly into the soil of greenhouses. The temperature for the rapid rooting process should be 20-22°C.

U move for Ageratum

Caring for it magnificent plant mainly consists of the right technology watering, fertilizing the ageratum, loosening the soil in which it is planted, and eliminating weeds.

Choosing the right soil

Ageratum behaves unpretentiously in relation to the selected soil, the main thing is that it does not come into contact with damp soil. It should be light in structure and neutrally acidic. Will do normal soil high quality, which is sold in gardening stores.

Ageratum is cultivated as annual plant. Its flowering will continue until late autumn when the first frost appears. And as a result, the plant will die; remove the remaining particles from the front gardens in early spring.

Weeding and pruning

Weeds that have not been weeded can inhibit the growth of ageratum. right time. To add lightness to the soil in which ageratum grows, it needs to be loosened shallowly.

Ageratum inflorescences that have faded must be systematically cut out. This process promotes the appearance of young inflorescences, and the shrub itself tolerates pruning well, which benefits it. Even if you cut the ageratum to one third of its height, it can recover in a very short time. short period time, and its subsequent flowering will be just as luxurious.

Ageratum after flowering

On the eve of frost, choose the most best shrubs ageratum and transplant them into special flower pots. Then move them from the street to an enclosed space - this way they will delight you with their flowering throughout autumn period, and maybe even in winter. In early March, cut branches from these shrubs and propagate by cuttings, so that you can plant them in open ground.

It is worth coming to terms with the fact that ageratum loves warmth and does not tolerate even the slightest frost. Even by covering the plant, you will not be able to save it from weather that is harmful to it. Therefore, in the fall, clear the flower garden of remnants of shrubs, and in the spring, plant young shoots.

Diseases and pests

If you find traces of pests on the leaves, immediately remove the damaged greenery and treat the entire bush with preparations to kill insects.

Lighting for Ageratum flowers

The most an important condition for the growth of ageratum is access to bright sunlight. Even slight shading causes the leaves to fall out, the stems to grow upward excessively, and the flowers to become less fluffy and beautiful. Therefore, it does not matter where the ageratum is planted, either in a flowerbed or in flower pot– the plant needs to create conditions with proper sunlight.

Watering Ageratum

Ageratums will delight you with their gorgeous color, provided they are additionally watered in dry weather. This must be done generously, but not excessively, making sure that the soil does not become damp. After watering the plants, loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Feeding and fertilizers for Ageratum

In principle, like most flowers, ageratum needs fertilizer. Mineral or humic fertilizers are suitable for this, but it is better to avoid using organic ones. Fertilize 2-3 times per period active growth and development of ageratum, and on the eve of its flowering - another mandatory. Beneficial Effects This process will not take long to happen. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise the plant will grow green and there won’t be any flowering at all.

Ageratum's Pick

Picking ageratum seedlings involves transferring each unit of seedlings of this plant into separate seedling boxes or other containers. This method is done to supply flowers additional food by increasing the landing area. Due to this, lateral and adventitious roots are formed during plant growth. The primary picking of ageratum is carried out when the plant has the first pair of green leaves, approximately two weeks after sowing. And the secondary picking, as already mentioned, is carried out 2-3 weeks after the first. More detailed process descriptions of picking ageratum are given above in paragraph about seed method its reproduction.

Photos of Ageratum flowers

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):