Nowadays, finding your own plant that you like and will meet your preferences is not very difficult. Since among all the variety you can choose the most common climbing flowers, and something new. We bring to your attention only a small part of the famous climbing plants which can be freely used to decorate yours.

List of flowers that are suitable for decorating a summer cottage.

In this article today we have collected all the climbing flowers for the garden. We will provide their names and photos here. Let's start talking in detail about these beautiful plants.

Photo: representative of climbing perennials - Morning Glory

Morning glory. This one is growing country flower up to five meters long. And they all know it because it contains more than five hundred varieties and species, and therefore morning glory blooms in a wide variety of colors. In addition, this plant also has huge variations in the shapes and sizes of inflorescences.

Tekoma (campsis). The maximum height of this climbing flower fifteen meters. The flowers have the shape of a funnel-shaped tube, and the size of these flowers is three to five centimeters wide and ten centimeters long. The color of the inflorescences is yellow, red, pink and orange.

Photo: climbing flowers - Passionflower

Passionflower. In nature there are both perennial and annual species. And due to this division, they grow in height from two to ten meters. Passion flowers resemble stars. And the color of these stars ranges from white to blue, and there are also pink ones.

Canarian ivy. If you comply with all the conditions for its cultivation, then it will delight you in its summer cottage more than fifteen years. And it will grow up to thirty meters in height. And the first flowers will appear only ten years later.

Maiden grapes. The plant grows in length from twenty meters. As soon as the cold period of the year arrives, its leaves will turn purple. Small sized maiden grape berries dark blue.

climbing perennial- hops

Hop. The growth period of this plant is very fast, and its height will be from four to eight meters. It blooms with light green flowers that resemble the shape of cones. But the leaves, on the contrary, are bright green and carved. There are different types of hops in nature, for example, Japanese hops are annual plants, but common hops are considered perennial.

Climbing rose for a summer cottage

Climbing rose. There are three varieties of this perennial plant:

  • large-flowered climbers,
  • cardesia hybrids,
  • ramblers.

Each species has its own specific height and a specific size of the flowers themselves. Based on averages, the size of the plant is from three to six meters in height.

Wisteria. The height of the plant is fifteen meters, and it is surrounded by 30-centimeter brushes, and this continues throughout summer period. The colors of the flowers are different: pink, purple and white.

Sweet pea - climbing, photo

Sweet pea. This bush has nice smell, and its height is two meters. Almost the entire summer period, beautiful elegant flowers grow on it, which are collected in brushes.

We have already listed several types of perennial plants. These and many others will look great on a summer cottage, and will withstand our temperate climate zone. They take root well and do not require special care conditions. Some of the plants form green carpet, but most cannot do without support. Such a support can serve as:

  • Arch;
  • Pergola;
  • Ordinary fence;
  • Summer gazebos;
  • Various architectural buildings;
  • Monuments;
  • Building's facade;
  • Tree trunk.

You can come up with different compositions yourself and decorate them with plants. This way you will make your site exclusive.

Perennial climbing plants for a summer cottage

Above you were able to learn about what kind of climbing flowers exist in the country today. But in this part of the article we will talk about what perennials exist. In addition, we will show their photos and tell you their name.

So, the process of growing perennial plants is very exciting, since from them, at your discretion, you can create the most different shapes and create unique compositions. They also have an advantage - they bloom for a very long time and delight their owners.

Below we provide a list of these perennial plants that will always help decorate any garden plot.

Tecoma. Likes a mild climate, abundant watering, autumn period needs to cut off old stems in summer and spring period the thecoma should be fed. The propagation process occurs through seeds, but if you want the tekoma to produce flowers in the near future. It is better to propagate it by cuttings or layering. Before the cold weather arrives, the cuttings are planted at an angle, precisely on permanent place.

Photo of Canarian ivy, climbing perennials

Canarian ivy. It will add beauty to any garden plot. It depends on the variety whether the plant loves light or can be in the shade. If the leaves are variegated, plant it in a bright place. Abundant watering is important here. Once a week, ivy is fed with mineral fertilizers. To give the bush shape and splendor, it should be pruned.

Wisteria. One of the most beautiful climbing plants. Almost all types of wisteria reach a height of fifteen meters, and one of the species grows 8 meters in length. The plant is frost-resistant.

Be sure to water it regularly, the soil should be loose, loves the sun's rays, and needs to be fertilized once per day, allowing the water to stagnate. But carry out the fertilization process in the spring, when the leaves appear. In addition to the fact that these plants perfectly decorate a summer cottage, they are also used. They decorate utility blocks and use them as shade in gazebos or benches. Also, with the help of climbing plants, you can divide a summer cottage, for example, into a recreation area and a work area. But thanks to climbing plants such as grapes, hops and others, which are not afraid of drafts, you can create a barrier from the wind or from the hot sun. Of course, with such plants, your dacha will immediately become cozier and more comfortable, and, therefore, relaxing at the dacha will become more enjoyable.

Beautiful decorative flyers allow you to decorate:

  • arches;
  • hedges;
  • terraces and verandas;
  • balconies and loggias;
  • rock gardens and flower beds;
  • gazebos and recreation areas;
  • garden compositions, including trees and tall shrubs.

Solid weaving plants can be used to create a cozy shady corner on a personal plot or in a garden, and also to use such crops in vertical gardening, thanks to which garden plot or the facade of the building will acquire new colors and individual style.

Climbing plants: varieties (video)

Popular perennial climbing plants

The best and most popular varieties among gardeners and hybrid forms climbing crops are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, winter hardiness, rapid growth and resistance to adverse external factors. Such plants can be flowering or decorative deciduous, which allows you to choose best option for landscaping.


Characteristics and description

climbing roses

The advantages are represented by a rich color palette, abundant and long-lasting flowering, low maintenance requirements, and sufficient drought resistance. On winter period It is recommended to remove it from the support and cover it


Purple, pink, white or blue flowers They combine very well with most ornamental plants. Growing involves the use of supports and proper regular pruning of the above-ground parts.


Climbing perennial very good. Forms relatively small fragrant flowers, collected in attractive inflorescences

A very unpretentious and resilient climbing plant, the main advantages of which are the ability to weave around any type of surface, rapid growth and resistance to unfavorable soil and climatic conditions

Maiden grapes

The perennial becomes a real decoration for pergolas, gazebos and fences from early spring to late autumn, but requires systematic pruning due to its tendency to become excessively thick.


A winter-hardy flowering and fruiting vine, perfect for gardening in the northern regions. Very flexible stems require vertical support


The vine-like plant of the Blue Moon variety is characterized by amazing frost resistance and produces beautiful red or blue flowers. Used in the design of gazebos and verandas, as well as pergolas and arches

Herbaceous type dioecious plant, climbing upward in a clockwise direction, has opposite palmate foliage and interpetiolar stipules


herbaceous perennial, having smooth erect or curly shoots. Such woody vines are perfect for home gardening and bold landscape solutions.


Climbing light-loving tropical perennial, needing to be grown only in brightly sunny areas

Beautiful climbing flowers in the country


Characteristics and description

Nightshade bittersweet

An unpretentious and frost-resistant woody shrub crop with long shoots. It grows well not only in middle lane, but also in Siberia and in the territory Far East. A very fast growing vine with dark green foliage and long-term flowering with lilac inflorescences, similar to the flowers of garden potatoes.

Forms oblong poisonous fruits bright red color

Calistegia downy

This type of vine belongs to closely related species of field bindweed, but is very different in both the size and shape of the flowers, reminiscent of lush and unusually attractive double roses. Reaches three meters in height, which allows it to be widely used for decorating hedges, as well as creating green and abundant flowering arches upon entering the building. The culture is aggressive and capable of growing very strongly, therefore, when planting in garden plots and summer cottages, it is necessary to limit the space for the growth of the root system. The liana is unpretentious, but tolerates shading quite hard


It is characterized by extremely rapid growth and extremely active development of the above-ground part. It has very attractive, peculiar corrugated leaves, with the help of which large areas of fences, terraces and verandas, and the facade of buildings are decorated. Flowering is characterized by the formation of single flowers with an extremely delicate cream color. The fruits resemble cucumbers that are too large. For growth and development, the plant needs fertile soil, good sunlight and regular irrigation measures.

Blade mine

The liana is distinguished by very unusual decorative foliage, which is purple in color and has very pronounced veins, clearly visible against a lush green background. At the end of the season, the foliage of this vine-like crop changes color and may turn red, yellow or cream. It is preferable to grow on

light sandy soils with good sunlight

Dolichos vulgaris

Dolichos are included in the list of the most unusual and very exotic garden liana-like crops. A special feature is the formation of large trifoliate foliage of highly decorative purple. The stems are purple in color. Blooms for a long time, with racemes of pink flowers that look like moths. Average length shoots often exceed four meters. The plant needs fertile soil and good lighting, as well as frequent watering and loosening


Container or potted crop overwintering at home. Aboveground part grows and develops very quickly. It has juicy thickened green or variegated leaves, which are capable of accumulating a large amount of moisture when watered. Excessive irrigation measures contribute to quite noticeable evaporation of moisture through the foliage


A container or potted crop that overwinters only at home. Flowering is relatively long, with delicate snow-white flowers that have an incredibly pleasant and delicate, refined aroma. It is necessary to use ladder supports or wire arches


A container or potted crop that overwinters only at home. It is distinguished by its highly decorative above-ground part. Relatively unpretentious in care and undemanding to soil conditions in the growing region.

Actinidia kolomikta

It has densely leafy shoots that can very well shade gazebos or terraces from the summer heat. Kolomikta is particularly beautiful in mid-summer, which is due to the change in the bronze color of the leaves to green and variegated coloring. At the final stage of the growing season, the foliage acquires an unusual crimson color. The flowers are very fragrant, large in size, located on long stalks

Annual bindweeds in garden decor

The annual weaving crop is less popular than the perennial one. However, such loaches have proven themselves well in many regions of our country and allow you to change the design every year landscape design.

Growing climbing plants in the garden (video)


Characteristics and description

Popular annual vine-like flower. This bindweed with gramophone flowers is often grown in containers and can become an excellent screen for a balcony or garden terrace, and will also be a worthy decoration for a gazebo or fence

The bindweed of this beautifully flowering plant is optimal for vertical gardening and forms a real “waterfall”, represented by multi-colored bells. After flowering, decorative seeds are formed.

Sweet pea

An ideal plant for beginners and inexperienced gardeners, successfully combining unpretentiousness and high decorativeness. The crop withstands return frosts very well in spring and is undemanding to soils.

Decorative beans

Beans are very sensitive to spring frosts, which affects the timing of planting in open ground. The fiery red annual is widely used by landscape designers as a background for low-growing flower arrangements.

Dolichos or hyacinth beans

Very decorative, long-flowering annual vine with purple or white flowers collected in racemes and purple or dark purple flat beans

Visloporpnik rough

Quickly forms many shoots. It has bright, long-blooming flowers, collected in very attractive loose cluster-shaped inflorescences and double-pinnate foliage.

Decorative pumpkin

It forms huge leaves that cover fences, gazebos and verandas, pergolas and canopies in a thick layer. The flowers of this pumpkin are bright and large, orange or yellow in color.


A bright representative of the Pumpkin family needs fertile and well-lit areas, and also requires competent care during all periods of the growing season.


Annual and perennial herbaceous vines are characterized by a very branched and succulent stem part, and also have bright, incredibly colorful inflorescences


Herbaceous type clinging vine with a very pronounced and well-developed fibrous root system, as well as attractive ground shoots

Creepers for creating arches, decorating gazebos and facades

Liana-like climbing crops can be represented by several species, which differ in appearance and characteristics:

  • creeping annuals and perennials that grow in the form of a carpet on the ground in the absence of special support. The most popular are climbing rose and climbing euonymus;
  • clinging annuals and perennials, represented by vines with tendrils through which they are attached to supports. The most prominent representatives include sweet pea, Echinocystis and Amur grapes;
  • climbing annuals and perennials with aerial roots in the form of sprouts-suction cups, with the help of which growth occurs on a rough surface. Such plants include ivy, campsis and five-leaf grapes.

All three types are excellent for decorating arches, gazebos, fences and the facade of residential buildings and outbuildings.

Preference should be given to the most spectacular and trouble-free species to grow., A timely pruning will allow you to create a beautiful hedge, picturesque arched garden compositions or a slightly shaded and abundantly flowering gazebo.

Climbing roses: care (video)

Undoubtedly, the pride of every owner is a personal plot, decorated and landscaped with the help of climbing flowering plants and bordered by a lace fence, which will surprise everyone with the fact that it will seem like a carpet, as if woven from leaves and unusual flowers.

Probably, nature itself provided for the creation of climbing plants for fences so that they could occupy worthy place when decorating personal plot, contribute to the modification and transformation of the entire territory.

Weaving and climbing plants are one of the important components of landscaping a site, since only they can create lush greenery and flowering in places where you could not plant other plants.

Transparent fence entwined with climbing plants

Multifunctional elements for creating green spaces are plantings that wrap around a fence - both annual and perennial. If you use them, you solve several design tasks at once:

Advice. It is advisable to plant fast-growing plants along the fence, gazebos and open areas to create the shade and slight coolness needed in the heat.

By the way, you can take note that climbing plants visually make the territory of a personal plot larger.
It's time to take a closer look at climbing and weaving flowers and plants for the garden with names, descriptions and photos.

Beautifully flowering and climbing perennials

Let's consider what climbing plants can be planted along the fence or around the gazebo, veranda and any fence.


Gardeners believe that climbing (or climbing) roses are in first place in the ranking of popularity and attractiveness among climbing plants - representatives of ornamental flora. The rich selection of these plants, which nature has awarded with the most unusual shapes and colors, is amazing.

Even a gardener who has just started growing various green spaces can grow a perennial plant that does not require special care in his summer cottage: you just need to plant a bush in the southern or southwestern part of the exposition, because that is where it is well lit. Then, at certain intervals, fertilize the rose and water it abundantly.

The soil around the roses can be sprinkled with grass, humus, straw, and sawdust. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will not harm the plants.

Although roses are unpretentious in care, but with the onset autumn cold will attract your attention in order to prune long shoots up to three meters that have grown over summer season, and make additional shelter for them for the winter.

A climbing rose will decorate any fence

Most varieties climbing roses begins to bloom in the first half of June, giving you and your guests pleasant impressions from the beauty of its flowering for three to four weeks. During other months of the year, your fence will be decorated only with the dense foliage of the plant.

Light-loving plants achieve the greatest splendor and decorative flowering only in well-lit places.


Many-sided and fabulous beautiful flowers- clematis - are at the same high level of popularity among homeowners as climbing roses.

Star-shaped flowers open on the shoots in early June and will delight the eye with their unusual blooms until the onset of autumn. After flowering ends, clematis seeds appear on the bushes. They are so decorative that they will continue to decorate the area until the onset of the winter season.

A wide variety of species and varieties contributes to the demand for clematis in the summer cottage. You can plant it on the lawn herbaceous varieties, clematis will look cozy near a pond. Subshrubs veil low fences and terraces.

Climbing varieties will entwine vertical surfaces: house walls, gazebos, fences, arches, special stands and fixtures - and you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Pergolas, openwork elements of buildings or mesh will serve as support for clematis.

For comfortable growth, clematis need fertile soil, sun, moisture and protection from the wind. If you create good conditions and prune the shoots correctly, you can prolong the flowering of clematis before the first frost.

The root system of clematis is covered, protecting it from frost.

The photo below shows an open veranda dotted with clematis flowers.

Among the delightful exotic plants we can note a number of the best frost-resistant and winter-hardy varieties. For example, the “Ballerina” vine, which was named after the famous 20th century ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, blooms from May to September, has beautiful white flowers reaching 15 centimeters in diameter, and rises to a height of up to three meters on supports.

The Nelly Moser variety is also adapted to cold winters. The flowers of this clematis are shaped like stars and have light pink petals, similar to the flowers of a blooming spring apple tree. They bloom in May and June. But the beauty of their flowering compensates for their fragility. They are usually planted close to home.

The Nikolai Rubtsov variety is also not afraid of cold climates. It is suitable for those gardeners who love bright shades. The flowers of this plant are purple-pink with a lighter stripe on the petals and reach 14 centimeters in diameter. Clematis of this variety bloom from July to October.

creeping vines

An ideal option for decorating a fence are creeping vines. They have small suckers - roots, thanks to which they, like “climbers”, can climb (crawl) to any height, easily greening a dense fence of three to four meters. This ability to climb and twine appeared in vines in an evolutionary way so that they received more light.

The photo below shows actinidia: the plant gradually grows, covering the gray wall:

Creeping vines such as honeysuckle do not require special care, petiole hydrangea, kampsis.

In the spring or autumn, you can start planting creeping vines along a support, fence or solid fence, and then watch how a year later the strong, strong stems of the vines quickly conquer the peaks when they climb the fence, like climbers, and as if weaving a carpet of green leaves.

Among the annual climbing plants, it is worth mentioning sweet peas, bindweed, prickly carp, Mexican ivy, morning glory, willow carp and others.


A beautifully flowering shrub vine is petiolate hydrangea, which beautifully climbs along a fence and easily climbs various supports to a height of eight to twenty meters.

Since hydrangea has very bright green foliage and a charming aroma, this can make it one of the best jewelry any personal plot.

The vine-like hydrangea “Miranda” will attract the attention of gardeners. It blooms during all three summer months and grows up to five meters.

Has belos delicate flowers, and its green leaves are decorated with a light yellow edging. "Miranda" loves shade.

The soil should be moist and loose and have increased level acidity.

Interesting in its own way is oakleaf hydrangea, which is heat-loving plant. Its leaves are similar to oak leaves, it has beautiful cone-shaped inflorescences with lace flowers. This type of hydrangea blooms for a long time, and in the autumn season it will delight the inhabitants of the site with its bright crimson color of dense foliage.

Wisteria will perfectly cope with the task of decorating durable fences made of brick, concrete and stone.


The photo below shows Wisteria Macrostachia variety Blue Moon:

The sun-loving vine is decorated with various shades of lilac, snow-white, and pink clusters of small flowers and will easily turn a very unattractive fence into a neat fence of your site and hide all the imperfections.

In works on aesthetic landscaping of personal plots, they are most often used following plants(remember their names!):


The very heat-loving deciduous liana Kampsis is known a large number gardeners because of their unusual orange flowers, which look like small gramophones.

Blooming approximately after June 15, this vine lifts the mood of its owners with its decorative flowering before the onset of winter. autumn season. She is not afraid of any bad weather: she can withstand low temperatures up to 20 degrees below zero. Campsis is unpretentious, shade-loving, smoke- and gas-resistant. Campsis will grow in a couple of years gorgeous vine. An ideal solution for the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

If you are a beginner gardener, then Kampsis is for you!

Important! Keep in mind that Kampsis grows quickly and will take places for itself from more weak plants- "neighbors."

If you apply fertilizer in time and do pruning, this will allow you to keep the plant in its proper decorative form and in a compact form for the entire seasonal period.


An easy-to-care plant called honeysuckle will help not only to form both free-growing and trimmed hedges, to decorate fences and various structures, but also to help create a good mood, adding a special aura.

The photo shows an example of an arch decorated with decorative weaving honeysuckle:

The demand for it among gardeners is growing every year. Honeysuckle is probably the leader in its lack of care requirements; it almost never gets sick. Curly beautiful plant loves areas illuminated by the sun, but will tolerate partial shade.

The lower branches of this plant should be in the shade. The soil should also be well heated. Honeysuckle loves moisture, but really does not like wind. If you feed her organic fertilizers, she will reward you for this with her rapid growth and gorgeous flowering.

Honeysuckle reaches its peak of beauty during the period when it blooms - in June. Tender graceful flowers, which are collected in inflorescences, can have the most extraordinary shades, ranging from white and yellow undertones to a stunning symbiosis of pink and orange.

The most attractive varieties for gardeners are the following:

  • "Sirotina"- a blooming (from June to September) variety of honeysuckle, with leaves that are dark green on one side and bluish-gray on the other. fragrant flowers dark red with a creamy core;
  • "Korolkov's Honeysuckle"- a profusely flowering (from May to June) deciduous shrub, reaching a height of three meters, having broadly ovate green-blue leaves and pink flowers;
  • "Graham Thomas"- a fast-growing and flowering (from June to October) shrub, reaching a height of up to 5 meters and having white or cream flowers, which turn yellow after flowering.

Deciduous and decorative climbing plants

Maiden grapes

Maiden grape is a root-climbing vine that does not require creation certain conditions for your growth. It is frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, and does not get sick.

The main attractive feature of this plant is, of course, its ornamental foliage, colored in autumn in unusually beautiful dark crimson shades, which no other plant has in autumn.

It seems that the carved grape leaves were touched by an artist’s brush. This vine doesn’t care at all where it grows and what the soil is like.

Below is a photo of a decorative grape vine:

Fast-growing grape vines cover everything free space: their branches quickly decorate walls, growing up to 20 meters, so from spring to autumn, for example, fences braided with its skillful branches with carved leaves will look just wonderful.

Caring for virgin grapes will consist only of timely pruning, which will prevent this plant from growing too much and thickening.


Ivy grows very quickly, and its vines can reach up to 20 meters, so it is one of the most popular landscaping elements. Its characteristic and attractive features for gardeners are vitality and unpretentiousness, which not every climbing plant has.

It usually blooms from August to October. Ivy leaves can be greenish-white or dark green.

In the photo there is a wall covered with ivy: a fast-growing plant helps in short time hide the shortcomings of the unpresentable appearance of the facade of the house or the lack of external decoration.

  • Bloom: from early June to autumn.
  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - in March, planting seedlings in the garden - in mid-May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: permeable, preferably loamy.
  • Watering: moderate but regular, especially during drought. The most moisture-loving look is the Moorish bindweed.
  • Feeding: if necessary, sprinkle under the bush wood ash or add a solution of a tablespoon of Nitrophoska and a tablespoon of Agricola for flowering plants in 10 liters of water at a consumption of 3 liters of fertilizer per 1 m² of area.
  • Garter: It is advisable to install supports for the plant immediately when planting seedlings: the sooner you guide the plant along the support, the easier it will be for you to care for it.
  • Trimming: at any time if necessary.
  • Reproduction: The plant reproduces well by self-sowing. To prevent bindweed from infesting the entire garden, remove its flowers immediately after wilting, so that the ripened seeds do not fall to the ground.
  • Pests: aphid.
  • Diseases: powdery mildew.

Read more about growing bindweed below.

Bindweed flower - description

The life forms of bindweed are numerous. Found in nature annual bindweeds and perennial bindweeds. They can be herbaceous plants or subshrubs with erect or creeping stems up to 4 m long. Bindweeds have creeping rhizomes with thread-like roots. The leaves of plants of this genus are usually simple, entire, alternate, petiolate, lobed or toothed, arrow-shaped or heart-shaped. The flowers, which open early in the morning, are located in the axils one or three at a time or are collected in inflorescences. The corolla of the flowers is bell-shaped or funnel-shaped with barely pronounced lobes. The fruit is a capsule with seeds that remain viable for 2-3 years.

Bindweed in the garden is a nightmare for any gardener, but the ornamental bindweed plant is a fast-growing vine that is readily used landscape designers. Its bright greenery, flexible shoots and delicate flowers can drape any vertical surface. The bindweed flower reproduces only by seed. To achieve maximum camouflage of an object with bindweed in a short time, it is advisable to use the seedling method of propagating the plant.

For seedlings, bindweed seeds are sown in March, after keeping them in water for a day. Place them in separate cups with drainage holes to drain excess water, filled with moist compost soil or a soil mixture consisting of one part peat and two parts fertile soil. Sprinkle the seeds on top with loose soil and lightly press it with your hands. Do not sow bindweed in a common box, because it does not tolerate picking well. Keep the crops at a temperature of 18-20 ºC, watering regularly, and within two weeks you can expect seedlings to appear.

Bindweed seedlings need to moisten the soil as it dries and fertilize with a weak concentration of mineral fertilizer solution every two weeks.

Planting bindweed in the garden

When to plant bindweed.

Once installed warm weather and the threat of return frosts has passed, bindweed seedlings, after preliminary hardening, are planted in the ground. Usually the necessary conditions appear in mid-May, although there are years when bindweed seedlings have to be planted in the first ten days of June.

Choose a well-lit place for the plant: under the bright sun, the bindweed vine will bloom long and profusely. The plant needs permeable soil, preferably loamy, although in general bindweed is not picky about soil composition.

How to plant bindweed.

The area for bindweed must be prepared in advance: dig it up, adding 2-3 kg of peat per m² of area, and level it. Before planting, seedlings are watered abundantly so that they can be easily removed from the cups. Seedlings are planted by transferring seedlings into holes located at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. After planting and embedding, the seedlings are watered again.

Caring for bindweed

Growing bindweed in the garden.

One of the important points in caring for bindweed is its watering, which should be regular and sufficient. A lack of moisture can lead to the dropping of buds, but excessive moisture does not either. good for the plant for good. In a normal summer with a normal amount of precipitation, you don’t have to worry about the condition of the bindweed, but if it’s hot, don’t forget to water it, especially if you’re growing an ampelous Moorish species.

Otherwise, caring for bindweed is simple: The plant will need weeding only after planting, and as soon as the bindweed gets stronger, it is no longer afraid of any weeds. Growing bindweed may require establishing supports, and the sooner you do this, the better. Guide the bindweed shoots along the supports in a timely manner, and if the plant has spread too much, you can partially prune it without any harm to the bindweed. There is no need to remove faded flowers or fertilize, but if you think that the bindweed is not growing fast enough or blooms poorly, feed it with a solution of 1 tablespoon of Agricola for flowering plants and 1 tablespoon of Nitrophoska in 10 liters of water at the rate of 2.5- 3 l per 1 m² of planting. You can also sprinkle wood ash under the bush.

Pests and diseases of bindweed.

Bindweed gets sick very rarely; pests do not bother it either. Sometimes powdery mildew may appear on it, from which the plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture or another fungicide. The bindweed is damaged by aphids, and acaricides - Actellik, Antitlin or Aktara - will help you get rid of them.

Bindweed after flowering.

Bindweed is grown in annual crop, but if you want to save it, dig it up, replant the plant in a pot, and let it overwinter in a bright, frost-free room. In spring it can be planted in the garden again. But since bindweed reproduces well by self-sowing, you will most likely see fresh plant shoots in the spring in the place where it grew last year.

How to get rid of bindweed

When looking at a well-groomed garden bindweed I just can’t believe that its field relative can cause gardeners a lot of trouble. But this perennial has amazing vitality and endurance. It is capable of strangling any plant in its tenacious embrace, and if you find a modest bush of field bindweed in your garden or vegetable garden, start fighting it immediately. Try to pull all its roots out of the ground using a rake. If you fail to do this, and the weed begins to take over the garden, you will have to resort to herbicides - Tornado, Roundup or Lintur. Start by applying “spot strikes” and repeat the treatment several times.

During total occupation of the site field bindweed in early spring Before you have planted anything yet, dig up the soil, select all the root sections with a rake, and then cover the area with dark material that does not allow light to pass through - roofing felt or black film: without access to oxygen and light, bindweed is unlikely to survive under strong heat. But just in case, in this area this year, do not plant anything other than white mustard, which will not give the weed a single chance to survive. You can also sow fescue or bluegrass.

If bindweed appears in an already sown garden, you will have to do weeding every day, and the roots and stems of bindweed with seeds must be burned. Herbicides are best used spot-on or after harvest. In autumn, the soil is dug up deeply, the roots of the bindweed are removed and burned. Resist the temptation to compost them because they may sprout again.

Types and varieties of bindweed

There are not so many garden species of bindweed. We will present you the most popular of them.

Moorish bindweed (Convolvulus sabatius = Convolvulus Mauritanicus)

beautiful plant For hanging baskets and containers, the shoots of which, covered with delicate gray-green leaves, reach a length of 50 cm. The flowers of this species are most often of a light lilac hue.

Convolvulus bicuspidatus = Convolvulus fischerianus

native to Asia, Siberia and the Caucasus, where it grows on dry mountain slopes, along sandy river banks and in mountain steppes. It has recumbent, erect, slightly climbing stems 30-40 cm long, glabrous or pubescent, arrow-shaped leaves on petioles 3 to 7 cm long and single pink flowers on long peduncles.

Tricolor bindweed (Convolvulus tricolor = Convolvulus minor)

is a herbaceous annual densely branched plant originating from the western Mediterranean. Its stems are pubescent, creeping and erect. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, sessile, entire, pointed, dull green, glabrous or slightly rough. Axillary flowers up to 4 cm in diameter on short pedicels have a regular funnel shape. The bend of the corolla is bright blue, the middle part white, and the pharynx is yellow. The species is represented by forms with purple-blue, pink, white, violet and blue flowers and several interesting varieties:

  • Crimson Monarch– variety with crimson flowers;
  • Royal Ensign– bindweed with shoots up to 45 cm long and dark blue flowers with a golden throat;
  • Blue Flash– blue bindweed up to 25 cm high.

Stellate bindweed, which is otherwise called quamoclite lobed, or morning glory Mina Lobata, or Spanish flag, although it is a liana, does not belong to the genus Bindweed.

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