Modern technologies glazing requires careful attention to every detail, so questions about how window sills and slopes are designed also do not go unnoticed by the master. Proper repair of these structural elements of the window will provide him with more long term operation and will prevent the risk of cold air entering the home. Let's talk further about how the interior window slopes are finished, and what materials need to be used for this.

The relevance of finishing window openings indoors and outside the house with sandwich boards, plaster, etc., as well as front door decorative stone is very high. Internal factors, the action of which can negatively affect the quality of the window itself and its slopes, include:

  • increased humidity indoors;
  • the appearance of condensation on the window due to a significant difference in temperature outside the window and inside the house.

TO external factors, destructive effects on the window and its slopes include:

  • precipitation, wind, sunlight;
  • sudden changes in ambient temperature;
  • mold, mildew, harmful insects.

Proper finishing of windows and doors with decorative stone allows you to raise the level of resistance of the window structure to the influence of the described factors to the highest possible level. This will ultimately extend the service life of windows and improve appearance window openings in particular, as well as the facade of the house in general. You can see a window with high-quality slopes inside the room at.

next photo

Most often, the decoration of indoor slopes and entrance doors is done using plasterboard. This is a finishing material with high performance parameters, which allows you to quickly and with a minimum of effort make slopes perfectly smooth and resistant to external influences. Drywall is lightweight and its installation on vertical surfaces is not particularly difficult. It is beautifully painted in the current color shade. In addition, such materials correct processing

antiseptic compounds help prevent the risk of mold and mildew developing at the joints of slopes and window frames. Window finishing with plasterboard is shown in the following photo.

You should not think that you can choose any type of drywall to design slopes in your house. The material should be selected taking into account its operational parameters. And they have different types plasterboards differ, which must be taken into account by the master before materials are purchased and window repairs begin.

Types of drywall

Absolutely any window is a source of moisture in the form of condensation, which is formed due to the large difference in temperature in the house and outside. As a result, the materials used to repair slopes must certainly be resistant to this factor. This means that you need to select only moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets, on which the presence of condensation will not have a negative impact. Otherwise, the repair will retain its functionality and attractive appearance for only a short period of time. In addition, it is worth using antiseptic compounds to cover the surface of the material, as well as special paint for its finishing.

Slope finishing plastic windows in the house should always begin with taking measurements, for which you will need to stock up on a measuring tape. The final results of the master’s work largely depend on the quality of this stage of work. If the slope does not fit as tightly as possible to the window frame, there will be a risk of developing such negative consequences as:

  • the appearance of mold and mildew outside and inside the premises;
  • the appearance of microcracks through which frosty air will begin to penetrate into the house during the cold season. Gradually, without adequate measures to eliminate the problem, the cracks will grow, and with them the cost of heating the premises;
  • reduction in the service life of the window structure, its rapid wear both in quality and aesthetic terms.

Taking measurements

Installation of slopes

Finishing slopes with plasterboard begins with an analysis of the measurements taken. All window parameters are transferred to plasterboard sheets, from which you need to cut out pieces that are ideal for the window opening.

Drywall cutting process

Installation of such canvases can be carried out on the lathing, on the profile, or without them. The choice of technology should be determined by the fact in which state the slopes are. Visually evaluate whether they are processed with high quality, as well as the quality of the double-glazed window itself.

Installation of drywall is carried out using a special adhesive composition if the walls are perfectly even. If not, you will need to first bring them to this state.

Next, you need to attach the strip to the window profile or frame, which will securely fix the drywall on the side of the double-glazed window. Plasterboard panels are installed on top of the planks, carefully treating the resulting voids with sealant. Then the structure will be devoid of cold bridges.

Removing excess polyurethane foam Installation of a slope angle
Metal sheathing
Installation of drywall boards
Ready-made plasterboard slope

PVC panels

No less popular today is the repair of slopes in a house with PVC panels on the profile and doors with decorative stone, thanks to which the entire structure acquires a solid appearance. This type of repair, as shown in the photo below, is different for a long time service and retains its properties for a long time.

PVC panels

Plastic panels are selected taking into account the size of the window opening, as well as its technical parameters. Before starting repairs, you will need to prepare the surface of the slopes. Then, PVC parts of the current size are cut out, which will be mounted around the entire perimeter of the window on wooden slats and profiles.

If you want to insulate the house, the space between the wall surface and the panels should be filled with a layer of mineral wool or construction foam. Finishing slopes with PVC panels on a profile is also beneficial due to the fact that PVC materials have a smooth surface and are produced in different color shades, looks harmonious in the interior of a private home. This allows you to save on the final painting of the slopes.

Another attractiveness of this method lies in the fact that all elements of the window structure (window, slope) acquire the same expansion coefficient, which will ensure they fit tightly together and prevent the risk of cracks forming.

Finishing scheme PVC slope panel

Surface preparation

To install plastic slabs on a slope, you need to carefully prepare the surfaces. To do this, I carefully cut off the excess mounting foam using a utility knife, and the surface itself is cleaned of dirt and dust, coated with an antiseptic, and primed. Next, you will need to install a metal frame made of guide profiles.

A hairdryer can help remove paint from walls.

Installation of the guide profile

Measure the profile along the outer edge using a construction tape, and then its outer width and the distance from the top edge of the window structure to the surface of the window sill. Take a U-shaped profile of the current width, cut it into pieces using metal scissors, according to the window measurements. Next, the sections are screwed at intervals of 20 cm using screws along the outer part window frame. The top and side profiles are mounted in the same way.

Metallic profile
Installation of the starting profile

To organize the sheathing, you will need wooden slats with a cross-section of 20x40 mm, which are fastened on the far corner of the slope from above and on the sides with dowels in increments of 30 cm. The sheathing must have perfect evenness, for which the thickness of the wooden slats is trimmed with a plane and the work is checked with a building level.

Fastening the sheathing

Panel installation

Finishing with plastic plates can be easily done with your own hands. To do this, cut the material with a jigsaw, then fix it on the upper profile and secure it to the sheathing using self-tapping screws.

The side profile is mounted in the same way as the top bar. And the spaces between window frame, the wall must be filled with construction foam, for which the surface is first moistened with water. After this, you need to lean the plastic panel against the base and secure it to it with metal screws.

Fastening PVC panels

Installation of F profiles

The F profile is cut and inserted along the edges of the panels. In those areas where the corners come into contact with the fasteners, you will need to make a small cut. At the same time, the slopes of the front door should be decorated with decorative stone, which looks very expensive. At the end of the work, you need to fill the joints with sealant. white, carefully filling the gap with the composition, removing excess volume.

These measures will not only make the window even more attractive, but also protect it from mold, mildew, and rapid wear.

F profile for slopes

Sandwich panels

Repair of window and front door slopes can be done with sandwich slabs, as shown in the following photo. The window sills and windows are decorated with sandwich slabs, and the door slopes are decorated with decorative stone. Sandwich plate long time retain visual appeal and original operational parameters.

Sandwich panels

In accordance with all the rules and regulations, repairs of window structural elements can increase the degree of resistance of windows to the negative effects of negative factors inside and outside the house.

The distance between the wall and the sandwich plate must be filled with construction foam, which will act as additional insulation for the structure.

Installation of such plates is not particularly difficult. The sandwich board is fixed to the base using liquid nails, which will provide the connection with high practicality, density, and durability. Check the angles of the slopes for compliance using a small tool.

Installation of sandwich slabs should be carried out on wooden blocks, which will give the surface of the slope ideal evenness even if there is a deviation of the slope from the vertical. To ensure a neat appearance for the joints of the plates, they need to be treated with silicone.

Installation diagram of PVC sandwich panels on window slopes

Plastering Finishing window slopes outside or inside the house is often done by plastering the surface. But applying this method is only relevant if the slopes are perfectly even. The layer of plaster mass should not exceed 2 cm in thickness, otherwise the slopes will quickly crack and become unusable. This type of finish goes well with the decoration door slopes

artificial stone.

Applying plaster

Common mistakes It often happens that the finishing of window slopes inside is carried out in violation of technology, which entails a number of negative consequences. In other words, these structural elements of the window opening acquire low resistance to the effects of negative factors indoors, which entails rapid wear of the slopes. This is why it is so important to determine the most common mistakes

  • , which are allowed by inexperienced builders when finishing window slopes:
  • incorrect measurements of the base for installation of sandwich or PVC panels, drywall, etc., which leads to a loose fit of materials to the slopes;
  • neglect of antiseptic and sealant increases the risk of mold and mildew developing under sandwich panels, drywall and other finishing materials for decorating slopes;
  • When finishing door slopes with stone, you should not give preference to too cheap material. Decorating even with artificial stone cannot be too cheap, because such savings affect the quality of the finish.


Technology for finishing window slopes using plastic panels.

Photo of how you can trim slopes inside a window

Options for finishing window slopes indoors.

After the window system is installed, it is necessary to install external slopes for plastic windows. Postponing this process “for later” is not recommended for several reasons. The external decoration of the window opening is designed to give it a finished, neat appearance.

The second reason is more significant and practical. It is connected with the performance properties of polyurethane foam, which is used to fasten PVC windows in the opening and fills the installation seam, protecting the room from the penetration of precipitation, noise, pollution and wind from the street. However, this material itself needs protection, which can be provided by external slopes on the windows.

Purpose of external slopes

Polyurethane foam, which is used when installing PVC windows, does not imply its operation in a form unprotected from external influences.

Slopes protect the polyurethane foam from external influences

In direct sunlight, polyurethane foam will deteriorate within a few months. The loss of foam’s qualities entails improper functioning of the window system as a whole: from loss of energy efficiency to violation of the geometric position in the window opening, accompanied by mechanical breakdowns of control systems.

The finishing of plastic windows can be delayed for a short period of time, but it is better that it be done “hot on the heels”.

In addition to the sun, moisture is a threat to polyurethane foam. At first, water does not penetrate the material. But when, under the influence of the sun, its structure is disrupted, moisture easily penetrates into the pores of the polyurethane foam, having a destructive effect on it.

Due to the fact that foam is a porous material, it will invariably allow moisture from the room to pass through, albeit in small quantities. As a result, condensation will form, which will lead to the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

To summarize, we can highlight the following functions characteristic of external slopes for plastic windows:

  • protecting walls from condensation;
  • window protection from fogging;
  • heat and sound insulation of the room;
  • increasing the service life of the window system;
  • Give the window opening and facade a generally neat appearance.

Types of materials

Window finishing on the outside can be done various materials, which create a different decorative effect and level of protection for the assembly seam due to their properties.

Plaster slopes

Finishing plastic windows from the outside using plaster mortar is a traditional and inexpensive way. Despite the apparent simplicity of working with this material, an untrained person will not be able to do a quality job, since one must have certain professional skills. But you can take a risk and make external slopes with your own hands using plaster. How to make slopes on windows in this way will be described below.

High-quality plastering of external slopes requires certain skills

In order for plastered slopes on windows from the street to look neat, it is necessary to ensure that they are level geometric parameters . To do this, it is recommended to set beacons, focusing on which, you can achieve an even application of the plaster layer.

Preparation and execution of work

The work begins with preparing tools and purchasing plaster for exterior work.

First you need to prepare tools and buy plaster for exterior work.

Plastic slopes

Finishing windows with plastic is one of the most common methods due to the following advantages of PVC:

  • the glossy surface of the plastic naturally matches the appearance of the window profile;
  • the plastic surface can be laminated, giving it any color or imitation of the texture of natural wood;
  • the material has a low level of thermal conductivity, therefore virtually eliminating the formation of condensation on its surface;
  • it is easy to care for;
  • it has a long service life;
  • street slopes made of plastic are easy to install;
  • It has low weight, so it does not load the wall structure.

Plastic panels are most often used for finishing external slopes

One of the disadvantages of plastic street slopes is that when using low-quality plastic, you can observe its yellowing over time. At low temperatures, the plastic becomes brittle and if it is damaged, the entire fragment will have to be replaced.


  • finishing the slopes of windows from the outside with plastic panels begins with preparing the surface - cleaning it and sealing the cracks;
  • measurements are taken on each side, the side fragments are measured in two places - at the window and at the wall due to the presence of a slope;
  • the perimeter of the window opening is framed with wooden slats, to which the starting profile is attached using a construction stapler. A plastic element will go into it;
  • corners are formed using an f-shaped profile or external slopes with platbands are arranged.

Considering the existing disadvantages of this material, it is better to use it for interior work.

Drywall slopes

Exterior finishing of windows using drywall is a dubious undertaking. GKLV brand plasterboard can be used when finishing the external slopes of windows facing a glazed loggia or balcony. Before installing this material, the surface of the base must be treated with an antiseptic. Installation can be carried out with or without insulation.

Without insulation

With insulation

The surface of drywall can be decorated in any way.

It would be a mistake to install external plasterboard slopes on window openings exposed to direct exposure to precipitation. This material is not suitable for outdoor use.

Sandwich panel slopes

Finishing the external slopes of plastic windows with sandwich panels is an inexpensive and common method. It is characterized by the following qualities:

  • finishing window openings with this material allows you to obtain a decorative, neat appearance of the window opening;
  • external plastic surface can be covered with lamination of any color or imitate the texture of natural wood;
  • has insignificant weight due to the use of foamed polyurethane foam as an insulating layer;
  • you can arrange external slopes with platbands;
  • due to the multilayer nature of the material, such finishing of the window opening allows for decent heat and sound insulation of the room;
  • simple installation will allow even a non-professional to make external slopes on windows with his own hands;
  • slopes for windows made of sandwich panels have a long service life;
  • Such window slopes are easy to maintain - it is enough to occasionally wet clean them.

Among the disadvantages, the following can be noted: summer period from direct sun rays the outer surface of the panels may turn yellow.

It is also worth considering that the material is sold in the form of dimensional panels, so you need to be prepared for difficulties with transportation. Some stores offer a service for sawing large panels into pieces of the required size. Slopes made of sandwich panels are installed in the same way as indoors.

Foam slopes

When finishing plastic windows with your own hands, you can make slopes on the windows from foam plastic.

A foam slope does not require insulation

This interesting example how to make street slopes on windows, but short-lived. Such external slopes are easy to make, the main thing is to remove them required dimensions and cut out the parts.

Foam plastic has many positive qualities, which allows it to be used when finishing external slopes:

  • external slopes made of foam plastic are maximally insulated;
  • high sound insulation in the house is ensured;
  • polystyrene foam does not rot or become moldy;
  • simple installation - making external slopes from this material is very simple;
  • the work is done quickly, since there is no need to make complex preparations;
  • if you install elements made of this material on plastic windows, then you don’t have to be afraid that a load will be placed on the structure - polystyrene foam has the lightest weight among all finishing materials;
  • polystyrene foam is easy to process, so you can give the part any size;
  • The surface of this material is then finished with plaster or painted.

This material can be used to insulate the walls of a house along with the accompanying design of window openings.

Metal slopes

There are various types of external slopes, but the best are metal products.

External slopes made of metal have high strength

They are made of galvanized steel. The outer part of the product is covered powder paint, which ensures the durability of the coating and protection against corrosion and rust.

Positive qualities of metal slopes:

  • durability and aesthetic appearance;
  • heat and sound insulation of premises;
  • reliable protection from natural phenomena;
  • easy installation and maintenance.

How to properly install the metal fragment is shown below.

Slopes made of natural stone

Using natural or artificial stones is not the cheapest way, but on the facade of a house such finishing looks very impressive.

Stone slopes do not absorb moisture at all

Natural stones have everything necessary qualities to use them as exterior finishing . They are durable, have a beautiful appearance, and are varied in their design. They have protective, heat and sound insulating qualities. They do not absorb moisture at all. You can decorate the openings with bricks or use various artificial and natural stones.

Today we will talk about finishing window slopes. Many people do not attach much importance to this most important component of finishing, but in vain.
Probably many people have encountered this problem: old wooden windows were removed and new plastic ones were installed in their place. At first everything was just wonderful, the windows are beautiful, easy to open and close, do not require annual sealing, and fit well into the interior.

But a short period of time passes, and you notice that mold begins to form on the slopes, especially in the corners.

Acquisition and use of various modern means household chemicals do not work. After a short period of time, mold appears again.
So what is the reason?
And it’s quite banal: finishing internal slopes plastic windows was carried out incorrectly, with gross violations. In this case, the appearance of mold is not a cause, but a consequence.

Consequences – visible and invisible

Understanding that many are concerned about the issue of eliminating this problem with their own hands, today we will look at it in detail and here’s why. Solving the question of how to get rid of mold on the slopes of plastic windows will help you understand at the same time that the technology for plastic windows differs from the finishing for wooden windows.
This understanding will allow you to avoid mistakes in the future. It is always easier to prevent than to correct.
First, let's touch on the issue of mold formation itself.

Our information: Mold is a widespread microorganism in nature. Its second name is fungus.
Being actually microscopic fungi, mold, like all fungi, has spores. While mold itself can only spoil the appearance of a room, its spores are very harmful to the human body.
Settling indoors, they multiply and can cause: eczema, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, thrush, allergies and a large number of other diseases.

Ventilation is one of the components

The reason for its occurrence is moisture and poor ventilation.
Many may have a question: before installing plastic windows, everything was fine, and problems arose only after their installation. What does ventilation have to do with it? We didn’t touch ventilation?
In this case, the problem may just be in ventilation. Your old wooden windows were far from ideal.
Various microcracks allowed air to freely ventilate the room. Even seasonal sealing allowed enough air to penetrate it.
Unlike wooden ones, plastic windows are sealed. This means that the way out of this situation is to constantly ventilate the room.
We could also draw your attention to the window sills. As you probably know, in the old panel houses they were quite small in width and this was no coincidence.
Their size allowed warm air from the heating radiators to circulate freely.

Window sills - deceptive beauty

When installing plastic windows, many people also install new window sills. As a rule, they try to install as wide a size as possible.
Of course, it’s beautiful and you can decorate the window by placing pots of flowers or other interior attributes on them. In this case, to restore ventilation it is enough to drill several holes in the window sill.
Thus, ventilation will be restored.

Slit valves are half the solution

Another solution is to install special slot valves on windows. They are widely available on the market and have manual or automatic control.
We could consider this issue in more detail, but the topic of our today’s article is slopes, let’s talk about them.

Moisture is the second term

The second factor causing mold is moisture. This is the topic for our article.
The formation of moisture in the corners of the slopes of plastic windows can only occur in one case - the technology for finishing the slopes of plastic windows is carried out incorrectly.

Correct slopes - we solve the problem radically

  • Let's take a specific case: A panel multi-storey building, after replacing wooden windows with plastic ones, mold began to form on the slopes.
  • Attempts to remove it did not solve the problem; it formed again and again, gradually spreading to the walls.

Cold bridges - “hammering nails with a computer”

Moisture can form on slopes only in the presence of cold bridges. Cold air colliding with warm air premises, forms condensation and moisture.
It becomes clear that the whole reason is the cold slopes. Many resources give " good advice» - install a vapor barrier, sheathe slopes not just with plasterboard, but with sandwich, etc. and so on.
What can you say to this? On the one hand, some advice can solve the problem, but another question arises: why “fence the garden”?
It is clear that if someone advises installing a heating system in the slopes, using a heated floor as an example, this solution will save you from mold. But you need to understand that the price of individual materials is quite high, which brings to mind the saying about hammering nails with a computer - it’s possible, but expensive!

Determining the cause - stage one

But to the point:

  • First we need to determine how our plastic window is installed.
  • Everyone knows that a simple wooden window is much wider than a plastic one.
  • It is important to understand that the formation of condensation on slopes is greatly influenced by the thermal conductivity of the building wall.
  • The thicker the wall and wall slope, the higher the thermal conductivity.

Any window has two slopes, internal and external. It is important to know that the window frame of a wooden window is much thicker than a plastic one.
The window itself is installed based on the thickness of the building wall. The middle of the thickness of the window and wall should coincide.
Thus, the window is installed strictly in the middle, this is not accidental.

This installation allows you to position the center of the window axis at the same distance from the outer and inner parts of the wall.

Accordingly, slopes are made on both sides of the window.

First inspection - first mistakes

What do plastic window installers do?
They remove the internal slopes, leaving the external ones, and then insert a plastic window right next to them. But we already know that the window frame of a plastic window is much thinner than a wooden one.

Thus, the center of the box axis and the center of the wall axis do not coincide. If previously the center of the wall axis was in the center of the window axis, now it is inside the room.

  • The first mistake leads to the second
  • Slopes are made inside.
  • If we assume that the center of the wall axis is the freezing point, then it becomes clear that now it is located just under the internal slopes.
  • Accordingly, the slope simply cannot be warm.

In addition to this, a wide window sill is installed in the resulting deep opening. That's it, condensation on the slopes is guaranteed.

It would be correct to install the window as shown in the figure below.

Whether the window is installed correctly or not, in any case it is necessary to completely remove the internal slopes.

Our advice is that if you find that the window is installed misaligned, we recommend that you make the correct installation. In this case, the guarantee against moisture and condensation will be complete.

But what to do if it is not possible to dismantle and subsequently install a plastic window?

What they forgot to pay attention to - external slopes
Let's pay attention to how the slopes of the plastic windows are finished on the outside. Let us repeat, installers usually do not touch the external slopes when dismantling the old window.

  • Regardless of the accuracy of dismantling, cracks and chips will form on them.
  • By inserting a new plastic window, the existing gap between the wall and the window is foamed.
  • A small amount of foam protrudes from the outside through cracks and chips.

The slope is not made from the outside, but only from the inside.

But you need to know that under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the foam begins to collapse. Over time, pores are formed in it sufficient for the penetration of moisture and cold.

Freezing in winter, moisture getting inside further aggravates the situation.
As a result, the internal slope itself becomes the main protection from the cold. Hence the cold, condensation, moisture.

Correcting the situation - external slopes


  • We removed the entire internal slopes.
  • The same should be done in areas outside where foam is visible.
  • We remove areas of damaged foam and re-foam.

Our advice is to remove all existing paint from the slopes before starting work.

  • Don't forget to remove the tides. Most likely there are also enough pores and cracks there. Everything needs to be foamed.
  • Purchase tile adhesive from a hardware store. With its help it is very good to seal all cracks and chips on the outside.

When should the putty work be completed?

  • The rule should be this: no one should be visible anywhere outside open area foam. This is the basic technology for finishing slopes on plastic windows.
    Nothing extra, just quality and compliance with basic rules for using materials.

Our advice is to use a special gun when filling gaps with foam. Foam for pistols is of higher quality and thus it is much more convenient to work.

Completion - interior work

After this, you can tackle the internal slopes.
Everything is simpler here. We trim off the excess foam and perform the slope according to all the rules.
Today we will not touch on how to make slopes, but in this case, this is not particularly important, we have completed the main task.
If you have installed plastic windows, the technology for finishing the slopes cannot be carried out without following the above tips.

Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided.

Are you replacing windows? – Do it right

relative to the central axis of the wall. Our information - this advice

  • does not apply to buildings with exterior finishing made using various insulation materials.
  • After installing windows, pay special attention to the external slopes.

Foam protruding from the outside is the very first sign of future troubles. Acquainted with various types
and slopes, you can read the relevant articles on our resource or watch the corresponding video.

Good luck to you! Have you forked out money to install new ones in your home? plastic double glazed windows ? Congratulations on your successful purchase. But you need to understand that new windows are based on You will have to do some additional finishing with your own hands.

In this article we will talk about why finishing of newly installed double-glazed windows is necessary, and how to deal with it yourself.

Reasons why you need to trim the windows in your home

Timely, high-quality interior finishing of plastic windows with your own hands is not a whim, but a necessary measure. The fact is that the usual installation of double-glazed windows does not involve finishing the slopes.

In the best case, for an additional fee, they will install a window sill made of the same polyvinyl chloride, and a metal shimmer will be installed outside. At the same time, on the sides and top, the space between the window and the opening will be filled with polyurethane foam.

Actually, finishing a plastic window inside has the main goal, namely, to close the gap in such a way that polyurethane foam had no contact with the external environment. Foam, which is used to fill the gap between the frame and the window opening, is a reliable, durable solution, but under one condition - in the absence of contact with sunlight and open air.

Polyurethane foam, in case of prolonged absence high-quality finishing dries out, crumbles and loses most of its original technical and operational properties. From all of the above, we can draw the appropriate conclusion: interior window decoration wooden house and inside the apartment is equally necessary and the sooner you start with it, the better.

Important: External finishing of slopes is no less necessary. You can find out how to perform exterior work in the relevant articles presented on our portal.

Available methods

In order to finish a newly installed double-glazed window, you can call specialists who will bring your slopes to optimal condition for some time. But the price of such a service, unfortunately, is high, and therefore it would be correct to do everything yourself ().

So, let's look at popular methods of window finishing that are available for DIY.


This is perhaps the most popular option, which has been widely used for a long time. The method is optimal for use in brick, stone and concrete buildings, while in a wooden frame it is better to use other methods.

Important: Plastering slopes is advisable only when used Decoration Materials with a reduced degree of thermal conductivity. If you use ordinary cement-sand mortar as plaster, the opening will be supercooled in the cold season.

Plastering with heat-insulating mixtures

This is a method, the implementation of which is not much different from conventional plastering, but the result is completely different.

Modern heat-insulating plaster mixtures are perfect solution for regions with harsh climatic conditions. Finishing with such compounds prevents freezing of the opening itself and minimizes the likelihood of excessive cooling of the glass. As a result, you will forget about condensation and dampness in your living space.

Important: When starting to finish with a heat-insulating plaster mixture, pay attention to the materials used in the construction of the opening. If these materials and the plaster mixture are characterized by different coefficients of volumetric expansion, there is a high probability of surface cracking due to uneven internal stresses.

Finishing with plastic panels

The use of plastic panels (lining) is a popular method today. The advantages of the solution include the fact that the plastic panel is fixed in place with polyurethane foam, and, therefore, there is no need to use special tool. The disadvantage of the technology is that without proper experience it is not easy to achieve the optimal result.

On average, finishing one window takes 2-3 hours, and the polyurethane foam completely dries in about a day.

The use of specialized PVC systems for finishing slopes

The photo shows an example of using specialized PVC systems

Today on the market is a wide range of special slope systems. The elements of these systems are specially designed taking into account the standard sizes of both standard and non-standard windows, and therefore anyone can handle the installation work.

However, the use of special plastic profiles has a number of disadvantages, including:

  • location of the finished slope at right angles to the window frame;
  • high price of special plastic elements.

Finishing plastic windows with sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are multi-layer construction with a cut thickness of 8 mm or more. You can choose the thinnest modification of sandwich panels and cover the slopes. The material is fixed using polyurethane foam, and the gaps at the joint are filled with putty.

The advantages of the method include the absence of the need to insulate windows, since sandwich panels are an excellent thermal insulator. However, there are also disadvantages, including a high probability of delamination of the entire structure at high humidity. Therefore, such improvement of the double-glazed windows is carried out simultaneously with the external finishing.

Finishing technology using putty

As an example, let's look at how to finish a plastic window inside a living space using a putty mixture.

As already mentioned, plastering is one of the most relevant methods, and therefore we will focus on the intricacies of its implementation.

To carry out the planned work we will need the following tool:

  • narrow spatula up to 7 cm wide;
  • scissors;
  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • mounting knife;
  • water level;
  • sandpaper;
  • roulette.

You will also need the following list of materials:

  • metal corner;
  • plastic or fiberglass plaster mesh with a mesh side of 5 mm;
  • cement grade M300;
  • sifted dry sand;
  • alabaster;
  • PVA glue;
  • rough putty and for finishing work.

Instructions for carrying out finishing works consists of the following steps:

  • Let's prepare work surface . Using a sharp mounting knife, we cut off the foam sagging that protrudes beyond the slope. If necessary, use an ax to carefully knock the old plaster off the slope and remove any unevenness in the immediate vicinity of the frame.
  • Filling up the unevenness. We remove dust from the prepared surface using a liquid primer. Then mix a cement-sand mortar from 1 part cement and 3 parts sand.

We dilute the water with PVA glue at a rate of 50 to 50 and add it to the solution in such an amount that when mixed, a homogeneous mass with the consistency of thick sour cream is formed. Using this mixture we fill in large irregularities.

  • Installing plaster mesh. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the height and width of the slope. Next we cut metal corner the required length and attach it to the alabaster along the edge of the slope, placing a plaster mesh under it.

We pull the free end of the mesh towards the double-glazed window and fasten it to the slope using alabaster.

Important: Alabaster diluted with water dries very quickly and this is its advantage, but you will have to work quickly.

  • Apply putty. You can use ready-made putty, which is sold in a diluted state. But it is better to purchase a ready-made mixture that can be mixed with water and prepared in required quantities with the right consistency.

Tip: Do not leave leveling the layer of rough putty until later, as it will not be easy to level the surface with finishing putty.

Spread a layer of putty with a wide spatula over the entire surface of the slope. After the putty is spread evenly over the entire slope, let the finish dry.

  • Grinding the slopes. We attach the pre-prepared sandpaper to a special grater. If you don’t have a grater, you can make one yourself by using a wooden block.

The sandpaper is attached to the block with push pins. Before strengthening the sandpaper, make sure that the surface of the block is perfectly flat.

Advice; If you want to get the job done faster, purchase an emery mesh. This is a relatively new material that has proven itself exceptionally well.

  • We apply finishing layer putties. Before doing this, carefully remove dust from the surface of the slopes. Then we prepare a semi-liquid putty solution and apply it in small portions. Let the layer dry and sand it again.

After this, in bright light we check how smooth the surface of the slope is. If unevenness is noticeable, dilute the putty again and apply it to the area where the depression is found.

After the applied layer has dried, do not forget to sand everything again.

One of the pressing issues when renovating or purchasing a new home is the quality of window installation. And in particular their appearance and level of finishing.

You may not like the way it is made in new apartment, or it needs to be carried out during the repair.

Here the question even arises that internal slopes can be finished in different and very different ways: plaster, plastic, siding, wood. All this will also be discussed below.

You should not think that slopes perform an exclusively aesthetic function. They also help improve soundproofing and heat retention. Accordingly, you need to approach the issue of installing slopes no less responsibly than installing the windows themselves.

Indoor slopes for a plastic window yourself

Let's figure out what a slope is. This is the side and bottom of the window niche. The lower one is very familiar to us because a window sill is installed on it. Everything on the sides of it is the slope.

Without its finishing, window installation is impossible. It can be simpler and cheaper, or sophisticated and designer. The design of slopes can even become a feature of the interior of the house. But they also perform a protective function, for example, preventing moisture from entering under the assembly seam.

If you decided that by filling the seams with polyurethane foam you can completely prevent heat from escaping from the apartment, you are mistaken. The structure of the foam is such that it absorbs moisture and is susceptible to external influences. It won't be long before it begins to lose its integrity.

Namely, slopes provide foam necessary protection, increase insulation, and also play the role of decoration.

What are the types of slopes for PVC windows?

During the installation of a double-glazed window, professionals will do everything necessary from measurements and installation work to “settings” the window. And they will also be happy to supply you with slopes. But you will have to decide on their type.

Excluding extremely expensive and designer finishing options, the market offers the following types and materials of slopes:

  • Plastic,
  • Drywall,
  • Tree,
  • Metal,
  • Styrofoam,
  • Plaster.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Plaster slopes

In fact, this is one of the most difficult, and at the same time, not the most best options finishing. The process itself is divided into several parts. First you need to cover the entire surface with primer. This is necessary so that subsequent materials adhere well.

Then comes the actual plaster. The slope is covered with 2 layers, and the next one cannot be applied until the previous one has dried. The layers are separated by a special mesh, and cracks and gaps near the window itself are clogged with silicone.

Plaster will cope with the decorative function, but it will not protect the seams from external influences, the windows from fogging, or the room from heat loss.

Plasterboard option

When installing plasterboard slopes, no fewer steps are taken than when putting putty:

  1. Insulation is being laid
  2. The slope is mounted,
  3. Primer and putty are applied,
  4. After complete drying, the slope is painted.

If all this is done efficiently, such slopes are durable, attractive in appearance, and retain heat well. This, and sound insulation, will also depend on the quality of the wool or foam that is placed under the drywall.

A noticeable disadvantage of this material is that it does not like water. In areas where it is expected high humidity or outside the building, it is better not to use it.

Plastic slopes

On this moment- This is the most popular option for slopes. This is explained:

  • Availability of prices,
  • Easy to install,
  • The strength and lightness of the material,
  • High level of insulation against noise and heat loss,
  • Great view.

This material can be called universal for this installation solution. It can also be used outside the building. A certain type of plastic slope is a “sandwich panel”. It has now practically replaced classic plastic for these needs.

The panel is well suited for the side walls of a window niche. The “sandwich” has three layers: two external ones, and an insulated layer between them (expanded polystyrene). It is practically no different in appearance from the frames of the plastic window itself. Therefore, no additional decor will be needed anymore.

A definite advantage of this panel will also be the huge number decorative solutions. It will be difficult to choose from the variety of colors. They are also sold as a “semi-finished” finished slope, for those who decide to do the installation themselves.

But this work is painstaking and requires at least minimal knowledge and understanding of the procedure. But you can also deal with it yourself.

Separately, we can highlight this type of material for sealing a slope, such as PVC foam panels. They have almost all the same qualities as sandwich plastic.

Plastic slopes for interior decoration

When the installation of windows is completed, it is worth starting the slopes. You can choose from several finishing options. But if you settled on plastic, study in more detail the material options for these needs.

Now they offer mainly two options for plastic slopes: the so-called sandwich and ordinary PVC panels. They vary in price and have differences in characteristics.

Slopes for the interior of the room made of PVC panels

PVC panels designed for walls are also suitable for finishing slopes. It's more cheap material, compared to a “sandwich”. It will provide excellent appearance, uniform color, and a smooth surface. In this case, the panel does not require additional painting or other treatments.

The structure of this material is simple, it consists of two strips of plastic, which are separated in the middle by another “corrugated” layer. They are called stiffeners. It is important to remember about them because a low-quality outer layer can “imprint” this ribbing on itself after installation. Poor quality will also make the panels yellowish over time, or even warp them.

In general, speaking about a PVC window and all the structural parts, details necessary for its complete installation, it is important to remember about savings. Or rather, that this is exactly what you shouldn’t be greedy about. If you expect your purchase to last you a long time, then choose quality over cheap.

Returning to PVC panels, it is worth noting that it comes in standard size width - 25 cm. If the side walls are wider, it is better not to use end-to-end panels, but to give preference to a different type plastic trim- sandwich panels.

Using sandwich panels

The structure of the sandwich panel speaks for itself. It's like a two-piece sandwich with a layer in the middle. In this way it is similar to an ordinary wall PVC panel. But if the latter has semi-hollow ribs between the outer sheets, then the sandwich panel is filled with special foam. Typically this is polystyrene or foam.

With this “filling” the panel has the highest thermal insulation performance. “Sandwiches” come in different thicknesses and, importantly, in a variety of colors. They are also significant in size, so they are suitable for window niches deeper than 25 cm.

The disadvantages of sandwich panels include instability due to excessively aggressive influence external environment. This means that they cannot be used outdoors. For exterior decoration, take an interest in metal materials.

As for the price of the “sandwich”, it is more than for a regular PVC panel. But the difference is about 300 rubles for regular window with two doors.

Subtleties of installing plastic slopes for windows

The window and the slope are inseparable in practice. This is about the same as a window without glass. Without a high-quality slope, the service life of the fittings is reduced. Since the main function of this element can be called not even an aesthetic moment, but a protective one.

The slope covers the seams from external influences: temperatures, damage, sunlight.

It is important to remind and emphasize these points once again, because at some point a person can be “led” by beauty instead of quality.

Definition of a slope and its purpose

It is unlikely that the literary concept of slope is spelled out in the dictionary. But it is generally possible to formulate it. And in fact, this is a profile with which the side parts of the window niche are finished.

But it is worth noting that this is not a complete designation. Since in this article we are talking about PVC windows, that’s why we stop there. And slopes are just as successfully and often installed on doors. The most striking example is the balcony. The same decoration of both windows and doors is not common, and is also beautiful and logical.

Therefore, everything said above, and what will be said below about window slopes, automatically applies to door slopes. Of course, in the context of interior decoration. If the opposite is indicated.

And so, as already mentioned, the slopes are made by two important tasks. The one we think about more often is window decoration. And the one that is still more important is protective.

Because of this distribution of priorities, some people wonder whether it is possible to install the slopes not simultaneously with the installation of the window itself. The question is controversial. Here we will remember the exterior decoration. This is what needs to be done immediately. If the seams in the room do not succumb to such active environmental influences, then outside it will be enough to rain and hit the frost, and the integrity of the polyurethane foam will suffer.

Firstly, it really does not like direct sunlight, and begins to crumble under the influence of ultraviolet radiation almost on the very first day. Secondly, it is not friendly with moisture, which reduces its thermal insulation abilities.

Advantages of plastic slopes for PVC windows

The current market provides a good selection of materials and options. The same thing rocks the slopes. Many people prefer plastic and its varieties. It is quite easy to understand this choice, especially after familiarizing yourself with the advantages of a slope made of this material.

Let’s not discount the fact that, having decided to install a plastic window, people take and plastic window sill. In this case, why not install a slope made of the same or similar material?

This choice of slopes complements the appearance of the window to a “complete set”. And it copes well with protective functions. It is impossible not to note the ease of installation and maintenance of such an element. And also its practical eternity:

  • Not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation,
  • Not afraid of moisture
  • The temperature difference is not scary,
  • Does not deteriorate from most acids and solvents,
  • Does not require special care
  • Mold and insects are not afraid.

To manufacture both the material itself and the slope itself in the form as we know it, they use latest materials. They are durable, safe, and practically heat-resistant.

How to install plastic slopes

We have already determined that most often clients choose plastic slopes, and among them they give preference to sandwich panels. The latter are often filled inside with a foam-like frozen substance called Penoplex. It is also used for thermal insulation on large-scale construction sites because it is one of the newest materials.

The distance from the window itself to the plastic slope is filled with liquid plastic. This is PVC glue, which just recently appeared on big market. It definitely wins over silicone, putty, or other materials that can be used for the same purpose.

The peculiarity of this substance is that it acquires an appearance similar to the plastic on the window, down to color and texture. To “completely complete” the window, corners can be added that cover the cut of the slope and cover the corner. They are also matched in color and completely blend with the rest of the design elements.

But this does not mean that we are talking exclusively about classic white materials. Now there are a huge number of colored panels that will help complement any design. In addition, there is such an element as lamination film. The German brand Renolit is mainly used. It is “stretched” onto the panel, and the latter acquires any desired color.

Preliminary preparation before installation

It is not for nothing that they trust professionals to install PVC windows because it is a labor-intensive and delicate process. It is necessary to take measurements, clean, carry out the installation itself, and adjust the fittings. In all this, you should adhere to the installation technology. At a minimum, after a series of all these actions, the customer will be able to count on a certain warranty period.

But some aspects, such as installation of slopes, can be placed on your own shoulders.

First you will need to understand their types, choose colors, and decide on the material. As for what slopes can be made from, they are:

  • Wooden,
  • Metal,
  • Plastic (sandwich and wall panels),
  • From plaster,
  • Plasterboard.

But for several reasons, the most common are plastic options. One of these reasons is that after the entire procedure is completed, the window along with the slopes visually merge into a single whole.

Other reasons for the popularity of plastic slopes include: competitive cost with high quality, ease and speed of installation, ease of maintenance, variety of colors.

Before you begin self-installation, you must first determine what you will need for this. Before this list, it should once again be filled out that there can be no savings here. Low-quality materials will not last long, will deteriorate, and as a result you will spend much more money.

First, select and purchase plastic panels and corners. Give preference to plastic no thinner than 8 mm. Carefully monitor the dimensions of the panel; the depth of the slope and the width of the plastic must match.

Second - we collect necessary set tools. In general, this is a completely standard “repair kit” consisting of a tape measure, a hammer and a screwdriver, a drill and self-tapping screws, silicone foam and a device that will allow you to use them, a trowel and/or spatula, as well as rags.

Third, we collect all the building materials. Here you can’t do without an f-shaped profile, a starting strip and adhesive tape, insulation, a mixture with cement for construction work, self-tapping screws to size and paper clips.

Only by collecting all of the above does independent installation of slopes become possible. And please note that only after 1.5 or 2 days have passed after installing the window, you can begin installing the slope. During this period, the polyurethane foam should dry completely.

How are plastic slopes made?

First you need to prepare the window and wall surface. Remove duct tape, which remains on the surface of the plastic window. Carefully cover the unevenness and cracks that you see from the outside.

This is necessary in order to protect the external seam and the polyurethane foam, which does not like direct hit sunlight and is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.

If you have not purchased cement mixture especially for such a case, you can get by with a different solution intended for exterior finishing. When all the materials are dry, paint the slopes with the corrected paint. outside, and start working on the inside.

The first step is to establish a base, the role of which will be played by the starting strip. To do this, take measurements, and do not forget about “measure 7 times - cut once,” and cut the desired piece. Using self-tapping screws, attach a strip in a circle to the profile. This will be our sloped base made of plastic.

Next, proceed to “creating” the panels themselves. Start with the one that will be located on top, then go down to the sides. Using the measurements from the top opening, cut a piece of plastic to the desired shape. Insert it into the grooves located on the starting strip. Repeat the same for the two side panels.

Even if you have a “diamond eye,” it is better to arm yourself with a level or plumb line. There are several fundamental requirements for our resulting design. These include:

  • Leave a gap of about 2 centimeters between the plastic and the base to fill it with foam,
  • Measure the profile with a corner different places so that the rotation of the side parts does not turn out to be unequal from different sides,
  • Anything that protrudes, sticks out and is out of size - correct it immediately and only with a mounting knife,
  • At the joints of the panels, it is advisable to cover the cuts using the remnants of the starting profile.

Subsequent stages of work on the plastic slope

Continuing work on finishing the plastic slope, we take on the F-shaped profile. You need to make special edgings out of it.

The system does not change - first make the top element, then the remaining two. There is one more subtlety here. Where the profile will be joined, you need to make “mirror” cuts at 45 degrees so that they meet.

Having completed such a piece of work, you will come to a very important part. You will need to fill all the cracks and voids with foam. The difficulty is that a golden mean is needed here. If air collections remain, this may subsequently damage the slope. But do not forget that foam expands as it hardens. And if you apply too much of it, it will expand and deform the plastic.

Apply foam from the base of the window along the entire perimeter, and it is advisable to do this in the form of jumpers between the panel and the previous slope. Apply the next ball of foam to the edge of the slope, and place the previously made F-shaped profiles in the resulting space.

You can glue them securely using tape. And so that the foam adheres well to the surface, it can be slightly moistened. But not too much.

In a little less than half an hour, the foam will harden so much that everything we have done will become stable. All that remains is to seal the cracks with silicone or sealant.

The last thing that remains is the cleaning and aesthetic aspects. That is, all the defects that most often appear near the window sill must be repaired and the surfaces cleaned.

A few more necessary tips that will help you cope with the task easier and much better.

  • Never skimp on the quality of plastic,
  • Carefully select the shades of the profile to the window, preferably in daylight,
  • The panels have a special tenon, it must be cut off before starting work,
  • Cut plastic exclusively with a mounting knife or jigsaw,
  • Choose foam with a low expansion rate, and also fix the slope until the foam dries a little,
  • If you want to add additional insulation, do so before foaming.
  • If the tape leaves marks on the plastic, remove them with a small amount of acetone.
  • The opening that will be under the window sill needs to be plastered.

There are quite a few processes, and some require concentration and “steady” hands. But you can do everything yourself. In addition, every time you look out the window, you will understand that this is your work.

Types of slopes, and which ones are better to choose?

There are several main types of slopes. Each differs in installation mechanism, price and characteristics.

  1. Plaster slopes are one of the oldest. They are very ordinary and cheap. Price can also be indicated as one of the main advantages. Another plus is that it is easy to make. The disadvantages include a short service life. Without additional care and protection, it is characterized by insignificant strength. But the main drawback of plaster as a slope is poor heat insulation. Because of this, the structural integrity of the surface may be compromised and condensation will occur on it. And ultimately this will lead to cracks.
  2. Slopes made of wood are placed mainly under wooden frame. Against the background of plastic, wood will not always even look advantageous. The most commonly used wood is beech, oak or larch. Such slopes are not very popular. Firstly, they are expensive, and secondly, they are included in the kit wooden windows, which are even more rare now.
  3. Drywall slopes are not particularly expensive, but they require additional treatment such as an antifungal coating. Then the surface needs to be primed and puttied. Before this, the wall should be cleared of pieces of plaster. After the putty has dried, the slope can be painted or covered with wallpaper. But when starting to work with drywall, it is better to have preliminary skills in working with this material.
  4. And finally, plastic slopes. In many respects they may deserve the title best choice. They are the most convenient to use and very easy to install. Moreover, they are ideal for plastic windows. If you choose the same tone of plastic for the slope as for the windows (which is very easy to do due to the variety), they will merge into a single harmonious design. Another advantage of high-quality plastic slopes is their resistance to external influences: ultraviolet radiation, temperatures, and non-critical mechanical damage. They also retain heat well and insulate sounds well. To install the plastic you will not need any liquid Construction Materials. And 3-4 hours will be enough for everything.
  5. There are more interesting options slope cladding. For example, cork panels. They are made from cork oak and are suitable interesting interior. Naturally, they are absolutely environmentally friendly, have an exotic look, are interesting to the touch and are available in a fairly wide range of colors.

What tools and supplies are needed to install slopes?

If you decide to make plastic slopes with your own hands, you will have to stock up not only with patience, but also with a set of tools, as well as building materials.

You can't do without:

  • Actually plastic panel,
  • Plastic corners,
  • Assembly knife and/or metal scissors
  • Hacksaws,
  • Glue, liquid nails, silicone

Installing plastic slopes with your own hands

You will have to free up quite a lot of space in the room in order to fit comfortably and place all the necessary materials. In the preparation process, purchase and prepare everything according to the list:

  • Plastic for slopes no thinner than 8 millimeters,
  • U-shaped and F-shaped profiles,
  • starting line,
  • Insulation, can be either foam or cotton wool,
  • Reiki and level,
  • Roulette,
  • Drill and screws (some are about 95 mm long, others 4.5 mm),
  • Spatula and metal scissors,
  • The stapler is, of course, not a stationery one,
  • Assembly knife,
  • Mortar with cement and silicone sealant.

Before starting work directly, you need to bring the right type walls. They need to be cleared of everything: wallpaper, pieces of plaster, paint. A strong recommendation is to walk over the wall with an antifungal solution.

Be sure to take a look at what's going on from the outside. All cracks must be covered with cement mortar. If the integrity of the external seams on the outside is compromised, the polyurethane foam will suffer from ultraviolet radiation, and the strength of the seam itself will be in question.

What steps do you need to go through to install plastic slopes yourself?

No longer preparatory stage, but the installation itself does not begin with screwing the slats. A batten is placed at the window openings where the future slope will be. For this we will need the aforementioned longer screws.

They should not stick out from the edge of the wall. Insert the screws into the holes previously prepared with a drill. And do not screw them in all the way until you check that they are perfectly even. For this purpose, we previously stocked up on a level.

Only after careful checks, drive the screws in completely.

Step one - starting line.

The starting strip should be U-shaped. It should be screwed with “bugs” along the outer edge of the window. Make sure the strips meet evenly. If there are any irregularities in the cut, they are removed with a previously prepared knife. Also, do not damage the groove on the profile; this is where our slope will be driven later.

Step two - F-profile.

This profile is mounted strictly against the groove of the starting strip. Or rather the groove of this profile. We don’t need anything that extends beyond the window, so we remove it with a knife.

When working with the profile, first leave the ends with a margin at the top. Only after double-checking the correctness of the docking can the residues be removed. To do this, use metal scissors.

Attachment to wooden slats carried out with a stapler. It is most convenient to pin on the part of the end of the profile that is closest to the wood.

Step three - plastic panels.

Let’s even start writing with the fact that you first need to take measurements, and after checking the measurements again, begin cutting out the slope. This plastic will need to be driven into the grooves of our profiles.

If you decide to additionally insulate the slope with cotton wool, you also need to work with it at this stage. Needless to say, the quality of insulation installation also needs to be monitored.

Once the panels are installed, minor gaps may occur at the joints if they have not been measured exactly to the millimeter. Don't worry - use silicone sealant.

The fourth step is sealing the seams.

Liquid plastic will not be superfluous in this installation process. Basically, preference is given to the Cosmofen option. They need to process all seams and joints for complete tightness. Remove unwanted splashes and drops from the surface immediately. After installation is complete, clean all surfaces.

Step five - for those who install sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are mounted slightly differently. We install the starting profile as in the first option, but then the already measured and cut panels are inserted into it. And the free side is screwed directly to the wooden strip with self-tapping screws. This needs to be done diagonally.

Only then is the F-shaped profile installed and the seams and joints are sealed. You can also do without a starting profile. In this case, the sandwich panel is placed directly on the foam. To do this, make a slight depression in it around the entire perimeter.

These are all the differences from the instructions given above.

But it wouldn’t hurt to leave a few more tips:

  • Always install the top slope first,
  • Do not overdo it with the amount of polyurethane foam, which swells and can deform the plastic,
  • Only quality, no savings,
  • Do not remove the film on the window until everything is done,
  • Do not “disturb” the slopes for at least 12-16 hours, so that everything dries and hardens,
  • Only after studying the whole process and understanding it, proceed to installation.

This is worth knowing when installing plastic slopes yourself.

If you decide to install, or already, the next point will be the slopes. The window slopes are, in fact, the walls of the window niche. A window sill is installed on the lower one, and slopes are installed on the other three. These are the so-called internal ones, and there are also external ones that are installed from the street.

ABOUT self-installation internal slopes will be discussed below.

It is a mistake to think that a window inserted “into a bare wall” perfectly insulates heat and sounds. This will continue until the unprotected polyurethane foam is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and rain. To prevent this from happening, slopes are installed.

If such an element is made using quality material, and in compliance the required mechanism actions:

  • The slope will protect the assembly seams,
  • Increases sound insulation,
  • Reduces heat loss,
  • Prevents fogging.

For example, if there are no slopes, or they are not installed well, the room will lose up to 40 percent of heat.

How installation depends on the selected material

Plaster for slopes.

You could say that this is old method finishing. Plaster is cheap and not very difficult to apply. But she has too many negative qualities.

It cracks, crumbles, and changes color quite quickly. With a sufficiently strong physical impact, for example, subsidence of a wall, it may completely fall off.

The period for finishing a slope with plaster is calculated in weeks. The reason for this is the need for the material to dry. Since plastering is done in several layers, sometimes with a mesh between them, you need to wait until each layer is completely dry. Then prime and paint.

Plaster will not protect against heat loss and condensation of drops on the windows. And without the necessary skills, there is a risk of making the surface crooked.

Drywall for slopes.

Drywall already scores more points than plaster. It will last longer and is stronger. And if you add material mineral wool for insulation, good heat retention will appear.

But the big disadvantage of the material is its hostile relationship with water. For external works he fits perfectly. And there should also be no high humidity in the premises.

The need for additional treatment with primer and paint is not in favor of drywall. Manufacturing and installation also take a lot of time and require skills.

Plastic for slopes.

So far the most popular and widespread material for this need. It is resistant to external influences, even acids, and is easy to install and maintain. The service life is estimated at tens of years.

By installing plastic slopes to a plastic window, you will create a visually attractive design. The color can be chosen exactly.

When combined with mineral wool, the insulation against moisture and thermal insulation are very high. As well as protection against heat loss.

Install plastic slope you can do it yourself. But the level of all of the above advantages directly depends on the quality of installation.

The main thing is not to miss anything at the preparation stage

To cope with the installation of a slope made of a plastic panel, you need:

  • The panel is at least 8 mm thick,
  • Starting strip (U-shaped),
  • F-shaped profile,
  • Wood slats no thinner than 1-1.5 cm,
  • Level,
  • stapler,
  • Drill and screws (95 mm, and bugs-45),
  • Insulation,
  • Metal scissors and mounting knife,
  • Silicone can (white).

Do not remove the adhesive tape from the window and sill, if there is none, tape the frames to protect them from scratches.

1 - install slats.

The slats are installed around the entire slope so that they do not protrude to the sides, but are level with the wall.

To fix the rail, use long screws and a drill. Double-check (with a level) whether the rail is level. The quality of its installation will determine whether the entire structure will fall into place.

Minor errors can be corrected with small blocks and wood. The vertical will help level the level.

This is how we make the frame of the structure. Wood is used because plastic itself is quite flexible.

2 - fastening of the starting strip.

At the junction of the window and the wall in the window niche, we “edge” the window with a starting strip. We fasten it “from the inside” with bedbugs. Make sure the strip fits snugly. You can make marks by drawing a horizontal line at the top and two vertical lines on the sides.

Do not damage the groove of the strip, since the end of the plastic slope will fit into it.

3 - doing the F-shaped profile

Determine how long the profile is needed. But before cutting it, add a good couple of centimeters for overlap.

Install the profile, leaving an overlap, and later remove the excess using metal scissors. Installation is carried out with a stapler. The F-piece is attached to the wooden strip on the side that is closest. Plastic is inserted into the gutter that is closer to the middle of the window, and the gap is filled with insulation.

4 - insulation and plastic panels themselves

Starting at the top, insert the (measured and cut to size) panel into the starting profile first. Without pressing the plastic, lay the insulation, carefully distributing it, and only then insert the free end of the panel into the F-shape groove.

Do the same on both sides. And remember, the “issue price” here is in millimeters. Take measurements very accurately, it is better to leave a little more if in doubt. Using a mounting knife, you can cut off the excess.

Due to the significant tightness of the structure, external negative impacts the wall itself will not give in.

If there are minor gaps or errors somewhere, use silicone. Naturally, take white, for white plastic. Use it to cover up all the imperfections.

This completes the installation. All that remains is to clean all surfaces and peel off the protective films from the windows.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):