Designations on the oven in the form of icons or icons help the housewife to choose the appropriate mode of operation of the device for the occasion. Explanation of symbols must be present in the operating instructions.

Modern ovens delight their housewives with abundance. But understanding them can be not so easy, especially when you have to read not advertising brochures, but small icons on the control panel. Pictograms around the rotary knobs, on the buttons and even on touch screens are numerous and varied - so you won’t be able to remember them all the first time, much less figure out what they mean. Of course, you should first read the instructions for yours, but sometimes even it may not contain the answer to this simple question.

Designations often differ depending on what type of control is implemented in a particular model. Therefore, we will divide them into groups according to the same principle to make it easier to navigate.

Mechanical control panel

Conventional rotary knobs are most often found on inexpensive ovens with a small number of modes, as well as on gas models, since they also do not have rich functionality. The number of icons here is usually small and it will be easier to understand them. The easiest way to navigate is with the indicators of a timer or thermostat, around which the manufacturer has simply prescribed the heating temperature. You will have to get acquainted with other icons.

The most popular designations:

  • “Light” – turns on the lighting in the oven for visual control of food preparation.
  • “Snowflake” or “Snowflake with drops” – defrosting food.
  • A horizontal line at the top of the pictogram, at the bottom, or simultaneously in two parts of the square - respectively, heating by the upper, lower heating element, or both at once.
  • If the lines are dotted, this is a low-temperature or gentle cooking mode at +70..+120 °C.
  • The fan symbol indicates convection mode, that is, blowing hot air into the chamber. As a rule, it is supplemented by the position line of the working heating element.
  • The wavy line or teeth symbolize the grill. Additional horizontal stripe above the icon is the fast grilling mode, and the convection icon corresponds to the turbo grill program.
  • Double-sided horizontal arrow with a pair of arms - skewer.

When using convection in the oven, it is recommended to choose a heating temperature 20-40 °C lower than in the case of conventional modes.

Sometimes on the oven panels there are simple and recognizable symbols of modes for specific dishes, for example, for baking pizza, bread or pastry. It’s easy to guess the purpose of the selected option, but its characteristics (cooking time and heating temperature) are best clarified in the instructions.


This control panel allows you to more accurately set and control operating modes oven. That's why we use our own icons here - much more more. And although different manufacturers may have their own set of icons, large and most popular brands like Siemens, Bosch, Electrolux and Hotpoint-Ariston preferred to simplify the task for their customers and adhere to approximately the same designation system.

  • A horizontal line with a wavy “trickle of steam” (one or three) rising above it – temperature maintenance ready meals at +60..+100 °C.
  • A pie shaped with three vertical wavy lines is the so-called Gratin mode, which allows you to create a brown baked crust on the surface of the food.
  • The same three waves, but on their own, or the “Sun” icon indicate the drying mode.

In addition, on the panels of multifunctional ovens you can find icons corresponding to such modes as: heating plates before serving, and starters (“Glass”), proofing yeast dough, sterilizing canned food.

Today there are quite a few additional icons for different modes convection. The following symbols may appear next to the fan:

  • LTC – Slow cooking, which results in juicier, larger roasted cuts of meat.
  • Three drops – additional processing of products with hot steam.
  • “Leaflet” - the so-called eco mode with minimal costs electricity.

Electronic PU touch screen

LED symbols look attractive and intriguing on the screen of such a panel. And all because there can be an unlimited number of them, which is what manufacturers take advantage of, coming up with new designations for the cooking modes being introduced. In addition, the features of the sensor allow you to set for individual programs additional options, which are also displayed as icons.

  • "Hours" or two vertical stripes with an arrow pointing to the right - indicate that the cooking time can be set for the selected mode. If the arrow points to the left, it means you are required to set the end time for the oven.
  • “Bell” – a sound notification about the end of the program and the readiness of the dish.

Today, in stores household appliances, there is a sufficient variety of ovens. For those who decide to change their oven to new model, it is useful to know the basic modes of ovens for cooking. But as practice suggests, housewives who already have new technology, do not use some oven operating modes for the simple reason of ignorance of their mode of action.

Basic modes

The basic cooking modes in an oven differ little in different models from different manufacturers.

Basic brass modes Bosch cabinet, as well as Electrolux, Hansa, Gorenje can be included in a separate list, since the heating modes of ovens can be with additional functions, which depends on the model and, of course, increases the cost of the equipment:

  1. top/bottom heat, temperature various models can vary from 40 to 290 degrees. Heat comes from above and below and is used for cooking pies, casseroles, and lean meat (at medium level). This mode is also called statistical;
  2. bottom heat with a temperature of 40 to 290 degrees, convenient for canning, frying or baking dishes;
  3. hot air mode (convection). With this mode, baking is possible on a maximum of three levels, if the size of the oven allows (experts recommend using two levels). Due to the fact that in this mode the fan turns on, it distributes the heat evenly throughout the oven, the cooking process is reduced by no less than 25%, this mode is used quite effectively if the dish is almost ready, but the housewife wants a “brown” crust. Ovens with convection are called multifunctional. The fan is used in two modes - for general heating and for the lower heating element;
  4. basically, almost everything modern models, have in their arsenal such oven heating modes as grill. It happens:
  • small (for cooking thin foods, such as toast, in the central part);

  • large (for cooking large quantity thin pieces located throughout the grill, also for making hot sandwiches);
  • turbo grill (it is used for frying large pieces of meat or whole poultry on one of the levels; in addition, it is suitable for forming a crispy crust during baking or frying).

Additional modes

The oven mode switch is always located on the front panel, so when preparing dishes, the main thing is to know everything symbols so that cooking in the oven brings you only pleasure. On the mode switches of the Electrolux, Ariston, Gorenye ovens, in addition to the main modes, there are also additional ones (for more expensive models):

  • “Pizza” mode, baking on the same level with a crispy crust. If you need to prepare deep-frozen dishes (pizza, French fries or strudel), there is no need to defrost them first. The heat will be from 35 to 250 degrees from the heating element located in back wall;

  • “Defrosting” at a temperature of 35-65 degrees occurs with the help of a fan that distributes warm air throughout the product;
  • Some models, for example, from Bosch, have such a mode - “keep hot” from 65 to 95 degrees;
  • Tangential cooling, which is designed to cool the oven;
  • "3D - cooking" is a mode latest technologies, with it, the dish during cooking is enveloped in three-dimensional steam, which allows not only to bake it efficiently, but also to preserve all the beneficial properties.

Special Extras

In addition to the various modes with which food is prepared in ovens, there is a timer on the front panel. No one will argue that this is the one important points cooking. After all, following cooking recipes, the cooking temperature and time must be noted. You yourself set the mode in which this or that dish will be cooked, but if you have nowhere to set the time, this can lead to a burnt dinner. But, fortunately, all modern ovens are equipped with a timer, which, after the set time has expired, gives a specific signal.

I would also like to say about such an addition as backlighting. IN different models it works differently. In some, for example, to turn it on you need to press a button or turn a knob and your backlight will burn as long as you wish. In other models, it turns on automatically along with the selected mode and remains on as long as cooking occurs.

Ovens are changing all the time: new, modern and advanced solutions are applied to them every year. Most built-in ovens, even if you bought them several years ago, are multifunctional devices with many modern, innovative solutions for a wide variety of cooking tasks. In addition to the upper and lower heaters, they are equipped additional elements for preparing a wide variety of dishes. Perhaps you may well have forgotten about the existence of some elements and functions or... not even discovered them for yourself.

Many systems and functions make it possible to cook on home kitchen Even restaurant-quality dishes, you can easily share your passion for cooking with professional chefs and gourmet lovers. Everyone who wants to learn how to cook deliciously has an ally who will help create original dishes and guarantee desired result. This ally is your oven! She knows how to bake cakes, fry, bake and even grill.

What do you need to know about modern oven modes?

Top heat is the easiest heating method, ideal for baking and browning. upper layers cakes and other dishes requiring delicate heat treatment. Bottom heating— heat comes from the bottom of the oven. It is ideal for baking the bottom layers of cakes, including those on the grill. Top and bottom heating- This traditional method heating, the most popular and most frequently used. The simultaneous use of upper and lower heating allows you to prepare cakes and other dishes according to many recipes. Regular heating allows you to bake a variety of foods, from bread and cakes to baked venison.

Grill- this solution allows you to use the oven as a home grill. It is used for quick baking and frying of kebabs, bacon, chops, sausages and steaks, as well as bread toasts and fish. Depending on the size of the dish you are cooking, it should be placed on the top or bottom tray as this will ensure appropriate heat levels and baking speed.

Grill + top heat- This is the so-called “supergil”, which allows you to grill larger portions of meat. By combining grill and top heat, we get a larger heating space while maintaining the quality and speed of frying.

Fan + grill- This perfect way frying large, juicy pieces of meat. The turbo grill function provides additional heat circulation. The fan ensures further use of the hot air created during cooking. The warmth of hot air envelops the product from all sides; if you are cooking fresh meat, this mode will prevent fat from leaking out and drying out the dish. This function works best with the top two oven trays. This method has the added benefit of cooking delicious meat without the need for turning.

Hot air circulation - fan + ring heater- this is the so-called forced circulation"or "convection", when hot air is evenly distributed throughout the oven chamber. Firstly, in the hot air circulation mode, you can bake pies and pastries simultaneously on several oven levels. Secondly, there is no need to preheat the oven for baking times longer than 20 minutes. Thirdly, this mode can be used for defrosting dishes and baking yeast dough. Fourthly, circulating hot air saves energy and time, and also helps keep the oven clean.

Hot air circulation + bottom heating - this mode is best used when preparing a traditional Italian dish - pizza. Hot air spreads throughout the oven but concentrates more on the bottom, so you don't have to wait long for the perfect pizza, cookies or even an open pie.

Fan- This is the circulation of cold air. Using this function without setting the temperature is best for defrosting food or, for example, drying mushrooms or apples. In addition, there are additional solutions that are becoming increasingly popular. The cold air circulation function can be combined with the top + bottom heating to bake perfect cakes. Combination fan + top heating raises the temperature in the upper part of the oven, thereby allowing the top layers of the pie to brown. Fan + bottom heating Best used for baking the bottom layers of the cake. Hot air circulation can also be used with top heating and grilling.

Skewer- this feature is not available in all oven models, but nevertheless deserves mention. It is often used in conjunction with a grill to sear large portions of poultry.

We thank the experts of the Hansa household appliances brand for their help in preparing the material.

Dishes prepared using an oven are definitely more beneficial for humans. They are prepared using a minimal amount of oil, in their own juice.

Almost any dish that you are used to cooking on the hob can be cooked just as deliciously in the oven. An oven comes in handy even when you don’t want to completely give up traditional frying. You can add benefits to dishes and reduce harm by combining two types of cooking.

Often, especially in restaurants, cooks first fry the product until golden brown, and then finish it in the oven. Each oven is individual and has a number of features, which can be read about in the instructions for it, but there are several general secrets that will suit the owners of all ovens.

Choosing a level

To ensure that the dish does not burn, remains juicy and aromatic, and is completely cooked, it is important to choose the correct cooking level in the oven. A win-win– choose the middle level, this is where the dish will not burn and will cook evenly. If golden brown crust is important, then the almost finished dish can be moved to a higher level for a short time. The latest trend is to cook meals at low temperatures during few hours. It is believed that this method allows you to preserve the correct texture of products, taste and aroma. This method allows you to cook in the oven on the lower level, but in a mode in which the lower heat is not strong.

Some foods are more difficult to brown on the bottom, so it is best to cook them on the lower level with high heat from the lower heat. For example, chefs recommend preparing pizza this way. This way it won't burn on top and will be crispy on the bottom. We advise you not to move the baking sheet close to the back wall, as this interferes with air circulation and does not allow the dish to bake evenly.

Select a mode

IN modern ovens There are many modes that help you prepare even the most complex multi-stage dish with maximum comfort. For example, the simultaneous use of upper and lower heating is considered a traditional baking format and can be used to cook almost any dish. It provides uniform distribution heat and natural convection. This mode is quite slow, while the lower heat in almost all ovens works more powerfully, which means that the dish may not be cooked completely evenly. Traditionally, cookies, biscuits, bread, lasagna, stuffed vegetables, roasts, poultry, beef, fish and fish casseroles are prepared in this mode.

Simultaneous intense bottom heat and standard top heat are used when you need to quickly fry a dish from below or achieve a golden crust. This mode is ideal for baking in pots and small dishes. If you use cookware that does not conduct heat well, such as glass or aluminum, then this mode is ideal.

The mode of simultaneous lower, upper heating and fan helps to evenly influence the products and creates an even microclimate in the oven. In this mode, food is heated more intensely due to air masses and food quickly browns on all sides. This mode is suitable for large baking trays, large quantities of food in a dish and large whole pieces. For example, for shanks, rolls, roasts, casseroles, whole poultry, boiled pork. You can cook with it when you need even cooking inside and out. In this mode, we do not recommend experimenting with omelettes and meringues. These dishes do not like convection.

In the bottom heating only mode, we recommend drying the bottom of pies with wet fillings, additionally browning the pizza, and canning. In this mode, you have to move the dish more often to a higher or lower level and monitor browning. We recommend the lower heating and fan mode to complete the baking of open pies, dishes in pans with low sides, or for baked goods that do not rise well. In this mode, dishes are obtained with a crust on the bottom and juicy on the inside.

The top heating mode with a fan is useful for dishes that require even cooking and a baked crust. It is very convenient to bake food in molds on it. Suitable for casseroles, souffles, lasagna, julienne. We recommend using the grill mode for cooking steaks, chops, kupat, rolls, fish fillets, vegetables, toast, bacon, kebabs, sausages, pork ribs, and dishes in various sizes. It can be used as the main cooking mode or as a final stage to achieve recognition appearance. This mode can be called grill, infraheating, or barbecue, depending on the model and manufacturer.

What do we bake in?

Today great amount baking dishes. Ceramic molds, glass, and cast iron are considered the most environmentally friendly. It is very convenient to bake in the baking trays that come with the oven. We recommend choosing a baking tray with high sides for juicy, moist dishes, and a flat one for dry dishes. It is convenient to cook in ceramic pots and molds, but we recommend placing them in the oven before heating, this will protect the dishes from cracking. A sudden change in temperature may even cause the pot to burst. In normal cast iron frying pan We recommend making casseroles from various products; it is in such dishes that they bake faster and more evenly. Silicone molds are convenient for baking, bread, cheesecakes. Nothing sticks in them even without lubrication, which allows you to prepare dietary baked goods.

Cooking in foil, sleeve

You can bake any food in foil, except fruits, soft vegetables, cereals, and mushrooms. They turn out overcooked and have lost their taste. For other dishes, foil perfectly retains juice and prevents the dish from drying out from high temperatures. Important rule– the shiny side of the foil should always face the dish, and the matte side should always face outward. This will keep the temperature required for cooking longer. When wrapping meat or fish, it is important to ensure that protruding bones or sharp corners of the product do not break through the foil during cooking, otherwise the dish will lose valuable juice. To do this, we recommend that you always seal the edges of the foil tightly.

On average, dishes under foil are cooked at 200 degrees. Baking time depends on the size of the product. For example, meat is cooked from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Fish – from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. Vegetables - about half an hour. Poultry – from half an hour to 3 hours. In order to get a crispy crust, at the very end of cooking, unfold the foil and cook the dish in the intense top heating mode until golden brown. Try not to get it on the foil. strong acids, like wine and marinades. Foil can be used even at very high temperature conditions, it can withstand up to 600 degrees.

Plastic bags and sleeves made of heat-resistant film allow baking at temperatures up to 230 degrees in sealed conditions. You can bake meat and potatoes, fish and vegetables in them at the same time. The side dish is saturated with the aroma and taste of meat or fish, the juices are mixed, and the dish with this method of preparation turns out very tasty. This method allows you to significantly save cooking time. For example, if a medium-sized turkey cooks under foil for about two hours, then in the sleeve it takes about an hour. But it is important to choose high-quality, food-grade sleeves and bags designed specifically for baking, then they are absolutely harmless. We recommend being very careful when unwrapping the dish and transferring it to a serving plate. A lot of juice comes out!

We recommend making several punctures with a fork in the upper part of the sleeve or bag before cooking. This will allow hot air to escape and prevent the sleeve from bursting. There are a few tricks when baking in an artificial casing. A large piece of meat does not need to be salted, this will make it more tender and melt in your mouth. When baking poultry, it is better to use dry spices; raw ones can worsen the taste. When baking minced meat, salt and pepper it in advance and add a little flour, which absorbs excess salt and moisture. We recommend salting the fish several times more than usual, about a tablespoon of salt per kilogram. We advise you not to add salt or seasonings to baked vegetables. This can be done ready-made by adding them to taste along with butter, sour cream and sauce.

Traditional baking

If you are preparing a dish without an artificial casing, then during the cooking process it is important to constantly water the dish with its own juices. Especially if you are preparing large pieces of fish or meat. This method produces a crispier crust, but can also result in a drier, more burnt result. Traditional way Baking requires constant presence in the kitchen. We do not recommend baking dishes made from small pieces of meat, fish and vegetables in this way. They may turn out too dry.

Many people do not know that you can cook porridge and soups in the oven. We recommend you try this at least once. The soup is cooked in a ceramic or fireproof container under a lid for about 1.5 hours at 200 degrees, then it can be simmered with the mode turned off until the oven cools down or at a very low temperature for about another hour. This soup turns out very tasty, with the effect of simmering in a traditional Russian oven. Porridge is prepared using the same technology. It cooks with milk or water for about 1.5 hours at 180 degrees and simmers for about another 40 minutes. This is delicious!

Cooking in a water bath

Another way is baking in a water bath. It is used when you need to prepare dishes from “capricious” products. For example, we recommend preparing soufflés, cheesecakes, pates, creams, and some casseroles this way. For a water bath you need a volumetric form into which you pour hot water and the form with the dish being prepared is already placed in it. The water level should reach the middle of the main form or slightly higher. This way, when heating, water will not get into the dish. Prepare in a water bath at 180 degrees. This method allows the dish to heat evenly and not burn. Even the most delicate cheesecake with this baking will turn out airy and at the same time elastic.

Simmer in the oven

You can simmer not only on the burner, but also in the oven. You can stew both pre-fried meat, fish, vegetables, and fresh ones. We recommend adding liquid to the mold at the rate of two-thirds of the total volume of products. The minimum amount of liquid is one third, but you need to make sure that it does not boil away. It can be stewed in water, kefir, milk, whey, broth, depending on the chosen recipe.

Some tips

  1. Be sure to preheat the oven in advance. Gas cabinet We recommend heating 10 minutes before cooking, and electric – 20. Only very fatty meat should be placed in a cold oven.
  2. To prevent the vegetables from boiling over and turning into cotton wool, we recommend turning off the oven until they are completely done and leaving the vegetables to finish cooking in a cooling cabinet.
  3. We do not recommend opening the lid during cooking. This disrupts the microclimate and circulation air flow. It is enough just to sometimes look through the glass by turning on the backlight function. This rule is especially important when preparing muffins and baked goods.
  4. Always follow the temperature specified in the recipe. In any case, until you become a professional cooking enthusiast.
  5. If you are very old stove without a thermometer, you can use simple sheet paper to determine degrees. In 30 seconds at 100-120 degrees the sheet turns slightly yellow, at 190-210 degrees the paper is yellow-brown, the sheet begins to burn at 220 degrees.
  6. Water and salt prevent burning. Delicate foods are best cooked in a water bath. To prevent burning, you can use a kilogram of coarse salt scattered on the bottom baking sheet.
  7. We advise you to remember that puff pastry is baked at high temperature, butter or biscuits - at medium, protein dough– at low.

General information.

Built-in electric ovens can be static And multifunctional.

Any electric oven has heaters- Heating elements, due to the heating of which food is cooked.

Bottom heater usually hidden under a metal sheet and not visible to the eye, but the upper heating element and grill are located under the ceiling of the oven, you can look at them and touch them with your hands. They are not hidden under a metal sheet, because infrared radiation does not pass through metal.

Top heaters- the thing is quite interesting. Firstly, this is a heating element that runs along the perimeter of the oven ceiling and is called the top heating element. Secondly, it is a curved heating element located in the middle - a grill, which looks similar to the heating element of a kettle or automatic washing machine. At maximum temperature(usually 220-250°C) the grill becomes red hot. In this case, the surface of the dish located on the middle part of the grill, placed on the upper or middle level, is heated directly.

Ovens with two heating elements and a grill are called static. But such technology cannot be called modern. This is yesterday’s, or maybe the day before yesterday’s, level of comfort. Static ovens have been confidently replaced by appliances that are rightly called multifunctional or multifunctional.

What changed? The upper and lower heating elements remained in their places, but on the back wall of the oven a small but fast fan appeared that circulates air throughout internal space oven, providing faster heating and even distribution of hot air. And in many models of MIDEA ovens there is also a ring heater located on the back wall, around this fan.

By simultaneously operating the bottom heater with a fan or two heating elements with a fan, the time required to prepare any dish is reduced. In addition, as mentioned above, the cooking temperature in this mode can be reduced by 20-30°C, which is recommended in some instructions.

The number of heating modes also depends on the number of heating elements. MIDEA ovens can have from 2 to 4 heaters. Accordingly, the number of heating modes varies from 3 to 8.

Interesting detail. Most manufacturers artificially increase the number of modes, including the lighting mode. Thus, upon careful examination, in cabinets with declared 8 or 9 modes, in fact there are only 7 or 8 of them. After all, the function of lighting the inside of the oven cannot be called a heating mode. MIDEA does not resort to such a trick and honestly names exactly the number of heating rekhims.

Designations and brief description of heating modes.

Top heating.

The mode is selected for frying almost finished dishes on top, such as cakes, casseroles, browning breading, and also for cooking lightly fried vegetables on the grill.

Bottom heating.

This mode is ideal for individual large dishes such as cake. Best result This is achieved by placing the dish in the center of the oven. Selecting this mode is recommended for long-term cooking.


This solution allows you to use the oven as a home grill. It is used for quick baking and frying of kebabs, bacon, chops, sausages and steaks, as well as bread toasts and fish.

Double grill.

In this mode, the two upper heaters are activated. High power allows you to significantly reduce cooking time, and also allows you to grill larger portions of meat.

Top and bottom heating.

Traditional heating method. It allows you to prepare cakes and other dishes according to many recipes. This setting allows you to bake a variety of foods, from bread and cakes to baked venison.


The formation of hot air by the heating element around the fan and its uniform distribution throughout the chamber. Firstly, in the hot air circulation mode, you can bake pies and pastries at the same time on several oven levels. Secondly, there is no need to preheat the oven for baking times longer than 20 minutes. Thirdly, this mode can be used for defrosting dishes and baking yeast dough. Fourthly, circulating hot air saves energy and time, and also helps keep the oven clean.

Double grill with fan.

The ideal way to roast large, juicy pieces of meat. Allows you to fry them evenly on the inside, and at the same time create a crispy crust on the outside. This method also allows you to cook delicious meat without having to turn it over.

Top and bottom heating with fan.

Thanks to more uniform heating, 30 - 40% energy savings are achieved. The dishes are lightly baked on the outside and well cooked on the inside. This mode is ideal for frying large pieces of meat at high temperatures.


Circulating air at room temperature allows frozen food to defrost faster without using heat. This the gentle way speed up the defrosting time for delicate foods, as well as fish and poultry.


Not a heating mode. Used for convenience when manual cleaning oven.

On our website you can choose an oven with various parameters, according to your needs. Read the availability of modes in detailed description for each model in the Product Catalog on the Ovens tab.

If you have any questions or suggestions about MIDEA ovens, please ask them on our blog, on the page dedicated to Ovens. or by email This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

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