Ugly fences spoil the countryside landscape. Planting a hedge in your dacha will help to mark the boundaries of the site and not disturb the natural harmony. It's nice to relax, admiring not rotten boards or concrete plates, and on flowering shrub. Creating such a fence is even easier than building a permanent wall, and it will perform its function perfectly for many years.

What types of living fences are there?

Depending on the purpose and tastes of the owners, fences come in different types. If you need a fence to protect the area from livestock and people who want to pass directly through your territory, you need a tall, preferably thorny, bush with strong, tall trunks. Other herbaceous plants are also suitable for decorative screens and dividing the area into different zones.

Plant fencing can be divided into categories according to different criteria:

  • high, medium and low;
  • evergreen and deciduous;
  • formed and freely growing;
  • solid and translucent;
  • single-tier and cascade;
  • homogeneous and mixed.

Depending on which type you like best, you need to decide what to plant to create a living fence in your dacha. Not only shrubs can be used as low borders, but also herbaceous perennials: peonies, phlox, . Such borders will perfectly frame the paths and divide the flower garden into several parts.

A labyrinth would be a good idea on the playground. For children, there is no need to plant tall bushes so that children do not get scared when they get lost on the paths. For teenagers, you can create a more serious puzzle with various branches and walls of tall plants. If you leave an empty area in the center, you can have small picnics there, set up a barbecue and relax with the whole family.

Where to begin?

You received new site. Where to start mastering it? Of course, from the fence. The fence must be high enough, solid and strong. Immediately discard plants with unusual beautiful flowers and tasty fruits, if you don’t want every passerby to take away a piece of the fence with them.

To design the boundaries of the territory, the following are suitable:

  • juniper;

It is better to plant plants at the borders of the site that do not require pruning and can grow freely. At the same time, you need to remember that your plantings should not shade the territory of your neighbor; it is advisable not to purchase species whose height is more than 2 m. If you make a solid wall of fluffy Christmas trees on your northern border, in a few years they will grow into huge trees and will block half of the neighboring plot from the southern sun. IN conflict situation you may be forced to cut down trees.

Perhaps the neighbors in the country have already installed ugly concrete structures and in your area you feel like you’re in a prison yard. The situation is easy to fix. In the first year, plant along existing structures climbing plants that will quickly create a green screen:

In the fall, you can replace annuals with long-lived shrubs. In this case, you no longer need to be afraid of garden thieves and you can plant roses and other attractive crops.

Dividing the site into zones

You have fenced off the territory, now you need to decide which zones you want to separate on your site. If the area is small, you can arrange living fences that serve as a screen and at the same time supply you with crops.

Around the playground and rest areas you can plant:

  • grape;
  • currants;
  • raspberries;

On spacious areas you can arrange a fancy cascading hedge. The back row consists of free-growing shrubs, the remaining tiers are formed at the request of the owners. Fences made from plants of the same type look stylish, but with different colors leaves and flowers. You can cut the rows evenly to create a clear step, or you can give them a wave or jagged shape.

Low curbs provide enormous scope for imagination. Their task is not to close or protect the territory, they simply emphasize the boundaries. Such a fence does not require either thickness or strength. Small bushes trimmed in the form of balls, cones or animal figures will look impressive. Corners and edges can be marked with blue Christmas trees or other trees with unusual color foliage.

Sometimes a fence is needed not for many years, but only for a couple of seasons - for example, to close the area on which you are building something. A rope stretched at a height of 2 m will help you solve this problem and climbing annuals: , decorative beans. Bricks, pits and other unsightly pictures are not visible behind the green wall, and when the work is finished, it will not be a pity to destroy the fence.

Living lattices

The decoration of the site can be a trellis fence, reminiscent decorative grille. To make it, take a shrub with not very thin trunks: hawthorn, willow. Plant plants on minimum distance from each other. Prepare in advance trellises or wooden structures on which the shoots will be attached.

The first year, let the bushes grow freely, and in the fall, cut off all the shoots, leaving stumps no higher than 12 cm. After a year, leave strong shoots and intertwine them with each other at an angle of 45⁰. At the junction of the branches, cut off the bark and firmly fix the shoots. The result should be a grid of diamonds.

The decorated fence is attached to trellises or a lattice frame. In the future, remove all shoots that do not grow in the plane of the screen, and trim the tops along an even line. The fence turns out to be narrow, takes up little space, and in terms of decorativeness it can compete with a lush multi-tiered structure. A living lattice will help hide and concrete fence, and an ugly building.

Tree fence

A hedge in a dacha can be made not only from shrubs, but also from trees. Such a wall will take a long time to grow, but its beauty and strength will justify the wait. Immediately after planting, the main trunk must be cut off, leaving about 15 cm in height. After this, the lateral branches will begin to develop intensively. In a few years, neither man nor animals will be able to get through the thick hedge.

For planting, you need to choose trees that tolerate pruning well: maple, hornbeam. Poplar grows quickly, provides excellent protection from dust and noise, and can be trimmed, but this plant has very fragile branches. In strong winds, a huge piece of tree can break off and damage crops or injure people. The second reason why it is undesirable to plant poplars on the site is great amount fluff.

Very beautiful fence coniferous trees, only with time it will reach too high altitude, but you can’t shorten the tops of Christmas trees. Such a wall can be built on the north side of the site if it borders on a river or forest and the shadow will not bother anyone. If over the years the lower branches begin to dry out and die, you can grow a solid wall of bushes between the trunks.

Purchase of seedlings

For hedges, it is better to use plants that originally lived in your area and have adapted to the climate. If you build a fence at your dacha from capricious exotic bushes, they may develop unevenly, some specimens will get sick or die, and you won’t get a continuous beautiful fence. Unpretentious willow, lilac or hawthorn are much more reliable.

For small areas, seedlings can be grown from cuttings. This option is suitable for low borders; already the next year after planting, the plants will reach the desired height. Grow your own planting material for a high fence at the dacha is possible only if you agree to wait several years.

If you need to fence the perimeter, you need a lot of seedlings and they must be quite large. Choose bushes no older than 6 years. When purchasing, pay attention to the roots, make sure they are moist and healthy. The crown should be developed evenly in all directions.

Dig a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.5 m wide. If you want to make a cascading fence, increase the width by half a meter for each tier. Place sand on the bottom for drainage. Place the top fertile layer separately when digging; it will be used to backfill the roots.

Plant trees at a distance of 1 m from each other, tall bushes can be placed every 0.7 m. The lower the plants, the denser the planting should be. Fill the trenches well with water and drop them to the bottom fertile soil, mixed with organic fertilizer and hydrogel. If you purchased seedlings in containers, plant them together with a lump of earth. Open root system it is advisable to treat it with a growth stimulator. Cut off all dry, damaged and diseased shoots, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal and plant the bushes in the trench.

For tall plants, install stakes to prevent them from being swayed by the wind during the rooting period. Fill the trenches with soil, compact them lightly and water them so that there are no air pockets. Mulch the top layer with grass clippings, compost or peat.

You can purchase decorative sand and pebbles of different colors as mulch. With their help, you can lay out various ornaments along the plantings.

Green hedge care

To ensure that your green fence at the dacha is always pleasing to the eye, it needs good care. First of all, provide enough moisture so as not to spoil your mood with the sight of drooping leaves and wilted inflorescences. If the ground is not covered with a layer of mulch, loosen the top layer in both directions to a distance of at least 50 cm. Spill the soil with plenty of water so that it is saturated with moisture to a depth of about 40 cm.

Feeding depends on the type of plant and on whether you will eat the fruits. In the spring, apply organic fertilizers - 5 kg per m2. In summer, feed with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. In the fall, prepare a composition of 50 g of ammonium sulfate, 30 g of potassium salt and 50 g of superphosphate.

Particular attention should be paid to trimming a living fence. You need to do this work regularly, otherwise the decorative hedge will turn into a dense jungle. In young plants, during the first 2 years, pruning is done several times a season to stimulate the development of new shoots. Mature trees and shrubs are pruned in spring and autumn. At the same time, all diseased, damaged and dry shoots are removed, as well as branches that grow in the wrong direction or thicken the crown too much. After this, the shoots are removed and shortened, which give the fence an unkempt appearance.


A green fence at the dacha does not require large material costs, but the plants need careful care. Weigh all the pros and cons: can you constantly water and trim many bushes, or is it better to install the finished structure once and forget about it? In corners where dust and dirt do not reach, you can make a fence of fruit crops that will supply you with vitamin supplies.

To plant a living fence, you need to choose plants that tolerate pruning well and look beautiful all season long. Coniferous and evergreen crops, as well as shrubs with variegated leaves, look great. You can select varieties of the same type, but with different terms flowering, then the fence will delight you with bright colors all summer long.

To prevent your hedge from looking sloppy, you need to learn how to trim the bushes correctly. If the wall is too long, you can not design it the same height along its entire length, but make teeth, elevations, and balls. A green fence will protect your territory and fill it with beauty and the wonderful aroma of flowering plants.

A summer cottage is a place that every owner of a country house can decorate and equip as he or she wants. If you use your imagination and spend a little time and effort, you can make your suburban area beautiful and cozy.

For example, instead of an ordinary and boring fence, you can erect a hedge, which will become a real decoration of the territory. It is also worth noting that a fence made of green plants will protect the area from prying eyes and noise, and will reduce the penetration of exhaust gases and dust from the street.

Based on size, plant hedges are divided into three types.

View of a hedgeDescription
CurbsThey are distinguished by their small height (up to 1 meter); lush bushes are most often used for this type of fencing. Mainly used in decorative purposes to highlight areas of the yard space
HedgesTo create this type of fencing, we use tall plants(from 1 to 3 meters), characterized by slow growth and good branching
Living wallsPlants that are planted to create walls at the boundaries of the site must have a deep root system, good branching, and shade tolerance. Height - from 3 to 5 meters. These living fences perfectly protect the area from noise and dust, and prevent strangers from entering from the street

Plants also go well with fences made of various materials: wood, metal, natural stone, plastic.

The fence at your summer cottage does not have to be high and monumental; you can create an unusual and festive fence of flowers. The frame for the structure will be an openwork wooden fence, and the decoration will be climbing flowering plants.

Materials and tools for constructing a lattice wooden fence structure

  1. Posts to support sections (40 by 40 mm). You can use rounded or square timber. Height - 1.5 meters. A third of the timber should be dug into the ground, which will ensure the stability of the structure.
  2. Planks for installing sheathing.
  3. Cross bars.
  4. Antiseptic for wood.
  5. Rope and stakes to ensure correct markings.
  6. Screwdriver and wood screws.
  7. Cement mortar and crushed stone for fixing the pillars.

Step 1. Marking the location of the fence

For these purposes, stakes and ropes are used. It is advisable to correctly mark the length of the fencing structure in advance in order to accurately calculate the amount of wood and posts for the fence sections.

Step 2. Installation of pillars

Holes more than half a meter deep are dug at equal distances from each other. It is desirable that the supports are located at a distance of 1200 -1500 mm from each other. Since the height of the fence is 2 meters, you need to dig the posts 70-80 cm into the ground. You should not make the holes too wide, as you will need a lot of crushed stone and cement to fix the posts.

Before burying the pillars in the ground, the wood must be thoroughly soaked with an antiseptic. The poles are installed in horizontal position, the pits are filled with crushed stone and filled with cement mortar. This will ensure high-quality fixation of the supports. To prevent the pillars from being knocked down while the solution dries, you can strengthen them with wooden spacers.

Step 3. Installation of fence panels

This step is performed after the concrete has hardened. The first to be screwed to the posts using self-tapping screws are the upper and lower transverse strips. Together with the supports, they form the strength frame of the fence. The upper planks are attached 15-20 cm below the tops of the pillars. The lower ones are at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ground.

Step 4. Installation of lathing from wooden planks

Since the fence is made specifically to support climbing plants, the crate must have large cells. Plant shoots should easily penetrate the holes to completely hide the wooden structure. Stacked crosswise wooden planks It is best to fasten them together with small self-tapping screws. This will give the entire structure stability and strength.

Step 5. Wood processing

After the fence is ready, it is imperative to treat the wood with a deep impregnation antiseptic. This is necessary to protect the wood from moisture and pests, especially if the planks are densely covered with plants.

Step 6. Landscaping

After installing the fence, you can begin landscaping and designing the structure. If the owner of the dacha loves bright and densely flowering plants, then you can decorate the hedge with the help of climbing roses, barberries, hydrangeas, and spirea.

Video - Original ideas for decorating a hedge

Plastic mesh for creating hedges

Plastic is pretty strong material, which easily withstands changing weather conditions, high humidity. If you want to protect country cottage area original and at an affordable price, you can use a special plastic mesh for climbing plants for these purposes. The advantages of such a fence are obvious.

  1. Light weight.
  2. Resistance to corrosion.
  3. Easy to install and install.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. Variability of sizes and colors of plastic sheeting.
  6. Good light and water permeability.
  7. Heat resistance.
  8. Strength and durability.

Installation of plastic mesh to support hedges

Tools and materials

Step 1. Since the canvas itself plastic fencing It is light in weight and does not require deepening of the pillars. It is advisable to place the supports at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. To install the pillars, you need to dig holes 40-50 cm deep. After installing the pillars, you need to fill the recesses with crushed stone and pour cement mortar. Such designs take 2-3 days to dry.

Step 2. After the pillars are firmly fixed in the ground, you can begin installing the plastic sheet. The canvas does not need to be cut into pieces. If used for supports metal pipes, then you can weld special hooks on them, to which the mesh will be attached. If welding work cannot be carried out, then ordinary plastic clamps can be used.

Step 3. When installing the mesh, it is important to maintain uniform tension of the material. The canvas must not sag. If the distance between the supports is more than 1.5 meters, then it is advisable to use wire that will serve as upper and lower stiffeners. The wire is stretched along the upper and lower edges of the mesh and attached to the posts.

Step 4. The connection of the mesh panels should pass along the supports. You cannot extend the canvas between the pillars.

Step 5. Once the mesh fencing is installed, you can begin landscaping the structure. Plastic - durable material, it can easily withstand the weight of grapes, ivy, honeysuckle, and campsis. These perennials They will become a real decoration of your personal plot and will reliably protect the territory from prying eyes.

A living arch would be appropriate next to a hedge

Video - Installation of plastic mesh

If for some reason the owner of the site does not want to install a standard fence made of wood or metal, but dreams of a reliable and high fence, you can pay attention to a hedge on an earthen rampart. Plants, coniferous or deciduous, are planted densely on a cushion of soil.

This method of creating a hedge has many advantages: the area of ​​the site is reliably isolated by an earthen embankment. The shaft allows trees to be planted at a higher elevation, which reduces the period required for plants to reach a certain height. But there are also disadvantages to this method of fencing an area: a bank of earth can take up quite a lot of space.

Creation of an earthen rampart

Step 1. Select the area where the elevated hedge will be installed. The width of the shaft can vary from 50 cm to 1 meter.

Step 2. A frame for the earthen rampart is created. To prevent the earth from crumbling, it is necessary to create a double-sided frame made of bricks or natural stone. Soil will be placed between the bricks or masonry. The side of the masonry, which is located closer to the site, should be half higher than the second side of the masonry. For example, the height of the internal masonry is 1 meter, the external one is 50 cm.

Step 3. Earth is filled between the masonry, into which coniferous or deciduous trees are subsequently planted.

The resulting shaft inclination ensures drainage excess moisture, and the side walls prevent soil subsidence.

It is worth knowing that the construction of such a fence is a rather labor-intensive process and requires a lot of time and effort, especially if you need to fence a large area. But, a hedge that acts as an impregnable bastion will, over time, protect the dacha plot from prying visits and views no worse than a metal or wooden fence.

Today, the idea of ​​​​creating hedges from living plants in estates that enhance the garden and provide aesthetic pleasure is finding more and more supporters today. Such fences are used by designers for visual zoning of land areas. For example, they highlight the driveway to the front entrance of the house, recreation and play areas, and hide the areas where utility structures are located. In this article we will look at the most popular plants for creating a hedge with your own hands.

Types of hedges

Landscape designers classify hedges made from living plants according to several criteria.

  • Firstly, in height: they are high 1.5 m or more, medium with a height range between 1 m and 1.5 m, and low, having a height of 1 m or less.

  • Secondly, hedges are distinguished by the types of plant material used: deciduous, evergreen, flowering and climbing plants.
  • Thirdly, maybe various device hedges. They are:
    1. single-species - when only one type of plant is used;
    2. combined - when they create complex multi-tiered plantings, combining several types;
    3. trellis - when plants planted in one row are guided by regular cuttings along special supports (trellises, cordons or palmettes).
  • And finally, there are hedges, formed into geometric shapes by systematic cutting, and growing without human intervention. According to experts, nowadays more and more gardeners are striving to grow green hedges without forming them. This has become one of the areas of landscape design. Slight neglect, close to the natural appearance gives the hedge some romance.

Choosing plants for hedges

  • When planning a fence, the best thing is to choose woody or shrubby plants that are acclimatized in the area, in order to avoid them freezing and save yourself the additional labor of arranging winter shelters.
  • The choice of plants also depends on the purpose of the planting - either it will serve as a fence, or it will be zoning the territory.
  • It would also be good to evaluate your capabilities in terms of labor costs, since they will depend on the type of hedge. For example, a number of plants that grow freely require less pruning work, but take large area. On the contrary, a hedge formed in geometric shapes will occupy a smaller area, but considerable effort is required to create and maintain it.

Deciduous shrubs for hedges


  • In regions with temperate and warm climates, low hedges are created from Japanese quince, which bloom profusely in early summer. bright flowers red-orange color.

  • In addition to being decorative, quince also has nutritional value. Its vitamin-rich fruits are used in cooking.
  • With its leathery, shiny foliage that does not fall off until winter, Japanese quince makes a very decorative hedge. Trimming makes the bush even thicker.
  • Japanese quince is good for zoning the territory of a site, fencing front gardens and other purposes.

Tip: to create a dense hedge, quince seedlings are planted at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other in a rich nutrients soil.


  • This deciduous shrub can be grown anywhere. He is the most prickly. This is its advantage, since it creates an area that is impenetrable to outsiders, and its disadvantage, because it is quite difficult to remove fallen leaves, do sanitary pruning and shaping.

  • Thunberg barberry is suitable for creating medium and low-height hedges. The shrub takes well to pruning. When grown freely, it produces beautiful curved shoots. There are varieties that have red, yellow or dark pink foliage, which provides decorative plantings. In June, small yellow flowers bloom, which have a honey aroma and attract bees. Berries of this species are unsuitable for food, but they serve as a decoration for the garden for a very long time.
  • The most winter-hardy and unpretentious is the common barberry, which has green foliage. It can grow in any soil, but does best in dry, sunny places. This shrub can be used to create high fences, as it grows to a height of more than two meters. Blooms in spring. Bears fruit edible berries Red.

  • In regions with warm winters Ottawa barberry, bred in Canada, is suitable for hedges. He is more whimsical and does not tolerate cold weather. The bush has unusual leaves purple.

Tip: when planting barberry, you can use either a single-row, two-row or even three-row scheme. The distance between rows is no more than 50 cm, and between plants from 50 to 90 cm.


  • This deciduous plant can grow as a shrub or tree. Has opposite smooth leaves, due to which the crown takes on an openwork appearance.

  • It blooms with inconspicuous semi-umbrella inflorescences. The bright red fruits in the form of boxes, which stand out in contrast against the background of greenery, add elegance to the plant. In autumn, the foliage becomes especially beautiful because of its variety of colors - on one bush the leaves turn orange, pink, red, purple.
  • Euonymus is still little used by gardeners for hedges, although some varieties have good winter hardiness and can be successfully grown in the middle zone, for example, warty euonymus, Bunge, European, large-winged, few-flowered, broad-leaved and others.


  • The wide variety of hawthorn species presents gardeners with difficult choices. There are types of hawthorn with thorns of different lengths, and some without them. The leaves of all species are carved along the edges of an ovate or triangular shape. In spring it blooms with white or pink inflorescences. The fruits have healing properties, as they are a storehouse of vitamins and other substances beneficial to humans. The fruits are also used for food both fresh and canned.

  • Depending on the species, the fruits come in different colors, for example, black hawthorn large fruits very dark almost black. Blood red hawthorn has red or bright orange fruits. The monopistillate hawthorn has pink inflorescences and red fruits. There are species with yellow fruits. But if the hedge is trimmed, then there will be no abundant flowering and fruiting.

Tip: sometimes amateurs use combined option cutting, in which the sides of the hedge are cut to a certain height, and the upper branches are left for flowering.

  • Hawthorns are unpretentious, do not require special care, are winter-hardy and drought-resistant, and tolerate pruning well. They can be a shrub or tree from 5 to 8 m tall. They are capable of forming many shoots, which is why hedges have a high density.
  • The curly foliage of the plant looks stunningly beautiful in trellis hedges. However, their creation is very labor-intensive and requires special skills and knowledge.

Derain white

  • With the help of this ornamental shrub You can grow picturesque hedges of different heights.

  • Under favorable conditions, the plant blooms twice a summer with white inflorescences collected in baskets.
  • Derain is characterized by frost resistance and shade tolerance; it is not afraid of nearby groundwater, which is a very valuable quality.

Tip: a hedge from this shrub can be formed using a combined technique: cutting off the lower side branches and leaving the top free-growing. Thus, you will get a narrow but high green fence.

And you

  • Many species of willow are used in green hedges different heights. Narrow leaves, swaying from the slightest breeze, make the fence very beautiful.

  • Tall varieties, such as basket willow and Schwerin willow, are best planted in spacious areas. In the gardens small area You can use white willow, whole-leaved willow, ash willow, and purple rosemary willow.
  • Shrubs prefer moist acidic soils, are unpretentious, easily propagated by cuttings, grow quickly, and tolerate winter cold well.

Tip: to create a beautiful hedge in your country house made of willow, the plant must be trimmed twice a season.

Bladderwort viburnum

  • Shrubs of this species are large in size and can grow up to 3 meters in height and about 4 meters in diameter. The hedge it produces is very thick in summer and dense in winter.

  • Decorative effect is created by arched shoots with foliage of different colors, which depends on the variety. However, in low light conditions, the leaves of colored varieties turn green.
  • Bladderwort likes to grow in neutral or acidic soils. Grows quickly up to 40 cm per year. Drought and frost resistant. Almost not affected by diseases and harmful insects. As a result of haircuts, thick crowns are formed.

Tip: to create a hedge of the correct geometric shape, the viburnum vesicle will need to be trimmed regularly, as it has a fast growth rate.

Alpine currant

  • Alpine currants are often used for curly green hedges. This tall bush decorative with its long, flowing arched branches.

  • It blooms with inconspicuous greenish flowers, but then the green arches of the shoots are decorated with red berries. However, the berries have almost no taste.
  • The plant is not afraid of winds and frosts, but does not tolerate heat and dry soil.

Tip: with regular fertilization, the shrub acquires dense foliage, thanks to which it can be used to create shaped compositions.


  • A tall hedge can be created from thorns - a not very tall fruit tree.
  • He has tight beautiful leaves. Abundant flowering begins in spring. It bears fruit with dark blue fruits of a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The sloe is completely unpretentious to growing conditions and has good winter hardiness.

  • It is recommended to make fences that are not too long from thorns; for example, you can use it to hide an ugly fence or outbuilding from prying eyes.

Tip: trees are planted in two-tier hedges, combined with lower shrubs.

Living evergreen hedge of coniferous plants

The good thing about a conifer hedge is that it remains green and thick all year round. The same cannot be said about deciduous ones. True, this introduces some monotony into the design, but it decorates and makes the area more comfortable in winter.

Coniferous fences serve as good protection for the garden from winds, filter and purify the air, and are a barrier to dust and noise. IN summer time Bright flowers look great against the green background of a coniferous hedge.


  • Gardeners in the regions of central Russia often create hedges from various varieties of western thuja. It grows well in shaded areas and can withstand frosty winters, does not place great demands on the soil.

  • Perfectly suitable for hedges, columnar and pyramidal shapes, for example, Smaragd, Holmstrap, Brabant.
  • Thujas tolerate haircuts well, which make them even thicker. Craftsmen, showing their imagination, form hedges of various fantasy shapes from these plants.


  • Russians in the old days noble estates often decorated with hedges made of spruce. These days, such plantings are also popular.

  • Spruce, used as a shrub, deserves attention for its decorative properties, since along with green varieties there are spruce trees with blue and golden needles. Can be grown very beautiful hedge, combining spruce trees of different colors. To ensure that spruce bushes branch well, they are trimmed regularly.

Advice: the best varieties for hedges are: Siberian spruce, common spruce, prickly spruce, purple spruce, and gray spruce.


  • Most often, Siberian, mountain, and common pine are planted in hedges.
  • These trees are unpretentious and frost-resistant, so they are well suited for regions with harsh climatic conditions.

Tip: Pines grow very tall and do not have the ability to bush like spruce trees. Therefore, they are used less often for fencing, and only in the most remote areas.


  • The use of cedar trees, which are long-lived, in green hedges is popular.

  • Most famous varieties: cedar of Lebanon, Atlas and Himalayan. The needles can be dark green, silver or golden.
  • The value of cedars also lies in the fruits - tasty and healthy nuts found in the cones. True, it takes several years for cedars to begin to bear fruit.


  • Hedges made from pyramidal fir trees are very decorative and elegant. Fir has soft, very fragrant needles and cones that grow vertically.

  • They use Sakhalin, Siberian and Kamchatka fir. The names of the varieties themselves indicate that the plant is winter-hardy and unpretentious.


  • Junipers are difficult to grow plants. They require a sunny location and moist soil.

  • The varieties Green Carpet, Horstman, IceBlue, Variegata, ExpansaVariegata and others are often chosen for hedges.

Advice: the hedge is formed after the plant has grown sufficiently.

Flowering plants for hedges

IN landscape design It is popular to create flowering hedges that provide the greatest aesthetic pleasure to adults and children and attract beautiful butterflies and songbirds. Combining blooming ones different terms plants of different heights and colors create unsurpassed beauty fencing.

Cinquefoil shrub

  • People call wild cinquefoil Kuril tea. This is useful medicinal plant with a dense crown of pinnately compound leaves. Blooms with yellow single flowers. Breeders have developed many ornamental varieties based on this plant that is resistant to harsh climates.

  • Potentilla flowering continues almost throughout summer season. Varieties Jackman, Goldstar, Farreri have large yellow flowers with different shades - from lemon to dark yellow. The Princess and Pretty Poly varieties bloom with pink flowers. Cinquefoil variety Abbotswood white-flowering. And the Longacre variety has bluish-green leaves.
  • Cultivated cinquefoil grows better in well-lit places and does not require much care. It is resistant to diseases and pests. The dense, long-flowering crown makes the shrub an excellent plant material for perennial hedges.

Tip: pruning encourages the plant to produce additional shoots.

Golden currant

  • One type of ornamental currant is the golden currant, widely used by landscape designers for hedges. In terms of the taste of the fruit, it cannot compete with black currants, but in terms of decorativeness it surpasses it.

  • It is a powerful shrub, growing more than two meters in height, resistant to cold, drought, diseases and pests. Does not make any special claims to soils. Blooms late, after spring frosts.
  • In spring, the bushes are decorated with large yellow flowers, and in the fall with spectacular colorful foliage. Golden currant is perfect for regular and trellis hedges.


  • Excellent plant material for medium and high (up to 2 meters) hedges can be different kinds spirea - willow-leaved, oak-leaved, tomentose, medium, Douglas spirea and many others. Varieties vary in height, shape and color of foliage and flowering, but all are very decorative.

  • Some species of this shrub, for example, felt spirea, are able to grow in areas with high groundwater levels, which makes it very popular among gardeners. In addition, it is easy to care for and frost-resistant. The plant responds well to regular cuttings - it produces new shoots and blooms more profusely.


  • Various types of lilacs are very popular as a basis for hedges. There are many beautiful varieties that can grow in almost all regions of Russia.

  • The shrub is highly decorative, especially during flowering. Racemose inflorescences come in white and purple in different tones and fill the garden with a pleasant aroma. Lilac prefers fertile sunny areas.
  • Amur and Hungarian lilacs have the greatest cold resistance and drought resistance. By the way, the latter has the ability to grow quickly both in height and width; annual growth can be up to 40 cm.

Advice: shrubs produce a lot of root shoots, some of which are removed due to strong thickening, but with age the density in the lower part decreases. In such cases, they are planted in the foreground low plants, able to tolerate shading.


  • Anyone will be delighted with their beauty by the hydrangea bushes planted in a row along the path, blooming against the backdrop of lush green foliage with luxurious spherical inflorescences of white, blue and Pink colour. These shrubs are heat-loving and light-loving. Depending on the variety they have different heights.

  • A low decorative hedge can be grown using Bretschneider hydrangea. It has flexible branches with wedge-shaped carved leaves. Blooms profusely with white umbrella inflorescences. However, the plant begins to bloom when it reaches five years of age. Of all the types of hydrangeas, this species is the most winter-hardy and shade-tolerant.
  • Sargent's hydrangea, which begins to bloom with lilac or purple inflorescences from mid-summer, is most often used to create spectacular hedges medium height. Plants can freeze, so their stems are completely cut out in the fall and the planting area is covered. They grow back again next spring.
  • If a taller hedge is required, you can plant the hardy tree hydrangea varieties Sterilis and Grandiflora. They grow up to two meters in height and are decorated with large snow-white or cream balls of inflorescences.
  • Hydrangea paniculata varieties are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, growing 2 meters in height. Among the velvety oblong foliage there are beautiful clusters of inflorescences. Floribunda and Grandflora hydrangeas with white and cream blooms are very impressive.

Common mock orange

  • Fragrant with a delicate aroma during flowering, mock orange is known to many gardeners under the name jasmine.

  • It is perfect for formed hedges. Pruning does him good. The more it is pruned, the more abundantly it blooms and bushes.
  • The plant is not too whimsical, winters well, but does not tolerate proximity to groundwater.

Lianas in hedges

Hydrangea petiolate

  • Hydrangea petiolate - a woody deciduous vine can be used to create a beautiful hedge, you just need to make a suitable support for it. With its sucker roots, the plant clings tightly and spreads over the entire surface.

  • At the beginning of summer it produces a lot of pinkish loose inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. The fast-growing variety Miranda, which has beautiful foliage, is popular.
  • This vine is not very suitable for cold regions, since it is not winter-hardy and requires shelter. It takes two to three years for a plant to cover its support area with a dense carpet.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

  • The most unpretentious and winter-hardy vine is honeysuckle Honeysuckle.

  • It grows quickly, produces many shoots, and blooms beautifully with white or pink inflorescences in early summer. The plant is very rarely affected by diseases and is easy to care for.
  • The liana is ideal for a green fence, for which you can use an existing fence as a support.

climbing rose

  • The most beautiful fence is rightfully considered climbing roses.This decoration will harmoniously fit into the design of any style. There are many varieties of climbing roses.

  • The so-called ramblers - small-flowered park roses - have flexible stems. They have a two-year flowering cycle, so they require pruning of spent shoots. These include the popular varieties Excelsa and Dorothy Perkins.
  • Another group - climbers, have tough long shoots and larger flowering. In favorable conditions they can bloom twice per season. These types include, for example, the Flamentanz and Schwanensee varieties.
  • The rose of the Canadian selection Quadra is unpretentious and more resistant to cold weather. It blooms for a very long time with purple and red flowers. Although it is a frost-resistant variety, in cold regions of the country it is better to remove the lashes from the supports and cover them for the winter.

Tip: to create a denser hedge, you can plant between roses girl's grapes or any other unpretentious vine.


  • From gorgeous blooming clematis It's hard to look away. Proper pruning You can prolong the flowering of the vine for a long time. Clematis are heat-loving and need good lighting.

  • These vines come in many colors - different shades of lilac, white, blue, pink. A chain-link mesh can be a suitable support, but the lashes must be fixed to it.
  • Currently, many cold-resistant varieties have been developed that can be grown even in Siberia. These varieties include clematis JapsyQueen, Luther Burbank, Blue flame, Golden Jubilee, Victory Salute and many others.

Maiden grapes

  • Maiden grape is a perennial woody vine, the vines of which, under good conditions, grow up to 7 meters in length.

  • The liana has carved green foliage that changes color to purple in autumn. Dark inedible berries also perform decorative function.
  • The plant is long-lived, not capricious, and tolerates winter frosts in central Russia well. It can grow and develop well in both sunny and semi-shaded places.
  • With the help of this plant, flat green fences up to 30 cm thick are created. Metal, plastic, and wooden battens are used as supports.

Annual climbing plants

These plants are indispensable for creating a fast-growing hedge. If you grow them as seedlings, the waiting time for flowering will be reduced even more. Also, many gardeners like the fact that appearance fencing can be changed every year using different types of plants or combinations of plants.

  • Perhaps the leading place among annual vines is occupied by the unpretentious morning glory, which grows quickly and blooms beautifully with pink, blue and purple gramophones.

  • Fence decorations are popular sweet peas, filling the air with a honey aroma. They plant it themselves in early spring, since he is not afraid of frost. Blooms all summer. The colors are very different, depending on the variety. Requires regular watering, but is undemanding to soil.
  • Very beautiful kobeya, blooming with a cascade of bell-shaped flowers. But kobeya, unlike morning glory, needs fertile soil and regular feeding. The faded vine produces decorative seed pods similar to cucumbers.

  • Decorative beans more tender than sweet peas and cannot withstand spring frosts, so they are planted towards the end of May. Can grow in partial shade. It has bright red blooms that stand out in contrast against the green foliage.

A hedge in a dacha is an excellent solution for those who want to elegantly and beautifully design the fencing of a plot, divide their garden into several parts using original means of demarcation, and decorate the area decoratively. For decoration, you can use a wide variety of plant types, from tall evergreen conifers to flowering bushes.

An example of a hedge grown on a border from natural stone

Features of forming a hedge with your own hands

This is what a hedge of various shrubs looks like

By alternating low-growing, medium-growing and tall plant varieties, you can create a multi-stage hedge. In a small garden, it is better to plant one type of plant to delimit the area, and in a large area - many different varieties of trees and shrubs.

Types of hedges

To create a green fence from plantings, the most various varieties plants.

Scheme of arrangement and installation of a hedge fence

Thus, the following types of hedges are distinguished:

  • Green hedge using climbing plants;
  • evergreen hedge from coniferous plants;
  • and deciduous trees;
  • A border hedge of low-growing plants.

Hedges are also distinguished by height: high (more than two meters in height), medium (from one to two meters), low (up to 120 cm) and border (from half a meter). The hedge can be planted in one, two or several rows. Based on the speed of formation, hedges are classified into fast-growing or long-growing hedges. The first category includes natural fences that can be formed in two years.

Hedges are also soft and prickly. Soft hedges are used to divide a site into sectors, and thorny ones are often planted along the perimeter of the territory. If the plants do not require constant trimming and shaping, the hedge is called free-growing. Otherwise, the fence must be molded.

An example of a willow hedge

There are rectangular, square, trellis, triangular, round and other forms of haircuts.

Curly hedges

Curly hedges are used for various purposes:

  • Disguising the unsightly wall of an old barn;
  • Decoration of a fence, terrace, gazebo;
  • Braiding tree trunks or poles;
  • Long-growing decor perennial vines, for which I use fast-growing climbing annuals.

Climbing plants are widely used in design, and with proper care they perfectly perform their decorative function. Perennial varieties can be planted both in autumn and early spring in open ground. From annual varieties, seedlings are first grown, which are subsequently planted in a permanent place after the threat of frost has passed. The ridge is located at a distance of at least half a meter from the fence or wall.

Option for installing a climbing hedge

For better growth, climbing and weaving plants require support along which they climb.

Perennial varieties

Perennial varieties of climbing plants grow in the same place for several years in a row, delighting the owner of the site from year to year. Among them are tree-like or herbaceous vines. Wild grapes are widely used in decoration. You can use it to green up your area in just a few minutes. short time and with at the lowest cost effort, time and money. The length of the vines can reach 20 meters. When planting, maintain a distance of half a meter between plants and plant the grapes in holes 30 cm deep.

In one season, it is already possible to obtain lashes up to two meters long from seedlings, and by the end of the second year of life, the lashes completely cover the surface of the area allocated for them.

Wild grapes have good frost resistance and grow normally both in the sun and in the shade.

This is what a wild grape fence looks like

Evergreen ivy has also become an unpretentious climbing plant that has become widespread for landscaping. The cuttings of the plant are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, and the vines rise upward with the help of sucker roots. In autumn, shoots require pruning. Frost-resistant varieties of ivy provide shelter for the winter, while more delicate and heat-loving plants transplanted and kept in a bright, cool room, watering periodically.

A very beautiful and common plant in decoration is the climbing rose. Roses bloom profusely and brightly, smell wonderful and create a festive mood. For normal growth, roses require feeding, pruning and watering. Good protection against pests is also needed, for which purpose preventive and medicinal purposes use chemicals. They're imprisoning climbing rose in the fall in a sunny place, and in the winter they are covered with spruce branches and film.

Annual climbing plants

An example of a hedge made from various annual bushes

Of the annuals, nasturtium, thunbergia, morning glory, sweet pea, kobeya, decorative beans and pumpkin are often used.
Sweet pea has flowers interesting shape and various colors. In order for the plant to bloom well and for a long time, the formed beans should be removed in time. Sweet peas prefer neutral soil without an abundance of fertilizers, and, otherwise, bloom sparingly, giving energy to leaf growth. Morning glory is a climbing plant with funnel-shaped flowers of blue, pink or purple. This plant blooms from July until late autumn and can spread up to five meters wide, so it does not require planting frequency.

Heat-loving nasturtiums are very unpretentious. They are planted either by seeds in the ground or by seedlings. The foliage of the plant has a soft green tint, and during flowering green carpet cover bright flowers of orange, yellow, dark or bright red.

Evergreen pine fence

Evergreen conifers are often used to create an impenetrable hedge on a site. At the same time, you won’t have to take much care of such a green fence, and it won’t cost much. The only disadvantage when forming a hedge from coniferous trees is the duration of the process. It will take at least three years to grow a coniferous hedge.

Another feature of the hedge is its attractive appearance at any time of the year. Coniferous plants They have no flowers and only occasionally shed old needles.

If you want to add some color, you can plant flower beds and create flower beds next to the hedge.

Thuja hedge

A great way to isolate yourself from the outside world and decorate your area. Thuja will serve as a reliable barrier, protecting from unwanted guests and from external noise.

This is what a thuja hedge looks like

At good care Thuja does not fall off or wither, and can be easily shaped and trimmed. Place the seedlings in one row with a gap of 40–80 cm. Four-year-old seedlings are best suited for planting: they are well accepted and grow quite quickly.

The varieties Brabant, Holmstrup and Smaragd have become widespread. Brabant grows up to four meters in height and requires pruning twice a year. A Thuja Holmstrup hedge can reach a maximum of 2.5 meters and grows slowly. Caring for it consists only of watering. Thuja Smaragd is a plant up to six meters in height. It has a narrow cone-shaped crown, which is why it is loved by many designers.

Spruce hedge

If the owner of the site has enough time and patience, you can plant it around the perimeter. For this, varieties such as prickly, gray, purple and oriental spruce are used. Due to the density of the spruce crown, they block the view well and make the fence impenetrable.
Seedlings are better accepted when autumn landing. Warm, dry weather is suitable for planting. Each seedling is planted in holes at least half a meter deep, made in well-moistened soil at a distance of less than a meter. When planted in two rows in a checkerboard pattern, the distance between the spruce trees is maintained at least 80 cm. A fir hedge looks fresh at any time of the year.

Juniper hedge

Juniper belongs to evergreen shrubs. Juniper needles may have greenish or bluish tints. Among the fast-growing varieties, Virginian juniper is distinguished, while other types of this plant can grow for a very long time, up to several centuries.

Chinese and scaly variety. These frost-resistant species are branchy and tolerate arid climates well. A juniper hedge is unpretentious and can last for many years.

An example of a hedge made from juniper bushes

To prevent openings between its rows, plants are planted in several rows in a checkerboard pattern.

In our area it is not so common to see hedges, but in recent years this method of landscaping has begun to be actively used by our summer residents. And there is absolutely nothing surprising in this. Hedges not only play the role of a traditional fence, but are also extremely beautiful. Using thickets of bushes, you can create beautiful place for relax. But what is the best thing to make a hedge from?


First you need to understand what they are like. Only then can you think about which shrubs are best to use in your particular case. Firstly, they are divided into formed and free-growing (only occasionally trimmed). Of course, on personal plots The first category is most common. An exception can be made if you need original fencing pastures or vegetable gardens.

By height, all hedges can be divided into the following varieties:

  • Tall, more than two meters.
  • Medium-sized, from 50 cm to a couple of meters.
  • Low, whose height does not exceed half a meter.

Other characteristics are closely related to the biological characteristics of the species that were used to create them:

  • Evergreen and deciduous.
  • With and without thorns.

Main range

So what is the best way to make a hedge? Considering that in England, such plantings are already one of the aspects of the national culture, over many centuries basic recommendations have been developed that all gardeners should know about.

We will list the main types that can be used in the climatic conditions of our country without any special restrictions. We will not give a detailed biological description, since for these purposes this kind of data does not play a special role. In general, based on the classification we gave above, we can recommend a huge number of trees and shrub plants. Let's look at what is best to make a tall hedge from.

Tall deciduous trees

What is the best way to make a hedge if you don’t have these trees at hand? Mulberry is perfect, as is common maple. We strongly do not recommend confusing the latter species with the American maple, which with its “impellers” is capable of turning hectares of land into thickets of its seedlings. If you need a razor fence, you will have to find

For aesthetic hedges, you can plant lilac, honeysuckle (delicious fruits), currants and meadowsweet, as well as acacia, serviceberry and rowan. As for the serviceberry (an excellent fast-growing hedge), it will have to be constantly thinned out, getting rid of the young shoots growing in all directions. In addition, during the fruiting season, a huge number of sparrows will gather on these trees, which is not desirable in all cases.

Prickly hedges

Pyracantha scarlet is widely used for these purposes. It is not very common, as it is suitable exclusively for the southern regions. Forms very dense hedges, decorated with orange-yellow berries, which remain on the bush for a very long time. A plant with a curious name has proven itself well in arid conditions, as it is practically not demanding on soil quality and irrigation.

This also includes the same juniper and thuja, hawthorn and even the hornbeam we mentioned. Of course, in this case you will have to put in more effort to constantly shape and trim it.

Making low-growing hedges

In another way they are also called curbs. The range of species in this case is not so wide, so there is not much to choose from.

First, evergreen boxwood might be suitable. Very shade-tolerant, extremely slow growing. In addition, in most of our regions, during cold winters it tends to freeze out. Mahonia holly has also proven itself quite well. The hedge from it turns out to be quite “loose”, but it blooms very beautifully, and its berries are very decorative. In addition, this shrub belongs to the shade-tolerant category.

It is extremely important to adhere to the timing of planting in open ground, as well as to select the right suitable soil and types of fertilizers used. The earlier you plant a tree, the easier it will be in the future. Deciduous crops tolerate replanting best at 2-3 years, and coniferous crops at a maximum of five years. The fact is that it is from this age that it is best to start molding plants.

Secondly, be sure to mark the landing site by pulling a string for this purpose. Don't try to plant by eye, as you are unlikely to achieve a truly straight landing by relying solely on your eye. A beautiful hedge, a photo of which is in the article, is always distinguished by its regular geometric shapes.

How to plant?

Depending on the number of rows, we dig a trench of the required width. Please note that gaps of at least 60 centimeters should be left between plants (if the fence is free, then from 1.5 meters), and gaps of 25-50 cm should be made between rows. If you plant in two or more rows, use a checkerboard pattern.

Be sure to take care of the fertility and moisture of the soil. If there is such a need, it is advisable to add required types mineral and/or organic fertilizers, then water it properly planting holes. If we are talking about deciduous trees, then the root system of trees should be kept in water for a couple of hours before planting, and then dipped into liquid clay (creamy consistency) mixed with humus.

It is also highly advisable to do the landing itself according to the level. The soil around each planted plant must be thoroughly compacted. Each bush needs to be watered in two or three passes so that the water has time to be absorbed and reaches the roots of the plants. As for conifers, they should generally be planted together with the lump of earth with which they were purchased. In this case, the hedge, for which you sometimes have to buy plants, has a better chance of survival.

Trimming and shaping

After planting, plants should never be pruned. This event has been postponed for at least one year. An exception may be some species of coniferous trees. Subsequently, the plants are pruned at the moment when their young shoots begin to become slightly woody. On each branch you need to leave at least two living buds.

As for the annual growth, in the first two or three seasons you need to leave at least 15-20 cm, subsequently reducing this value to a couple of centimeters. It is best to prune plants in early spring, and also three times throughout the summer. Attention! The last pruning should be done at least one month before the onset of persistent cold weather.


We should not forget that the hedges whose bushes decorate your area are not maintained by pruning alone. It needs watering, weeding and fertilizing. As a rule, throughout the entire growing season you need to apply 50-100 grams of fertilizers per linear meter. Feeding is performed three times. At the beginning of summer, nitrogen fertilizers are used, switching to phosphorus fertilizers by autumn.

In the first years, weed control can be very labor-intensive. At a distance of approximately 10-15 centimeters from the edge of the fence, you need to mow down all the weeds, as they take away the moisture and nutrients they need from the plants. This is the only way to get the best hedge.

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