Each of us has to pay rent. And everyone has a separate line in their payment slip - payment for hot and cold water supply. As a rule, it takes up at least 20% of the total amount. If we're talking about about paying for an apartment with one occupant, then this is not much. But such accounts, you see, are rare. Much more often we pay bills for apartments where 3-4 people live. Moreover, we pay according to special standards - average water consumption per person per day. For cold water supply - 190 liters, for hot water - 130.

It does not matter whether adults or children live in the apartment, and indeed whether they live here and whether they use water. How many people are registered, you will have to pay for that many. If you suspect that you are overpaying a significant amount for water, then you should consider installing a hot water meter. cold water. How to do this, why it is needed and how real the savings will be, you can find out in our article.

How to install a water meter

In order to install a water meter, you must submit an application to the local EIRC. It will be transferred to management organization which will consider technical feasibility installation of meters in this particular apartment. If the issue is resolved positively, you pay for the contract, which, among other things, contains an estimate. You will have to pay for the purchase of meters (two separate meters for hot and cold water) and additional equipment, as well as their installation, out of your own pocket. The cost of the kit varies greatly in regions, but on average you will have to pay about 4 thousand for both meters. For some groups of citizens, preferential installation is possible, but you need to find out about this in local DEZs.

After the meter is installed, a special commissioning certificate is signed. Together with him, you again go to the EIRC, where you write an application for calculations based on the readings of apartment metering devices. From next month you will only pay for actual water consumption. Let's try to calculate whether this is really profitable.

Example of calculating payment for water supply

So, how much can you save on rent if you install a water meter?

If three people are registered in the apartment, then your average monthly consumption will be 17.1 cubic meters of cold water and 11.7 cubic meters hot water(there are 1000 liters in 1 cubic meter). To date, the following tariffs have been established for cold water supply (CWS) - 11.8 rubles per cubic meter, consumption for hot water supply (DHW) - 57.51 rubles per cubic meter, drainage (sewage of consumed water, equal in value to the sum of CWS and DHW) - 9.1 rubles per cubic meter. In total, for the apartment we took in the example, it turns out to be about 1,135 rubles per month.

Let's say that parents and an adult son live in an apartment. Parents are at work all day, their son is at school, and they spend weekends away from home. According to the most maximum marks the actual consumption is very small - 8.3 cubic meters of cold water and 5.2 hot. This includes daily showers, regular wet cleaning premises, operation of the washing machine and dishwasher, cooking. How much can they save if they install a meter? Let's start with the fact that the first step will be quite significant costs - 4 thousand rubles for installing meters. Because warranty period The meters have a service life of 5 years, and after this time they will have to be replaced; the meter should pay for itself in a maximum of one year. Otherwise it will not be profitable.

Let's calculate according to the tariff. Based on actual consumption, residents will have to pay 520 rubles plus a monthly 30 rubles for meter maintenance. Total, 550 rubles. By paying for water supply at this tariff, the installation of meters will pay for itself in just over 6 months and for the next 4.5 years the family will pay exactly half as much for water. Saving 500 rubles a month will not be superfluous at all, right?

Why else is it beneficial to install a meter?

Installing meters is beneficial not only because in practice you can spend much more less water, than the public utilities attribute to you. In some houses, there is a practice of calculating payment for water based on actual consumption, and then you pay not only for yourself, but also for people illegally living in the house. How does this work? Very simple. There are often situations when utility services charge residents not according to average standards, but according to actual consumption. The amount of water consumed by a home is simply divided by the number of registered residents. At the same time, many people can actually live in your home. more Human. In addition, a pipe in someone’s apartment may be leaking, which means water is wasted. You will have to pay this expense out of your own pocket. By installing a water meter, you will pay only for yourself, while saving quite a significant amount of money.

The price of energy resources is steadily increasing and is not going to decrease in the foreseeable future. A thrifty owner tries to use them as efficiently as possible. Metering devices will help him with this. In addition, according to the law, all houses and apartments must be equipped with them.

Therefore, the question is how to choose gas meter, is worth checking out for most homeowners. We will answer it as fully as possible.

Some gas consumers, in the old fashioned way, pay for it according to standards, citing the fact that the cost of a meter with installation is prohibitively high.

Indeed, they have such a right, but economically it is very unprofitable. Why is this happening?

Firstly, the fee according to the standards is initially too high. It is calculated based on the maximum gas consumption, which is real life It is extremely rare, or even non-existent.

Payment according to standards takes into account the maximum of all possible option gas consumption of each person living in an apartment or house. If there are two or three residents, or even more, the amounts are not small.

In addition, the state is interested in ensuring that consumed resources are recorded by metering devices, therefore current legislation There are increasing coefficients that increase gas fees according to standards.

Over the course of several years, this coefficient gradually increases until it reaches a maximum.

Installing a gas meter makes it possible to pay for actually consumed energy resources and makes you think about saving them

Whereas installing a meter involves paying only for actual quantity consumed gas Practice shows that it differs significantly from that calculated according to the standards. Accordingly, the fee is significantly reduced.

The real difference in payment allows you to quickly recoup the cost of purchasing and installing a metering device, and subsequently receive significant benefits from it.

For those who have autonomous gas heating, installing a meter provides another advantage. They can use their heating equipment regardless of start or finish heating season.

Consumers who do not have metering devices are automatically disconnected from the gas supply after the end of the heating season until it begins. Installing a counter solves this problem.

Types of metering devices

Equipment for metering gas consumption is varied. There are several types of such devices, differing in their operating principles. Let's look at each in more detail.

Option #1 - rotary or rotational

It is a chamber metering device with eight-shaped rotors, which are used as converting elements.

Structurally, the device consists of a housing, counting and transmission mechanisms. Inside the housing there are two identically sized rotating rotors in the shape of a figure eight. One of them is connected to the transmission and counting mechanisms.

Two rotors move inside the body of a rotary gas meter. Counting the number of their revolutions allows you to measure the volume of gas passing through the measuring device

The housing is equipped with an inlet or upper and an outlet or lower gas pipe. When the latter begins to flow inside the housing, a pressure difference arises, which causes the rotors to rotate.

They do this synchronously, for which the gear wheels fixed in the end boxes are responsible. During rotation, the rotors touch each other with their side surfaces, which is necessary for the counting process.

The volume of gas that is displaced by one rotor during half its revolution is equal to the volume corresponding to the amount of gas limited internal part housing and rotor surface in a vertical position.

For every full revolution of the two rotors, four such volumes are displaced from the housing. Accordingly, the flow rate of gas passing through the meter is easily taken into account.

The advantages of such devices include a significant measurement range and high throughput. At the same time, they are quite compact.

In addition, the devices are durable, non-volatile, and not sensitive to short-term overloads. The noise level they produce is considered average, it is almost unnoticeable. Among the shortcomings it is worth noting short term verification. It is only 5 years.

Option #2 - diaphragm or membrane

It is a chamber-type meter used to account for small gas flows. The device body is divided into two parts. At the top there are gas inlet and outlet pipes.

Both body fragments are securely fastened together. Special gaskets are installed between them and a paste-like sealant is placed. Also inside the case there is a diaphragm-type measuring mechanism.

A membrane or diaphragm gas meter is considered the most popular among consumers. It accurately measures gas flow and does not require special maintenance

It consists of two chambers reminiscent of a blacksmith's bellows. Each of these chambers is connected to a common valve spool mechanism by means of levers and cranks. Gas supply channels pass through it.

The number of cameras may be different, the accuracy and class depend on their number measuring instrument. The spool mechanism is connected via a shaft to a counting device mounted on the housing.

When gas enters the device, it is alternately displaced from the bellows chambers. This leads to alternate movement of the diaphragm partitions. As soon as one chamber is filled, the spool mechanism switches and it begins to release gas.

This cycle is repeated many times. It is accompanied by movement of the diaphragms. This movement triggers a counting mechanism that takes into account the amount of gas that has left the chambers in a certain unit of time.

The membrane meter housing contains a diaphragm, which expands when filled with gas. There may be several of them, it all depends on the required accuracy of the measuring device

Membrane meters are distinguished by high measurement accuracy. The simplicity of the design gives them a significant service life, which is at least 20 years. Such devices are extremely easy to maintain and economical.

However, if necessary, it is very difficult to disguise a membrane counter. Another disadvantage is the fairly high cost of the equipment. The verification period for diaphragm-type devices is 10 years.

Option #3 - turbine meter

The device received its name due to the presence of a small turbine in it, the wheel of which rotates under the pressure of the gas flow entering the device.

Structurally, the equipment is a pipe fragment equipped with flanges. The following mechanisms are located sequentially in the device body, starting from the inlet pipe: a jet rectifier and the turbine itself with rotation supports and a shaft.

For smooth operation of the bearings, lubrication is necessary, so a pump unit is mounted on the meter housing. With its help, oil is supplied to the rotating elements through special tubes.

The operating principle of the measuring device is quite simple. The speed of the rotating turbine is transmitted through a reduction gear to a special counting mechanism mounted outside the gas cavity.

Turbine meters can be equipped with additional detectors to measure pulses, temperature or pressure. In addition, the measurement process can have three degrees of automation.

The lack of automation assumes that the user independently reads the instrument readings.

New generation measuring device. Can be equipped with equipment for fully automated transmission of readings. The cost of such meters is still quite high

Semi-automatic measurements assume that control is carried out by a computing device, but manual correction of indicators, settings, etc. is possible.

Full automation of measurements assumes that the readings of the measuring device are received by a computing device, which processes them and transmits them to the accounting center.

The advantages of turbine meters are energy independence, reliable design and ease of maintenance.

The device can work with gas that is not of the highest purity level. The noise level emitted by the device can be characterized as low. Manufacturers produce turbine meters in large quantities standard sizes.

The disadvantages of the equipment include measurement errors. If the device operates continuously, the error is minimal; if in pulsating mode, measurement distortion increases significantly. The verification period is 8 years.

Criteria for choosing the optimal meter

Having met various types gas meters, you can decide which one to choose for your home. However, in addition to the device type, there are several more important parameters, which must be taken into account when choosing. Let's look at each of them in turn.

Device throughput

By capacity we mean the maximum amount of a gas mixture that the equipment can measure per unit of time. Usually this is one hour of work. This value must be compared with the maximum gas consumption in the house or apartment.

To do this, you need to calculate the total gas consumption. To do this, you need to add up the average consumption of all devices using it.

The throughput capacity of the gas meter must be indicated on the device body in the form of special markings. It must be greater than the planned maximum gas consumption

It will be much easier to do this if you find technical documentation for each device and take the required value from there. The manufacturer must indicate the maximum consumed gas volume in the equipment passport.

Total consumption is calculated for all gas appliances located in the apartment, even if some of them, in the owner’s opinion, are used extremely rarely.

Moreover, if you plan to purchase and install additional gas equipment, its consumption also needs to be added to the total. Then you won’t have to subsequently buy and install a new meter.

Having determined the value maximum flow gas, you need to select a flow meter with a capacity greater than the obtained value. This will be very easy to do if you read the device labeling correctly.

She represents letter designation G, near which the numbers are located.

Thus, a meter marked G1.6 has a throughput capacity of 1.6-2.5 cubic meters per hour, G2.5, accordingly, can pass 2.5-4 cubic meters per hour, G4 - from 4 to 6 cubic meters, G6 - from 6 to 10 and G10 – from 10 to 16 cubic meters. m per hour.

Based on this marking, a suitable measuring device is selected.

Design features of the device

The variety of installation locations for gas meters determines their design features. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the direction of gas movement. It can be fed from the left or from the right.

Depending on this, devices are divided into left- and right-handed. It is necessary to clearly understand the connection diagram of the meter, since it is physically impossible to install left-sided equipment on the right side and vice versa.

The direction of gas flow must be indicated by an arrow on the device body. It must be strictly observed when connecting the meter

The direction of gas movement is necessarily indicated by an arrow on the device body. It must be strictly observed.

Another important point– diameter of the thread of the connecting pipe of the device. It must exactly match the dimensions of the pipe through which gas is supplied and on which the meter will be installed.

For apartment buildings The pipe diameter is standard and is ½ inch.

In buildings erected according to individual project, these dimensions may vary. The most common supply pipes are ½, ¾ or 1 inch in diameter.

Depending on the thread diameter, they are selected union nuts for installation of the device. They must correspond exactly to the installation dimensions.

It is also important that the interaxial distances coincide threaded connections, they are also different. For devices with top connection type installed on horizontal pipe, this distance varies from 110 to 250 mm.

Devices with high throughput, which are installed where the number of consumers is more than two, can have a center-to-center distance of more than 250 mm.

Presence or absence of a thermal corrector

A standard gas meter can operate in a temperature range from -40 to +40 °C. However, the correctness of the measurements he made under such conditions may be questionable.

This is due to the fact that gas mixture When the temperature rises and falls, it tends to expand or contract. Pressure in the system also plays a role.

Therefore, we can talk about the correct operation of the measuring device only under conditions normal pressure and temperature 20 °C.

Externally, measuring instruments with a thermal corrector may differ little from standard ones; in order to clarify the features of the meter, it is advisable to study its technical data sheet

It is clear that such conditions do not always exist. Especially if the gas meter is installed on the street, which is not prohibited by law.

During the cold season, gas services can suffer serious losses, since the actual volume of gas consumed increases, but its consumption according to the meter remains virtually unchanged.

During the hot season, economic losses are already borne by consumers who have to pay for increased gas consumption, although the actual volume of gas supplied has not changed.

To avoid this use special device, which is called a thermal corrector. It does not allow changes in temperature and pressure to affect gas consumption.

Thus, under any conditions, the measurements made by the meter are as correct as possible.

You need to know that gas meters equipped with a thermal corrector cost much more than standard ones. Therefore, they should be installed only where they are intended difficult conditions operation.

For example, in the kitchen of a city apartment, where stable comfortable temperature, this device will be clearly superfluous. Whereas the installation of such equipment on the street is justified and necessary.

The importance of the date of manufacture

Active federal law regulates the regular verification of metering devices. Moreover, the first of them is carried out at the manufacturing plant immediately after the product is released. Information about it is entered into the technical passport of the device.

Thus, it turns out that the date of the next periodic verification is counted from the date indicated in the documents. Therefore, when purchasing a new device, you need to carefully study the technical documentation and check the date of first verification.

Routine verification of the gas meter is carried out at a specially equipped stand by certified specialists. Based on the results of verification, a corresponding mark is entered into the device passport

It happens that a device “stays” in a warehouse and goes on sale two, three, or even five years from the date of manufacture.

Consequently, its verification interval is automatically reduced by this period. And it turns out that recently installed counter is already subject to verification or replacement. This can be an extremely unpleasant surprise for an inattentive owner.

The contract concluded with the gas service must indicate the date of the first verification of the measuring device. Gas workers closely monitor verification deadlines, but they are not obliged to inform users about them.

Therefore, if a consumer, due to inattention, ignorance, or for any other reason, missed the deadline for calibrating his flow meter, he will be issued an invoice calculated according to the standards.

Calibration interval for gas meters different types is significantly different. But in any case, it is less than the service life of the device.

To carry out verification, the equipment is dismantled and sent to a specialized workshop, where specialists will check it and issue a conclusion on the possibility of further use.

If the device is found fit for use, it technical passport A special note must be made.

Installation location of the measuring device

You can choose a gas meter for your apartment or house yourself, but it is better to entrust this important task to specialists from the gas service. They will competently analyze the operating conditions of the device and offer models of devices suitable for a specific apartment.

You can choose a gas meter for your apartment yourself, but it is better to consult with gas service specialists

However, if you want to do everything yourself, when choosing a device you should consider the following significant points:

  1. Maximum amount of gas consumed by residents. He depends on what he wants throughput models. It is calculated taking into account all gas appliances in use.
  2. Location of the metering device. You need to choose right away to decide on design features counter.
  3. Equipment noise level. It is advisable to purchase the least noisy model.
  4. Intervalidation interval. The longer it is, the better.
  5. Service life and reliability of the model.

Important Note. For an apartment, you should not purchase a meter with a thermal corrector, no matter how hard sellers try to advertise it. This is a waste of money.

Actually, choosing a gas meter for a private house is practically no different from choosing a device for an apartment. But there is a small nuance here. Legislation allows the installation of gas meters not indoors, but outdoors.

A gas meter that is installed outdoors must be reliably protected from adverse effects environment. It is best to mount it in a special cabinet

Many owners of private houses do exactly this. They install a meter on the street. In this case, you should choose only equipment with a thermal corrector, otherwise problems may arise with paying for gas.

In addition, care should be taken to protect the equipment casing, otherwise unfavorable weather conditions The meter will quickly fail. The easiest way is to purchase a special installation cabinet in which the device is located.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How a membrane gas meter works and works:

How to choose a gas meter:

Gas meters for home and apartment:

A gas meter is necessary in every home. It helps to use energy resources as efficiently as possible and, ultimately, significantly save money from family budget. In order for the device to work correctly and for a long time, it is important to choose it as wisely as possible.

You should not completely trust sales consultants who are interested in selling their goods. It is better to carefully study the technical documentation and make an informed choice yourself.

Let's look at this creation of engineers as a human assistant, and not as a prerequisite housing and communal services and the state. Many residents of our huge country do not see the advantages of metering devices, but they were invented precisely for the benefit of humans. Let's look at the pros and cons of this invention.

Which water meters are more suitable for residential and industrial premises

Every year, people increasingly look into their pockets, or rather into their wallets! A person understands that the time has come to save and does not want to give away excess from the family budget. For example, he no longer goes to the market for groceries, but to the supermarket, and the same goes for cold and hot water- why pay to housing and communal services and all these “honest” organizations, if you really look at how much money they counted, you would think that a herd of elephants lives at home and everyone bathes all day long. For this purpose, they came up with an accounting system, the indicator of which is cold and hot water meters. Let's find out which water meters are best to install at home.

What are counters for?

- allow you to independently control your fluid consumption

Allows you to save your family budget

Types of meters

In fact, there is a very diverse classification of these “devices”. Let's look at the standard ones.

Mechanical with mechanical system measurements (cubic meters) of liquid consumed.

Mechanical with a built-in sensor for signal transmission.

Electronic (the advantage is that you can take readings from the meter remotely)

Modular and capsule (intelligent - the most accurate)

Intelligent water measuring devices and their advantages

If there is a need for precise measurements, choose intelligent ones, since compared to other “miracle devices” they are more accurate.

Very high accuracy of liquid flow metering

Design without unnecessary wires and unnecessary details as they say “nothing extra”

Fixes various errors during operation

Very high degree meter protection

What types of counters are there?


Some of the most popular, available among the people, serve for more than 10 years; it is very convenient to install such a meter.

Tachometers are divided into 2 types

Single-jet - the consumption of water is taken into account when the jet hits the impeller, which rotates accordingly. Inside there are magnetic elements that serve to transmit readings to the indicator (scoreboard). Everyone knows that the mentality of the Russian people forces them to come up with bells and whistles that allow them to deceive the readings, but for this type of water measuring device it is possible to install an antimagnetic film.

Multi-jet - there is one big difference from a single-jet water measuring device; multi-jet ones are more accurate in readings, since several small streams of water serve to compile the correct readings on the indicator. If you need accuracy and ease of maintenance and installation, then take away your doubts with tachometer multi-jet counters.

There's another one separate species - turbine systems, They do not have an impeller for calculating the water consumed, but a small turbine. Well suited for unstable fluid pressure, for industrial purposes - of course, turbine ones, they serve to withstand large pressure drops.

Electromagnetic water measuring instruments

We can say that they are the most accurate among all the others; the principle of operation is based on calculation using the speed and area of ​​liquid flow. Thermal (temperature) effects and water density do not affect the calculation of readings.

- very high accuracy of readings


Distorts readings when working with very clean liquids

Since the device directly depends on electricity, there may be unplanned failures in the operation of such a device due to lack of electricity.

Subtleties of choosing counters

When purchasing meters for cold and hot water, carefully inspect the integrity of the entire surface of the meter, pay attention to the glass (it breaks during transportation)

Check for the correct GOST standard R. 50601, R. 50193

To install meters, use a special service that installs meters, since only they can do everything according to the standard (many self-taught people damage devices and additional materials during self-installation)

Choose your water meter based on individual characteristics the place where you live and what you expect. Always read, always learn, learn everything!

Reflections on Resolution No. 354

If it were possible to pay only for the volume of water that was consumed - feasibility installation of water meters would not need long justification. As practice shows, the actual volume of consumption by one person is 150÷200 liters per day (4.5÷6 “cubes” per month). Compare these data with the volume charged to you according to the standards (11.68 cubic meters per person per month) - and you will see the difference almost twice (see ours). It would seem that everything should be simple and honest: the volumes of water consumed per month (cold and hot), calculated according to the readings of water meters, are multiplied by the corresponding tariffs (today this is 26.75 rub. for cold water supply and RUB 111.44 for hot water supply), and drainage is added to this amount: the sum of the volumes of cold and hot water, multiplied by 19 rubles. 00 kop. for the "cube".

And this is all that owners of an apartment equipped with water meters have to pay for water? It turns out not.

Turns out, installation of water meters will not save you from paying for overexpenditures incurred by the house. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 requires “spreading” the overexpenditure among apartments in proportion to their area (see Paying for water according to the meter: how are payments calculated?).

This ruling forces us to spend more effort on being able to save on water than we would like. But it does not deprive us of this opportunity.

Water meters and civil society

It makes sense to try to reduce your home's overspending. In the worst case, you will understand that you cannot do this. But even from this awareness there will be tangible benefit: You will spend less mental energy worrying about geopolitics. If you cannot avoid the need to pay for water to the village that has settled with your neighbors, it will become ridiculous for you to worry about the machinations of NATO and Assad’s difficulties.

In any case, let’s take a break from the reports from Aleppo for now and read the Moscow Government Decree No. 651-PP of September 21, 2004. And we will see that the residents of the house can form a house committee, in which the authorities promise all possible assistance. This gives us the opportunity to save our own money.

According to this document, the house committee has the right to request necessary information at management company and take part in the inspection of engineering equipment. Here is the first move of the house committee: to recalculate the general house needs themselves. This alone will keep the management company on its toes: let them know that they will not be able to distribute non-existent overexpenditure among the residents (into their own pockets).

The second move should be to reduce excess water consumption. And we know its main source in the capital city: unregistered residents. Simply put, migrant workers.

To poison the lives of people trying to earn an honest living for themselves and their families is humanly wrong. And we in no way urge house committees to set the police or the Federal Migration Service against them. But making them pay for the water they consume is both legally correct and humanly justifiable.

Clause 2.5.3. The procedure for interaction between territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow and authorized management organizations with house committees(Annex to the aforementioned Resolution) directly authorizes the house committee to demand that the owner of an apartment rented to guest workers equip it with water meters. The costs for this will be a small part (no more than 15%!) of the monthly payment that the apartment owner receives from tenants.

Water meters: towards savings

So, you have decided to install water meters, what is the next step?

With this material we begin a series of articles under the general title “I want to buy.” Often people come to a store with the goal of buying some product, but they do not know what exactly they need. Therefore, they tell the seller: “I want to buy, but I don’t know what to choose.” These articles will be, in a way, a detailed response from the seller to such a buyer.

So let's begin. In the first article we will answer the buyer’s question: “I want to buy an electric meter, but I don’t know which one to choose. Which one do I need?” After reading this article, you will know which electric meter you should buy: , , , , and . And when you come to the store, you can proudly say, for example, like this: “I need a single-tariff, single-phase electric meter, for a current of up to 50 amperes, an accuracy class of no worse than 2.0, with DIN-rail mounting, no more than two years have passed since the verification date. years!"

If you have not yet decided which panel or box you will install, then buy a meter with a DIN rail mount. This kind of electric meter is more universal: you can always purchase either a rail or an adapter strip for it and install it on a flat surface (for example, a mounting plate of a PCB board) or on three screws.

What current should I buy an electric meter for?

As a rule, single-phase electronic electricity meters are produced for currents from 5A to 50-60A. Three-phase electronic electricity meters are issued direct to maximum current up to 50A and up to 100A and transformer connection- for currents up to 10 amperes. In residential construction and apartment renovation, transformer connection meters are practically not used, since loads rarely exceed 100 amperes.

But there are also exceptions. For example, there is a single-phase electronic device electricity metering Neva 103, which is designed for a maximum current of 80A. But as a rule, in apartments and houses connected to a single-phase circuit, the consumption currents are much lower.

If you have new home, then there should be a project for it, which specifies at what current the electric meter should be installed, how much power is allocated to the house and which input circuit breaker should be selected. If you are making repairs in an apartment and changing the wiring there, you can determine the required current by the cross-section of the wire that fits the meter. That is, if an aluminum cable with a cross-section of 6 sq. mm, which can withstand up to 39A, is suitable for the apartment, then there is no point in installing Neva 103 at 5-80A.

What accuracy class should I buy an electric meter?

The accuracy class is indicated on front panel in a circle and indicates how accurately it will calculate the electricity consumed. Sometimes you can hear the phrase: “You need to buy a less accurate meter and then you will pay less for electricity.” But it is worth remembering that the phrase “less accurate” does not mean that it will count in your favor!

According to Chapter 1.5 of the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE), for the population, the accuracy of active energy meters must be no worse than class 2.0. That is, you can install metering devices of classes 2.0; 1.0; 0.7 and 0.5. And metering devices with an accuracy class of 2.5 and lower are no longer produced, since they can no longer be installed.

When should the meter be released?

In fact, it is not the release date that is more important, but the verification date. Before going on sale, all metering devices must go through state verification (testing for operability and measurement accuracy) at the manufacturer. Based on the results of a successful verification, if the meter has passed it, a state verifier’s seal is placed on the meter body, and a seal is placed in the passport. The date is also indicated in the passport, and the quarter and year of state verification are placed on the seal.

According to the PUE (clause 1.5.13) “every installed settlement meter must have seals with the stamp of the state verifier on the screws securing the meter casing, and on the clamping cover - the seal of the energy supplying organization. On newly installed three-phase meters There must be state verification seals that are no more than 12 months old, and on single-phase meters - no more than 2 years old.”

That is, your single-phase meter must be installed and sealed by the energy supply organization no later than two years after verification, and three-phase - no later than 1 year.

Periodic checking of the performance and measurement accuracy of the meters is also required. Therefore, for each type of metering device there is also a verification interval, which for electronic meters is usually 10-16 years from the date of production.

Anything else?

There are active and active-reactive energy meters. Reactive electricity metering is used mainly in enterprises with meters connected through current transformers.

There are also meters for working in automated systems for monitoring and accounting for electricity (ASKUE). But we did not consider this issue here, since the requirements for installing such meters are usually specified in the requirements for installing metering devices or in the connection project. These documents usually indicate specific model, which depends on the type of ASKUE used in the region. But you should still remember that you can install any electricity meter yourself, which is certified and included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.

All of the above applies to a greater extent to electronic electricity meters. We did not consider induction meters separately, since every year they are produced and used less and less: they are more expensive, less accurate, larger in size, and have a shorter calibration interval (usually 8 years).

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):