They should not be removed from the supports, otherwise they will begin to produce a lot of offspring, especially lemongrass, which indicates that strong support is very important for them.

Aristolochia is beautiful with large leaves And original flowers when on high altitude it spreads over two or three mature trees. It is most effective when it relies on coniferous trees. Against the background of dark spruce trees, the leaves of Aristolochia, even at great heights, stand out beautifully. When weaving around buildings or pergolas, it is less impressive because its leaves are too large for this. Handsome and wild grapes climbing the smooth trunk of an old pine tree. It is especially beautiful in the fall, when its foliage is brightly colored.

For perennial vines, strong and high support, and they will find the lighting they need themselves. Near the walls of buildings, such vines feel worse, since the shadow from the house is dense, and drops from the roofs are not useful to them.

For smaller vines that annually begin their growing season from ground level (Dioscorea, Virginia ivy, etc.), not so high, but strong and light supports are needed, especially for adlumia, which has transparent, delicate, low (3-4 m) greenery and pinkish small flowers, reminiscent of beautiful dicentra flowers. On a light support this plant is very impressive. Although it can reproduce by self-sowing, it is better to collect its black shiny seeds and sow them in the place designated for adlumia. Due to poorly developed roots, this biennial plant does not always tolerate transplantation. Therefore, it is better to replant it in the first year of life.

Beans, legumes and other annual and low-growing vegetables perennial vines It’s convenient to decorate gates, separate different parts of gardens and parks, hide unsightly areas from view, curl pergolas, gazebos, etc.

Gazebos in our climate need to be made light and transparent, and you can even do without roofs. Four wooden or metal posts with several rows of wire stretched between them. In more fundamental buildings, dampness and cold are constantly felt.

climbing roses good location with south side gazebos and trees, and on other sides they should be open to the sun, the crowns of support trees should not be low and spreading. On an old pine tree the effect is great, but in the fall it is difficult to remove thorny roses from their supports and lay them in a ring on the ground, and hang them again in the spring.

It is better to place interesting, beautifully flowering princeling vines near low-value ones. tall trees: mountain ash, brittle buckthorn, euonymus or tall bushes. Princes bloom very early with large beautiful white or purple flowers and decorate their support tree at the end of spring, and in the fall, rowan or euonymus will decorate the vine with their fruits

Most plants need enough sunlight, since it is under its influence that the process of photosynthesis occurs, the important role of which in the growth and development of living organisms is undoubted. That is why many plants feel good in illuminated areas, and in the future, the summer resident always faces the question of what to plant in the shade in those areas where the sun rarely sees.

Any dacha is a site with the presence of several zones, where places with sufficient sunlight and shaded corners are located in a certain ratio. Thinking about what to plant in the shade summer cottage amateur gardeners begin at the moment when they have a desire to use flower and vegetable crops, trees and shrubs all useful places, including with a large number shadows.

The shadow zones available on a summer cottage differ from each other in the degree of light penetration and sun rays. Some areas are characterized by a complete absence of any light, others receive only a few hours of sun during the day, and in some areas the presence of tall trees allows only diffuse light to penetrate. So what can you plant in the shade under trees if nothing wants to grow there? It turns out that there are some garden crops that feel great in shaded areas. plot of land and at the same time they can boast good harvest fruits I would like to dwell in more detail on how to properly organize the planting of such plants in the shade, as well as what types of flowers, vegetables and garden plants give preference.

Planting trees and shrubs in the shade of a country house and fence

Correct distribution and planting of plants will be helped by a thorough study of the summer cottage, as well as identifying shaded corners and determining the time during which sunlight can penetrate through the dense crowns of trees. Only a small amount ornamental crops can develop in such conditions, because most require sunlight.

A piece of land that sits in the shadow of a house most of the time is not exactly an attractive place to plant vegetation. You will feel good and comfortable in this area only special kind plants. However, such plants exist in nature and planting them near the house helps improve the aesthetic appearance of the area. The most suitable for these purposes are conifers, of which fir and yew are the priority .

Many deciduous plants also feel great in the shade of the house, allowing you to create a bright composition in your summer cottage. Among garden crops preference should be given to plantings serviceberry , rowan, honeysuckle, currant, serviceberry (here about her), viburnum, lilac And hawthorn .

Many shrubs grow and develop well without the sun or the creation of any additional conditions. One of the enemies of the sun is rhododendrons, which are preferably planted in partial shade under trees. Areas with slight shade are suitable for planting crops such as poppies And catchment (aquilegia) , hydrangea, And Amur wild, and also ivy , which can be placed along the fence or wall of the house.

The most popular among summer residents are various varieties of red and black elderberry , which have bright decorative properties and the decorations fit well summer cottages. Landings serviceberry, hazel And mountain ash allow not only to create contrast garden plantings, but are also distinguished by their unpretentiousness to growing conditions, as well as their resistance and resistance to various diseases. Such crops can be used for planting both on the site and in the orchard.

Flowers and ornamental plants grown in the shade

Despite the great importance of the sun in the life of flowering plants, many of them feel great in the shade, and some are ready to do without it. All flowers and plants intended for planting in shaded corners of the site can be divided into several groups:


They include the largest list of flowers that can be used both to create flower beds and to decorate the landscape.

  • Badin - grows well in medium to dense shade, but with a strong degree of shading there may be problems with flowering.
  • Day-lily - prefers to grow in partial shade, since excessive shading can reduce the amount of flowering of this plant.
  • is absolutely not picky plants to the conditions of its place of residence, and also has the ability to grow rapidly.
  • are classic plants, which can be found in the flower beds of most summer residents.
  • Khosta - nature itself ordered this flower to live in the shade, only then its leaves will be able to show their full range.

And here are other shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants: kobeya, astilbe Andpeonies , such small-bulbed ones as muscari , irises And periwinkle , dicenter And tenacious , wild rosemary And saxifrage - all of them, including ground cover, can be successfully used to solve the problem of little or no sunlight in flower beds.

Biennial plants

The most common shade-loving flowers are pansies . Due to the diversity of their species, which grow well in areas without sunlight, you can observe the flowering of these plants throughout the entire summer season.

Full shade suitable for growing forget-me-nots Andbrunners , which are able to disperse independently and create a whole carpet of flowering plants.


This is the smallest group of flowers, since there are very few lovers of shaded places here.

An area with partial shade is suitable for growing balsam , but a complete lack of sunlight can lead to a lack of flowering.

Sweet tobacco stands out for its beauty among other plants and feels most comfortable in a garden with diffused light.

Calendula - just a couple of hours of exposure to the sun during the daytime will be enough for her to feel, in the future, in good health in the shade and bloom twice a season.

What to plant vegetables in the garden

The most picky crops among vegetables are sorrel And garlic , which can grow quietly in the complete absence of sunlight. Similar conditions are suitable for growing carrots However, the best and highest quality harvest of this root vegetable will be obtained at least with a short stay of these vegetables in the sun. A plot of land near the fence can be used for planting legumes such as beans And peas , as well as for growing salads And cucumbers .

For lovers of small root vegetables red beets , parsley root And parsnip You can safely plant in shaded areas. Well horseradish is simply the king of the shade, and even planting it in the most unattractive place without sunlight will allow the vegetable to grow and please everyone with a wonderful harvest of leaves and roots.

In this situation, let’s not forget about the useful borage grass (in this article) with its almost constant flowering throughout the season, and about rhubarb (A ) With lovage .

Of course, it is necessary to use the entire usable area of ​​the summer cottage, even if some of its places do not have an abundance of sunlight. Even a novice amateur gardener, through trial and error, will be able to select those plants that will not only feel great in a shaded area, but will also give the dacha an attractive appearance.

A perennial shrub, brought to Europe from the eastern part of the world about two centuries ago, has taken root well in gardening areas and on personal plots. Deutzia is valued by amateur gardeners for its lush flowering and diversity of species, of which there are about 50. A shrub from the hydrangea family can delight owners with white, yellowish and pink flowers with petals various forms throughout the flowering period from mid-spring to late summer. The flowing branches of a bush densely strewn with flowers can give a modern landscape an oriental touch. But the plant is considered capricious, so planting deutzia and subsequent care require special effort.

How to choose a place

The shrub is capricious in relation to soils, direct sunlight and drafts. Deutzia prefers to bloom in the shade of large spreading trees, which can shelter it from the scorching heat and maintain the humidity of the surrounding air. The shrub will feel great surrounded by other plants that can protect it from the wind in cold weather. The southern side is more preferable for the growth and flowering of deutsia, next to a residential building.

Due to the fact that the plant does not attract dust, it can be used to decorate roadside areas, creating a low decorative “fence” (about 1 m high) or hedge(up to 4 m high). It is important to remember that frosts above 20 0 C can kill the plant, so it is better to plant it in areas where mild winters prevail and air humidity is slightly increased.

Planting shrubs

Deutia should be planted in the spring. The bush loves fertile loose soil, so you need to work hard to create it. Depending on how the owner subsequently sees the landscape of his site, planting of deutia is carried out at intervals of 1.5 to 2 m, so that the bushes do not interfere with each other in the future.

Correct planting pattern:

  • the depth of the hole should be about half a meter;
  • to avoid washing away the roots groundwater, it is better to place drainage or a little sand at the bottom;
  • into the hole you need to pour one part of peat, compost or humus mixed with half a part of sand;
  • to reduce soil acidity, ash or slaked lime is used;
  • at the end the plant is thoroughly watered.

How to care

Some types of shrubs are drought-tolerant, so watering can be done no more than 1-2 times a month. Most species are irrigated 3–4 times. For one-time watering usual time, each bush needs about 10 liters. water, during the hot summer you will need up to 20 liters. After watering, it is better to loosen the soil under the bush. During periods of heavy rain, the bush is not watered, and the ground underneath is covered with a film. This helps to avoid waterlogging, which the plant does not like so much.

Proper care of the plant requires mandatory feeding of the plant twice during the flowering period. First, in the spring, the plant is fertilized with a nitrogen-containing mixture. Before wintering, at the end of summer, the mixture should contain phosphorus and potassium. Due to the fact that the plant is practically not affected by diseases and various pests, it very rarely needs treatment.

Reproduction methods

For propagation of shrubs the following are used:

  • seeds;
  • young offspring with buds;
  • lignified cuttings;
  • layering;
  • small parts separated by the roots from a mature bush.

Trimming correctly

Those who want to grow low growing shrub, should monitor the pruning of branches every year. If you cut off the bush's branches little by little over several years, it can grow quite tall, which is perfect for creating a hedge. Pruning is necessary when flowering ends. If the bush is very overgrown, it must also be thinned out, and the branches must be trimmed. To create low-growing, rounded forms or creeping, squat flowering covers, branches are cut off almost at the root. Pruning of each branch is carried out until the first young shoot, which will have color in next year. After winter, it is better to remove dry branches from the plant. If you plan to create a hedge from shrubs up to 4 m high, it is better not to trim them.

How to prepare for winter

Wrapping it up will help to withstand frosts, drying and freezing of the tubular stems of the shrub. At the end of autumn, before frost, the soil under the bush is loosened and mulched with dry leaves, sawdust, pine needles. A shrub up to 2 m high bends to the ground. During the wintering period, caring for the action involves carefully covering the bushes with breathable material, which can be burlap, thick paper or fabric, large carton, other material. Additionally, the bushes are covered with snow.

Some plants can withstand even the most difficult conditions and live in dry and dense shade.

Many gardeners believe that planting various vegetables, ornamental and other, in the shade flowering plants- a completely useless activity. But this is far from true. Lev Pylkin, Chairman of the Tallinn Club of Gardeners and Amateur Gardeners, told us which representatives of the flora are resistant to the lack of bright lighting.

Hosta and fern thrive in the shade.

Holly holly leaves are used to make Christmas wreaths.

By using various types shade-tolerant plants you can create a real paradise in the shade.

Rhododendron flower.

Even in biology lessons, everyone learned that plants cannot live without light, since without it photosynthesis in the leaves is impossible, and the plant is doomed to death. Consequently, all tips for growing vegetables, berries and other crops are based on next condition: choose a piece of land that is sufficiently illuminated. But does everyone need the sun?

From heaven to earth

On any plot of land there are areas where the sun - rare guest: for example, under trees, near a fence, behind buildings, etc. Anyone can easily find a piece of land where it would be nice to plant something, but the shadow gets in the way. But in fact, some plants do not need direct sunlight at all: they tolerate shade quite well.

Of course, in complete darkness, nothing useful or beautiful will grow (with the exception of moss and asparagus). Therefore, if your garden is completely dark, one will help to let in the sun (at least in the form of scattered rays). useful procedure. When people buy old farmsteads or abandoned gardens, they often have problems with overgrown trees that create continuous shade, and nothing grows there except grass. You can partially improve the situation and let at least some light into the garden by pruning the trees. Previously, it was believed that this procedure could only be carried out in the spring, when the snow was still thick. Yes, this is correct and convenient, but, as practice shows, pruning can be done all year round. And when you have formed the crown and it has become transparent, the sun's rays begin to reach the ground, and this is enough for shade-tolerant plants.

Let's start our review with vegetables, berries and other edibles plant crops, which feel great even away from direct sunlight. So, for example, you can plant strawberries or wild strawberries under an apple tree. In this case, you will have a harvest a little later than in sunny places, but the quality is no worse, and sometimes even better. Rhubarb also adapts perfectly to shade if it is watered in a timely manner.

Radish without arrows

Radishes also feel great in the shade. Gardeners are recommended to grow it in the first half of summer, since in the middle, as a rule, it starts to bloom and begins to bloom. If you grow radishes in partial shade and there is enough moisture, the plant will develop normally and you will get wonderful harvest: the root crop will grow quite decently, but there will be less bloom or no bloom at all.

It is also worth paying attention to shade-tolerant green crops: Odessa curlew, spinach, sorrel, parsley, watercress, lettuce, wild garlic (bear onion), etc. The greens give a wonderful harvest in partial shade - they become coarser more slowly and their shelf life lasts food purposes is extended.

Many berry bushes shade will also be welcome. For example, raspberries. If you plant it under an apple tree, then they will cooperate well with each other: the raspberry harvest will please you, and there will be fewer various pests on the apple tree. Black currants can exist in partial shade without problems, although they tolerate sunny places well. But for black currants it is important to find a place where there is damp soil, then it will delight you with a harvest even in hot weather it does not need to be particularly watered. But this trick will not work with red currants and gooseberries, since they are very light-loving: the berries in the shade will be small.

And the drought is not scary

Of course, most of the plants that can please the eye in the shade are decorative. At the same time rare plant it will bloom in the shade, and if flowers do appear, their color will not be as bright as that of relatives living in sunny areas. Shade-loving plants attract attention rather than the beauty of the flower, but unusual shape leaves and inflorescences.

So, perennial flower Hosta has decorative beautiful foliage. Hosta - unique for shade (even dry) and very unpretentious plant, grows quickly, does not require special care, goes very well with other shade-tolerant perennials. Blue hostas are a real delight: their leaves are covered with a “waxy” coating, giving the plant a bluish tint.

Can also be grown in dry shade garden geraniums, because they have excellent shade tolerance and high drought resistance. Let us immediately note that perennial and cold-resistant garden geraniums should not be confused with heat-loving pelargoniums, which are grown at home in pots or in the garden as annuals. Both of them belong to different kinds of the geranium family, therefore pelargoniums are often not quite correctly called geraniums in everyday life. For shade, dark geraniums with large, succulent leaves are suitable, for example, Cambridge geranium and large-rhizome geranium.

Both summer and winter

Another plant that can easily tolerate dry shade conditions is the yasami. It is a low, compact bush with jagged green leaves, along the middle of which there are bright white stripes. In warm winters with little snow, it will also decorate the garden, since it is a semi-evergreen plant. Waldsteinia trifoliata also feels good in deep shade - a perennial plant with yellow inflorescences, reaching a height of 15-20 cm.

An excellent choice for decorating shady and semi-shaded areas of the garden is the tiarella bush, which, like the hosta, becomes more magnificent and beautiful with age. Tiarella is also unpretentious and does not require great care. In addition, it remains decorative in winter.

The evergreen holly shrub has shiny leaves dark green with jagged or spiny edges. Feels great even in the most unfavorable conditions arid shade. The bush grows slowly, but can live up to a hundred years.

Few people know that the familiar rhododendron is also shade-loving plant. Thus, planting bushes on open areas your garden, know that you will have to wait years for flowering, but you may not even wait. It should be noted that root system in rhododendrons it is superficial and very compact, therefore good neighbors there will be pear and apple trees for him.

The sun is not respected

Bergenia greatly enlivens flowerbeds with insufficient light. This is a versatile perennial plant that can retain leaves for up to late autumn and remain green under the snow, which allows it to be classified as evergreens. By the way, occupying the lower tier, dense thickets of bergenia do not allow weeds to grow.

A rather unpretentious plant that can live in one place for decades without demanding special attention, is a Rogersia that prefers partial shade, although it grows equally well in shaded and sunny areas. Please note that Rogers does not like wind, so it is better to plant it along walls or fences, under the protection of trees or spreading bushes. Care consists of timely and abundant watering, especially during dry periods.

An indispensable plant for creating green cover under trees in gardens is pachysandra. Pachysandra is one of the plants that grows best in the shade, since its foliage becomes pale in open sunny areas. The plant is cold-resistant and does not require care in winter. A nice bonus is that pachysandra is not damaged by diseases and pests.

Saxifraga shady, as the name of the plant suggests, prefers shaded areas with moderately moist soil. In the sun it develops much weaker and does not form a dense cover. The flowers of Saxifraga umbra are small, snow-white, slightly pinkish in the middle.

So there is someone to amaze us with their beauty even in the shadows. The main thing is to choose the right plants for your site and do not forget to properly care for them.

In its brightness and beauty, a shady flower garden can surpass even a luxurious flower bed in a sunny garden. The main thing here is to choose and arrange green spaces correctly. Fortunately, there are quite a few plants that can successfully bloom, grow, develop and bear fruit in shaded areas.

Flowers that will be located near the tree should be well suited to shady areas.

If the decision is made under trees or shrubs, then it must be taken into account that the soil in such places is very dry and riddled with roots. The planting holes will have to be made a little larger than usual and filled with leaf humus. It is mixed with compost, weathered peat and sand in the following ratio:

  • leaf humus - 2 parts;
  • compost - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - ½ part.

On loamy or clayey soil, the amount of sand is doubled. And on peat and sandy soils, instead of peat and sand, it is better to add garden, leaf or compost soil, which can retain moisture.

Not all roots grow vertically into the ground, most of them grow in the upper part of the soil to a depth of about 45 cm. The roots spread much further than the crown develops. Because of this, they grow very quickly, penetrate the flowerbed and deprive it of nutrients and moisture.

Under the maples and fruit trees It is most inconvenient to plant flower beds.

Planting under them quite often leads to disappointment and failure. But coniferous trees and oaks have strong, deep-growing roots, and therefore can exist together with other plants.

Flower beds that are arranged under trees that do not exceed 6 m in adulthood feel great.

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What is needed to set up a flowerbed in the shade

If there are such trees on the site, you can safely arrange a flower garden in the shade. You will get an original picture of elegant plants that bloom luxuriously and look much better in the shade of spreading trees.

Developing any shady area begins with drawing up a planting plan. For the flower garden, plants with small roots and a non-aggressive root system are used.

When choosing flowers, you need to have the following information about them:

  • flowering time;
  • how quickly they will grow;
  • degree of resistance to low temperatures;
  • drought resistance;
  • what kind of soil is required - alkaline or acidic;
  • what sizes can they reach?

It is very useful (if possible) to look at all selected plants at the age of three in neighboring areas. It is better to see shrubs at the age of five: many reach maturity at this time.

Knowing all these features, it is easy to form appearance flower garden to make it look impressive all year round and pleased with the texture of the leaves and the blooming color.

Basic tools you will need for planting and growing flowers and small plants:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • small scoop;
  • bucket;
  • wide container for mixing soil;
  • medium sized scissors;
  • thread gloves;
  • rubber gloves.

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Preparing a site for a flower garden begins with removing the turf. The soil at the base of a mature tree must be rootless in order to grow there herbaceous plants. Of course, there is no need to specifically dig up the roots - this is the worst preparation method.

Scheme for creating a round flower bed.

To determine the density of the roots, you need to dig the soil with force with a shovel. If the blade hits the network of roots, move to a new place and again insert the shovel into the soil until the shovel penetrates at least a bayonet into the ground. If the main roots are in the way, they are carefully moved away without stressing them. You shouldn’t cut it off, but if you do have to cut it, you can damage no more than 10% of the root system. At the same time, the crown should be reduced according to the reduction of roots - by 10%.

After finishing digging, prepare planting pits. They are carefully lined around the perimeter with a thin mesh (to prevent the penetration of new tree roots). It is always necessary to check the soil for drainage. To do this, make a hole of double depth and fill it with water. If after 15 minutes the water does not disappear, the drainage should be improved (gravel, crushed stone or pebbles are poured into the bottom of the hole in a layer of 10 cm), or the plants should be replaced with those whose root systems are suitable for humid conditions. When everything is in order with the drainage layer, lay gravel on the surface fertile soil layer 10 cm.

Soil composition:

  • one part is the original land;
  • four parts - compost or humus;
  • one part is sand or gravel.

The plant is lowered and covered with mixed substrate at the soil level. The substrate is firmly compacted, water is poured in and compacted again.

The root collar should be located two or three centimeters above ground level. After this, the plant is mulched.

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How to create continuous flowering in flower beds

As plants grow, they begin to displace each other. They must be seated or replanted in a timely manner, otherwise general view the flower garden will be lost. Taking into account future growth, planting is done sparsely. It doesn’t matter if the flower garden may not look impressive enough in the first years.

Under trees, it is better to plant evergreen small bushes with slow growth, for example, dwarf conifers.

Until perennial plants reach full bloom, sparse plantings can be corrected by filling empty spaces with annuals and bulbous crops - lilies, hyacinths, tulips, as well as ground cover plants.

For example, if pale daffodils grow in a flowerbed, then at the end of their flowering only drying leaves will remain. The best way to avoid this unattractive picture is to grow daffodils around them foliage plants, for example, hosta or herbaceous tall perennials and annuals that will bloom profusely and slowly fade. The advantage of annuals is their continuous flowering for several months. Selecting varieties and species with different terms blooms create a continuous, continuous abundance of flowers from early spring to late autumn. Some annuals, such as cosmos, zinnia, sage, geranium, and cleome, retain their beauty until severe frosts.

Of no less interest are monochromatic plantings under a tree. Bulb crops are most suitable for this: daffodils, tender scylla, tulips, muscari.

For annuals, a different planting method is used.

The turf is removed around the tree and a matting or matting equal to the size of the removed layer of turf is laid on the cleaned surface of the ground. The mat is covered with fertile soil, annual seedlings are planted or their seeds are sown, moistened and growth is monitored.

This best way landings annual plants with showy green leaves. They grow no more than 15-30 cm. The mat must be constantly kept moist, and soon flower bushes of pink, red, pink-purple and white compositions with exuberant flowering will begin to form. Such a flower garden will decorate the garden and fill it with charm.

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