It’s clear with all cultures. They need to be planted as early as possible - when the air warms up to optimal temperature. Only cabbage stands out. She sows the earliest early varieties, and middle and late ones are sown later. But when is a special question.

Early ripening varieties of cabbage can ripen as early as June-July. Therefore, they are grown only through seedlings. They are sown at the end of February or at the beginning of March, 50-60 days before the intended planting in the ground.

Medium varieties are sown from late March to late April. This cabbage is grown both through seedlings and by sowing seeds in the ground. Average cabbage ripens in July-August. Typically, the harvest of medium varieties is used for consumption fresh and for pickling.

Late varieties are sown for seedlings at the end of April or immediately sown in the ground. Usually they are used for long-term storage or fermentation.

It is better to sow cabbage immediately into separate cups. Shoots appear quickly in the apartment - on the 3-4th day. In open ground you will have to wait a little longer. Soil for cabbage is prepared mainly from peat with a small addition of humus and soil.

It is better to fertilize with mullein or bird droppings. You can use urea or ammonium nitrate instead. In open ground, plants are spaced 40 cm apart. In the aisles between late cabbage you can plant early cabbage. When the early one is removed, the area for the later one will increase.

Thus, you can harvest two crops from one bed.

Mid and late cabbage is planted in May. Standard seedlings should have no more than five leaves; weak and fungus-affected plants are thrown away. Sprouts without an upper bud are also discarded.

For planting, it is best to choose cloudy weather, or shade the seedlings after planting. The planting site is sprinkled with dry soil to prevent the formation of a soil crust.

It is better to water the planted seedlings with water 3-4°C higher than the ground temperature. For the first two weeks after planting, the plants are not sprayed or fed.

At this time, the cruciferous flea beetle may attack the plantings. It is calmed by pollinating the plant with ash. That is, first you need to spray the seedlings clean water, and then, until the water dries, pollinate with ash. Our video channel on youtube

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The largest grape varieties

Cabbage began to be grown in Rus' back in the 10th century, and for more than a thousand years it has remained one of the most popular vegetables. It is rich in minerals, contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, P, PP, K. In winter and early spring sauerkraut replenishes the deficiency of vitamin C in the human body. However, organically pure vegetables with excellent taste can only be grown in your own garden bed. A seedling method Growing this crop will allow you to get an earlier harvest.

When to sow cabbage for seedlings

To achieve excellent results, it is necessary to sow on time. Regional climate characteristics and cabbage variety affect sowing time. Varieties of the vegetable have different ripening periods.

At seedling method growing cabbage you can get an earlier harvest

Early cabbage (June, Ditmar early, Sugar Ball f1, Orient Express f1, Golden Hectare) is sown in late February - early March. The seedlings will be ready for planting in the garden in 40–55 days, and after 55–60 days it will be possible to collect the ripened heads and prepare vitamin salads or preserve them. Leaky heads of cabbage small sizes up to 2 kg in weight with tender leaves are not stored for a long time, they cannot be fermented.

Early ripening June cabbage is sown for seedlings in the first days of spring

Medium-ripening varieties Podarok, Slava, Raznosol f1, Kukharka f1, Tescha f1 have sowing frames from mid-March to the 20th of April. They ripen within 70–75 days after planting the seedlings in the garden. Mid-season cabbage with larger heads (3–5 kg) and dense, strong leaves is used for pickling and pickling. But since it contains a lot of sugars, it is not stored for too long, until January, it can become soft and ferment.

Late varieties Sugarloaf, Belosnezhka, Moskovskaya late 15, Lausanne f1, Zimovka, ripening in 165–180 days, are sown in the first half of April. With good density heads and tough leaves, this cabbage has good keeping quality and is ideal for fermentation.

They begin to grow seedlings of late-ripening Moscow late 15 cabbage in the first half of April

To be able to summer season prepare fresh cabbage salads, cabbage soup and cabbage rolls, prepare hodgepodge and crispy snacks for the winter, need to be grown in the garden different varieties.

Video: timing of sowing white cabbage. Region: Ural and Western Siberia

Favorable time for sowing cabbage in a greenhouse and open ground

It is not always possible to create seedlings in an apartment comfortable conditions. Therefore, many summer residents plant cabbage seedlings in an outdoor greenhouse, where they can control the temperature and humidity of the air, maintaining a microclimate suitable for the plants.

Sowing time in the greenhouse

Moisture-loving cabbage is quite cold-resistant, but too low temperatures could destroy her. In outdoor greenhouses and glass greenhouses, sowing can be done as early as the tenth of April. When the sun shines, the air inside the greenhouses warms up instantly, but the soil remains cold for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to loosen the soil and moisten warm water to create necessary conditions for seed germination. In case of severe cold weather, it is necessary to insulate the crops additionally by covering them with plastic film.

A favorable microclimate is created in greenhouses for the development of cabbage seedlings

Sowing seeds in open ground

You can sow cabbage simply on a seedling bed. When the sprouts get stronger, they are thinned out, and in late May - early June they are planted on permanent place. Such seedlings grow strong and hardened. And although before planting it is less tall than one grown on a windowsill, it quickly surpasses it in development, since it does not require an adaptation period.

Crops in open ground are covered with film on the arches

Experienced gardeners prefer to sow mid-late and late cabbage immediately in a permanent place. Seedless method has its advantages: no need to bother with seedlings, waste time and effort. In addition, viable strong plants adapted to life under open air. The absence of replanting helps to shorten the growing season and accelerate the ripening of heads of cabbage. Plants develop more powerful root system, going into the deep layers of the soil, which provides them with a better supply of moisture.

Cabbage sprouts in the garden, covered with a jar, will survive the cold snap just fine

In the central regions, sowing is carried out in last days April - early May, in the south earlier, in the second ten days of April. Kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage can be sown until the end of July, using the beds cleared of early vegetables. By this time, the earth should warm up well, and the air temperature during the day should not fall below +12°C. You can cover the area under cabbage black film- this will significantly speed up the warming of the soil. For seeds to germinate, a certain amount of temperature regime, and the warmer it is outside, the less time it will take for seedlings to appear and the more intensively they will develop. In cold soil, seeds can lie long time and will begin to germinate only after the soil warms up to +5°C. In soil heated by the sun to +20°C, sprouts are visible already on the 4th day; at a lower temperature of +10°C, germination can take 2 weeks. In central and northern regions spring return frosts are not uncommon, so the bed with crops must be covered with agrofibre or cabbage is sown under plastic bottles.

Cabbage sown in the garden grows more resilient

Video: March 30, 31, sowing cabbage

When to sow cabbage for seedlings, depending on the type

When determining sowing dates, be sure to take into account the growing season of cabbage varieties. Early species produce a harvest within 90–120 days - at the end of June. They are sown from the beginning of March to the end of March. Ripe heads mid-season cabbage harvested 120–160 days after sowing, at the end of July - August. Her seedling period begins from March 25 to April 25. Late-ripening cabbage requires 160–180 days to form heads. Sowing seedlings late varieties spend the whole of April. You can sow each species at once or carry out conveyor sowings at intervals of 7–10 days, extending the harvest time.

Seeds of late varieties of cabbage are sown for seedlings in April in order to harvest in October

Sowing dates vary depending on climatic zones. In Siberia and the Urals, cabbage seeds are sown a week or two later than in the central regions. Early varieties are sown in mid-April, middle and late varieties - in early May.

IN southern regions On the contrary, sowing is carried out already at the end of winter. Seedlings early cabbage they begin to grow in the third decade of February, and from the beginning of April they transplant it into unprotected soil.

Video: the best varieties of cabbage. Early and late varieties. When to plant cabbage seedlings

When is the best time to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground?

The future harvest of cabbage largely depends on the quality of the seedlings and their timely replanting into the ground. Seedlings ready for planting in the garden should have a strong stem 10–15 cm high and 3 pairs of true leaves.

Seedlings with a strong stem 15 cm high and 2–3 pairs of leaves are ready for transplanting into the ground

Overgrown, too elongated seedlings take root worse. Seedlings are planted on the site in late April - May. The specific planting time depends on the variety and weather. If the day is sunny and warm, and there are frosty mornings in the morning, the prepared seedlings will not suffer from a short drop in temperature to -3°C. But if the spring is long and cold, there is no need to rush; you should postpone replanting the plants until the weather warms up.

Seedlings are planted in the ground at steady warm weather to the prepared bed

Seedlings of early cabbage, ripening in July, are planted in the garden 40–55 days after sowing, from April 25 to May 15. From mid-May to mid-June, seedlings of medium ripeness at the age of 35–40 days are transplanted into the plot. Cabbage seedlings of late varieties are ready for planting in the ground at the age of 30–35 days.

Table: timing of planting seedlings

Video: planting cabbage seedlings in the ground

Favorable time for sowing cabbage in 2019 according to the Lunar calendar

Experienced gardeners planning sowing or planting work, try to stick Lunar calendar. After all, our ancestors noticed that the night light affects plants, and not equally in different phases. The best period for sowing and planting seedlings occurs during the waxing Moon, which accumulates energy. At this time, energy and juices in the plants rush upward, promoting their intensive growth.

The lunar calendar is compiled taking into account the phases of the Moon and its passage through the signs of the Zodiac

Seeds that fall into the soil during this period quickly swell, and exposure to the night light enhances their germination. Such days are good for planting and replanting any plants, especially those grown for their leaves. During the waxing Moon phase, all crops need a lot of water and nutrition, this is the most the right time for watering and fertilizing.

During the waning Moon, most of the juices are in the roots, so it is better not to pick seedlings or plant them in a new place at this time: even minor damage roots can weaken plants and slow their development. It is not recommended to plan planting and replanting during the full moon and new moon phases, when the viability of plants is reduced. During the full moon period, which lasts 3 days, you can thin out cabbage crops and clear the soil of weeds. On new moon days, which also last three days, the circulation of juices stops and plant growth stops. Sowing, planting and transplanting are undesirable during this period. On such days, it is better to protect plants from diseases.

When planning garden work It is also important to take into account the passage of the Moon through the zodiac constellation. Zodiac signs influence vegetable crops differently: some promote good seed germination and activate plant growth, others are suitable for harvesting and other garden work. The most fertile signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. If, when sowing, we take into account the phase of the Moon and its passage through the fertile signs of the Zodiac, the cabbage will develop more intensively, rapidly gaining leaf mass.

When sowing seeds on favorable days, the process of germination accelerates and the growth of seedlings occurs more intensively

Table: good and bad days for cabbage development according to the 2019 Lunar calendar

During unfavorable periods, it is better not to work with plants at all. These days lunar month Sowing and replanting are undesirable.

If you plan sowing and transplanting cabbage in accordance with the phases of the moon, you can speed up the process of plant development and increase their viability. However, to obtain high yields, it is not enough to simply adhere to the recommendations of the Lunar calendar. Only sowing seeds at optimal times, regularly proper care for cabbage will bring the desired results.

There are many types and varieties of cabbage. White cabbage is most widespread in Russia. Early varieties are used for summer salads, cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, late varieties are used for pickled and fresh storage.

  1. Red cabbage - has a higher content of vitamins and carotene compared to its white cabbage relative.
  2. Colored - rich in proteins and microelements, good as a dietary product.
  3. Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins; infants begin complementary feeding with it.
  4. Savoy - loose curly heads of very tender cabbage, beautiful in everything, but rarely grown.
  5. Kohlrabi is an overgrown stalk with a very delicate and sweet taste, ideal for summer salads; late varieties are well stored.
  6. Brussels sprouts is a champion in terms of nutrients, but due to the long growing period, it is a real rarity.
  7. Beijing - resembles a head of lettuce, the leaves are tender and loose, very early ripening.
  8. Chinese - headless cabbage, young leaves with petioles are eaten.
  9. Kale is a leafy cabbage that can be used as an ornamental because of its unusual curly leaves.

All species can be grown through seedlings; some varieties are sown directly into the ground. However, each species has its own requirements for soil and planting conditions.

Photo gallery: types of cabbages

White cabbage different terms ripening can be used from June until the new year Red cabbage much richer in minerals, excellent for salads and pickling Kohlrabi is a juicy stalk, consumed mainly fresh, you can grow several crops per season Cauliflower can be not only white, but also purple, and salad-colored broccoli is very tasty and healthy , can produce several harvests from one root Loose and curly heads of Savoy cabbage are very tasty in salads, cabbage soup and cabbage rolls The latest of the cabbages - Brussels sprouts - grows until November, withstands frosts down to -8 Chinese cabbage It is no more difficult to grow than white cabbage; it can be grown in spring and additionally in autumn
Chinese cabbage does not form heads, is consumed fresh Ornamental cabbage is used in flower beds

It is highly undesirable to grow seedlings in conditions warm apartment. If it is not possible to plant under a film in a lighted area, then place the seedlings on a bright, cool balcony. Only cauliflower requires warmer conditions.

Preparing for planting in open ground

Within 7–10 days, greenhouse seedlings need to begin to be hardened and accustomed to the open air. For the first 2 days, you simply lower the temperature in the greenhouse for 3 hours, this can be done by opening the window or lifting the edge of the film, it all depends on how the seedlings are grown.

Over the next 3 days, you need to accustom the plant to the sun by taking it outside. open air under sun rays, and on the first day it is better to shade the plants with gauze. Acceptance time sunbathing- 1.5–2 hours, gradually increasing the duration.

From the fifth to sixth day, we slightly reduce watering and leave it for a full day and night, of course, keeping an eye on the weather. The temperature should not fall below zero degrees, and in this case it is better to keep the cauliflower seedlings in a warm place or cover them.

Strong and good seedlings should have 4–5 true leaves. It is advisable to grow each seedling in an individual cup or cell.

Cabbage seedlings are best grown in small cells

Timing for planting seedlings

Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant that can withstand even slight frosts down to -3–5 degrees, so it can be planted in the ground quite early, but cauliflower Plant only when there is no threat of return frost. In any case, if you cover the plants planted in the ground with lutrasil, you will not only save them from sudden frosts, but also protect them from the cruciferous flea beetle.

To get the most early harvests planted early ripening varieties: white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and kohlrabi. After 2 weeks, mid-ripening varieties are planted, and after another 2 weeks, late-ripening varieties are planted.

In cold summers, kohlrabi can be planted all summer, regularly receiving fresh cabbage for the table

Some varieties of kohlrabi can be sown in mid-summer, obtaining good stalks for long-term storage. You can also grow early ripening Chinese cabbage within 2 planting dates.

Site preparation

Cabbage is a very moisture-loving plant; in addition, it loves the sun, so you need to approach the choice of planting site responsibly.

Place for a garden bed

When choosing a place for a garden bed, you should take into account that you cannot plant it after cruciferous vegetables, which include cabbage itself, radishes, radishes, as well as green manure such as mustard, rapeseed, oilseed radish and rapeseed. By planting cabbage without observing crop rotation, you can get a poor harvest due to diseases and pests: clubroot and cruciferous flea beetle.

Cabbage root damaged by clubroot - the plant withers and does not grow

It is advised to return cabbage to such beds no earlier than after 2–3 years. But if it is not possible to grow in a new place, then 1-2 buckets of compost must be poured into the seedling holes.

The best predecessors for cabbage are: potatoes, tomatoes, onions, all pumpkin (cucumber, zucchini, squash and pumpkin). Good predecessors: potatoes, carrots and beets, beans and peas, peppers and eggplant.

Choose an area for the garden bed that is open and sunny with loamy soil.

Preparing the bed

Each type of cabbage requires a certain amount of space, depending on the size to which it grows. This should be taken into account when forming beds.

Big large cabbages grow from small plants, so don’t spare space for them

The best bed width for cabbage is from 70 centimeters. In narrower beds it is good to plant kohlrabi or Peking kohlrabi.

Soil preparation

In traditional farming, deep and thorough spring digging of the soil is recommended, adding at least 1 bucket of compost for each square meter beds. If the soil in the area is acidic, then additionally add 1-2 cups of chalk or dolomite flour. Add 1 teaspoon of ash and ½ teaspoon of nitrophoska directly into the wells.

In natural farming, they do not dig the soil for the plant, but simply make large holes, up to 70 cm in diameter, and add rotted compost or soil with warm beds from under the cucumbers. Mineral fertilizers are not used

How to plant cabbage seedlings in open ground

The beds are made, the soil is prepared and well watered - it’s time to plant the hardened seedlings in the ground.

First you need to make holes, the distance between which depends on the type of plant. You can plant them either in a checkerboard pattern or in rows.

Table - distance between holes for different types of cabbages

The planting dates for cabbage range from the end of April to the beginning of June. It is better to choose a cloudy day, and if the weather is clear, then plant in the evening.

An hour before transplanting, the seedlings are well watered; you can add the drug HB 101 (1 drop per liter of water) or dilute heteroauxin or root as per instructions - it helps restore damaged roots.

Transplant stages

  1. In accordance with the table, dig holes for seedlings. Water it with water.

    Mark a bed for cabbage and make holes in it

  2. Seedlings are pulled out from seedling box and divided into individual plants, choosing the largest, most powerful and healthy ones. In cauliflower, seedlings with 6 leaves are considered overgrown and will not produce a good harvest.

    Seedlings grown in one container are often damaged when planted in the ground

  3. If the seedlings are in individual cassettes, then they are simply pulled out of the cells.

    Seasoned cabbage grown in individual cups continues to grow without getting sick

  4. Each sprout is planted in a hole and covered with soil, while deepening the cabbage to the cotyledon leaves.

    Cabbage is planted in the ground, deepening to the cotyledon leaves.

  5. Lightly water to allow the soil to settle, and add mulch (dry soil, peat, crushed organic matter).
  6. To protect against mice or mole crickets, wear plastic rings.

When planting seedlings from a common box, damage to the roots is inevitable, so watch for wilted plants and shade them for several days.

Video - planting early cabbage


Cabbage is enough unpretentious plant, the main steps to good harvest are timely watering, fertilizing, loosening, as well as pest control. For cauliflower, shading of the emerging head is also important; for this, it is usually covered with a broken leaf.


Cabbage is very demanding of soil moisture. In the first week after planting, you should water it every day, one liter per plant. In the next 2 weeks, water every 3 days, depending on the weather, using 8 liters of water per square meter. In the future, watering is needed once a week, 10–15 liters per meter. IN hot weather It is very good to do sprinkling from a watering can, refreshing the plant in the morning and evening. Be sure to check to what depth you were able to wet the soil. IN rainy summer Less watering is done.

Drip irrigation cabbage allows you to maintain the necessary moisture

Such actions as mulching and drip irrigation have proven themselves very well. Various organic parts of plants are used as mulch: chopped weeds or green manure, hay, straw, wood chips. Drip irrigation helps maintain moisture in the soil at all times.


For cabbage, 3 or even 4 feedings are carried out per season. Be sure to do all fertilizing on wet soil, that is, first water the plant, and then pour fertilizer under each root, otherwise you will simply burn the roots.

The first application of fertilizers begins 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. Typically, nitrogen fertilizing is used at this time: diluted mullein or bird droppings in a ratio of 1:20. For each plant you need to add at least half a liter of solution.

If there is no organic matter, then use mineral supplements, diluting 10 grams of urea and 15 grams of potassium monophosphate in a bucket of water.

The second feeding after another 2 weeks with the same fertilizers, but in large volumes - up to 1 liter for each plant.

The third feeding is carried out only for medium and late varieties after another 2 weeks (45 days from planting in the ground). In 10 liters of water, dilute 0.5 liters of mullein, chicken manure or Orgavit (horse manure) with the addition of 15 grams of potassium monophosphate. 1.5 liters of solution is poured under each plant. It helps rapid growth head of cabbage

For the latest ones, the fourth feeding is carried out 2 months after planting. The composition and amount of fertilizer is the same as the previous one.

Loosening of plantings

After each watering, you should loosen the top crust of the soil. However, mulched soil with sufficient organic matter does not need this process. Therefore, to make growing cabbage easier, it is better to use mulch.

Mulching the beds allows you to avoid loosening them after each watering; joint planting with cabbage

Pest Control

Not only we love cabbage, but also large number pests.

In the spring, cabbage flies and cruciferous flea beetles land on seedlings, in summer - cabbage whites and their offspring - caterpillars, and in the fall we fight aphids.

The cabbage fly lays larvae at the root of the plant, which then hatch and gnaw into the stem, damaging and oppressing the cabbage Cruciferous flea beetle on a cabbage leaf Cabbage whites lay eggs on the underside of the leaf, caterpillars harm cabbage Cabbage whites caterpillar eats leaves, sometimes climbs inside the head of cabbage Aphids on cabbage most often appear closer to autumn on old leaves

Cabbage diseases - clubroot and blackleg, the prevention of which is crop rotation.

Neighboring plants

To reduce the number of pests, as well as to increase the yield from a certain area lands are advised to carry out joint plantings.

Small and early species, such as kohlrabi and Peking kohlrabi, can be planted with cucumbers in the same bed. Early cabbage is well planted with late-ripening crops: root celery, beets. Late-ripening varieties are compacted, on the contrary, with early crops: lettuce, radishes, peas. It is very important to select plants with the same humidity requirements.

Most often, marigolds are planted with cabbage; with their pungent smell, these flowers drive away many pests

For example, garlic is very good neighbor for cabbage - it drives away many pests, but it is better to plant it along the edge of the bed so that it does not need to be watered.

Good pest repellents are dill, marigolds, leaf celery, fennel, spinach, calendula, and basil. They can be planted directly among seedlings.

Video - Secrets of care

To be healthy, you need to eat cabbage every day. The very first to appear at the beginning of summer are cauliflower, kohlrabi, and cabbage. Behind them you can enjoy broccoli, Beijing, savoy cabbage. Using different varieties, the ripening period of cabbages extends throughout the summer and autumn, and kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts and Peking sprouts can be sown in the summer, obtaining a fresh harvest in the fall and storing it until winter. The latest to ripen Brussels sprouts, it grows even when the temperature drops to -5 degrees.

Every gardener knows how to plant cabbage. At first glance, grow vegetable crop is not difficult. But to get stable high yield It is important to properly plant the cabbage seedlings and then transfer them to a permanent place. Compliance with the subtleties of care is most important for northern regions where weather conditions are unstable.

A good harvest can only be achieved if it is strong and resistant to negative impact external factors seedling. For this reason, sowing should be given special attention. It is important not only to choose quality seeds, but also follow the rules for caring for young shoots.

  1. Choice of variety. There are many varieties of seeds available in the market. They differ in taste qualities and maturation. There are early, middle and late varieties. terms Late-ripening varieties are characterized by high keeping quality. Early and mid-ripening ones are intended for salads and seasonal dishes. Which one to choose depends on the conditions on the site and the purpose of the crop.
  2. Soil preparation. The soil for cabbage is prepared in the fall. The optimal mixture is one prepared independently from turf, humus, ash and soil from the site. If it is not possible to prepare the soil yourself, then use purchased soil. It is important that it is fertile and breathable. Ready soil should be treated with an antiseptic to prevent diseases in seedlings.
  3. Seed preparation. The seed must be sorted in advance for germination. Place suitable seeds in an antiseptic solution for 10 minutes and then harden them. It involves placing seeds in warm water, and then into the cold. The use of growth stimulants allows the germination rate to be increased and the germination of seedlings to be accelerated.
  4. Sowing seeds. When planting cabbage, the following scheme is followed: no more than 2 seeds per 1 centimeter. Can also be used peat tablets. One comes with 2 seedlings. Before planting, water the soil. The seed is buried 1 centimeter. Seedling containers are covered with film. When the seeds are planted, they are placed on a warm windowsill.
  5. Temperature conditions. The first days the seedlings are kept at a temperature of 20 degrees.

The first shoots hatch on day 4-5. As soon as the first shoots hatch, the film should be opened. In the future, you should adhere to the rules of caring for seedlings.

How to plant cabbage: caring for seedlings

The appearance of the first shoots requires changes in the rules of care.

  1. Temperature conditions. After the sprouts appear and until one true leaf forms, the seedlings should be kept at a temperature of 6-8 degrees. This hardens the plants and prevents over-stretching. After leaf formation, the temperature is increased to 16 degrees during the daytime. At night optimal conditions 8-10 degrees are considered. Seedlings feel best in cool loggias.
  2. Light mode. Seedling containers are kept on light windowsills. In the morning and evening hours, sprouts require additional lighting. Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours.
  3. Watering and loosening. Cabbage seedlings require regular watering. Stagnant moisture provokes the development of blackleg and rot. That's why top layer the soil is loosened. Loosening breaks down the resulting crust and provides oxygen access to the root system.
  4. Antiseptic treatment. A week after germination, the soil is treated with a solution of manganese or copper sulfate.
  5. Picking seedlings. If the seeds were planted in one container, then the plants require picking. It avoids thickening and provides the plants with the required amount of nutrition. When picking, seedlings are placed at a distance of 5-6 centimeters from each other.

When the time comes to plant seedlings in open ground, should be carried out preparatory work. Preparation of seedlings consists of changing the watering regime, hardening and applying fertilizers.

  1. Before planting cabbage in the ground, watering the plants is stopped 7 days. The last time water is added is 2 hours before planting.
  2. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out 2 weeks before planting cabbage seedlings.
  3. Hardening is carried out at least 2 weeks before planting cabbage. It involves taking plants outdoors. The duration starts from 20 minutes and reaches several hours by the end of hardening.

Planting cabbage in open ground: features of timing

The timing of planting seedlings directly depends on the selected variety. All varieties of cabbage are divided into early, middle and late. They differ in the timing of the onset of technical maturity of the crop.

  1. Early ripening varieties. Have short period ripening. Technical maturity occurs within 2-3 months after emergence.
  2. Mid-season varieties. Have more long period maturation. On average it takes up to 5 months from the moment the first shoots appear.
  3. Late ripening varieties. The harvest ripens only 7 months after the cabbage seed germinates.

Based on the timing of technical maturity, gardeners choose when to plant cabbage seedlings. For early ripening varieties, this period occurs in the first ten days of March. Thus, by the end of May, the first days of June, the seedlings will reach the right size for transfer to a permanent location.

Mid-season varieties are planted from mid-March to mid-April. Late-ripening ones are sown in early April. Before the onset of autumn frosts, the crop reaches technical maturity and is suitable for long-term storage.

Cabbage is planted in the ground no earlier than 45 days after seed germination. Most gardeners agree that a number of signs indicate readiness for transfer to a permanent place.

You can plant cabbage seedlings in the ground if:

  • the hardening period has passed;
  • there is a formed root system;
  • there are no diseases or pests on plants;
  • from 4 to 8 true leaves have developed;
  • height reaches 20 centimeters.

It is important to consider weather conditions. After planting cabbage seedlings in the ground, there should be no severe frosts.

Weather conditions must meet the requirements:

  • the soil has warmed up to a temperature of at least 10 degrees;
  • the air temperature at night does not drop below 8-10 degrees;
  • The bird cherry blossomed.

For most gardeners, bird cherry blossoms indicate the last night frost. This moment is the mark when you can start active work upon disembarkation seedling material. When planting cabbage in the Urals and northern regions, the dates are moved 1-2 weeks later; for the southern regions, planting is done a little earlier.

How to plant cabbage seedlings in open ground

Before planting cabbage seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. It lies in choice right place, preparing beds.

  1. Choosing a location. It is necessary to plant cabbage in open ground the right area. For ridges, choose a place in a lowland, without trees or buildings nearby. The area must be illuminated. Plants are planted on the same ridges for no more than 3 years in a row. Best friends for seedlings onions, carrots, garlic, cucumbers. After them, the heads of cabbage set well, and the harvest is abundant. Cabbage grows poorly after radishes and radishes.
  2. Soil preparation. When talking about what kind of soil cabbage likes, gardeners give preference to loam containing humus. It retains moisture well. The beds are prepared in advance, in autumn period. In the spring they are dug up, leveled, and added mineral fertilizers. Growing plants in acidified soil is not recommended. It should be limed first.
  3. Disembarkation. You can plant cabbage in open ground after the last frost has passed. Seedlings are pre-prepared. Before planting seedlings, harden them and minimize watering. The time for transferring plants to a permanent place is not sunny. It could be early morning or evening ideal conditions It is considered a cloudy day. When planting, sand, peat and a little wood ash are added to the hole. At what distance to plant cabbage depends on the plant variety. You should not thicken the plantings. The minimum layout should be 45 by 25 centimeters. For medium and late ripening varieties the distance between plants is increased. The seedlings are buried to the lower leaves.

In case of planting large volumes of seedlings, a special planter comes to the rescue. It allows you to place plants in the holes in a semi-automatic mode. This method is actively used in large farms. Seeders are used to sow seeds for seedlings.

How to plant cabbage correctly: rules of agricultural technology

After cabbage is planted in the ground, it needs to be properly cared for. Plants are unpretentious. Features of agricultural technology come down to timely watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Mandatory measures include treating seedlings with solutions against pests and diseases. The cabbage leaf has a waxy coating, which is why water and other liquid compounds roll off it. So that the antiseptic solution remains on the sheet, you can add soap or shampoo to it. For a 10 liter bucket use no more than 1 teaspoon.

  1. 1 time is necessary no later than 2 weeks after the cabbage seedlings were planted in open ground. Optimal compositions are ammonium nitrate solution, mullein or bird droppings.
  2. Feed 2 times 20 days after 1 application of fertilizers. The best composition for stage 2: a mixture of ammonium nitrate with superphosphate and potassium chloride. The drugs are taken in a ratio of 1:2:1. One plant requires at least a liter of solution.
  3. 3 feeding is carried out 20 days after the second. It is used for wood ash. The third stage can be excluded. It is necessary for poor plant development and weak head formation.

Most gardeners note: “We plant cabbage every year. Observing simple rules agricultural technology and taking into account the characteristics of the variety, we get excellent harvest" Cabbage is an undemanding crop that grows well in any region.

“A child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes” - this is how a famous children's riddle describes this vegetable. “Broom for the intestines” - nutritionists nicknamed it, knowing about the high fiber content of green leaves. You can’t cook borscht and cabbage soup without it; it is the main ingredient in winter salads.

White cabbage is a vegetable that is difficult for a Slavic person to do without. Every gardener knows that early varieties of white cabbage need to be eaten right away, and to enjoy its taste in winter, it is necessary to plant late varieties. They are stored until the new harvest and are perfect for fermentation. Today the topic of our site is growing late cabbage in open ground.

Late white cabbage in open ground

Late white cabbage - brief description

The multi-leaved beauty belongs to the cruciferous family. In the first year the plant forms a head of cabbage, in the second it shoots out an arrow and produces seeds. The root of white cabbage branches strongly and deepens by 30-50 cm.

Features of late cabbage varieties:

  • Ripening period is from 120 to 145 days.
  • Keeping quality - from 3 to 6 months.
  • Productivity is the highest.
  • Not prone to nitrate accumulation.

Growing in open ground

To productive variety white cabbage turned out to be as productive as expected, it is important to properly prepare the place for placing the vegetable, plant and care for the plant before harvesting. Experienced gardeners who proudly harvest an enviable harvest of white cabbage every year will tell us what is important to consider.

Soil for cabbage

Loamy soil is ideal for white cabbage. But it is also important that it is non-acidic and rich in organic matter. Fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall when digging or in the spring when preparing the soil for sowing.

It is extremely important to choose the right predecessors for late white cabbage. It is strictly forbidden to plant cabbage in one place for two years in a row. Also, it should not be placed in place of crops of the same family.

Cabbage in open ground

You can plant white cabbage on next year after:

  • cereals,
  • legumes,
  • carrots,
  • tomatoes,
  • cucumbers,
  • Luke.

Growing methods

White cabbage is grown both through seedlings and without them. When choosing a variety, it is important to take into account the purposes of the planned use: fresh consumption, pickling. Seeds should only be purchased from a trusted manufacturer.


Seeds for seedlings are sown in March or April, depending on the climate in the region. In calculations, it must be taken into account that month-old seedlings are transferred to open ground. Since white cabbage at a young age is not particularly cold-resistant, it should be quite warm at the time of planting.

If the seeds were collected through your own efforts, they must be processed:

  • 20 minutes - in hot water,
  • 1 minute - in cold water,
  • night - in a solution of microelements,
  • overnight in the refrigerator.

Seeds should be sown in soil consisting of sand, soil and peat or humus. When using garden soil, it is necessary to carry out a disinfection procedure.

For cabbage seedlings, it is better if the seeds are planted in separate pots. In this case, you will not have to perform the picking procedure, which will injure the roots. young plant. If, however, a large box is used for sowing, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 2 cm between the seeds.

Immediately after sowing, the container is usually covered with polyethylene and placed in warm place. Before sprouts appear, the temperature should not fall below 18 °C. The hatched sprouts need to be opened, placed in a bright place and the temperature reduced by 10 °C. In the future, daylight hours for seedlings should be 12 hours.

Seedlings ready for planting in open ground

Young plants are transferred to open ground with the appearance of 4-5 leaves. Two weeks before this, the hardening process should begin. To do this, the containers are taken out onto the street or balcony for several hours, or the room where they are located is well ventilated.

Sowing in the ground

April or May are suitable for direct sowing of cabbage seeds in open ground. The specific date should be chosen taking into account weather conditions. The earth should be well warmed up. If frosts are expected, it is better to cover the beds. Planting depth is 2-3 cm. At the stage of 3-4 leaves, the plants are thinned out.

Planting scheme

It is customary to plant late cabbage not as densely as early and middle cabbage. This is explained by the fact that late varieties of cabbage heads need a lot of light to fully ripen. So, the schemes that many gardeners love look like this: 60x70 cm and 50x40 cm.

Feeding for late cabbage

Late cabbage is characterized by increased demands on nutrients. Doses of fertilizers must be correlated with the composition of the soil and the ability of previous crops to extract nutrients from the soil. Agronomists advise that 80% nutrients got into the soil with the main application and 20% with fertilizing.

The main fertilization of the soil takes place after harvesting or during the preparation of beds. Fertilizing is carried out during the growing season. By standard scheme there are three of them:

  1. when 5 leaves appear (when planted immediately in open ground) or two weeks after picking (when grown through seedlings);
  2. when the plant forms a rosette;
  3. at the beginning of head formation.

There are many means for feeding late cabbage. If no organic matter was added, it is recommended to use Rexolin ABS. The preparations "Terraflex" and "Terraflex Final" performed well in different stages feeding.

Treatment of cabbage beds

Like any other crop, white cabbage does not tolerate close proximity to weeds. The soil should be watered and loosened on time. Three weeks after planting, and then another two weeks experienced gardeners spud the cabbage.

Excellent help later white cabbage will provide a mulching layer. Peat showed itself best in its quality. The layer should be at least 5 cm. It will protect the cabbage from loss of moisture in the summer heat and keep the soil loose.


Heads of late cabbage are best harvested when they reach full maturity. In this case, they will be perfectly stored. Although theoretically it can withstand light frosts, it is better not to wait for them to occur. Typically, late cabbage is cut at the end of September or beginning of October.

Growing late cabbage in open ground will provide for your family delicious vegetable for the whole winter. Follow the rules of agricultural technology - and you will succeed!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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