Echinacea a flower that amazingly combines exquisite beauty and unique healing properties. This plant has long been firmly established in our flower beds and flower beds.

A little about the plant

Echinacea comes from South America. It has been known there since time immemorial. The Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of those places, gave it a romantic name - “ Evening sun" Quite an accurate name. Especially in relation to the most common type among us - “ Echinacea purpurea" Sometimes there is another name for it - “ Rudbeckia purpurea" It is believed that Carl Linnaeus himself called it this way, who described it and placed it in the genus Rudbeckia. But over time, this decision was revised, and Echinacea was separated into a completely separate genus of the Asteraceae family. Unlike the Indian name, the translation of the name of this plant from Greek language into our native language, which is less romantic. Echinacea ( Echinacea) – prickly. It's pretty tall flower, often reaching a height of 1.5 meters. It blooms profusely and for a long time with beautiful large flowers, leaving behind a considerable amount of seeds in the achene fruit. This fruit is bristling with seeds - spines, which give the name to the flower. In addition to Echinacea purpurea, other varieties have been bred that are different in color: pink-orange (Muskmelon variety), yellow (Cleopatra variety), dark red (Zonnelach variety), orange (Julia variety), golden (Passion Flute variety).

Growing Echinacea from Seeds

Pay attention! When propagated by seeds, the varietal characteristics of the plant are not preserved. This is how you can propagate mainly “Echinacea purpurea”. For varietal and hybrid plants, propagation by dividing the bush is used.

As mentioned, after flowering, Echinacea leaves large number seeds So they should be used for reproduction. This can be done by sowing them directly in open ground or growing seedlings.

Echinacea seeds are sown in open ground in the spring, when the ground has warmed up sufficiently. The most acceptable temperature for their germination is within +12-13 degrees. The seeds can simply be scattered over the surface of the ground and covered with a thin layer of soil. You can first cull the seeds. To do this, they must be placed in a glass with warm water for a couple of days. Those seeds that sink to the bottom will be suitable for sowing.

But this method, although easy, also has a drawback. In capricious spring weather, tender echinacea sprouts are easily damaged and do not survive. It is much safer to grow seedlings.

Growing Echinacea seedlings

Sowing of seeds is carried out at the end of February - March. Selected seeds are sown in containers with light soil to a depth of no more than 0.5 centimeters. After sowing, the soil is moistened with a spray bottle and covered transparent material to create greenhouse conditions and is placed in warm place for germination. It will take a long time to wait for echinacea shoots to appear. Sometimes the wait lasts 40–45 days. During this time, check the soil moisture and ventilate the container. After emergence, caring for Echinacea seedlings is the same as. When the seedlings are strong enough and the weather is warm, the seedlings can be planted in open ground.

Pay attention! Echinacea grown from seeds gains strength in the first year and does not bloom. This year she can only increase leaf rosette 20 centimeters high. Flowering will occur on next year.

Propagation of Echinacea by dividing the bush

Only mature, fairly dense plant bushes, approximately 4-5 years old, are suitable for division. The division is carried out both in spring (April) and autumn (October). When digging up a bush, you should be careful not to damage the root system. The bush must first be watered abundantly, this will make it easier to remove. The roots, cleared of soil, are carefully cut into required quantity delenok. Each of them must have three to four renewal buds.

Planting Echinacea in open ground

Plants grown from seeds are planted in the spring, but divided bushes can be planted in both spring and autumn.

For planting, choose a well-lit place with fertile soil. Echinacea does not like acidic soil. If necessary, deoxidize it. It is ideal to put it into the ground, but you can also do it normally. Also avoid planting in sandy soil and in areas with stagnant water that are too wet.

To plant Echinacea seedlings, make small holes with a depth of 5 centimeters. But basically this depth will depend on the size of your seedlings and their root system. Maintain a distance of 30 centimeters between seedlings in group planting. Approximately the same scheme is maintained for planting part of an echinacea bush. Just make the planting hole slightly larger than the size of the plant’s root system. It is advisable to pour a small amount into the bottom of the holes. In this case, make the size of the planting hole for Echinacea taking into account this additive.

Caring for Echinacea


Echinacea loves frequent and abundant watering. If the summer is not rainy, then it is advisable to water daily. You should not water the plant during the heat of the day. The most favorable time for this is after sunset.

Top dressing

You can start fertilizing Echinacea only in the second year of life, when it reaches its flowering period. Fertilizers are applied twice. The first time - before flowering, in the spring and the second time - at the end of the flowering period. You can also use ready-made mineral fertilizers, but fertilizing with a mixture of ash (ash) and well-rotted manure is most preferable.

Pruning and seed collection

After the plant has finished flowering wilted flowers must be removed along with small area stem. But if you plan to collect seeds, then they need to be given a little time to ripen. You can determine the maturity of Echinacea seeds by the shade of the seed head. Ripe seeds usually have a dark, almost black tint.

Important! Echinacea seeds quickly lose their viability. Therefore, there is no point in storing them for a long time.


In most regions, this flower survives winter without special labor. But if your winters are cold, then you should take care of covering your echinacea for the winter. This is especially critical for plants in their first year of life. Mature plants are pruned before the onset of frosts. root collar sprinkled with compost or sawdust, and the soil around the roots is mulched with sawdust, fallen leaves, peat, etc. If the winter is expected to be harsh, then it is advisable to cover the plant with spruce branches.

Medicinal properties of Echinacea

What makes this plant especially valuable is its antiviral and antiseptic properties. The elements contained in echinacea counteract the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and infections. It is used in the treatment and prevention of influenza, sore throat, colds and upper respiratory diseases. respiratory tract. Used as an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic agent. Echinacea successfully fights various fungal diseases, heals wounds and ulcers, and strengthens overall immunity. And that's not all beneficial properties Echinacea.

What’s great is that almost all parts of the plant are suitable for preparing medicinal tinctures, decoctions, etc.

Echinacea decoction

This simple remedy works well to eliminate painful sensations in joints, swelling, improves vision, used in the treatment of stomach ulcers. After taking this decoction, your mood improves.

Preparing the decoction

For one glass of boiling water, take a teaspoon of crushed echinacea leaves. Moreover, you can use both fresh and dried leaves. Leaves poured with boiling water should be kept in a water bath for half an hour. After filtering and cooling, the decoction is ready for use.

Taking a decoction

The usual course of taking it lasts 10 days. It consists of taking 30 milliliters of decoction three times a day after meals. If you need to take several such courses, then a one-week break between them is required.

Echinacea infusion

It is recommended if available excess weight, signs of the onset of obesity. Used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, herpes. But its main and most common purpose is to strengthen the body’s overall immunity.

Preparing the infusion

The infusion should be prepared in an airtight, well-sealed container. For half a liter, take a tablespoon of echinacea (dried or fresh parts). A thermos is best suited for preparing echinacea infusion. If you prepare the infusion in the evening, it will be ready in the morning.

Taking the infusion

Take the infusion for 10 days (if there are no individual recommendations), three times a day before meals (25-30 minutes), 100 milliliters at a time. After completing one course there must be a break of at least 5 days. After three courses in a row, a break of at least a month.

Important! Despite all their naturalness, Echinacea preparations may have contraindications. This is both individual intolerance to the components of the drug and allergic reaction on them. Echinacea is also contraindicated for a number of diseases. Before you start taking it, consult your doctor!

How to grow echinacea and its benefits (video)

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Echinacea is a resilient, long-lasting and very showy perennial.

This is what Echinacea purpurea looks like.

There are five types of herbaceous plants called Echinacea. In floriculture, the most widespread is Echinacea purpurea - a tall perennial with basal leaves, an erect green stem and a height of more than a meter, with crimson or purple spots.

Echinacea grows well in the central regions of European Russia, blooms well in southern region, but only on a lower peduncle. It is planted in flower beds; large specimens look good
against the background, in groups on the lawn. In addition, this is a wonderful cut crop, which combines high decorativeness with long (up to two months) flowering.

Growing Echinacea from Seeds

There are two ways to grow echinacea from seeds:

  • Planting seeds in open ground
  • Growing through seedlings

Let's consider both of these options.

How to grow echinacea from seeds in open ground

Seeds are sown in the ground in spring and autumn, but it must be taken into account that the seed shell is very hard and it takes quite a bit to soften it. long time. That's why spring sowing is not always successful. The first shoots may appear in two weeks or six. Many gardeners stop watering their Echinacea plantings after 3-4 weeks, deciding that the seeds will no longer sprout.

But echinacea itself tells us when it’s best to plant it. Anyone who has been growing echinacea for more than one year knows well how easily it propagates by self-sowing. Seeds that fall from flowers in the fall produce abundant seedlings in the spring. Therefore, planting them in the ground is much easier and more expedient. late autumn, then in the spring you will get numerous shoots.

But in any case, in the first summer the plant will form only a rosette of leaves, and will bloom only the next year. To admire Echinacea flowers in the year of planting, you will have to grow it through seedlings.

Video about planting echinacea in late autumn:

Growing Echinacea through seedlings

Soil preparation. Easiest to buy ready soil V flower shop, but since echinacea is not a picky plant, you can prepare it yourself. No special soil composition is required, the main thing is that the soil is light, moisture-absorbing and breathable.

And it will not be superfluous to disinfect the soil, and not only own production, but also a store. To do this, keep the bag of soil in the cold for ten days or spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Landing dates. Echinacea seeds begin to be sown in mid-February.

We grow echinacea from seeds.

Seed preparation. Since the seed shell is hard, it is advisable to soak them in a solution that stimulates germination, or at least in ordinary water. To do this, wrap the seeds in a napkin, place them on a saucer and moisten the napkin regularly. Many people now use it for these purposes. toilet paper, paper is also suitable for this, the main thing is that the seeds are wet all the time and have access to air.

Sowing seeds. When the seeds begin to hatch, it’s time to start sowing. Unfortunately, there will most likely be no successful germination, so start planting when at least some of the seeds hatch.

Echinacea seedlings are used to grow wooden boxes, all kinds of bowls or cups. Make grooves or depressions 5-10 mm deep in the ground, place the seeds in them and sprinkle with a thin layer of earth or sand. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle, cover the box with film and place it in a bright place.

Temperature for germination. Echinacea seeds germinate at a temperature of 13 - 15 degrees, but room temperature is also quite comfortable for them.

Caring for seedlings. Care consists only of moistening the soil in seedling box and of course, do not forget to remove the film when shoots appear.

Watch an educational video about growing echinacea from seeds:

Planting Echinacea in the ground

When to plant. Like most flowers, Echinacea is planted in the garden when the threat of frost has passed, usually in late May.

Landing place. It is recommended to plant Echinacea in the sun, but based on own experience, I can say that she feels great in partial shade. Even in partial shade, the color of flowers is richer and brighter. Of course, these flowers cannot be planted in the shade; there the flowers will be small and may even disappear.

Soil. Echinacea can grow in almost any soil. If the soil is very sandy, then add a little good soil or humus when planting.

Planting Echinacea. The grown seedlings are planted in flowerbeds at a distance of 30 cm, the holes are not deep, 10 - 15 cm. If you bought already grown plants, then larger planting holes are prepared, focusing on the size of the roots. After planting, water the seedlings and mulch the soil.

Planting Echinacea in the ground, video:

Caring for Echinacea

Echinacea attracts attention with its exquisite appearance, their medicinal properties, but this plant has one more thing important dignity- Echinacea is easy to grow and requires minimal care. This unpretentious flower easily tolerates drought, temperature changes and other vagaries of nature.

Watering. Watering is required regular and moderate.

Feeding. On rich soils it can grow without fertilizing. On poor soils, feed in spring. nitrogen fertilizers(urea, saltpeter, mullein), before flowering, potassium-phosphorus (superphosphate, any complex fertilizer)

If you are growing echinacea in medicinal purposes, then any fertilizing mineral fertilizers must be excluded!

Trimming. To encourage flowering, remove spent flowers.

Dividing the bush. Echinacea can grow in one place for no more than 4 - 5 years. After this period, the bush must be dug up, divided into several parts and planted. Echinacea reproduces in the same way.

Preparing for winter. In autumn, the entire above-ground part of the plant must be cut back to the ground. Echinacea tolerates winter cold well, but nevertheless, it would not be a bad idea to hill up and cover the root zone with mulch.

Echinacea in the garden, video:

How to collect seeds

If you want to breed this majestic flower in your garden, you can collect the seeds and grow echinacea from your own seeds next year.

To do this, select a well-ripened head and cut it off along with part of the stem. Then wrap the head in a cloth bag or paper bag to collect the crumbled seeds. Hang the cut stem upside down. Collect all the seeds that have fallen into the bag and dry on paper for another 10-15 days. Then pour them into glass jar and put it in the refrigerator. The seeds can be stored there for a whole year.

It is believed that seeds can only be collected from ordinary varieties of Echinacea, and terry varieties They reproduce only vegetatively. This is not entirely true. From some varieties of terry echinacea, it is sometimes possible to collect seeds and grow flowers exactly like their parents, but only in the first generation. So don't be afraid to experiment.

Diseases and pests

Echinacea is a disease and pest resistant plant. If any problems appear, they are usually associated with improper care.

At high humidity soil, Echinacea can be affected by viral or fungal diseases caused by spores of the genus Cercospora and Septoria. The disease manifests itself in the form of spots on the leaves and leads to weakening and even death of plants.

When growing Echinacea, it is important not to over-moisten the soil; it is excess moisture that leads to the development of diseases and also attracts insect pests. But this does not always depend on the person - summer can be cold and rainy, which will cause the appearance. This disease must be dealt with in the same way as with other similar diseases - remove infected parts of plants, monitor soil moisture, and treat the area with insecticides.

Pests of Echinacea are bugs and slobbering pennies.

Beneficial properties of Echinacea:

Echinacea varieties

Echinacea "White Swan"

Flower diameter up to 10 cm.

Bush up to 80 cm high.

Flowering: from August to frost

Echinacea "Mama Mia"

Flower diameter 10 cm.

Bush 60 - 80 cm high.

Bush width 50 cm.

Flowering June - September.

Echinacea "Green Line"

Flower diameter 8 - 9 cm.

Bush 60 - 70 cm high.

Width 40 - 50 cm.

Flowering: June - September.

Echinacea "Katarina"

Flower diameter 7 - 8 cm.

Bush 60 cm high.

Flowering time: June - October.

Echinacea "Aloha"

Bush height 90 cm.

Width 50cm.

Flowering: June August.

Echinacea "Butterfly Kiss"

Flower diameter 7 - 8 cm.

The height of the bush is 30 - 40 cm.

Width 40 cm.

Flowering: June - September.

Echinacea "Supreme Cantaloupe"

Echinacea is exquisite bright flowers, which can decorate any area. In addition, these flowers have excellent healing properties. This plant is unpretentious, has large and bright flowers, similar to daisies. Flowers have a wide range of colors. And most importantly, it attracts many pollinating insects, which will not only decorate the garden, but also help in its development. They are planted in groups of the same variety or different multi-colored varieties.

Echinacea is often confused with rudbeckia, although it is different kinds, but still they have similarities and are observed at a higher level - both genera belong to the Aster family. What also adds to the confusion is the name of one type of Echinacea - purple, which is often called Rudbeckia purpurea, which is the most studied.

The entire genus is represented by ten species:

  1. Echinacea pale;
  2. Echinacea purpurea;
  3. Echinacea angustifolia;
  4. Echinacea Tennessee;
  5. Echinacea vulgare;
  6. Echinacea paradoxical;
  7. Echinacea bloody;
  8. Echinacea is stimulating;
  9. Echinacea dark red;
  10. Echinacea neglecta.

In addition, species are divided into varieties. Purple is the most diverse variety. The following video is about her:

How to plant echinacea

When choosing a flower to decorate the garden. It must be remembered that it blooms only in the second year of life, starting in mid-summer and ending in September, that is, approximately 2-3 months. If you create in advance good conditions, then caring for the plant will not take much effort and time.

Echinacea is very thermophilic, and shade is a certain death for it. Therefore, it should be planted exclusively in an area that is abundantly covered by the sun’s rays all day. The lifespan of the plant is approximately five years. It is not picky about soil, however sandy soil doesn't fit. Before planting, you should dig holes with a diameter of fifty millimeters. The distance between the holes is thirty centimeters. At the bottom of the hole, you should lay out a small amount of compost, and only after that, plant the plant.

If purchased mature plant, then the depth of the hole should be approximately 4 decimeters. Compost and garden soil should be placed at the bottom. The planting depth of the Echinacea itself should be equal to that which was in the pot.

Reproduction methods

Echinacea has two methods of reproduction:

  1. seeds;
  2. from the bush;

First way. Seeds are sown at the end of February, at the beginning of March, in long pots with an earthen substrate, to a depth of 5 millimeters. Cover the seeds with a millimeter layer of soil on top and sprinkle with water. Keep the container at a temperature of approximately 12 degrees Celsius until germination. The seeds hatch 45 days after sowing. During this period, they need water and warmth; these conditions are easier to provide at home than outdoors. That is why it is recommended to sow seeds indoors. At the end of April, beginning of May, the seeds can already be transferred to the site. Now seedlings do not need special care, the main thing is to just regularly loosen the soil and sprinkle it with water.

Secrets of growing from seeds

Echinacea pick

Second way. Dividing the bush is usually done in April or May. The separated bushes are first placed in a stimulant solution for two hours, and only then planted in the soil. Important point, the neck should not go deep into the ground, it should be planted closer to the top layer.

How to properly care

Although Echinacea is unpretentious, it still needs a little care. The main thing is regular evening watering. She loves moisture very much, but do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Feeding is carried out twice a year, in spring and during the period of bud appearance. Organic and mineral fertilizers should be used.

In order to protect echinacea from freezing, in early November all stems are cut off and the neck is covered with humus and leaves. This will help her survive the winter without any problems.

This plant is almost not susceptible to diseases. In rare cases, powdery mildew or rot may be detected. Rosa looks like white coating on the leaves, but in fact it is fungal disease and we need to start fighting it immediately. In order to overcome this disease, you will need a solution of baking soda and soap. Method of preparation: one tablespoon soda ash dissolve in five liters of water, then add a teaspoon liquid soap. Sprinkle the plant with the cooled solution 4 times within a month.

The second method of getting rid of dew is using a solution from ordinary baking soda and soap. Method of preparation: 25 grams of soda and 2.5 grams of liquid soap are diluted in 4 liters of water. Sprinkle the plant with this solution three times within a month. And to combat rot it is worth using fungicides.

[Rated: 3 Average rating: 4.3]

Echinacea– perennial medicinal plant, a member of the Asteraceae family. North America is considered the birthplace of the flower. This grass is found in Slovakia, Great Britain, and the Primorsky Territory. Externally, Echinacea is herbaceous plant with a rough stem, long leaves And purple flowers(see photo). Translated from Latin name kinda means "prickly".

Echinacea was widely used by the indigenous people of the North American continent. More than 400 years ago, they discovered beneficial properties in this flower and began to use the stems, roots and flowers of the plant in medicinal purposes. After the discovery of America, Europeans explored the properties of herbs on this continent, including the beneficial properties of echinacea. Before the discovery of antibiotics, Echinacea was considered one of the most powerful antimicrobial agents in medicine. Nowadays it's amazing plant is included in more than 240 drugs.

Collection and storage

Echinacea is harvested several times: the inflorescences and upper part of the plant are harvested during the flowering period, and the rhizome in the fall. Echinacea blooms from July to September. In order to collect truly useful raw materials, it is important to remember that the flower accumulates its properties over the years, so plants from two years of age should be collected. 3-4 are suitable for harvesting roots summer plants. Echinacea roots should be dug up in spring or fall. Dry them in the shade. Echinacea tincture can be used for one year, stored in a dark bottle. The grass and flowers of the plant can be used for 6 months.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of the flower, and therefore chemical composition Echinacea differs depending on the part used. Aboveground part plants are rich in polysaccharides, the roots contain more essential oil and flavonoids. Polysaccharides have immunomodulatory properties; they increase the production of interferons and promote the restoration of affected tissues. Interferons are a series of proteins that are secreted by body cells in response to viral invasion. Thus, Echinacea helps improve the body's immune defenses.

This flower improves the formation of leukocytes - blood particles that are responsible for protecting the body and functioning of the immune system. It is the formation of leukocytes that makes it possible to classify Echinacea as a powerful immunostimulating drug. Echinacea helps improve the quality of white blood cells and increases their ability to absorb microbes. The Indians used the plant for almost all diseases: syphilis, cancer, bites poisonous snakes and insects, smallpox, treatment of non-healing wounds.

Echinacea is valued as a source of a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, selenium, and silicon. Selenium is known as one of the most powerful antioxidants; it is included in all modern dietary supplements. Selenium is especially effective in combination with vitamins E and C. This composition prevents cancer, slows down aging. Mineral composition The plant allows the flower to have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes; it also improves the condition of hair, nails, and takes care of teeth and bones.

Scientists are still conducting research on Echinacea and are discovering more and more beneficial properties. Currently, science is exploring the effect of the plant on the treatment of cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, and arthritis. It has been proven that Echinacea has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition with herpetic lesions, ulcers, frequent colds. The plant stimulates the work of the central nervous system which improves the condition for depression, nervous exhaustion and fatigue.

Echinacea is considered a powerful antioxidant, it prevents aging and neutralizes free radicals. The rejuvenating effect of this plant is due to the fact that it cleanses the lymphatic and circulatory system who age faster than others. The plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, eliminates age spots, and heals wounds. Echinacea has been proven to be beneficial for eczema. Purple flower effectively cleanses the blood and improves liver and kidney function.

Use in cooking

In cooking, echinacea is used to prepare tea drinks. Dried flowers and leaves of the plant are used to brew such drinks. Very often echinacea is combined with other useful herbs and fruits, for example rose hips, lemon balm and others. Adults can drink one glass of this tea several times a day; it is better for children to drink half a glass once a day. Tea improves the body's defenses, accelerates recovery, and is a good prevention of viral diseases.

Echinacea is also used to make amazing delicious salad. Finely chopped young leaves of the plant are mixed with finely chopped parsley and cucumbers, season the salad with a small amount vegetable oil. You can add any vegetables to the dish; they add great variety to the salad. fresh tomatoes. It is served as a side dish for meat dishes.

The plant is perfect for making fruit compotes; one of these drinks is apple compote. For the drink you will need 4 apples, 500 grams of grapes and 2 grams of dried mint and echinacea. Place grapes and finely chopped apples in boiling water with sugar, cook for 5-7 minutes, then add dried herbs to the compote. Echinacea boosts the immune system and tones the body, and dried mint adds a menthol flavor to the compote.

Echinacea benefits and treatment

The benefits of the purple flower are known among folk and official medicine. Aborigines used echinacea as the first remedy for blood poisoning. Modern research has proven that the flower is capable of accelerating regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, thus contributing to their recovery.

Scientists have learned that echinacea acts as a herb, it copes with viral and bacterial diseases.

For joint pain, headaches, stomach ulcers, and swelling, use echinacea infusion. To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water over a teaspoon of the raw material and leave for 20 minutes. Take a third of a glass of infusion 3 times a day. In order to boost immunity, prepare an infusion of 30 grams of flowers, which are boiled for 10 minutes. The infusion is left for 5 hours and then filtered. You should take it half a glass 4 times a day; if desired, you can add sugar, honey or a spoonful of jam to the drink. Echinacea helps to activate cellular immunity processes and ensures the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences.

Echinacea is recommended for use in any septic conditions, colds, and inflammatory processes. The plant is used to treat otitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis. The use of tinctures or other preparations based on this plant increases the effectiveness of traditional treatment. Echinacea has a detrimental effect on E. coli, streptococci and staphylococci. Taking this plant during epidemics will help the body resist infections.

The polysaccharides of this plant affect the production of T-lymphocytes and prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body. They also increase the activity of blood cells, which allows them to better resist negative impact microbes

Echinacea has an analgesic effect due to the presence of caffeic acid glycosides. The plant also effectively stimulates the production of hormones and provides an antirheumatic effect. Echinacea is indicated for use for colds, diseases of the ENT organs, and herpetic lesions.

Plant leaves, flowers, and rhizomes are used as medicinal raw materials. At home, you can prepare an alcohol tincture or a water infusion of Echinacea. In addition, pharmacies offer a wide selection various drugs based on this plant. Alcohol tincture effective for prostate adenoma, inflammation of the female genital organs. To prepare the tincture you will need crushed rhizomes. The roots of the plant should be filled with alcohol 1:10 and left to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. The tincture should be taken 30 drops before meals.

Harm of Echinacea and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to such serious diseases as multiple sclerosis, leukemia, autoimmune disorders, collagenosis.

Echinacea is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Before long-term use of the plant, you should consult your doctor.

What types of echinacea are there? Planting and caring for it open ground, photos, as well as methods of breeding and propagation of Echinacea will be described in this article. If you want to combine business with pleasure, be sure to plant the beautiful Echinacea in your garden. This representative of the Aster family has a good reputation, and it is well deserved. Echinacea has long been successfully used in folk and official medicine, and its bright large buds, somewhat similar to multi-colored daisies, decorate our gardens and flower beds.

Echinacea – perennial flower: it is unpretentious, easy to grow, and has good survival rate in a new place. The plant is easily propagated by dividing the bush or sowing seeds. It is better to choose sunny places for planting echinacea, but, as practice shows, it also feels good in partial shade.

There are also no special requirements for the type of soil, the only exception being light sandy soil. If you have highly acidic soil on your site, then before planting of this flower It is recommended to add lime first. The most common type of echinacea is Echinacea purpúrea. This is Echinacea purpurea, which was first described in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus, a world-famous botanist. Later, much later, scientists ranked Echinacea as a separate genus and identified 10 species. They all have external similarities and can often be confused. However, it is Echinacea purpúrea that is most often used for treatment, creation medicines, decoration garden plots, flower beds

Echinacea - planting and care

The planting process itself can be carried out either in autumn or spring. Hybrid varieties reproduce primarily by division (vegetatively) - this method, as well as the generative method (by seeds), will be discussed a little later. So, to plant seedlings, you will have to dig small holes, 5-7 cm deep. The distance between them should be approximately 25-30 cm. If you are planting cuttings, make sure that the holes are slightly wider and deeper than the root system of the plant. You can simply bury the seedling in the soil and gently press the soil around it; you can also first place compost in the hole, and then the plant itself. After planting, the bushes should be watered.

If the echinanacea flower was purchased in a store, in a container or in a pot, then landing pit should be sufficiently deep and wide (approximately 40 cm). Experienced flower growers It is recommended to mix compost in equal parts, garden soil and river sand, fill the hole about 1/3 full with this mixture. Next, the echinacea is carefully removed from the pot by transferring it and, together with a lump of earth, is placed in an already prepared hole. It is recommended to immerse the seedling in the soil to the depth at which it was in the container.

Keep in mind that it won't be until the second year that your echinacea blooms. Growing and caring for it will require regular generous watering (preferably in evening time). Removing weeds and loosening the soil are self-evident garden chores. As for fertilizing, Echinacea can do just fine without it. However, if you want to feed your favorite flower, then it is better to start this business from the second year of its life. Echinacea flowers are usually nourished wood ash and rotted compost mixed in equal parts. Do it better in spring or in the fall, after the plant has finished flowering. You can also use various complex additives for flowering plants, for example Agricola.

It is better to tear off faded buds immediately, unless, of course, you intend to collect seeds from them. With the onset of autumn, around last days October, the above-ground part of the plant should be trimmed, covered with compost and dry leaves. Do not forget that Echinacea purpurea can freeze if the winter is snowless. That is why mulching with leaves or spruce branches is only welcome. Regarding the collection seed material, then it should be collected only after the flowers have fully ripened. Their darkened centers are an indicator of maturity. Remove the seeds from the center of the bud, remove the flower remains, and transfer to a glass container or fabric bag. Remember that the seeds lose their viability very quickly, so you should not delay sowing a new population of Echinacea.

Echinacea, photo of flowers:

When talking about plant care, we cannot ignore the topic of pests and diseases. Echination has pretty good immunity, but sometimes anything can happen. The cause of the disease may be improper care or even weather conditions. heat and high humidity(frequent rains), as well as temperature changes can trigger the appearance of ashtrays ( powdery mildew). This disease can also occur from oversaturation of the plant with nitrogen supplements. In this case, good old Bordeaux mixture will come to the rescue. If your Echinacea flower has been infected by a fungus, then all infected fragments should be removed as quickly as possible.

As mentioned above, this plant propagated by seeds and division of the bush. Division is considered the most convenient and effective method, which is best done in spring (April) or autumn, when the leaves fall from the trees. The seed method is quite lengthy, but it is optimal for gardeners living in cold regions. When sowing in a container, you will have to subsequently transplant the echinacea into open ground. Now let's take a closer look at these two methods.

Propagation of Echinacea by division

To do this you should choose healthy bushes who are at least 4 years old. The plant must be carefully removed from the ground, making sure that root system no damage. Next, we divide the roots so that each division contains 3 or 4 renewal buds. You should not disassemble the rhizome into many small fragments; it is enough to select 2-3 high-quality, well-developed sections. After this, it is recommended to place the selected parts in Kornevin’s solution (for two hours), and then plant them in the soil using the method described above. When planting, make sure that the root collar is above the ground level. Upper part It is better to cut off the echinacea so that it directs all its energy to rooting.

Echinacea - growing from seeds

To collect seed material also try to select the healthiest and strong bushes. Seeds can be sown directly into the ground with the onset of spring (April), when there is confidence that there will be no more frosts. After this, it is enough to lightly sprinkle them with soil and wait for the shoots, which will not hesitate to appear even at a temperature of +13 ºC. This method is optimal for those who live in warm regions our country. Do not skimp on the seeds when planting, in any case, later you can always thin out the too dense seedlings. In other cases it is better to use seedling method, pre-sow seeds in containers.

When to plant Echinacea seeds? Best time for this purpose – February or the first days of March. The appropriate soil is poured into the containers in advance, grooves are made into which the seeds are placed to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. There should be approximately 2 cm between the seeds. You need to very carefully sprinkle them on top with a thin layer river sand or the same soil in which they were planted. After this, you should irrigate your “flower garden” with water from a spray bottle (room temperature). Next, the container needs to be moved to a room where the temperature varies between +14..+18ºC. At night it is better to cover it with glass or cling film, but in the morning the protection will have to be removed. In such conditions, it may take a month and a half before Echinacea purpurea sprouts. Growing using the container method always takes quite a long time, and this is normal.

Do not forget to periodically moisten the soil - your efforts will be justified. Having hatched, the seedlings begin to grow quite quickly, as if compensating for the long weeks of calm in the stage of planting seeds. Move it away from straight lines sun rays, but keep it in the light.

When can you replant echinacea? Stronger plants are planted in open ground after May 10-15, surrounded by standard care. Be prepared for the fact that in the first year they will not please you with flowers, but will only grow foliage and reach 20 cm in height. But next year you will be able to admire the bright fragrant buds and collect a supply of medicinal raw materials from the bushes you grew yourself.

Echinacea - varieties, photos

There are many beautiful Echinacea purpurea hybrids available today. All of them are highly decorative, are honey plants and compete with each other in beauty. Echinaceas differ in color, shape of buds, height of stems, but at the same time they are all similar to each other. It is quite difficult to single out any special varieties, and to describe all the available ones is even more difficult. Below I will present photographs of the varieties that I had the opportunity to meet.

Supreme Cantaloupe variety:

White Swan variety:

Variety Magnus:

Hot Papaya variety:

Secret Passion variety:

Cranberry variety:

Cranberry Cupcake variety:

Echinacea Strange, photo:

All varieties of this flower deserve attention; they will adequately highlight the features of your landscape design, and if necessary, they will hide its shortcomings. From mid-summer until the end of September, attractive and not capricious echinacea will give you beauty and aroma. Planting and care in open ground, photos of flowers, and the nuances of growing are now known to you. Don’t waste time, stock up on seed or cuttings.

And may everything work out for you!

Variety Red Riding Hood

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):