Scorzonera (sweet or black root) was previously used as a valuable food and medicinal plant and many people grew them. Now on personal plots

it grows quite rarely.

But in vain, its root is worth not forgetting about.

The Spanish or black scorzonera grows wild in Polesie. This is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family with a simple or slightly branched stem 5-50 cm tall. The basal leaves are long-petiolate, elliptical, elongated-lanceolate, pointed, and the stem leaves are entire-edged - smaller, sessile. The flowers are ligulate, golden-yellow, 2 times longer than the involucre, the fruit is an achene. Blooms in


, up to 30-35 cm long, thickened, white flesh, rich in milky juice.

The plant is self-pollinating.

Features of scorzonera

If scorzonera roots are left in the ground for the winter, then in early spring shoots will begin to grow from them, which can be successfully used for food.

In autumn, old leaves are cut short, at a distance of 1-3 cm from the soil surface. Then the rows are sprinkled with a 15 cm layer of earth. Therefore, shoots that begin to grow in the spring without access to light will be bleached (etiolated). In April–May, the soil from the plants in the rows is raked away, exposing young shoots. By this time, their length is 10-15 cm. When forcing, you can do without hilling (and therefore bleaching). In this case, the shoots turn green and lose their taste. In June, overwintered plants throw out flower stalks. With the start of bolting, the taste of root vegetables deteriorates sharply.

Scorzonera is a good honey plant

. It blooms in the second year after planting; the flowers are yellow and smell like vanilla. The inflorescence is a basket. As soon as the inflorescences look like a “fluffy” dandelion, they are picked and laid out in a ventilated room to dry and ripen, and then ground. Well-ripened seeds usually have a germination rate of 80-90% in the first year, and only 30-40% in the second year.

For growing seeds

They are consumed by roots with black-brown skin and a white center. And they cook it like asparagus, or bake it in dough.

Besides good taste, scorzonera is distinguished by its high nutritional value and dietary qualities. She contains vitamins B1, B2 and C

, it contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, protein and mineral salts. Its calorie content is quite high compared to other vegetables.

Climatic and soil requirements Scorzonera grows well in climatic conditions temperate climate

, can overwinter in the ground. It requires fertile, humus, normally moist and non-acidic soil, deeply loosened taking into account the length of the roots.

Cultivation and care On soils rich in nutrients, scorzonera is cultivated for one year. It is sown in April and even late in the fall so that it germinates only in the spring. On less fertile lands more

high yield

produces scorzonera, sown in August and harvested the following autumn. After wintering in the ground, some plants throw out flowering shoots, but if the shoots are broken off in time, they do not affect the quality of the root crops.

Rows for sowing scorzonera are made every 20-25 cm. Seeds are laid out in rows every 2 cm and planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. For 10 square meters. m. requires 20 g of seeds. After the scorzonera forms 3-4 leaves, the plants are thinned out, leaving a distance of 5-8 cm between them. Following thinning, the scorzonera is fed with ammonium nitrate and the feeding is repeated two more times during the growing season. As necessary, weed control is carried out, and the soil is also loosened. Watering the plants is also recommended. Harvest Scorzonela root vegetables dig up

late autumn, prying them up with a wide-toothed pitchfork.

Care must be taken not to damage the long and fragile roots, otherwise milky juice will flow out of them and they will become fibrous.

Store scorzonera

in a cellar sprinkled with wet sand. You can also leave it in the ground for the winter under a light cover of leaves or straw, gradually digging it out for the consumer. Healthy recipes with scorzonela Infusion inside

Scorzonera (infusion of roots) is used in folk medicine for diseases of the upper

The raw materials are thoroughly washed, passed through a meat grinder, and the juice is squeezed out.

Used for irrigation of wounds, applications to gums for diabetic periodontal disease.

Scorzonera for diet

Black root vegetables of scorzonera contain the polysaccharide inulin, vitamin C, asparagine, glutamine, and enzymes. Thanks to its composition, it reduces sugar and also has a diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic and wound healing effect . In dietary nutrition (for diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis), root vegetables harvested in spring or autumn are used, and fresh leaves


Young fresh leaves are added to salads.

Root vegetables are stewed, boiled, fried, and stored for future use. Washed and peeled root vegetables are grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips and dried in the oven. Store in paper bags. Add to first and second courses, sauces.

Recipes for the table with scorzonera

Scorzonera puree

The roots, washed and boiled in salted water, are peeled, mashed into a puree, butter (15-20 g/100g) is added and salted to taste. Young scorzonera salad Young leaves (120 g) are washed in

running water and finely chop, mix with chopped onion (20 g), parsley (10 g), dill (5 g), season with sour cream, mayonnaise or vegetable oil (20 g) and salt to taste. Scorzonera spanisha belongs to the species

herbaceous plants

from the genus Kozelets (Scorzonera). This plant is also known as Spanish Goat, Black Carrot, and Black or Sweet Root. Due to its beneficial properties, scorzonera is cultivated in many countries as a root vegetable. The homeland of scorzonera is considered to be South-West Asia and Southern Europe. The plant grows on the steppe and rocky slopes of Europe, and is also found in Georgia and Azerbaijan. How vegetable crop Scorzonera began to be cultivated in the late 16th and early 17th centuries in the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and France. Previously it was used as


- antidotes for viper bites. Because of this, scorzonera is sometimes called “snake fish” among people. During the time of Alexander the Great, Spanish goat was served at the royal table as a delicacy. The height of the scorzonera stem usually varies from 25 to 70 cm. Scorzonera blooms in May in a few baskets. The fruits are marginal achenes and ripen in early summer. rough, black or dark brown root and basal leaves. Root crops are usually harvested at the end of September, when their weight reaches 100-150 g. Since scorzonera is a cold-resistant plant, sometimes root crops are left to overwinter in the soil.

The pulp of Spanish goat root vegetables is white and juicy and has high taste. Scorzonera is called winter asparagus because it winter time it is more accessible, and when cooked it tastes almost as good as it.

Composition and beneficial properties of scorzonera

Beneficial features scorzonera is caused by the biologically active substances included in its composition. So, the root vegetables of the plant contain:

  • Saccharides (about 20%);
  • Pectin substances (up to 2%);
  • Vitamins C, B1, B2, E and PP;
  • Salts of copper, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, calcium.

However, the main medicinal properties of scorzonera include the high content (about 10%) of inulin, as well as the asparagine and levulin they contain, which makes this root vegetable a medicine for patients with diabetes.

Asparagine, contained in root vegetables, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and also helps to enhance the activity of the kidneys.

The calorie content of scorzonera is 17 kcal per 100 g of root vegetables.

Applications of scorzonera

In folk medicine, scorzonera is widely used:

The root vegetables of Spanish goat are very useful for vitamin deficiency, obesity, atherosclerosis, anemia, and they also inhibit the development of rheumatism, gout and polyarthritis. Scorzonera is well absorbed by the body, and therefore is often recommended by nutritionists for dietary nutrition. This root vegetable will also be useful in the diet of older people, diabetes, hypertension and liver diseases.

In cooking, scorzonera is used to prepare soups, vinaigrettes, salads and main courses.

In their raw form, scorzonera root vegetables are not very tasty and resemble cabbage stalks. Before eating raw, it is recommended to soak them in salt water and then grate them on a fine grater. Scorzonera goes well with other root vegetables. So, it can be used raw to prepare salads with carrots, seasoned with lemon juice, vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Scorzonera is cooked like asparagus or cauliflower in salted water, then added to soups. It can also be eaten fried and stewed. Sauces for vegetables and meat dishes made from scorzonera.

Scorzonera root vegetables are ideal for freezing and canning, since in both forms they completely retain their nutritional properties. The young leaves of the plant can be used in salads and in pickling and preserving cucumbers, which gives them crunch.


There are no contraindications for the consumption of scorzonera root vegetables other than individual intolerance.

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This root vegetable, known since time immemorial, has several names - scorzonera, black root (not to be confused with black root), sweet root, goat, goat, sweet Spanish root, etc.

Scorzonera is an edible and medicinal plant; these qualities have made it quite popular in Western Europe and the USA.

Description of black root

Scorzonera has yellow fragrant flowers, the root crop on well-cultivated soils can reach 35 cm in length and have a thickness of 3-4 cm, the root pulp is white and dense, saturated with milky juice.

This plant has many wild species, and they can be found not only in various southern countries, but also in the Baltic countries and Siberia. But few varieties of black carrots are known; as a rule, these are examples of local and folk selection - Ordinary, Russian Giant, Vulcan, Ispolinsky.

Medicinal properties of black carrots

High medicinal properties of this vegetable are explained by the presence in its composition large quantity inulin, consisting of fructose; in addition, the root vegetable has a variety of mineral composition– potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. The plant contains a lot of protein, biologically active substances, various vitamins. Therefore, with the help of scorzonera, they restore impaired metabolism, treat diabetes mellitus, use it for diseases of the digestive system, and increase weakened immunity. Prepared from black carrots medications, it is especially popular in Chinese and Tibetan medicine.

Use in cooking

In cooking, they use the roots, which have a pleasant vanilla smell, and bleached leaves, from which they prepare a vitamin salad. Before cooking, the roots are cleaned so that the peel can be easily removed; the roots should be scalded with boiling water, then the milky juice should be removed from the plant and soaked for two to three hours in water so that the peeled roots do not darken; the water should be acidified. Scorzonera goes well with vegetables, meat and fish; it can be boiled, stewed, put in soups, added to sauces, omelettes, dough, and used as a side dish. Dried roots are used in the confectionery industry, and a coffee surrogate is also prepared from them. A small piece of scorzonera helps make canned vegetables firm and crunchy.

Agricultural technology

Black carrots are an undemanding plant in terms of agricultural technology, very cold-resistant, can overwinter in the soil, but do not tolerate shading and grow poorly in dense plantings. Like carrots, scorzonera is cultivated in a two-year crop, that is, in the first year a rosette of leaves and root crops are formed, and in the second year the seeds ripen. Seeds that ripen in the first year are not suitable for seed purposes, since coarse root crops grow from such seeds. In addition, you should know that the seeds remain viable for no more than two years and have a hard shell, so they require pre-soaking. The growing season of scorzonera is 120 – 140 days.

Scorzonera seeds are sown in early spring, late summer and before winter. When sowing in spring, the harvest is obtained in the first year; if planting is done in July or August, the young plants will have time to take root well and in the second year form large root crops and produce seeds. Seeds planted before winter will germinate next year and will produce a harvest of root crops earlier than with spring sowing.

Root crops are dug up late in the fall just before the frosts; this should be done very carefully, since damaged roots are not stored. Then you need to trim the leaves and dry the roots well. Store vegetables in vertical position in wet sand at a temperature of 0-1°C. Root crops can overwinter in the soil and be dug up immediately after the snow melts. In early spring, when the table is not rich in fresh vitamins, eating these vegetables will be very helpful.

Skorciera - medicinal vegetable

Scorzonera, black root, kozelets, sweet root are names of the same plant.

Up to 170 of its species are known, the most common is scorzonera spanisha, a biennial with an edible root that is grown as a vegetable and medicinal plant. The roots are rich in proteins, fats, sugars, potassium, magnesium, iron salts, as well as vitamins A, B 1 and B 2. Due to the content of inulin and asparagine, scorzonera is useful for diabetes mellitus. In folk medicine it is used for gastrointestinal diseases, as well as as an analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant.

Scorzonera- cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Roots in the ground with deep snow cover can withstand frosts of more than 30 degrees, and seedlings can withstand long-term cold snaps and spring frosts. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 4-5 degrees. In the first year, a rosette of lanceolate leaves and long, rough, fleshy roots of black or dark brown, in the second year - a stem up to 1 m high, flowers and seeds. The root of scorzonera is taprooted, cylindrical, about 3-4 cm thick, the flesh is white, and exudes milky juice when cut.

Growing season in the first year- 100-120 days. Grows well in deeply cultivated, humus-rich soils.

The best predecessors- cucumbers, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, that is, crops for which organic fertilizers were applied.

In the fall, I dig up the soil to a depth of at least 25-30 cm. I sow in early spring, sowing in a double-line manner (distance between lines 25-30 cm, between ribbons 50-60 cm) or single-line method (distance between rows 45-50 cm), burying the seeds to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, I thin out the plants, leaving first 5-6 cm between them, then 10-12 cm.

I harvest scorzonera in late autumn very carefully, since the roots easily break off, as a result of which they are poorly stored: Scorzonera overwinters well in the soil, but is stored worse in the cellar, so I remove some of the plants for winter use and cut off their leaves, and leave the rest in the soil. I do not dig up plants intended for seed production. Their flowering begins in the first half of June and continues for more than a month. The seeds ripen unevenly, so I collect them many times.

V. Brizhan , Krasnodar region


This crop has many names - scorzonera, scorzonera, goat, goat, black root (not to be confused with the weed - black root), black carrot, sweet Spanish root, etc.

Scorzonera is native to the coast Mediterranean Sea, from where it penetrated into Central Europe in time immemorial. This vegetable was especially popular in the Middle Ages both as a medicinal and edible plant. Wild forms of scorzonera are widespread in the Caucasus.

For its outstanding food and medicinal qualities this plant is especially popular in countries Western Europe and the USA, and Russian manufacturers and consumers know it little and do not like it. Therefore, scorzonera is rarely found in collective gardens.

It is usually cultivated in a one-year or two-year crop. In the first year it forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop; in the second year it produces seeds.

Scorzonera belongs to the Asteraceae family. This is a cold-resistant and frost-resistant plant. She loves moisture and does not tolerate shading, including thickened plantings and heavy soil contamination with weeds. The growing season in the first year of its life is 120-140 days, and in the second year - 120 days.

The varietal composition of scorzonera is extremely poor. More often than others, specimens of local folk selection are found in gardens. Of the varieties, there are such varieties of scorzonera as Ordinary, Russian giant, Vulcan, Gigantic.

In the first year of life, scorzonera forms a rather powerful rosette of leaves. Its leaves are light green, lanceolate, oblong, pointed, with solid, slightly wavy edges. At the end of the growing season, scorzonera forms a tap, cylindrical, fleshy root, covered with a suberized black or dark brown peel. It is because of this that the plant received the name “black root”. On loose, deeply cultivated soils, the length of the root reaches 35 cm or more, and the thickness up to 3-4 cm. The pulp of this root is white, dense, tender, and when cut, milky juice is released abundantly from it.

In the second year, new basal leaves and a heavily leafy, branched flowering stem up to 100 cm or more in height are formed. Individual plants may bloom in the first year after sowing, but must be removed as they produce coarse root crops.

Scorzonera flowers are yellow, with pleasant smell, collected in inflorescences that are open from early morning until noon, then close. General form a ripe basket of flowers resembles a large dandelion inflorescence. Scorzonera seeds are yellowish-white, with “flights”, remain viable for no more than two years, but germinate well only in the first year, then their germination rate decreases greatly.

Scorzonera is a storehouse of substances beneficial to humans. This plant contains up to 20% dry matter and up to 10% sugars, proteins, fats, carotene, vitamins C, B 1, B 2 and others. It has the richest mineral composition: potassium - 320 mg/%, magnesium - 23 mg/%, calcium - 53 mg/%, phosphorus - 75 mg/%, iron - 3 mg/%, etc.

High healing properties The benefits of this plant are due to the presence in scorzonera of a large amount of inulin, which consists almost entirely of fructose. Scorzonera has the ability to regulate metabolism. That is why it is especially useful for diabetes, surpassing all other garden vegetables in this regard.

It is interesting that in Russia this crop was initially grown as fodder and partly medicinal. But, unfortunately, scorzonera is still not widely used. Even the most inquisitive gardeners are almost unfamiliar with this interesting plant and are very reluctant to acquire it, despite the high taste, nutritional, and most importantly, medicinal qualities of the root vegetable.

Scorzonera eats a fleshy root vegetable rich in milky juice. It is very easily absorbed by the body, extremely healthy and valued as a high-calorie, dietary, tasty product. Thanks to the milky juice, the root vegetables are tender and pleasant to the taste, and in winter they are considered a real delicacy.

Scorzonera braised in oil resembles asparagus, so it can replace this even rarer curiosity. And the root vegetable boiled in salt water and fried in butter is an excellent side dish for main courses. Dried scorzonera will enrich the soup mixture. A delicious salad is prepared from its young bleached leaves.

When cooking scorzonera, it is advisable to add lemon juice or lemon peel.

Growing scorcieria

Scorzonera is a fairly cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Its seedlings can withstand prolonged cold spells and light spring frosts. And the seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 5...6°C.

The most suitable for growing scorzonera are open, flat areas with light or medium loamy soils with a deep humus layer, low groundwater and neutral soil reaction. But since scorzonera does not tolerate liming, the soil is limed for the previous crop. Only on such soil can you get long and thick root crops. Scorzonera also grows well on reclaimed peat bogs. And on compacted soils, its roots form crooked and very branched.

Scorzonera does not like fresh manure, but grows well in the second year after it is added to the soil. Therefore, it is optimal to cultivate it after those plants for which a lot of organic matter was added. The best predecessors for scorzonera are cucumbers, pumpkin, potatoes, beans, lettuce, onions, etc. You cannot grow it after carrots, celery, tomatoes, spinach and different types cabbage, because they have common diseases and pests.

The soil for growing scorzonera begins to be prepared in the fall, immediately after harvesting the predecessor. It is dug up to the maximum possible depth (up to 35-40 cm).

For autumn digging, 0.5 buckets of rotted compost, 1 tbsp., are first added per 1 m2. l. superphosphate and potash fertilizers and, if necessary, lime materials.

Potassium fertilizers containing chlorine must be applied only in the fall, so that the chlorine is washed into the deep layers of the soil before spring. In spring, the soil is dug up again to a depth of 20 cm, adding 2-3 kg of humus and 0.5 tsp per 1 m2. urea. Then the soil surface is leveled. Scorzonera grows especially well after crops to which organic fertilizers have been generously applied.

You should not fertilize scorzonera with fresh manure, as this will cause the root crops to take on an ugly shape.

Sow scorzonera in early spring or late July. Winter sowing is also practiced when persistent frosts occur. But the experience of amateurs growing this crop shows that large root crops can only be obtained with early sowing seeds as soon as the soil dries, then covering the bed with film on wire arches. When sown in summer, the root crops are small, but they overwinter well in the soil if they are well covered and reach their greatest weight the following year.

Scorzonera seeds have an extremely dense shell that swells very poorly. To speed up their germination, the seeds are pre-soaked in rainwater.

Attention! To sow scorzonera, you must use only fresh seeds, as they quickly lose their viability.

In an amateur garden, scorzonera seeds are sown in rows with a width between them of 40-45 cm or with a two-line tape with a distance between lines of 25 cm and between tapes of 50 cm. The seeds are laid out in grooves every 3-4 cm to a depth of 2-3 cm. Scorzonera shoots at favorable conditions appear after 15-18 days. Therefore, it is very advisable to sow such lighthouse crops as salad mustard, watercress, etc.

During the first 2-3 weeks, scorzonera grows very slowly, so weeds at this time can choke out its seedlings. They must be thinned out immediately, leaving 5-6 cm between plants, and after 2-3 leaves appear, thin out another 10-12 cm, otherwise the root crops will be small.

Further care for scorzonera consists of regular and abundant watering, weeding, and loosening the rows. As soon as the plants reach a height of about 7-8 cm, first water the soil well and loosen it, it is advisable to immediately mulch it with peat chips.

During the growing season it is necessary to feed the plants at least three times with full mineral fertilizer- after emergence, then in the first ten days of July and in mid-August. Best suited for feeding complex fertilizer Kemira is an all-rounder. It is advisable to apply fertilizers in liquid form. Scorzonera during the period of filling root crops (July-September) requires abundant watering with soaking of the soil to a depth of 35-40 cm. Therefore, watering must be done in 2-3 doses so that the water penetrates to such a depth.

Scorzonera is cold-resistant, so for winter consumption the roots are dug out of the soil before it freezes. For harvesting, you need to choose dry weather so that the soil is not too wet. Root vegetables should be dug out of the ground very carefully, as they break very easily. At the slightest damage to the skin, milky juice flows out of the root vegetables, and then they are poorly stored in winter.

To prevent this from happening during harvesting, on one side of the row it is necessary to dig a groove one and a half spade bayonets deep. Then, on the other side of the row, carefully dig up the root crop with a pitchfork and push it into the groove intact.

It is necessary to immediately trim the leaves and dry the roots, since they do not store well when wet. Then they are placed tightly in boxes in a vertical position and sprinkled with wet sand. Damaged roots that have lost their milky juice are generally not suitable for storage; they must first be used for food. Store root vegetables in the basement at a temperature of 0...1°C and relative humidity air 95%.

Scorzonera is also perfectly stored in the soil if the bed on top is well insulated with leaves. In the spring, as soon as the soil dries out, you can dig it up, otherwise the plants will shoot (do not forget that it is a biennial plant). Using scorzonera for food in early spring, when the table is not very rich in vegetables, doubles the usefulness of this crop.

V. Shafransky

(Gardener No. 3, 2010)

Scorzonera - black root

Or sweet root, goat, black carrots, winter asparagus. Scorzonera is native to Europe. Its wild forms are found in thickets on sandy soils in the southern countries of the continent in Ukraine, the Baltic countries, the Caucasus and Siberia. Scorzonera became widespread in culture as a vegetable plant relatively recently - 250 years ago. At first (in the Middle Ages) scorzonera was used in medicinal purposes.

Our gardeners still grow little scorzonera.

Scorzonera- the plant is very valuable for its nutritional, taste and medicinal properties. Its root vegetables contain from 9.1 to 31% dry matter, from 3 to 10- total sugars, 1.04-2- nitrogenous substances, 14.79- nitrogen-free extractives, 0.5- fat, 2.27- fiber and 1% ash.

Its value lies in its high content of minerals, especially calcium and iron, as well as vitamins. The content of mineral salts in 100 g of scorzonera is in mg: sodium- 5, potassium- 320, magnesium- 23, calcium- 53, iron- 3.3, phosphorus- 75.5. Vitamins in 100 g of root vegetables are present in mg: carotene- 0.02,E- 6,B- 0.11, B 6- 0.035, PP- 0.35, C- 2.1-8.2, a dehydroascorbic acid- 1 0.2-1 0.4. The root vegetable of scorzonera contains inulin and a special enzyme inulase, as well as asparagine and glutamine. Due to the content of tannins, glucosides and some aldehydes in the milky juice, its root vegetable in boiled and stewed forms is very tender and pleasant to the taste, and in terms of dietary properties it surpasses many vegetables and is considered a delicacy in winter.

This is a high-calorie product. According to the method of preparation, it resembles asparagus and cauliflower, but in its own way taste qualities differs significantly from them and is one of the most valuable root plants.

Roots and leaves are consumed. Root vegetables are cleaned with a brush under running water, removing the skin, then they are boiled and stewed. They are added to soups, but they are especially tasty when cooked until soft, drizzled with butter and sprinkled with fine breadcrumbs. Add to sauce, omelet, dough and soufflé. Cooked dishes have a pleasant vanilla smell. In dry form, root vegetables are used to make coffee surrogate and in the confectionery industry.

Young bleached leaves are used to make delicious salads.


It has long been noted that scorzonera acts as an antidote for snake bites, and it was used to treat the plague. The use of scorzonera improves metabolism and heals the body. It is easily absorbed by the body and is recommended for a gastrointestinal diet. Scorzonera is rich in inulin, which is very useful for patients suffering from diabetes and rheumatism.

In the first year of life, it forms a rosette of leaves and root crops, and in the second year, when the seeds are planted, flowering stems and seeds appear.

The root is taproot, forms an almost cylindrical or spindle-shaped root crop with a rough surface, 30-40 cm long, 3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 60-70 g. Its skin is black or dark brown, and the pulp is white, rich in milky juice. There are few lateral branches at the roots.

The stem is branched, ending in yellow inflorescences, up to 1 m high. The flowers are yellow, smell pleasantly of vanilla, attract many bees, are collected in basket-like inflorescences with a diameter of 2.5-4.5 cm. Shelf life is 1 year. Seeds quickly lose their viability. The growing season in the first year of life is 100-120 days, in the second- 110-130. The plant is cold and frost-resistant; it overwinters in the soil if the ridge is covered with foliage from above. Sprinkled with leaves and then snow, they tolerate well winter frosts. Scorzonera is a plant that is quite demanding of soil moisture. Needs to abundant watering. Requires loose, deeply tilled soil. Grows well on loamy and carbonate soils. Does not respond well to the application of fresh manure.


Scorzonera is placed in areas inconvenient for other plants or on a ridge with perennials. vegetable plants. Good predecessors for her are the plants under which they brought fresh manure or humus - cucumber, tomato, onion and potato. Instead of mineral fertilizers, you can add 1-1.5 kg per 10 m2 of wood ash.


Scorzonera is grown as a single and biennial plant sowing seeds in open ground. Seeds are sown in early spring, summer and before winter. Preferably spring crops, producing root crops in the first year. At the same time, soaked scorzonera seeds are sown early (at the end of April), as soon as the soil dries out. Use film covers. When sowing is delayed, the root crops turn out thin and have low nutritional quality.

If scorzonera is grown as a biennial plant, the seeds are sown in July- early August (can be freshly picked). Young plants take root well until autumn, overwinter, and in the second year form large roots and seeds in late summer.

At winter sowing the seeds germinate the next year, and the root crop is formed earlier than in the spring. If necessary, you can get seeds. When sowing in summer-autumn and winter months to obtain commercial products there is a great danger of plant stems. Under favorable conditions, seedlings appear in 12-15 days, and with winter sowing- in 7 days. When the plants reach a height of 6-7 m, the soil is mulched with peat. Before mulching, it is loosened and watered abundantly. In this case, there is no need for frequent loosening. In the phase of 2-3 leaves, the crops in the rows are thinned, leaving a gap of 15-25 cm between plants. heavy soils In the first year of life, the plants form flowering stems, which are removed. In the future, the plants are regularly and abundantly watered and the soil is loosened. They are also fed with complete mineral fertilizer, but with a moderate nitrogen content. By autumn, large root crops grow, 30 cm long and 3-4 cm thick. They are harvested 100-120 days after germination. For storage, late harvesting is preferable, but before the soil freezes in the fall, when cold weather sets in, root crops are carefully dug up so as not to injure them. They are very brittle. For digging, a groove is made from the edge of the first row, into which the root crops are dumped with a straight shovel along with the soil and then selected. Root crops can overwinter in open ground for early spring consumption. In early spring, when the soil dries out, the remaining root crops are dug up as needed. This is a good help when the table is not yet rich in vegetables. If necessary, leave 2-3 roots per seed, the most developed and characteristic of the variety. The yield of root crops ranges from 10 to 25 kg per 10 m2.


Scorzonera is best stored in storage or basements sprinkled with damp sand. The storage mode is the same as for other table root vegetables. Healthy root vegetables store well; damaged ones that have lost their milky juice are unsuitable for storage - they are removed.

We grow scorzonera. Maybe someone is looking for scorzonera seeds, since the seeds are not sold in stores.

Write and send a signed envelope with your address. We have seeds and can send them.

Grigorieva Roza Mavlievna. 452467, Republic of Bashkortostan, Birsky district, Staroburnovo village, st. Mira, 14, apt. 1.

A little-known scorzonera plant, its calorie content and composition. Main beneficial properties, are there any contraindications for use. A variety of recipes for preparing root vegetables and growing features.

The content of the article:

Scorzonera is a plant little known in the area former USSR, is a representative of the Biennial family of the Astrov species from the Kozelets genus. Thickets are still found wild in southern Europe and Asia. Among the people because of the characteristic appearance the plant has received many names: black or sweet root, black carrot. The second botanical name is Spanish goat. Scorzonera began to be grown as a garden crop relatively recently - from the 16th to the 17th centuries. The root was previously used in recipes traditional medicine to prevent the consequences of viper bites. The effectiveness of such treatment has not been 100% proven. Today, garden crops are grown almost throughout Europe and in Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Composition and calorie content of scorzonera

Stock nutrients and nutrients in chemical composition plants are poor.

Calorie content of scorzonera per 100 g is 17 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 1 g;
  • Fats - 1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1 g.
The amount of water and dietary fiber content depends on the growing conditions.

There are so few vitamins in black carrots that they have no effect on human body they do not have any effect when using the product.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • Phosphorus - 84 mg;
  • Potassium - 140 mg;
  • Sodium - 148 mg;
  • Magnesium - 81 mg;
  • Calcium - 153 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Copper - 42 mcg,
  • Zinc - 28 mcg;
  • Manganese - 250 mcg,
  • Nickel - 0.7 mcg;
  • Iron - 420 mcg.
Scorzonera contains polysaccharides - inulin, pectin and fiber.

The biological value of protein is due to a complex of amino acids - arginine, proline, threonine and alanine.

After eating black root useful action provides the body with nutrients:

  1. Potassium is an intracellular ion that regulates intracellular pressure and nerve impulses, normalizing the acid-electrolyte balance.
  2. Sodium - normalizes water-salt metabolism, activates enzymes of the salivary and pancreatic glands, stimulates the production of gastric juice.
  3. Calcium - participates in the construction of bone tissue and is responsible for muscle contractions.
  4. Manganese is responsible for the synthesis of enzymes that are involved in the formation of organic tissues - bone and connective tissue, and in the metabolism of substances necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol - amino acids, carbohydrates and catecholamines.
  5. Iron - participates in protein metabolism and redox processes, performs the transport function of oxygen molecules.
The products obtained by processing scorzonera root also contain valuable compounds and can be used for food and medicinal purposes.

Useful properties of scorzonera

Dishes made from scorzonera root can be safely introduced into the therapeutic diet of adult patients - this low-calorie product does not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, does not stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, and does not increase the mechanical and chemical load on the pancreas, stomach and gall bladder.

The benefits of scorzonera are as follows:

  • It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, relaxes, and relieves insomnia.
  • Normalizes sugar levels in the body, recommended for introduction into the diet of diabetics.
  • Stimulates heart function, stabilizes heart rhythm.
  • Improves the functioning of the urinary system and gall bladder, dissolves and removes stones from the urinary and bile ducts.
  • It has an antioxidant effect and removes radionuclides from the body.
  • Cleanses the liver due to the high amount of manganese in the composition, accelerates the transformation of cholesterol.
  • Has a natural anesthetic effect, eliminates intestinal spasms.
  • Increases potency in men, stimulates sexual desire.
  • Stops destruction cartilage tissue Due to the high calcium content, it is recommended to use for arthrosis and gout.
Scorzonera is recommended to be included in the diet for anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia and atherosclerosis. Frequent consumption of Spanish goat root helps to get rid of alcohol addiction.

Harm and contraindications to the use of scorzonera

In order to constantly include scorzonera in the daily menu, there is only one contraindication - individual intolerance. This is rare, but it does happen. But this does not mean that it can be safely introduced into the diet in unlimited quantities.

In children younger age the stomach and intestines are not prepared for the new product, and the stimulating properties of scorzonera can provoke digestive upset - diarrhea.

There is no need to take risks during pregnancy. At this time, the body's immunity is lowered, and allergic reactions often develop when using a new product.

To determine whether scorzonera can be introduced into a child’s diet, the first time it is given in the form of a puree, just a little - 1-2 tablespoons. Observe for 24 hours to see if any adverse symptoms appear: rash, redness skin, sore throat, cramps or intestinal disorders. If nothing happens, you can safely use the new product children's menu.

Dangerous allergic manifestations- Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock- after consuming the sweet root, no symptoms were noted.

Scorzonera recipes

Cooks are happy to include black carrots in recipes for various dishes - they can be stewed, fried, boiled, or added raw to salads. Sauces for meat with a sweet root are popular with restaurant customers.

Scorzonera recipes:

  1. Vegetable salad. The washed scorzonera is kept for 10 minutes in a 1/1 solution of vinegar and water. Then the peel is removed from the root and it is washed in cold water. Peel the carrots and celery root and grate on a fine grater. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities, combined, mixed. Cut approximately half of a small daikon into slices, crush the kernels walnuts and also added to the mixture. Another ingredient - celery leaves - is torn by hand and also added to the salad. Dressing - olive oil and lemon juice.
  2. Cheese salad. The list of ingredients is quite voluminous: feta cheese - 60 g, peeled scorzonera roots - 200 g, lettuce leaves - 10 pieces, onion - 1 piece, half a bunch of herbs - dill and parsley, half medium carrots, lemon. Vegetables are finely chopped - it is better to grate root vegetables on a fine grater, the onion is cut into rings, the cheese is broken into small pieces, greens are torn by hand. Mix everything - no need to add salt, feta cheese is salty enough, add lemon juice. Additionally, you can use any dressing: sour cream, mustard, soy sauce or vegetable oil.
  3. Puree. Root vegetables are washed, boiled in their skins until soft and wait for them to cool a little. Then the peel is removed and the roots are crushed, adding a little butter. Add salt as needed - many people like the sweetish taste, and no additional additives are required.
  4. Fried scorzonera. Soak 2-3 sweet roots in the peel in cold water for 2.5 hours, otherwise the delicate white pulp will turn bluish. The nutritional quality will not be affected, but the dish will look unappetizing. Then the roots are cleaned, dipped in boiling water salt water, salting and acidifying. For 1.5 liters of water, it is enough to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar or twice as much lemon juice. As soon as the pulp becomes elastic, the water is drained, the root vegetables are cut, each piece is rolled in breadcrumbs and placed in a frying pan in boiling water. sunflower oil. After the formation of a golden brown crust, you can remove it. When serving, it is advisable to sprinkle with herbs.
  5. Beats. Mix in equal amount chicken pulp, fish fillet and peeled scorzonera root, soaked in cold water. All ingredients are taken in equal parts. There is no need to be surprised by the unusual choice of products - a mixture of poultry and fish, the sweet root equalizes all the tastes. Add a little salt, pepper, butter to the minced meat and form into meatballs. Steam until ready.
  6. Cream soup. Peeled and soaked in vinegar roots are boiled in chicken broth until tender, then they are taken out and chopped, blended with a blender, adding sour cream and raw egg yolks. Then the beaten ingredients are dipped into the boiling broth, immediately turned off, and whisked again to obtain a homogeneous soup structure. Before serving, add a piece of butter to each plate.
  7. Spicy snack. Scorzonera - 1 kg, garlic - 1 medium head, vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons, seasonings to taste - ground sweet and black pepper, salt, cumin. You can use pepper in a pod. Garlic is peeled, ground with black pepper or ground green pepper in a pod, add cumin. The root is soaked in cold water, peeled, and cut into slices. Place everything in a saucepan or deep frying pan, sprinkle with paprika and simmer for 10 minutes. A spicy snack can be pureed with a blender, seasoned olive oil or mustard sauce. This is an excellent addition to any form of meat.
Scorzonera leaves are as edible as the root; they can be added to salads or prepared into individual dishes, mixed with onions and other garden herbs.

IN Ancient Greece and in ancient Rome, Spanish carrots were not used in cooking, but in medicinal purposes she was popular. And here Louis XIV- The Sun King - without this root vegetable he refused to eat. La Quintini - the court gardener - called scorzonera the best fruit royal gardens.

Interestingly, the poor people of France were also allowed to grow these root crops, and they used the permission without restrictions. The root was popularly called “poor man’s asparagus” - it was much cheaper than white asparagus.

Now scorzonera is grown as a garden crop throughout South-West Asia, in the countries of Southern Europe, and in the modern Netherlands. It is especially popular in Italy - jams and preserves are made from black carrots, and spicy seasonings used as a sauce for ice cream.

from the genus Kozelets (Scorzonera). This plant is also known as Spanish Goat, Black Carrot, and Black or Sweet Root. Due to its beneficial properties, scorzonera is cultivated in many countries as a root vegetable. garden culture The plant is quite picky. To get a large, juicy root, the seeds need to be planted at a decent depth - more than half a meter. There are requirements for the choice of soil - a deep arable layer and the application of a large amount organic matter. It is best to sow the “capricious” root after the nightshades - in this case, almost all the seeds hatch.

Storage is difficult. First you need to dig out the root - this must be done very carefully. Once the tender flesh is damaged, after 2-3 days the black carrots begin to rot. It is necessary to cut the tops “at the root”. Then the root vegetables are thoroughly dried and added dropwise - containers with clean calcined sand must be prepared in advance. The sand is moistened and the scorzonera is placed vertically. She should spend the whole winter in this form. It can be used for cooking even after the onset of heat.

The leaves are used in fresh. They can also be used as silkworm food.

How to cook scorzonera - watch the video:

It is a pity that the currently most popular root vegetable variety in Europe, the gigantic black one from Russia, on which breeders worked back in 1898, was not included in the State Register of Garden and Garden Plants of the Russian Federation. By returning the culture “home”, one can solve very important tasks- improve the poor diet of people suffering from diabetes and hospital patients recovering from major operations. The benefits of scorzonera for anemia have been experimentally proven in several generations of patients.

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