When a drywall structure is erected, there is a length of work left, such as putty to seal the drywall seams. In this task they act harmoniously and carefully. Having studied the correctness, every owner will cope with the task. Problem with cracks or seams on finished design from gypsum board - this is a popular problem. Therefore on construction market Separate mixtures are offered that will help implement. The main thing is to strictly follow the puttying procedure, the technology of which is used by all puttyers.

Grouting joints on drywall

The puttying procedure is best carried out taking into account the nuances that can adversely affect the surface of the putty. Features:

  • Before sealing the seams, make sure that there are no drafts in the room. If you putty in a draft, the coating may subsequently crack or not be firmly fixed to the wall or ceiling;
  • cracks after sealing joints appear if the puttying was performed at too low a temperature. It must be at least 10 degrees;
  • cracks may appear on the surface if the foundation of the building settles. Under pressure, putty seams crack;
  • cracks may appear due to sudden temperature changes;

    Grouting cracks in drywall

  • seams and cracks between them appear due to the fact that it was carried out incorrectly.
  • In any case, all these problems can be solved; the main thing is to choose high-quality material, and also study the sequence of work.

    Types of putty

    On the modern construction market there are many options for dry and ready-mixed mixtures that can be used for puttying. Deciding which one to buy is not difficult. The main thing is to study the characteristics and features of each option. You should pay attention to the following putty mixtures:

  1. "Knauf" "Uniflot";
  2. "Knauf" "Fügenfüller".

Ready putty for drywall

These two mixtures are popular among putty masters, as well as among owners who decided to putty seams and cracks with their own hands.


Knauf putty mixture is a frequently purchased material for sealing drywall joints. The main thing when using it is to correctly calculate the amount of dry Knauf mixture so that it is enough for the entire surface.


  • "Knauf" must be used within thirty minutes after mixing;
  • applied to the wall ready solution"Knauf" dries completely after 24 hours;
  • Knauf putty has no odor, therefore, during the renovation, the residents of the house or apartment do not have to move.

Important nuances

  • In order for the putty to adhere well to the surface, you must first;
  • seams in drywall must be dry. This is the only way to seal the seam efficiently and for many years.
  • When using this putty, it is not necessary to use serpyanka.

Knauf fugenfuller

Knauf fugenfuller mixture is also popular among people doing renovations. This putty contains components that are water-repellent. Thanks to this, this material can be used in rooms with increased level humidity.

  • use fugenfüller in conjunction with. This allows you to reliably and efficiently fill joints on drywall;
  • The technology for mixing and applying Knauf Fügenfüller putty to the surface is no different from the standard one. It also needs to be applied to a dry, dust-free surface. The sealed seam will be securely fixed if you wait enough time before applying the finishing coat.

Fugen putty is used to reinforce joints. Fugen HYDRO is suitable for moisture-resistant plasterboard

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally which better putty. Each mixture presented on the shelves construction stores, worthy of attention. And every owner has his own views on renovation work and materials. The main thing is to think about what exactly you want to get from the material before starting puttying. And also, analyze in which room the renovation is being done, this will help you choose suitable option.

Sequence of work

Those people who seal seams and cracks in drywall need to know in what order they need to work. The process is divided into several stages, such as:

Surface preparation

Before starting work on filling seams and joints on gypsum plasterboard, it is necessary to prepare the surface. To do this, clean the coating from dust and dirt. This can be done with a rag or by walking over the surface of the seams.

Preparing the surface for putty


It is necessary to prime the seam. The primer mixture will help protect the surface from moisture, fungal growths, and rotting. The mixture is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the seam. One layer is enough to achieve the desired effect.

Primer of drywall joints

Laying putty into the seam

In the place where the seam or crack between the sheets is immersed ready mixture putties. Since the layer will be quite thick, you need to wait time for it to dry completely. Therefore, you should mix the putty only so that there is enough of it for laying in the seams.

Laying putty into the seam

It is better to mix the rest of the mixture immediately before filling the surface itself, because the solution must be used within 30 minutes after mixing. The video shows the process of putting putty into the seam.

First layer

The surface of the seam is puttied with a layer of approximately 2-3 millimeters. To do this, you will need two spatulas, different in diameter.

  • use a smaller spatula to scoop up the mixture, then transfer it in an even layer onto a spatula with a larger diameter;
  • then the mixture is transferred with smooth movements to the surface on which the seams are sealed.

putty plasterboard wall

Important nuance

It is impossible to apply a perfectly even layer of the mixture to the surface, so you shouldn’t complicate your life and do unnecessary work.

In any case, after drying, the putty will be rubbed down; it is this process that will ensure a perfectly flat surface.


When the putty material has hardened on the seams, its surface must be rubbed down. This will give the plane evenness and aesthetics. To work, you will need two types of sandpaper (with small stones and with large ones). First, coarse sandpaper is used to sand down the large protruding sections.

Grouting seams with sandpaper

Afterwards, you need to use fine sandpaper to remove small irregularities from the coating.

Second layer

The top (finishing) layer of joint putty must be done especially carefully. For good result you need to go over the entire surface again to give the structure a completed look. The grouting process is no different from the first. The main thing is to walk across the surface slowly, so as not to damage the integrity of the coating.

Finishing layer putties

Each stage of puttying seams on plasterboard surface must be fulfilled. In fact, there is nothing difficult in the process of creating a smooth, flat surface without cracks or seams. The main thing is not to disturb the sequence of actions and work slowly, precisely. Every owner can cope with the task.

Sealing drywall seams is one of the stages when performing finishing work.

When creating laconic or curly structures from plasterboard, it is impossible to avoid multiple connections of parts and seams. It is important to take into account trends and prospects for the development of architectural, structural and design solutions when planning premises for various purposes(residential, office, public, etc.).

Any use of plasterboard in repair and construction work entails an increase in the amount docking elements: seams, junctions, mates, corners.

All of the above implies increased requirements for the connecting points of structural elements, depending on the chosen type of finishing (knurling, etc.). To prepare the surface from finishing there are certain requirements.

Sealing of seams is used for final leveling of gaps between sheets of plasterboard, eliminates unevenness upon completion of installation of plasterboard sheets and makes the plasterboard surface even for subsequent finishing work.

The putty also adds strength to the weak points of the plasterboard structure. The surface becomes homogeneous and is preserved attractive appearance. - one of the most important operations when working with drywall and failure to comply with the standards will most likely lead to the appearance of defects at the joints of the sheets.

If you do not carry out such treatment, over time you may encounter the following troubles:

Methods for puttingtying drywall seams with tape

Depending on the depth and width of the seams and their locations (horizontal, vertical, corner - internal and external) various ways sealing (puttying) plasterboard seams, such as single-layer and two-layer puttying, using reinforcement mesh (serpyanka) or paper perforated tape, perforated metal or plastic corners.

Before you start puttingtying the seams, you need to make sure that the plasterboard sheets are firmly attached to the frame.

It is necessary to prepare all the necessary tools and materials.

Tools and materials used for sealing drywall joints

  • - container (bucket) and mixer (drill) - for preparing and stirring putty;
  • - roller and cuvette - for applying primer;
  • - deep penetration primer - to improve the adhesion of the putty to the base;
  • — serpyanka and/or perforated tape for reinforcing seams;
  • — special putty for joints;
  • - construction knife;
  • — a set of spatulas for applying and leveling putty;
  • - a grater with a set of meshes, or sandpaper for sanding putty surfaces.

Sequence of preparatory work

Sealing drywall joints

Inspection of edge condition

This is the first step in sealing drywall joints. In production various designs sheets of drywall have to be cut, which means the appearance of smooth rectangular edges. Sealing the joints of such edges is not easy.

For high-quality sealing seams must be chamfered along the cut line. The chamfers should be about fifty millimeters wide and made at an angle of 45°. In this case, the joint will take V-shape, the angle will be 90°. This manipulation is mandatory; it allows for improved adhesion of the putty to the drywall. The same should be done if the edge of the drywall sheet differs from the factory one and has chips, cuts, or plaster is visible.

Priming surfaces before puttying

Before puttying, it is necessary to treat the surfaces of the plasterboard sheets with a primer. The locations of seams, joints, abutments and corners require special care in priming. One of the most popular and frequently used primers for drywall is Knauf Tiefengrunt. It is designed specifically for highly absorbent surfaces.

Having primed the entire surface, you must wait until it dries completely, then apply the primer again to the joints. By doing this carefully, you will reduce the consumption of putty.

Primer functions:

You can apply it to drywall using any method suitable for you - brush, roller, spray. However, make sure that the application is even and that the layer thickness is at least 0.05 millimeters.

Puttying drywall seams

After the soil has completely dried on the surface of the drywall, you can begin next operation- filling the seams. This stage of work includes:

  • - prepare a mixture for sealing joints;
  • - cover the screw heads with putty;
  • - apply an excessive amount of putty to the joints so that it penetrates deep;
  • - Fill the entire length of the seam with putty.
  • - fill the seam space as much as possible with a spatula;
  • - Use a spatula to carefully remove excess mixture from the wall and let it dry.

Putties for sealing seams

For sealing the seams of drywall joints, proven specialized putties “KnaufFugen”, “KnaufUniflott”, “Volma SHOV” are suitable.

Construction tapes for puttying drywall joints

A special tape is designed for high-quality strengthening of joints. To treat drywall joints, it is optimal to use special tapes:

Serpyanka for putty

It is a fiberglass mesh. Convenient to use. As a rule, it is self-adhesive. Suitable for longitudinal joints. It is not recommended to use for transverse joints, especially susceptible to cracking. Suitable for seams of any width and length, because... has standard sizes.

Paper tape

This tape is reinforced with fiberglass and has a special fold in the middle (to facilitate puttying corners). Gives a very strong reinforced connection.

What types of finishes require drywall putty?

Experts from the Knauf company, a leader in the manufacture of wallpaper, recommend puttingty not only the seams, but also the entire surface of the sheets for wallpapering. Before laying the tiles, only putty the joints, corners, and screw heads. Before painting, the surface of the drywall must be puttied completely and flawlessly.

Which putty to buy

You can prepare the putty composition from dry mixtures or, what is more convenient, purchase ready-made prepackaged special putty.

Currently produced and sold large number various putties from domestic and foreign companies. The most popular and widespread of them (Knauf, KREISEL, Fugenfuller, Vetonit, Ceresit, Unis, Vetonit, OSNOVIT, etc.) have in their assortment putties intended for drywall. You can purchase them at specialized retail outlets, for example in Leroy-Méreln.

October 22, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Today I will tell you how to seal drywall seams with your own hands - this process is not difficult, but any violation of the technology leads to disastrous results. You need to carefully understand the work before you begin, this is the only way you can be sure that the finish will be reliable and durable. For simplicity, I have divided all the work into 3 stages, you just need to follow all the recommendations below.

Workflow Description

Let's begin to understand the specific actions that need to be performed in order for the result of the work to be the best. It is important to do everything in the right sequence and not to rush - rushing is unacceptable, especially if you have little experience.

Moreover, all problems in the form of cracks most often appear precisely because of haste, although the quality of materials is of great importance.

Stage one - preliminary activities and purchasing everything you need

No serious work is done without preliminary preparation. Sealing gypsum board joints is no exception; in this case, preparation is of fundamental importance. First of all, you need to figure out how to join plasterboard sheets.

Very often I am asked the question, is it necessary to leave a gap between the sheets? There is a lot of information on the Internet, but it is often contradictory and ambiguous; I have researched hundreds in my time square meters walls and ceilings, so I can be guided own experience and give advice from practice, and not from articles and reviews.

So, between the sheets you need to leave a small gap of 1-2 mm, this allows you to eliminate surface deformation when the building elements move; in the worst case, your putty will crack, but the sheets will remain intact.

You also need to immediately clarify how to join plasterboard sheets at the end and cut ends of the material. Here you should maintain a gap of 2 mm and additionally prepare the connection for putty, but I’ll talk about this a little later.

Now let’s look at what needs to be purchased to carry out the work; the list of materials and tools is small, so understanding it won’t be difficult:

Materials Description
Putty composition First of all, you need to figure out how to putty the drywall joints. Personally, I use a proven composition from the Knauf brand called “Fugen”, it is ideal for sealing joints on gypsum boards and using a sickle mesh, but it can be used to putty completely on surfaces, that is, the mixture will definitely not be wasted. The advantage is the absence of shrinkage and high resistance to cracks; the price for a bag weighing 25 kg is approximately 400-450 rubles
Serpyanka mesh With its help, we will strengthen all joints and significantly increase their resistance to cracking. The mesh is most often sold in two widths: 45-50 and 100 mm, I use the first type in buildings made of brick and concrete, and the second in houses made of wood, since it “walks” more and needs to be strengthened more thoroughly. I recommend using self-adhesive serpyanka, it is much more convenient to use, a roll 90 meters long costs about 100 rubles
Primer The primer allows you to strengthen the base and improve the adhesion of the putty to the surface; in addition, it creates an additional barrier to moisture penetration, which prevents the finish from peeling off in the future. I use acrylic strengthening compounds; a container of 5 liters of ready-to-use primer will cost you 200-300 rubles
Spatulas It is impossible to apply the primer without a good spatula; for sealing joints it is best to use a wide version of 250-350 mm, and to apply the mixture and distribute it you need a narrow one hundred millimeter spatula. When choosing, be sure to check whether the tool is level; I usually go through 5-6 products until I find a normal one, especially if we're talking about about inexpensive spatulas
Additional tool All others should be included here necessary equipment: from construction knife for cutting chamfers to a brush or roller for applying primer and a screwdriver for tightening screws. The easiest way to prepare the mixture is with a drill with a mixer attachment; wide, capacious containers are well suited for the work, but, in extreme cases, you can get by with an ordinary bucket

The putty should be produced no more than 3-4 months ago, in addition, buy it only where it is stored in a heated warehouse. Violation of storage conditions reduces the quality of the composition, and very significantly.

Stage two - preparatory activities

If everything you need is at hand and the drywall is fixed to the frame or glued to the surface (by the way, you can glue it with the same “Fugen”), then you can begin the preparatory work.

The workflow looks like this:

  • First of all, it is worth clearing the surface of dust; if there are burrs or burrs at the joints, they should be carefully cut off with a construction tool; there should be no protrusions or other flaws. You can wipe it with an ordinary rag, most often there is little dust, but if the walls have been standing for some time, then they definitely need to be cleaned, especially since it is not difficult and will not take much time and effort;
  • Checking screw heads - another one important stage, which for some reason many people skip, as a result, later, when putting putty, the spatula bounces and you have to get dirty in the mixture and tighten the fasteners. But everything can be made simpler: run your hand over the fastening points, if somewhere the screw protrudes above the surface, you will feel it. The cap must be recessed below the level of the drywall using a screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • The factory edges of the sheets do not need to be processed in any way, but if you have straight joints end sides or cut elements, they must be trimmed. A chamfer is made at the connection at an angle of 45 degrees, its width and depth should ultimately be 5 mm, cutting is done using a regular construction knife. To make it clearer to you how to cut seams, below is a photo of the chamfer cutting process;
  • Before sealing the seams, it is necessary to apply a strengthening primer to the surface. Everything is very simple here: if you have a concentrate, you need to dilute it with water in the proportions prescribed in the instructions, and if ready-made composition, then it needs to be mixed well, after which it can be applied. The treated areas are clearly visible on the drywall, so you can clearly control the process - the seams are primed 15 cm on both sides of the joint.

Stage three - sealing the seams

Now we will figure out how to properly seal the seams, there is also nothing complicated here, the main thing is to prepare the surface well and use quality materials. The workflow looks like this:

  • As I said above, the seams need to be puttied with tape, and if earlier it was necessary to apply the composition and embed the serpyanka into it, then nowadays everything is much simpler. The fiberglass mesh has a self-adhesive layer, so you just need to carefully open it and, gradually unscrewing it, press it at the junction of the sheets. At this point, the consideration of how to glue serpyanka can be considered complete - when the joint is glued, the material is cut off with a construction knife;
  • Before you putty the joints, you need to prepare the composition. To do this, take a container into which a certain amount of water is poured and the composition is poured; the instructions on the package will tell you all the proportions. Next, you need to stir the ingredients until a uniform mass is obtained; it is better to use a drill, since with it the quality of the mixture will be much higher, and it will be easier for you to carry out the work; the putty should have the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • Let's figure out how to seal the joints; to do this, you need to apply a small amount of putty on a wide spatula; the easiest way to do this is with a narrow spatula. First of all, you need to fill the seam between the sheets, everything is simple: with movements across the joint you need to cover the recess, pressing the mass into it. This is the primary stage, the purpose of which is to fill all cavities with a composition for maximum strength;
  • Now let's look at how to putty the seams correctly; the composition is leveled along the joints so that the seam recess is completely filled. That is why we need a spatula with a width of more than 200 mm. As for direct joints with a cut chamfer, in order to level the plane, the composition is applied in a wide strip - 150 mm in each direction, this will level the plane;
  • You also need to tell us how to putty the corners. To strengthen them, it is best to glue a 100 mm wide serpyanka mesh; it helps prevent cracking in these difficult areas. In order not to have to worry about drawing straight lines, the easiest way is to purchase a special angled spatula; it is available for both external and external internal corners, with its help you can achieve ideal results when working with minimal costs time and effort;

Prepare no more than 5 liters of the mixture at a time, as it begins to set after only 30 minutes, and you will have to throw away the putty if you do not have time to use it up.

  • After the surface has dried, it must be leveled using a special sanding block and sandpaper or abrasive mesh. Here it is important to make the surface as even as possible; if after finishing sanding you find flaws, you can repair them and level the surface again. Other works follow, but this is a topic for a separate review.

We figured out how and with what to seal the seams on drywall, everything is very simple if you know the technology and use high-quality materials and handy tool. You just need to repeat all the steps to complete the job yourself.


Sealing drywall joints – prerequisite high-quality and reliable finishing of wall surfaces and. If you simply putty the bases completely, then the likelihood of cracks at the joints will be many times higher. The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if suddenly individual moments are unclear, then ask questions in the comments under the review.

October 22, 2016

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Drywall – universal material allowing you to create amazing designer designs. With its help, you can implement solutions that are beyond the power of any other material. It is flexible and plastic, so creating a triangular or trapezoidal shape from drywall is not difficult. However, with all its advantages, seam sealing is a mandatory process, without which regular places joints can turn into terrible cracks. As a result, instead of a chic element that is the main decor of the room, you can end up with a design that has an unpresentable appearance.

How and with what to seal seams on drywall: rules for choosing the tools necessary for operation

No grouting is complete without this the necessary tool like a spatula. Each master chooses for work a spatula that is convenient for him. Some people find it easier to seal seams with a narrow tool, while others find it easier to seal seams with a wide tool. That's not the point. The most important rule Something to consider when choosing a spatula is the flexibility of the blade. The advantages of a tool with a flexible blade are ease of processing hard-to-reach places.

Having decided on a spatula, it’s time to move on to choosing the putty needed for the job.

Many craftsmen use only finishing to seal seams. Of course, when treating the joints with a finishing putty mixture, the work will be completed much faster, but then there is a risk of huge gaps forming between the sheets of drywall.

To ensure a very strong connection between the joints, it is better to use special types of putty. This is especially true in cases where the surface of the plasterboard sheet will subsequently be painted. If you plan to cover the surface of the plasterboard sheet with paint, the seams should be filled special solution intended for these purposes.

Today, there are two types of putties used for grouting joints:

  • Universal – start and finish.
  • Special ones, the basis of which is alpha gypsum. Among the most famous brands, I would like to mention gypsum putty Rotband of the Knauf company.

In addition to the spatula and putty, you should take care of purchasing:

  • Paper tapes or reinforced mesh used for gluing seams;
  • An electric drill equipped with a special attachment designed for stirring the putty mixture;
  • Special containers needed for preparing putty;
  • Corner. The sealing of joints will be of better quality;
  • Sandpaper. It will be useful for sanding seams.

If you plan to cover the drywall with wallpaper, then the starting or finishing putty there will be plenty, since the texture of the wallpaper can cover small defects on the walls.

How to cover drywall seams: preparatory work

Sealing seams is a responsible process, but before moving on to it, you should make sure that all joints of plasterboard sheets are firmly screwed to the frame. If everything is in order, we move on to the next stage, namely: cleaning the surface of the drywall from dust and dirt that appeared during the work. I would like to note that the durability of the structure depends not only on the quality of the seams, but also on the cleanliness of the drywall sheets.

Grouting joints between sheets of drywall is a difficult, but still doable task. If you put in maximum effort, even a beginner can master it.

Preparation of putty mixture - important process, does not tolerate fuss. Pour into a specially prepared container required quantity putty, fill it with water and stir with an electric drill until smooth. The resulting consistency should be similar to thick sour cream without lumps.

For each type of putty there is a specific preparation process. You shouldn't be lazy. By reading the instructions you can learn for yourself important information, on which the speed of adhesion of the putty mixture will depend.

An incorrectly prepared mixture can lead to the fact that the grouting done by yourself will be of poor quality, and as a result, you will get the formation of strong gaps between the joints. After the putty mixture is ready, you can proceed to grouting the joints.

How to seal seams between sheets of drywall: description of the process

The technology for grouting joints is quite simple; if you follow it, you can achieve the following: construction work It will pass quickly and “painlessly”. It is only important to comply certain rules, and do not deviate from the proposed scheme.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Applying putty solution. The seam must be sealed across the seam. Strokes must be thorough and neat. The mixture is placed on the seam so that the entire thickness of the gypsum board is filled.
  • Excessive thickness on the surface of the seam is a prerequisite for quality work. Excessive thickness of the putty mixture will prevent it from drying out too much. If the length of the seams is very long, then for ease of work it should be divided into small sections.
  • Applying reinforced tape or tape on top of the putty solution. Reinforced tape should be embedded in the solution as deeply as possible. Given process allows you to make the seam more even, while avoiding the formation of cracks.
  • Grouting the putty mixture with a spatula. In this way, a smooth and flat surface can be achieved.

Following such technological work, corners are also processed.

Sealing drywall seams with your own hands: sanding the seams

After the putty has dried, the seams are sanded with sandpaper. If the grinding process is carried out correctly, the output will be an absolutely smooth surface.

After sanding, you can lay down several more layers of putty mixture. This will help achieve a perfectly flat surface of the structure. Finishing the walls with paint or wallpaper is done at the last stage. It will not cause any inconvenience due to its perfectly flat surface.

And finally, a few useful tips from professionals, thanks to whom you can prevent mistakes that may seem insignificant at first glance, but can reduce all the work done to zero.

  1. Even if all the rules regarding grouting are followed, small cracks cannot be ruled out. This is due to the fact that during the puttying work there were temperature fluctuations in the room. Of course, at home it is quite difficult to achieve immutability temperature regime, but it’s worth trying to at least slightly minimize the risks.
  2. If there are wooden floors, and plasterboard structures were attached directly to them, cracks may occur in the area of ​​the corner seams. In this case, the seismic activity of the walls is to blame.
  3. Some putty mixtures, on the packaging, have the inscription: “intended for sealing seams without the use of reinforced tape.” Don't let this inscription mislead you. If you putty the joints without using tape, cracks may still occur. In this case, the manufacturer wanted to say that this type putty simply won't be able to hold it.

That's all, you can start sealing the seams on the drywall.

Working with drywall: sealing seams (video)

Now you know how to seal drywall joints. As you can see, the work does not present much difficulty. The main thing is to choose quality materials, and also to be tolerant and not rush to finish the job faster.

Sealing plasterboard seams on the ceiling and walls is a simple procedure. The main thing is not to deviate from the technologies that were developed by gypsum board manufacturers. Otherwise, this material throws up a not very pleasant surprise: after a while, the sheets crack at the joints.

Tools and material that will be needed for sealing seams on plasterboard ceilings and walls:

  • putty or serpyanka;
  • reinforcing paper tape;
  • spatula;
  • edge plane.

Grouting drywall joints: necessary conditions

Enough important point, which is often forgotten by people who want to seal seams with their own hands, is compliance with temperature and humidity conditions. The temperature in the room being repaired must be at least +10 degrees Celsius. In addition, it is better to ensure that it remains stable for several days after sealing the drywall joints with your own hands.

During the processing of joints and during the drying period of the putty, it is necessary to avoid any drafts. It is worth knowing that installation of drywall is carried out only after completion of all wet work - floor screeding, plastering, and so on. You will need to wait until all plastered surfaces dry. Why is this so important? The point is that high humidity indoors can interfere with the normal setting of the putty, in addition, it can cause deformation of the seams.

Before sealing seams on drywall, you must make sure that the gypsum boards are firmly attached to the base. Otherwise, rapid destruction of the putty layer at the joint may occur. The screw heads that will protrude will need to be tightened. Otherwise, they may appear as tubercles between the putty or sickle.

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How to seal seams on drywall with your own hands

This material is made with various types longitudinal edges, may be with or without thinning. A slight thinning on the front side of the sheet along the edges is done specifically so that, after the seams are putty, an ideal plane is formed.

It is best to use a similar material with a semicircular thinned edge or PLUK from Knauf. This solution can be considered the most technologically advanced in terms of joint reliability, because it ensures deeper contact of the sheet edge.

For external, even and radius corners, use special paper with perforated metal tape.

Regardless of what type of longitudinal edge is chosen, grouting of gypsum board joints with putty or sickle should be done using perforated reinforcing paper tape. You can’t find it in all retail premises that sell drywall, but it’s still worth trying to look.

Cracks often appear at joints. Why is this happening? No reinforcement was used in the process of sealing the seams. Under no circumstances should this technology be neglected. Care must be taken to ensure that there is reinforcing tape between each seam. It is not very expensive, and it is not difficult to install it yourself. Accordingly, there is no point in saving on it when performing repairs. The only exception can be the use of PLUK sheets for internal layers in the case of multi-layer cladding.

In order for the grouting to be done correctly, you should know that you need to use a special gypsum putty. Manufacturer Knauf recommends using Uniflot and Fugen putties to perform such work. Uniflot costs three times more, but it is much stronger, therefore, it makes sense to use it when quality training for painting the walls. Products from other manufacturers can also be used. Pufas 3 might be a good option.

If a person prefers to use ready-made putty, it makes sense to recommend Sheetrock from the manufacturer USG.

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How to joint drywall joints with thinning

For gypsum board joints with an uncut thinned edge, the following steps must be performed:

  1. First of all, you will need to remove dust from the joints between the sheets. This is necessary to ensure reliable adhesion of the putty to the surface. This can be done by using a slightly damp cloth. It is not at all necessary to prime the joints.
  2. Next, you need to apply the first layer of putty to the joint, then press the reinforcing tape into it with a spatula and at the same time remove excess putty from under it. The reinforcing tape must be placed in the center of the joint along the entire length of the seam. If the first time it turns out a little crooked, there is no need to try to straighten the tape - it will be safer to do it all over again.
  3. After the first layer has dried, it is necessary to apply a thin covering layer to the reinforcing tape.
  4. Next, a leveling putty layer will need to be applied to the hardened and completely dried covering layer. In this case, it is necessary to fill the entire volume of thinning and form a single plane with plasterboard sheets. The most convenient way to apply putty is to use a 150 mm wide spatula.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):