Today I want to talk about mirrored double-glazed windows for plastic windows. And my neighbor in the country pushed me to this topic, who decided to stick a mirror film on the windows of his cabin. On the one hand, the solution is good. But let's figure out which is better - a mirror film or a mirror glass unit.

Previously, we could see windows with mirror glass mainly on the buildings of shopping and business centers, sports complexes and others in public places. Now owners of private houses are increasingly using mirrored windows for additional decoration and protection of their building.

Mirror glass can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Manufacturing of a special reflective type of glass.
  2. By gluing on ordinary glass mirror film.

Reflective (solar) glass

Mirror windows are also called “reflective”. Such glass is produced in exactly the same way as regular glass, only at the end a special metal oxide is applied to the glass. The process of applying this oxide is complex and time-consuming: first the base is heated in an oven at high temperature, then the still hot workpiece is given the required form and size.

Next, the glass is tempered by air flow and only then the above-mentioned coating is applied to the glass unit. Having already cooled completely, the glass becomes silver tone and acquires all its main advantages:

  • Firstly, it filters out most of the harmful infrared rays into the room, thus letting in more natural light. This allows you to significantly save on electricity.
  • Secondly, such glass retains energy well, which allows you to maintain indoor optimal temperature in any season. So, on hot days the glass will not let through a large number of sun rays, allowing you to keep the room cool, and in cold weather, on the contrary, it will prevent heat dissipation.

Reflective elements in mirrored windows allow you to maintain privacy of what is happening inside the building and will most appeal to people who live on the first floors or simply do not want to face the interested glances of passers-by.

One of the significant disadvantages of reflective glass is that it dark time days due to absence required lighting this feature plays exactly the opposite role: with the lights on, from the street you can easily see everything that is happening in the room, and you still can’t do without the use of curtains.

Reflective glass comes in the following types:

  • Absorbing. It has a gray or green color, transmits a lot of light and absorbs a large amount of infrared rays. If overheated, it deteriorates quite quickly. This happens because during tempering, only one layer of metal oxide is applied to the glass.
  • Reflective. Reflects sunlight well and has good thermal insulation. It does not heat up like an absorbing one, but has much more high price compared to the first one. Here the work takes longer: during hardening, as many as four layers of oxide are applied, and after that an additional fifth layer is applied - the so-called silver deposition.
  • Combined. This type both absorbs sunlight and reflects it, it retains heat better than the previous two and does not heat up, but at the same time has the highest price category compared to analogues. Its creation process is the same as that of reflective glass, however, higher quality and more expensive materials are used here.

Reflective glass looks appropriate and aesthetically pleasing on almost any facade and gives the entire building an interesting and original look. appearance.

The main advantages of reflective glass are the following:

  • Excellent thermal insulation;
  • Increased protection from harmful rays;
  • Maintaining privacy;
  • Good appearance.

The main disadvantages include the need to use curtains at night and the rather high price due to the length of the glass creation process.

Mirror tinted glass

Second, more economical option, is a mirror-tinted glass unit. Often, plastic windows are tinted to protect them from heat. This allows you to save both on the purchase of an air conditioner and on electricity bills.

The film has different specularity and degree of darkness: taking into account all the features of your room, you can choose the optimal one for yourself.

Acting as a reflector, the mirror film does not allow reflection of glare from the sun to pass through. This helps both protect objects in the room from fading and protect your eyes from unwanted exposure to bright rays.

This will also save your plants, but in this case you should take special care of their safety. heat-loving plants, as this may negatively affect their growth and development.

One more important feature mirror film is its durability: if the glass breaks for one reason or another, the glass will crack, but will remain inside the film that fixes it.

Thus, it will not scatter throughout the apartment and will protect people in the room from injury, as well as keep surrounding objects safe and sound. This feature will be useful for residents of disadvantaged areas or those who live on the first floors and are worried about both the safety of the windows themselves and their property in general.

In addition, mirror tinting will allow you to show your individuality and diversify the appearance of the window, having wide range color shades, mirror tinting film gives any building interesting view: If desired, you can even order tinting with photo printing.

But if your windows are with north side or surrounded by trees, the appearance of your apartment may be gloomy, since the film does not radically, but still reduces the amount of visible light.

How to stick mirror film

A significant advantage in installing the film, in addition to its economy, is also the fact that if you wish, you can stick the film yourself. A film is applied with inside window. For gluing, castor oil or soap solution is mainly used. However, there are several other, more complex options:

  • Mass tinting. Such a film is applied during the creation of the glass itself: the molten glass mass is painted with a certain composition. The glass produced here comes in a wide variety of varieties. different colors, depending on the number of colors and shades added to the composition.
  • Paralysis. This method is a little similar to the first one, only here a layer of metal is applied to an already finished glass, but still not cooled down.
  • Vacuum application. The glass is placed in a special chamber and there layers of metal are also applied to it.

If you still decide to install the film yourself, then you need to be extremely careful and attentive, since poor-quality gluing can lead to a number of problems that will significantly reduce the performance of the material.

Thus, the film may bubble, peel off at the ends, or even come off little by little in pieces, which will not only spoil the appearance as a whole, but will also not fulfill the duties assigned to it.

When gluing yourself, you will need the following tools: scraper, spatula, spray bottle, soap and knife. Rub inner part glass with soap, having previously measured the size of the window, cut the film according to your measurements, but be sure to leave a couple of mm around the perimeter, carefully roll the film over the glass with a spatula, thus removing the excess layer and correcting all irregularities.

That's it, the work is completed. All you have to do is wait 1-2 weeks until it dries completely. If the water has not yet dried, the film can be corrected, but then this will no longer be possible. It is not advisable to wash the windows for 2-3 weeks after completing the process, but then you can easily start cleaning without fear of harming it in any way.

However, it is still advisable to avoid chemical cleaning active substances, unless, of course, the glass is too dirty: water or soapy water and a paper towel are perfect for washing.

The advantages of mirror film are:

  • Reasonable price.
  • Easy to stick.
  • Excellent light insulation.
  • Wide range of choice of both colors and film thickness.
  • Safety in case of glass damage.

Thus, we see that now it is not only public buildings, but also private individuals. If you have enough money and want to improve the appearance of your home, while receiving the additional benefits of thermal insulation and hiding from the prying eyes of neighbors and passers-by, then double-glazed windows with reflective glass are more suitable for you.

Well, if you want to save money, but also get all the above benefits, then it’s better to use mirror film - it’s both faster and more profitable.

Usage mirror glass units perfect for you if you want to protect your premises from prying eyes, while still seeing everything that is happening outside. The process of replacing mirrored double-glazed windows is practically no different from replacing standard ones. At the same time, double-glazed windows with mirror coating perform additional functions to retain heat and give an aesthetic appearance to your home, office or apartment.

The Mos Windows Service company has been debugging the process of manufacturing and installing mirrored double-glazed windows for more than 12 years. Our specialist in replacing mirror glass units will advise you free of charge and help you choose a glass unit with the desired properties and a suitable color.

Advantages of mirror glass units

  • Content protection indoors from prying eyes
  • Absorption sunlight without blocking the penetration of heat. Savings on air conditioning
  • Blocks ultraviolet radiation
  • Give spectacular appearance premises
  • Long service life reflective double glazed windows

Types of mirror glass units

Mirror double-glazed windows are manufactured using two technologies:

    Application mirror film for double glazed windows

    The fastest and cheapest way is to install a mirror film on the glass. This allows you to save on the production of double-glazed windows with mirror coating. In this case, you can choose the color shade and the required throughput films. This method is not particularly durable; the film is susceptible to fading and scratches.

    Double-glazed window with mirror coating - reflective glass

    The most durable among mirror glass units. Manufactured according to modern technologies by applying a thin layer of metal oxide to the surface of the glass. This method allows you to protect the glass unit from mechanical influences, increases the sound insulation of the glass unit as a whole and extends the service life of the mirror glass unit. In addition, reflective glass can absorb or reflect the sun's rays, thereby retaining or preventing excess heat

Examples of mirror glass

Price for replacing mirrored double-glazed windows in Moscow

Minimum cost of work 1500 rub.
Simple adjustment b. doors from 600 rub.
Simple sash adjustment from 250 rub.
Lubricating hardware 100 rub.
Restoration of sash geometry up to 1m2 from 1000 rub.
Geometry restoration balcony door (correct geometry) up to 2m 2

from 24 00 rub

Replacing sealing rubber (depending on the profile and selected material) from 120 rub./p.m.
Replacement of accessories from 4000 rub.
Replacing the strike plate or installing a new one from 300 rub.
Installation of anti-burglary fittings from 4000 rub.
Replacing handles on PVC windows from 500 rub.
Replacing handles with key locks on PVC windows from 1800 rub.
Converting a sash or door from a pivot to a tilt-and-turn one from 4000 rub.
Cleaning and reassembly of fittings from 800 rub.
Sealing seams along the window contour from 300 r/m.
Installation of the comb from 350 rub.
Installation of a balcony hook-latch from 700 rub.

Each specific type of glass must perform a very specific function. There are five main functions of glass:

  • soundproofing
  • thermal insulation in summer
  • thermal insulation in winter
  • protective functions
  • aesthetic functions

Strained glass

Tempered glass is obtained by additional heat treatment. Compared to conventional annealed glass, it has increased thermal and mechanical strength, which is ensured by the internal stresses that arise during glass tempering.

Externally, tempered glass is no different from ordinary glass, but this glass cannot be subjected to any further processing or cutting because it is destroyed when the outer layers of the glass are damaged. When broken, tempered glass breaks into small rounded fragments that do not have sharp cutting edges and are therefore safe for others.

Tempered glass used for increased safety requirements for windows and doors.

Dot-dyed glass

Dye-dyed glass is an absorbent (solar control) glass that uses various substances to achieve the desired color. It absorbs more solar thermal energy and light than regular clear glass.

The most common are gray and green colors, as well as intermediate between bronze and brown. It is also possible to produce glass in other colors. It is used in the manufacture of glass facades, partitions, windows and doors.

Laminated glass (Triplex)

Triplex is a multilayer glass with a polymer film or a layer of special resin located inside. At mechanical impact(impact, shot) the glass is destroyed, but the fragments remain firmly adhered to the intermediate layer, so it is safe for others. Laminated glass can be bulletproof, and triplex also has improved sound insulation properties.

The main task of a triplex is to prevent violent intrusion. Lamination does not increase the mechanical strength of glass; however, when destroyed, laminated glass remains<целым>thanks to the laminated film, i.e. glass shards remain attached to the film.

Different types Laminating films can provide almost any glass tinting.

Wired glass.

Reinforced glass is sheet glass with a metal mesh, safe and fire-resistant, which in the event of a fire forms an effective barrier against smoke and hot gases. In the event of a fire, it may crack, but the reinforcement holds it in place, thereby preventing the spread of fire.

Glass shards do not fall out even when several breaks form, but are held in place by reinforcement. Reinforced glass can be used for glazing factory floors, windows, skylights, elevator shafts and facades.

Patterned glass

Patterned glass is sheet glass in which one surface has decorative treatment. It comes in different colors, patterns, different thicknesses (4-6mm), and can have different light transmittance. Patterned glass can be tempered and laminated. It is mainly used for internal glazing and in the manufacture of stained glass.

Reflective glass (solar control)

Reflective glass - reflective glass with a special metal oxide coating. The coating is applied pyrolytically to one of the glass surfaces during the production process. Solar control glass designed for additional protection of premises from solar ultraviolet radiation and creating an effect mirror surface.

For example, glass that is colored throughout the glass, as well as some types of glass with coatings, are sun-protective.

According to the mechanism of action, sunglasses can be divided into 2 groups:

  • predominantly reflecting radiation.
  • predominantly absorbing radiation.

The surface of group 1 glass is characterized by a thin metal layer applied during the production process, which prevents the penetration of radiation through the glass. It should be noted that the reflective layers simultaneously partially absorb radiation.

In the manufacture of absorbent glasses, either metal crystals or metal oxides, which have the ability to absorb part of solar radiation, are applied to the molten glass mass. In the process of absorbing radiation, the glass heats up and releases most of the heat it receives to the outside space. Some of the heat, however, is transferred indoors.

Designs that combine reflective and low emissivity coatings are a new product coming to market. Fully reflective surfaces of transparent glasses are obtained by successively applying a coating to the glass surface. As a rule, the number of coating layers is five, of which four are layers of metal oxides, and the working layer is silver. Silver has the ability to transmit visible light, just like regular glass. In the case where the wavelength is greater than 0.76 microns, silver almost completely reflects all radiation. In addition, such glasses also have good thermal insulation properties.

In microfilter glasses on the surface of the glass by etching or using sandblasting areas are created that have the shape of microprisms. Using silk-screen printing, you can get areas that work in almost the same way. What they have in common is that only part of the glass surface is processed. When performing the operation of applying a pattern, take into account the position of the sun above the horizon so that the angles of the microprisms work at the most minimum angle encounters with thermal solar radiation. When the angle of incidence of solar radiation becomes smaller, the proportion of reflectivity increases. In appearance, microfilter glasses are not much different from ordinary glasses.

Energy saving glass

Energy saving glass- glass with a special coating that selectively reflects infrared rays, i.e. tolerate heat. Since the coating consists of very thin layers sprayed onto the surface of the glass, the transparency of the glass to visible light changes only slightly. Such glass reflects infrared (thermal) radiation back into the room and is therefore widely used to improve the thermal insulation properties of windows.

Giving energy-saving properties to glass is associated with applying low-emission optical coatings to its surface, and the glass itself with such a coating is called low-emissivity. These coatings allow short-wave solar radiation to pass into the room, but prevent long-wave thermal radiation from leaving the room, for example from heating device, which is why glasses with low-emissivity coatings are called "" selective glasses"".

Currently, two types of coatings are used for energy-saving properties: the so-called K - glass (Low-E) - a "hard" coating and i - glass (Double Low-E) - a "soft" coating.

The soft coating gives the glass better heat-saving properties. But it is not resistant to moisture, so it cannot be long-term storage V open form. In addition, when installing glass with soft coating Insulating glass units require additional equipment, since it is necessary to remove the coating at the gluing site.

Hard-coated glass does not have these disadvantages, therefore, despite the worse energy-saving characteristics, such glass is much more often installed in double-glazed windows.

Comparative characteristics double-glazed windows depending on the type of energy-saving glass various companies

Comparative characteristics of low-emission double-glazed windows
Used heat saving glass Light transmission
g - factor Coefficient
heat transfer
(K, W/m2K)

K - glass



I - glass

Comparative characteristics of double-glazed windows Manufacturer of glass Used heat-saving glass Light transmission (%) Reflection (%) g - factor Heat transfer coefficient (K, W/m2K) ""BOR"" Float - float 87 10 0.90 2.80 K - glass" "SANKO"" Sanko Select 72 11 0.52 1.70 ""SAINT GOBEIN"" Ecoplus 69 18 0.70 1.90 ""ISOLAR"" Neutralux 76 - 0.57 1.80 ""LUX GUARD"" 4 -12-4 Low-E=2 76 10 0.36 1.70 ""PPG"" Diatherm 79 11 - 1.80 ""GLOVERBEL"" Planibel - - - 1.70 ""FLASHGLAS AG"" K-GlasR 76 19 - 1.90 I - glass "ISOLAR GLAS" Neutrolux 76 - 0.57 1.10 "INTERPANE" Iplus neutral R 76 - 0.58 1.10 "LUX GUARD" Super natural 76 12 0.32 1.20 ""VEGLA"" ClimaplusR 72 11 0.62 1.20 ""SANKO"" Sanko Select 72 11 - 1.00

From the article you will learn:

Summer is characterized by strong, sometimes excessive solar activity. Sometimes this phenomenon can cause a person to experience discomfort and even health problems.

Staying in a cool room can significantly reduce the harmful effects of sunlight on the body. However, offices are not always able to maintain a comfortable ambient temperature for a person for a long time. In the middle of the day, if measures are not taken to protect window openings from the excess sunlight entering through them, the room will certainly heat up to temperatures at which human activity noticeably decreases.

What measures should be taken to prevent overheating? The most effective option is equipping the window opening with sun-protection windows. Their installation allows you to maintain the temperature in the room close to comfortable during the day, without reducing the level of illumination.

The principle of operation of sun-protection windows made of plastic

Any model of plastic windows of this type is united by the presence of a common component - reflective film. Being applied to the entire surface of the glass, this film provides effective protection of the glazed room from negative impact direct sunlight. Due to inherent properties, it, like a filter, transmits light waves that are not harmful to human health, while blocking most of the dangerous ultraviolet radiation.

This material has a small thickness, and therefore is quite “capricious” when self-application. The presence of solar control film on the windows does not in any way affect the level of illumination of the room - as much light from the street side enters the glass, almost the same amount penetrates into the room.


A plastic window with sun-protective reflective film has the following capabilities:

  • Protects furniture and interior elements from fading. It is known for certain that constant exposure to direct sunlight on the components of the furnishings leads to their fading and loss of original colors. Plastic sun-protection windows successfully counteract the harmful effects of incoming light, thereby protecting furniture and interiors from fading.
  • Blocks visibility of what is happening in the room. The absence of such important accessories as curtains or blinds on the window, allowing you to protect privacy from prying eyes, is no longer a problem. It has become simple and effective to hide the situation in a room with windows finished with a film with light-reflecting properties: the glazed space is not visible from the street, while visibility outside it is completely preserved. When planning your installation sun windows the buyer should take into account an important detail, namely the specificity of the reflective film material: when it gets dark, the room lit from the inside will be clearly visible.
  • Creates a safe outline. It's no secret - the film applied to the glass of the window, in addition to its original purpose - protection from solar activity, protects a person from the consequences of flying fragments in the event of a window breaking. When its structure is destroyed, glass, like car glass, becomes a “web”. This prevents the massive scattering of broken pieces of glass from the damaged sheet.
  • Saves energy. The presence of an additional layer on the glass in the form of a film has a beneficial effect on retaining heat in the room. This ability of sun-protected windows is especially relevant in winter time, as it allows you to save on paying bills for electricity consumed by household heaters.
  • Helps increase people's performance. As you know, in a room when the temperature exceeds 29 degrees, the productivity of human actions decreases sharply. He develops: profuse sweating, fatigue, accompanied in some cases by headache with further increase blood pressure. With or office solar-protected windows made of plastic, the above problem will remain a thing of the past - temperature regime will remain normal, which means that work in a glazed room will be carried out as efficiently as possible.

Read also: Deaf plastic windows. Advantages and disadvantages of the design

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The price of such a film coating is directly proportional to its thickness (density), size and light reflectance. By the way, a kit for self-gluing windows with sun protection material is quite cheap. A standard density material will cost the buyer around 150-250 rubles based on application per one double-hung window. In order for someone who wants to decorate two glasses with a coating with increased density with their own hands, he will have to spend a little more - prices for such a product vary in the range from 250 to 500 rubles.

It is worth noting that if you have the opportunity to purchase a denser material, you should opt for it, since its service life, in comparison with a thin coating, is noticeably longer.

How to apply solar control film on a window with your own hands?

Subsequence self-execution The work of gluing film onto window glass is described step by step in the instructions supplied by the manufacturer along with the product packaging. In this case, the essence of applying such tinting, as a rule, comes down to performing the following actions:

  1. Preparation. The packaging with reflective film is carefully opened, and the material itself, rolled into a tube, is taken out and cut according to required sizes with a small margin (1-2 mm). The excess, if necessary, can later be cut off with a stationery knife directly on the windows. This film is sold in two versions: with an already applied adhesive layer and without it. Of course, the first option is preferable to purchase. If you purchased a material in which there is no adhesive base, then the adhesive layer will need to be applied yourself. How? This will be discussed below.
  2. Application. When using film with sticky layer, its edges are freed from the protective material, and then the cut-off part is glued to the entire area of ​​​​the glass in contact with the street. The bubbles that inevitably arise from air getting under the film are moved along the path of movement using a dry cloth to the edges of the frame. If the reflective film does not have a sticky side, then in order to stick it, you should use soap solution made by yourself. To prepare such a mixture, either liquid or bar soap, previously grated, is suitable. After mixing with water, the resulting solution is applied to the surface of the glass (not film!) using a sponge, after which the glass sheet is covered with film material cut to size. Removal of formed air bubbles occurs by analogy with the method described above. After several hours of drying, the film will be firmly attached to the glass.

The variety of windows and their components is simply amazing! When determining a suitable design, you have to choose between dozens of types of profiles, fittings and double-glazed windows. Each of them has its own characteristics and allows you to achieve the desired goal. What glass can be used in windows? Today they are represented by the following types:

    energy saving glass;

    strained glass;

    triplex glass;

    reflective glass.

Each product has its own distinctive features, Advantages and disadvantages. Let's get to know them better.

Features of energy-saving glass

If the desire to retain heat and avoid costs for heating the room is at the forefront, then you should use energy saving glass. They are distinguished by high thermal insulation, for some products it reaches 80%! They can use low-emission coatings that absorb or emit thermal radiation. This type of glass is absolutely transparent; it reflects a significant amount of heat into the room (up to 90%), preventing it from leaving the room.

Energy-saving glasses are often available with two types of coatings: I-glass and K-glass. In the first case, the layer system has vacuum deposition. The coating of this glass is soft, the product uses layers of transparent dielectrics, and the minimum thickness of the silver layer helps reduce thermal radiation. K-glass has a hard coating and is produced by the pyrolytic deposition of tin oxide. It is used inside the glass unit, the coating is facing towards the inside of the glass unit. As a result, the surface heats up, reducing draft and condensation caused by temperature differences.

The main advantages of K-glass are:

    solar heat optimization;

    increased thermal insulation and reduced heating costs;

    high light transmittance;

    reduction of draft and cold radiation;

    Possibility of use with other types of glass;

    neutral color reflection;

    reduction of condensation.

Tempered glass - for those who value durability

Tempered glass is a sheet material that is highly durable and resistant to temperature changes. These properties are achieved thanks to thermal and chemical treatment. Tempered glass is used for windows, balconies, loggias, partitions and other purposes; thanks to it, laminated and insulating double-glazed windows are made.

To produce tempered glass, special tempering installations and sheets of polished, unpolished or patterned glass are used. Once manufactured, such products cannot be drilled, cut or otherwise mechanically processed. All these steps should be performed before hardening.

Tempered glass is used because of its safety - if the product breaks, it does not cause any harm to a person. If broken, the material forms small fragments, the edges of which are blunted. In terms of strength, it is 5 or more times superior to conventional analogues, and also has high thermal stability. As large glass formats are increasingly used in building glazing, the products are faced with greater temperature effects as well as compressive and tensile stresses. Tempered glass copes perfectly with such loads.

Features of triplex glass

Triplex is glass that consists of several layers. They are connected to each other using a high-strength polymer, such as polyvinyl butyral resin. The result is a durable structure that fully meets modern requirements security. As glass thickness and number of layers increases, the ability to withstand wind, snow and impacts increases.

One of the main advantages of triplex is that if it is broken, the fragments will not scatter throughout different directions, but will remain on film. The result is a reduction in the number of injuries, many of which are caused by broken pieces. Even after damage, such glass continues to perform a protective function to some extent, awaiting its replacement. This property allows the material to be widely used for the manufacture of car windshields. In addition, triplex is used to armor the glass of buildings; it is capable of withstanding gunshots (with seven layers, even a bullet from a Kalashnikov assault rifle will not penetrate the product) and physical impact.

The material is resistant to sun exposure, therefore throughout for long years triplex glass retains its unique properties. The use of colored films allows you to give the surface the desired shade.

Reflective glass - effective protection from sunlight

Reflective glass has special coating, which is applied by pyrolytic method to its surface during manufacture. It is intended to reflect light and comes in the following types:

    absorbing sunlight;

    reflecting sunlight;

    combined - reflective and absorbing glass is used in a double-glazed window.

Reflective glasses most often have a thickness of 6, 8 or 10 mm, and their sizes can be very large. They have silver color, but if you look through the structure, the color becomes bronze. This type can be used either independently or together with other types of glass. Its main advantages are:

    high light reflectivity;

    average sun protection effect;

    silver color;

    surface strength.

Thanks to the silvery transparent reflection, reflective glass gives buildings an amazing appearance. The products can improve the indoor microclimate; they can be laminated and hardened. Reflective glasses are used for glazing buildings that require a silver reflection or a reflection that provides invisibility (bars, cafes, etc.).

Modern types of double-glazed windows allow you to achieve your desired goals. So, if the main thing is to reduce heating costs, energy-saving glass, triplex and tempered products are used to achieve maximum strength and safety. Reflective glazing is best suited for reflecting sunlight and creating the effect of invisibility. Taking into account the characteristics of each type, you can choose the optimal type of glass for your purposes.

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