Manual labor

"Working Bee"

V senior group

Summary of the organization and conduct of manual labor in the senior group

Subject: "Working Bee"

Target: Formation of children's ideas about the features of lifebees.

Program content:

Educational objectives :

Continue introducing children to the peculiarities of lifebeesand natural relationships. Cultivate curiosity and interest in living nature. Teach children to use natural materials(chestnuts, dried leaves) in the design process, consolidate the ability to make crafts according to a visual example from the teacher; Continue to strengthen your skills in working with plasticine. To develop the ability to compose a composition based on observations, develop attention and observation skills, cultivate interest in the surrounding nature, develop fine motor skills and coordination.

Enter into active dictionarywords: beehive, nectar, pollination, honeycomb, apiary, beekeeper. Continue to teach children to give reasoned answers to questions. Develop critical thinking, activate children's cognitive abilities.

Developmental tasks:

To develop attention and diligence in work, to activate children’s cognitive abilities.

Educational tasks: cultivate accuracy and independence in work,curiosity, interest in living nature, artistic taste.

Preliminary work : reading poems, fairy tales, talking about insects. Examination of illustrations and photographs depictingbees.

Materials, tools, equipment : plasticine, plasticine boards, stacks, wet wipes, colored cardboard, chestnuts, dry leaves, scissors.

Demonstration material: k pictures ( bee, flower, honey, medicine, rain, beehive, flowering meadow, honeycomb, paws with brushes, beekeeper), bee craft model.

Duration: 30 minutes.


Reading a poem.



Flies over the lawn

He will fuss over the flower,

And he will share the honey.

Educator: Guys, who is this riddle about?(Children's answers) That's right, oh bee.

Good-naturedly hiding the sting

On a flower the bee was buzzing,

Dressed in a warm fur coat.

She's not hot, even though it's summer.

Let's look at BEE!

Looking at pictures, illustrations, photographs of bees.

The bee's body is striped - with yellow and black stripes, antennae, legs, mouth, eyes. What color are the wings? The bee's wings are transparent.

Bees are mysterious insects. Bees are known to produce honey, which is a sweet treat. I wonder how bees produce this honey?

In order to produce honey, a bee must collect flower nectar. To produce 100 grams of honeyit must fly 46 thousand kilometers (this is the same as flying around the globe along the equator) and fly aroundapproximately a million flowers. The insect has a special proboscis with which it collects droplets of nectar. The bee carries nectar in a special organ called the honey ventricle.

Bees bring nectar to the hive, where they pass it on to other receiving bees. The receiving bees take the honey into their ventricles. Then the following manipulations are performed with the drop of nectar: ​​the bee opens its jaws and at the tip of the proboscis extracts a drop of nectar from its ventricle, and then returns the drop back. This manipulation is repeated up to 250 times. After this, a drop of nectar is placed in the cell. This is ready-made honey. Honey is added to sweets and used to treat colds.

I worked hard all year round,

You will have fragrant honey.

I don't buzz when I sit.

I don't buzz when I walk.

I don't buzz when I'm working.

I buzz when I spin!( Bee ) .

The first sun, the first flowers, and here she is - a worker of the fields -bee, already busy work: collects fragrant and sweet nectar, builds a hive, pollinates plants. On their paws they carry pollen from one flower to another, pollinating them. Due to this, plants and trees produce fruits and seeds.

Bees are the most beneficial insects of all insects for us. globe. All waste productsbees(and their quite a lot: honey, propolis,beeswax, beebread, royal and drone jelly, pollen andbee venom) a person uses to great benefit.Bee- a symbol of hard work and collectivism, benefits in agriculture from bees is enormous, since they are one of the most active pollinators of flowering plants.

Each hive has a separate largebee family, which contains the most importantqueen bee(queen bees) and workers beeswho extract honey.

She sits on flowers

Not tired of working in the morning.

Gave people wax and honey

Restless bee.

And also bees have a sting, through which they release poison. In this way they protect themselves from enemies. But still with bitesbees even heal people.

Educator : Today we will make such a bee from natural material.

Shows a bee pattern made from chestnut and dry leaves.

Explains and shows how to do it.

Educator : On your tables there are blanks for crafts. You can choose the rest of the materials yourself on a separate table. First we make a bee body by connecting chestnuts together using plasticine. Then we attach the wings from dry leaves. After this, we make eyes, antennae, and decorate our bee.

Physical exercise.

The bee works all day

(Draw a circle in front of you with your hands)

And she is not lazy to work.

(Wiggle index fingers as a sign of denial)

Flies from flower to flower,

(Rhythmic hand waves)

Glues pollen to the abdomen.

(Circular movements of the palm on the stomach)

The proboscis sucks nectar,

(Stretch your arm forward, then down, bend over)

He will collect a lot in a day.

(“Open” all your fingers in front of you)

It will carry the nectar to the hive

(Pretend flying)

And it will come back like a bullet.

(Sharply throws out his hand with his index finger extended forward)

The honey is compacted in the honeycombs,

(stomping feet)

Winter will come soon.


There will be something for the bees to eat.

(Imitation of moving a spoon)

We should try them in the summer.

(Imitation of putting honey into honeycombs)

Independent activity of children.

Educator :

Bees have all day long in summer

Collecting nectar is not lazy.

They'll take it later.

The hive has its own wonderful home.

A bee is buzzing over a flower

And he is in a hurry to collect nectar.

All the nectar that he collects,

The bee turns it into honey.

Educator : Guys, who did we learn a lot of interesting things about today?

Children: P about bee!

Educator : Oh, why shouldn’t we touch or offend bees and other insects?

Children : They are alive.

Educator : Yes, insects are alive. They cannot be offended. But you can admire them. Watch them fly, run, jump, play, listen to them sing or buzz.

We made you and I very beautifulbees. Which works do you like best and why? Do you like your work? What would you add to your work?

Children's answers:

Fita Nastya : I like all the children's bees, but I like mine the best. I love making crafts. I'll give it to my mom. I give all the crafts to my mother.Ryabenkova Varya : I don’t want to decorate the bee, it’s so beautiful. Others are beautiful too. I like everyone.

Deineka Egor : My bee is a little sad, she is tired. But she's beautiful. And Nikita’s is beautiful, Petya’s, Sofia’s. There are no ugly ones.

Educator : You will show and present your bees to their parents and tell them what useful workers they are and how they benefit people.

Self-analysis of manual labor:

Subject: "Working Bee"

Goals: Form children's ideas about the features of life bees . Teach children to use natural materials (chestnuts, dried leaves) in the design process, consolidate the ability to make crafts according to a visual example from the teacher; Continue to strengthen your skills in working with plasticine. Enter into active dictionarywords: beehive, nectar, pollination, honeycomb, apiary, beekeeper. Develop critical thinking, activate children's cognitive abilities. Develop the ability to compose a composition based on observations, develop attention and observation, cultivate interest in the surrounding nature, develop fine motor skills and coordination.

What went well : The activity aroused great interest among the children; they enthusiastically watched the progress of the craft, happily answered the teacher’s questions and shared their observations about nature. They completed their work diligently, carefully, took a creative approach to composing the composition, shared their ideas with other children, and offered their help to children who were lagging behind. At the end of the sculpting, most of the children were able to explain exactly what they did and why exactly, and to whom they would give their work. The children enjoyed looking at the work of their peers, discussing them, and sharing their opinions.

There were no difficulties during the organization and conduct of the lesson.

Oksana Bulakh
Design lesson (origami) “Ladybug” ( preparatory group)

Familiarization with the surrounding world. Natural surroundings.

Construction: origami« Ladybug» . (Preparatory group) .


Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic "Insects"

Development of children's cognitive abilities

Formation of ideas about moral and ethical standards of behavior

Fostering an ecological culture

Program content:

Training tasks:

Summarize children's ideas about the diversity of insects;

Consolidate knowledge about their nutritional conditions;

Practice distinguishing and naming frequently occurring representatives groups insects by clear signs (size, color, originality individual parts body);

Clarify ideas about the benefits of insects;

Develop intelligence, form imaginative thinking;

Continue to introduce technology origami, develop and independently implement a creative task.

Speech tasks:

Practice word formation, the use of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

Learn to coordinate numerals with nouns, correlate quantity and number (number).

Developmental tasks:

Development of mental processes;

Developing an emotionally positive attitude for work.

Educational tasks:

To instill in children a desire to take care of nature, to behave correctly in the forest and field; do not destroy the living conditions of forest inhabitants.

Materials and equipment:

Insect presentation, insect photographs, toy insects, colored paper red and 2 cardboard templates, black felt-tip pen, 2 small squares white(for eyes, pencil, glue, scissors, sample toy origami« Ladybug» .

Progress of the lesson

Introductory word from the teacher:

- Guess the riddle:

She's cuter than all the beetles

The back is scarlet on her

And there are circles on it

Little black dots (ladybug)

We will get acquainted with the amazing and diverse world of insects. Imagine that we are together ladybug found themselves in a green meadow.

Presentation "Insects".

Guess what insect is hidden in the riddle?

The flower is fragrant

A flying flower sat down.

Moved by the flower

All 4 petals.

I wanted to rip it off, -

He took off and flew away!

What kind of insect is this? (butterfly)

Look at the picture of a butterfly. How many wings does she have? How many legs does she have? Do the math. (children count and answer)

Let's do the exercise and you will find out who crawled to visit the butterfly.

Rushing along the path in the morning

Fast centipede

He knocks his feet loudly

She's in a hurry for business

Caught on a tree stump

And raised forty legs.

Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha

This is such nonsense.

What kind of insect is this? (centipede)

- Guess another insect:

She has 4 wings

The body is thin like an arrow,

And big, big eyes.

Let's call her (dragonfly).

Look at the picture of a dragonfly. Does she have wings? How many? How many legs? Do the math.

Now, children, I want some cast a spell: “One, two - now I’m a fairy”.

I will transform you with a magic wand in insects.

You - insects must fly, jump, crawl, make characteristic sounds - mosquito (z-z-z, bee (z-z-z, fly (z-z-z, bumblebee) (w-w-w). – “One, two, three, four, five - here you are children again”.

The journey continues with flower meadow we moved onto a spacious grassy area. A large pine tree grew on the lawn, and under the pine tree there was a boiling Job:

Without a job, for the life of me

can't live (ant).

Look at the picture of an ant. Does it have wings? (No). Why do they run fast, what do they have? (six legs). Suddenly someone unexpectedly stands at our feet jumped up:

A violinist lives in the meadow

He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Guess who this violinist is? (grasshopper)

Look at the drawing of a grasshopper. Let's play with the grasshoppers in the clearing. Repeat the movements after me.

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers

Jump - jump, jump - jump,

Let's sit down and eat some grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high

Jump on your toes easily.

And so guys, we learned that all butterflies, ants, bees, grasshoppers, flies, mosquitoes, centipedes are all insects, huge world insects They all decorate our land. And we must know that if insects disappear, plants will disappear, animals will die and birds: some cannot exist without others. Insects are part of nature, and nature must be protected, loved and protected.

Now I propose to sit down at the tables and do ladybug made of colored paper(origami) .

Physical education minute:

Everyone stood up from their chairs, hands on their belts, legs slightly apart.

It's very difficult to stand like that

Don't put your foot down

And don't fall, don't sway,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

Everyone sat down quietly.

Consider the toy - a sample. We need a red square, an oval stencil, the basis of our ladybug, with paws.

Stages of work:

1. Fold the square sheet in half, unfold it, fold it in half again.

2. Unbend, fold the square diagonally, unfold and fold in the other direction diagonally.

3. Unfold, taking one of the diagonals with both hands, along the springy sides and bending the sides of the square inward, iron the fold lines, we have it basic model origami- double triangle.

4. Take a black oval template, place it on the triangle, the narrow top of the oval should overlap the top of the triangle, trace it with a pencil.

5. Using scissors, cut out the head and back of the body without cutting through the fold line.

6. On the basis ladybug glue on the abdomen with the paws.

7. Using a black felt-tip pen, draw the head of the bug, it should reach the front legs, draw black dots on the back ladybug.

8. Cut out the eyes from white squares and glue them on the head.

9. Plant your bugs in a green meadow, look how beautiful and cheerful they are.

Ladybug, scarlet back,

Clung on deftly ladybug by the blade of grass.

Up slowly, crawling along the stem,

To a honey-scented, bright flower.

Eats quickly ladybug harmful aphids,

And the fragrant flower will thank her.

Which bug do you like best, and why?

You guys all worked together and worked well, making me happy with your bugs.

Literature used:

- "Complex classes at preschool educational institutions» preparatory group, M. A. Vasilyeva.

- "Scenarios" classes By environmental education preschoolers" preparatory group, L. G. Gorkova, A. V. Kochergina, L. A. Obukhova.

Media Internet.

Publications on the topic:

Application "Ladybug" Tasks: Repeat characteristic features ladybug; arouse interest in nature; we consolidate working methods.

From black paper and using a hole punch we make blanks of black dots for the ladybug. Cut out an oval from black paper.

Goal: to develop artistic and creative abilities; maintain interest in visual arts. material: - floor sheets A4; -gouache.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Ladybug” (middle group) Lesson summary for visual arts (Drawing) middle group"Ladybug". Developed and conducted by: Irina Viktorovna Rudinskaya.

Topic: "Insects."
Goals and objectives:
Improve your ability to work with paper, stencils, and use scissors correctly
Create three-dimensional shapes from paper
Expand children's understanding of insects
Recognize similar and distinctive features of insects
Learn to distinguish by appearance
Develop creative imagination and creative taste
Cultivate accuracy and the ability to act independently.
Samples of insects made from paper, illustrations of insects, templates, scissors, colored paper, brushes, paste, oilcloths, napkins.
Preliminary work:
Reading the work of Korney Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”, conversations about insects, looking at illustrations and reading literary texts Vitaly Bianki “The Adventure of an Ant” by I.A. Krylova “Dragonfly and the Ant” d/i “Find out by description”.

Progress of the lesson:
- Tell me, please, what time of year is it now?
- By what signs did you decide that spring has come?
- Who is it coming?
Fly: Oh, what a wonderful day
I'm not too lazy to get out of bed,
I will invite guests to the house
I'll treat them tastier.
Oh look, there's something lying there
And it sparkles very much in the sun.
I'll come closer and take a closer look
It's a coin!
Oh, how wonderful.
I need a samovar for tea and I buy it.
- Come, guests
I'll treat you to tea
Today Fly-Tsokotukha birthday girl
- Why does Mukha invite guests to his place?
- And if no one comes to her, what will happen to her?
- Who can come to the birthday party?
- Why did you decide that?
- What insects do you know?
- Look at the pictures and say which insects look like a fly.
- What do all insects have in common?
- How are they different?
- How can we help Mucha?
- That's right, make insects out of paper and fly to visit.
- I suggest you make one of these insects. (view samples)
(Children explain what parts can be made from, how to use a stencil to make wings.)
Physical exercise.
Here is a clearing, and around
Linden trees lined up in a circle
The linden trees are noisy
The winds hum in their leaves
The tops are lowered to the bottom
And they pump and rock
Chock, chock, heel!
A cricket spins in a dance.
And the grasshopper, no mistake
Performs a waltz on the violin.
In a clearing near an oak tree, a grasshopper is jumping
He put on a green tailcoat, like a little man.
The butterfly's wings flicker and it flutters with the ant.
Our little bug dances dashingly to the cheerful hopper.
Hands clap loudly
All! Our legs are tired.
Independent work children.
The result of the work.
- Who made which insect? Did you get what you wanted to do?
Mukha: Dear guests, don’t be shy,
Make yourself comfortable and help yourself.
Get into the circle quickly
Hold your hands tighter.
P/n “We walk around each other”

Analysis of the lesson: Improved the ability to work with paper, stencils, and use scissors correctly. Expanded children's understanding of insects. Developed creative imagination, creative taste.

Lesson No. 8

Summary of a walk in the senior group on the topic: “Visiting the Sun in the Sunny City” Goals and objectives: 1 To teach children how to compose collective stories; 2 Learn to come up with a continuation of a fairy tale; 3 Develop children’s coherent speech based on teaching storytelling; 4 Develop logical thinking, creative imagination; 5 Increase speech activity; 6 Develop a culture of verbal communication and self-confidence. 7 Help children understand the importance of the sun for wildlife. Vocabulary work: activation of words in speech - epithets, nicknames. Methods: game method, fairy tale therapy, verbal, visual. Techniques: game motivation, surprise moment, introduction to an imaginary situation, riddle, artistic expression, conversation. Demonstration material and equipment: A sun with rays - ribbons, a ray, a tree stump, two flowers with tasks, a sunny meadow, illustrations with flowers, a stereo system, a disk with music. Progress of the lesson: A Russian folk melody sounds. Educator: A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases... Is everyone having fun this morning? Guys, are you having fun? I really want yours good mood stayed for a long time and that’s why I invite you to visit. On a very, kind, very bright, golden, clear day, shall we go visit now? And where, you will find out by guessing the riddle. (Poses a riddle) Who gets up first and gives warmth to all living things? (Sun, sun) What can you affectionately call the Sun? (Sun, bell-sun, red-sun, clear-sun). Guys, what is the sun for? Children. The sun warms everything around. If there is no sun, then there will be no life on earth. The sun warms everyone: people, animals, insects, plants. Educator. Let's make a sun. We will name what it is and add a ray. (Children name the definition word and spread a ray: kind, affectionate, radiant, warm, clear, beautiful, yellow, golden, elegant, festive, friendly, fabulous, etc.) Educator: These words have become a magic key to a fairyland, where is Sunny City, where Sunny lives. Here it is, a golden ray. It is magical, not simple. It will show us the way. And it will tell us where to go. Russian folk music sounds. (The ray points to the road. The children walk and on the way they meet a stone on which the task is written) Educator: (reads the first task) You will end up in the city of the Sun, If anything happens to be called yellow. (Children call what happens yellow: lemon, banana, ball, dress, leaf, flower, car, pencil, paint, etc.) (Reads the second task) If you want to visit the Sun, then call the Sun. (Children read chants) 1. My beloved sunshine, wake up, my beloved sunshine, smile! You and I, Sunshine, are so warm. It’s so bright for you and me, Sunshine! Accept our joy and embrace us and embrace us with good rays! 2. Sunshine, show yourself, dress up in red! So that year after year the weather gives us: Warm summer, mushrooms in a birch bark, Berries in a basket, green peas! 3. Sunshine, show yourself, warm up, smile. Come visit us and bring us some warmth. 4. Little sunshine, look out the window. Where are your kids? They are sitting on the bake, the cakes are lying around, they are waiting for you. 5. Sunshine, Sunshine, Red Bucket, Look out from behind the mountain, Look out until springtime. 6. Sunny, dress up, Red, show yourself. Hurry up, don’t be timid, warm us guys up! 7. Sunshine, look out, shine the red light, come to our cornfield and make scythes and sickles! 8. Sun, Sun, Red Bucket, Rise high, Shine far: On dark forests, On damp little hillocks, On the river, on the fields, On blue seas, On green vegetable garden And for all the people. Educator: Well done! They completed the task quickly. Let's move on. Physical education minute “On a visit to the Sun” We go on a visit to the Sun, And rest a little. Let's stop and take a deep breath together. Hands to the sides, forward, Friendly, we are such a people! Let's clap and stomp our feet! We've had a good walk. Maybe you're tired, kids? (Children's answers - no) Educator: Then let's go further... (Russian folk music sounds). Educator: Here is the gate to the Sunny City. Sunny: Hello, guys! Educator: Hello, Sunny. Sunny: I am very glad that you came to visit me. Educator: Sunny, where are you? We don't see you. Sunny: Do you like fairy tales? Teacher and children: Of course, we love you. Sunny: Tell a kind, sunny, radiant fairy tale - the solar gates will open. Educator: Guys, let's come up with a fairy tale together. I'll start, and you help me. Once Tanya and Vanya were sitting on a bench, reading a fairy tale about the Sunny City. This city was unusual and very beautiful, and the people who lived in it were also unusual. Tanya and Vanya wanted to visit this Sunny City. They closed the book and hit the road... what happened next? As they walked, they walked... (Collective compilation of a fairy tale, at the end the gates open) Educator: The sun greets us, invites us into a fairy tale. The sun is rising, (the sun is moving up) The fairy tale continues. (Russian tune sounds) Educator: We feel good and cheerful, light and joyful. So our fairy tale turned out to be kind, radiant, sunny. Do you like Sunny City? Let's make it even more beautiful and elegant, plant flowers in the flower beds. On one - garden, on the other - meadow. (Children determine which flowers and lay out the pictures). (The sun is quietly moving back down) Now the evening is getting closer, the Sun is sinking lower and lower. So it hid behind the clouds, Not a single ray of light was visible. The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps, Even the wind does not make noise. (Children sing the song “The Sun Has Set”) A good fairy tale and I are inseparable, And a fairy tale’s miracles reach the skies! Can you imagine how boring it would be if there were no miracles in the world? Educator: The sun is sleeping, and tomorrow will come a new bright, joyful day. Guys, let's give sunlight and the warmth of our hearts to the guests who came to us today, so that they too feel warm, so that they too are kind and happy. Gymnastics: “Ray” (Children perform movements according to the text) They reached out to the Sun, took the ray, pressed it to their hearts, gave it to people! And they reached out! And they smiled! We go to the group with such a wonderful mood. (Children leave).

Analysis of the lesson: We taught the children to compose a collective story;
They taught how to come up with a continuation of a fairy tale;
Developed logical thinking and creative imagination;
Increased speech activity; Helped children understand the importance of the sun for wildlife.

Lesson No. 9.

Lesson notes on native nature in the senior group, theme "Ant"

Goals and objectives:

Introduce children to the lifestyle of an ant and the structure of an anthill. Develop thinking. To cultivate curiosity, interest in insects, a desire to learn about their needs, and something new.


Pictures depicting an ant, anthill, eggs, larvae, pupae. Silhouette of an ant cut out of paper (length 33 cm).

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we will start our lesson with a quiz.

Didactic game"The very best"

The most cunning animal is... (fox). The most cowardly animal is... (hare). The biggest lover of honey is the forest animal... (bear). The longest neck is ... (giraffe). The smallest bird is... (hummingbird). The largest eggs are laid by... (ostrich). The most hunchbacked inhabitants of the deserts are... (camels). The smallest horse is ... (pony). The fastest animal is... (cheetah). The smartest animals are... (monkeys). The longest living animal is... (turtle). Guys, do you know who is the strongest on earth? No, not an elephant, not a hippopotamus. The strongest on earth is the ant! After all, he can carry weights 10 times heavier than his own weight. If we imagine that Vanya (the child is called) is an ant, then he can carry 10 children on himself. (10 people are called). Will our Vanya be able to lift and carry all these guys? No. And an ant can carry a load 10 times heavier than itself. The ant, although small, is a real strongman.

Educator: Construction of an anthill

Ants are also excellent builders. What wonderful anthill houses they build! Anthill is multi-storey building with many apartments, warm, cozy, with good ventilation, with storage rooms, with bedrooms, with children's rooms, with a garbage disposal and a toilet. Ants keep their homes in perfect cleanliness. All inputs and outputs pass fresh air deep into the anthill. All these entrances and exits are guarded by soldier ants. From above, the ants make a covering of needles and twigs on the anthill. It protects the home from the vicissitudes of the weather, and is repaired and updated by working ants. Under this covering there is a room that warms up well sun rays. Ants come there to bask in the spring. There is a cemetery room where worker ants carry dead ants and garbage. There is a special winter bedroom. Adult ants, in cramped conditions, spend the winter in this room without any offense. They close all the passages and exits in the anthill, huddle together in the winter bedroom and fall asleep. Ants store grains in a grain warehouse. Ants bring caterpillars and other prey to the meat pantry. There is a special barn. Of course, it’s not real cows that live in it, but aphids. Aphids are also insects that, to the delight of ants, secrete a sweet substance. Ants really like it, so they protect the aphids from pests, take the females to anthills for the winter, and in the spring transfer the aphids to the juiciest young shoots. Just as people raise and care for cows, ants take care of aphids. The queen ant lives in the royal chambers. Every day she postpones huge amount eggs (up to 1500). She is looked after by worker ants. There are children's rooms in the anthill with eggs, larvae and pupae. After all, every insect, before becoming an adult, is first an egg, then a larva, then a pupa. And only after that - adults. (Display of cards depicting an egg, larva, pupa and adult ant).

Educator: Life of ants

Questions about the content of the lesson: 1Why are ants considered the strongest? 2. What is an anthill? 3. How does an anthill work? What “rooms” does it have? 4. Why do ants take care of aphids? 5. How are ants born? 6. Who is the most important in the ant family? What does she do? 7. Why do ants have antennae? 8. Why don’t ants fall when they walk on smooth and vertical surface? 9. What do ants eat? 10.Name the enemies of ants. 11.Why are ants called “forest orderlies”?

The children answer.

Thank you, everyone responded well!

Analysis of the lesson: We introduced the children to the lifestyle of an ant and the structure of an anthill. Developed thinking. They fostered curiosity, interest in insects, a desire to learn about their needs, and something new.

Lesson No. 10.

Summary of the observation lesson "Maple"

Goals and objectives:

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about maple. Summarize ideas about the growth of plants, their relationship with humans and the animal world. Vocabulary: maple, lionfish, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, fast-growing. Teach children to see the beauty of nature. Cultivate an interest in plants.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, in front of us is a tree that is called a park decoration. Is this tree familiar to you? This is maple. Now think about why it is called a park decoration. Maples – beautiful trees, so they can decorate any park. Do you like maple? What exactly do you think is beautiful about this tree? Maple is good at all times of the year, but it is especially beautiful and noticeable in the fall. Why? This is the mystery about the autumn maple.

Riddle about maple

Worth Antoshka

In red clothes,

Whistling under the wind

Chasing a leaf (maple).

Educator: Indeed, maple is beautiful. But besides beauty, maple has many more advantages. Maple is frost-resistant. What does it mean? Stands firm in the cold and is not afraid of it. This is very important for the tree, as it helps it survive in severe frosts. And maple is drought-resistant. How is this to be understood? Maple is drought tolerant. What is drought? Lack of moisture, water. Willow or poplar cannot withstand long droughts and dry out, but maple is easier. It is drought tolerant and tolerates drought. And maple is a fast-growing tree. How do you understand the word “fast-growing”? The one who grows quickly And the maple grows with favorable conditions very quickly, in a year it grows taller than me (up to two meters). Maple is friends with oak and ash - these trees love to grow nearby. Maple leaves are large, with veins. Maple leaves like splayed fingers. The larvae of many species of butterflies feed on maple leaves. The maple fruit is called a lionfish; it consists of two identical parts and when it falls, it rotates, carrying the seed a considerable distance. This is how the maple tree takes care of its offspring. After leaf fall, pendants of winged seeds hang on maple branches until late autumn. As soon as a light breeze blows, many winged seeds, similar to gray dragonflies when flying, will slowly fly to the ground, trying to land away from the parent trunk. Some of them will germinate in the spring and over time a mighty, handsome maple tree will grow from a weak sprout. Why do you think the maple seed was called “lionfish?” The maple seed has two wings. Although not a bird, it will be born with a wing; And the custom is birdlike: It falls from a branch and flies through the air. Maple seeds are quite fatty, which is why birds and animals love them. Maple - excellent honey plant. In early spring, bees fly to the maple tree for pollen and nectar. Since maples are vital to the survival of bees, they are often planted near apiaries. Not only insects, but also squirrels happily eat maple pollen. Maple is used by humans to produce maple syrup and sugar. If early spring drill into the maple bark, then sweetish juice will begin to ooze from there. But even before people, birds and animals tasted the sweet maple sap: woodpeckers, jays, long-tailed tits, squirrels. The woodpecker makes holes in the maple bark with its beak, and the squirrel bites through it. But this does not harm the tree: the wounds are small and heal quickly. People have been using maples for a long time. Maple wood was used to make furniture, rulers, skis, musical instruments(drums, guitars, wind instruments). The famous master Stradivarius made violins from maple wood. In the old days they made from maple kitchen appliances and oars for boats.

1. Why is maple called the decoration of parks? 2. How fast does maple grow? Are you afraid of frost? Droughts? 3. What is the name of the maple fruit? Why? 4. Why do animals, birds, and insects love maple? 5. How does a person use maple?

Children's answers: All the guys did a good job!

Lesson analysis: We expanded and clarified children’s knowledge about maple. Generalized ideas about the growth of plants, their relationship with humans and the animal world. Taught children to see the beauty of nature.

Summary of an integrated (familiarization with the environment, ecology, speech development, design) classes in the senior group.

Topic: “In the land of insects.”

Purpose of the lesson :

Expand children's knowledge about insects (diversity, distinctive features, nutrition, movement, benefits); introduce the peculiarities of life of natural bees and bees that are cared for by humans; teach children to purposefully join new material to existing knowledge.

Develop phrasal speech phonemic awareness; continue to teach children to give reasoned answers to questions.

Develop critical thinking, activate children's cognitive abilities.

Strengthen the skills and abilities of paper design.

Foster curiosity and interest in wildlife.

Vocabulary work : beehive, nectar, pollination, honeycomb, apiary, beekeeper, smoker.

Bilingual component : ara - bee, kobelek - butterfly, saratan konyz - chafer, gulder - flowers.

Equipment : a flowering meadow (flowers made of paper), pictures of insects, beehives, honeycombs, honey, clothes for a beekeeper, “insect” costumes for children, a disk with recordings of the sounds of bees, a mosquito, a beetle, blanks for making a “bee,” material for paper design.

Preliminary work. Learning poems about insects.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Have you guys noticed that our group room has become somehow unusual: on the walls, tables you see pictures of insects, it is decorated and beautiful flowers. The room has turned into a flowering meadow, and you have turned into “insects”. Children, we are in the land of insects.

Let's take a walk

Hello, let's say, to every flower.

I have to bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting.

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.

Let's bend down and smile at the flowers. In the land of insects there is a mistress. Guess who she is?


I've been buzzing since morning

I wake up flowers

And I carry honey.

That's right, kids, it's a bee. Try to find her. Where do you think she might be? Children's answers (on flowers, plants, meadow grass). A bee flies into the group room and its song sounds (zh-zh-zh-zh).

Maya the Bee. (the role is played by the teacher) Hello, children. My name is Maya the bee. I want to invite you to the land of insects, where we will travel together. Fly with me...

Conversation on the topic: “What do you know about insects?”

Maya the Bee (addressing the children). I want to ask you the following questions:

What insects do you know? The children name them, and I arrange them around the flower (they call them in Kazakh).

How are all insects alike? Children's answers: there is a head, chest, abdomen, eyes on the head (for some they occupy most of the head), antennae, wings, thanks to which they fly. Insects have six legs (counting in Kazakh). I complement the children's answers.

D/i “Name the insect affectionately.” Mosquito - mosquito. Beetle - bug. Dragonfly - dragonfly, dragonfly. Butterfly - butterfly. Bee - bee, little bee.

D/i “Who lives where?”

Bee (in the hive), beetles (in the bark of trees), butterflies (in flowers), grasshoppers (in the grass).

Maya the Bee. I'm a natural bee, guys. I work from early morning until late evening, getting nectar myself, preparing for the winter. Would you like me to show you my house? Fly with me... Look what interesting tree. There is a large hollow in the trunk. Whose house do you think this is? (proteins). And next to my house, there’s this small hollow.

P./i "The Bear and the Bees".

Maya the Bee. Guys, do you know which wild animal really loves honey? That's right, bear. No one makes hive houses for forest bees, so they are located in tree hollows. Here we will have a hollow. The bear wants to take honey from the hollow, and the wild forest bees they don’t let him in there, they drive him away, they buzz: “w-w-w-w-w” (the children repeat). Let's choose a bear with a counting rhyme: “One, two, three, you will be the bear.” (I put on my bear hat). The bear moves aside.

Maya the Bee: The bees flew to collect nectar and pollen from the flowers. (Children - bees run, waving their arms, squatting) Here comes the bear, (A bear child comes out with a bear gait and heads to the hollow) He will take the honey from the hollow. The bees go home! (Children-bees run up to the hollow) Words of the children-bees: This hollow is our house, Leave the bear from us: “w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w !” (The bee children flap their wings and drive the bear away.)

Children, hear, someone is flying into our clearing. The beetle flies, spreading its wings (the “song” of the May beetle sounds).

May beetle. (the role is played by a child) I am a cheerful cockchafer. I know all the gardens around. I circle over the lawns, And my name is Zhu-zhu. Why do they call me Zhu-zhu, Because I zhu-zhu.

Maya the Bee. May beetles are large. They live in trees. May beetles dangerous pests, they feed on tree leaves. Their larvae, which live in the soil and feed on plant roots, cause particular harm. U May beetles There are enemies in nature: bats and owls catch them, and crows, starlings and rooks destroy the larvae in the soil. Foxes, bears, hedgehogs help the forests in the fight against pests - all of them are not averse to eating fatty larvae and beetles.

Guys, guess the riddle. “You can’t see it yourself, but you can hear the song.” A mosquito is flying (the “mosquito song” sounds: z-z-z-z-z-z-z)

Komarik (the role is played by a child) I am a mosquito, I am a prankster. I deftly saved Tsokotukha. I flew to you for a holiday, But I will not bite you.

Maya the Bee. The mosquito has a thin body, weak legs and two abdomens. On the head of the mosquito there is a proboscis, with which it pierces the body of the victim and sucks blood, as well as a pair of small antennae. The mosquito has ears that are located in the antennae. Mosquitoes – harmful insects, because they spread dangerous diseases. Frogs and toads help defeat bloodthirsty insects; dragonflies and birds feed on mosquitoes.

Guys, look carefully at the meadow. What insect do people refer to as “fluttering flower?” (butterfly). There are a huge number of butterflies in the world. They are bright, beautiful, and are an adornment of nature. There are butterflies different sizes. I want to introduce you to the smallest butterfly. Her name is Lelya. She lives here in a meadow surrounded by flowers. Let's look for her.

Butterfly (the role is played by a child)

Men ademikobelekpin

On aytamyn, ushamyn

Sizderdi kopten kormedim

Barshanyzdy zhaksy koremin.

Mayan bee. Butterflies, flying from flower to flower, collect nectar and pollinate plants. Lyolya is so small, but she loves to work. Small butterflies are called moths. Butterflies have enemies - birds and spiders. A ladybug flies into the meadow.

Ladybug (the role is played by a child) I can fly deftly. A motley ladybug. The wings are red with dots. As if in black circles.

Paya the Bee. Look how beautiful this insect is. The ladybug has an oval body, a bright red back, decorated with black dots. The ladybug crawls and flies, even over long distances. She has small wings, and under them there are hard brown translucent wings. The coloring of the ladybug is warning. Birds know that insects with this color are inedible. Ladybugs are called orderlies. They save gardens from aphids and small harmful insects.

Children sing the song "Ladybug".

Guys, what do you think is the most hardworking insect? (bee). The bee works from early morning until late evening. Do you like to work? Now let's each of you make one bee.

Paper construction “Bee”.

Children draw stripes with a marker on the belly of a “bee” cut out of cardboard, and glue on the wings (I distribute bee blanks to children with a thread).

Breathing exercise“Send the bee to fly for nectar.” Children hold the bee by the string and blow on it. I use words to correct the force with which the children blow.

So the bee timidly flew out of the hive. She saw the flowers and hurried to them. The bee collected a lot of honey and leisurely flies home. How quickly it gets dark, hurry to the hive, little bee!

And now, guys, hold your bees and fly after me. I want to show you one thing interesting place in the meadow. “Insects” fly to the apiary and get acquainted with the beekeeper.

Warm-up “Hardworking Bee”.

The bee works all day (draw a circle in front of you with your hands)

And she is not too lazy to work. (shaking her index finger as a sign of denial)

Flies from flower to flower (rhythmic waves of arms)

Glues pollen to the abdomen (circular movements of the palm on the abdomen)

The proboscis sucks nectar (stretch your arm forward, then down, bend over)

He will collect a lot in a day (open all your fingers in front of you)

It will carry the nectar to the hive (depict flight)

And it will come back like a bullet. (sharply throw your hand with your index finger extended forward)

The honey is compacted in the honeycombs (stomping feet)

Difficult times will come. (shiver)

The bees will have something to eat (imitation of moving a spoon)

We have to try really hard. (imitation of putting honey into honeycombs)

A beekeeper's story about bees and his work.

Guys, now we will talk about the inhabitants of the apiary. What is an apiary? In the old days, an apiary was called a “bee house.” An apiary is a place where bee houses hives. And I am a person who takes care of bees in an apiary, and they call me a beekeeper. Repeat these words “apiary” and “beekeeper” and remember them. Look at my hive in the apiary different colors. Which one? Each bee knows its home. Today I will tell you about bees. Do you think this is a bee? beneficial insect? (yes) Although they sting painfully, we are satisfied with their work. Bees live big family. They collect pollen from flowers in special bags that are located in their legs. She flew to the apiary, drank some water and sat down to rest, then flew into the hive through the circle. There are frames inside the hive. (show). There are many cells here. Bees fill the cells with honey. This frame is half filled with honey. I want to show you this item, it’s called a smoker. I put dry twigs into the smoker, set it on fire and fumigate the hive. The smoke scares the bees and they crawl out. Only then do I take frames full of honey out of the hives and carry them into a special tin apparatus. The machine rotates the frame, the liquid honey cannot be contained, splashes from the honeycomb onto the walls of the tank and then flows into a wooden tub. The air around is filled with a honey aroma. Children, do you like honey? That's right, because it is very useful. Now I will treat you to honey. (The children thank the beekeeper and say goodbye to him.)

Maya the Bee (addressing the children) Our journey has come to an end. Did you like it? What did you especially like? (children's answers) Well done, children, you talked about insects, played, did physical exercise, recited poems, sang a song. I was interested in you. And now it’s time to fly to beautiful meadows, full of flowers, to collect honey, tasty and beneficial for human health, together with your bees - sisters. There are also many flowers on the territory of the kindergarten. And among them you can see bees collecting honey. Don't pick flowers, don't disturb the bees, save amazing beauty nature! Goodbye guys, see you again!


Carrying out directly

Educational activities

Educational field

Artistic creativity

(manual labor)

In the older group

IN kindergarten No. 51 Zavolzhye

Students of the 6th "A" course

Shishkina Galina


Topic: "Insects."

GOAL: Improve the ability to work with paper, stencils, and use scissors correctly.

TASKS: Create three-dimensional shapes from paper.
Expand children's understanding of insects.

Consolidate knowledge about similar and distinctive features insects

Learn to distinguish by appearance.

Develop creative imagination and creative taste.

Cultivate accuracy and the ability to act independently.

Samples of insects made from paper, illustrations of insects, templates, scissors, colored paper, brushes, paste, oilcloths, napkins.


Before class, I ventilate the group room. The assistant does wet cleaning. I arrange the study tables in rows in front of the board. On the board I pin illustrations of spring landscapes and various insects. I prepare material for construction for each child. I put a pre-prepared disc in the music center.


Reading the work of Korney Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”, conversations about insects, looking at illustrations and reading literary texts by Vitaly Bianki “The Adventure of the Little Ant” by I.A. Krylova “Dragonfly and the Ant” d/i “Find out by description”.


Educator: Can you please tell me what time of year it is now?

Children: Spring.
Educator: By what signs did you decide that spring has come?

Children : The sun is shining, the snow is melting, young grass is appearing, leaves are blooming, insects are waking up...
Educator: Who's coming?
Fly : Oh, what a wonderful day
I'm not too lazy to get out of bed,
I will invite guests to the house
I'll treat them tastier.
Oh look, there's something lying there
And it sparkles very much in the sun.
I'll come closer and take a closer look
It's a coin!
Oh, how wonderful.
I need a samovar for tea and I buy it.
- Come, guests
I'll treat you to tea
Today Mukha-Tsokotuha is the birthday girl.
Educator: Why does Mukha invite guests to his place?

Children : It's her birthday.
Educator: And if no one comes to her, what will happen to her?

Children : She will be bored and offended.
Educator: Who can come to the birthday party?

Children : Various insects.
Educator: Why did you decide this?

Children : Because a fly is also an insect.
Educator: What insects do you know?

Children : (List known insects.)
Educator: Look at the pictures and say which insects are similar to a fly.
- What do all insects have in common?
- How are they different?
- How can we help Mukha?

Children : We need to make friends for the fly.
Educator: That's right, make insects out of paper and fly to visit. I suggest you make one of these insects - a butterfly.

(View samples)
(Children explain what parts can be made from, how to use a stencil to make wings.)


Here is a clearing, and around
Linden trees lined up in a circle
The linden trees are noisy
The winds hum in their leaves
The tops are lowered down
And they pump and rock
Chock, chock, heel!
A cricket spins in a dance.
And the grasshopper, no mistake
Performs a waltz on the violin.
In a clearing near an oak tree, a grasshopper is jumping
He put on a green tailcoat, like a little man.
The butterfly's wings flicker and it flutters with the ant.
Our little bug dances dashingly to the cheerful hopper.
Hands clap loudly
All! Our legs are tired.

(Children work independently to calm music.)

The result of the work.
Educator: Who made which insect? Did you get what you wanted to do?
Fly : Dear guests, do not be shy,
Make yourself comfortable and help yourself.
Get into the circle quickly
Hold your hands tighter.
P/n “We walk around each other”

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):